The Stirrers
One of the reasons the founding old Gits decided to publish The Daily Stirrer was because they detected a convergence of perspective in the political arena and the news media. A package of opinions, that perpetual economic growth was achieveable through borrowing, that immigration was good for the economy, higher taxation circulated through benefits equals economic growth, multiculturalism worlds, science is infallible and so on were being imposed on the population. Our aim was to promote freethinking and diversity of opinion. Contact us:
The Daily Stirrer is constantly looking at the news and trying to dig out the stiory behind the story. With latest news that does not make mainstream media and controversial reporting and opinion, we are loking forward to bringing you inside information on the disintegration of the European Union, the replacement of the Petrodollar as global reserve currency, the continuing decay of the USA (unless Trump can neutralise the authoritarian warmongers of the deep state, and we don't think he can) and the ongoing problems caused by the flood of illegal immigrants from the third world to Europe and North America. We certainly do live in Interesting Times.
July 2021
Daily Stirrer, 2020
Editor's note: The Daily Stirrer believs in the universal right of free speech, this does not mean we necessarily agree with the views expressed by our contributors.
After a year in 2020 of disrupted poisting due mainly to the hoax pandemic, we hope to be back with our regular updates on the news you will not get from mainstream media. If you want to know what is really going on in the world, follow The Daily Stirrer
Human civilization could ‘collapse’ like Roman Empire if climate change not addressed, UK PM Boris Johnson warns
from RT, 30 Oct, 2021 11:05
Modern countries risk repeating the fate of the Roman Empire
unless they urgently curb climate change, UK Prime Minister Boris
Johnson has warned ahead of a major UN summit.
“This is our memento
mori,” Johnson told Italian paper la Repubblica during a flight to a G20
meeting in Rome, Italy, using a Latin phrase meaning, ‘Remember that
you will die’. The event takes place ahead of a major UN climate change
conference in Glasgow, Scotland, known as COP26.
In the latest editions of This Week in the New Normal,
we mentioned a group of Members of the European Parliament who held a
press conference where they opposed mandatory vaccination and the “Green
the 28th five of those same MEPs held another press conference, and
while the whole thing is worth watching (embedded above), the highlight
is definitely German MEP Christine Anderson who speaks for two of the truest minutes in the EU’s history: ... Continue reading >>>
People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to
spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as
those who haven’t had shots, according to new research.
In a yearlong study of 621 people in the U.K. with mild Covid-19,
scientists found that their peak viral load was similar regardless of
vaccination status, according to a paper published Thursday in
The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. The analysis also found
that 25% of vaccinated household contacts still contracted the disease
from an index case, while 38% of those who hadn’t had shots became
The results go some way toward explaining why the
delta variant is so infectious even in nations with successful vaccine
rollouts, and why the unvaccinated can’t assume they are protected
because others have had shots. Those who were inoculated cleared the
virus more quickly and had milder cases, while unvaccinated household
members were more likely to suffer from severe disease and
“Our findings show that vaccination alone is not
enough to prevent people from being infected with the delta variant and
spreading it in household settings,” said Ajit Lalvani,
a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London who
co-led the study. “The ongoing transmission we are seeing between
vaccinated people makes it essential for unvaccinated people to get
vaccinated to protect themselves.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin is happily needling the EU over sky-high energy prices, but the bloc doesn’t really have any instruments to force a change of behavior in Moscow.
Putin's latest jab came earlier this week during the Valdai
conference in Sochi, where he ridiculed the EU for dropping long-term
gas contracts with Russia, trotted out an old Russian folk tale where he
compared the bloc to a hapless wolf with its tail frozen in an ice hole
thanks to a canny fox — and added he could help by sending the EU the
extra gas it needs, if regulators would only approve his pet project,
the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Poland, for one, has had enough.
In a letter that reads like a laundry list of complaints over failure
to supply enough gas ahead of winter, seen by POLITICO, Warsaw demanded
that EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager initiate an
investigation into Russia's state-backed Gazprom for market manipulation
and abuse of dominance on energy markets under Article 102 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Two participants in Thursday's Council meeting on energy said that
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki advocated launching an
investigation to "sober up Gazprom" and teach it a lesson.
In another signal that Boris Johnson's government has sold out to globalist ambitions and is lurching headlong towards fascism, The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that as part of their pursuit of a “Single View of the Customer (SVoC), they plan to create a database in which all “behavioural data” of people who enjoy a bet, be it a 50p Yankee at the local betting shop or the £1000 bet yours truly placed on 33 to 1 shot Daring Destiny in the Ayr Gold Cup of 1994*, or the huge bets placed by professional gambles and Abrab oil billionaires at to courses like Ascot or Cheltenham, will be logged and the gambler's history of betting shared with interested parties from a centralised store.
The notion of the gamling SVoC, which began in November 2020, was to ensure operators and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) together with the Gambling Commission had an overview of data, which would help identify problem gamblers before it became an issue. Why this role has fallen to the Information Commissioner is not clear. Single View of Customer systems, one of the more poisonous pustules produced by Artificial Intelligence, were originally created to allow those pains-in-the-arse who phone us a million times a week offering extended warranty on appliances / cut price funerals if you book in advance / a new boiler / help with blocking fraulent transactions on our Amazon account of we just give them our passwords and bank details, to identify likely marks for their scams from data collected by companies like Facebook and Google who record our every move if we are not tech savvy enough to stop them.
In summary the UK Gambling SVoC:
Bookies will be forced to share “behavioural data” of current customers with other gambling firms and the government-run ICO and Gambling Commission.
The ICO has said it expects – in addition to behavioural data – for the Gambling Commission to collect “credit reference data on personal income.”
Any gambler who has more than one gambling account will be added to a register of potentially problem gamblers, which all operators and government will have access to.
This latest authoritarian overreaching of their legal powers by the government, poses a clear and unprecedented level of the human gight to privacy. Bookmakers and casinos will be forced to share personal data with government agencies, including bank details, how much is gambled, where people live, names, addresses. From this the fascist bastards governments' behavioural science advisers intend to develop a system that will give the government powers to oversee, via Artificial Intelligence, betting activity and, ultimately, to decide remotely, based on decisions made by machines if a person can gamble. Regular gamblers, (The Queen, for example,) will have to be on the government’s gamblers’ register just to bet a ferw quid on her own horses.
There is a question about the security of the highly sensitive data that will go on on the register, obviously it would be a valuable marketing resource for unscrupulous, unregulated online operators, (and though the companies like Google, Facebook and others swear that their primary convern is usdes privacy, as can be seen from the cold calls mentioned above some complete scumbags seem to have little difficulty getting hold of our personal data,. The government has not shown itself to be a reliable guardian of personal data.
The other concern must be that if this totalitarian piece of social control ever becomes law, where does the rish to fascism end? Pub-goers on a drinkers’ register to ascertain if they are potential alcoholics? Supermarket cash tills linked to store loyalty cards blocking the purchase of sugary or fatty snacks?
Just because the creepy, sociopathic, sub human Silicon Valley billionaires have the technology to do such things, and desire the power and influence they can gain by trading their control freak technologies for influence in government doesn’t mean it is in any way morally acceptable to use such technologies on the general population without having fully informed the public of their potential and obtained electoral consent . The vanishingly small minority of problem gamblers do not make it either necessary or in the public interest to heavily regulate the 99.9% of people who don’t have a gambling problem.
*It was the Ayr Gold Cup of 1994, the house was Daring Destiny and the trainer Karl Burke. I did not win £33,000 because I did not place a straight win bet but put on £500 to win and £500 each way or win and place as it is also known, taking home around £29,000. But I had a few advantages, my maternal grandad was a bookie and taught me many things before he died, and at the time of the bet I was a member of a syndicate with owned five racehorses, two of which were trained at the Buke stable. All Karl's owners were in on the bet, knowing that Daring Destiny has been prepared specifically for that race.
The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract" There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: "Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?"
COVID-19: Have You Got Superhuman Immunity While news from Israel, the world's most vaccinated nation they claim, from the USA and from closer to home fuels suspicions that the COVID vaccines pushed so hard by government and mainstream media are not working because numbers of fully vaccinated people getting sick with or simply testing positive for COVID is proportionately as high as the number of infections before vaccines were available, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and national health authorities are still pushing the case for vaccination as hard as ever.
Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis
While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.
OK, let the Politically Correct screechers screech 'conspiracy Theory'. Kissinger has of course been a long time advocate of corporatist global totalitarian government by elitis oligarchs and has himself used the phrase New World Order to describe what he sees as the best hope for the future and what those of us outside his small elitist clique see as fascism
Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up
In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims
Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”
Kid's Company Financial Scandal Shows Politicians Are Too Naive For The Real World
The financial scandal that emerged after the collapse of Kid's Company, the 'charity' founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh and supported by in turn, Labour, Coalition and Conservative Governments is a perfect illustration of corruption in the public sector and the folly of outsourcing government responsibility to self - interested privateers.
Red Meat Causes Cancer Says World Health Org. Scientists. They Are Lying Of Course
Science was ever fascism's whore; it has become a catchphrase of The Daily Stirrer over the years as week after week we report instances of scientists whoring themselves for research grants, produce results that serve the vested inerests of the organisations which provide their funding.
Labour's Cockfish Reveals How Mainfesto Will Piss You Off.
All three main parties in the UK General Election are campaigning from a Politically Correct Consensus (i.e. Control Freak) platform. But whenm it comes to politically correct control freakery, Labour will always outdo the others. The main early thut of their campaign is a promise to criminalise sugary snacks and breakfast cereals, fatty foods and some fizzy drinks. And they're serious, they have handed the job of selling this idiocy to The Cockfish of British politics.
Beautiful Children With No Love In Their Eyes
With Black Friday shopping madeness out of the way for another year, here's a poem to remind us that life is not all about money and material possessions. Parents have become obsessed with creating perfect children, from expensive dentistry to playing Moart up Mum's chuff while she's preggers. But don't we owe our children a shot at happiness too? Must they be perfect little clone kids, obedient consumers not smart enough to question anything.
Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.
Rotherham child sex abuse scandal: More victims identifies, more cover ups exposed.
What immigration has been to the Conservative so the Child Sex Cover Up scandal is proving to be for Labour as the party gets set to tear itself apart. With similar scandals due to be exposed in Rochdale, Bradfor, Oxford and other big towns, the Rotherham case is gathering momentum. So indirectly it looks as if immigration and fear of being called racist will be the downfall of both major parties.
Rotherham - Bad New For The Nation But It Gets Better And Better For The Kippers
All week I have been seeing blogs and comments written by lefties proclaiming idiotically that Douglas Carswell's defection to UKIP was the beginning of the end, that the UKIP bubble had burst and so on. Pretty much what they were saying in the days after UKIP had trounced the mainstream parties in the European Parliament elections.
Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.
Australian Teenagers Rebel Over Plain Cigarette Packaging
I've commented many times on but never devoted an article to the deluded nature of the anti-smoking campaign, which claims great success in curbing smoking but completely ignores unofficial estimates that for every cigarette sold legitimately in the UK, another one (or possibly two) are comtraband. This news item from Breitbart London on ...
Latest neo-nazi-Liberal Outrage - The Criminalization Of ParenthoodClassical liberalism is about freedom of individuals, about tolerance of diversity and even eccentricity and about resising the cultural hegemony of unelected elites. Contemporary liberalism, with its pseudo religious dogmas, intolerance of dissent and contempt for the traditions of society is the very opposite of anything the world liberal can be stretched to mean. The war on parents is a symptom of this authoritarian 'liberal' disease
Mind The Gap - Rich And Poor Drift Further Apart
It isn't that gap we are warning against however but the widening gap in the supposedly civilised nations between the wealth and lifestyles of rich and poor. For all the fine words of consensus politicians, all the talk of a fair society and redistribution of wealth, all the manipulated statistics that are supposed to tell us how well we are doing, but never match up to the reality of most people's experience ...
Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.
French writer Renaud Camus, who first proposed the theory,” aired his thoughts about the wave of riots and civil unrest that has rocked France over the past two months, saying that the recent “Yellow Vest” protests are a grassroots reaction against the Davos elite who view working people as worthless “human Nutella.” (i.e. cheap, low grade products.) …
Nine Scottish schools chosen to a pilot plan to introduce facial recognition technology for verification of children's school lunch payments, have launched this flagship policy of the governing Scottish Nationalis Party, claiming the system is faster and more hygienic, while failing to respond to critics who have raised the privacy issue posed by such intrusive technology.
The nine schools, in North Ayrshire, are now scanning pupils' faces to in order that school lunch payments may be charged to parents accounts. school lunch payments. Scottish National Party officials have praised the new high-tech system for speeding up the transaction process and minimizing physical contact between individuals. The program officially began on Monday, replacing the schools' previous system of card-swiping and fingerprint scanning.
"With Facial Recognition, pupils simply select their meal, look at the camera and go, making for a faster lunch service whist removing any contact at the point of sale," information distributed to parents reads, while an FAQ sheet reassures them that kids' data is stored in an encrypted format and deleted when they leave the school. People living close to the schools have reported squadrons of winged pigs circling above the schools
The Daily Stirrer's advice to families with children in these schools would be to withold online payment details and offer only cash, such technology links to all government databases and is a gross violation of human rights.
Parents supposedly have to opt in in order for the tech to be used, though it's not clear what alternatives will be available to those who refuse to join the new system. The firm in charge, CRB Cunninghams, boasted that its facial recognition setup cut payment time to a mere five seconds on average, and managing director David Swanston revealed 65 more schools were in line to roll out the program, which was first piloted in 2020. In fact, as a retired network security expert your Daily Srirrer correspondent can tel you facial recognition is unrelable and easily fooled by the tech savvy. Kids will find ways to break the system within days.
The technology is shoddy from the outset. Cameras check captured images against encrypted "faceprint" templates representing individual students, which are stored on servers at the schools rather than at some central location, Swanston told the Financial Times on Sunday, stressing that CRB's system was different from "live" facial recognition tech, which scans crowds to identify faces. The latter practice has been banned in New York and penalized in a Swedish municipality that adopted it on a trial basis. In reality a change of hairstyle, different glasses, eye make up and lipsick and a few very simple and cheap technological solutions that I will keep to myself for now can all fool the system. Like fingerprint recognition, the system is unreliable, but the naive, corrupt, power addicted clowns who govern us will probably buy into it and launch a massive propaganda campaign to manipulate people into accepting this instrusive human rights violating scam.
North Ayrshire council defended the new system by contrasting it with the previous payment system based on chip and pin, explaining "pupils often forget their [personal identification numbers] and unfortunately some have also been the victim of PIN fraud, so they are supportive of the planned developments and appreciate the benefits to them." However, while the council claimed 97% of parents and children consented to enroll in the biometric program, some parents acknowledged their children's approval might be motivated by peer pressure or other outside forces. Porcine avians again.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Back in 1999, Tony Blair, chanting the mantra of "education, education, education, pledge that the Labour government would work towards getting 50% of the young people into university, thus enabling the Britain economy to tap into “the genius of the many†and build a society ready for the oncoming technological revolution, what Blail called 2The Knowledge Economy." Higher education grants for the academically gifted would be replaced by low interest "student loans" to be repaid when, after graduating, the new, university educated masses achieved a certain leval of income.
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk†and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.
Pupils Shut Out Of School Because They Refuse To Wear Gender Neutral Uniforms
Overshadowed somewhat by the idiocies in Parliament this week as Remain supporting, democratically elected MPs try to overturn the democratically expressed wish of the people and keep the UK in The Fourth Reich politely known as the European Union, the idiocy of politically correct, far left authoritarianism in education goes on.
University students have claimed they are being pressured by political activist lecturers into writing essays which pander to the "anti-Brexit bias"in the higher education system, and fear they will be marked down if their work does not comply with the left wing agenda. Students have alleged that free debate on Brexit, and opinions opposed to those of the "Remain" camp is being shut down by lecturers supporting the movement to thwart the democratic will ...
Eight Subjects That Ought To Be Part Of The Manadtory Curriculum For Basic Education?
Should subjects like meditation and gardening be part of the school currriculum? Or as one high school in Massachusetts, USA, seems to believe, classes in analyzing conspiracy theories (if taught properly this could help students distinguish between a true conspiracy theory, a fantasy and what is legitimate questioning of official propaganda. The embedded article from Collective Evolution presents some interesting ideas.
Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.
Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?
Who Should Make Decision About Childrens' Welfare, Parents Or Authoritarian Left Wing Schoolteachers?
We like stories about bureaucrats abusing their authority and about schoolteachers (especiall head teachers) letting their inner fascist out of the closet. So a story than combines both, like this tale of a South Yorkshire primary school head who banned packed lunches because out of concern for 'her' children's welfare she wanted them to have no alternative to the nutrition free slop served by the school kitchen.
Poor white pupils put off school by multicultural timetable
Education, should it be about learning to read, write, spell and calculate? Or should it be about feminism, gay rights, black history and 'gender awareness' whatever that is? For many years we have had multiculturalism and politically correct thinking rammed doiwn pupils throats but noe a study by a local education department suggests this obsession with politicallly corret diversity is responsible for the failure of white working class pupils.
Education, Education, Education And To Hell With The Kids
Teaching used to be a vocation and education a high minded calling for those who wished to prepare young minds for adult life by making the process of learning, in the classroom, by discovery and through osmosis, an exciting and fulfilling lifelong process
The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education
The decline of university education in parallel with dumbing down of the general population is contributing to the economic and social problems of the industriaised democracies. But why have standars been allowed to slip so far and can the trend in university education towards theraputic and politically correct courses be reversed?
Where Is Bicycle Repair Man When The World Needs Him
A superhero whose superpower is repairing bikes? It was a sketch in a Monty Python's Flying Circus show. But forty years on is it as crazy as it sounded then? We seem to have plenty of people with degrees in things that are not every practical and shortages of people who can do useful stuff. And when we have health and safety officers stopping people from climbing ladders unless they have been properly trained, people are discouraged from learning those everyday skills by themselves.
Modern Maths Teaching Is Making Children Mentally Ill
It is a well established fact that people who are good at mathematics are insane so why are we making such a big deal of abstract maths in proressive education when what most people will need to earn a living is a good command of basic arithmetic - which modern education is failing to give them.
The Science Fraud: Many Scientific Research Papers Are Pure Gobbledegook
The war between humanities and science goes on, both in academic faculties and internet comment threads. But in an environment that is increasingly politicised and influenced by corporate profit motives rather than the pure and unsullied pursuit of knowledge, can we trust either side? This article suggests not.
Its Nineteen Eighty Effing Four In The Education System
Progressive aproaches to education seem to be ideologically driven rather than focused on the needs of the individual pupil. so will the left's dreams of eqality be fulfilled when every child leaving the school system is equally dysfunctional.
The E U appointed government of Italy, which was shoehorned into power to stop Eurosceptic parties Lega and Brothers of Italy winning a democratic election . on Friday followed the lead of Israel's government by implementing an internal Covid passport. This system, named Green Pass will allow only vaccinated citizens to engage in all public activity, and will be in the strictest and first such move towards full fascism in Eur
The pass is mandatory for every Italian citizen and "allows" entry
into work spaces or activities like going to restaurants, bars, cinemas and theatres based
on one of the following three conditions that must be met:
proof of at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine
or proof of recent recovery from an infection
or a negative test within the past 48 hours
The government's move has not been well received by Italian citizens.
First approved by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet a month ago, it has now become mandatory on Oct.15., the policy has beeen pushed through by decree as Prime Minister Mario Draghi's government does not have a majority in the Italian national assembly
Spontaneous protests broke out across the country, as workers angry at the law's provision that those who don't comply with the fascistic edict can be fined 1,500 euros ($1,760); or alternately be forced to take unpaid leave for refusing the jab. CNN reported that it triggered "protests at key ports and fears of disruption to supply chains" on Friday, detailing further:
The largest demonstrations were at the major northeastern port of Trieste, where labor groups had threatened to block operations and around 6,000 protesters, some chanting and carrying flares, gathered outside the gates.
Around 40% of Trieste's port workers are not vaccinated, said Stefano Puzzer, a local trade union official, a far higher proportion than in the general Italian population.
Workers at the large port of Trieste have effectively blockaded the key transport hub...
As The Hillnotes,
anyone wishing to travel to Italy anytime soon will have to obtain the
green pass by proving they are fully vaccinated, or providing a negative test.
The prime
minister had earlier promoted the pass as a way to ensure no more
lockdowns in already hard hit Italy, which has had an estimated 130,000
Covid-related deaths since the start of the pandemic.
the requirement of what's essentially a domestic Covid passport is
practically catching on in other parts of Europe as well, with it
already being required to enter certain hospitality settings in German
and Greece, for example. Some towns in Germany have reportedly begun requiring vaccination proof just to enter stores. So likely the Italy model will soon be enacted in Western Europe as well.
OK, so germany's love of authoritarianism is well known and Greece is another former democracy now ruled by an EU appointed bureaucratic dictatorship. Do you see a pattern emerging here?
France was first in Europe to announce vaccine passports would be mandatory for entry to large events and public spaces last week and President Macron was forced by an immediate backlash to back off his cherished dictatorial measure. Early this week the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, and Boris Johnson's doom laden warnings sparked an immediate reaction with a large faction of the party he leads in parliament announcing they will vote against any such dictatorial and discriminatory measure ...
Italy: Cops open manslaughter investigation as man dies after getting AZ coronavirus vaccine 21 March 2021:Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.
3 June 2020: Italy Poll: Salvini’s Lega in Solid First Place as Government Totters As Italy’s left – of – centre coalition government, which lost its majority in the national assembly, and with it the ability to govern the European Union’s third largest, and probably most volatile member state, the Lega party, led by the biggest thorn in the EU’s side, Matteo Salvini
Yesterday this publication reported that under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has - to the surprise of all Daily Stirrer contributors - held together for almost two years, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed at the behest of the Brussels bureaucracy from two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - had already survived the collapse of his original coalition.
Under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has enjoyed a degree of stability unseen in decades, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed by two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - Conte has already survived the collapse of his original coalition. When League leader Matteo Salvini withdrew from the ruling coalition back in 2019, Conte managed to stave off another election by recruiting new allies from the opposition.
EU bullies: Italy forced to surrender in secret meeting over coronavirus economy crisis Yannis Varoufakis, a veteran of the 2015 Greek debt crisis, accused Eurozone finance ministers of “failing Europeans†after a 15-hour row over a post-coronavirus rescue package for Italy ended in stalemate. The rebel economist said he was the victim of similar bullying at the height of Greece’s financial crisis when his defiant strategy against debt negotiations with European leaders led to banks being closed and queues at cash machines. “The Italian finance minister, during the night, was bullied to surrender – as I was in 2015. It was all done behind closed doors and with no minutes kept.â€
Thousands of Africans every month are crowding onto flimsy boats like this one to make the three hundred mile journey from Libya to Sicily and the refuge of European territory*. (Image source – Malta Star) It is well reported that western intervention in Libya, for the purpose of overthrowing Gaddafi resulted in the North African … Continue reading
We have been reporting on the breakup of the EU for several years now. The immigrant crisis, the problems with the European Single currency system and its detrimental effect on the weaker economies among its twenty seven members, and the increasing encroachment of the Brussels bureaucracy on matters of national sovereignty are symptoms of a … Continue reading
Shortly after the final Brexit referendum result was announced, first the Freedom Party in The Netherlands and then Front National in France quickly declared they would proceed with demanding referenda on E U membership in their own nations. These were quickly followed by the head of Italy’s Northern League who saidaid “Now it’s our turn.’ … Continue reading
Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading
Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading
June 29, 2017 Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainableâ€. “We can’t go on like this,†a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue reading
Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainableâ€. “We can’t go on like this,†a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue reading
Italy: Too beautiful to be part of EU bureaucratic dictatorship (picture source) Since the shock of Britain voting for ‘Brexit’ just over a year ago this blog has been speculating on which EU nation to quit the former free trade association that is being driven by Germany and the globalist elites closer and closer to … Continue reading
IVF pioneer and broadcaster Lord Robert Winston -Picture: via Yahoo News
After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television's Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the 'woke' brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans - hate mob last wek by saying people "can't change sex".
Winston, who gained fame as a pioneer of IVF treatments for infertile parents, is professor of science and society at Imperial College London, has fronted many television documentaries on bilogical and evolutionary topics. He warned Question Time host Fiona Bruce that the show runners might wish to edit the clip before revealing his purely scientific views on this emotionally charged topic.
During a debate about universities' ability to simultaneously defend free speech and mollycoddle their minorities - obsessed woke students, the discussion turned to Kathleen Stock - a professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex who currently faces demands to fire her from the fascistic cancel - culture thuggery and accusations of transphobia whatever that means.
Backing his academic colleague, Lord Winston said: "I'm about to say something that will mean you'll probably want to edit the programme when I've finished. I will say this categorically - that you cannot change your sex, your sex actually is there in every single cell in the body you have a chromosomal sex you have genetic sex you have hormonal sex, you have all sorts of psychological brain sex, they're all different.
"And we are very confused about this, unfortunately. And progressively it's gotten into this argument that people will now accuse me of being transphobic."
Challenged that others firmly insist that sex is about emotions and not biology and people can change sex merely by tellin the world their feelings have overruled scientific fact, Prof. Winston reiterated his views before attacking the woke mob for their aparent confusion about what is scientific fact and what is pseudo - scientific bollocks spouted by left wing virtue signallers
He concluded: "Unfortunately, you can't say this publicly, but this is one of the big problems. People saying this on this programme undoubtedly will result in me getting a huge amount of hate mail - it always does. But I do think it's a big issue about the attitudes.
"There are of course issues, which are important, about young people who are confused about their sex. We won't go down that route here, but it does affect people in schools and elsewhere in our society. Of course we should accept people as they are.
"Overall I think it's a very sad thing that we can't discuss this biological science without actually getting completely caught up emotionally with something which is really completely wrong."
Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading
Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure
The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.
Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake
A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage†on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.
Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are
How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people's identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite
The politics of the left is the politics of insanity, we have been reporting on this for fifteen years (nine as The Daily Stirrer, before that as Little Nicky Machiavelli. And things are getting worse rather than improving. Every day we hear of some new politically correct idiocy from government or from NGOs set up … Continue reading
Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.
Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It's OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict ...
Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today? You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
The cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.
White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.
Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her 'monthlies' without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they're a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi's brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.
Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.
Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.
Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is 'sexist and undermines the show'
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner's 'topless' appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can't really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can't go topless too.
More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden's politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.
Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?
Like a floater, the little turd with a fart trapped inside it, that simply will not go down your toilet no matter how many times you flush it, the climate change scare story has bobbed back to the yop of news bulletins and newspaer front pages in recent months. Porotests by eco terrorist group Excinction Rebellion and their offshoot organisations have brought buisiness and social traffic to a standstil in many European, American, Australian and American cities and added to the destruction wreaked by the COVID pandemic and its associated lockdowns and disruption.
But is the charge towards "net xero" an achievable goal or is it wishful thinking by the crusties and wierdie - beardies and were we to achieve "net zero" in the developed nations, at the cost of exporting outr industrial bases to China and India, destroying European . American cibilisation and impoverishing the people of the formerly democratic nations would it actuall "save the planet" or would it simply enable emotionally needey virtue signallers to feel good about themselves as they turned a blind eye to the suffering arpund them?
One of the things the woke wankers who report science related news for the BBC, CNN, The Daily Mail, Sky News and the rest of the tree hugging, left leaning media have in common is that no part of the "green" agenda is ever questioned. The science is settled is the first item in the credo of the corporater owned news and opinion manufacturing industry. The High Priesthood of the so-called climate science community love to babble about their scientific integrity in TV, radio and print media interviews, but never question the dogma of thius most cultish of sciences and will certainly never answer questions that are raised by people outside their cult, we usually get brushed off with something like, "You're not a scientist ts so you wouldn't be able to understand the science.
In a recent interview I watched online, a disciple of the cult was actually asked a question concerning what the short and long term practical effects of climate change in the county of Yorkshire in northern England. The answer, which involved so much circumlocution the intervieweee was in danger of disappearing up his own arse was in a nutshell, in future, Yorkshire may have a hot summer once every ten years rather than once in a lifetime. To most people in northern England this would be very welcome.
The fact is of course that nobody can possibly predict exactly what will happen in the future, the predictions of the last twenty years, none of which have been borne out by the way, as a little research using a decent search engine will confirm, have been based the reults of mathematical modelling rather collecting and analysing real world data.
Those of us who live north of the fiftieth parallel, traditional dividing line betweek USA and Canada and also the latitude touched by the most southerly point in Britain have been awatre of the recent cranking up of the climate change fear and panic generator but most of us are as unimpressed as usual when we hear or read sensationalised news reports of "the warmest June 2021 on record (in fact 2018,2017, 1976 and 1940 were all very slightly hotter,) or September this year being the second warmest September on record. The reason for such a cool response to the panicked screecing of the Warmageddon brigade is that they forget to mention the unseasonally cool July and first three weeks of August. Statistics can and are often presented to be misleading and looking at the raw data I note in the past few years we have sen a pattern of warmer nights and cooler days. A similar pattern noted by others and only reported here is a trend towards warmer winters and cooler summers.
Thus we are not even in the same range as the medieval warm period when according such records as there were and evidence from sediment layers, bog oaks and records of crop yields, for over three centuries vinyards thrived in these northern latitudes, or evan as recently as the 1920s and 1930s, dates conveniently before the records used to calculate global warming. If, as the climate change screechers insist, atmospheric levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the sole cause if global warming how could the Medieval warm Period have happened? Scientists have done their best to erase itis episode from history and discredit the empirical and scientific evidence showing that it did, but why would medieval monks recoded details of the grape harvest in Yorkshire when they could not possibly know anything of agruments about Anthropogenic Global Warming that would engage us in the 21st century? And why would Scandinavians who settled in Greenland send messages to their king about successfully havesting crops of oats and barley and also breeding pigs, sheep and goats on land now covered by ice?
The natural cycles of the earth have created hot and cold periods throughout human history and the same patterns have been observed in pre - history. Natural evens such as volcanic activity and unnatural ( I should say extra - terrestrial) events like solar storms or asteroid hits as said to have caused mass extinctions, but life on earth survived as did the earth itself, despite being a rock surrounded by a thin layer of atmosphere. So given the planet's proven resilience what are the "save the planet" protestors really trying to save? As many of their leaders are on record as saying humanity must become extinct in order to save the planet it seems they are not interested in our fate or in preserving our civilisation so it is reasonable to assume these 'climate activists' whether they be protestors supergluig their arses to the tarmac of Britain's trunk roads or pseudoscientists of the academic community predicting death and destruction on a Biblical scale from the evidence provided by their mathematical models or reality.
When I started blogging and writing about Warmageddon it was known as global warming, but a brief warming trend that began in the late 1970s abruptly creased in 1998 since when global averages habe reduced by an insignificant margin. This, along with the reported cooling of Antarctica, regrowth of the Great Barrier Reef and increase in sea ice around the northern ice cap (all of which are observable in real life but according to the scientists' self programmed mathematical models are not happening) suggest things are not exactly as we have been told.
These inconvenient truths have forced the Green Blob to rebrand Global Warming which is why every tropical storm, sunny day in England, record snowfall in Texas or a flash flood anywhere will be reported by mainstream media as evidence of the catastrophic climate change being driven by Carbon Dioxide emissions from human activities. It would be interesting to know how the green blob explain the inundations described in The Book Of Genesis or The Epic Of Gilgamesh. While I would not suggest the story of Noah, or its equivalent in Sumerian myth are anything to do with factual history, there is irrefutable evidence of thre great inundations around the end of the last ice age.
The objective of this article however, is not to argue about whether climate change is rwal or another propaganda psy - op planned and engineered by advocates of globalism, but to examine government policies ostensibly aimed at mitigating the effects of this alleged Carbon Dioxide and halting or reven reversing climate change. Why are people in the media, whose job is to expose government jiggery pokery to public scrutiny and call politicians, their corporate cronies and the bureaucrats on whom they rely to do their thinking, to account? Nobody in the media is prepared to question the policies our leaders are adopting at astronomical cost to us poor taxpayers, or point out publicly that they much hyped goal of 'net zero' (reducing CO2 emissions by decarbonising processes or increasing the absorbation of the gas by planting trees,) will wreak havoc with industry, much of which has already been exported to China and India, and cause social upheaval.
Politicians seem to grab hold of whatever pronouncement falls from the lips of Swedish trolette Greta Thunberg and treat it as some great scientific revelation although most of Little Froken T's utterances are hackneyed old climate alarmist cliches, scripted for her by seasoned Scandinavian eco - warriors, which make their way from an autocue to he brain and hence out of her mouth. But in spite of Greta's doom lated warnings and the scarmongering scientistists with their mathematical models of mass human extinction, many things could happen in the next few days that would change everything. As I write the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Altantic Island of La Palma is erupting violently during a period of high seismic activity around the world. It would only take simultanous eruptions in several large volcanic calderas to tear the planet apart.
China is becoming militarily aggressive in the far east, the giant, communist power is threatening its tiny neighbout Taiwan, which is backed by The USA and Australia. Unfortunately the USA is led by a petulant and unpredictable demented geriatric. What could go wrong? Governments are still scaremongering about a virus that poses little threat to 95% of us, having already trashed economies and destroyed the social fabric of nations in a bid to suppress dissent. There is evidence that the COVID virus was genetically engineered to attack the old and chronically ill. Noe it is becoming clear that the COVID pandemic has failed to reduce enough of us to a state of snivelling obedience what monstrous microbe may be released from a secret biological weapons laboratory next.
And on a less dramatic level there are possibilities of financial collapse (not least of the Eurozone), technical failure knockking out the internet, thius didsabling banking and financial systems, healthcare organisations, industry and commerce, public transport and ... well everything, thus demonstrating the folloy of putting al of one's eggs in a single container. The list goes is endless.And yet our leaders and intellectuals obsess over a one degree increase in global temperature.
According to noises being made by Prime Minister Johnson and various members of his government, ssorted academics, self - styled 'experts' and publicity hungry celebrities Britain could be the first developed nation to become totally green. OK, the weirdie - beardies of the world would love us but at wahat cost to the great majority of British people. Furthermore our idustrial base is so small and so clean that in relation to global carbon emissions we are not significant. And yet this government, like tose of David Cameron and Tony Blair before it continue to offshore our emissions, jobs and prosperity to the China, a country that produces 27 per cent of the world's CO2 emissions and India, currently producing 9% but planning to double coal production. China is commissioning coal fired power stations every week and has some of the worst pollution problems in the world. India has claimed exemption from the voluntary limits required by climate agreements like the Paris accord on the grounds that it is a developing nation that has a huge poverty problem to solve. The hypocrisy of our virtue signalling politicians in demanding that the people of the United Kingdom (population 67 million) make sacrifices "for the sake of the planet, when trade agreements are being sought with China (population 1.5 billion,) while aid and investment are being pumped into India (population 1.4 billion) and other large population third world countries that can offer low labour cost production facilities?
While we invest in unreliable and uneconomic green energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels, for which people are already paying green levies in their utility bills to subsidise the operators of these intermittent, low output generators, we sit on vast reserves of natural gas which could be safely fracked were the Prime Minister and his cowardly cohort to develop sufficient testicular fortitude to stand up to the green screamers. A resource that would provide cheap, clean energy, prosperity and most of all, energy security for British homes and British business which should be the Government's number one priority.
Green Dreams Menu It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified? As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
Another item in the 'legacy' Barack Hussein Obama plannede to leave the world looks like going down the pan as a solar energy hedge fund he backed with $$$hugenumbers of taxpayers money prepares for bankruptcy.
Shale Gas Salvation? Frack Off ....
A few months ago, before the June oil prices crash, the US oil industry was ebullient. "It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution", industry pundits squawked, "OPEC can’t stop the shale industry" – screamed banner headlines in the usually restrained financial press. But if a week is a lon=g time in politics, three months is eternity in the oil business.
IMF Attempts to Hide True Cost of Renewables A new report ffrom the International Monetary Fund (IMF) claims Fossil fuel companies are benefiting from a global subsidy of £3.4 trillion a year. The figure dwarfs that of government handouts aimed at encouraging investors to put money into unprofitable renewable energy sources such as wind turbines. Total subsidies for renewables are stated to amount to £77 billion a year.
House battery to store energy will 'change entire infrastructure of the world' - or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.
Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Electricity.
Most of the hyped green energy solutions to generate electricity from wind or sunshine are so obviously flawed the only thing that makes them economically viable is that governments offer huge subsidies to generators. This in turn makes the sustainables so expensive that consumers cannot afford the intermittent energy they produce.
Renewable Energy: So Useless That Even Green Loons At Google Have Given up on it
The sandal wearing, tree hugging, bearded puritans call it "renewable energy", the zealots of the Church Of Scienceology call it sustainable energy, those with smarter heads on their shoulder call it "alternative energy" because that's what it really is: an alternative to energy that actually works (eg nuclear and anything made from cabon-rich fuel from organic matter laid down in pre-history and left to brew for a few hundred million years.)
Fracking Truth: Mainstream media reports only corporate lies and government propaganda.
The government, energy companies and their poodles in the science academy have been trying to sell us fracking as the cheapish, cleanish but ultimately more reliable than wind and mirrors way of meeting future energy needs. Nobody believed them of course, only a complete idiot would believe that nonsense. Unfortunately the idiots believed themselves.
First borken by the Blogosphere, this story which should be the biggest in British news media by now, is just being picked up by the mainstream. When will some newspaper or TV news editor be brave enough to run it we wonder? The story:
An oil field, described as one of the biggest untapped resources in the North Sea, is set to produce oil until 2050, it has emerged.
Secrets And Lies And Oil In Scottish Referendum Cover Up
As the referendum in which Scotland will vote for or against independence from the United Kingdom approaches rumours are rife that news of a massive oil find near the shetanad Isles is being suppressed. Such news would guarentee scotland;s financial stability and could be a game changer in the unpredictable vote. But the UK government will not want to let that oil slip between their fingers.
Climate change is a theory for which there is "no scientific proof at all" says the co-founder of Greenpeace
As the science behind the great global warming scare is exposed as a complete fraud, the zealots of The Church Of Climate Science are getting more fanatical in trying to impose their crackpot religion on the gullible and weak minded (aka politicians). Trouble is nobody trusts either politicians or scientists so all that is achieved is to keep attention focused on the bullsit of a bunch of crooks a bunch of and liars while serious environmental issues are ignored.
The most common disorders reported after COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S. include temperature-related issues (226,457), skin problems (174,793), and a category that includes movement, muscle, nerve, neuropathy, numbness, and paralysis (164,200).
That’s according to an original analysis of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Health concerns raised in the U.S. and around the world. List of adverse events reported after vaccination:
Functional Neurological Disorder
Lymphadenopathy: 16,858 reports
Facial Paralysis: 5,273 reports
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Paralysis: 696 reports
Demyelination including Multiple Sclerosis (MS): More than 650 reports
Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Endocarditis: 2,810 reports
Breakthrough COVID cases (lack of immunity): 34,589
Blood Clots and Disorders: More than 32,000 reports
Menstrual-related: 10,318 reports
Death: 8,164
Pregnancy-related: 1,844 reports
Herpes-related: 6,339 reports
Anaphylactic reaction or shock: 1,803 reports
Appendicitis, perforated, appendectomy: 926 reports
Next in line are non-specified pain-related issues (139,395), feeling abnormal, tired or weak (139,395), injection site reactions (121,538), headaches (111,549), heart events (79,012), and lung or respiratory problems (77,976). ...... Continue reading >>>
The march of vaccine fascism reaches the glitterball world of dancing as Volksfuhrer Johnson tells BBC interviewer celebs and profesionals should not be allowed to complete in the televised candyfloss of Strictly Come Dancing unless they are vaccinated with the euthanasia jab the Prime Minister tyrannical governmen is still pushing despite mounting evidence that it does more harm than good.
The Prime Minister has weighed intoa heated debate over whether contestants in dance shoe Strictly Come Dancing should be disqualified if they are not vaccinated vaccinated. Johnson, who rather bizarrely for a British conservative seems to despise concepts such as individual liberty and human rights, told the BBC’s Dan Walker, a contestant in the current series: “It should be Strictly Come Vaccinated.â€
Or as George Orwell might have put it, Strictly Accept The Military Boot Stamping Down On Your Face. Using the hoax pandemic as a from Johnson's government has abandoned all pretence of serving the people and embraced fascism with nauseating enthusiasm.
Speaking before he gave the televised interview to BBC Breskfast this morning, he asked Mr Walker whether it was dancers or celebrities who had refused the jab, presumable because he wanted to send his blueshirts to the rehearsal studio to kick the crap out of the dissidents and forcibily inject them with toxic shite.
Dan Walker said he did not know which performers were unvaccinated. We must accept this as true because an individual's health records are still by law confidential although laws have frequently been trampled on by Johnson and hos government.
Stars who are exercising their inalienable human rights guaranteed in international law by the Geneva Convention of 1948 by refusing to get a Covid-19 vaccination are hiring lawyers in an effort to protect their identities.
Reports recently emerged that three professional dancers on the BBC One programme have rejected the jab. In September, McFly singer Tom Fletcher and his professional dance partner Amy Dowden tested positive for coronavirus. The news has prompted much ridiculous blether surrounding the safety of the show’s cast and crew, all of whom are young and fit, exactly the kind of people who are at zero risk from COVID, a disease which ffects the old and those with chronic health problems or compromised immune systems.
There is no suggestion that Fletcher or Dowden are among the contestants refusing the jab, but it is noticable that like 90% of people who get a positive result when tested with the not-fit-for-purpose PCR test, neither has suffered any debilitating symptoms.
Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..
21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest 23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians
New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID 18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incidentâ€.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a realityâ€.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks? Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers 17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Top American COVID Scaremonger Says says if you are worried about Covid vaccine, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority 20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a realityâ€.
Bombshell: 900 Pages of Top Secret Docs Expose How the Pandemic Was PLANNED September 13: More than 900 pages of newly released top secret documents on the pandemic expose for the first time through official materials how the US funded deadly coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab through an organization called the EcoHealth Alliance. bombshell 900 pages of top secret docs expose how the pandemic was planned Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates; September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.
Violent clashes in Paris as thousands protest over Covid-19 vaccine passports for 9th consecutive week Once again today thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest against the the fascistic government of President Emannuel Macron and the proposed coronavirus health pass policy. It was the ninth consecutive weekend that huge protests have disrupted life in French cities. Today's protest quickly descended into violence with widespread clashes between demonstrators and police.
Harvard professor exposes vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense†6 September : A Harvard Medical School (HMS) professor has slammed vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense.†HMS professor Martin Kulldorff made the remark following the publication of a study saying natural immunity offers better protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. Given the study’s results, Kulldorff remarked that vaccine passports are “discriminatory and unethical.â€
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar? It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar? It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
UK care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit ... September 6: One of the items of evidence that figures for COVID vaccine take up claimed by governments of the developed nations is the number of doctors, nurses and people working in healthcare professions who are refusing to get the "clotshot." In the UK, where the National Health Service is always on the brink of crisis because of difficulty recruiting and retaining staff,
According to a whistleblower nearly 50000 patients died soon in 14 days after getting COVID vaccine shot. ‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying,’ said Attorney Renz. ‘The mantra of ‘safe and effective’ must stop after today’s information.’
50000 Patients Died Soon In 14 Days After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine Says Whistleblower
A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz.
The announcement Saturday was made by the Ohio-based attorney, who remains involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom.
Watch video of Renz presentation :
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The push for Australia to legislate a net zero emissions target has spurred discord from some government officials who firmly believe the climate policy could harm Australia’s energy security and industry amid the UK’s own unravelling energy crisis.
has faced criticism for not setting a 2050 net zero target—a goal
already undertaken by many of the world’s developed countries, including
the United States and the United Kingdom.
But Nationals Senator
Matt Canavan suggested that the UK’s unfolding energy crisis is a direct
consequence of its “net zero†emissions plans via a shift to so-called
renewables and banning coal power.
“The UK has been trying to reach net zero. They’ve passed legislation to do that,†Canavan told 2GB radio.
“They’re not there yet, but they’re on the path. And already down that path, they are seeing a situation where industry is being asked to shut down just to keep the lights on.â€
the last 50 years, the UK has weaned itself of coal generation and
become more dependent on gas as its primary source of electricity
generation - much of which is imported from Europe.
Further, heavy
investment into renewables over the last decade has also boosted wind
output, contributing to 24 percent of total generation in 2020.
United Kingdom’s coal, gas, nuclear and renewable energy consumption
from 1965 to 2019. Source: Our World in Data. (The Epoch Times)
However, the UK has recently experienced a 400 percent spike in gas prices, and a 250 percent price rise for electricity after a confluence of unforeseen factors throttled the country’s supply—including
record low wind levels, a fire at a major France-UK electricity
interconnector, nuclear plant outages, and a gas shortfall sweeping
This has already led to the collapse of some
energy providers while forcing other industries—such as steelmaking and
manufacturing—to opt to shut down during peak hours to avoid paying
exorbitant energy fees.
Canavan cautioned against a repeat of the
policies that have led to the UK crisis, saying he disagreed with the
current “net zero†approach, which does not include nuclear, as the
legislation could undermine Australia’s critical infrastructure.
“We should maintain the energy independence—we are lucky to have and grow our coal and gas production,†Canavan told The Epoch Times.
Senator Matthew Canavan at a press conference at Parliament House in
Canberra, Australia on Jun. 22, 2021. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas)
also said that Australia could not afford to lose its energy
independence amid concern of growing hostilities from Beijing.
just don’t think this is the right decision for our country, especially
at a time when our leaders and defence officials are very worried about
the risk of conflict in our region, potentially being dragged into a
risk of conflict with China. This is not the right priority,†Canavan told 2GB radio.
“The right priority right now, surely, is to get more things [that are made in Australia]. That’s what we’ve got to do.
you do not have a strong industrial economy, you will not defend
yourself. If you cannot be energy independent, you will not defend
yourself,†he said.
“And so why would we seek to shut down our coal and gas industries which create an energy independence for us as a nation?â€
Prime Minister of Australia and leader of the National Party, Barnaby
Joyce, has not explicitly spoken against a net zero target, but has said
that Australia should also consider the economic impact caused by a
shutdown of the nation’s coal industry.
On the other hand,
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said that a lack of a concrete net zero
deadline could undermine investments flowing into Australia.
“Markets are moving as governments, regulators, central banks, and investors are preparing for a lower emissions future,†Frydenberg said in an address to the Australian Industry Group.
institutional investors are themselves committing to the net zero goal,
like BlackRock, Fidelity and Vanguard, three of the biggest fund
managers in the world.â€
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg speaks in Melbourne, Australia, on June 28,
2021. (Photo by WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images)
said Australia’s economy relied heavily on imported capital to
stimulate growth across the economy—including foreign investment stock
worth $4 trillion (US$2.9 trillion).
“Australia has a lot at stake,†Frydenberg said. “We cannot run the risk that markets falsely assume we are not transitioning in line with the rest of the world.â€
groups have also pressed Australia to fast track its emissions
reduction efforts to address their concerns around ecological damage and
global warming.
Climate change advocacy organisation, the
Climate Council, has urged Australia to commit to a net zero deadline
ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference in Glasgow,
“Australia is refusing to increase its 2030 emissions reduction target, or commit to net zero emissions,†said Climate Council spokesperson and Emeritus Professor at Australian National University, Will Steffen. “The
science is clear that the world urgently needs to reduce emissions this
decade, but none of Australia’s commitments are a meaningful
contribution to this goal.â€
There can be no doubt after the recent shenanigans that the claims of terrorists Insulate Britain and their parent organisation Extinction Rebellion that they are fighting to save the planet for future generations are pure hypocrisy, but the far-left group’s idiotic and irresponsible stunts stunts on the M25 London Orbital Motorway in the past two weeks have only alienated the young professionals their campaign, if it is to be taken seriously, should be trying to win the support of.Â
Illegal, disruptive and dangerous actions like forming human chains to block the busiest road in Britain occupation of one of the country’s busiest motorways has only serves to expose the group as left wing, extremist attention seekers cause, while grabbing negative news coverage for middle class attention seekers.
Nobody in their right mind would say images protesters preventing ordinary people from getting to work by forming human barriers and supergluing themselves to the road surface is a reasonable way of drawing attention to environmental problems. It is attention seeking pure and simple. No wonder public support is with the frustrated drivers who roughly manhandled protesters out of the roadway as it was with the commuters who unceremoniously pulled Extinction Rebellion supporters from the tops of carriages on London Underground trains a couple of years ago.
If these eco – wankers really cared about the environment, they would they would not be jumping on the Carbon Dioxide bandwagon,but drawing attention to the catastrophic environmental effects of mining, refining and reprocessing lithium, cobalt and the rare earth metals necessary to build and renovate batteries for their beloved electric cars, computers, smartphones and gadgets. Everything to do with lithium ion batters, from sourcing materials and recycling parts to eventually scrapping what is not reusable involves either the rape of virgin territory or releasing highly toxic chemicals into the environment.
Aernatively they could direct their campaigning efforts towards convincing China, India and other third world nations with large populations and rapidly developing economies to clean up their act rather than continuing to claim exemption from international agreements limiting the emission of polluting chemicals.
It should not come as a surprise that they ignore these issues however. Insulate Britain are not really concerned about the environment but are about pushing a far left political agenda which will ultimately lead to the abolition of democracy and imposition of a totalitarian global government. They are attention-seekers and hypocrites, their intention is to disrupt and eventually dismantle industrial civilisation This became crystal clear when lead demonstrator Liam Norton, appearing on breakfast TV show Good Morning Britain stormed out of the studio after being forced by the interviewer to admit ad he had not yet insulated his own home.
“Do as I say, not as I do,†has long been the mantra of left wing protesters who preach sanctimonious sermons about civic responsibility. It is one of the many ways they resemble the morally degenerate priests of the medieval church and their campaign has taken on aspects of The Holy Inquisition, in particular the tendency to denounce as heretics anybody who challenges their narrative. They also demand extreme lifestyle changes from everyone apart from themselves.
Though it’s hard not to laugh at the ineptitude of people such as uninsulated Liam, or dismiss Exstinktion Rebellion as unwashed crusties playing at being rebels while living on generous allowances from middle class parents, it’s important to remember that the actions of Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain have real, damaging consequences. In just one incident a huge car crash near the motorway blockade meant a woman had to be airlifted to hospital while another protest delayed an ambulance leading to the death of a woman who was being taken to an emergency unit.
No wonder then that the public are fed up with the climate wankers
A YouGov poll shows 68 per cent of Brits ‘strongly support’ or ‘tend to support’ the injunction. That number rises to 70 per cent when people who ‘have heard a great deal/ fair amount about the protest’ are polled. Opinion polling is somewhat discredited these days but the figures at least suggest the British public have no interest in being lectured and patronised by self - righteous hypocrites. The more they hear about these groups, the more hostile the will become to climate change activism.
Green Dreams Menu It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified? As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism
Several times now it has looked as if the climate chance scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.
Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations.
Although this is about the UK General Election in 2015 it has much wider relevance, concerning what is happening in the democratic societies of the developed nation. For that reason this look at how corporate capitalism is usurping democracy and individual freedom will also be relevant long after that election in May 2025.
Punish Climate Change Liars" Demands Climate Change Liar
Over the years my scepticism about global warming and attempts to initiate intellgent discussion of the dodgy science based on mathematical models that forms the basis of the Warmageddonist case, versus much less alarming projections based on data from real world observations haveearned me accusations of being a child murderer. Not only that, some of the lefties who support climate fascism have demanded the death penalty for people who disagree with them. And yet they think it unfair to punish certain child rapists and murderers. Hypocrites.
Climate Change and Leftist Psycological Malware.
It may seem far fetched but it is possible to link the techniques of the climate change / anti capitalist lobby to the brainwashing prorammes used by the Nazis in Germany, Stalin's Soviet regime in Russia and Chaitrman Mao's brutal government in Communist China. Thus it becomes quite similar to malware that infects computer systems. The left do not care about saving the planet, all they are interested in is advancing their totalitarian, globalist agenda.
Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.
Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.
Will New German Study End Global Warming Hysteria?
Although evidence that the global warming scare has been a massive scam in which exponents of various typoes of dodgy science lumped together under the label of climate science, in order to justify massive taxes on everything (because everything in the modern economy involves oil or electricity at some stage) and create a $1trillion per year market for Inventment Bankers and Dr. Evil types such as Al Gore could steal more money from ordinary people, politicians, media contributors and of course science academics have stuck to the narrative.
Since way back in March 2020, when governments and the supra - national bureaucracies decided ne new and not very deadly corona virus known as SARS-COV2, and the disease it caused, COVID-19, would give them a great excuse to rob us of our rights and user in an era of authoritarian government for the democratic nations, many myths and scare stories have been ciculated about COVID-19 to keep the public in a state of fear and therefore more likely to comply with government diktat instead of questioning the propaganda and finding it does not make any kind of sense
One of the most persistent of these myths has been "The Asymptomatic Spreader." Government and public health officials have been adamant that any difficult measures taken were all being done in order to ‘control the spread of the virus’ or ‘stop the disease.’ Thus, a litany of so-called non-pharmaceutical interventions, and also pharmaceutical interventions – were deemed by the consensus to
be essential measures in fighting the spread of the disease.
But as news reports continued to tell tales of trillions of deaths, rotting corpses piling up in the streets because all the gravediggers were sick and hospitals were so overwhelmed with critically ill patients that nurses went collectively insane, abandoned their patients and posted well rehearsed dance routines on Tik Tok. And to make matters worse for the people behind this fascistic power grab by the money elites, people begant to ask: "WTF is going on? Every day, every news bulletin I'm hearing people are falling ill by the millions and this disease is going to kill us all, yet I don't know anybody who has had it, and nobody I talk to knows anybody who has had it, apart from Fred Crackfart's dear old Mum who's supposed to have pegged out because of it, but she was ninety - five and she's been at death's door for years."
Obviously the narrative had to be adjusted and so what had been a disease that had many symptoms, most of them exactly like colds and 'flue (which, by the way, all but disappeared inthe winter of 2020,) warebranded as an an asymptomatic disease.
From March 2020, studies done in Italy were suggesting 50-75% of positive Covid tests had no symptoms. Another UK study from August 2020 found as much as 86% of “Covid patients†experienced no viral symptoms at all. Yet they were all countes as "cases". and included in the statistics read out my government medical advisers during the daily press briefings
It is literally impossible to tell the difference between an “asymptomatic case†and a false-positive test result.
There is actually very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmissionâ€. In June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said:
"From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,â€
A meta-analysis of Covid studies, published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in December 2020, found that asymptomatic carriers had a less than 1% chance of infecting people within their household.
So if you tested positive for the Novel Chinese Virus you might expect all the symptoms in the medical dictionary or no symptoms at all. You might die or you might catch COVID and never even know you had it. As the late, great Spike Milligan would have said, "Damned clever these Chinese. Much more clever that the western scientists who are in a total state of confusion about everything to do with COVID it seems.
On question on which "the science was settled" apparently was that of natural immunity. There was no such thing, the experts who coincidentally all work either for one of the vaccine manufacturers, for governments which had bought into the pandemic narrative for political reasons, or for the World Health Organisation which receives most of its funding from vaccine manufactures, investors with large holdings in vaccine manufacturers of from the Global Vaccine Czar Bill Gates. No conflict of interest there then. The high priests of the god Science had pronounced the thing that had saved humanity from Smallpox, Typhoid, Cholera, acute encrapulation of the pendikulus, The Black Death and myriad diseases that were around for millennia before vaccines was nothing but a silly superstition.
So that was it, there was no hoax, no fake news or fraudulent statistics, almost evetyone in the world was critically ill with COVID-19 but 97.5% of them did not know because it is an asymptomatic disease spread by people who do not feel in any way ill.
Over a year later and a few maverick ‘public health’ mavens have summoned the courage to actually test the fundamentally flawed assumption that if somebody test positive but has no symptoms they must be treated in a way similar to a medieval leper. Recently in the UK, officials have staged and monitored nine large-scale events, including an FA Cup final football match, and the Brit Awards – both of which were exempt from face masks, social distancing and the usual COVID nonsense. The results of this test should be hailed as good news, but for those heavily invested in the narrative, it’s nothing short of a disaster as few to no coronavirus “cases†turned up.
Officials managed to scrape together just 15 alleged “cases†or “infections†(deemed as such merely from a single ‘positive test’) out of some 60,000 total attendees.
The result of this experiment has dealt a crushing blow to the central myth upon which the entire COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ crisis has been built – namely the myth of the asymptomatic spreader, and the much-maligned notorious “super-spreader†events.
If the test actually worked, and you’re +ive ‘Asymptomatic’ or had only mild symptoms, you just displayed the awsome power of your immune system. In other words, you developed natural immunity, or at least partial immunity for the mild cases, via past exposure to one of hundreds of endemic corona virus.
There are many epitopes (expressed protiens) common to all coronavirus, colds, 'flu, coughs, snotty noses etc., antibidy overlap has been shown in peer reviewed scientific literature. Natural immunity is farfar superior and is for life not just for as long as it takes the Doctor Death brigade to invent another mutant variant. It will serve you more faithfully and efficiently than a risky leaky vaccine that will have you oozing filthy, toxic spike protiens all over friends and enemies alike, and smite you with with horrendous short term side effects. If you have natural immunity you have Dendritic cells, T cells, B cells, and antibodies to every single recognisable epitope the virus expresses.
Contrast this with the mRNA transfection, which wipes out T cells from natural immunity, and only provides one antibody (clean up crew cells do not kill virus), no T cells (which actually kill the virus) no B cells, and no dendritic cells, i.e. by injecting a cytotoxic spike protien, bypassing the bodies natural defense mechanisms, your immune system cannot properly recognise the virus until it’s replicating, until it’s already past the first 4 layers of the bodys defenses. But way back in February 2020 this newspage reported that a respected virologist had concluded from his research that SARS-COV2 was a genetically engineered virus designed to bypass the immune system and create long term health problems in millions of people
“Novel Corona Virus†is a misnomer, if not a downright falsehood. 40% of wild deer test positive for coronavirus and other animals, dead and alive, have returned positive results for tests. It is not so much a case of these virus being endemic, unless someone wants to argue wild deer did not socially distance from infected humans! The fact is the antibody overlap mentioned abovedoes not just apply to coronavirus strains that affect humans, mammilian immune systems cannot distinguish between strains that infect different species, thus the tests used to diagnose so many "cases" could have picked up antibodies for a virus you caught from your dog or cat.
And all that is not even the most worrying part of the unscientific bollocks that has resulted from pandemic policy being "led by science", the leaky vaccine is creating an identical evolutionary bottleneck in the whole jabbed population, it’s not the unvaccinated who are a danger to the vaccinated, it’s the other way around!
If everyone understood the basic biology, this would be over before it began.
Read JC’s review paper, or watch one of his streams to understand the biology and get the lastest insights from the latest published research.
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Sharri Markson of Sky News in Australia has dropped a major bomb on Tony Fauci and his contrived Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic narrative.
In a recent segment, Markson called out Fauci point-blank for funneling American taxpayer dollars to Wuhan, China, to conduct illegal gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.
Markson says that Fauci is “up to his neck†in crime, which “just shows how incredibly stupid†he is. Markson has been probing Fauci’s criminal activity for a while now, having uncovered that Fauci
“had funded 60 projects at the Wuhan laboratory.â€
“Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese military,†Markson
Since the beginning of his tenure at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) back in 1984, Fauci has been complicit in funding “risky research†in China, including at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s only known level-four biosafety laboratory.
“He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it,†Markson says about Fauci’s work over the past nearly 40 years that he has been employed in the federal
Markson put all of this together in a documentary called, “What Really Happened in Wuhan†that exposes Fauci for the criminal that he is. The documentary features interviews with both Mike Pompeo and
President Donald Trump.
Is the COVID narrative crumbling? Or is the pandemic of fear built around te disease simply divinding nations into conflicting regions along politicalal lines. In this video Styxhexenhammer, an erudite American comentator now resident in Amsterdam, describes how COVID is being used to impose health tyranny by authoritarian liberals in Democrat run states, while in Republican run states life is getting back to normal.
He also highlights how some old school liberals are waking up to the idea that people in the Democrat Party who have embraced the 'woke' agenda seem to have become besotted with the idea of exercising authority and governing by decree, citing a recent rant by veteran liberal comedian Bill Maher in which Maher called out many leading Democrats for fear mongering and authoritarianism.
The cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.
Political correctness is losing its grip. Last week it was alleged that Kemi Badenoch, the equalities minister, was caught on tape giving what various outlets described as a homophobic “rantâ€. The quotes Vice News chose to publish, and it was oddly selective, were innocuous.
In times past this might have been enough to wreck her career because what mattered was the media’s verdict that offence had been taken – yet Badenoch is staying put. Boris has set a new standard. An advantage of having a columnist in No10 is that he’s upset everyone under the sun, but has learnt the best way to handle an angry letter is to put it in the bin. Ignore Twitter and it becomes Angela Rayner in a broom cupboard screaming for people to resign. Vice is left talking to itself.
We all are! Because we now inhabit a fractured cultural landscape. Piers Morgan - another who has survived by not giving in - is joining Rupert Murdoch’s new channel talkTV, offering not one but two centre-Right broadcasters to switch to, rendering the supposed bias of Sky or the BBC irrelevant because the old monopoly is broken. It is this new reality of choice, the crumbling of orthodoxy, that puts so many knickers in a twist. ... Continue reading >>>
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.
Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black ...
Council Removes “Transphobic†Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’ A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic†after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.
Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.â€
U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’ That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it's moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra - national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility
Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago
Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action ...
On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence†that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.â€
Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.
TCW Defending Freedom has published several excellent
insights into the stranglehold of Bill Gates over the UK’s government,
media and university research establishments.
It’s remarkable then that the man who has risen to become the
unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not
being questioned or interrogated on his past more closely. Though we are
living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered by
the global health organisations, bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and
biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s
still widely regarded as a benign philanthropist.
James Corbett’s documentary Meet Bill Gates on the man who has been the most influential in shaping the post-coronavirus world shows categorically that he is not.
Bill Gates creating deadly, global vaccine empireVaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction Being a former computer professional from back when we had to know how the things worked to program them, Bill Gates was always the incompetent amateur who got a big leg up because of his CIA connections and then made 'not fit for purpose' acceptable quality. Now this half witted shyster is playing a big role in formulating United Nations eugenics policy
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasilâ„¢ and Cervarixâ„¢. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.â€
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar. Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On? The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health. Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Chaos in Afghanistan after NATO allies withdrawal - Picture:
Even Alexander the Great could not subdue Afghanistan – and George W Bush, the US President who kicked off the most recent occupation of that country was never in the same league as Alexander the Great. After 20 years of occupation, more than a trillion dollars spent and, more importantly, an ocean of blood spilled, the US empire is again retreating under fire, defeated by ragged men with ancient and improvised weeapons and a passion for defending their homeland and way of life as the U.S. Empire was defeated in Vietnam by guys on bicycles. Biden's restreat from Kabul was reminiscent of the scramble out of Saigon 50 years ago and the result will surely be the same. So, what happens next? in the country that has become known as the graveyard of empires.
After the United States and its NATO allies announced that they would withdraw (or rather Amerioca's dementia stricken president Joe Biden announced he would withdraw US troops and the rest of the alliance had no option but to follow, civil unrest in the nation has been growing. The Taliban has seized control of the entire country and is imposing Islamic Sharia law in the more civilised areas. Taliban leaders did not even wait for US and allied forces to leave the country before declaring themselves the new government. The leader of the Taliban delegation in Moscow recently stated that the group had decided to avoid attacking provincial capitals “to prevent bloodshed†prior to the complete withdrawal of US troops.
Although a spokesman for the armed forces of United Nations recognised Afghan government acknowledged “the severity of the country’s situationâ€, he said that Afghan troops remained “capable of retaking territory†from the Taliban, whose leaders are expected to present a written peace proposal to the government. This is bollocks, what we have seen from the Afghan military when confronted by Taliban fighters is abject surrender. Morale among Afghan servicemen has collpsed according to reports from inside the country. Hence, their willingness to fight resurgent al-Qaeda forces, a terrorist organisation which the Taliban has allied with, is in question.
In order to have a better understanding of what is happening in Afghanistan, one ought to keep in mind that the country is a non - coherent, multiethnic and mostly tribal society with a large population and a poorly organised economy. Tribal and family loyaltues, established over hundreds of years, play a more important role in Afghanistan than a sense of nationhood or cultural ties.. And “a high degree of autonomy has allowed local areas to follow tribal and localized law and customs.â€
Religion also plays an important role in Afghanistan with its heterogenous social structure. Sunni Muslims (the Pashtun tribe being the largest group) constitute over 80% of the population, while Shiites account for approximately 18% (e.g. Qizilbash and Tadjik groups). The Taliban are a nationalist movement whose aim is to establish the Islamic Caiphate of Afghanistan where a strict interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law) is enforced. The Taliban is not viewed as a true opposition movement. After all, According to local sources Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence “was heavily involved†in creating the Taliban.
In the past, Pakistan was accused of sending troops and military support to the Taliban and thus destabilizing the situation in Afghanistan in order to create a government there which would be a loyal ally of Islamabad.
In the current circumstances, it i clear that there is no military solution to the conflict in the war-torn nation. Each region in Afghanistan can function as a completely or relatively autonomous unit in remote regions and challenging conditions. If so required, it can defend its territory for a fairly long time while staging guerilla counter attacks. But the joker in the pack is China. Afghanistan's giant neighbour
has already made deals with The Taliban that will give Chinese companies access to Afghanistans huge reserves of minerals essential to the wersts "green" ambitions to abandon fossil fuels for sustainably generated electricity. And the Chinese are not likely to be as reticent as the USA in dealing with opposition from local tribes to their presence in Afghanistan. It looks as if we are about to begin a new saga of middle eastern conflict.
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by Edward Anderson, Comment Central, 10 September 2021
After Spanish right-wing figure Santiago Abascal was condemned for not openly welcoming Afghan migrants, Edward Anderson writes that the Left everywhere should not be so quick to judge, as limited migration is not the sole domain of the Right.
When Santiago Abascal, leader of Spanish right-wing party Vox, delivered a press conference on the 30th August, it did not take long for perhaps the most controversial part of his speech to be put into bite-sized form. Europe does not have moral duty to welcome or accept every Afghan or African who seeks to enter. Predictably, Twitter was in uproar that such a evil far-right view could be espoused, with people flooding in to state their brave view that Abascal is a bad man.
Ignoring the modern liberal tendency to turn their views into a religion, complete with the belief in original sin as seen by the number of pictures in response to Abascal of White slave masters hundreds of years ago (as if poor people in Darlington or Murcia today have some original sin they have to pay), it ignores a simpler point. Namely, that Abascal merely said something every left winger who wants a welfare state and public services would have to agree with.
Now of course, I am not naive enough to assume that Vox are the bright left-wing conservative future of Spain, one only needs to read their plan to ´free´ the housing market (make it easier for foreign speculators, Airbnb and landlords to keep pricing out Spanish people from home ownership).
However, when Abascal points out that the Government is promising housing to people when some Spanish people are living in their cars or that people want to continue accepting the importation of thousands of illegal migrants via Morocco a year when the youth unemployment rate is 38 per cent and rent is horrifically high, it should be easy for left wingers to see that he has a point.
For a welfare state and collective public goods to exist, that nation or community requires high levels of social solidarity and trust. When people pay into a common pot their willingness to pay bluntly depends on whether it goes to ´the likes of us´. It is why old left wingers did not emphasise colour of skin or other forms of ´diversity´ as part of their political slogans, for it undermines this need for solidarity.
Why Accepting Illegal Immigrants Is Not Going To Help Them Celebrities, 'influencer', woke idiots and far left political groups are creating a chorus of catawauling complaints about the deportation of illegal immigrants who are crossing The English Channel from France in increasing numbers. But will accepting them only encourage more to come and be exploited by people trafficking ccrime gangs? This article lifts the lit on the illegal immigrants racke
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
In the case of Europe's immigration crisis, much of the fear and loathing is being caused by Muslim males. Most Europeans do not have a problem with foreigners or dark skinned people who are willing to obey the laws and accept local customs and traditions. And one tradition we in the nations that emerged from European cultures is the common understanding that if a woman goes out alone, with arms and legs showing and face and hair uncovered, it does not mean she is up for having rough sex
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.
Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.
Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.
London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.
Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel
It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.
Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?
As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.
Thanks to a FOIA request by The Intercept, we now have smoking gun proof that Anthony Fauci directed NIH funding for bioweapons research on SARS-CoV-2 (via “gain-of-function†experiments) under the cover of the Chinese Communist Party. The 900+ pages of once-secret documents also confirm that the United States government originated the bioweapons research and funded it to completion. After Trump banned biological weapons programs in the United States, Fauci and others conspired to criminally conduct illegal research by shifting the technology to China (and laundering US taxpayer money through the EcoHealth Alliance to fund it).
As detailed by The Intercept:
NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory.
One of the grants, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,†outlines an ambitious effort led by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak to screen thousands of bat samples for novel coronaviruses. The research also involved screening people who work with live animals.
The bat coronavirus grant provided EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans. Fauci lied, millions died
In essence, thanks to the FOIA revelations, we now know that:
Fauci lied under oath when he claimed he never funded gain-of-function research. (Where is the FBI raid on Fauci?)
The entire COVID “pandemic†was built as a biological weapons program from the very start.
Fauci and others committed not merely criminal acts in violation of biological weapons research bans, he also committed treason against the United States of America by handing weapons of mass destruction to America’s communist enemy (China) when then deployed the weapon system against America.
We also therefore know that the vaccine is an extension of the bioweapons program funded by Fauci, since the spike protein incorporated into covid vaccines was developed through Fauci-funded gain-of-function research.
With this knowledge now being made public thanks to The Intercept, all vaccines should be halted worldwide, and criminal indictments should be leveled against Fauci and the thousands of co-conspirators who were complicit in this operation, which includes Big Pharma CEOs, virology scientists and freedom-hating politicians who used all this as an excuse to push toxic bioweapons onto the population via “vaccine†mandates.
The other huge bombshell now emerging from all this is that it appears the US government was originally planning to deploy its bioweapons as a MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) virus to mass murder political enemies in Iran (and other nations) under “President Clinton†(who was slated to take office in 2017 after the 2016 election was rigged). But when Trump’s military intelligence white hats blocked the election rigging of 2016 and Trump took office, the bioweapons program was redirected to focus on killing Americans and dethroning Trump with the coordinated covid-rigged election scheme of 2020.
So the bioweapons that the US government originally planned to dump on the people of the Middle East ended up being refocused on SARS-CoV and placed into vaccines to be injected into US soldiers and 200+ million American citizens, all in an effort to carry out mass genocide against the American people and its active duty defenders.
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?
The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
from Natural News Emergency VACCINE ALERT edition: Situation
Update, March 16, 2021 Tuesday, March 16, 2021 by: Mike Adams:
Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into “super strain†factories who … Continue reading
First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour, castigated by the medical establishment and regulatory authorities.
Both drugs have been around for a long time as FDA-approved
prescription medications. Yet now we are told they are as deadly as
As a physician, I am certainly aware of ivermectin but
don’t recall ever writing a prescription for it in my 30+ years’ medical
career. Ivermectin is an anthelmintic, meaning it cures parasitic infections. In my world of ophthalmology, it is used on occasion for rare parasitic or worm infections in the eye.
Ivermectin was FDA approved in 1998 under the brand name Stromectol, produced by pharmaceutical giant Merck, approved for several parasitic infections. The product label described it as having a
“unique mode of action,†which “leads to an increase in the
permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions.†This suggests that
ivermectin acts as an ionophore, making cell membranes permeable to ions that enter the cell for therapeutic effect.
Ivermectin is one of several ionophores, others including hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol, the latter two available over the counter.
These ionophores simply open a cellular door, allowing zinc to enter
the cell, where it then interferes with viral replication, providing
potential therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.
This scientific paper reviews and references other studies demonstrating antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties of ivermectin.
Beneath the illusory stability of rising GDP, the extremes of debt, leverage, stimulus and speculative frenzy required to keep the 'phantom wealth bubble' from imploding are all rising parabolically.
being at a party celebrating the vast wealth generated in the last ten
months in stocks, cryptocurrencies, real estate and just about every
other asset class. The lights flicker briefly but the host assures the crowd the generator powering the party is working perfectly.
Being a skeptic, you slip out on the excuse of bringing in more champagne and pay a visit to the generator room. To
your horror, you find the entire arrangement held together with duct
tape and rotted 2X4s, the electrical panel is an acrid-smelling mess of
haphazard frayed wire and the generator is over-heated and vibrating off
its foundation bolts. Whatever governor the engine once had is gone, it
clearly won't last the night.
The party is the U.S. economy, and the generator room is the Federal Reserve, its proxies and the U.S. Treasury, all running to failure. What we're experiencing in real time is the illusion of stability and the inevitability of collapse. I've prepared a few charts to illuminate this reality graphically.
Here's the illusion of stability in a nutshell: while
the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP) has
continued marching higher (in both nominal and real/inflation-adjusted
terms), the amount of Federal Reserve stimulus and Federal debt required
to keep pushing GDP up at the same rate has exploded higher and is
tracking a parabolic blow-off.
As Not Seen on the BBC: Thousands March Against Vaccine Passports, Medical Coercion in London (Source: Breitbart Europe )
The UK's NHS Vaccine Passport database system, a vital tool in the plans of Boris Johnson's increasingly tyrannical government's plans to introduce a system similar to the social credits system used by the Chinese Communist Party to curtail the liberties and social privilieges of citizens who transgress against the brutally oppressive Chinese dictatorship, has failed before it is even launched. The system which is suposedly linked to a database containing the vaccination status of the holder has reportedly falsified up to 700,000 vaccine passport records since the beginning of the controversial programme, resulting in many Britons being barred from leaving the country.
In this latest massive example of government incompetence in developing and running Information Technology systems, health officials at the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) have somehow recorded false data in hundreds of thousands of vaccine passports. An old computer professional like me finds it incredible that anyone, even the kind of people who work for the government could be so completely and stupidly wrong so often, (remember the catastrophic and eye wateringly expensive failure of the "track and trace" system for recording and warning people who had been in contact with an infected person? That was only 18 months ago. Remember the "pingdemic" when milions od people were 'pinged' by an equally flawed app and ordered to quarantine themselves because they had been in contact with a person who had tested positive, whether that person had symptoms or not.
With Boris Johson’s government planning to introduce health pass requirements for nightclubs and other large public venues by the end of September, these failures have further thrown into question the efficacy of the draconian scheme and the real motivation for introducing them..
According to a freedom of information request submitted by by The Daily Telegraph, the NHS was forced to correct 677,331 vaccine records and there were 112,939 instances in which data had to be deleted due to duplication or correction errors.
It seems likely that the number of errors in they system is higher, the need for corrections was only flagged when passport holders tried to use the NHS coronavirus app to travel abroad, meaning many more are likely to be unaware of their vaccine records being incorrrect.
The NHS has created a Vaccination Data Resolution Service to deal with the massive flood of complaints expected. A job advertisement for a role in the service described the aim of the position being to “support citizens resolving problems they encounter with their Covid-19 vaccination records†and to help “citizens to prove their Covid-19 vaccination status in line with UK Government guidanceâ€.
The NHS has not denied the scale of the record failures but said: “The vast majority of updates made to vaccination records by NHS digital do not relate to people’s vaccine status.
“The NHS is proactively contacting people who have been vaccinated in England and are showing an incomplete record so their records can be urgently corrected.â€
In response to reports of vaccine passport errors, the owner of the Three Colts & The Owl Pubs — a signatory to the Together declaration against health papers — Adam Brooks said: “So, they are not just discriminatory, divisive, trouble-causing, business & society destroying… they are simply unworkable and unsecure.†He is absolutely righ, if a little ungrammatical.
What is really appalling about all this bollocks is that once the fatalities falsely ascribed to COVID are removed, accturate figures for this virus show an Infection to Fatality Rate (IFR) much lower that that of seasonal 'flu. The authors of Boggart Blog have studied the statistical misrepresentation of infection and fatality rates and found that flu deaths almost ceased in late 2019 and early 2020. In the UK during that period we lost about 400 people a week to seasonal 'flu, in the USA it was about 2000 people a week in in a much larger population. In both cases influenza was seldom the killer, it was the comorbidities that took out the old, those with preexisting conditions or those who were both. Suddenly in early 2020 flu deaths stopped being reported and even people who died of other causes (internal injuries sustained an a motor bike accident in one case and multiple stab woulds sustained in a gang fight in another) were being found to have expired of COVID in the ambulance on the way to hospital.
Protesters have packed into central London in a demonstration against the government’s ongoing plans to introduce so-called vaccine passports. Though largely ignored by the media, “thousands†of people reportedly took part.
The protest march kicked off at Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon and set off across Vauxhall Bridge and toward Clapham Common. London’s Metropolitan Police reported road blockages and bus delays along the route, and officers remained in close proximity to the marchers at all times.
Video footage showed a dense crowd of people in attendance. Some waved religious banners, some held placards opposing vaccination full stop, and others demanded the government drop its plans to require patrons of certain venues be vaccinated against Covid-19.
The Save Our Rights UK group had previously promoted the “medical freedom march,†which would be “standing against mandated vaccines and vaccine passports.†Pictures and video shared on Twitter showed protesters gathering at Hyde Park on Saturday. People could be seen carrying placards and banners saying “no medical dictatorship†and “no vaccine passports,†while smoke flares appeared to have been released in one place. The Metropolitan Police warned of disruption to traffic and bus services as roads became blocked.
Needless to say this eveny was not reported by mainstream media in fact The BBC (Biased Broadcastic Corporation) a mouth piece for globalist propaganda with no tongue whenever anto - narrative, pro - liberty protesters turn up, made not a single mention of the protest while a much smaller event organised by eco - terrorist unwashed crusties of Exstinktion Rebellion received blanket coverage. You will see report on human rights abuses in East Timor or Tanzania though. Their team had a nice time at your license fee expense going those places.
Vaccine passports a vague concept protesting agbased on the Chinese Communist Party's social credit system, protesting aginst coercive attempts to persuade us to inject an experimental gene therapy into our bodies in order to access a normal event or building is a violation of our inalenable human rights set out in the Geneva Convention of 1948 and now incorporated in international law. Protesting against this 'vaccine' being injected into us when 90% of us, in the 18 months of the pandemic, have not experience a single symptom and our children without their parents' consent when it is known that children are not susceptible to COVID vannot be justified in any way. The injection is not in fact a vaccine as it does not make recipents immune (amply demonstrated in Israel, the first nation to claim herd immunity with over 90% vaccinated, while this vaccinated nation now has the highest per capita rate on infections. The Injection is in fact a gene therapy that alters DNA and so far seems to be killing and maiming thousands across the world (check the UK yellow card scheme and VAERS).
Highlighting the consistent lies and propaganda that our 'dear leaders' are ramming down our throats through the torrent of propaganda rammed down our throats through corrupt news media in order to keep us in our houses, scared of a normal regular virus that hasn't killed anymore people than a usual bad flu year. Just take a bit of time to research the facts that are far from 'vague'.
The best protest is orchestrated disobedience to Covid entrance passes. This best is attained by subverting the flaky technology upon which passes will be based (derivative from the NHS phone 'app' and the contact tracing 'app'). Paper documents can be forged and electronic passes are easily spoofed.
As the United States continues its descent into tyranny – due in
large part to widespread complacency, sad to say – the time has never
been more urgent for patriotic Americans to take a formidable stand
against it.
Sharing articles and videos on social media is no longer cutting it
as governments, large corporations and school districts continue to
tighten the noose with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine mandates –
which, by the way, are completely unconstitutional.
Appearing on a recent episode of “Brighteon Conversations†with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) issued a call to everyone in America
who still cares about freedom, our Constitution and everything this
country was built upon to do something while we still can to stop this
nightmare from advancing any further.
“They are so close to completely enveloping us with this
totalitarianism that we all need to resist,†Kennedy told Adams and
viewers. “And one of the ways that we can resist is that if you refuse
and get fired, then you sue. And we want thousands and thousands of
people to do this and get the Supreme Court on this.â€
Kennedy went on to explain, while visibly trying to hold back tears,
that everything our forefathers fought to give us is just about
completely eroded away, thanks to the Chinese Virus “Trojan Horse,â€
which has become the world’s biggest excuse to usher in absolute
“This is a battle for our country,†Kennedy maintains.
“It’s a battle for our Constitution. We had people who gave us our
constitutional rights who were willing to die for it, who believed that
there were things worse than death, including living like a slave. And
we all have a duty to put our livelihoods on the line, and whatever we
need on the line, and say ‘We are going to resist.'†... Continue reading / watch video
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony, the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizents that the only way they can be sasfe from vague and largely fictitious "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny ...
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.
Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...
Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet
Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>
There is a meme going around for a while, its called Clown World, represented by Honkler, Pepe the frog dressed up as a clown, where everything is upside down and crazy. While it certainly works(and enraged the left), for me, it doesn't hold as much weight as seeing the West as sick with Validation Fever.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.
France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.
Missing Aircraft: Does This Ring Any Bells
Another airliner carrying a large number of civilian passengers has gone missing in the area between Indonesia and Malaysia. Here is what is known so far from the news feeds. As you read it, make a not of how far you get before the bells start ringing.
Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.
In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wodered why?
Everything The Science Whores Told You About Eating Fat Was A Lie. We have been telling you so for years, but at last the world seems to be cathing up with The Daily Stirrer. Another independent study confirms that the scientists ('A sack of rogues bought and paid for with corporate gods' to paraphrase Burns) have been lying about the health risks of eating saturated fat. It's process vegetable fat, created in laboratories by scientists and other synthesized foods that damage human health.
France’s President Hollande Says 'Non' To Obama’s Demand for Corporate Global Oligarchy
The embttled French President has become the first national leader to state categorically his country will not sign the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being pushed by the USA's Obama Administration. Hollande's government is already the most unporular France has ever had and the President know to give away French sovereignty to US Corporate businesses would be political suicide.
Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.
Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?
Throughout the global hoax that has been sold to populations around the world as the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID) pandemic this blog has constantly argued that the numbers of both deaths and beople actually getting sick with CoronavirusDisease 19 have been dishonestly inflated by government officers, health agencies and the sensationalised reporting of mainstream media.
The PCR test, which has been the main diagnostic tool for identifying COVID "cases" has been exposed as useless, not because it is a bad technique but because it was never designed toi be used as a tool for diagnosis, its purpose is to identify who has been in contact with any particular virus in order to help researchers study how viruses spread. When used to diagnose COVID it has returned up to to 80% false positives.
Most of the deaths reported in government press releases and qouted by news bulletins and reports have been wrapped in weasel words like COVID -= related deaths, or described people as dying with rather than OF COVID-19 meaning these people likely died of other terminal conditions but had tested positive in hospital or posthumously.
And then there are the outright lies: a Muslim friend told me earlier this year told me a story relating to the Muslim tradition of burying their dead by sunset on the day following the death. Now you may think this is crazy in nations like UK and USA, I certainly do, though it made sense in the middle east 1500 years ago maybe. Still, for the past two or three decades governments and the left dominated mainstream media have been screeching at us about respecting alien cultural practices.
Anyway my friend Amna whom I got to know when she was one of the carers who came during the last few months of my late wife's life, told me she knew two Muslim families here in Lancashire who had lost elderly relatives to long term condition, one dying of cancer while the other succumbed to heart failure. She told me both were informed by the authorities that if they agreed to the cause of death death being registered as COVID-19 with complications, the body could be released the same day. If they did not agree it could be several weeks before the body was released. It seems cultural diversity is only important when it serves the globalist cause by undermining the cohesion of national and regional cultures:
This week The Epoch Times reported a case of somebody suffering from a pancreatic disorder being admitted to hospital and treated as a COVID patient:
Breakthrough cases reach majority levels in some jurisdictions but numbers elude CDC By Jennifer Margulis
“I’m not going to arm wrestle with the administration about where to put you,†Dr. C., a highly skilled gastroenterologist, said gently to my friend who was in bed in a triage room in the ER. “We just want to get you into a bed so we can figure out what’s wrong and get you treated.â€
We were at our small town’s hospital. No one was sure why, but my friend had not been able to keep anything more than a handful of raspberries down since a complicated surgery for a chronic health condition three weeks before. Dehydrated and unable to eat, my friend had been violently vomiting after taking just a sip of water or sucking on an ice chip, and had lost nearly twenty-five pounds.
I was by my husband’s side when he had a gallbladder attack so severe that it left his hands shaking. I’ve had three unmedicated childbirths and attended many more, both as a journalist and a patient advocate. Still, I’ve never seen a human in so much pain.
Diagnosed with a Pancreas Disorder, Admitted as a COVID Patient
After a battery of testing, my friend was diagnosed with pancreatitis. But it was easier for the hospital bureaucracy to register the admission as a COVID case.
Let me explain. This patient had none of the classic symptoms of COVID: No shortness of breath, no fever, no chills, no congestion, no loss of sense of smell or taste, no neurological issues. The only COVID symptoms my friend had were nausea and fatigue, which could also be explained by the surgery. However, nearly three weeks earlier, a COVID test had come back positive.
The mainstream media is reporting that severe COVID cases are mainly among unvaccinated people. An Associated Press headline from June 29 reads: “Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated.†Another, from the same date: “Vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, ABC News survey finds.â€
Is that what’s really going on?
The article goes on to describe the situation in Israel with, with a 98% full vaccine take up is the most vaccinated country in the world, has been held up as an example to the world because it was first to achieve "herd immunity" via vaccination. The dark forces of globalism have dismissed claims by researchers and medical professionals who still have sufficient integrity to challenge the "led by science" narrative by pointing out that the majority of the population have natural immunity and do not need vaccination, or that people who are presenting no symptoms cannot possibly infect somebody else, either vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Government's have continued to push vaccinations, claiming that nobody is safe until we are all safe and that immunity can only be achieved through vaccination without once acknowledging that in the year from February 2020, when the pandeic was firt declated, to February 2021, when the vaccine roll out began in earnest, 95% of us, though not vaccinated for COVID, did not get the disease.
That narrative is now falling apart as Israel, the world's most vaccinated nation remember, has one of the highest per capita rates of new, confirmed cases in the world. These are being described as breakthrough cases and described as rare anomilies when in fact what has been shown is that the vaccines do not work, providing protection for only a few months. The term "breakthrough cases" is a diversion of course, vaccine manufacturers always warned that these untested, experimental vaccines were only ever expected to provide short term immunity, hence we are now being told the vaccinated will require "booster" jabs every few months.
Epoch Times reports the situation in Israel thus:
Israel [was] the first country to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against the virus. Now it has one of the highest daily infection rates and the majority of people catching the virus (77 percent to 83 percent, depending on age) are already vaccinated, according to data collected by the Israeli government.
After carefully reviewing the available data, including the safety and efficacy profiles of the mRNA vaccines, [the reporter] had taken a cautious approach. Though a medical doctor who gives vaccines in the office every day, this person opted to wait and see. According to WebMD, a “huge number†of frontline hospital workers have also chosen not to get the vaccine. Indeed, various news reports, from California to New York, confirm that up to 40 percent of [US] health care workers have decided the risks of the vaccines do not outweigh the benefits.
I spoke to the nurse on the COVID ward. She was suited up in a plastic yellow disposable gown, teal gloves, and two masks underneath a recirculating personal respiratory system that buzzed so loudly she could barely hear. The nurse told me that she had gotten both vaccines but she was feeling worried: “Two thirds of my patients are fully vaccinated,†she said.
How can there be such a great difference between what a COVID ward nurse said and the figures reported by mainstream media? And for that matter how can governments, health agencies and mainstream media continue to ignore the numbers of deaths and serious illnesses closely following (but not necessarily cause by) administration of the experimental vaccines especially as these cases now exceed by many thousands the numbers at any other medication would have been withdrawn pending full investigation of doubts about its safety?
The main problem facing new media publications like this blog, and the few organisations in broadcast and print media which still value jounrnalistic integrity is the difficulty of getting any kind of accuracy when it comes to actual numbers. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), European Union's European Medicines Agency's Eudra Vigilance database and UK Medicines and Healcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have publicly acknowledged that they do not have accurate data.
As reported by the Associated Press, “The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data.â€
At the same time, data collection is not standardised, different systems are used in different nations and vary considerably from region to region within nations. In most cases, a person is only considered fully vaccinated fourteen days after they have had the full series of the vaccine.
This means that anyone admitted to a hospital who has only had one dose, or who has had both vaccines but had the second one less than two weeks prior, will likely be counted as “unvaccinated.â€
So when the Department of Health and Environmental Control in the US state of South Carolina released a report about COVID severity on July 23, 2021, they reported higher morbidity and mortality rates in the “not fully vaccinated.†Are these people who have had one vaccine and gotten sick, two vaccines and gotten sick, or no vaccines at all? Without more details, it is impossible to know what is really going on. Similarly when 23 our of 70 residents in Pemberley House care home Basingstoke, UK, died withing a few days of being vaccinated in February 2020, all were dismissed as "unfortunate coincidences" and the incident was swept under the carpet with no further investigation.
“We don’t have accurate numbers,†insists Dr. James Neuenschwander, an expert on vaccine safety. Well it's no wonder if health authorities are actively avoiding counting them.
What we do know however, is that according to many independent reports the vaccines are not as effective as public health officials are telling us. This is a product that’s not doing what it’s supposed to do. By definition a vaccine is supposed to stop transmission of this virus and it’s not doing that and these expermental mRNA vaccines are not doing that.
Thousands Protests Against Covid Vaccine Passports In London Unreported by mainstream media as in previous months, crowds numbering tens of thousands gathered in London on the last weekend of the month to protest agains the government's plans to introduce vaccine passports next month.
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony, the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizents that the only way they can be sasfe from vague and largely fictitious "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny ...
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.
Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...
Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet
Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>
There is a meme going around for a while, its called Clown World, represented by Honkler, Pepe the frog dressed up as a clown, where everything is upside down and crazy. While it certainly works(and enraged the left), for me, it doesn't hold as much weight as seeing the West as sick with Validation Fever.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.
France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.
Missing Aircraft: Does This Ring Any Bells
Another airliner carrying a large number of civilian passengers has gone missing in the area between Indonesia and Malaysia. Here is what is known so far from the news feeds. As you read it, make a not of how far you get before the bells start ringing.
Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.
In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wodered why?
Everything The Science Whores Told You About Eating Fat Was A Lie. We have been telling you so for years, but at last the world seems to be cathing up with The Daily Stirrer. Another independent study confirms that the scientists ('A sack of rogues bought and paid for with corporate gods' to paraphrase Burns) have been lying about the health risks of eating saturated fat. It's process vegetable fat, created in laboratories by scientists and other synthesized foods that damage human health.
France’s President Hollande Says 'Non' To Obama’s Demand for Corporate Global Oligarchy
The embttled French President has become the first national leader to state categorically his country will not sign the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being pushed by the USA's Obama Administration. Hollande's government is already the most unporular France has ever had and the President know to give away French sovereignty to US Corporate businesses would be political suicide.
Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.
Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?
With an election looming in Germany the political party led since 2005 by outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel has dropped below main rivals The Social Democrats for the first since Merkel rose to power. With her potential successor in the Chistian Democrats, a dull person with all the charisma of cold porridge, failing to win the support of voters and a the threat of a migrant crisis even greater than the one of 2015 threatening in the wake of the Afghan crisis and a a seeminly unstoppable torrent of illiterate, inummerate migrants from Africa.
A poll conducted by Forsa market research for German broadcasters RTL and NTV, reported the Social Democrats (SPD) leading the Christian Democrat Union (CDU) in the imminent German elections.
The centre-left SDP is now leading the CDU by a margin of 23 to 22 per cent, marking the first time since 2005 that Merkel’s party has fallen behind the Social Democrats in a nationwide opinion poll.
The figures also represent a massive shift away from the CDU since the start of the year, when Merkel's party was polling at 36 per cent, compared to 15 per cent for the SPD, which put them third behind the Green Party.
Chancellor Merkel this week attempted to play down these abysmal polling results, telling the media: “We will work every day to get a good election result and not look every day at the polls,†adding ultimately it is the ballots of voters in the ballot box that count.â€
“We are fighting, or the party is fighting — I personally am not up for election. The problems that arise — the pandemic and now this very, very bitter issue of Afghanistan — will be dealt with… by the government in such a way that is as good as possible for people in our country,†Merkel concluded.
The poor polling results for Angela Merkel’s party comes amid increasing concerns in Germany that a second migrant crisis could be facing Europe following President Biden’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan similar to the one that caused civil unrest in many German cities during 2015 and 2016.
In that case it was Chancellor Merkel's singlehandedly opening the borders of Europe to an estimated 1.2 million migrants amid the fallout of the Syrian civil war in 2015.
Estimates have forcasted that up to 3 million migrants could head to Europe in the wake of the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. Although Merkel, backed by the EU Commission, insisted the move was justofied on humanirarian grounds as the migrants were refugees fleeing the war zone. In fact it later emerged that the majority of undocumented arrivals were not from Syria but from homelands in Africa, South East Asia and other third world countries and most were educationally and culturally unequipped for life in Europe's developed nations.
Earlier this year the former head of Germany’s domestic spy agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Hans-Georg Maassen said that Merkel’s migration policies have been “fatal†to Germany, indicating that immigration will once again be a major election issue as it has been in most major European elections since 2015, with a resurgence of nationalism having led to the EU refusing to accept any anti - immigratinm eurosceptic party in government. The disastrous outcome of this has been that several member states, including Spain and Italy are now governed by coalitions cobbled together and shoehorned into power by Brussels.
It is now very important that more people in Europe know what globalists like Merkel and the the EU bureaucrats have planned for them with the Barcelona Agreement; EU document JLX/2009/ERFX/PR/1005.Go to page 112 this gives the numbers each EU country could take.
Many bloggers and independent journalists have spent the past 26 years warning about the Barcelona Agreement and it's plans for a greater globalist EU including the Islamic countries of North Africa. But it might be academic now.
This blog's parent site Greenteeth Digital Publishing put online an article titled Europe Estended in 2011 which briefly (and in readable prose) outlined the covert ambitions of the EU's ruling bureaucracy to incorporate various North African and middle eastern states into the 'European' Union.
The Barcelona Agreement sets targets for increasing EU member state populations by means of immigration from the third world. This figure proposed for Britain is 184 million an absolutely insane figure for an island with limited space for urban expansion. The plans for Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland are even more horrific.
To understand how they get away with it, one must know jow they operate. Fortunately the former president of the EU Commission, Jean - Clade Juncker spelled it out for us:"We decide on something leave it lying around and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss ,because most don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step, until there is no turning back" (J C Juncker via )
They do this with everything they do, it allows them to say we told you long ago. Remember EU Army?.
Merkel gave the German people and the people of Europe because for many years she was the de facto leader of the EU, many poisonous gifts that keep on giving. The top two of the many are (1) the consequences of her immigration policy, and (2) voter disaffection and disillusionment over her Christian Democratic Union, which is of course, neither Christian, Democratic, or much of a real union, and how Merkel and her minions have manipulated the German political class and the media to stay in power as long as they have.
Clearly in the last general election a majority of the voters rejected her and the CDU, but she has still been with them for a last term as Chancellor.
These two political 'gifts' are juxtaposed for the upcoming general election. Germans are resentful and angry with Merkel and the CDU to the point where they will willingly put in the leftists so that there will be no chance of Merkel or the CDU remaining in power. The consequences will be grim, as the German left just as strongly disregards people's wants and needs, and will install its sector of the country's political class to take the place of the CDU's part of it. Things could go from bad to worse, and it is testimony to German unwillingness to let the CDU continue in power that the public would vote for such a thing.
Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.
Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...
The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees†should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria†amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria†amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections?
it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble ...
In this page, we have covered US attempts to expolit its position as issurer of the global reserve currency, and the moves by China and Russia to resist that. Moves to establish the US$ as a true global currency began a long time ago with the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference in the final months of World War 2, with Germany defeated and the world ready to split into capitalist and communist factions...
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
Former Ambassador to Germany Sir Paul Lever said in an interview today that Brexit will have little real impact on the European Union (EU), which is overwhelmingly controlled by Germany. Short term he may be right, but with the German economy stalling what will prop up the Brussels cash burning machine one britain is gone?
Germany: Economy crisis as growth stalls - car production crashes Germany’s federal Government today reduced its growth forecast for the second time in two months as plunging car production figures sent shockwaves through the Eurozone. The German economy, has been propping up the economically stagnant EU for years...
Brexit has terrified 'Brussels bubble' - German insider
The EU elite "lost faith in their own appeal and abilities" following the Brexit referendum vote and the surge in support for nationalist parties. The knee jerk response of the Brussels bubble was to try (and fail) to punish Britain for defing Brussels in the same way as they had punished small nations like Greece, Portugal and Ireland, which in their perception was the only way to prevent the EU breaking apart.
Germany Rejects Yazidi Asylum Seekers Fleeing Persecution By Islamic Extremists The EU’s largest nation and most powerful economy, which righteously lecturs other EU member states on the need to take refugees and asylum seekers, is taking in fewer Yazidi refugees, according to a German newspaper report. The religious minority was terrorized by the “Islamic State†during the militant group’s campaign in Iraq and Syria and hundreds, possibly thousands of Yazidi women were raped and used as sex slaves by IsIS terrorists.
'Islam Doesn't Belong to Germany' - New Interior Minister
While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of Europe's most powwerful economy was fragile and full of holes. Only days after Merkel was sworn in for a fourth term, the holes in her coalition started to appear ... Continue Reading">
Though Angela Merkel clings to power the effects of her 'open doors' immigration policy damage Germany. It may amuse nationalists to observe as, with one face the pledges support for a United Nations initiative to open all national borders, while with the other she tries to persuade German voters she has listened to public opinion and understands her mass immigration policy is abhorred by a majority of voters ...
According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of "putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation†for Germany.
Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble
There appears to be no end in sight to Germany's crisis of democracy as the European Union's most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel's CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.
Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.
A Week Before Election 30% Of German Voters Still Undecided
Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau - Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24. < href="">
German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border ...
New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit
Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.
Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party
German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.
Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another "Grand Coalition" between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed. More news from September 2017
Chechen Islamic Police Now Enforcing Sharia Law On Streets Of Berlin
A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists (Muslim fundmentalists) from Chechnya, a predominantly Sunni Muslim region in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into German society;
Massive Influx of Migrants 'May Start Civil War' in EU
As Germanys immigrant crisis shows no sign of easing and nobody in Chancellort Merkel' s ruling coalition seems to have a clue how to deal with it, left and right wing politicians are starting to talk of the crisis dividing netions so deeply it could lead to civil war
RIP the British Steel Industry, murdered by The EU. Vote Leave
As the future of not just Port Talbot steelworks but british steelmaking hangs in the balance with Indian conglomerate Tata Industries deciding the fate, we reflect that (A) the latest disaster for manufacturing is the fault of the EU and (B) We've been here before with Tata, a steelworks and a carbon credits scam.
Juncker: "Dutch 'NO' Vote Will Lead To A Big Continental Crisis"
In April the Dutch people will vote on the European-Ukraine association treaty. In an interview with the NRC, a Dutch leading newspaper, Juncker warned the Dutch voters a “NO†will lead to a big continental crisis. “Russia and anti European movements will profit from a Dutch No, the Dutch has to vote yes for reasons not related to the treaty, the Dutch should act like an European strategist†according to Mr Juncker.
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone
Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.
Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk
David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough†...
Europe in Free Fall - The 28 member EU makes no economic sense
The omens have been clear for a long time (for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The ideologues who have been driving the Federal European Superstate project are blind to their own folly as ideologues always are, and also blind it seems to the unfolding social, economic and political catastrophe that is unfolding and threatens to destroy not only the european Union but its individual member states.
New EU Tax Laws Force Thousands of Businesses to Close in Just Six Months
Our editorial policy has for years been to expose the EU for the anti - business, anti - democracy European wing of the Global Government cartel. And let's be honest, a quick browse through our Europe index will provide plenty of evidence to suppport our view. Given the and their collectivist dupes' talent for ignoring evidence however, every hammer blow we can strike that exposes their global, totalitarian, bureauceatic dictatorship will help get the message across.
It is comforting to know that for one our elected representatives in the UK Parliament, or a significant number of them at least, are in tune with public opinion. These people who have shown they have enough tesicular fortitude to go off-message, are not happy about the looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan as a result of President 'Dementia Joe' Biden’s hasty and ill - considered Afghanistan surrender — and happily instead of mumbling mealy mouthed and mild criticisms in the corridors of power they’re determined to let the world know all about it.
Under an August 18 headline that read: Parliament to hold Biden in contempt for obstructing their processes amid the chaos Tory (Conservative Party) members of Parliament blasted the Biden a for a gobsmacking level of
incompetence that has endangered not only Afghans and Americans stranded
behind enemy lines but also some of our own people.
“The UK government is now in a race against time to airlift nearly
2,000 Afghan interpreters and other staff who worked for Britain out of
Kabul amid a growing backlash at Joe Biden over his decision to stick to
his August 31 withdrawal deadline,†the U.K. Daily Mail reported on Wednesday.
The major UK newspaper said these interpreters have already cleared the Taliban’s security checks and are eligible to go home but now sit waiting at the Kabul airport.
They are among the 10,000 people reliable sources say are waiting for a flight out of the Afghan capita as turmoil threatens to destabilise that nation for the foreseeable future. The likely outcome of Dementia Joe's surrender to Islamic fundamentalists is a return to the war on terror as Muslim fanatics carry our terrorist attacks throughout the developed world, is not one any of us wants to see after a 20 year engagement in Afghanistan in an effort to help the nation progress from medievalism.
But Biden’s growing list of horrifying foul ups is encouraging extremists not just in Afghanistan but around the world, and for good reason.
Some MPs joined in the chorus of relentless criticism coming from politicians and media commentators in the U.S., condemning the president’s refusal to extend the exit
date for U.S. forces because Washington maintains that “an extension
would leave troops at too great a risk of attack from the Taliban or
Isis,†in the words of the Daily Mail.
In response to this refusal, some Conservative MPs have openly questioned Biden’s “intellectual fitness.†This is understandable as there was ample evidence that Joe Biden was in the middle stagest of senile dementia even before he was nominasted as the Dempocratic Party candidate in the 2020 US Presidential election.
Domestically, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has proven to be one of Biden's most vocal critics.
“He turned his back and walked away — an image that has come to
define him and his presidency,†McCarthy said during a Wednesday media
briefing, according to the New York Post.
“He turned his back on our own citizens stranded in Afghanistan, he’s
turned our back on our allies and partners, he’s turned his back on his
duties as commander in chief.â€
To make matters worse for the failing administration in Washington, the Daily
Mail pointed out the fact that Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken
seemingly blamed Americans for not leaving Afghanistan “fast enoughâ€
after being told to evacuate previously.
“For many years we have urged Americans not to travel there. We’ve
repeatedly asked Americans who are in Afghanistan to enroll [at the
Kabul Embassy],†he said.
“And since March of this year, we’ve sent 19 separate messages to
Americans enrolled in the embassy, encouraging them and then urging them
to leave the country. We’ve even made clear we would pay for their
But, as we’ve heard from Biden himself (or mole likely the people who write the comments he reads, badly, from his ever present autocue, he maintains that the poorly executed withdrawal was still a good idea, even going so far as saying he believes history will show in his favor.
It’s everyone’s fault but his, right? As well as being senile the man is clearly delusional, but then he was always an idiot even when in his prime. Who can forget the episode 33 years ago when he delivered almost word for word, a speech originally given by the then leader of the UK Labour Party Neil Kinnock
Now near the end of our evacuation missions, the U.K.’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab asserts the country’s
officials are working “as fast as [they] can†to ensure they can
evacuate as many Britons and people who worked for the UK military presence as possible.
Meanwhile, criticism from MPs still rages.
“If this does destroy Biden’s presidency, you have to question his fitness for the role,†MP Bob Seely told the Daily Mail.
“You have got to question Trump’s moral fitness for the role, but you
have got to address Biden’s intellectual fitness and health fitness for
the role.
“I’m sorry, he is just gaga … he doesn’t have a grip. How many slip-ups before people think, yep, he can’t do the job.â€
Another broadside came from MP Tom Tugendhat, a veteran of the War in Afghanistan.
"“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful.â€
And that sums up the Biden Presidency: As U.S. President and allegedly leader of the free world Joe biden is an embarrassment. Our rivals in China, Russia and the Islamic States must be rubbing their hands in glee.
Turkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt OffensiveTurkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt Offensive Conflict in Syria’s Idlib Province has escalated during the past week, with Turkish forces attacking the Syrian army and claiming to have killed over 50 soldiers. Russia, the main Syrian ally in the conflict, took the pressure off Assad and sent a clear message to Turkey’s President Erdogan by sending in warplanes to halt to Turkish assault ...
US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.
US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.
Leaked email: Senior OPCW Official Orders “Delete All Traces†Of Dissent On Douma Gas Attack Narrative ... The official narrative was designed to justify military intervention by US and NATO in Syria’s civil war, but western leaders were dissuaded fro, this course of action by Russia’s Putin and China’s President Xi. Later it was revealed that a minority report actually considered the facts, which pointed to the gas attack on Douma being a false flag attack carried out by forces attached to terrorist group Al Nusra.
US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia
Civilians in Yemen are still in the grip of a major humanitarian crisis as Saudi Arabia's war on the impoverished republic continues unabated. Shocking numbers are affected including 7 million civilians facing severe malnutrition, and 19 million out of the country’s 27 million population "in need of some form of aid.
In Escalating War Of Words, Saudi Crown Prince Calls Iran’s Ayatollah “New Hitler Of The Middle Eastâ€
Saudi Arabia’s powerful, and controversial, 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as we warned earlier in the year when he was elevated to his currrent status, has in a few months has made more local (and foreign) enemies than most of his predecessors accumulated over a lifetime, appears to have decided he does not need to wait any longer for the final war that will cement the global supremacy of his particularly unpleasant brand of Islamic extremism.
UK Government Accused Of Covering Up Saudi Arabia Funding Of TerrorismA new report commissioned by David Cameron before he resigned as Prime minister has highlighted links between recent terror attacks in the UK and the funding of UK mosques by the extremist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, which "is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted fundamentalist ideology." The report criticises Cameron's successor for "kowtowing" to Saudi Arabia's king by suppressing another government report into the funding of extremism in the UK.
White House Says It Will Fake "Chemical Weapon Attack" In Syria The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing "chemical weapon attacks". This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in "retaliation" for an upcoming staged "chemical weapon attack" ...
US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS And Saudi Arabia Bill To ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters In a rare outbreak of common sense, a bill barring the US Federal Government from giving money and weapons to child murdering terrorists like the head amputators, slave dealers and human organ noshers of ISIS and Al Nusra (Barack Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels',) garnered hardly any support from either the Democratic Perpetual War Party, or the Republican War Is Good Business Party.
Saudi Arabia Bids For Islamic Globalisation
soon after the suicide bomb at The Manchester Arena, I felt obliged to defriend someone on facebook, whom I have known online for around ten years. So what did this sweet lady, who writes books on medieval witchcraft and calls herself a pagan, do to piss me off? She showed herself to be a hypocrite by posting a whinge about people reacting with anger and 'hate' to this latest atrocity; "I'm all about compassion, I will not stand by and see Muslims victimised because of this." Oh yeah? And what about the dead and injured victimised by a muslim extremist?
What’s Really Happening With Saudi Arabia and Qatar Will Not Be Televised
While mainstream media is in a frenzy over what former FBI chief James Comey will say to a Congressional hearing about Donald Trump's alleged links with Russia and attempt to shut down an investigation into those links, the UK election, Islamic extremist terrorism, football's latest multi - million transfer deals, etc., as usual the really big story is hardly being reported. We bring you the story from The Anti Media,
EU Enlargement Commissioner Accuses Russia Of Flooding Europe With Migrants
We have learned that The European Union’s (EU) Enlargement Commissioner has claimed Russia is working to destabilize the continent by flooding it with migrants from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. This sounds like one of brussels' crazy and incompetent attempts to demonize Russia in the hope of eroding EU members opposition to the all out war the USA, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been pushing for ...
ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.
Syria's President Assad Makes A Fool Of US Reporter Michael Isikoff In Interview
The ISIS uprising in Syria was one of the spontaneous revolutions kicked off by a speech Barack Obama made in which he pledged America would support extremist groups that tried to effect regime change. Like most of Obama's actions it made promises Obama could not fulfill. With the exception of Tunisia, all the so called Arab Spring revolutions have failed ...
Russia Halts Cooperation With US In Syria, Will “Intercept Any Aircraft†In Russian Areas Of Operation As we digest the news that King Salaman of Saudi Arabia has replaced his nominated heir, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, with his son, 31 year-old Prince Mohammed bin Salman, prominent in the Wahhabi sect, the most fundamental and implacably anti Christian branch of Islam and a far more radical figure, whose most recent role in the Saudi hierarchy has seen him in charge of managing the brutal war waged by Saudi Arabia on Yemen.
Germany Foreign Minister Warns Qatar Crisis Could Lead To War As Qatar Asks Moscow For Support
German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel is worried that the blockade of air and sea ports in Qatar by Saudi Arabia and its Muslim extremist allies in the middle east could lead to a new regional war in the Gulf region. In an interview with Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, he said “There is a danger that this dispute could lead to warâ€
What’s Really Happening With Saudi Arabia and Qatar Will Not Be Televised
While mainstream media is in a frenzy over what former FBI chief James Comey will say to a Congressional hearing about Donald Trump’s alleged links with Russia and attempt to shut down an investigation into those links, the UK election, Islamic extremist terrorism, football’s latest multi – million transfer deals, etc., as usual the really big story is hardly being reported.
Saudi Arabia Launches Chemical Attack on Sana’a, Killing Civilians
Remember when the Assad regime in Syria was accused by Obama and his Sunni extremist friends of having launched a gas attact against “morderate†head amputators and human organ noshers. Remember the screeces of horror and outrage from ‘liberals’ in mainsteam media, the wailing and gnashing of teeth about what an utter monster Assad is? …
AS I reported in TCW Defending Freedomhere, Dr Sam White, a former partner in a Hampshire GPs’ practice, was suspended by NHS England after tweeting a resignation video in February explaining his concerns around Covid vaccination and what he felt about the government and NHS’s over-zealous response to the pandemic.
Now the independent Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) has ruled that there were no grounds for suspending Dr White – but he must still be gagged.
For the next 18 months, Dr White ‘must not use social media to put forward or share any views about the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated aspects’.
Dr White’s lawyers will appeal under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, although the law may be subject to conditions or restrictions necessary in a democratic society. Surely doctors should never be silenced in a democratic society? Dr White said: ‘If I lose my ability to speak freely so will other doctors.
‘I have been forced to agree that I will erase the video and any other Covid criticism from my Twitter and Instagram accounts.
‘In the wake of the Jane Barton issue [Jane Barton was dubbed “Dr Opiate†after 650 patients in her care died after she prescribed powerful painkillers] the Royal College of General Practitioners commented that doctors should feel able to report promptly systemic failings and that is what I did. So to be punished for that is confusing to say the least.’
The RCGP guide for whistleblowers states: ‘When a professional working in the NHS is aware that care is threatened, sub-standard or dangerous for whatever reason, they have a duty to make these concerns known and for those in charge to assess and, if necessary, act.’ ... Continue reading >>>
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk†and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.
French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion†French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.† reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.â€
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.
a href="">
University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk†and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.
French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion†French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.† reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.â€
The Democrat / Republican political puppets in the USA would be supported by European leaders including Prime Minister David Cameron in the UK, France's Francois Hollande and Germany's Angela Merkel who, even as I type, are preparing massive interventions in Libya and Iraq, both turned into chaotic and lawless failed states by previous US / European interventions There Is No Freedom Without Transparency
Facebook has for some time had a policy of removing text that the majority of people would consider racist. Now the social media site is now deleting and blocking comments that only one person at Facebook decides is "racist." The sinister, Orwellian reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already been witnessed across Europe. Even more disturbing, social media operators such as Facebook and Twitter appear to be collaborating with governments in the suppression of free speech. Facebook Declares War On Free Speech
Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and shed blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectually bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred year old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin. Many people would never dream of questioning authority; others see their interests as being served by supporting the abuse of authority, they are the ones who call the questioners 'conspiracy theorists'. Threats to Free Speech
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology Explains ‘How to Save the World, in Three Easy Steps’ Dr. Robert W Malone, MD has also raised concerns about the genetic vaccines and hinted that ivermectin is probably “safe and effective†against COVID-19:
“What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have signficant safety issues? This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.â€
Covid vaccines: Concerns that make more research essentialDOCTORS and scientists can behave at times like religious zealots, despite the noble aims of their professions. Heretics are not burned at the stake these days, but professionals marginalise and deride those who challenge their beliefs when these become a matter of faith (and self-interest) rather than science. And … Continue reading
Senior vaccine adviser repeatedly told to shut up after warning end of lockdown could be delayed Yet another accidental admission from the Health Fascists that the vaccines are not going to protect you from morte lockdowns and more scientific terrorism. In response let’s have more protests, more vcivil disobedience and more of everything that can be done to let the government know we will not surrender to fascism and make the … href="">Continue readin<ag
German Scientists Find How Broken Parts Of COVID-19 Vaccines Mutate To Trigger Blood Clots from Great Game India, May 28, 2021 German scientists have found out how the broken parts of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines branded as Covishield in India mutate to trigger blood clots in recipients. Scientists say the vaccine is sent into the cell nucleus instead of surrounding fluid, where parts of it break … Continue reading
Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London The once reliable news service run by Britain’s national broadcaster, The BBC along with other organisations involved in bthe UK’s broadcast and print media completely blanked last weekend’s biggest news story, instead choosing to focus on whether Boris Johnson acted improperly in financing the refurbishment of his official residence. Yes really. … Continue reading Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London Continue reading >>>
US Mass Vaccination Sites Close As Demand For Vaccine Plummets Important post by my friend Yo (Yolande) on today highlighting the falling demand for experimental DNA altering vaccines that will not stop us getting COVID-19 or spreading it. Yo writes: So I heard on the “News†this morning that 28% of the Population is “fully vaccinatedâ€, and now it’s in Decline…Meaning they’ve Tapped out … Continue reading >>>
Important post by my friend Yo (Yolande) on today highlighting the falling demand for experimental DNA altering vaccines that will not stop us getting COVID-19 or spreading it. Yo writes: So I heard on the “News†this morning that 28% of the Population is “fully vaccinatedâ€, and now it’s in Decline…Meaning they’ve Tapped out … Continue reading >>>
World Health Org. Advises Against Vaccine Passports While political leaders and globalist billionaires are busy talking up the case for the fascistic measure of introducingThe World Health Organization (WHO) the use of some for of digital “passport†for travel and according to extremist wish lists entry into sports events and concerts in arenas, theatre, restaurants, pubs and bars and any form of … Continue reading >>>
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Are the people to blame for the Covid spread – or are we using the wrong control measures?
As we near 100,000 deaths in the UK so far, the Covid-19 epidemic is still accelerating rapidly. The collective dogma, promoted by SAGE in the UK and the CDC across the pond, is that Covid is a flu-like virus transmitted in aerosols. However, current control measures against aerosols (which do seem to be preventing any influenza this year) are ineffective against Covid, short of locking people in their homes.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid? A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks
Former libertarian Congressman and thorn in the side of the political establishment, Ron Paul has blogged this week that items in several mainstream media news services have actually questioned key aspects of vaccine effectiveness narrative and threatened mandates and vaccine passports, particularly in respect of the controversial booster jabs now being pushed by politicians ans experts.
"Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the vaccines" Ron Paul's Liberty Report headlined an article on Wednesday 25 August. The blog text highlighted recent headlines in Bloomberg and BBC that contained unexpected criticism of and somewhat skeptical pushback against the 'consensus narrative'.
The first news article that Congressman Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams highlight is from Bloomberg.
Here's how the very unexpected Bloomberg article, which was published this past weekend, began:
Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others.
Though it is evident vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.
And the same day as the Bloomberg, there was this from UK government-funded BBC...
is now a serious question that has implications for whether children
should ever be vaccinated. And whether we use the virus or booster shots
to top up immunity in adults. Both have become contentious issues.
could be digging ourselves into a hole, for a very long time, where we
think we can only keep Covid away by boosting every year," Prof Eleanor Riley, an immunologist from the University of Edinburgh, told me.
A mere month ago such statements would only have been published on alt_news websites and would have quickly been dismissed by the mainstream as the work of 'conspiracy theorists.' Throughout the pandemic andespecially since the vaccine rol out began late last year Facebook, Twitter and other social media organisations have deleted accounts for far milder criticism of the vaccine narrative..
Such reports underscore just how 'experimental'
the products really are that this whole Vaccine Messiah narrrative is constructed around. Despite governments in a number of places now
mandating COVID-19 vaccines, with boosters just around the corner and
already being implemented in some places (with Israel having been
the first) on a mass scale. It is stretching our credulity to ask us to believe it is mere coincidence that with a claimed 98% of the population double vaxxed, Israel now has the highest poer capita rate of COVID infections in the developed world.
In the major liberal democracies of Western Europe and the anglosphere a growing number of public health officials working at the state level are worried that governments are not collecting enough accurate data about "breakthrough" infections (to use the fashoinable euphemistsm coined to avoid saying 'vaccine failure', yet in the USA the Biden Administration is relentlessly pushed ahead with plans to dole out booster shots, as well as other COVID policies a.nd keeping up its propaganda war on the unvaccinated, blaming them for stoking social tensions, the failure of vaccines and even, in one ridiculous report I read, for the chaotic reterat from Kabul.
The US government agency reposible for pandemic statistics, Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is now accused of deliberately undercounting 'breakthrough infection' numbers to prop up the narrative that only vaccines can protect against COVID. According to Politico,
49 states are now regularly sending CDC information on hospitalized
breakthrough patients. But a significant number have said that
they do not have the capacity to match hospital admission data with
patients' immunization records, causing states to rely on hospital
administrators to report breakthrough infections.
The result is data that is often inaccurate, based on estimated figures and missing critical details like which vaccine the consumer received .
The fact that the CDC
and public health departments across the country are still struggling to
collect data on breakthrough infections ought to be embarrassing,
considering the pandemic has hung around for 18 months at the time of writing,
and scientists have repeatedly warned about the necessity of being
prepared for the Omega Death Variant which is right around the corner, according to the latest fearmongering bollocks spouted by the Vaccine cult Idiot in Chief, Dr. Fauci.
“I think it would be really challenging [for the CDC] to interpret the results or to interpret the data when you have only some jurisdictions reporting [breakthrough infections],†said
Theresa Sokol, lead epidemiologist for Louisiana’s state public health
department, which is working closely with the CDC on studies of
breakthrough infections. “I know that there are some jurisdictions that
don't even have access to their vaccination data. They don't have the
authority or their permission.â€
Staying with the USA as the pandemic response having been Wadshington led largely because the vaccine manufactirers are Amerocan owned global corporations, last year, the CDC
allocated a small amount of money (reportedly "tens of
millions of dollars") to help U.S. states upgrade their systems (other democracies, under pressure from the World Health Organisation other nations followed suit. But the CDC
admits it will take years for the necessary upgrades to be made.
"Nothing has changed since the pandemic began,†one senior health official said. "We’re still dealing with this patchwork system — and it continues to fail us."
particular concern for health officials now is how rapidly the Delta
variant spreads, whether it is reducing the effectiveness of vaccines
and whether it causes a more severe disease. Tracking breakthrough
infections is a critical step toward arriving at all of these
Currently the
CDC is conducting a smaller study with a subset of states to examine
all of their breakthrough infections, including mild cases that don’t
send people to the hospital. The health authorities participating in this study have the ability to match lab reports with immunization
"We report what we have, but we know that it's
limited because it's based on a direct report from a provider — as
opposed to taking a data set of all hospitalizations and matching that
against our vaccine registry,†said Sokol, the Louisiana epidemiologist.
“We're not able to do that for hospitalization. We rely on individual
reports from hospitals. And some report well, others do not. So we know
that it's not complete."
“We don’t have a clear understanding of what the data actually says about the Delta variant, transmission and boosters,†one of those officials said.
A damning admission which confirms the US government (and probably others including UK, France and Germany,) are intentionally misleading their citizens about the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. To
be sure, deliberately under-counting breakthrough infections has its
advantages: for example, the governments can mask the number of
breakthrough infections reported, making the vaccines appear more
effective than they actually are, in order to support coercive measures to increase vaccine take up..
Former Congressman Ron Paul has highlighted this week that a handful of mainstream media articles have actually begun to break ranks in terms of questioning key aspects of vaccine effectiveness and mandates, particularly when it comes to the controversial boosters now being widely proposed.
"Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the vaccines" Wednesday's Liberty Report featured. A couple of recent headlines in Bloomberg and BBC were unexpected in terms the criticism reflected and somewhat skeptical pushback against the 'consensus narrative'.
The first news article that Congressman Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams highlight is from Bloomberg.
Here's how the very unexpected Bloomberg article, which was published this past weekend, began:
Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others.
Though it is evident vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.
And the same day as the BBG headline, there was this from UK government-funded BBC...
is now a serious question that has implications for whether children
should ever be vaccinated. And whether we use the virus or booster shots
to top up immunity in adults. Both have become contentious issues.
could be digging ourselves into a hole, for a very long time, where we
think we can only keep Covid away by boosting every year," Prof Eleanor Riley, an immunologist from the University of Edinburgh, told me.
mere month or more ago such statements found in these couple of
mainstream media articles would get a person possibly suspended from
Facebook or Twitter.
But they underscore just how 'experimental'
the whole scenario is, despite governments in a number of places now
mandating COVID-19 vaccines, with boosters just around the corner and
already being implemented in some places (with Israel previously being
the first) on a mass scale.
Soon we could see health officials pushing a second booster, a third, and on and on it will go... maybe instead of seeing organised hate mobs of vaxxed people ganging up to attack the unvaxxed in internet comment threads, next year we will see the triple vaxxed blaming the double vaxxed for the failure of vaccines, masks and social distancing to end the pandemic. Clearly the people behind this vast propaganda campaign are becoming deperate. The longer the pandemic is strung out the more sceptical people become. And the more sceptical people are the harder it gets to sell them the idea than only by compliance with the fascistic diktat of control freak politicians can we hope to regain the rights and freedoms that have been taken from us in the name of saving us from a highly infectious killer disease that our own observations should tell us does not infect most people and kills only those who are very old or already very sick.
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Have Mainstream Media Seen Through Facebook And Google At Last
Mainstream media has seen through Google and Facebook at last, it seems. For years print and broadcast news have heaped praise on digital media while tech corporations like Google and Facebook censored content and filtered their rivals pages out of search results.
Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
Following their apparently delusional belief in the "success" of Tuesday night's violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting "Democracy Spring" threatening "drama in Washington" with the "largest civil disobedience action [in the USA] of the century."
France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
I have little time for people who yell 'conspiracy theory'. These emotionally crippled, intellectually retarded, conformity addicted, delusional, left leaning, low - information sucklers of Nanny State's bitter pap might fancy themselves the voices of reason but in reality they never think anything through.
German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech
A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist†anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.
Free Speech Is Being Murdered By The Media And Left Wing Authoritarianism Without free speech there is no democracy. Without democracy there is no freedom. But all over the developed world free speech is under attack from politically correct politics. It is time to start resisting, do not believe the propaganda published by mainstream media, question everything and make up your own mind. as The Buddha said, "Believe nothing you read or are told unless it agrees with your own experience and common sense."
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press
Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.
Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.
Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds
The centralization of power over the past few decades in nations of the developed world has led to the evolution of a sociopathic managerial class formed mainly from the old petite bourgoisie who have now gravitted to public sector careers where their delusions of social status and the unaccountability of office lead them to abuse such power as they have.
Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.
Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.
So Who Is Anti - science? Those Who Question Climate Change Or Those Who Would Abolish Free Speech
It was looking as if the global warming scare was dead, then that Nazi shit Barack Obama, seeing his dream of being President Of The World slipping away, gave his science whores enough money to enable them to kick some life back into it. Now the "science" lobby, unable to put together an convinging argument against their challengers are demanding the abolition of free speech.
New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain - Guardian editor accused of treason
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists, call them The Illuminati, New World Order, Scientific Dictatorshgip, Global Elite, whatever. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.
How academic debate is suppressed on science topics like Climate Change, GMOs, Pesticides and Toxicity of medicines Intellectual intolerance and the supposed superiority of the scientific education have led not just to the politiciisation of science but to it's being seduced by corporate money and political power. Science was ever fascism's whore of course and the egos of scientists are easily bought. This has led to a very unhealthy emergence of dogmas and orthodoxies and an intolerance of the dissent that is essential if scientific research is to have any credibility.
Phobophobia - Fear Of Being called Phobic?
Homophobia is not fear of homosexuals but fear of thec same thing which does not make sense. Just as politically correct thinking uses the word bigot nonsensically so it's accusations of phobia are irrational - as irrational as the groundless fear familiar to those who suffer the recognized medical conditions called phobias.
The Importance Of Free Speech And A Free Press
Politicians around the developed world including leaders of the two most powerful democracies, Barack Obama and David Cameron have been falling over themselves to join the attack on free speech. On subjects as diverse as climate…
How fast does Covid vaccine protection wear off? New data from the Zoe Covid Study, published today, tries to quantify the extent to which the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines wane over time. It’s a comprehensive study that accounts for PCR test data from over a million double-jabbed people. The results? After roughly six months, Pfizer protection against symptomatic illness fell from 88 per cent to 74 per cent. For AstraZeneca, it was a dip from 77 to 67 per cent after around five months.
It’s important to note what, specifically, this study is measuring. It is a look at infections, not serious illness. In this sense, today’s study isn’t a matter of questioning whether or not vaccines work (on the most important factor, reducing hospitalisations and deaths, evidence continues to suggest protection remains strong), but rather how we should understand the Covid data, and what it means going into the winter months.
Much of how this virus works remains a mystery. But the first country to vaccinate its way out of a Covid emergency, Israel, is now also the first country to be turning out data as to how those vaccines are holding up. Results there are similar to today’s findings. Last month, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla reported that data from Israel showed efficacy against preventing infection fell from over 95 per cent to closer to 85 per cent. In this week’s Spectator magazine, out tomorrow, Anshel Pfeffer looks at Israel’s fourth wave, which is being fuelled by the arrival of the Delta variant.
It’s impossible to draw a direct comparison between Israel's experience and the UK’s: we have been dealing with the Delta variant for months now, and also decided to leave a longer gap between the first and second vaccine jabs which may create stronger immunity against the virus. But Israel's experience, as a jabbed country encountering another wave, serves as a reminder that assumptions made earlier this year – that vaccines might bring about a spectacular fall in cases as well as hospitalisations – are now being challenged.
According to Pfeffer, Professor Ran Balicer, who heads the expert committee advising the Israeli health ministry on the pandemic, thinks ‘British colleagues are coming around to our assessment that it has gone down to about 42 per cent effectiveness against infection. We’re still not clear on the effectiveness against illness, but it’s above 80 per cent’. The lead author of today’s study, Professor Tim Spector, (who runs the Zoe Covid symptom app) has said ‘a reasonable worst-case scenario could see protection below 50 per cent for the elderly and healthcare workers by winter’.
If infection protection falls to anything like Professor Balicer’s assessment, this would have major implications for the UK’s Covid policy come winter. ... Read full article >>>
Australia has introduced probably the most oppressive anti COVID measures in the world, yet with few large population centres and a widely distributed population in rural areas Australians were probably at much lower risk than Europeans or Americans.That did not stop the crooks and liars who draw big fat consultancy fees for giving the government "scientific advice" (though there is more science in the steam off a mouse's piss that all that lot could muster between them,) that led to Australian cities and states being put on lockdown due to a handful of "cases" even though nobody got sick.
More than 250 people were arrested during protests against coronavirus lockdowns in Australia last weekend. Many will face fines for defying health orders, authorities said. At
least seven police officers were treated for injuries after skirmishes
broke out at some of the protests, which took place in cities
nationwide.The largest and most violent protest was in Melbourne.
Sydney has been in lockdown for two months, while Melbourne and the capital Canberra went into lockdown earlier this month. Under Australia's lockdown rules people are confined to their homes for all but essential activities and have limits placed on social interactions.
Despite the measures, Sydney’s New South Wales state reported a record 825 new daily community infections on Saturday. Several cities are battling outbreaks of the highly controversia Delta variant which is allegedly more deadly and more readily transmissible than the original strain, but actually has never been proved to exist. The "science" that gave us Delta Variant is as dodgy as a nine dollar bill.
Protesters claim that the restrictions have not curbed the spread of COVID and are calling for lockdowns to end, but authorities say they are necessary to
suppress the spread of the virus in mathematical models and thus save models of many human lives lives.
Melbourne, a crowd of about 4,000 protesters indulged in civil disobedience. Victoria state police arrested 218
people and issued more than 200 fines. Six
Victoria state police officers needed hospital treatment hospital and three people were held and charged with assaulting police. Officers used
pepper spray on several people, saying in a statement they were left
with no choice.
Soros Sponsored "Democracy Spring" Launches Program Of Civil Disobedience
So there you have it, the 'radical left' are sponsored by one of the nastiest, greediest corporate capitalists ever, a shameless advocate of global totalitarian government proposed by theelistist socialist group The Fabian society over a hundred years ago and towards which these supporters of 'oligarchical collectivism' have been working ever since.
In Parallel With The Upheaval In European Politics, A Similar Cataclysm Is Happening In The USA
Having reported for three or four years now the rise of the anti - Integration parties in European Union member nations, UKIP in Britain, the FN in France, AfD in Germany, Denmakr's Peoiple's Party, Five Star and the Liga Nord in Italy, the Sweden Democrats and others in every E U member state, we now look at what is going on in the USA as campaiging for the presidential election gathers pace.
War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide
More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.
EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr Is Typical Of The EU’s Contempt For Democracy
Martin Selmayr – would you buy a used car from this man? (Image: Daily Mail) The former Prime Minister of little Luxembourg (population less than Leicester,)Jean-Claude Juncker who now struts the world stage as if he is important, has worked one of the slimiest political stitch ups ever to ensure his favourite sycophant and chief … Continue reading
Re-Branding Dissent - The Quiet Destruction Of Democracy
Many people, all the contributors to this publication among them, fear that democracy is being destroyed. OK, OK, hipsters will say but ‘we’ve never had democracy’, or, ‘it was destroyed long ago’, but left wing deceit aside, I think its worth actually thinking about how, many forms of democratic expression, effective dissent and peaceful self-determination are being outlawed and abolished in a sustained attack on free speech and civil rights.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
Obama's Terrible Trade Pact Is a Scam That Must Be Stopped Says Jim Hightower
Having written a book on the evil trade treaty that will transform the democratic nations into corporate oligarchies, we step aside and hand the baton to Jim Hightower of Alternet who is equally outraged about the iniquities of TTIP's equally evil twin, TPP.
Google Has Become A Threat To Democracy
Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: “To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith in the way people traditionally felt about the king.†Wu was right. … Continue reading
Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.
Democracy: Does It have A Future Or Has Global Totalitarianism Won?
The General Election in Greece (January 2014) could have much wider effects than most elections in small nation, the vote could decide the future of the European Union and have a major breaing on whether democracy can survive the push towards government by a global, corporate oligarchy. It look like being an interesting few months if the anti - EU party wins as polls suggest they will.
Democracy Hating Leftie Judges Choose Self Interest Over Justice
Yesterday judges in the UK High Court joined the band of traitors in Parliament, the Civil Service, the Bank of England and the media who are trying to overturn the democratic vote to take Britain out of the European Union. The judges ruled in favour of a challenge to the vote, even though it has … Continue reading
Greece Votes On Whether Its People Have Any Future
The voters of Greece will choose today, whether their country, the cradle of democracy, has a future of not. They are voting in a general election which could result in Greece trying to renegotiate the terms of its bailout with international lenders and even quitting the EU if the expected victory for hard line left wing party Syriza.
The leader of Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, has pledged to write off much of Greece's huge debt and revoke austerity measures ...
Luxembourg defends massive corporate tax dodging
Over the past week the whole media circus, mainsteam and broadcast, new media, bloggers, the world and his dog, was getting excited about the revelation that traditional tax haven but also founder member of the EU, Luxembourg has been facilitating wholesale corporate tax dodging and this 'business' was given the all clear by the then Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy,
European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.
While the left try to win elections by creaming 'racist' and 'bigot' at anyone who disagrees with their pro - EU, pro - globalisation, immigrant - loving, gay - loving, paedophile loving authoritarian agenda, thus pissing off the social class who make up the Labour Party's core vote, the thinkers amongs us are seeing the European Federalisation, Agenda 21, Global Government project for what it ius ... Adolf Hitler's dream come to fruition
Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right
Corporate powers and the United Nations are planning on privatising water resources including rainfall, yes you did read that right, privatising the rain. The CEO of food processing bastards Nestlé spoke of the plan last year when he said companies like his had a right to make money from sellling OUR water, now those Stalinisdt shits at the United Nations and The World Bank are planning to steal the stuff life depends on.
Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy
When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourtners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?
Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell's '1984'
Perpetual war, shadowy secret governments and a constant tide of propaganda aimed at inducing a state of fear and paning in the population. A synopsis for a new dramatic production of George Orwell's '1984' the paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists or an accurate picture of what is happening in our world? Read the articles and others on this site and make up your own minds.
Immigration has long been an issue that divides those within the political bubble, and the virtue signallers who keep that bubble inflated, from 'we the punters.' The bubble dwellers and virtue signallers see only an opportunity to gain kudos for their globalist, integrationist, all - embracing decency in supporting unlimited, uncontrolled immigration. We the people, on the other hand, see the downside of mass immigration ghettoization of certain community, inter - racial and sectarian tensions and a weakening of social cohestion.
This article from Comment Central persuasively argues the case for strict enforcement of immigration laws and border controls.
Jayne Adye, Director of Get Britain Out, questions why, mere months after we fully left the EU behind, many are already calling for foreign workers to be brought in to fill job shortages, and argues companies must introduce fairer wages in order to fill these job with British workers.
As we continue to adjust to our new normal outside the EU, we have undoubtedly faced challenges including in the employment market where a number of factors, including the so-called 'pingdemic', have resulted in a shortage of workers in some sectors, for example HGV drivers, hospitality staff, fruit and vegetable pickers, as well as healthcare workers.
However, recent weeks have seen a number of commentators and politicians claiming the UK must open up our new immigration system to allow an influx low-wage migrants from inside the EU to fill job gaps in the affected industries. While there is no doubt these industries have suffered because the number of low-wage workers from EU countries has reduced as a result of Brexit, are we really saying this is a bad thing, which should now be reversed because it is possible companies will have to pay a fairer wage to Britons who have struggled for years to get on the job ladder?
Instead of rushing to bring in more foreign workers, why are we not prioritising training more critical workers to ensure we are more self-sufficient. For example, at the moment the Army is helping to cover the shortage of haulage drivers. This is something which should be able to continue for the duration of a government-led recruitment drive to get more Britons trained to do these jobs. Not only would this help stabilise our economy by getting more people into work and perhaps off claiming benefits, it would also help protect us from this happening again in the future when foreign workers return to their own countries.
Our exit from the EU should provide a key opportunity to reset the mentality of many in this country. Instead of seeking cheap imported labour, companies should be encouraged to take on apprentices, train young people and those who have been out of work for long periods. .... Continue reading >>>
Why Accepting Illegal Immigrants Is Not Going To Help Them Celebrities, 'influencer', woke idiots and far left political groups are creating a chorus of catawauling complaints about the deportation of illegal immigrants who are crossing The English Channel from France in increasing numbers. But will accepting them only encourage more to come and be exploited by people trafficking ccrime gangs? This article lifts the lit on the illegal immigrants racke
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
In the case of Europe's immigration crisis, much of the fear and loathing is being caused by Muslim males. Most Europeans do not have a problem with foreigners or dark skinned people who are willing to obey the laws and accept local customs and traditions. And one tradition we in the nations that emerged from European cultures is the common understanding that if a woman goes out alone, with arms and legs showing and face and hair uncovered, it does not mean she is up for having rough sex
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.
Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.
Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.
London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.
Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel
It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so - called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid? A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony, the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizents that the only way they can be sasfe from vague and largely fictitious "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny ...
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.
Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
Is this in line to equal the Gilet Jaunes protests which went on for 16 months (until COVID came along)
In cities and towns across France hundreds of thousands of people again took to
the streets last weekend to protest against Emmanuel Macron’s fascistic health
passport mandate. An estimated 175,000 people were involved in 220 separate demonstrations throughout the nation on Saturday, with an estimated 14,700 mobilising in Paris against
the so-called ‘pass sanitaire’ (health passport), which is now required
for many aspects of normal life in the country. As with protests in the USA, UK and elsewhere in Europe the figures cited in mainstream media reports are likely to be significantly underestimated.
Aside from the main event in Paris, approximately 9,500 marched in the southern
city of Montpellier, 4,000 in Strasbourg on the German Borderr, and 3,400
in the western city of Bordeaux, with smaller protests in eery major population centre across the nation, according to the public broadcaster France24.
The Yellow Vest (Gillet Jaune) affiliated group Le Nombre Jaune, however, claimed that a total of 357,100 were on the streets “at a minimum†and that honest reporting would expose the official narrative that the government's anti COVID measures are popular will all but an extremist fringe.
Earlier this month in France a law requiring citizens to present a vaccine passport to enter into bars, cafes, and restaurants,
including those with outdoor seating. The requirement has also been
imposed on long-distance travel including buses, trains, and aeroplanes. Opponents of Macron's authoritarian regime see this as a gross infringement of their personal liberty and constitutional rights.
The 'passe sanitaire' records whether an individual has either had two
doses of a coronavirus vaccine, a negative antigen test within the past
72 hours, or proof of recovery from the Chinese virus within the past
six months.
French police have been seen patrolling outdoor cafes in Paris, demanding to see customer’s health papers, and footage on social media has shown supermarkets refusing people who did not have the pass. These oppressive measures have angered the population with even many vaccinated people objecting to the authoritarianism.
The dictatorial health law, pushed through by President Emmanuel Macron without proper consideration in the national assembly, has
also mandated that children as young as twelve years old will need to
present a health pass to take part in everyday activities by September.
Businesses that fail to comply with the new laws face fines of up to €45,000 (£38,090/$52,826)
as well as a possible prison sentence of one year. Citizens who fail
to produce their health papers face fines of €135 (£114/$158) for their
first offence and up to €9,000 (£7,618/$10,565) for repeat offenders.
On Thursday, France’s Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said
that restaurants that “do not play the game†of enforcing health
passports will be prohibited from receiving state aid meant to help
struggling businesses during the lockdown-induced economic crisis.
If ever there was a country heading for civil war .....................
France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination 21 July 2021: French protests call for ‘freedom’ amid government vaccine push 17 July 2021: Reprots of numerous protests, with the total number of protestors involved estimated at over 1 million, marched in numerous cities and urban areas across France on Saturday. They were protesting against against President Emmanuel Macron’s authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health …
Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war†caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity. Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers†threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,†a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime ...
Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop “Submersion†Of France Via Mass ImmigrationMarine Le Pen, leader of the French Rassemblement National (National Rally) has called for a referendum on immigration policy to stop what she called the “submersion†of France via a “globalist†program of mass immigration. Speaking in a debate on problems caused by mass immigration, Le Pen told the French Parliament that the political establishment had betrayed French people ...
The Islamic Republic Of France
France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online, the ruling class have been also accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she allegedly insulted Islam online.
General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies France has been closer to social breakdown than the political establishment in the EU and their mainstream media sock puppets will ever admit since the the gilets jaunes demonstrations at their height nearly torched Paris and other cities. It would be a mistake to think, as television news bulletins and large circulation newspapers have suggested …
French police drag Yellow Vest “protesters†away from Bastille Day parade as they jeer Macron As Mr Macron was riding by at the start of the parade, he was greeted by people in the crowds who turned their backs, booed and whistled. Before the parade, he delivered a message to the French people and said he wanted to highlight France’s “irrevocable commitment to consolidate French and European securityâ€.
Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.
Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.
Ghosts Of ’68 Threaten Macron’s Technocratic Dream.
The idealistic hope that mass protests and civil disobedience could trigger real social change met with some success in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but looked to have died after the USA’s 1960s civil rights movement and anti – war protests. The recent mass demonstrations of Frane’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) movement in 2018, a movement … Continue reading
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You know things are bad with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines†and the plandemic agenda when even The New York Times is sounding the alarm about surging infections due to widespread vaccine compliance.
The more people get injected, the Times now admits, the more
they are testing “positive†for Fauci Germs, in many cases requiring
hospitalization. How can this be when the jabs are supposed to be the
“cure†for covid?
The answer, of course, is that Fauci Flu shots cure nothing and
actually cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), an unnatural immune
response that makes it easier for the Chinese Virus to enter cells.
Vaccine-induced ADE makes a person more at risk of getting sick from the Wuhan Flu while doing absolutely nothing to build immunity. It is the exact opposite of what is needed to put a stop to the Chinese Virus once and for all.
Using Israel, one of the world’s most vaccinated countries, as an example, the Times explains that the daily case rate is spiking to astronomical levels thanks to the injections.
“I believe we are at war,†announced Israeli coronavirus commissioner
Prof. Salman Zarka during a recent parliamentary committee meeting.
Once propped up on the world stage as a shining example of how “safe
and effective†Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines are, Israel now
serves as a cautionary tale of what not to do in the midst of a pandemic.
The latest excuse, however, blames “waning†immunity, which the
“experts†claim can be fixed if the “fully vaccinated†line up to get
their “booster†injections as soon as possible.
The claim is that the injections from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp
Speed†program are simply not effective at treating the “delta†variant –
though many would contend that the shots are responsible for spawning
and spreading the delta variant. ... Continue reading >>>
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Bill Gates creating deadly, global vaccine empireVaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction Being a former computer professional from back when we had to know how the things worked to program them, Bill Gates was always the incompetent amateur who got a big leg up because of his CIA connections and then made 'not fit for purpose' acceptable quality. Now this half witted shyster is playing a big role in formulating United Nations eugenics policy
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.â€
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar. Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On? The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health. Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
GM babies? How About The Frankenstein Lobby Try A Bit Of Honesty And Call It Eugenics As the British Parliament debated legalising the use of techniques to create three parent babies and the dishonest champions of scientific fascism claim is is a perfectly safe development to remove faulty genes from humanity and in no way similar to programs with the same aim carried out in Nazi Germany, we challenge them to be honest and admit what they propose is Eugenics, a morally repugnant quest to create a master race. And all three main political parties support it.
Transhumanism: With A Chip Under Your Skin You Will Be Superhuman - maybe. We seem to be talking a lot about transhumanism, the process of turing us into human - animal or human -machine hybrids recently. The Daily Stirer thinks such technological visions are nothing more than the fantasies of sick minds, but politicians and corporate leaders, ever eager for more power and control, seem willing to stump up infintie funding.
Transhumanism: Eugenics By Any Other Name Still Smells As Evil We have said many times that the science community is at war with humanity. Scientists are out of control, evry day we hear of some new scheme to try to control nature, be it human nature or the climate. Given what we ought to have learned from all previous attempts to control nature we can only conclude that scientists are insane psychos willing to risk destroying life to show off how clever they are.
Have Humans Turned The World Into A Technological Monster We Cannot Control? An insightful article from which questions the uses new technology is being put to and questions the wisdom of forcing such rapid technological change on human societies which cannot possibly adapt as such a pace
There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in cheek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...
Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and she blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectuially bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred vyear old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin.
'The culture war may well be a distraction from the important issues of the day'
Andrew Doyle Published sunday 22 August 2021 - 19:07 Last updated sunday 22 August 2021 - 21:07
The one thing that all culture warriors have in common is that they are wasting our time. While they’re busy waging their war against social liberalism and free speech, trying to divide us all up according to group identity and inadvertently undoing all the achievements we’ve made since the civil rights movements of the 1960s, there are actual problems in the world.
We have a crisis of homelessness in the UK, we have unjustifiable levels of economic inequality, we have an education system that is failing our young, and all of this is getting worse thanks to this new religion of identity politics. And anyone who points this out, who takes a critical stance against culture warriors, is accused of stoking a culture war. Which is a bit like a sniper blaming his target for the loss of his bullet.
The problem is that if we just ignore the culture warriors, they won’t just disappear. They’ll win. And then all those other things we care about: equality, education, art, the media, liberal values – all of these will crumble. The culture war, in other words, is a distraction, but we can’t afford to be complacent about what it will do to our society if we don’t take a stand.
A lot of it does seem silly though, doesn't it? This week, for instance, a fish and chip shop owner in London was subject to online protests from activists because of the shop’s name.
Jack the Chipper. Recep Turhan opened his first chip shop in Whitechapel, which as we know is the location of the Jack the Ripper murders, but when he opened a second one in Greenwich, activists were furious. Why? Because they claim that Turhan is glorifying a Victorian serial killer.
Look, Jack the Ripper was a long time ago. 1888 to be precise. If comedy is tragedy plus time we really don’t need to worry about this, do we? It’s not like he called the shop “Harold Chipmanâ€, which I admit would be in poor taste. Jack the Ripper, whoever he was, was obviously a vile human being and the deaths of his victims was utterly tragic, but calling a chip shop Jack the Chipper isn’t endorsing his actions. I can’t even believe I’m saying this.
But this is precisely what I’m talking about. It doesn’t really matter that some activists are up in arms over a chip shop. They WOULD know about chips, of course, having such massive ones on their shoulders. ... Continue reading >>>
Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading
Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure
The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.
Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake
A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage†on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.
Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are
How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people's identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite
The politics of the left is the politics of insanity, we have been reporting on this for fifteen years (nine as The Daily Stirrer, before that as Little Nicky Machiavelli. And things are getting worse rather than improving. Every day we hear of some new politically correct idiocy from government or from NGOs set up … Continue reading
Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.
Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It's OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict ...
13-year-old fights school policy allowing ‘trans girls’ into girls’ changing room
February 7, 2020 (Paul Smeaton, LifeSiteNews) – A 13-year-old UK girl is taking her local council to court after it issued guidance that would allow boys who identify as “transgender girls†to access girls’ bathrooms, changing rooms, and dormitory rooms on student trips.
The guidance was issued last year as part of the Oxfordshire County Council’s “Trans Inclusion Toolkit for School 2019†project.
Transgender bullying is scaring respectable old organisations into silence
For years Katie Alcock had helped The Guide movemeny run Brownie and Girl Guide groups in her hometown, Lancaster. Then suddenly she was fired. The reason given in a statement by Girlguiding was that Dr. Alcock, had violated its policies on equality and diversity. Her offence was to suggest that science is correct and fashionable virtue signalling wrong, that people born male must be welcomed by a female-only organisation and, for instance, share tents or bathrooms with adolescent girls.
Oxford Academics Turn On Gay BLT Propagandists For Pushing Unscientific Claims
‘More than 30 Oxford academics have blasted Stonewall for pushing ‘tendentious and antiscientific claims’ in the trans awareness training it gives to universities according to a report in The Sunday Times (a more sensationalized version of the same story appears in The Daily Mail if you are blocked by The Times paywall). The professors and lecturers have taken issue with Oxford University’s compulsory training programme on Gay, Lesbian and Transgender issues ...
Kid's Company Financial Scandal Shows Politicians Are Too Naive For The Real World
The financial scandal that emerged after the collapse of Kid's Company, the 'charity' founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh and supported by in turn, Labour, Coalition and Conservative Governments is a perfect illustration of corruption in the public sector and the folly of outsourcing government responsibility to self - interested privateers.
Tacit Approval From US Liberals For Islamic Indoctrination In US Schools.
Some schools in US State Of Virginia are closed today, because parents objected to Islamic indoctrination by the state education system. The US Constitution's clauses on the separation of church and state forbid the promotion of any specific religious teaching, in fact US liberals tend to get their knickers in a twist over signs in classrooms that show the motto "In God we trust."
Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate.
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
The title is a question more and more people are asking as it becomes more obvious every day that the overhypeed vaccines which, according to the narrative, are supposed to be the Messiah that will save us from destruction are not doing what it says on the box.
All sorts of excuses are being made by disciples of the Vaccine-Messiah cult, but few contain feasible answers, and a piece posted on by someone describing himself as Gideon M-K, health nerd is no exception. This is no surprise as Mr. Gideon M-K is one of those weirdos who conflates science with mathematics. Under the heading "Base rates, denominators, and some really basic epidemiological maths," he states:
As the world slowly limps forward from the battering of a global pandemic into a post-vaccine world, there’s a common, and very understandable question being asked across the globe. Why, if vaccines work, are we seeing more and more people getting sick after being immunized against Covid-19? Shouldn’t we all be protected now that we’ve been jabbed in the arm?
And if you look at the figures, it’s absolutely true — in many places where lots of people are vaccinated, most coronavirus infections are among people who have been immunized. This seems to contradict the well-demonstrated fact that vaccines prevent up to 95% of symptomatic disease, and are incredibly effective at stopping you from getting Covid-19.
What’s going on here? Allow me to introduce you to a simple cognitive twist called the base rate fallacy, and go back to the First Commandment of Epidemiology: Thou Shalt Always Remember The Denominator (read full article).
And then what does the author do? He promptly forgets or ignores the advice he has just given us.
First Commandment states, "Thou shalt always remember the denominator," so what does the authors do? Promptly forgets the inconvenient fact that the denominator in this case is the entire population.
In UK so far of a population of 67 million, there have been less than 6 million cases. If we take that at face value, ignoring factors like the high number of false positives and the numbers of people who tested positive twice, that is still less than 10%, the vast majority of whom were asymptomatic.
Thus, in a pandemic of a "highly infectious killer virus" that has been rampaging through society for eighteen months we are looking at a situation in which over 90% of us either have full natural immunity or at least have a good level of natural resistance if not full immunity.
And of those who become ill, full recovery rates from around the developed world are consistently over 95%.
Then when we look at the statistics on who has died we find the vast majority are very old, had one or more co-morbidities or both. . When the actual (rather that cherry picked) numbers are looked at, the only reason for getting these experimental vaccines is fear.
Like most other pro vaccine propaganda posted on the web the figures here are pure scaremongering. Propagandists will use all sort of false assumptions to back up their case but the simple logic is this: As you may have guessed I am not vaccinated in spite of the scaremongering, bullying from my doctor and the National Health Service and coercive threats from politicians. And I have not been troubled by the virus.
Let's suppose I gave in and got vaccinated tomorrow: two years down the line, if I have still not been ill with COVID, the vaccine propagandista will claim the vaccine saved me from serious illness or death but in fact it is not possible to know if I would have remained COVID free had I remained unvaccinated.
The writer uses another popular but false example, confusing coincidence with correlation in a paragraph on seat belt use. Over 90% of drivers wear seatbelts but nearly 50% of road traffic accident deaths involve people who are not wearing a belt he tells us. Nothing wrong with the figures but again the interpretation gives a skewed picture of the effectiveness of belts.
I have worn a belt since it became a legal requirement in, I think, 1976ish. My bother, sister and brother in law are also long term belt wearers who have driven well over the UK average mileage per year and none of us has ever been hurt in, or even had a moving traffic accident. It this because we wear seat belts? No it's because although we all drive powerful cars and have a cavalier attitude to speed limits when conditions permit, we are safe drivers. Could it be that the higher death rate among those who do not wear belts is because they are not safe drivers rather than that they are not wearing belts. Or maybe that their reluctance to wear the belt is linked to a generally reckless approach to road safety when driving?
Susceptibility is a key factor in all analysis of the effectiveness of drugs against disease but because it is difficult to know what proportion of people are not susceptible in most cases, this factor is ignored because it totally destroys the marketing narrative of the Big Pharma cartel members, corporate entities which are not in the business of "saving lives" as they wold have us believe, but of selling us more drugs, vaccines and therapies. I do not suspect Mr. Gideon M-K of being employed to spread Big Pharma propaganda (they pay governments to do that,) but he has bought into the propaganda narrative and is maimlining lies, fake science and fraudulent statistics.
COVID – 19, Statistics and Lies COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense The TV news and radio bulletins and the printed front pages of mainstream media (MSM) have, every day since the outbreak of the Coronavirus variant known as COVID19, gleefully reported the daily deaths from the disease, using these shockingly high (but still lower than the kill rate of seasonal …
For every 3 COVID19 deaths lockdown may have caused 2 more - Official The 4 month lockdown imposed by government on the advice of "scientists" whose mathematical models of reality predicted 500,000 deaths from a virus that realists in the medical profession said poses almost zero risk to healthy people under the age of seventy, may have indirectly caused 16,000 excess deaths in two months, according to government analysts.
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Twitter Thought Police Will Ban Anyone Who Repeatedly Tells Truth About COVID Vaccine
In future anyone who “repeatedly posts misleading informationâ€
about SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be put on a watch
list and given five chances to chaine their opinion or self – censor
their comments and opinions before being permanently banned from the
social media platform, the company recently announced. A True to form
however, … Continue reading
Back in February 2020, when we were just starting to hear reports that a previously unknown killer virus that had been on the loose in The Peoples Republic Of \China for a few months had escaped and was set to rampage around the world infecting everybody and killing hundreds od milions according to the more sensationalist type of tabloid newspapers and left wing TV , radio and internet news channels, a holiday company named Princess Cruises found itself thrust into the spotlight when an outbreak of COVID-19 on the cruise line's Diamond Princess
caused the ship to be put into quariantine.
Out of 2,600 people on board the ship, 700 were infected with the SARS-COV2 virus that
causes COVID-19, and more than a dozen died. At one point, the ship had
the highest concentration of coronavirus cases outside China. SHOCK HORROR style headlines led news reports of the ship's plight and the casual viewer / listener / reader could be forgiven for assuming that all on board the ship were doomed.
Statistics are slippery things of course and the news reports gave a vastly exaggerated picture of the situation. establishing a patter that has continued through the pandemic. So let's apply a bit of perspective. First when the reports mention that 700 people were infected, that does not mean that 700 go sick. It means 700 out of 2,600 tested positive. Anyone who has followed the pandemic as this blog has will be aware that around 90% of "cases" are asyptomatic, which means the person developed no symptoms. So if we dig deep into the reports (a task we set ourselves when we started blogging in 2003 on another platform,) we find that 250something people were actually ill (around 10%) and 12 died ( which is around one half of one percent, roughly in line with the infection to fatality rate (IFR) observed worldwide.
Since then it has emerged that 99% of COVID deaths occurred in people over the age of 75 or who were already seriously ill with other potentially fatal problems (obesity, heart failure, diabetes etc.) So the panic that was partially triggered by the saga of The Diamond Princess was based on hideously distorted statistics. And putting the ship in quarantine was pointless too as the disease jumped ship or was already widespread when the story of the Diamond Princess broke, and continued to spread around the world.
"The quarantine process failed,"
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told American newspaper USA
TODAY. Quite how it failed is not clear, as only an idiot who knows nothing about how viruses spread would ever sugggest a disease could be confined aboard one ship.
Shortly after passengers disembarked, another Princess ship, and with COVID-19 cases reported on other cruise ships, the U.S. cruise business was shut down for over a year.
About 16 months after the cruise industry was shuttered, the Carnival cruise line is back in service with a vaccine requirement in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But have the lessons learned by cruise operators, scientists and healthcare agencied been the right ones, or have these groups been fooled by the distortions of their own narrative?
are three ways the quarantine could have failed , according to
Bahrat Pankhania, public health lecturer at the University of Exeter.
First, some passengers may have beenincubating the disease before the ship
was quarantined – one passenger who was already sick
disembarked in Hong Kong, and ten more departed a few days later. "Then slowly
over a period of time they became infected," Pankhania suggests.
second possibility is that the virus has spread despite the quarantine.
Given the restrictions, such as passengers keeping to cabins and staff
delivering meals wearing masks, this would might seem unfeasible though with hindsight the failure of masking and social distancing to curb the spread of the virus has shown these measures to be completely ineffective.
spread could also have been exacerbated by passengers not following rules. Chants of "USA! USA!" were allegedly heard from a woman standing on her balcony,
not wearing a mask despite talking to a passenger on an adjacent balcony
a few feet away . The incident was reported by another passenger, Matthew Smith. "If there
are secondary infections onboard, this is why: idiots who don't know any
better," the sneaky little shit Smith tweeted.
There's a third route for infection that is concerning, which Pankhania says
has precedent in Legionnaires Disease: in theory the ship'sair conditioning system linking
cabins. That idea was explored after the SARS outbreak of 2003, with researchers
trying to account for how the disease spread between people without
direct contact in one hotel. "An infection occurred which moved from the
bottom of the building to a distant part of the building via the air
conditioning system, infecting people very distant from each other," he
There are some caveats to be aware of before jumping to such simplistic conclusions, first there's o lot we still don't know about the Wuhan coronavirus. So far,
Sars-CoV-2 appears to travel via droplets – what's expelled from your
face when you cough or sneeze or even exhale – which is why authorities are working on the assumption
that you need "close contact" to spread the virus, which means being
within two meters of someone for 15 minutes. But anyone with the slightest understanding of how thermal currents in the air work will know that droplets can travel considerable distances in a short time. <a href=""> Another important feature is the number of people who contract the virus
and remain completely asymptomatic. In extremely well-defined scenarios
such as the Diamond Princess cruise liner and the Theodore Roosevelt
aircraft carrier almost 66 per cent of the positive tests were
completely asymptomatic, while a report from China suggests 78 per cent
of cases were asymptomatic. <a href=""> Another aspect of this pandemic that makes it different to all others (apart from the fact that the World Health Organiation changed the definition of pasndemic in order to spread fear and panic more wuickly is the way government have bought the mass media lock, stock and barrel, at
vast expense, with the sole purpose, it seems, of hammering home a
message of impending doom.
Instead of factual and objective reporting, for the past 18 months we the people have been subjected daily to a stream of scaremongering propaganda. Instead of calming our fears with facts and
rational arguments, they have flooded all branches of news media with
slogans calculated to maintain panic; with dishonest news stories designed to manipulate emotions; out-of-context death counts and wrongful ascription of cause-of-death to COVID, wilful obfuscation of the difference between cases and infections, a criminally dodgy PCR test and graphs and computer models (rubbish in, rubbish out) carefully selected to emphasise the worst possible eventualities.
And not content to cow the public into unquestioning obedience to fascistic authoritarianism with a constant diet of
skewed and incomplete information, they have deployed the army’s 77
Brigade to troll social media exchanges and snuff out any lingering
dissent – or, as the government prefer to call it, “misinformation“.
The aim can only be to induce maximum public terror in the face of a
virus which, without all this deceptive ballyhoo, would hardly have been
noticed by the population at large.
Why are they doing this? Why are The PowersThat Be determined to force on us the idea that some very dodgy vaccines are our only hope of salavation from this killer plague that actually does no kill very many people? Surely at this stage there must be awareness that
increasing numbers of highly esteemed and experienced scientists contest
policies which are killing vastly more people than they are saving, and
which will go on killing well into the future! How many people have dies because of locdowns? The spike in suicides, though tragic, is probably not numerically significant but thousands have died of cancer, cardio - vascular problems and other diseases because medical treatment has been withdrawn or delayed? And what will be the cost in lives of the economic damage inflicted on the developed nations by lockdowns?
True, non-scientists could get lost in all the reams of conflicting
information churned out since we were first put on terror alert back in
February and March, but one question is both fundamental and easily
answered: are excess mortality figures for this year significantly
above average? Only a huge and sustained divergence from the norm would
indicate the presence of a new disease deadly enough to justify the
extraordinary measures the government have taken.
The Euromomo charts for the UK show no such anomaly. In
Northern Ireland there has never been any substantial increase in
deaths overall. In Wales, too, mortality has hardly diverged from the
normal range. Scotland had a well-above-average peak in the spring, but
since then has remained almost entirely within the bounds of
normality. Even populous England, despite a death rate which soared
sharply to a great height in March before falling equally sharply back
by the middle of June, has spent most of the year chugging along
below the “substantial increase†line, with the usual increase as winter
approaches. A further chart at Covid-19 in Proportion? shows that
Levels of mortality in 2019/2020 are very similar to those suffered in 1999/2000
Definitely not the Black Death, then, nor even the 1918 influenza. In
fact, one of the world’s premier epidemiologists, John Ioannidis, has
long been assuring us that the infection fatality rate of Covid-19 is
comparable with that of a bad flu. His early estimate, in March, of a
case fatality rate in the general population of between 0.05% and 1.0%,
as indicated by the outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess – a conclusion for which the eminent professor was, hilariously, censored by the non-scientists at YouTube.
After all this, and after many thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions colosey following the vaccine, numbers that exceed by exponential factors the levels at which any other medication would have been withdrawn, we are being told that only mass vaccination against this
fairly run-of-the-mill virus will allow us to return to any semblance of
normal life. By special dispensation, billions of doses and double - doses of insufficiently tested vaccine have already been administered worldwide, with a guarantee of no come-back for Big
Pharma thanks to a United Nations WHO brokered deal giving vaccine manufacturers blanket immunity from legal action in cases of or for doctors turning a blind eye to the precept “First to do no
harmâ€, should those treated be hit with damaging repercussions on their
health or, indeed, on life itself.
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Facebook's Censorship Drive Backfires As Advertisrs Dump Platform
Mark Zuckerberg's bid to set up Facebook as official censor by appointment to The New World Order has backfired spectacularly as major brands are feeing the social media giant's advertising platform. CrossFit just announced they are shuttering their Facebook and instagram ad campaigns due to censorship, which filters out conservative and libertarian flavoured content and promotes only far left propaganda.
Facebook Negotiating Multibillion-Dollar US Fine As UK Labels "Digital Gangsters"
Facebook and its executives were labeled "digital gangsters" by a UKParliamentary inquiry into the social media giant's abuse of users privacy. The company should immediately be subject to statutory regulation the report published at the conclusion of the 18-month investigation by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport parliamentary committee recommended ...
also read at Boggart Abroad
The Gilets Jaunes (yellow vest)movement, which began as a Facebook group for dissatisfied French drivers almost a year ago and since the Macron government proposed a hike in fuel taxes for petrol and diesel cars spakred the first street protests, has mushroomed into a people's rebellion against globalism and corporatism. It has worried the French establishment and succeeded in forcing the usually arrogant and imperious President Macron into offering what globalist fellow travellers in mainstream media call major concessions from the government,
Censorship Comes To The Internet - Goodbye Free Speech Censorship has always been a sore point in democratic societies, without the right to free speech democracy does not exist. So why have we for years now been willing to tolerate the efforts of Silicon Valley high tech corporations and their left - leaning (that's left as in Chairman Mao or Pol Pot,) been willing to tolerate this.
December 31, 2018
Since the 2016 US Presidential election, when the phrase ‘fake news’ entered the vernacular, Facebook has employed thousands of human moderators tasked with identifying what is and is not acceptable content to be posted on the censorious social media website. These humans were not employed to replace the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ automated moderation system the nerdocracy …
Continue reading
While we are tearing Facebook apart, don't forget to look at our Google being evil catalogue
E.U. Parliament Members Call for Facebook Audit, Competition Law Overhaul Though not widely reported (well the proceedings were boring,) a number of parliamentary hearings in the European Parliament and the elected assemblies of member nations, have investigated Facebook’s user data breach scandal involving the data thieves Cambridge Analytica. European Union MEPs, including those from Britain have called for a full audit of the social media company and an overhaul of E.U. competition law.
During a meeting held behind closed doors last week, Facebook's Campbell Brown, according to several people present, warned news publishers that refusal to cooperate with the tech behemoth's efforts to "revitalize journalism" (i.e. ensure nothing is published Zuckerberg does not like,) will leave media outlets dying "like in a hospice." Initially reported by The Australianunder a headline which read Work With Facebook or Die: Zuckerberg"
Facebook's Censorship Drive Backfires As Advertisrs Dump Platform
Mark Zuckerberg's bid to set up Facebook as official censor by appointment to The New World Order has backfired spectacularly as major brands are feeing the social media giant's advertising platform. CrossFit just announced they are shuttering their Facebook and instagram ad campaigns due to censorship, which filters out conservative and libertarian flavoured content and promotes only far left propaganda.
Facebook Negotiating Multibillion-Dollar US Fine As UK Labels "Digital Gangsters"
Facebook and its executives were labeled "digital gangsters" by a UKParliamentary inquiry into the social media giant's abuse of users privacy. The company should immediately be subject to statutory regulation the report published at the conclusion of the 18-month investigation by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport parliamentary committee recommended ...
also read at Boggart Abroad
Since the COVID vaccine roll out began early this year, all the Greenteeth Digital Publishing blogs and news sites including this blog, The Daily Stirrer, Original Boggart Blog and Basil Hallward at Minds have been publishing warnings about the safety of the vaccines that have come from highly respected virologists and immunologists including Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakdi, Elizabeth Bastian, Mike Yeadon, Peter McCulloch, Janci Chunn Lindsay, Robert Malone and Ulrike Kämmerer, many of whom are signatories of an open letter sent under the heading "Doctors for COVID Ethics," to the Eurpean Medicines Agency. Before listening to members of the Vaccine Messiah cult who are always quick to dismiss such well credentialled and highly respected people as cranks and quacks because they dare to go off - message (the message being that only experimental, improperly tested caccines can sabe us from a virus that causes illness in very few people and kills only the veery old or very sick (or people who bare both very olkd and very sick,) we should remember that before vaccines were given provisional approval "for emergency use only" the manufacturers were covering their arses by telling us their products would not immunise people against the virus but might, omly might, in some cases limit the severity of symptoms.
Being called a bunch of far - right conspiracy theorists was the mildest of the abuse hurled at us. but now it seems likely that on a long timeline the conspiracy theorists have been right (as usual) all along. It's not that we, and the people like us are particularly smart but that The Powers That Be and the simpletons who unquestioningly believe the government / mainstream media propaganda are particularly stupid. This makes their machinations extraordinarily transparent.
Results from the biggest study yet to assess the efficacy of the four experimental COVID vaccines only approved for emergency use but being deployed in mass vaccination projects around the world has just been published by the University of Oxford and UK Office for
National Statistics, and unsurprisingly it found that the efficacy rates
for the Pfizer and Moderna are significantly lower than the 90%+ rates
first advertised from the initial controlled trials. (It is worth noting here that we have reported the figures for vaccine take up, claiming up to 98% penetration rate, are likely overstated too.)
According to the effinciency study, a preprint of which was published on Thursday,
while the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca jabs still offer "good"
protection against new infections, their efficacy has been reduced
compared with Alpha. While having two doses of either vaccine still
provides "at least the same level of protection as having had COVID-19",
those who were vaccinated after already being infected demonstrated
even higher levels of protection than those who either weren't infected
and only received the jabs, or were infected, but didn't receive the
seeing here the real-world data of how two vaccines are performing,
rather than clinical trial data, and the data sets all show how the
delta variant has blunted the effectiveness of both the Pfizer and
AstraZeneca jabs," said Simon Clarke, an associate professor in cellular
microbiology at the University of Reading.
Despite this mealy mouthed attempt to big up vaccines which clearly are not working well,, even after receiving two doses of a jab, those infected with
delta showed much higher peak levels of the virus than those infected
with alpha, or some other variant.
The study also highlighted
differences between between vaccines: for example, the Moderna jab had
"similar or greater effectiveness" against the delta variant as a single
dose of the other vaccines. And while the Pfizer and Moderna jabs
showed greater initial efficacy against infection than the AstraZeneca
jab, this protection premium erodes after only 4-5 months.
data also showed that the Delta variant increases transmissibility more than other
COVID varients, even among the vaccinated, which backs up a recent
assessment made by the American CDC. In the interests of separating propaganda from hard scientific facts it should be noted that no SARS-COV2 virus, either in its original form or in any variant, has yet been isolted from the host cell and purified: also the antibodies used to diagnose "cases" of COVID are identical to those the body produces in an immune response to the many common cold or influenza variants of coronavirus.
These results fuel doubt s
about the possibility of ever achieving herd immunity via vaccination,
said Sarah Walker, a professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at
Oxford, who helped lead the study. That's not exactly a surprise.What does surprise us however, not to mention the way it has destroyed the credibility of the medical professions, is the way that natural immunity has been ignored and even denied by so many alleged "experts" who have followed the official line that immunity can only be achieved through vaccines. The surprise here lies in the fact that although the vaccine raged for 12 months before vaccines began to be rolled out, at that point 95% of us had not been touched by the virus. Also surprising is the way that medical professions, health authorities and academics have beeen eager to promote dodgy vaccines while trying to censor information about several long established drugs that have proved more effective (and cheaper) in protecting against, and curing COVID-19.
One important piece of the puzzle that’s still missing is the data
relating to hospitalizations and severe cases of COVID, according to
Penny Ward, a visiting professor in pharmaceutical medicine at King’s
College London, who wasn’t involved with the study, and spoke to
Bloomberg about its results. It's possible the findings could support
"cross-vaccination" with different types of jabs, which could offer more
comprehensive protection, she saied.
The results of the study were reported by Bloomberg:
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Twitter Thought Police Will Ban Anyone Who Repeatedly Tells Truth About COVID Vaccine
In future anyone who “repeatedly posts misleading informationâ€
about SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be put on a watch
list and given five chances to chaine their opinion or self – censor
their comments and opinions before being permanently banned from the
social media platform, the company recently announced. A True to form
however, … Continue reading
Are Mainstream Media being Constrained From Reporting Adverse News On Vaccine Issues? Controversy rages on around vaccines with the delusional denizens of the Church of Scienceology Cult still insistin vaccines are absolutely safe because incidences of serious harm being done to receipients of vaccines are 'statistically insignificant', Big Pharma Corporations pushing the idea that vaccines can protect us against everything but taxes and medical incompetence and politicians yelling 'vote for me and I'll abolish illness, old age and poverty ...
CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See his statement reprinted below.)The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:
"My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in ..."
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work
Science for Sale, Autism, VCaccines And Government Intervention
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here is one vaccine specialist who won his personal battle, the wider war goes on.
The Vaccine Paradox - When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated
The propaganda aimed at convincing us vaccine are safe and totally effective is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. This is why, as vaccine horror stories proliferate and the lies and fraud of vaccine makers are exposed, there has to be talk of making a criminal offence of being unvaccinated. I expect one of my future posts to be titled,'Vaccines, the tool of fascism'
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right
If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian "progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.
Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Winter deaths? Why does the government launch this big fearand panic campaign every year, if not to push flu vaccines for their Big Pharma buddies. Do you think it is coincidence that the annual 'flu' death toll is the same as the annual Winter Death figure. Yeah, every death from some non specific viral infection during the flu seaon is a flu death. It's just another fraud, very few people actually die of true Influenza
UK Government Agency Faked Vaccine Safety Data To Sell HPV Virus Against Non Existent cervical Cancer Threat
Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers' money? Find out below ...
Vaccine fascists Losing The Fight To Force Vaccines On Parents
We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problrms have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit ...
wenty years of war in Afghanistan are over. What comes next is twenty
years, or even more, of recriminations and blame for why the war ended
as it did. Scholars and partisans still argue over the reasons America
lost in Vietnam, so why should Afghanistan be any different?
On the plus side, the debate promises to be far more interesting.
When it comes to Vietnam, partisans debate rules of engagement, bombing
strategies, funding levels, and the Tet Offensive. With Afghanistan, the
question could be: did gender studies cause America to suffer its most
humiliating defeat ever? Cockburn wishes he was joking.
Traditionally, nations have waged war by mustering armies, defeating
their enemies in battle, and despoiling their lands and cities. Only
after total victory is the process of remaking a society feasible.
But America in Afghanistan sought a shortcut, and by “shortcutâ€
Cockburn means “something that takes ten times as long but doesn’t look
as nasty for TV cameras.†America hoped that with enough half-baked
social engineering in the half of Afghanistan it controlled, it would
eventually be rewarded with victory, and Afghanistan would become the
Holland of the Hindu Kush. On Ivy League campuses, students are taught
to decry “colonialism,†but the Ivy League diplomats who sought to
remake Afghanistan in Harvard’s image were among the most ambitious
practitioners of it in world history.
So, alongside the billions for bombs went hundreds of
millions for gender studies in Afghanistan. According to U.S. government
reports, $787 million was spent on gender programs in Afghanistan, but
that substantially understates the actual total, since gender goals were
folded into practically every undertaking America made in the country.
A recent report
from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
(SIGAR) broke down the difficulties of the project. For starters, in
both Dari and Pastho there are no words for “gender.†That makes sense,
since the distinction between “sex†and “gender†was only invented by a sexually-abusive child psychiatrist in the 1960s, but evidently Americans were caught off-guard. Things didn’t improve from there. ... Continue reading >>>
US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.
US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.
Leaked email: Senior OPCW Official Orders “Delete All Traces†Of Dissent On Douma Gas Attack Narrative ... The official narrative was designed to justify military intervention by US and NATO in Syria’s civil war, but western leaders were dissuaded fro, this course of action by Russia’s Putin and China’s President Xi. Later it was revealed that a minority report actually considered the facts, which pointed to the gas attack on Douma being a false flag attack carried out by forces attached to terrorist group Al Nusra.
US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia
Civilians in Yemen are still in the grip of a major humanitarian crisis as Saudi Arabia's war on the impoverished republic continues unabated. Shocking numbers are affected including 7 million civilians facing severe malnutrition, and 19 million out of the country’s 27 million population "in need of some form of aid.
In Escalating War Of Words, Saudi Crown Prince Calls Iran’s Ayatollah “New Hitler Of The Middle Eastâ€
Saudi Arabia’s powerful, and controversial, 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as we warned earlier in the year when he was elevated to his currrent status, has in a few months has made more local (and foreign) enemies than most of his predecessors accumulated over a lifetime, appears to have decided he does not need to wait any longer for the final war that will cement the global supremacy of his particularly unpleasant brand of Islamic extremism.
UK Government Accused Of Covering Up Saudi Arabia Funding Of TerrorismA new report commissioned by David Cameron before he resigned as Prime minister has highlighted links between recent terror attacks in the UK and the funding of UK mosques by the extremist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, which "is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted fundamentalist ideology." The report criticises Cameron's successor for "kowtowing" to Saudi Arabia's king by suppressing another government report into the funding of extremism in the UK.
White House Says It Will Fake "Chemical Weapon Attack" In Syria The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing "chemical weapon attacks". This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in "retaliation" for an upcoming staged "chemical weapon attack" ...
US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS And Saudi Arabia Bill To ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters In a rare outbreak of common sense, a bill barring the US Federal Government from giving money and weapons to child murdering terrorists like the head amputators, slave dealers and human organ noshers of ISIS and Al Nusra (Barack Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels',) garnered hardly any support from either the Democratic Perpetual War Party, or the Republican War Is Good Business Party.
Saudi Arabia Bids For Islamic Globalisation
soon after the suicide bomb at The Manchester Arena, I felt obliged to defriend someone on facebook, whom I have known online for around ten years. So what did this sweet lady, who writes books on medieval witchcraft and calls herself a pagan, do to piss me off? She showed herself to be a hypocrite by posting a whinge about people reacting with anger and 'hate' to this latest atrocity; "I'm all about compassion, I will not stand by and see Muslims victimised because of this." Oh yeah? And what about the dead and injured victimised by a muslim extremist?
What’s Really Happening With Saudi Arabia and Qatar Will Not Be Televised
While mainstream media is in a frenzy over what former FBI chief James Comey will say to a Congressional hearing about Donald Trump's alleged links with Russia and attempt to shut down an investigation into those links, the UK election, Islamic extremist terrorism, football's latest multi - million transfer deals, etc., as usual the really big story is hardly being reported. We bring you the story from The Anti Media,
EU Enlargement Commissioner Accuses Russia Of Flooding Europe With Migrants
We have learned that The European Union’s (EU) Enlargement Commissioner has claimed Russia is working to destabilize the continent by flooding it with migrants from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. This sounds like one of brussels' crazy and incompetent attempts to demonize Russia in the hope of eroding EU members opposition to the all out war the USA, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been pushing for ...
ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.
Syria's President Assad Makes A Fool Of US Reporter Michael Isikoff In Interview
The ISIS uprising in Syria was one of the spontaneous revolutions kicked off by a speech Barack Obama made in which he pledged America would support extremist groups that tried to effect regime change. Like most of Obama's actions it made promises Obama could not fulfill. With the exception of Tunisia, all the so called Arab Spring revolutions have failed ...
Russia Halts Cooperation With US In Syria, Will “Intercept Any Aircraft†In Russian Areas Of Operation As we digest the news that King Salaman of Saudi Arabia has replaced his nominated heir, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, with his son, 31 year-old Prince Mohammed bin Salman, prominent in the Wahhabi sect, the most fundamental and implacably anti Christian branch of Islam and a far more radical figure, whose most recent role in the Saudi hierarchy has seen him in charge of managing the brutal war waged by Saudi Arabia on Yemen.
Germany Foreign Minister Warns Qatar Crisis Could Lead To War As Qatar Asks Moscow For Support
German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel is worried that the blockade of air and sea ports in Qatar by Saudi Arabia and its Muslim extremist allies in the middle east could lead to a new regional war in the Gulf region. In an interview with Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, he said “There is a danger that this dispute could lead to warâ€
What’s Really Happening With Saudi Arabia and Qatar Will Not Be Televised
While mainstream media is in a frenzy over what former FBI chief James Comey will say to a Congressional hearing about Donald Trump’s alleged links with Russia and attempt to shut down an investigation into those links, the UK election, Islamic extremist terrorism, football’s latest multi – million transfer deals, etc., as usual the really big story is hardly being reported.
Saudi Arabia Launches Chemical Attack on Sana’a, Killing Civilians
Remember when the Assad regime in Syria was accused by Obama and his Sunni extremist friends of having launched a gas attact against “morderate†head amputators and human organ noshers. Remember the screeces of horror and outrage from ‘liberals’ in mainsteam media, the wailing and gnashing of teeth about what an utter monster Assad is? …
After more than four days of silence concerning the Afghanistan disaster, President Joe Biden addressed the nation and confirmed all of the worst suspicions of his critics. And the federal government finally gets around to publicly discussing the need for COVID-vaccine boosters this autumn, as this newsletter suggested last week.
When the president did finally speak, he read from a teleprompter for 20 minutes, took no questions, and barely acknowledged that he had assured Americans, at the beginning of July, that no part of this disaster would unfold this way. The lone admission was a vague, passive-voice, “this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated,†a strong nominee for the Disingenuous Public Relations Spin Hall of Fame.
Biden instead relitigated the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. He made no defense of how that withdrawal is proceeding, because in large part, it is indefensible.
Biden’s account of his decision-making acknowledged that the Taliban intimidated us — or perhaps more specifically, him — and that we sought no further conflict with them ... Continue reading >>>
Has Biden's Afghan Surrender Handed The Future To China The abrupt and ill - considered withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan ordered by President Joe (Dementia Man) Biden and the susequent return to power of Islamic fundamentalist The Taliban hands control of the vast Afghan litium reserves to China and is a blow to the green agenda of the G7 nations
Western Crimes In The Middle East We have been reporting and analyzing the conflic in Afghanistan since 2001 and our every prediction has come true, from endless war in Afghanistan with the USA now having backed off it's pledge of total withdrawal as it is clear that one US troops are gone, the Taliban will be back in control in days, to Libya's becoming a fragmented, lawless, failed state in the wake of Gaddafi's downfall and the continued threat of Syria's civil conflict spreading to engulf the entire region.
Another Obama Sponsored Genocide - not Alawi or Christians In Syria but Yazidi in Iraq.
While the west has been distracted by events in Gaza and Ukraine, and the neo - fascist 'left' have suddenly discovered the joys of anti Russianism and anti Semitism, the FUKUS axis sponsored genocidists of ISIS have discovered another inoffensive minority to exterminate now that the Syriac Christians have fled.
Want A Good Laugh? Try This: Tony Blair Says Invasion Of Iraq Did Not Trigger Current Crisis
Iraq under the very unpleasant (to western minds) dictator Saddam Hussein was the most prosperous and secular on muslim states in the middle east until saddam fell out with the USA. The first Gulf War of 1991 and sanctions that followed ruined Iraqi prosperity but the people remained loyal to Saddam until the Bush administration, aided by the British Labour government of Tony Blair invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam. Since then the nation has slid into dystopian chaos and has now broken up into tribal and sectarian mini states
More Political Ineptitude Stirs Secterian Tensions
Amid the surfeit of scaremongering about Islamic extremist terrorism and attempts to secure immunity from attack by appeasement we have seen Oxford University Press ban all pig related words from its publications because pigs are an abomination to Allah and references to them will offend Muslims ...
Iraq's borders are crumbling: this is a disaster for western foreign policy
It was inevitable. I started commentating on world affairs in 2005, a few years before The Daily Stirrer was set up. TRhe Iraq conflict was still going on at that time, George W Bush was boasting 'mission accomplished' and the Islamist militias were positioning themselves for the moment the Americans withdrew. Bush's even more inept successor withdrew occupying troops for purely political reasons and since then Iraq has slid into the grip of fanatics who would establish an Islamic theocracy.
War On Syria: Standoff Shows America Is No Longer The Global Superpower
So what's happening in Syria you might well ask? After the FUKUS Axis intervention plans were thwarted by Russia and China there seems to have been a news blackout although the devastating civil war continues to devastate Syria. The really big news however (bigger that J-Lo's arse) is that America has quietly been demoted from its position as main global military power.
Turkey And Syria On The Brink Of Full Scale War
It has been coming a long time but it seems Syria and Turkey are on the brink of full scale war. The Daily Stirrer did warn the Arab spring would end in regional war when Obama first stirred up the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti western elements of Islam
If the conflict in Syria, currently showing signs of spreading to Turkey, Iraq and Kurdistan were to escalate into a regional war, a proxy for east and west to butt heads without sustaining too much domestic damage, is Egypt likely to take advantage of the distraction and
Has Everybody Forgotten Obama's War
In the rush to find an excuse for military intervention in Syria mainstream news media seem to have forgotten Obama's war in Afghanistan, the one he said would define his Presidency. Having just passed the grim milestone of 2000 American dead and with the allies no nearer to defeating the Taliban it does actually define Obama's years in power. Lost in the wilderness and going nowhere.
Has Everybody Forgotten Obama's War
The American military machine has just chalked up the grim statistic of its 2,000th fatality since America troops first surged into Afganistan to defeat "insurgents" whose families had lived in that country for many generations. The invasion was justifed in the aftermath of September 11 by the myth that Afghanistan was a ...
Just How Close Are We To World War Three
Have you read or heard in your news supplier of choice of the recent massive troop movements in Israel, the massive build up of British, French and American warships around the approaches to the Persian gulf or just how badly the situations in Egypt and Libya have deteriorated since ...
Ignore The warmongering Left's Calls For Intervention In Syria
Morons to the right of me, idiots to the left. What are us libertarians to do as we find ourselves in our customary position, clinging to a raft of common sense as we try to navigate a course through a sea of insanity. My stance on the trouble spots of the middle east has always been the same, firmly non interventionist and I am not shifting as the propaganda ...
Obama Talks The Talk But Dare Not Visit Afghanistan In Daylight
Todays mainstream news papers and broadcast bulletins are full of the Superhero Barack Obama's daredevil visit to Afghanistan. The man who liberated Libya single handed and took out Osama Bin Laden (or a Pakistani pensioner with a beard) in a daring solo raid behind enemy lines stormed into the Afghan capital, Kabul, made a speech that left hundreds of Taliban fighters dead and saw others fleeing for the mountains with their arses on fire then left again all in the space of ...
Syrian Rebels Say West Is Already Aiding Thier Uprising.
The mainstream media are all agog today over something The Daily Stirrer and other libertarian blogs have been telling you for weeks. There are already western military personnel on the ground in Syria, aiding the uprising against the government of President Assad.Western powers have been providing military support and equipment to the Syrian rebel fighter, one of ...
Syrian Rebels Say West Is Already Aiding Thier Uprising.
As the troubles stirred up in Syria by the meddling of the American idiot President Barack Hussein Obama and fuelled by the west's determination to intervene and effect regime change in another middle eastern nation escalate into civil war, the rebels show they are as unfit a government in waiting as those fanatical mobsters the western powers have catapulted into power in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. We conclude that Obama wants World War 3. ...
Israel Will Not Warn USA Before Launching A Strike Against Iran
Israeli officials say they won't warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, a U.S. intelligence official familiar with the discussions has ytold Associated Press. The prediction, delivered in a series of private, top-level discussions raises tension in the middle east ahead of meetings in the coming days at the White House and Capitol Hill. Israeli officials said that if they eventually decide to launch a strike is necessary, they would not ...
Prior to the worldwide lockdowns in 2020, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were surreptitiously working on a new mRNA vaccine platform using a new biotech company called Moderna. Their strategic planning began in 2013, when DARPA funds were used by Moderna to invent methods for inducing a short-lived immune response through administration of mRNA vaccines.
The inventor of the mRNA platform, Dr. Robert Malone, reveals that “Moderna was essentially founded by DARPA.†Millions of dollars in DARPA grants built the vaccine program, through patents handed down to Moderna. However, Moderna refuses to disclose these DARPA awards in the patent applications that they filed for the new vaccine technology.
As this secretive DARPA project comes to light, it becomes apparent that nefarious forces within the US government were planning to unleash this technology for years prior to a “public health emergency.†To achieve compliance, they only needed to exploit human psychology, suspend the rule of law, and threaten people’s livelihoods to coerce the population to enter into this experiment and alter the natural physiology of their cells and biological functions. A director at the NIH, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made sure of that when he called for a nationwide lock down in March of 2020. Carrying out the plan, Fauci is now calling for mandatory injections of this genocidal operating software.
Watchdog group, Knowledge Ecology International, points out that Moderna received $20 million in DARPA grants several years before the “worldwide pandemic.†The group asserts that these funds “likely†led to the development of this new vaccine technology. This longstanding operation includes 26 patents assigned to “Moderna†or “ModernaTx†as well as 154 patent applications. A closer look at these patents shows that Moderna took part in DARPA’s Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program. This funding paved the way for Moderna to develop mRNA vaccine programs for Chikungunya and Zika viruses, and other upcoming respiratory pathogens.
In response to the inquiry, DARPA says it is “actively researching agency awards to Moderna to identify which patents and pending patents, if any at all, may be associated with DARPA support.†Instead of undergoing an independent audit of their planned mRNA spike protein operation, DARPA is allowed to investigate its own financial trail, which assuredly leads to secretive mRNA experiments being conducted by their operatives at Moderna.
Regardless of the greater conspiracy to experiment on human populations, it is Moderna’s legal obligation to disclose U.S. federal government support in patent applications under the Bayh-Dole Act and regulations issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. DARPA plainly admits they are the brainchild behind this global experiment, declaring on their website: “The first coronavirus vaccine to start human testing is from DARPA investment in the Moderna company.†Even though the mRNA inventions were conceived over the past eight years, Moderna fails to disclose that DARPA was behind the projects all along and denied that federal funds were involved.
Up until 2016, geneticist Daniel Wattendorf was the program manager at DARPA, where he initiated and lead programs that deploy diagnostics, gene transfer drugs, engineered red blood cells and RNA vaccines. He was behind the ADEPT program in 2012, and he advanced the mRNA research through Pfizer and Moderna in 2013. After leading these mRNA vaccines programs, he took a job as the director of Innovate Technology Solutions at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he is tasked with creating diagnostic tests and biotechnology platforms for “global health solutions.â€
When the Pentagon funds and deploys an experiment onto the entire population, it’s no wonder the US is forced to accept an indefinite public health emergency across every community simultaneously. The US continues to suffer under medical martial law, suspended civil liberties, and the continual threat of totalitarian force, even against the bodies of healthcare workers and the individual members of the military themselves.
DARPA is clear that these mRNA vaccines are not intended to provide immunity, but instead invoke “transient immunity†that forces the body to create antibodies for only a few weeks or months. ... Continue reading >>>
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The NHS doctors who get cash from healthcare firms for patient referrals
An investigation revealed incentives, often worth tens of thousands of pounds, have been offered to doctors by private healthcare companies in exchange for referring patients to their hospitals. The British Medical Journal reported claims that the doctors’ regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), failed to act on a warning in 2012 that the practice of offering incentives was “widespread, particularly in London, and significant in valueâ€.
Obesity pill to ‘replace treadmill’ being developed by Harvard University
A magic pill which burns away excess body fat has been one of the wet dreams of mad scientists for decades. Such a pill is now being developed at Harvard University. Researchers claim it could one ‘replace the treadmill.’ (This is daft as we still need exercise to maintain a healthy heart, muscles and bones.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertionsâ€: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
Ebola outbreak caused by new strain never seen before; was it weaponized ask sceptical scientists?
Since we and other blogs reported the concerns of highly regarded virologists about the strain of ebola virus involved in the outbreak currently devastating three west African nations, several more experts have gone public to say that the current strain of Ebola virus plaguing Africa and slowly spreading to other continents is potentially much more lethal than previous strains identified by virologists.
Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)
What Have We Told You About Mad Scientists And The God Complex
DARPA Trying to Create New Life, Attempt Immortality. Indestructible Battle Cyborg (source) Those people of accuse me of being “anti-science†need to read this. I am not anti – science (science means knowledge so it is not possible to be anti – science. What I am anti is lunacy, giving psychopaths power and wasting taxpayers …
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
The U. S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) haannounced the opening of a formal probe into the controversial partially automated driving system installed in Tesla electric vehicles after a series of collisions with parked emergency vehicles.
According to an NHTSA document issued on Aug. 13 (HERE), the agency’s Office of Defects Investigation (ODI)will be looking for potentially fatal problems that may affect 765,000 Tesla vehicles.
The document states that the agency had identified 11 crashes in which various Tesla models approached locations where emergency crews were attending to incidents and struck one or more vehicles at the scene. A total of 17 people were injured in the crashes and one person was killed.
Most of the crashes took place after dark and involved scenes where police, fire fighters or paramedics were using flashing lights, flares, an illuminated arrow board, or cones to warning other road users of hazards. The probe will include examining the contributing circumstances.
All involved Tesla vehicles were confirmed to have been engaged in either autopilot or traffic-aware cruise control as they approached the crashes.
The probe is looking into Tesla Models Y, X, S, and 3, from model years 2014 to 2021.
“The investigation will assess the technologies and methods used to monitor, assist, and enforce the driver’s engagement with the dynamic driving task during autopilot operation,†the document reads. There is no mention of investigating the numerous incidents in which Tesla cars, while in autopilot have been involved in crashes with civilian vehicles. Bu al least this is a small step towards getting Elon Musk's death traps off the roads so they cannot endanger drivers and passengers in reliable, driver controlled vehicles.
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Americans are growing angrier by the day, but in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or the Tea Party movement over a decade ago.
The rage this time is not just fueled by conservatives.
the first time in their lives, Americans of all classes and races are
starting to fear a self-created apocalypse that threatens their family's
safety and the American way of life.
The border is not just porous as in the pre-Trump past. It is arguably nonexistent. Some
2 million people may cross illegally in the current fiscal year,
according to reports -- with complete impunity. There is zero effort to
stop them. Officials hector Americans daily to get vaccinated and tested
for COVID-19. But they are mute about illegal entrants, some of them no
doubt infected with the virus.
Have we ever had a president who
made no pretense about destroying federal immigration law and asking of
Americans what he does not ask of those entering the country illegally?
Joe Biden has also conceded that his moratorium on housing evictions defied a Supreme Court ruling. He added that he probably didn't have the legal authority to ignore the court but didn't really care.
in the case of demolishing immigration law, the president seems either
unaware or proud that he is insidiously dismantling the Constitution.
America has also never before seen such overt and multifaceted efforts to undermine the foundations of free-market capitalism.
a time of resurging GDP, low unemployment and record worker shortages,
Biden has announced that renters can continue to avoid paying what they
owe their landlords -- even after a prior year of free housing.
In a rebounding economy amid record debt, the government is still sending workers unemployment benefits that are more remunerative than the paychecks they would earn if employed.
insanity not only means that labor-short employers can't provide goods
and services to American consumers; the new ethos also institutionalizes
the pernicious idea that it is smarter to stay home and be idle than to
get a job and be productive. ... Continue reading at Zero Hedge
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.
Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black ...
Council Removes “Transphobic†Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’ A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic†after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.
Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.â€
U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’ That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it's moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra - national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility
Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago
Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action ...
On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence†that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.â€
Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?
The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace
Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.
Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?
DOCTORS, lawyers and other patient advocates around the world are
challenging the legality, ethics and scientific basis of the global
drive to vaccinate the entire population, including children, against
Covid-19. But even as they raise their voices, the intensity of
censorship is increasing.
The latest victim is cardiologist, internal disease specialist,
epidemiologist and academic researcher Dr Peter McCullough,
editor-in-chief of two medical journals and author of over 600
peer-reviewed publications in the US National Library of Medicine, more
than 45 of them dedicated to Covid-19. He has managed the care of more
than 100 Covid patients as well as advising on hundreds more
When this top American doctor spoke out on the effectiveness of early
treatment, and raised questions over the safety and effectiveness of
the vaccines, he began to find himself a pariah among colleagues.
He now faces what he calls ‘a dark cloud of censorship and reprisal’,
including a legal action against which his attorneys were filing a
defence last week.
Google his name, and you find at the top of the list an outrageously
biased stand-alone item about the lawsuit, in which the online journal Medpage Today accuses him of ‘Dishing Out Vax Falsehoods’.
An information war is under way, and though most of the weapons are
in the hands of governmental and drug company-funded sources, the
resistance movement is growing.
McCullough has prepared what he calls ‘five key messages of
scientific truth that I want everybody to understand about the virus and
the pandemic.’ He has all the necessary scientific back-up to support
his claims.
If his messages were to be emblazoned across every media outlet in
this land and abroad, there would be a chance of ending the socially and
economically destructive policies that have so far cost UK taxpayers an
incredible £400billion in additional public spending directly attributable to Covid-19.
The five messages are:
1. The virus is not spread asymptomatically. That is, only sick people give it to other people.
2. We should stop testing symptomless people. That just generates
false positives – creating extra ‘cases’ and extra concerns. ‘There
shouldn’t be a single person on Earth that should undergo an
asymptomatic test or a test done on a routine basis. For any reason. People ought to just walk past these testing stations. They have absolutely no standing whatsoever.’
3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable. It cannot be improved by vaccination, or any other method. ... Continue reading >>>
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology Explains ‘How to Save the World, in Three Easy Steps’ Dr. Robert W Malone, MD has also raised concerns about the genetic vaccines and hinted that ivermectin is probably “safe and effective†against COVID-19:
“What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have signficant safety issues? This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.â€
Covid vaccines: Concerns that make more research essentialDOCTORS and scientists can behave at times like religious zealots, despite the noble aims of their professions. Heretics are not burned at the stake these days, but professionals marginalise and deride those who challenge their beliefs when these become a matter of faith (and self-interest) rather than science. And … Continue reading
Senior vaccine adviser repeatedly told to shut up after warning end of lockdown could be delayed Yet another accidental admission from the Health Fascists that the vaccines are not going to protect you from morte lockdowns and more scientific terrorism. In response let’s have more protests, more vcivil disobedience and more of everything that can be done to let the government know we will not surrender to fascism and make the … href="">Continue readin
German Scientists Find How Broken Parts Of COVID-19 Vaccines Mutate To Trigger Blood Clots from Great Game India, May 28, 2021 German scientists have found out how the broken parts of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines branded as Covishield in India mutate to trigger blood clots in recipients. Scientists say the vaccine is sent into the cell nucleus instead of surrounding fluid, where parts of it break … Continue reading
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so - called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid? A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony, the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizents that the only way they can be sasfe from vague and largely fictitious "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny ...
"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.
Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...
Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet
Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>
There is a meme going around for a while, its called Clown World, represented by Honkler, Pepe the frog dressed up as a clown, where everything is upside down and crazy. While it certainly works(and enraged the left), for me, it doesn't hold as much weight as seeing the West as sick with Validation Fever.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London The once reliable news service run by Britain’s national broadcaster, The BBC along with other organisations involved in bthe UK’s broadcast and print media completely blanked last weekend’s biggest news story, instead choosing to focus on whether Boris Johnson acted improperly in financing the refurbishment of his official residence. Yes really. … Continue reading >>>
This long article was originally poted, we understand, as a thread on Twitter. Fortunately for the sake of its readability the people at Liberty Daily took the time to present it in standard text form so the full impact of how the hoax pandemic is being used to subjugate us is able to jump out and slap the faces of conformists who trust authority and believe the narrative.
Russia-British comedian and political commentator Konstantin Kisin
had some thoughts about vaccine hesitancy. In fact, he had quite a few
thoughts. We can debate the choice of posting over 2,300 words in a
Twitter thread, but the content found in it is a masterclass on
explaining the lack of trust tens of millions of people in the U.S. and
U.K. currently have towards the Covid-19 injections both governments are
pushing so hard.
Here’s the thread. Normally, we just post the
Tweets but for the sake of making it easier to read, we’ll just post the
first Tweet and the thread and unroll the rest in text format with
links, images, and videos intact.
struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant. The “let
me help you†megathread: Imagine you’re a normal person. The year is
2016. Rightly or wrongly, you believe most of what you see in the media.
believe polls are broadly reflective of public opinion. You believe
doctors and scientists are trustworthy and independent. You’re a decent,
reasonable person who follows the rules and trusts authority.
your shock then, when Brexit, which you were assured won’t happen
because it’s a fringe movement led by racists for racists, happens. The
polls, which widely predicted it wouldn’t happen were completely wrong.
experts and media pundits who told you it wouldn’t happen day after day
are also wrong. “Oh well†you say, “these things happenâ€. Imagine that
soon after Donald Trump is running for President. You are told by your
favourite media publications that he is going to lose.
Some experts say his opponent has a 99% chance of winning. ... Continue reading >>>
As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on
Wednesday, Reuters reported that the EMA, the EU's medicines regulator,
is looking into new potential side effects from the still-experimental
MRNA jabs, including suspicious skin reactions and kidney ailments.
According to Reuters,
three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people
after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna. The ailments
include Erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction;
glomerulonephritis, or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a
renal disorder that leads to heavy urinary protein losses. All of the
cases are being studied by the EMA to determine whether the vaccines
might be linked to the conditions.
This isn't the first time regulators have raised issues with an MRNA vaccine. As we reported a few months ago,
the FDA determined that one side effect of the jabs in a small number
of male patients with certain complications included heart inflammation.
Still, the FDA, CDC and WHO have insisted that the risks posed by the
jabs are far outweighed by their benefits to society.
The finding
comes as Israeli health authorities have found that a small number of
patients still managed to get infected with the virus even after their
third dose of the vaccine.
Neither Pfizer nor Moderna responded to Reuters' request for comment. ... Continue reading >>>
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, How Many People Died Of Measles Before Vaccinations?.
The vaccine controversy erupts again as governments, politicized scientists and profit hungry corporations step up the bullying of parents about getting children vaccinated against minor illnesses or problems that will never afflict them (vaccinating boys against cervical cancer for example). Scaremongering involving health and particularly children's health is a very potent weapon in the battle to suppress dissent however ...
NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut
After the usual empty promises made at the annual conferences of the three main political parties - all three party leaders swore that only their party can save the National Heath Service (NHS) eternally a key isue in UK politics, we decided it was time our we too a close look at why NHS finances are always in a mess.
The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?
After years of being told saturated fat is a killer and we should avoid it in favour of Big Food products that are the nearest modern chemistry can get to packaging arterial plaque, yet another scientific meta analysis shows the sat fat scare was based of fraudulent science and there is no evidence your steak is harming you.
Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin'
The outbreak of Ebola fever in west Africa has been making headlines since January this year, but as usual we are only being told half the story by mainstream media. It took a lot of digging by myself and colleagues in the blogosphere to dig up this pile of dirt which suggests the "new strain" of Ebola faver that has killed far more people than previous outbreaks may have resulted from attempts to weaponise the virus. And guess which national government is allegedly responsible.
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone? That is a question being asked around the cyberosphere as the Ebola outbreak in Africa continues to spread and alarm grows in the western nations. The Tulane University researchers [and colleagues] in the US biowarfare research community, have been operating in West Africa for some time. What exactly have they been doing? Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone?
CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
Vaccine, that great profit driver for the pharmaceutical corporations, are under the spotlight again. This time it is a link between polio vaccine and cancer which makers and medical science has denied for fifty years that has finally been admitted by the US Centre for Disease control. How ironic they have owned up just weelks after the Obama administration granted Pharma corporations immunity from legal actions.
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
Sodium Bicarbonate: Can something so mundane really cure cancer and treat diabetes?
A cure for cancer has been the holy grail of medical research for decades. Or perhaps it would be truer to say a treatment for cancer that is moderately effective for patients and highly effective as a profit driver for the healthcare indusry. Because reports keep emerging that a simple, effective and cheap has been suppress by big business and scientists for a long time now
Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasilâ„¢ and Cervarixâ„¢. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored
After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.â€
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe
The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
The nations of Malta, the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Uruguay, Chile, Bahrain, Mongolia, Israel and Ireland are on the CDC’s list of Level 4 countries
for COVID-19 risk. This is despite all of these countries vaccinating
well over 50 percent of their population, with countries listed reaching
as high as 78.8 percent compliance.
The data compiled by JHU omits Gibraltar, which also appears as a
Level 4 country by the CDC. Gibraltar has boasted 99 percent rates of
vaccine compliance, the highest of any country in the world, which has
corresponded with a recent case spike and a renewal of crippling lockdown policies.
The CDC advises Americans to “avoid travel to these destinations,â€
adding that “if you must travel to these destinations, make sure you are
fully vaccinated before travel.†Of course, there is no guarantee that a
fully-vaccinated traveler would be protected any more than the
individuals in those countries where vaccination levels are high but
cases continue to spike.
As the vaccines fail to contain the spread of the virus,
pharmaceutical corporations that have already cashed out mightily due to
the crisis get ready for their next fear-induced pay day.
Big League Politicshas reported
on how disgraced public health officials are colluding with pharma
executives to ready the public for more shots to make up for the
previous shots that have not worked as promised: ... Continue reading >>>
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The NHS doctors who get cash from healthcare firms for patient referrals
An investigation revealed incentives, often worth tens of thousands of pounds, have been offered to doctors by private healthcare companies in exchange for referring patients to their hospitals. The British Medical Journal reported claims that the doctors’ regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), failed to act on a warning in 2012 that the practice of offering incentives was “widespread, particularly in London, and significant in valueâ€.
Obesity pill to ‘replace treadmill’ being developed by Harvard University
A magic pill which burns away excess body fat has been one of the wet dreams of mad scientists for decades. Such a pill is now being developed at Harvard University. Researchers claim it could one ‘replace the treadmill.’ (This is daft as we still need exercise to maintain a healthy heart, muscles and bones.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertionsâ€: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
Ebola outbreak caused by new strain never seen before; was it weaponized ask sceptical scientists?
Since we and other blogs reported the concerns of highly regarded virologists about the strain of ebola virus involved in the outbreak currently devastating three west African nations, several more experts have gone public to say that the current strain of Ebola virus plaguing Africa and slowly spreading to other continents is potentially much more lethal than previous strains identified by virologists.
Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)
NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut
After the usual empty promises made at the annual conferences of the three main political parties - all three party leaders swore that only their party can save the National Heath Service (NHS) eternally a key isue in UK politics, we decided it was time our we too a close look at why NHS finances are always in a mess.
It's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism
One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe
The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See his statement reprinted below.)The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:
"My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in ..."
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and Mercury In Vaccines
A controversial new study published in Biomed Research International titled, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe," has exposed convincing evidence of wrong-doing on the part of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in actively covering up the causal link between mercury in vaccines (Thimerosal) and harm to infants and children. Vaccine News
Science for Sale, Autism, VCaccines And Government Intervention
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here is one vaccine specialist who won his personal battle, the wider war goes on.
The Vaccine Paradox - When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated
The propaganda aimed at convincing us vaccine are safe and totally effective is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. This is why, as vaccine horror stories proliferate and the lies and fraud of vaccine makers are exposed, there has to be talk of making a criminal offence of being unvaccinated. I expect one of my future posts to be titled,'Vaccines, the tool of fascism'
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right
If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian "progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.
I keep coming across angry comments from Vaccine Messiah cult disciples who feel a need to yell at anyone who suggests there is a viable and more effective remedy for COVID-19 that the flawed and failing experimental vaccines that there is no evidence Ivermectin either protects against or cures COVID. These people then advise vaccine sceptics to "Google" Ivermectin and all they will see is hundreds of "scientific studies" debunking the Ivermectin "conspiracy theory" while the only support for it is from well known charlatans pushing their quack remedies.
Google is the keyword there because any tech - savvy person is now aware that Google is a search engine no longer (if it ever was,) but now is a propaganda engines the purpose of which is to prevent members of the public seeing information that throws the government's political narratives into doubt.
If these angry little people would use one of the many true search engines out there, they will find these examples of evidence for the efficacy of Ivermectin among hundreds of others.
US National Library of Medicine review of results in trials of Ivermectin as prophilaxis and theraputic treatment for COVID-19 and other viral illnesses
saw its largest protests yet against the country's health pass, as
thousands swept across major Italian town demanding an end to the
infamous green pass.
On Saturday, Protesters took to the streets
in France and Italy in opposition to COVID rules that they say infringe
on their civil liberties but which officials argue are needed to curb
the coronavirus pandemic. The protests come as European countries double
down on efforts to get wide portions of their populations vaccinated in
the face of the spreading delta variant — and in a bid to avoid further
against France's health pass and mandatory vaccines for health care
workers entered their fourth weekend, with Saturday seeing the largest
rally yet, Deutsche Welle reported. An estimated 237,000 people turned out nationwide, according to the Interior Ministry. The figure exceeds the attendance a week ago, which saw 204,000 protesters.
17,000 people turned out in Paris, much of the focus was in southern
France — where between 10,000 and 20,000 people marched in Nice alone.
In contrast to prior weekends, the demonstrations were largely peaceful.
The more major scuffles broke out between protesters and police in
Lyon, France's third-largest city.
protests come on the heels of a Constructional Council ruling on
Thursday. The court approved the government's plan for the health pass
and vaccine requirements for workers in hospitals in nursing homes.
France is currently in the grips of a fourth wave of coronavirus
infections. The county has seen a boost in vaccinations since French
President Emmanuel Macron announced the health pass in July. Some
two-thirds of the French population eligible for the jab have received
one dose, while 55% are fully vaccinated.
Meanwhile, protests also
took place in several Italian cities over the weekend against against
the implementation of the country's Green Pass, which is now required
for teachers and for people to attend indoor events.
Thousands gathered in Piazza del Popolo in central Rome shouting “No Green Pass!†and
Latest posts rom The Daily Stirer
EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax†dreamed up by “Eurofanatics†who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.
With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe's more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.
Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.
Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could 'manage' immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.
Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,
France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination 21 July 2021: French protests call for ‘freedom’ amid government vaccine push 17 July 2021: Reprots of numerous protests, with the total number of protestors involved estimated at over 1 million, marched in numerous cities and urban areas across France on Saturday. They were protesting against against President Emmanuel Macron’s authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health …
Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war†caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity. Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers†threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,†a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime ...
Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop “Submersion†Of France Via Mass ImmigrationMarine Le Pen, leader of the French Rassemblement National (National Rally) has called for a referendum on immigration policy to stop what she called the “submersion†of France via a “globalist†program of mass immigration. Speaking in a debate on problems caused by mass immigration, Le Pen told the French Parliament that the political establishment had betrayed French people ...
The Islamic Republic Of France
France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online, the ruling class have been also accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she allegedly insulted Islam online.
To The Streets To Protest Against Mandatory Vaccine Passports
France was first in Europe to announce vaccine passports would be mandatory for entry to large events and public spaces last week and President Macron was forced by an immediate backlash to back off his cherished dictatorial measure. Early this week the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, and Boris Johnson's doom laden warnings sparked an immediate reaction with a large faction of the party he leads in parliament announcing they will vote against any such dictatorial and discriminatory measure ...
Italy: Cops open manslaughter investigation as man dies after getting AZ coronavirus vaccine 21 March 2021:Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.
3 June 2020: Italy Poll: Salvini’s Lega in Solid First Place as Government Totters As Italy’s left – of – centre coalition government, which lost its majority in the national assembly, and with it the ability to govern the European Union’s third largest, and probably most volatile member state, the Lega party, led by the biggest thorn in the EU’s side, Matteo Salvini
Yesterday this publication reported that under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has - to the surprise of all Daily Stirrer contributors - held together for almost two years, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed at the behest of the Brussels bureaucracy from two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - had already survived the collapse of his original coalition.
Under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has enjoyed a degree of stability unseen in decades, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed by two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - Conte has already survived the collapse of his original coalition. When League leader Matteo Salvini withdrew from the ruling coalition back in 2019, Conte managed to stave off another election by recruiting new allies from the opposition.
They are just making up narratives now, and the media are not calling them out on it….
Director of the CDC made an important admission during an interview
today on CNN. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated the vaccine does
not prevent COVID-19 infection, nor does it stop the vaccinated person
from transmitting the infection or the delta variant.
According to Director Walensky, the only benefit from the vaccine now is presumably that it reduces the severity of symptoms.
a vaccinated and non-vaccinated person have the same capacity to carry,
shed and transmit the virus – with or without symptoms – then what
difference does a vaccination passport or vaccination ID make?
to the CDC TODAY, both the vaxxed and non-vaxxed person walking into a
restaurant, store, group, venue or workplace present the exact same risk
to other people there, so how does the presentation of proof of vaccine
make any difference?
Additionally, her entire statement makes no sense.
There is no evidence that
vaccinated asymptomatic carriers are asymptomatic because of the
vaccine. There are likely just as many asymptomatic non-vaccinated
carriers. The data shows an equally distributed infection rate
regardless of vaccination rate, which is simultaneously admitted by
Direcor Walensky, which, as an outcome, is an admission that undercuts
the entire argument for compulsory vaccines.
The reverse is also evident in the data. There
are just as many vaxxed carriers who are symptomatic (ie. sick), as
there are un-vaxxed carriers who are symptomatic (ie. sick). The
percentage of vaxxed and non-vaxxed people hospitalized it identical to
the vaxxed/non-vaxxed population around the hospital.
In regional populations with extremely high vaccination rates, the COVID infection rate continues unabated.
The percentage of vaccinated people hospitalized is identical to the percentage of people vaccinated in the community.
Picture: Vox Party leader Santiago Abascal (AFP / Getty)
Spanish populist party VOX,kept out of their rightful place in a ruling coalition by EU meddling in the Spanish democratic process, has threatened legal action against the Madrid government if the ruling coalition implements a so-called health passport scheme that would require proof of vaccination or a negative coronavirus test to enter certain businesses.
The leader of VOX, Santiago Abascal, stated his opposition to the coronavirus health pass this week, writing on Twitter that if the Madrid government led by People’s Party politician Isabel DÃaz Ayuso wanted to introduce a health pass he and VOX would take the matter to court.
“We are not going to allow more violations, discrimination and abuses of the fundamental rights of Spaniards,†Abascal vowed.
On Thursday, Ayusca stormed that she would not be “blackmailed†on the issue, and stated that while she had a good relationship with the populist party she was clear she did not like “threatening tones and ultimatums,†newspaper El Mundo reports. This was big talk from a leader whose coalition does noyt command a majority in the Spanish national assembly.
According to a spokesperson the Madrid government leader, she is open to discussing the possibility of a health passport in the region — but stressed she only wanted to study a possible implementation in certain cases, claiming she did not want to impose further restrictions.
Some Spanish provinces have already passed measures to requidocuments to enter certain businesses, such as Galicia where proof of vaccination or a negative test is required to enter nightclubs, bars, cafes, and restaurants. On the Canary Islands, the government attempted to implement similar measures, but the High Court of the Canary Islands suspended the government’s move after claiming that it conflicted with privacy issues.
EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax†dreamed up by “Eurofanatics†who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.
With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe's more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.
Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.
Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could 'manage' immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.
Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,
France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination 21 July 2021: French protests call for ‘freedom’ amid government vaccine push 17 July 2021: Reprots of numerous protests, with the total number of protestors involved estimated at over 1 million, marched in numerous cities and urban areas across France on Saturday. They were protesting against against President Emmanuel Macron’s authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health …
Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war†caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity. Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers†threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,†a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime ...
Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop “Submersion†Of France Via Mass ImmigrationMarine Le Pen, leader of the French Rassemblement National (National Rally) has called for a referendum on immigration policy to stop what she called the “submersion†of France via a “globalist†program of mass immigration. Speaking in a debate on problems caused by mass immigration, Le Pen told the French Parliament that the political establishment had betrayed French people ...
The Islamic Republic Of France
France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online, the ruling class have been also accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she allegedly insulted Islam online.
General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies France has been closer to social breakdown than the political establishment in the EU and their mainstream media sock puppets will ever admit since the the gilets jaunes demonstrations at their height nearly torched Paris and other cities. It would be a mistake to think, as television news bulletins and large circulation newspapers have suggested …
France was first in Europe to announce vaccine passports would be mandatory for entry to large events and public spaces last week and President Macron was forced by an immediate backlash to back off his cherished dictatorial measure. Early this week the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, and Boris Johnson's doom laden warnings sparked an immediate reaction with a large faction of the party he leads in parliament announcing they will vote against any such dictatorial and discriminatory measure ...
Italy: Cops open manslaughter investigation as man dies after getting AZ coronavirus vaccine 21 March 2021:Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.
3 June 2020: Italy Poll: Salvini’s Lega in Solid First Place as Government Totters As Italy’s left – of – centre coalition government, which lost its majority in the national assembly, and with it the ability to govern the European Union’s third largest, and probably most volatile member state, the Lega party, led by the biggest thorn in the EU’s side, Matteo Salvini
Yesterday this publication reported that under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has - to the surprise of all Daily Stirrer contributors - held together for almost two years, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed at the behest of the Brussels bureaucracy from two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - had already survived the collapse of his original coalition.
Under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has enjoyed a degree of stability unseen in decades, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed by two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - Conte has already survived the collapse of his original coalition. When League leader Matteo Salvini withdrew from the ruling coalition back in 2019, Conte managed to stave off another election by recruiting new allies from the opposition.
EU bullies: Italy forced to surrender in secret meeting over coronavirus economy crisis Yannis Varoufakis, a veteran of the 2015 Greek debt crisis, accused Eurozone finance ministers of “failing Europeans†after a 15-hour row over a post-coronavirus rescue package for Italy ended in stalemate. The rebel economist said he was the victim of similar bullying at the height of Greece’s financial crisis when his defiant strategy against debt negotiations with European leaders led to banks being closed and queues at cash machines. “The Italian finance minister, during the night, was bullied to surrender – as I was in 2015. It was all done behind closed doors and with no minutes kept.â€
Thousands of people have flooded the streets of French
cities, protesting against the implementation of a mandatory Covid-19
health pass for the general public, as well as compulsory vaccination
for certain categories of people.
Crowds in Paris protest Macron's fascist Vaccine mandates (RT, 7 / 8/ 2021)
Mass protests kicked off in several French cities on Saturday, with
thousands condemning government plans to toughen anti-coronavirus
A huge march was held in Paris, where participants were accompanied
by a massive police presence, live footage from RT’s video agency Ruptly
The protest has taken place without any major incident so far, with
police and marchers only engaging in minor pushing along the route. At
one point, law enforcement could be seen pepper-spraying protesters who
tried to push against the police line.
Large protests have also been staged in other cities across the
country. A massive column of protesters marched through the streets of
the southwestern coastal city of La Rochelle to condemn the plans for a
health pass.
Some 200,000 protesters were expected to hit the streets of French
cities, according to local media reports, citing police sources. So far,
French law enforcement has not released any official estimates on the
scale of the ongoing protests.
The latest round of protests, which have rocked the country for the
past few weeks, comes after France’s top court deemed most of the
controversial legislation package to be constitutional. The legislation,
approved by the court on Thursday, is expected to come into force on
The court shot down several provisions, but greenlit the most
controversial ones, including the implementation of mandatory health
passes for the general public, which will be required to visit most
public venues. The legislation also implements mandatory coronavirus
vaccination for frontline healthcare workers and some other categories
of French citizens.
Mass protests against lockdowns and vaccine mandates are taking place across Europe with hardly a mention from from the Mainstream Media which, while demanding unprecedented censorship, repreatedly parrots globalist propaganda about the suvvess of the mass vaccination campaigns as if they really believe their customers are stupid enough to accept that with the claimed high take up of the vaccines government's care so much about the 10% of vaccine refusers it is still spending billions of dollars to persuade us to get our armful of free toxic shite.
Washington Post's article today "NYC to require proof of vaccination for indoor activities," disabled from public comment! Because WAPO and MSM understand that most people, Republican and Democrat, unvaccinated and vaccinated, are vehemently opposed to such mandates!
Deciding against taking vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization, using new mRNA technology never heretofore approved by the FDA, from companies who have paid billions of dollars in fines for defective products and unscrupulous practices is reasonable, not the reckless, selfish, unpatriotic act it is being portrayed as. And the claims made that 98% of the population in developed nations have been vaccinated are laughable. According to unofficial sources the figure is around 50% and sticking in spite of fearmongering, bribes, coercion and fascistic policies that threaten to create of the unvaccinated a margicalised lass of untermenschen (yes its a Nazi word, the pandemic responses of the "liberal democracies have too many parralels with Naziism for comparisons to be easily dismissed.
The "Left" whose journey across the spectrum has taken them to a level of authoritarianism Genghis Khan would have envied, have become vicious shills for Big Pharma. The "Left" have found a Religion devoid of empathy and tolerance, and are fully committed to worship of an insufferable and infantilizing "Big Mother" technocracy betrothed to "Great Father Of All Things Science."
In France it has gone to the extreme with the "Health" Pass. Last week on the 21st ALL restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and any leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas, museums, were closed to anyone without "the pass" and all staff at these places are mandated to get the jab to keep their job.
It is now a 6 Month prison sentence if you are caught inside any of these places without the pass (the man who slapped the president in the face got only 3 months prison time). Business owners will get a fine of 45,000 euros and 1 year prison sentance if they do not comply with the use of "the pass" and force all their employees to get the jab. (If you know France, you can commit murder and have less of a sentence)
So the result? All the low paid employees quit, they can make more on welfare here. (for now) We can still technically "get take out food" but I just tried last night and every restaurant in our town (that is dine in with take out) has closed their doors due to the lack of staff.
As of last week ALL doctors, nurses and health industry workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license, practice, job, business etc. (ALL health care here is Govt paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.)
Since the Health care system is state run and funded, it has been run into the ground. All the good doctors left France 5 Years ago, all the hospitals look like they are 3rd world hospitals since there is no money to repair them, half of the equipment doesnt work and not every hospital is stocked with supplies needed for daily needs (masks, gels, disposable gowns etc).
For 5 years Nurses have been understaffed and doing double the work because the Health care system is nearly bankrupt.... So add to this the mandatory jab.
So the result? Well they took to the streets by the millions and now all the hospitals just lost another 50% of staff capacity. My doctor just went into early retirement (a.k.a. he quit) and I have yet to find a replacement.
As of Aug 1st ALL large malls, retail stores and grocery store owners and their staff need to be jabbed and the health pass is required to enter for employees and customers. This would be the equivalent to closing ALL Targets, Walmarts, Costcos, Home Depots, and all major grocery stores. (basically any building over 20,000 squre meters) to those without "the pass".
Result.?? Aug 15th Truckers will be going on strike nation wide; Blocking all access roads in and out of Paris.
Yesterday an entire airport in Northern France closed due to the majority of staff quitting.
As of Sept 15th All public areas and access will be off limits. No farmers markets, no parks, no national parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, campsites etc. and no gathering over 100 people, no churches, no weddings, etc.
As of Oct 1st ALL small vendors such as, delis, pizza trucks, sandwich shops, butchers, bakers, vegatable stands etc.
So as of Oct 1st I will only be able to purchase food by internet and pick up (if allowed).
Food shortages, Truckers strike, hospitals and airports shutting down unemployment going through the roof. Its going to be a bumpy ride folks.
Is it me or does all this seem a bit extreme for a "pass" that isn't exactly working?
America England Australia New Zealand you’d better wake up, because this is where our governments, in thrall to corporate money, are planning to take us all.
France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination 21 July 2021: French protests call for ‘freedom’ amid government vaccine push 17 July 2021: Reprots of numerous protests, with the total number of protestors involved estimated at over 1 million, marched in numerous cities and urban areas across France on Saturday. They were protesting against against President Emmanuel Macron’s authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health …
Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war†caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity. Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers†threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,†a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime ...
Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop “Submersion†Of France Via Mass ImmigrationMarine Le Pen, leader of the French Rassemblement National (National Rally) has called for a referendum on immigration policy to stop what she called the “submersion†of France via a “globalist†program of mass immigration. Speaking in a debate on problems caused by mass immigration, Le Pen told the French Parliament that the political establishment had betrayed French people ...
The Islamic Republic Of France
France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online, the ruling class have been also accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she allegedly insulted Islam online.
General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies France has been closer to social breakdown than the political establishment in the EU and their mainstream media sock puppets will ever admit since the the gilets jaunes demonstrations at their height nearly torched Paris and other cities. It would be a mistake to think, as television news bulletins and large circulation newspapers have suggested …
French police drag Yellow Vest “protesters†away from Bastille Day parade as they jeer Macron As Mr Macron was riding by at the start of the parade, he was greeted by people in the crowds who turned their backs, booed and whistled. Before the parade, he delivered a message to the French people and said he wanted to highlight France’s “irrevocable commitment to consolidate French and European securityâ€.
Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.
Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.
Ghosts Of ’68 Threaten Macron’s Technocratic Dream.
The idealistic hope that mass protests and civil disobedience could trigger real social change met with some success in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but looked to have died after the USA’s 1960s civil rights movement and anti – war protests. The recent mass demonstrations of Frane’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) movement in 2018, a movement … Continue reading
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Judges in Berlin are reportedly taking steps
to try to prohibit Germans from protesting against Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19) lockdowns, claiming ironically that protests will spread the
so-called “delta variant.â€
Tens of thousands of people gathered in Berlin anyway to refuse
government tyranny and make their voices heard, much like the French
have been doing all throughout France in response to that country’s new “vaccine passport†scheme.
Judges in the German capital’s administrative court refused to grant
authorization to 13 of the demonstrations that had been scheduled to
take place. Some of these were organized by a group called Querdenker,
or “Lateral Thinker,†which represents an anti-lockdown movement.
The ban on these demonstrations was then upheld by the
Berlin-Brandeburg upper administrative court, which told some 22,500
Germans that they could not participate in any of the scheduled protest
According to the German government, the latest round of Chinese Germs
is just too scary to allow Germans to live their lives and exercise
free speech. Everyone must stay home until the mainstream media decides
that “cases†are no longer “surging.â€
Another rally called “For Peace, Freedom, Truth†that was expected to
draw some 3,500 people was also prohibited because the German
government said that it would be “unsafe.â€
The upper court decided that the Querdenker movement’s demonstrations
“violate legal norms†that it says were “created to contain the risk of
infection in a way that attracted public attention, in particular by
disregarding the social distance requirement and the mask requirement.â€
Germans are ignoring their corrupt government and protesting anyway
Despite the ban, tens of thousands of Germans traveled to Berlin
anyway to protest their government’s anti-human restrictions, which
threaten to keep all of Germany locked down forever until the Fauci Flu
magically disappears from the headlines.
Because protesters refuse to stand six feet apart and wear face
diapers, the German government has concluded that they cannot and should
not be allowed to gather because doing so could ignite another new
“variant†that might make politicians feel extra, extra scared.
The Querdenker is Germany’s primary anti-lockdown movement. It has
been aggressively monitored and targeted by the country’s “intelligenceâ€
agencies based on accusations that it is linked to “far-right†and
The mainstream media in Germany claims that Querdenker is spreading
“conspiracy theories†about the Chinese Virus, including claims that the
Trump Vaccines introduced under “Operation Warp Speed†are dangerous
and ineffective.
Querdenker also says that new federal and regional laws in Germany
that are supposedly meant to “flatten the curve†are actually just
excuses to impose more tyranny and infringe on citizens’ civil
The Alternative for Germany party, meanwhile, has taken a vocal stand
for Querdenker and the right of all Germans to protest freely. Banning
them from doing this as the German government is doing is both
hypocritical and authoritarian, the group says.
In France, reports are emerging to suggest that area police are
siding with protesters, in some cases, and against the Emmanuel Macron
regime. Hundreds of thousands of French people have taken to the streets
to just say no to mandatory chemical injections from Big Pharma, which is quickly rendering void that country’s “vaccine passport†effort.
German police, on the other hand, appear to be siding with tyranny as they arrest protesters for defying the government’s orders to “stay home†in order to “stay safe.â€
More than 600 people were reportedly arrested for participating in
the Berlin protests. Police officers were seen blasting the protesters
with pepper spray and truncheons while water cannon-equipped tanks roved
the streets to keep everyone “safe†against the Wuhan Flu.
The latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?
The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace
Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.
Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?
EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...
Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaie so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.
Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
The American Political System Is "Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic" - Thiel The state of democracy in the USA has become a hot topic of conversation in American business circles in recent years. While President Barack Hussein Obama, not so much a man as an ego on long skinny legs, has increasingly been inclined to rule by executive order in the manner of a despot or tyrant, even Obama's fiercest critics have to admit the American electoral system seems increasingly capable of delivering only political paralysis ...
Usually when the Commonwealth Fund releases its ‘Mirror, Mirror’ study of healthcare systems, it makes waves across the UK media. You might not recognise the formal title of the study, but you’ll be familiar with its findings: this outlier research tends to rank the UK National Health Service as one of the best healthcare systems in the developed world.
It’s a hallowed report for much of the UK medical community and commentariat, reaffirming their unquestioning devotion to the NHS as a truly unique system and the ‘envy of the world’. While other healthcare assessments – from the OECD, European Health Consumer Index, and World Health Organisation, to name a few – often set out the NHS’s shortcomings, the Commonwealth Fund study usually acts as a counterbalance. Uncomfortable truths about the health service can then be swept under the rug by those who are inclined to worship at the NHS’s altar.
The report dropped last night, yet today’s response, compared to most years, has been much quieter. This is perhaps because the report’s findings suggest there may be new countries to envy: in the past four years since the last report was released, the NHS has dropped from ranking first overall to fourth, falling behind Norway, the Netherlands and Australia.
Before we analyse the findings, it’s important to note how the research works. The Commonwealth Fund is fairly open about its preference for more centralised systems, like the NHS, which is why it uses ‘equity’ as one of its five major domains for assessing each system. Its goal is to reform healthcare Stateside, which explains why the major criticisms of the report are aimed at America – predominantly its high spending on healthcare, coupled with its unremarkable outcomes. It’s an argument that isn’t remotely controversial outside of the US, where every developed country offers some version of universal access to healthcare.
So why has the UK dropped down the rankings? The Commonwealth Fund think tank says it has fallen in key areas, including ‘access to care and equity.’ It’s a reminder that waiting times on the NHS were abysmal long before the pandemic hit, with the OECD noting in the mid-2010s that lack of efficiency in the NHS made it far more difficult for patients to access care.
There is no doubt that those frustrated with today’s findings will chalk up the NHS’s shortcomings as simply an issue of underfunding. But the fact that Australia ranks third in the Commonwealth Fund’s list, just above the NHS, makes this a tougher sell. Australia spends roughly the same percentage of its GDP (usually slightly less) on healthcare as the UK. According to the OECD, in 2019 the UK healthcare spending totalled 10.2 per cent of GDP, Australia 9.4 per cent. Yet on a similar budget, Australia's hybrid system which mixes public funds and privately run services achieves much better healthcare outcomes, especially in life-or-death areas like cancer, and stroke and heart attack mortality rates. ... Continue reading >>>
ABOUT a third of those aged 18-29 in England are shunning the Covid vaccine, despite massive inducements. It’s interesting to speculate on why this is.
The Government is pressuring them into taking the jab through exaggerated claims about its safety and effectiveness; through accusations that they are selfish to
refuse it; through pop-up clinics at football stadiums, circuses and
music festivals, sometimes offering free food, and through threats that
their hesitation will make vaccine passports and a return to lockdown
more likely.
I don’t believe the main reason so many young people are hesitating
is selfishness. It is that they are better able to find their way past
the wishful thinking about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness
propagated by the NHS, by our sadly subservient mainstream
media and by manufacturers such as Pfizer, whose latest forecast
predicts sales of $33.5billion (£24billion) for its Covid vaccine.
Young people are much more likely than the middle-aged and elderly to
access information from sources independent of Big Pharma and of
organisations such as the Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation which
make millions through investments in companies benefiting from medical
research and treatments.
So they are more likely to know these facts:
That the product is experimental, and that reports of deaths and injuries in the wake of vaccination are through the roof compared with any other widely used jab.
That these deaths and injuries may well be caused by the vaccine, since it provokes our cells into producing a toxic protein that does not stay at the injection site, but travels throughout the body and may lie behind adverse events and deaths involving heart and blood vessel abnormalities reported throughout Europe.
That young men especially are at risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis – inflammation of the heart – an adverse reaction that safety trials failed to identify.
That nearly 400 children in the US aged 12-17 suffered this reaction
in the seven months to July 16 after receiving the Pfizer vaccine,
according to a study just published by the US Centers for Disease Control.
That the elderly and people with prior exposure to the Covid virus –
both potentially more vulnerable to harm from the jab – were excluded in
most of the clinical trials.
That UK weekly care home deaths tripled in the two weeks of January
8-22, when there was a massive increase in Covid jabs, and that there
are numerous similar reports from around the world.
That when young people are infected by the virus, the vast majority
mount a natural immune response that gives lasting protection.
That we do not know whether the vaccine provides long-lasting
protection, or whether the risks associated with it will have to be
undergone repeatedly through booster shots (see here and here).
That the rationale behind the vaccine is not that it will protect
against infection, but that it will teach the immune system to recognise
the now-famous ‘spike’ protein. This is the toxic, genetically
engineered add-on with which Chinese and American researchers equipped
the Covid virus, making it more dangerous than its predecessors in the
coronavirus family.
That the thousands of people who are developing the infection after being vaccinated – so-called breakthrough cases – are now known to be just as likely to spread the virus as unvaccinated people who become cases.
That almost from the start of the pandemic, many doctors have claimed
that if the immune system doesn’t do the job and Covid-19 develops, it
is eminently treatable with cheap, long-established drugs. ... Continue reading >>>
Are Mainstream Media being Constrained From Reporting Adverse News On Vaccine Issues? Controversy rages on around vaccines with the delusional denizens of the Church of Scienceology Cult still insistin vaccines are absolutely safe because incidences of serious harm being done to receipients of vaccines are 'statistically insignificant', Big Pharma Corporations pushing the idea that vaccines can protect us against everything but taxes and medical incompetence and politicians yelling 'vote for me and I'll abolish illness, old age and poverty ...
CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See his statement reprinted below.)The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:
"My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in ..."
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work
Science for Sale, Autism, VCaccines And Government Intervention
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here is one vaccine specialist who won his personal battle, the wider war goes on.
The Vaccine Paradox - When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated
The propaganda aimed at convincing us vaccine are safe and totally effective is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. This is why, as vaccine horror stories proliferate and the lies and fraud of vaccine makers are exposed, there has to be talk of making a criminal offence of being unvaccinated. I expect one of my future posts to be titled,'Vaccines, the tool of fascism'
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right
If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian "progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.
Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Winter deaths? Why does the government launch this big fearand panic campaign every year, if not to push flu vaccines for their Big Pharma buddies. Do you think it is coincidence that the annual 'flu' death toll is the same as the annual Winter Death figure. Yeah, every death from some non specific viral infection during the flu seaon is a flu death. It's just another fraud, very few people actually die of true Influenza
UK Government Agency Faked Vaccine Safety Data To Sell HPV Virus Against Non Existent cervical Cancer Threat
Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers' money? Find out below ...
Vaccine fascists Losing The Fight To Force Vaccines On Parents
We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problrms have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit ...
New Scientific Study Verifies Again That MMR Vaccine Causes Autism
Strangely (or perhaps absolutely predictably) little of this has been reported in mainstream media. And unfortunately I cannot link you to the site that broke the story (but I have linked to the legal rulings which are a meter of public record now) because their page has been down since the news started to go viral. Fortunately other new media publishers were onto the story by then and ...
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Tony Fauci, appearing on the fake news program “Face the Nation,â€
explained to some robotic suit and tie that the “new thinkingâ€
surrounding the delta variant is that it easily spreads from person to
person, including people who already got injected with a Trump Vaccine.
Fauci claims that he and his fellow career bureaucrats have
determined that the delta variant easily creates “breakthroughâ€
infections in the vaccinated, though the infections are supposedly
“But since no vaccine is 100 percent effective, you’re going to see
breakthrough infections,†Fauci quickly added to try to justify the
failure of Fauci Flu shots to prevent the Chinese Infection.
“But what we’ve learned that’s new, John, in answer to your question,
is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of
people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really
quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of
unvaccinated people who get infected – that’s very different from the
alpha variant,†Fauci further added.
“The alpha variant, the level of virus in a vaccinated person was
extremely low in the vaccinated people compared to the unvaccinated
people – not so with delta. So, we know now that vaccinated people who
get breakthrough infections can spread the virus to other people.â€
Stay safe: Don’t get vaccinated for covid
Why, again, are people being told that they must get vaccinated for
the Wuhan Flu? Oh, we forgot: to “minimize symptoms†and “prevent
hospitalizations.†Too bad this is also not true, as evidenced by the
vast majority of new hospitalizations being among the jabbed.
Somehow, Fauci and friends are getting away with speaking out of both
sides of their mouth. On the one hand, everyone is supposed to get
injected with a Fauci Flu shot to help “flatten the curve,†while on the
other the injections are causing the curve to go parabolic.
Which is it? Are Chinese Virus injections really “safe and effectiveâ€
as Fauci has long claimed or are they spreading more disease, including
the dreaded “delta variant?†It would appear as though the latter is
true, and yet Fauci is still telling people to get jabbed.
Nothing makes any sense anymore, even as the medical fascists openly
admit that Chinese Virus shots are failing to stop the spread as the
government claimed they would all last year.
Everyone who already took the shot, believing it to be the final
solution to the Wuhan Flu, must be reeling with horror as Fauci fesses
up to the fact that they do not work. Everyone else will continue to
stay far, far away from the injections for their own safety.
“Fauxi is a worthless bureaucratic hack,†wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “He should be on death row for his crimes.â€
“The reason Fauci’s comments are so disjointed and confusing is
because the engineering and release of Covid-19 was a political
operation, and not ‘accidental’ like they claim, so governmental damage
control (Fauci backed up by propaganda media and censor media) must
alter the information every time the real truth exposes their lies,â€
wrote another.
The latest news stories about Chinese Virus injection deception can be found at
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Twitter Thought Police Will Ban Anyone Who Repeatedly Tells Truth About COVID Vaccine
In future anyone who “repeatedly posts misleading informationâ€
about SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be put on a watch
list and given five chances to chaine their opinion or self – censor
their comments and opinions before being permanently banned from the
social media platform, the company recently announced. A True to form
however, … Continue reading
Why Is There A Correlation Between The Vaccine Rollout And Increased COVID–19 Mortality?
from UK Column Since the UK government began its rollout of the
COVID vaccine regular reports of unusual death events occuring shortly
after the deceased had received a shot of the vaccine have been reported
in care homes and by doctors’ surgeries across the country. The
Official line has been that the vaccine shot and … Continue reading
Pfizer COVID vaccine killed 40 times more old people than the virus itself would have – Report
March 4, 2021 posted by The Defender The experimental Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19) vaccines from Pfizer that were rushed into production and
distribution via Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed†program are
killing far more elderly people than the so-called “virus†itself would
have. A re-analysis of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry
concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech’s messenger … Continue reading
Since last year, from early in the pandemic The Daily Stirrer has been chronicling the progress of the pandemic, from the doom mongering prophechies of pseudo scienists with their mathematical models, to the increasingly lame excuses given by politucians for endless lockdowns and useless masking mandates, and throughout all this we hsve tried by questioning the incoherence of the politicised responses to what for most of us is a trivial illness to show that there was some kind of globalist political agenda behind what was going on. We weren't the only ones. The following article was originally published in the Naked Hedge blog a year ago.
weeks now, the media and “health†authorities have relentlessly
promoted a fear-inducing narrative about the Covid 19 “pandemic†as if
the daily count of new “cases†were a major public health emergency,
sensationalized by the media nearly 24/7. The official narrative is
sharply at odds with the gathering voices from hundreds of doctors,
virologists and epidemiologists.
Incoherence of the official narrative
that we are up against a “once-in-a-century†pandemic, this would be a
great challenge for humanity, wrought with uncertainty. One would expect
to encounter a lively debate, discussions, much doubt and controversy.
Journalists should seek out as many domain experts as possible so we can
all gain the clearest possible understanding of the new health
challenge and how to confront it. Effective treatments should be
promoted, celebrated, screamed from the rooftops. But the reality is
very different.
Public health measures – virtually identical in
most nations – are handed down from the World Health Organization
through shadowy bureaucratic hierarchies that claim monopoly on truth.
Discussion is discouraged and hundreds of experts are being aggressively
silenced. Several effective treatments have been identified, but the
officialdom has been borderline hostile to any mention of them.
Concealment of effective treatments
in early March 2020, President Trump started mentioning
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for Corona virus infections. The
media promptly ridiculed him, even accusing him of putting lives in
danger. However, as it turned out, HCQ was shown to reduce mortality from Covid 19 by more than 50%, and when used together with zinc and vitamins by as much as 85%.
Stella Immanuel claimed that she treated more than 300 patients with
HCQ, many of them elderly and with one or more co-morbidities and she
had ZERO fatalities among her patients. Today the video with her
statements is difficult to find on YouTube, but you’ll easily find
dozens of videos that ridicule her and smear her character. Much more
recently, Dr. Brian Tyson testified that his clinic had treated 1,700 Covid-19 positive patients – again with zero fatalities.
doctors and patients have been strongly discouraged from using
Hydroxychloroquine and in some nations HCQ was abruptly pulled from the
market. In Australia, prescribing HCQ has even been made a criminal offence.
Meanwhile, the authorities seem to favor mandating hastily developed,
untested, experimental vaccines, although the disease itself has proven
lethal for only 0.004% of the population (even by the overinflated U.S.
CDC statistics).
Officialdom’s puzzling entrenchment
utter incoherence of the official positions has by now become so obvious
that they have long lost all credibility. But rather than declaring
victory against the virus and celebrating that life can return to
normal, the officialdom has become even more deeply entrenched in their
own contradictions, turning increasingly aggressive with ever more
restrictive “public health†measures. Meanwhile, the media have
escalated the ‘project fear’ propaganda to nauseating proportions.
We insist: the edifice is sound, do not believe your lying eyes, do not do your own research!
situation became surreal: how can seemingly intelligent, learned people
remain so stubbornly attached to a narrative that’s as obviously
flawed? Why are the media relentlessly inciting fear and hysteria over a
mild flu virus? In addition to the American and British media, I’ve
been following the media reports in Croatia, Spain, France and Italy –
the same thing everywhere: it’s all Covid all the time, with nonstop
fearmongering and calls for compliance with increasingly silly
“measures.†For example, more than four months into this “pandemic,†71
nations have issued strangely similar mandates for people to wear masks
in public spaces, even though there is strictly no scientific proof that this serves any purpose.
everyone worldwide gone insane? If it is not science and logic that’s
informing the public health measures, then what is it? And then it hit
The curious case of the IMF loans for Belarus
Back in June I noted that Belarus’ president Alexander Lukashenko publicly
snubbed a $940 million line of credit from the International Monetary
Fund. He rejected it because the IMF conditioned the loan on Belarus
imposing a strict Covid 19 lockdown policy and a curfew. At the time I
thought it was very strange that the IMF would offer loans to a nation
while setting conditions that severely impair that nation’s ability to
Apparently, a number of other nations received similar
offers from the IMF and/or the World Bank. We know about the Covid 19
conditionality only because the president of Belarus disclosed it
publicly. Significantly, Lukashenko mentioned on several occasions that
the IMF negotiators wanted Belarus to do “like in Italy.†Other nations
and governments who accepted the money may have quietly agreed to the
conditionality which they never disclosed to the rest of us.
As of April 2020, 85 nations have requested financial assistance from the IMF.
Deeply in debt and with severely damaged economies, most governments
worldwide needed loans, making them prey to the dictates of money power.
To secure the needed funds they may have agreed to shutting down their
economies, restricting their population’s freedom of movement, created
stasi-like contact-tracing structures and closed down the schools.
Further evidence that the agenda is being driven by the bankers was the recent Op-Ed in the New York Times by Neel Kashkari,
the president of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank calling for the
government to issue strict 4 to 6 week shelter-in-place orders “for everyone but the truly essential workers.â€
Kashkari advocated that the lockdowns should be as comprehensive and
strict as possible and done aggressively, using “the testing and tracing
capacity we’ve built…â€
Banking cartel’s fingerprints can also be found in the document “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,â€
published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. On page 18, titled
“Lock Step,†the document presciently describes our current reality as “A world of top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.†The scenario envisions a “pandemic the world had been anticipating for years…†And today we do have that “pandemic,†as well as the world of top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership.
As Napoleon Bonaparte understood all too well, “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation.â€
In each nation we seem to be opposed by some government bureaucracy.
But while those bureaucracies and the officials who work there are
becoming the targets of public resentment, it is critical that we
recognize the puppeteers behind the agenda that’s playing out.
can be little doubt that the enemy is the international banking cartel
headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street, together with
their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF,
World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions
like the World Economic Forum, big pharma corporations, World Health
Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI and numerous
As Lord Acton warned over a century ago, “the issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banksâ€
This fight is now upon us. It might be the ultimate struggle between
humanity’s emancipation or our final enslavement. To prevail, we must
understand our true enemies and the financial, economic, political and
social structures enabling their agenda.
As the Rockefeller
Foundation document reveals, they have anticipated our pushback and have
surely planned diversions to misdirect our grievances toward the
visible enablers of their top-down authoritarian rule. One of the
greatest means of diversion are wars. We must therefore guard against
believing that our enemies are the Russians, the Chinese or whomever the
logic of divide-and-rule would pit us against.
When our
governments tell us that we face a grave threat from another nation,
send troops to its borders or warships near its shores, we must demand
they stand down. We must also guard against demonization of other
nations and their leaders because they frequently lead to military
escalation (think Saddam Hussein, Moammar Ghaddafi, Bashar al Assad…). Ron Paul warned us that, “It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.†I explained the systemic roots of west’s war lust in this article: “Deflationary Gap and the West’s War Addiction.â€
short, we must not be distracted by the bullfighter’s red cloth: the
ultimate culprits, the super-predator are the bankers: a handful of
families and individuals who control and manage the present monetary
system. We’ve no choice but to reject fear and confront them. Today we
are armed with truth and information that past generations could not
have dreamt of. Today, we can make the difference and gift our children
and their children a world of prosperity and liberty beyond anything
what we can imagine at present. We really are the ones we've been
waiting for and we must seize this opportunity for this struggle is
worth everything.
The day job...
I'm not worried about the future of the world we'll leave behind to our
children, I publish daily CTA signals report which one of my
subscribers has tagged "super-impressive." For more information,
performance and testimonials, please check out the I-System TrendCompass web-page
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preview of our Major Markets report (180 strategies covering 15 key
global financial and commodity markets including the S&P500, Bund,
Oil, Gold, Silver, Copper...):
there's one thing about the growing demand for EVs that we have tried to
point out over the last month, it's the fact that the rhetoric about
the "green" vehicles being perfect for the environment with little
consequence isn't exactly 100% accurate.
more questions are starting to be raised about the potential unintended
consequences of the EV revolution. Notably, how can the metals used for
EV batteries be recycled and reused as part of a circular economy
before a materials crunch - or environmental impact from mining -
negates the "green" label affixed to EV vehicles. That's the question FT delved into this week in a new report.
who better to make it clear that recycling is an issue than former
Tesla executive JB Straubel. He started a company called Redwood
Materials in 2017 that is focused on trying to break down used batteries
and reconstitute them into a fresh supply of metals for new ones.
Despite EVs bring zero emission while being driven, the "mining, manufacturing and disposal process for batteries could become an environmental disaster for the industry," FT wrote.
Straubel said to FT: “It’s not sustainable at all today, nor is there really an imminent plan
— any disruption happening — to make it sustainable. That always grated
on me a little bit at Tesla and it became more apparent as we ramped
everything up.â€
His company takes batteries from old smartphones,
power tools and scooters, and turns them back into metals like nickel,
cobalt and lithium so they can re-enter the supply chain. His goal is to
stop mining from places like the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Australia and Chile, and start mining household waste. Straubel says
there's about 1 billion used batteries sitting around in households.
Berdichevsky, chief executive of battery materials start-up Sila Nano,
noted that there's a material amount of cobalt in smartphones compared
to EV batteries: “So for every 300 smartphones you collect, you have
enough cobalt for an EV battery.â€
Cobalt mining is particularly
resource intensive. "Cobalt can travel more than 20,000 miles from the
mine to the automaker before a buyer places a 'zero emission' sticker on
the bumper," FT points out.
Straubel says that EV emissions can
be halved even further from where they are if batteries and metals can
be continually recycled.
has raised more than $700 million from investors to hire 500 people and
expand its operations. This year it'll process 20,000 tons of scrap and
has already recovered enough material to build 45,000 EV battery
Redwood already has partnerships with companies like
Panasonic and Amazon. And companies like Apple are getting on board with
the circular economy idea, which CEO Tim Cook aspiring to “not to have
to remove anything from the earth to make the new iPhonesâ€.
circular economy with EV batteries would give the world a significant
push forward to meeting net zero emissions goals. Kunal Sinha, head of
copper and electronics recycling at miner Glencore, said: “For the world
to hit net zero — by 2050 you can’t do it with just resource
efficiency, switching to EVs and clean energy, there’s still a gap. That
gap can be closed by driving the circular economy, changing how we
consume things, how we reuse things, and how we recycle."
adoption grows, demand for nickel, cobalt and lithium will continue to
rise. Paul Anderson, a professor at the University of Birmingham, said:
“There is going to be a mass scramble for these materials. Everyone is
panicking about how to get their technology on to the market and there
is not enough thought [given] to recycling.â€
A "crunch" for the
materials will likely happen as a result of demand surpassing supply,
which will take place in 2 to 3 years, according to Monica Varman, a
clean tech investor at G2 Venture Partners.
concluded: “In the future we’ll replace the car, but not the battery; of
that I’m very confident. We haven’t even scratched the surface of the
battery age, in terms of what we can do with longevity and recycling.â€
And it seems EV maintenance costs are not as low as the green lobby and Tesla fan boys claim.
Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Plan To Block Sun & Stop Global Warming
from Great Game India Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. The experiment … Continue reading
Bill Gates, the world’s greatest vaccine fan and long term purveyor of software that is not fit for purpose, has been one of the main drivers of the wholly manufactured COVID – 19 global crisis that has seen our political leaders unquestioningly follow the instructions of corporate lobbyists and representatives of the Big Pharma cartel, … Continue reading>>>
Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
As the FDA shuts down a Bill Gates-funded COVID-testing program, an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal†and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes …Continue reading
World Domination Freak Bill Gates Appeals For World Government
In a recent interview with the German magazine ?Süddeutsche Zeitung?, Bill Gates, son of a CIA director and the New World Order’s ‘made man’ uttered some highly sinister comments in support of abolishing democracy and nationhood in favour of world government. Now those of us in the know have never been puzzled about …
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Bill ‘Psycho’ Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject Us With Vaccines
The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the world’s richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine – obsessed world domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine.Apart from the …
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Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa While Bill Gates, the dodgy billionaire wannabe Galatic Evil Emperor and purveyor of not-fot-for-purpose operatong systems for personal computers has been trying desperately to insert himself and his fake charity into the COVID Pandemic crisis (Gates has now abandoned dodgy software and is selling dodgy vaccines to governments,) another story concerning mass vaccination programs funded …
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Enlist celebs, churches? Gates warns US needs to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’
Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted community leaders to “reduce vaccine hesitancy,†bemoaning the rapid spread of “conspiracy theories†online. The Microsoft founder-turned-vaccine-evangelist painted a mostly rosy picture of a vaccine rollout getting “rich countries†back to normal by the end of …
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German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech
A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist†anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.
Free Speech Is Being Murdered By The Media And Left Wing Authoritarianism Without free speech there is no democracy. Without democracy there is no freedom. But all over the developed world free speech is under attack from politically correct politics. It is time to start resisting, do not believe the propaganda published by mainstream media, question everything and make up your own mind. as The Buddha said, "Believe nothing you read or are told unless it agrees with your own experience and common sense."
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press
Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.
Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.
Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds
The centralization of power over the past few decades in nations of the developed world has led to the evolution of a sociopathic managerial class formed mainly from the old petite bourgoisie who have now gravitted to public sector careers where their delusions of social status and the unaccountability of office lead them to abuse such power as they have.
Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.
Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.
there's one thing about the growing demand for EVs that we have tried to
point out over the last month, it's the fact that the rhetoric about
the "green" vehicles being perfect for the environment with little
consequence isn't exactly 100% accurate.
more questions are starting to be raised about the potential unintended
consequences of the EV revolution. Notably, how can the metals used for
EV batteries be recycled and reused as part of a circular economy
before a materials crunch - or environmental impact from mining -
negates the "green" label affixed to EV vehicles. That's the question FT delved into this week in a new report.
who better to make it clear that recycling is an issue than former
Tesla executive JB Straubel. He started a company called Redwood
Materials in 2017 that is focused on trying to break down used batteries
and reconstitute them into a fresh supply of metals for new ones.
Despite EVs bring zero emission while being driven, the "mining, manufacturing and disposal process for batteries could become an environmental disaster for the industry," FT wrote.
Straubel said to FT: “It’s not sustainable at all today, nor is there really an imminent plan
— any disruption happening — to make it sustainable. That always grated
on me a little bit at Tesla and it became more apparent as we ramped
everything up.â€
His company takes batteries from old smartphones,
power tools and scooters, and turns them back into metals like nickel,
cobalt and lithium so they can re-enter the supply chain. His goal is to
stop mining from places like the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Australia and Chile, and start mining household waste. Straubel says
there's about 1 billion used batteries sitting around in households.
Berdichevsky, chief executive of battery materials start-up Sila Nano,
noted that there's a material amount of cobalt in smartphones compared
to EV batteries: “So for every 300 smartphones you collect, you have
enough cobalt for an EV battery.â€
Cobalt mining is particularly
resource intensive. "Cobalt can travel more than 20,000 miles from the
mine to the automaker before a buyer places a 'zero emission' sticker on
the bumper," FT points out.
Straubel says that EV emissions can
be halved even further from where they are if batteries and metals can
be continually recycled.
has raised more than $700 million from investors to hire 500 people and
expand its operations. This year it'll process 20,000 tons of scrap and
has already recovered enough material to build 45,000 EV battery
Redwood already has partnerships with companies like
Panasonic and Amazon. And companies like Apple are getting on board with
the circular economy idea, which CEO Tim Cook aspiring to “not to have
to remove anything from the earth to make the new iPhonesâ€.
circular economy with EV batteries would give the world a significant
push forward to meeting net zero emissions goals. Kunal Sinha, head of
copper and electronics recycling at miner Glencore, said: “For the world
to hit net zero — by 2050 you can’t do it with just resource
efficiency, switching to EVs and clean energy, there’s still a gap. That
gap can be closed by driving the circular economy, changing how we
consume things, how we reuse things, and how we recycle."
adoption grows, demand for nickel, cobalt and lithium will continue to
rise. Paul Anderson, a professor at the University of Birmingham, said:
“There is going to be a mass scramble for these materials. Everyone is
panicking about how to get their technology on to the market and there
is not enough thought [given] to recycling.â€
A "crunch" for the
materials will likely happen as a result of demand surpassing supply,
which will take place in 2 to 3 years, according to Monica Varman, a
clean tech investor at G2 Venture Partners.
concluded: “In the future we’ll replace the car, but not the battery; of
that I’m very confident. We haven’t even scratched the surface of the
battery age, in terms of what we can do with longevity and recycling.â€
Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Plan To Block Sun & Stop Global Warming
from Great Game India Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. The experiment … Continue reading
Bill Gates, the world’s greatest vaccine fan and long term purveyor of software that is not fit for purpose, has been one of the main drivers of the wholly manufactured COVID – 19 global crisis that has seen our political leaders unquestioningly follow the instructions of corporate lobbyists and representatives of the Big Pharma cartel, … Continue reading>>>
Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
As the FDA shuts down a Bill Gates-funded COVID-testing program, an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal†and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes …Continue reading
World Domination Freak Bill Gates Appeals For World Government
In a recent interview with the German magazine ?Süddeutsche Zeitung?, Bill Gates, son of a CIA director and the New World Order’s ‘made man’ uttered some highly sinister comments in support of abolishing democracy and nationhood in favour of world government. Now those of us in the know have never been puzzled about …
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Bill ‘Psycho’ Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject Us With Vaccines
The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the world’s richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine – obsessed world domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine.Apart from the …
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Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa While Bill Gates, the dodgy billionaire wannabe Galatic Evil Emperor and purveyor of not-fot-for-purpose operatong systems for personal computers has been trying desperately to insert himself and his fake charity into the COVID Pandemic crisis (Gates has now abandoned dodgy software and is selling dodgy vaccines to governments,) another story concerning mass vaccination programs funded …
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Enlist celebs, churches? Gates warns US needs to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’
Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted community leaders to “reduce vaccine hesitancy,†bemoaning the rapid spread of “conspiracy theories†online. The Microsoft founder-turned-vaccine-evangelist painted a mostly rosy picture of a vaccine rollout getting “rich countries†back to normal by the end of …
Continue reading
German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech
A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist†anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.
Free Speech Is Being Murdered By The Media And Left Wing Authoritarianism Without free speech there is no democracy. Without democracy there is no freedom. But all over the developed world free speech is under attack from politically correct politics. It is time to start resisting, do not believe the propaganda published by mainstream media, question everything and make up your own mind. as The Buddha said, "Believe nothing you read or are told unless it agrees with your own experience and common sense."
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests
Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press
Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.
Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.
Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds
The centralization of power over the past few decades in nations of the developed world has led to the evolution of a sociopathic managerial class formed mainly from the old petite bourgoisie who have now gravitted to public sector careers where their delusions of social status and the unaccountability of office lead them to abuse such power as they have.
Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.
Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.
Yesterday I received email message from informing me that my account had been suspended and was under investigations for "violations of our community rules." On reading thise rules I found that 'Rule one' appears to be "anything posted on site that dissents from the moderators political biases will be deemed grounds for expulsion."
But my suspension is no surprise, the only unexpected thing it is took so long. I stopped posting articles at over a year ago and confined myself to commenting and generally being a thorn in the side for the Cultural Marxist Thought Police who dominate the site with their 'woke' ideology. Since the appointment of 'woke' hero and founding knee taker Colin Kaepernik the previous drift to the extreme left has become a stampede. Well it has always been known that the leftist mindset can only ever go further in the same direction. And day after day I saw people who irrationally identify themselves as liberals when in fact they make Pol Pot, leader of Cambodia's murderous Khymer Rouge revolution look like a moderate, falling over each other to express in even more rabid ways their hatred of 'White Privilege', 'White Supremacism', and 'White People'.
Over the past eighteen months has become the web's No1 hub for hate, hysteria and downright insanity. Though it was always a contender, the division over COVID-19 vaccines has pushed the site into pure fascism.
The particular flavour of fascism gripping the fanatics at the moment is vaccine fascism and I suspect the reason for my banishment is that I have stated my reasons for not wishing to expose myself to an untested, experimental vaccine, citing figures from the UK Office of National Statistics, the United States Center for Disease Control and The European Medicines Agency which show that for people under 75 and in good health the risk is minimal. Apparently this level of self determination is not permissible to the liberal fascists, by not being vaccinated I am failing in my civic duty, being unpatriotic and worse, killing people I have never met and who live on a different continent to me. I must be a truly amazing human being.
Against this I have pointed out that if the vaccines work as vaccines should then only people who have made the same decision as my are at risk of being infected by an unvaccinated person, and if those who are vaccinated are at risk that proves the vaccines do not work.
This had people calling me a science denier which is the equivalent of forming a circle around me and screaming "Heretic! Burn him!" Yes it really is that bad. The thing is you see, I have committed the unforgivable sin. I have questioned the divinity of "The Science."
So sarcasm apart, how does the real medical science define what is a vaccine and what is not. This definition was given to me by a family member, Johnny Deans (FRCS) who happens to be a Cardio Thoractic surgeon so he might know rather more than most of us about the subject. He did mention that it is a definition taken from a closed circulation medical publication but did not cite any specific title (well we're friends rather than master and pupil.)
be a true immunisation a vaccine must prevent infection. The immune may come into contact a pathogen but do not beome infected thus the virus or baterium can never replicate the and thus the immune person cannot not shed the pathogen. If the infecting agent is not passed on the potential path of the viral life-cycle for that
particular infection ends and thus the immuneised person cannot pass on that agent any
mutation. Once sterile against that disease; from the point of view
of the virus you are a lifeless rock. Among commonly-used sterilizing
vaccines are MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Varicella (chicken pox),
OPV (oral polio) and others. The only time that such a vaccine fails is
when the recipient does not build immunity (such as due to auto - immune system compromise.)
This is extremely rare and the protection from such vaccines tends to be
either decades-long or lifetime.
An injection that is not immunising does not sterilize the recipent to the infecting agent but permits the virus to infect that person and replicate within their body. As a
result that person can infect others. Technically such a medication is not a vaccine at all
(which by definition prevents infection); it is a prophylactic therapy.
Such a "vaccine" instead acts to reduce or eliminate symptomatic
disease. . You don't
go to the hospital and you don't die. The infection is asymptomatic, unfortunately the asymptomatic infection carries a similar viral load to the active infection and the virus can both replicating and be passed on, meaning the vaccinated are more-likely to spread the infection to others. Natural immunity is similar to immunisation by vaccine in that the infecting agent cannot replicate in a person with natural immunity and therefore cannot be passed on.
All of the current COVID vaccinations approved for emergency use are in the prophylactic category and do not immunise. This is also the case with IPV (injected polio vaccine -- the original Salk discovery.) The
problem with non-sterilizing vaccines is simply this: There is no safe
means of mass-use of non-sterilizing vaccines so long as transmission
within the community does or is likely to exist.
There are no exceptions.
was known to public health officials and virologists seventy years ago
and is why the United States used both IPV (injected polio vaccine) and
OPV (oral polio vaccine) in sequence for polio until the 1990s. OPV
produced sterilizing immunity but IPV did not."
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Twitter Thought Police Will Ban Anyone Who Repeatedly Tells Truth About COVID Vaccine
In future anyone who “repeatedly posts misleading informationâ€
about SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be put on a watch
list and given five chances to chaine their opinion or self – censor
their comments and opinions before being permanently banned from the
social media platform, the company recently announced. A True to form
however, … Continue reading
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasilâ„¢ and Cervarixâ„¢. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored
After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.â€
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe
The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Chemist Adjusts Samples in a Petri Dish with Pincers and then Examines Them Under Microscop Picture: Shutterstock
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,†presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint
presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working
list of possible adverse event outcomes†associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines subject to FDA safety surveillance, showing that death, as well as 21 other conditions (most of which are possibly life-threatening), are listed as possible adverse outcomes of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Possible adverse reactions shown in the FDA working list include:
Acute disseminated encephaloymelitis (“Characterized by a brief but
widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that
damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers,†according to
The list also notes “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children†as one possible outcome following vaccination.
The implications of this presentation are highly concerning. FDA staff are clearly aware of the possibly lethal side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and are preparing in advance to be on the look out for such
adverse outcomes through “post-marketing survellience.†This approach violates the precautionary principle, which requires that a medical intervention be proven safe before being released onto the market. If it is known that the product may cause harm, and especially death, in advance, and still released without the public being fully informed of these risks, this constitutes an egregious violation of the medical ethical principles established through the Nuremberg code in order to prevent human rights violations.
While potentially fatal adverse reactions to mRNA vaccines were generally discussed throughout the meeting, the slide presentation's contents were not covered in-depth although such a lengthy list of potential problems would, in any other circumstances be enough to cause the product to be denied any level of approval. Given the extremely low Infection to fatality rate (IFR) of COVID in all but the very old or those with serious long term medical conditions one has to wonder what agenda was served by the emergency use approvals granted to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
The meeting came while the FDA was considering granting emergency use authorization to Pfizer and Biontech’s experimental jab although as we can now see that approval was a foregone conclusion no matter how strong the case might be for denying these amoral and piratical corporations to unleash their untested, experimental products on the general public.
Despite the long list of known possible side effects, the FDA
granted Pfizer emergency use authorization on December 11, 2020, about
two months after the meeting.
US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people†through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated 21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots 19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...
FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...
UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming†number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Protect our children from this vaccine assault DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…
12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again) Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.†…
Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century 27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US. That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Tens of thousands of people across several countries, including
France, the UK, and Israel, have demonstrated against new anti-COVID
restrictions, with the majority of the protests held in the Paris
metropolitan area.
According to Reuters,
in Paris and other French cities, more than 200,000 protesters flooded
streets on Saturday, outraged about COVID-19 health passes. The
passports were introduced as Europe is in the midst of the fourth wave
of virus infections.
President Emmanuel Macron's latest measures have resulted in the third week of protests.
The new passports are for fully vaccinated people, those who have
natural immunity, and or test negative for the virus within 72 hours.
The passes must be shown before entering public transportation, bars,
restaurants, and other public venues.
The health passes are directed at forcing those who are not vaccinated to get immunized.
when the government treads on freedom and forces a segment of the
population to take an experimental vaccine, there will be blowback,
especially when the first round of vaccinations were supposed to
liberate folks and return life to normal.
Now there's more
restrictions, less freedom, and the government wants to continue feeding
people an experimental drug. People are beginning to turn on the
creating a segregated society and I think it is unbelievable to be
doing this in the country of human rights," Anne, a teacher who was
demonstrating in Paris, told The Guardian. She refused to give her last name.
"So I took to the streets; I have never protested before in my life," Anne added. "I think our freedom is in danger."
were also out in other metros, including Marseille, Lyon, Montpelier,
Nantes, and Toulouse, yelling "Freedom!" and "No to the health pass!"
Meanwhile, hundreds of anti-vaxxers protested in the streets of
downtown London Saturday. Many folks were accompanied by their children
and were infuriated that the government wanted to vaccinate kids.
Protests held signs that read "leave our children alone" and "hands-off our children."
Israel, hundreds took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest the
government's new virus restrictions, such as reimposed mask requirements
indoors and health passes.
Protesters held signs that read, "There's no pandemic. It's a con."
Delta variant worldwide has forced countries to reimpose COVID
restrictions and implement health passes to mitigate the virus
spreading. The government interfering with the lives of its citizens and
whittling their freedoms has resulted in mass unrest.
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
Trump Calls On VP Pence To Grow A Pair And Challenge The Election “Donald Trump has called on his vice-president Mike Pence to intervene to incorrectly hand him a second term.â€
An article in today’s Daily Telegraph, ostensibly reporting the efforts of President Trump and his supporters in the Republican Party to challenge the result of November’s election in six states where statistical anomolies provide strong evidence that the vote was somehow interfered with is a triumph for the kind of bad jouralism that fills the pages of UK newspapers. I would not have thought it possible to condense so much misinformation into so few words. Take the statement quoted above...
Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party As I read the news this morning I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes,
The U.S. Presidential Election is NOT Over. Here's Where Things Stand Right Now As an outsider I have looked on (with wry amusement I must admit,) at the chaotic outcome of the U.S. presidential election and the attempts by various mainstream media organisations, political figures and a host of showbiz celebrities to proclaim Joe (Groper) Biden the winner when in fact votes are still being counted in several key states and enough electoral college delegates to flip the majority to Trump. It looks unlikely to happen but as the official result has not been declared it is spurious for anyone to refer to Biden as the President Elect before he has actually been elected ...
Were US 2020 Elections Rigged By Dominion Voting Systems A so-called computer “glitch†in the voting machines flipping votes during the 2020 US Elections has caused a major controversy. The source and ownership of the voting machines used in the elections has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. However, GreatGameIndia has found that the vendors and not hackers maybe behind the rigging.
US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency Many of us in Britain and other developed nations spent most of last week looking on gobsmacked at the fiasco that was playing out across the pond as a nation whose inhabitants tell us if we are not doing things “The American Way†we are doing them wrongly, completely failed to back up their claims when they showed themselves to be completely incapable of running a fair and orderly democratic election.
As The World Hails President Not-Trump, News Media Forget He Hasn’t Won Yet I read several times today that having been “officially†declared winner of the election and now US President elect, Joe Biden is being called on to heal the nation. It’s bollocks of course, while Joe Biden holds an apparently convincing lead in enough states to give him a majority in the electoral college, that body does not meet to formally elect the president until mid December.
Election Fun And Games In America According to national sources such as The Epoch Times, Trump is currently at 214 electoral votes. If you add Georgia and North Carolina, both of which are obvious Trump wins, far beyond the margin of any Biden recovery, that puts Trump at 245 electoral votes. Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, and it looks like a victory that will be aggressively defended by the President and his team.
WISE ADVICE AS AMERICA VOTES As America votes to choose its president for the next four years, the incumbent Donald ‘Pussy grabber’ Trump or challenger Joe ‘Sniffer’ Biden and chaos threatens to follow the election no matter who wins, I’m reminded of these words from Buckminster Fuller: “If you take all the machinery in the world and dump it in the ocean, within months more than half of all humanity will die and within another six months they’d almost all be gone; if you took ...
The American Election Is Going To Be Fun. With the national polls showing Sniffer Biden has a double figure lead byt state – by – state polling showing the race neck and neck, the scandal involving Biden’s son Hunter and dodgy deals in China and Ukraine now embracing Pappy Joe’s activities as Obama’s Vice President, the Democrats claiming Trump will not accept defeat …
Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline With President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?
Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.
Is America Heading For Civil War? Authored by Brandon Smith via In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization†and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …
Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests Over 50 percent of Americans would like to see the army deployed to the streets of US cities to help police tackle the riots raging across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The US has been gripped by a massive wave of protests for over a month …
Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he? A senior U.S. Republican reportedly said recently that the most difficult ticket Donald Trump could face in the next election would be Joe Biden partnered by Elizabeth Warren. This was not, needless to say, because Biden was a brilliant debater or a lethal political adversary. “If he was any stupider, my you’d have to water himâ€, the anonymous Republican quipped.See also >>>
Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card†warning about dangers of covid vaccines A “community interest company†that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card†warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,†which “may require further investigation†to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about†concerning their safety.
Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap†in the number of adults who have had their second jab
The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccinesâ€14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.â€Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer. Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
March 11, 2021
Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been
saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week
it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel
will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing
Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson
acknowledged … Continue reading
Twitter Thought Police Will Ban Anyone Who Repeatedly Tells Truth About COVID Vaccine
In future anyone who “repeatedly posts misleading informationâ€
about SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be put on a watch
list and given five chances to chaine their opinion or self – censor
their comments and opinions before being permanently banned from the
social media platform, the company recently announced. A True to form
however, … Continue reading
Why Is There A Correlation Between The Vaccine Rollout And Increased COVID–19 Mortality?
from UK Column Since the UK government began its rollout of the
COVID vaccine regular reports of unusual death events occuring shortly
after the deceased had received a shot of the vaccine have been reported
in care homes and by doctors’ surgeries across the country. The
Official line has been that the vaccine shot and … Continue reading
Pfizer COVID vaccine killed 40 times more old people than the virus itself would have – Report
March 4, 2021 posted by The Defender The experimental Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19) vaccines from Pfizer that were rushed into production and
distribution via Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed†program are
killing far more elderly people than the so-called “virus†itself would
have. A re-analysis of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry
concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech’s messenger … Continue reading
Bill ‘Psycho’ Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject Us With Vaccines
The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the
world’s richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill
Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine – obsessed world
domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release
genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine.Apart from the …
Continue reading
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data released
today by the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) showed a total of 518,770 reports of adverse events
from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 11,940 deaths
and 63,102 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 23, 2021.
The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.
Data released today by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed total reports of serious
injuries following COVID vaccination, across all age groups, spiked by
14,717 — to 63,000 — compared with the previous week.
The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
Every Friday, VAERS
makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified
date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted
to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can
be confirmed.
Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 23, 2021, a total of 518,770 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 11,940 deaths — an increase of 535 over the previous week. There were 63,102 serious injuries reported during the same time period — up 14,717 compared with the previous week.
In the U.S., 340.4 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of July 23. This includes: 137 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 189 million doses of Pfizer and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.
Of the 5,612 U.S. deaths reported as of July 23, 14% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 20% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 34% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
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