Greenteeth Labyrinth WELCOME to our Europe Index.
Jenny Greenteeth, Chief Ectoplasmic Officer of Greenteeth Multi Media welcomes you to the UK home page of her rapidly expanding multi media empire. This page deals with posts on Europe and the increasing authoritarianism of the EU bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels as it bulldozes aside opposition to its federal superstate agenda.
Europe, the Eurozone and the EUFor a UK based libertarian site dedicated to promoting the traditional values of personal and national liberty, freedom of speech and thought and democratic rule accoring to the will of the majority, the increaingly authoritarian antics of the European Union must be a big enough concern to warrant a menu of its own. Here are the Greeneeth team's posts on Euriope and the European Union. UPDATED 4 July 2022
INDEX OF POSTS ON EUROPEGo-slow fuel protesters block motorways across Britain bringing rush hour chaos Putin Says Western Sanctions Speeding Up Russia-Belarus Unification The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food RELATED POSTS: Islamists Are Slaughtering Thousands of Christians But the Media Don’t Tell Us by Judith Bergman, Gatestone InstituteThe first European Media Literacy Week, an initiative of the European Union, will take place March 18-22 in various European cities. The week is a new initiative by the European Commission, putatively "to underline the societal importance of media literacy and promote media literacy initiatives and projects across the EU". The European Commission explains its policy of strengthening 'media literacy' within the EU -- which could have been a noble and useful initiative -- the following way: "With the rapid rise of digital technology and its increasing use in business, education and culture, it is important to ensure everyone can understand and engage with digital media. "Media literacy is vital for economic growth and job creation. Digital technologies are a key driver of competitiveness and innovation in the media, information, and communication technology sectors." As part of its "Digital Single Market" strategy, the European Commission addsflimsily: "Media literacy concerns different media (broadcasting, radio, press), different distribution channels (traditional, internet, social media) and addresses the needs of all ages... A high level of media literacy is a key factor to enable citizens to make informed decisions in the digital age. Media literacy is a pre-requisite for a vibrant, modern democracy." One does not have to scratch the surface much, however, before it appears that at least certain aspects of the European Commission's Media Literacy policy are less about enlightening citizens, than about heavy-handedly guiding them on what to think. READ MORE at Zero Hedge Index of posts on EuropeFree Speech murdered Latest Posts Islamists Are Slaughtering Thousands of Christians But the Media Don’t Tell Us European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine Italy Pondering Total Ban On Unvaccinated In The WorkplacesItaly's unelected governments, which has already faced riots and massive resistance to its authoritarian measures to strip away citizens rights and liberties under cover of pretending their actions are necessary steps to deal with the pandemic, now risks plunging the country into greater chaos by mandating vaccines for the workplace. Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions Dont Dictate To Us On Human Rights, Justice Secretary Raab Tells EU Spain Arrests People Traffickers And Drug Smugglers Crossing From North Africa in Speedboats September 2021 Green Dreams Menu July 2021 Populist Politicians Threaten Legal Action Against Proposed Covid Passports
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats EU's Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
Little Donny Tusk The Polish Has-Been Tells Britain How To Vote. EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near
Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed A Secret document has revealed concession the EU is demanding before beginning fresh talks on Brexit ahead of the 12 april dealine. According to a memo seen by the Sunday Times, Brussels is demanding the UK must continue to pay its share of the EU budget, must implement new measures on citizens’ rights, and sign a legally binding agreement to arrangements to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and The Republic.
Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr’s Is Typical Of The EU's Contempt For Democracy EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan Germany Threatens Sanctions Against Poland Over 'Lack of Western Values' (for Western read German)
Europe's Bank Crisis Arrives In Germany: €29 Billion Bremen Landesbank On The Verge Of Failure BREXIT vs. GREXIT – The Truth About The European Union And How It Treats Members The Hypocrisy and Snobbery Of The Remain Campaign And The Antidote Adolf Hitler, His Part In Our Downfall EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power The Labour Case For Brexit by Kate Hoey M.P. EU's Bureaucratic Dictatorship Is Losing The Support Of The Most Loyal Nations Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk EU tiring of confrontation with Putin. Disillusionment With EU Grows as Swedish Support Slumps By 30% Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan The Real Refugee Crisis Is In The Future Perhaps Angela Merkel thought we didn’t yet know how full of it she is. Perhaps that’s why she said yesterday with regards to Europe’s refugee crisis that “Everything must move quickly,” only to call an EU meeting a full two weeks later. That announcement show one thing: Merkel doesn’t see this as a crisis. If she did, she would have called for such a meeting a long time ago, and not some point far into the future. Armed Forces Minister: Obama ‘Woefully Ignorant’ of Threat EU Membership Poses How Neo - Con and Neo - liberal Globalism Freaks Are Destabilizing Europe According To Plan
Hungary passes new laws allowing its army to use rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas on migrants, as EU holds emergency talks on Europe’s refugee crisis Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes
Backslider Cameron Pays £1.7 billion He Promised He Would Not Pay Euronazi Leaders Admit The Voters Are Irrelevant. Top German Politician Warns EU Determination To Punish Britain Will Harm Europe.A leading German member of the European Parliament has warned that top EU negotiators frustrate Brexit in order to punish Britain and keep other Eurosceptic member-states in line as opposition to the Union’s authoritarian style of governance grows all around Europe. Hans-Olaf Henkel, deputy chairman of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group – to which … Continue reading“Watershed Moment” In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On AmericaOnly hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay … Continue readingOrban Blames Liberal Babble For Europe’s Decay Europe, so many years after the Cold War, is ideologically divided into a new East and a West. This time, the schism is over multiculturalism. What Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has termed “liberal babble” continues to govern Western Europe’s response to the challenges that migration and Islamic terrorism have brought, especially to personal security. … Continue reading A Perfect Metaphor For The Spread Of Islamic Extremism In EuropeSaw this in an online comment thread and it struck me as a perfect analogy for the way Europe’s ruling elite have, for the sake of earning politically correct brownie points from Washington and The United Nations, allowed and even encouraged the spread of Islamic extremism throughout Europe, to the extent at Islamist violence and … Continue reading New EU Tax Laws Force Thousands of Businesses to Close in Just Six Months New EU Tax Laws Force Thousands of Businesses to Close in Just Six Months EU Commission Backs Turkey Visa-Free Travel Amid Terrorist Cautions
Sharia law or gay marriage critics would be branded ‘extremists’ under Tory plans, atheists and Christians warn>/a> The Day The EU Died - Destruction Of Greece Shows True Fascist Nature Of The European Project Some inside information on the political stitch up that has turned GreeThe Day The EU Died - Destruction Of Greece Shows True Fascist Nature Of The European Projectce into a vassal state and humiliated the Greek people for the purpose of furthering the neo-Fascist 'ever closer union' agenda of the bureaucratic dictators in Brussels. Brexit - The End Of The European Superstate Dream? Self-Loathing Sweden Should Only Welcome Persecuted Immigrants, Instead They Invite The Persecutors Too. German Ubermacht Gives Greek Upstats The Finger In European Union Confrontation. The confrontation between Germany, which some say sees itself as the increasingly dominant nation in the EU as 'ever closer integration' progresses, and Greece, the Euro zone economic basket case but a proud and independent nation all the same, had to come. Germany was more austerity from Greece to protect the value of the Greek debt it hold. Greece want money from Germany to settle old grievances. David Cameron Blames Madness Of Bussels Red Tape For Euro CrisisSpeaking at the EU economic forum in Davos, Switzerland The Prime Minister said Europe is still in a perilous time (up shit creek to you and me) because of its debts and the financial burden of over - generous statutory welfare systems. He told the gathering the EU Central Bureaucracy must stop throttling growth with pointless rules and regulations. Mr. Cameron urged his fellow leaders not to impose ... Bank Of England To Print Money To Avoid Recession Monetary policy policy-makers at Bank of England have unveiled plans to inject an extrat £50bn of stimulus money into the economy in an attempt to avert a second recession. Before we go on to look at how much harm this wil;l do there are one or two things that must be understood. When we talk about printing money in a modern economy it is not simply a question of buying paper and printing ink and setting up the presses ...
Greek trump card fails as stronger Europe shrugs off break-up threat
The Decline And Fall Of The Bureaucratic Empire
Hungary Faces Bankruptcy and Default as EU loses patience
Euro Zone Crisis: The Decline And Fall Of The Bureaucratic Empire Cameron Looks Less Isolated As Euro Nations Unity Shatters Over the past few days there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth from control freaks of the progressive left about David Cameron's flat refusal to regulation of Britain's financial affairs by unelected bureaucrats from Brussels. Now other nations are backing off too.
Europe Does Not Just Have A Debt Crisis But A Crisis Of Democracy
Another "We Told You So Moment" for The Daily Stirrer As Euro zone banks struggle to raise money
Only Ten Days To Save The Euro
When Will Egypt Get True Democracy
Can The Euro Be SavedThe mainstream media have caught on at last. Here is what Daily Telegraph economics writer Damien Reece said today (three days after The Daily Stirrer said the same thing you might notice): The clock is ticking for the euro. After 11 years ... It will now become much easier for 'refugees' from Africa to seek asylum in Europe, according to a new agreement between four western European countries and Egypt, Chad and Niger. That Africal leaders are being invited to negotiate arrangement with the largest EU nations when representatives of smaller EU member states are excluded demonstates the comtempt Europe's leaders have for democracy. Britain 'will join euro before long’, says German finance ministerWolfgang Schauble, German finance minisdter has been saying Britain will have to join the doomed single currency system, the Euro, sooner that people imagine. See below exactly what the one world supernation are up to. Also: [">Daily Stirrer, Nov 2011] ... [Debt Crisis ]
Slovakia Rebels Against The Euro Juggernaut Are We Sacrificing The Future To Save The Euro Is it really worth sacrificing the euro to save the future as our leaders seem to believe. Or is there another agenda in which us ordinary punters were never going to have a future anyway?
German Vote To Support Bail Out Fund Changes Nothing
EU Leaders In Denial As World Prepares For Greek Default
Germany Rebels
German taxpayers have rebelled against bail outs for basket case nations. Will Frau Merkel dump the Euro or will her government coalition fall? "
Germany And Holland Push Greece To The Brink
Eurogeddon Postponed Termporarily Due To Financal Conjuring Tricks
Finland Election Result May Hit Bailouts For Europe's Basket Case Nations
The next stage in negotiating Portugal's bailout by the EU (aka Greater Germany) start today, but are already in trouble. A strong election performance from an anti-europe party in Finland, the True Finns which has pledged to vote against financial aid to bankrupt EU nations, means whatever bailout deal in agreed could be vetoed by Finland ... read full story
It's The Sovereignty, Stupid.
The Daily Stirrer brings you opinion and comment on issues in the news that are likely to affect the lives of ordinary people. TODAY: President Bill Clinton swung the 1992 presidential election campaign in his favour when his chief political strategist, James Carville, hung a sign in the Clinton campaign HQ that read, “ It's The Economy Stupid”. Yesterday as the German economy boomed voters sent Angela Merkel a different message ... read full story
. Read how the new democratically unelected EU President pland to re - introduce measures the French and Dutch referenda rejected and Rompuy Pumpy plans to ...
The EU Turns On Czech President
16 July 2009
Blair Must Be Stopped Now - He Is Not Fit To Be EU President. At Little Nicky Machiavelli's blog my alter ego never likes to say I told you so, he absolutely loves it. A long time ago Little Nicky told his readers the traitor and war criminal Tony Blair was angling to be the first President of the Federal European Superstate. "Oh no, Little Nicky, people said, you've got Blair all wrong. Well today it was announced that providing the Irish voters can be bullied into full story
Eurozone Small Nations Sovereignty Threatened By Debt
Eurozone debtor nations face sovereignty issues caused by the bail out as the Euro fails.
Britain Should Rejoin EFTA
A new study by Hugo van Randwyck concludes that, if Britain were to leave the EU and rejoin the European Free Trade Association, a million new net jobs would be created. The boost would come mainly from the deregulation – EFTA states are exempt from around 70 per cent of EU directives – but there…
LATEST POSTS: Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion |
These are news posts we read recently and feel might interest our readers.RELATED:Cashless Society EU foreign affairs chief says aging Europe needs migration (Russia today)Aging and graying Europe won’t close its doors to asylum seekers, as it needs immigration, the EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said, adding that Europeans had been migrants themselves “up to few years ago.” “I believe Europeans should understand that we need migration for our economies and for our welfare systems, with the current demographic trend we have to be sustainable,” Mogherini said. Mogherini, who was speaking at the Senior Officials Meeting at the Valletta Joint Action Plan 2017, was joined by Maltese Foreign Minister George Vella, as well as officials from Europe and Africa. The meeting was convened to deal with migration through cooperation with third countries. Mogherini slammed the stance of immigration opponents as “based on confrontation, instead of cooperation; on building walls, instead of building partnerships; on closures and bans, rather than dialogue,” promising the Europe will instead take a “fair” and “humane” approach. Read more >>> RELATED:Immigration Omnibus Immigrant Sharia Zones Immigration and benefits Europe index Read more >>>
Immigration omnibus Immigration Germany Germany's Immigration Crisis Sweden dystopia omnibus Muslim intolerance Culture wars omnibus ‘Hillary Clinton Means Devastation’: Marine Le Pen Backs TrumpMarine Le Pen has voiced her support for Donald Trump, warning that his rival Hillary Clinton would bring war and devastation to the world. Asked by CNN which U.S. candidate she supports, the Front National leader remarked that “everything but Hillary” would be better for France. “As far as France’s best interest is concerned it’s, ‘Everything but Hillary Clinton’. “It’s everything but Hillary Clinton because I believe Hillary Clinton means war, Hillary Clinton means devastation, destabilizing the world, economic choices that would be devastating for my people, geostrategic choices that would lead to global conflicts,” Ms. Le Pen said. Ms. Le Pen, who is running as the populist, anti-mass migration and Islamisation candidate in the 2017 presidential elections next year, noted similarities between her campaign and Mr. Trump’s. “What we have in common is that we’re not insiders, we are not taking part in the ‘system’, we depend on no one and do not take our orders from any financial institutions,” she told CNN in the interview taped and released yesterday.Marine Le Pen has voiced her support for Donald Trump, warning that his rival Hillary Clinton would bring war and devastation to the world. RELATED POSTS:America catalogue America warmongering A linton presidency will be a tyranny War Nigel Farage Warns "The Establishment Is Losing Control Over The People""The Empire is befuddled," at Brexit, exclaims Nigel Farage, telling Alex Jones that the globalist establishment is clueless on how to regain control. In a wonderfully frank interview, Farage explained that the establishment's "problem is that it’s fighting this argument on several fronts at once.” from Zero Hedge"We’ve got the American elections going on, we’ve got a big referendum coming up in Hungary on migrant quotas from Germany, we’ve got a rerun of the Austrian presidency where the right-wing candidate was cheated by false votes,” Farage said. “So they’ve got a real problem, they’re fighting us now on a whole series of fronts.” “What will they do to fight back? I don’t know the answer to that yet, and you know something? Nor do they.” “Brexit is the first strike-back against this phenomenon of the big banks, the big businesses, effectively owning politics, willfully destroying nation-state democracy, getting rid of that thing our forbearers actually fought and shed their blood to create and to preserve our liberties and our freedoms,” he continued. “All of that being taken away and suddenly in a referendum that no one said we could win, and we’ve done it.” “What we’ve done is given inspiration to freedom fighters right across the Western World.” New World Order Global tyranny catalogue Death of Democracy Threat to free speech Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... [ Daily Stirre.shtml ]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... [ Latest Posts ] [Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [Latest Posts] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator] Hillary Clinton’s Health In Rapid Decline – Will She Even Make It To Election Day At This Rate?The true state of Hillary Clinton’s health is becoming a major issue in this US presidential election campaign, something that should concern not just voters in America but everybody who takes an interest in world affairs. Many people believe Mrs Clinton's infirmities may force her to step down before election day. The Clinton campaign are trying to dismiss these concerns as deranged conspiracy theories, but the evidence in view in this television news clip cannot easily be dismissed. Observe the reactions of press corps members, they are entirely consistent showing that the clip had not been doctored. Hillary Clinton’s Health In Rapid Decline – Will She Even Make It To Election Day At This Rate? RELATED POSTS:America World Politics Pro-Democracy Activist Captured By NSA In World’s First PRISM RaidThe NSA have confirmed their first ever capture of a pro-democracy target under the controversial surveillance operation, PRISM. It has been three years since NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shed light on the PRISM operation when he leaked a trove of documents outlining the U.S. government’s various methods for spying on American citizens. PRISM was explained as a clandestine surveillance operation under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from at least nine major US internet companies. Tony Fullman of New Zealand appears to be the world’s first individual targeted by the NSA under this operation. reports: The extraordinary covert operation, revealed Sunday by Television New Zealand in collaboration with The Intercept, was launched in 2012 after New Zealand authorities believed they had identified a group planning to violently overthrow Fiji’s military regime. RELATED POSTS: Death of Democracy omnibusThreat to Democracy Elites attacking free speech, the foundation of democracy. Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... [ Daily Stirre.shtml ]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... [ Latest Posts ] [Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [Latest Posts] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator] The twilight of NATOby Thierry Meyssan - Voltaire.netThe history of NATO and its current activities enables us to understand how the West has woven its lies and why it is now a prisoner of them. The elements contained in this articles are shocking, but it is impossible to deny the facts. The only other solution is to cling to the lies and persist in hanging on. The Western states progressively extended their alliance, in particular by adding, in 1955, Western Germany, which had just been authorised to rebuild its army. Worried about the capacities of the Alliance, the USSR responded by creating the Warsaw Pact six years after the creation of NATO. As a result, it became impossible to abandon these structures - NATO did not hesitate to use its Gladio network to organise various coups d’état and preventive political assassinations, while the Warsaw Pact openly invaded Hungary and Czechoslovakia, which had shown signs of wanting their independence ... Read more>>>DC Leaks Hack Of Soros Open Society Foundation Reveals How Billionaire World Domination Freak Plans To Control The Media New World Order Living Withing The Conspiracy It Looks As If Demonising Russia Is All Discredited Hillary Clinton And Her Supporters Have LeftAfter the events, revelations and leaks (Democrat campaign computers hacked three times in a week) of the past month, the US Presidential election campaign of Hillary Clinton should lie in ruins. That it isn't may in some small way be due to the fact that her opponent is the equally unappetizing Donald Trump, but is more likely to be because mainstream media, the Hollywood attention seeker gang, (George Clowney, Brangelina, Bendydick Cumbertwat, all the usual suspects,)are solidly behind Clinton because all-join-hands-and-sing-Kumbaya. Lead Attorney In Clinton DNC Fraud Case Mysteriously Found DeadCall it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton they wind up dead. In fact, as we noted previously, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances. While Vince Foster remains the most infamous, the body count is starting to build ominously this election cycle - from the mysterious "crushing his own throat" death of a UN official to the latest death of an attorney who served the DNC with a fraud suit. As GatewayPundit's Jim Hoft reports, on July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters (this was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary). Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day... Lead Attorney In Clinton DNC Fraud Case Mysteriously Found Dead - Zero Hedge Dutch Bonds Latest to Go Negative Amid New Financial Crisis ConcernsOn Friday, yields on sovereign bonds from the Netherlands became the latest to turn negative, contributing to an unprecedented $13 trillion of negative-yielding debt that has fueled fears of a new global financial crisis. A growing pool of negative-yielding debt is raising fears of a new financial crisis, which may have been stimulated by more cheap money having pooled in financial markets. Since the 2008 financial crisis, central banks around the world have tried to stimulate their economies by introducing more electronic money. However, the rise of negative bonds yields to unprecedented levels has led to concerns that the money has just delayed an inevitable crash, and is even doing more harm than good. On Monday Deutsche Bank strategist Jim Reid told clients that Dutch bonds are now offering the lowest rates the country has seen since it began keeping records in 1517. More Daily StirrerCurrency Wars Euroclear Gives Green Light to Russian BondsRussia plans to issue more sovereign bonds later this year following its successful May issue, Russian Minister for Economic Development Aleksey Ulyukaev said on Friday. Investors who bought into Russia's sovereign bond sale in May have been vindicated after Euroclear admitted the bonds for settlement last week. The move is interesting because, unlike the USA and most nations in the democratic world, Russia is not running a current account deficit ... More Daily Stirrer This Is Going To Get Very Ugly" - Former Top CIA Officer Says "Obama Has Lost Control Of The Middle Eastfrom Zero HedgeWith Thursday's tragic mass killing by a resclusive, truck-driving Tunisian maniac in Nice having been violently drowned out by the frentic late Friday news of a failed (and perhaps staged) coup in Turkey, the news cycle has once again shifted its attention away from a far greater threat to the global economy than whether Erdogan can concentrate even more power in his grasp. Namely, both lone-wolf and organized terrorism in Europe (and elsewhere). And according to at least one CIA field commander, Gary Bernsten, it is all Obama's fault. As the Hill reports, the decorated former CIA career officer who served in the Directorate of Operations between October 1982 and June 2005, said on Friday that Obama has lost control of the Middle East following attacks in France that left at least 84 dead. "This is going to get very, very ugly," Gary Bernsten said on Fox & Friends Friday. "The president of the United States, as Newt Gingrich has stated, has failed in his responsibilities to defend the United States. He has lost control of the Middle East. It is in flames, and that is what he will leave when he leaves office." One can also make the argument that it is not so much Obama, as his first secretary of state, the person who in less than 4 months may be America's next president. We wonder what Bernsten would add after last night's even more disturbing events in Turkey. Read all >>> RELATED POSTS: Living within the conspiracyWorld polirics Rise In Intercommunity Confrontations Mean "Civil War Is Inevitable" In France According To State Officials The US Is Sleepwalking Towards A Nuclear ConfrontationBy Dmitry Orlov and Chris, June 20, 2016 Watch Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers.US Sleepwalking Towards A Nuclear Confrontation - Information Clearing House
Interviewee DmitryOrlov was born in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union and migrated to the United States in the 1970s, He frequently travels between the USA and Russia, writing about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the many similarities he sees between that and the collapse of US / European global hegemony. Orlov with a number of other experts on Russia, recently co-authored a book delivering a stark warning that the US is recklessly provoking a military confrontation it cannot win.
Russia attacks Obama and Petrodollar
Currency Wars
World politics
America global hegemony
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This Exchange Proves The BBC, The Green Party and Friends Of The Earth Reject Free Speech Will Merkel's Migrant Mishaps Spring Germany's Right-Wing Party Into Power?by Egbert Nobakon, 8 March 2016Resuts from local elections held in Germany last weekend indicate that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in deep trouble. Her party, the Christian Democrats is losing votes to opponents from the right and left, largely because of the illegal immigrant crisis brought on by Merkel's crazy 'open doors' immigration policy which ahas resulted in Germany admitting criminals, terrorists and many illiterates, according to Werner Patzelt, a political analyst at the Technical University in Dresden. Patzelt, a political analyst at the Dresden-based Technical University, described the latest local elections in Germany as another indication of the fading influence of Chancellor Angela Merkel as the main beneficiary of her policy disasters is the anti immigration, anti EU party Alternatif fur deutschland (AfD) often described incorrectly as an extereme right wing group. In fact it is Merkel's Christian Democrats that have most resembled Hitler's National Socialists by trying to suspend the right of free speech and suggesting opponents of immigration be charged with crominal offences during the ongoing crisis. The interview came after the populist, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party finished a strong third in municipal elections in the country's central state of Hesse, held on March 6. According to Germany's state news outlet DW, Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats finished with 28.2 percent of the vote, ahead of the Social Democrats with 28 percent; Alternative for Germany obtained 13.2 percent of the vote, beating the powerful and well established Green party. The vote took place a ahead of elections to the state legislatures of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt, which are scheduled for March 13. Results will determine if Merkel will survive as Chancellor or will be supplanted by a new leader. RELATED POSTS: Will Merkel’s Migrant Disaster Drive Germany’s AfD Into Power? Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]FUKUS axis troops (France, UK, USA) Unable To Halt ISIS March Towards Libyan Oil
The lastest news coming out of Tripoli is that The Islamic State (ISIS) force in Libya is taking on extra personnel faster than anyone can keep up with, some of these are raw recruits from north and sub Saharan Africa but many are experienced fighters (i.e, they know which end of a gun is dangerous) and is advancing towards Libya’s oil crescent, eyeing billions of barrels ... Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia? EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case The Penguins Were Not Killed By Climate Change, They Took A First Step On The Road To Evolution EU Bosses Fear Brexit Domino Effect German Government Smartphone Spyware Monitors Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND Sees Through Their CamerasThe dirty news always leaks out. Here, after whistleblower sites chipping away at it fr several weeks, is official confirmation that the increasingly fascistic government of Germany has bought a software too enabling security agents to spy on people through their smartphones. That might not sound so bad until you remember the same government in Germany has recently discussed criminalising criticism of Islam and opposition to Merkel's open doors immigration policy and suppressing critics of EU policies. The German Interior Ministry has revealed a new “Bundestrojaner” or government trojan horse software that will enable security agencies to track the smartphone activities of anyone who downloads it. We understand Chancellor Merkel's government has also adopted an “off the shelf” tool from a company which is said to help authoritarian regimes track their citizens ...New German Government Smartphone Spyware Will Monitor Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Camera LensesIn Parallel With The Upheaval In European Politics, A Similar Cataclysm Is Happening In The USA Having reported for three or four years now the rise of the anti - Integration parties in European Union member nations, UKIP in Britain, the FN in France, AfD in Germany, Denmakr's Peoiple's Party, Five Star and the Liga Nord in Italy, the Sweden Democrats and others in every E U member state, we now look at what is going on in the USA as campaiging for the presidential election gathers pace. Biological Man Set To Become National Union Of Students’ Women’s RepresentativeA straight, biological man is a hot favourite in the race to become the National Union of Students’ (NUS) Women’s officer. Anna Lee describes himself as a “queer trans disabled lesbian woman”, and is currently the LGBT officer at Lancaster University Student Union, having already spent two years on the national women’s committee. The NUS women’s campaign “exists to represent and extend and defend the rights of women students… led by women students in our governance and decision-making processes”, their website claims. Last year, Mr. Lee won a battle to share toilets with biological women at his University, despite being quite open about his sexual interest in them and retaining all his male biology. “I never believed that running to be national women’s officer was a possibility”, he said in a Facebook post lunching “Anna’s” campaign last week. “In my five years in the student movement, I have changed a lot – in fact, some might say it’s been a transformative experience ;)” explained the newly self-identifying women. Adding: “I know the Women’s Campaign is ready. I know NUS is ready. I’m not convinced that the rest of society is. “But – when the transphobic ‘feminists’ come and try to tear me down, I will just fight harder, and with the help of amazing activists we will show them”, wrote the self declared women. Mr. Lee was also one of the leaders of the NUS’s first ever transgender conference last year, and was even invited to give evidence to a Parliamentary committee on transgender issues.A Furious Turkey Says US Is "Acting Like An Enemy," Demands Washington Brand Kurds "TerroristsTo be sure, the effort to usurp the Bashar al-Assad government wasn’t exactly going as planned in the first place. Regime change always takes time, but the conflict in Syria was dragging into its fifth year by the time the Russians got directly involved and although it did indeed look as though the SAA was on the verge of defeat, the future of the rebellion was far from certain. But to whatever extent the rebels’ fate was up in the air before September 30, the cause was dealt a devastating blow when Moscow’s warplanes began flying sorties from Latakia and while Ankara and Riyadh were Read MorePresident TrumpRod Little gets it; writing in the speccie, he's gunning for Trump for President - if only for the deep, unhealable grief it will cause the BBC mafia and Guardianistas. And all the others - those, as Liddle puts it, "who do not believe that it is even remotely legitimate to have a view which differs from their own." Imagine Polly Toynbee in hysterical floods of tears, being cradled by a screeching Susanne Moore, onto whose red velvet shoes Toynbee drips salt and snot. Monbiot attempts to end his career by eating a kilo of GM Soya, and all the assorted spouses and offspring of left wing characters in employment at the BBC and print media rail and rant wholly ineffectually. It would be worth a year's pension to see. Jonathan Freedland also gets it. Two or three weeks ago he analysed Trump's appeal; I think he's right on just about every point he makes ... Read more >> RELATED POSTS:Loud Trump resonates throughout America At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi The "Race To Raqqa" Is Quickly Intensifyingvia Information Clearing HouseThis is a look at the larger picture of forces developing around Syria. Several foreign armies are aggregating at the Syrian borders with the intent to invade Syria and to occupy its eastern part. But before we dive into that, a short look at the curious situation developing in the north-west. Near Azaz the U.S. ally Turkey is currently shelling (video) the U.S. ally YPG which is fighting the CIA supported FSA. The Syrian-Kurdish YPG troops were heavily supported by the U.S. in their fight against the Islamic State in north-eastern Syria. Under U.S. tutelage they united with Arab anti-IS fighters under the label Syrian Democratic Forces. Read more >> RELATED POSTS: ISIS Turkey oil tradesISIS getting US weapons via Turkey Syria biggest US blunder ever? Syria, US Proxy war with Russia Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive ‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria
UK Asylum Seekers DEMAND ‘VIP’ Treatment
Taxpayer-funded three-star hotel accommodation provided for asylum seekers has been labelled discriminatory because paying guests receive better food than migrants who demand their “VIP status” be recognised. Private contractor Clearsprings is housing 129 refugees at the Mediterranean-themed Europa Gatwick Hotel where migrants have their own rooms, with en-suite bathrooms, plus a television and tea and coffee-making facilities. Yet, according to the Mail on Sunday, one of them was indignant about the conditions and demanded that they should be treated like VIPs. The man, who has previously worked at hotels in Dubai, said: “We should be considered VIPs because we are long-staying guests. We are making money for this hotel.” Daily Stirrer Immigration posts Turkey and Sadui Arabia Already Have Troops Fighting In Syria
Personal Freedom Versus Political Paternalism
What is the role of government in society? This has been and remains the most fundamental question in all political discussions and debates. Its answer determines the nature of the social order and how people are expected and allowed to interact with one another – on the basis of either force or freedom. The alternatives are really rather simple. Government may be narrowly limited to perform the essential task of protecting each individual’s right to his life, liberty, and honestly acquired property. Or it may be used to try to modify, influence, or dictate the conduct of the citizenry. In the first case, the government is assigned the duty of impartial umpire, enforcing the societal rules against assault, murder, robbery, and fraud. All human relationships are to be based on mutual consent and voluntary association and exchange. In the second case, government is an active player in people’s affairs, using its legitimized power of coercion to determine how the members of the society may live, work, and associate with each other. The government tries to assure certain outcomes or forms of behavior considered desirable by those who wield political authority. More Government Means Increased Government Force It's Official! Labour Party Supports Oppression Of Muslim WomenA Muslim women’s rights organisation has sent an open letter to the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, outing the innate sexism of the Labour leadership in refusing to take action against the large numbers of male Muslim Labour councillors who have actively blocked Muslim women from entering politics. The group demanded an independent review and accused the party of prioritising votes and being “complicit at the highest levels”. Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWNUK) named the Muslim-dominated city councils of Peterborough and Birmingham as a particular concern. The latter is already embroiled in a sexism row, and has been accused of covering up the activities of Muslim gangs alleged to have grooomed, abouse and sexually exploited under - age girls in council run care homes. Recently the Lord Mayor-elect and chairman of Birmingham’s Central Mosque was forced to step down because he said forced marriage was not a problem and lied about dealing with horrific cases of domestic abuse. The MWNUK urged Labour leaders to investigate "systematic misogyny displayed by significant numbers of Muslim male local councillors" and suggested that Muslim men within Labour had been allowed to operate under the "patriarchal ‘biradari’ system". "They don’t like women to be heard, to be empowered," a group spokeswoman told BBC2’s Newsnight, explaining how in Labour dominated councils talented Muslim women had been harassed out of top positions. In the examples given, the party had effectively allowed the men to enforce Sharia principles; ensuring women could not act freely without the permission of male guardians. Optician Fozia Parveen claims her efforts to become a Labour councillor in Birmingham in 2007-8 were scuppered by Muslim men in the party: “At the time, I was aware of a smear campaign against me, they said that I was having an affair with one of the existing councillors. I was quite taken aback. People were turning up at my family home trying to intimidate my mum.” She claimed Muslim men who were members of the local Labour party were behind the efforts to prevent her from standing. Landmark Report Explodes The Myth Of Economic Benefits From Mass Immigration November 2015How A Secretive Elite Created The EU To Build A World GovernmentVoters in Britain's referendum need to understand that the European Union was about building a federal superstate from day one As the debate over the forthcoming EU referendum gears up, it would be wise perhaps to remember how Britain was led into membership in the first place. It seems to me that most people have little idea why one of the victors of the Second World War should have become almost desperate to join this "club". That's a shame, because answering that question is key to understanding why the EU has gone so wrong. Most students seem to think that Britain was in dire economic straits, and that the European Economic Community – as it was then called – provided an economic engine which could revitalise our economy. Others seem to believe that after the Second World War Britain needed to recast her geopolitical position away from empire, and towards a more realistic one at the heart of Europe. Neither of these arguments, however, makes any sense at all. EuropeWhy Are Bigots So Offended By Being Called Bigots? As in the case of Iain Lee, the accusation of 'bigotry' seems to be more offensive than the actual bigotry which prompts it German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam Iran Releases Video Alleging the US, Israel and Allies were Behind Isis and the Paris Attacks Accept Everything, Question Nothing A chilling poll published in the US has revealed that 40% of those born in the 21st century – the so-called ‘Millennials’ – believe government should be able to limit speech regarded as offensive to minorities. The older the generation, the more opposed to outlawing aspects of free speech. The 35-50 ‘Gen X’ group approval of such a move was 27%; for the Baby Boomers (51-69), approval dropped to 24%, whilst the oldest age group asked (70-80) registered just 12% approval. European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand WW3 US GOVERNMENT wants a WORLD WAR 3 Putin Lines Up The Big Guns As Obama 'Shoots Golf' And Kerry Vacillates Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls As the lawless criminal scum imported by Merkel in her efforts to suck up to Obama threaten to turn Germany into a third world human cespit, it seems public opinion in European is waking up. Syrian regime forces held back by US anti-tank missiles in hands of rebels posted by Tapestry Obama to meet with experts on Pacific trade deal: White HousePresident Barack Obama will hold a meeting at the White House on Friday with experts from both political parties to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Friday. The meeting will include four former Secretaries of State -Henry Kissinger, James Baker, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright – among others. Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk
David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough” ... US Debt Is Three Times More Than You Think "The Hill" - The former U.S. comptroller general says the real U.S. debt is closer to about $65 trillion than the oft-cited figure of $18 trillion. Dave Walker, who headed the Government Accountability Office (GAO) under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, said when you add up all of the nation’s unfunded liabilities, the national debt is more than three times the number generally advertised. “If you end up adding to that $18.5 trillion the unfunded civilian and military pensions and retiree healthcare, the additional underfunding for Social Security, the additional underfunding for Medicare, various commitments and contingencies that the federal government has, the real number is about $65 trillion rather than $18 trillion, and it’s growing automatically absent reforms,” Walker told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 in an interview airing Sunday. The former comptroller general, who is in charge of ensuring federal spending is fiscally responsible, said a burgeoning national debt hampers the ability of government to carry out both domestic and foreign policy initiatives. “If you don’t keep your economy strong, and that means to be able to generate more jobs and opportunities, you’re not going to be strong internationally with regard to foreign policy, you’re not going to be able to invest what you need to invest in national defense and homeland security, and ultimately you’re not going to be able to provide the kind of social safety net that we need in this country,” he said. He said Americans have “lost touch with reality” when it comes to spending. Walker called for Democrats and Republicans to put aside partisan politics to come together to fix the problem. “You can be a Democrat, you can be a Republican, you can be unaffiliated, you can be whatever you want, but your duty of loyalty needs to be to country rather than to party, and we need to solve some of the large, known, and growing problems that we have,” he said. **************************************************Russia Wins While West Spins Like a good laundering machine, the Western media operate an efficient spin cycle for rinsing out dirty water. No sooner had Russia’s foreign ministry issued a fairly straightforward statement on Syria’s political future this week, then Western media news outlets were getting all in a lather with the spin that Moscow was preparing to hang Syrian President Bashar al-Assad out to dry. What that reaction shows is that these outlets are dutifully laundering the political agenda of their governments. That agenda seems to involve getting Russia to implement, unwittingly, the Western objective of regime change in Damascus. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was quoted by Russian news agency ITAR-TASS as saying that the Syrian leader’s hold on power was not a matter of principle for Moscow. She also spoke about other important issues: the imperative to respect the sovereign right of the Syrian people to decide the political future of their country; and that regime change in Syria would usher in even greater disaster from terrorism and refugees. However, it was the words on Assad that got picked up and thrown into the spin cycle with haste. Britain’s state broadcaster, the BBC, issued a breaking news flash with the headline: ‘Russia says keeping Assad not crucial’. While American channel CNN adverted that: ‘Russian leaders were opening the door for Assad’s exit’. Such so-called news items are laughably becoming more like commercial breaks. Commercial breaks between, well, more commercial breaks. Low on intelligent content and pitched to get viewers to buy somebody’s tawdry product. There was nothing further to back up either report on BBC or CNN – only a selective, speculative interpretation of the words from the Russian foreign ministry. There was no mention of the sovereign right of the Syrian nation nor of the global-scale disaster if regime change were to take place. Just a seemingly puerile gaze at the words about Assad’s staying in power not being «a matter of principle» for Moscow. What the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman actually said was this: «We have never said Assad's staying in power is a principled aspect. We are saying that the change of regime in Syria could become a disaster not only on a local or even regional scale, but, with account for that problem with refugees that we have now, this could become a big black hole». Russia had already warned about Western media «juggling with its words» over Syria, and in particular on attempts to wilfully distort its policy. Following the Vienna summit last weekend on Syria, there was Western speculation that Moscow had tacitly agreed to Assad relinquishing power. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sternly dismissed then what he called were «rumours». «I heard that the rumours are being spread already that it has been or will be agreed that Assad will step down in some period of time. This is not the case,» said Lavrov. If Western media were to provide a journalistic service instead of laundering their governments’ political agenda then they might have reported that Russia’s position is rightly centred on the sovereignty of Syria and on the defeat of foreign-backed terrorism in that country. That Moscow is saying that the question of Bashar al-Assad staying in power, or not, is not a matter of principle is simply stating that Russia does not view the Syrian leader as a life-long president. Assad’s presidency will be subject to the democratic will of the people, which is the all-important sovereign point. What is so controversial or enigmatic about stating that? Nothing, unless there is a mischievous will to misconstrue. Put another way, if Russia had said instead that Assad staying in power was a matter of principle for Moscow, then the Western media would no doubt have gone into double-spin mode and claimed that the Kremlin was dictating that the Syrian leader must remain in presidential office forever – regardless of the will of the electorate. One can imagine the headlines in that scenario: ‘Putin lays down law to Syrian people’ and so on. Of course, Western media spinning is hardly new and the consequences of the latest dash to misinterpret will no doubt be as fleeting as a soapy bubble. But the alacrity with which Western media outlets operated on the issue is instructive. Russia’s military operation in Syria to protect the state and its sovereignty from foreign-orchestrated mercenary terror groups has dealt a devastating blow to Washington’s covert military agenda of regime change. That agenda, instrumented by the deployment of mercenary terror groups, predates the outbreak of violence in Syria in March 2011 by several years, as uncovered by American journalist Seymour Hersh. Also as disclosed by former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, as well as leaked US diplomatic cables indicate from as early as 2009. Washington and its allies are now being compelled to use a political means to achieve what they couldn’t otherwise pull off by covert military means – because of Vladimir Putin’s bold intervention in Syria, beginning on September 30. Recall, too, that US Secretary of State John Kerry demanded last month, with typical haughtiness, for Russia to «bring Assad to the negotiating table». Not that there is much to discuss as far as Washington, London or Paris are concerned. Assad has to go, in their arrogant view, sooner or later. By going into so-called «diplomacy mode», as opposed to covert terrorist-supporting mode, what the Western imperial overlords expect is for Russia to comply with a political framework concocted in order to push Assad from power. That modus operandi is a negation of Syrian sovereignty, of course. And Russia is much too intelligent to be hoodwinked by these Western charlatans.