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Hundreds arrested during anti-lockdown protests in Australia

Throughout the pandemic of fear one of the big surprises has been the way Australians, known for being a nation of independent minded, outspoken, awkward bastarts have meekly accepted some of the most opressive restrictions on personal freedom and civil liberties, but it seems things may be changing as the Aussies say "enough".

Greenteeth Digital Publishing
the daily stirrer

Australia has introduced probably the most oppressive anti COVID measures in the world, yet with few large population centres and a widely distributed population in rural areas Australians were probably at much lower risk than Europeans or Americans.That did not stop the crooks and liars who draw big fat consultancy fees for giving the government "scientific advice" (though there is more science in the steam off a mouse's piss that all that lot could muster between them,) that led to Australian cities and states being put on lockdown due to a handful of "cases" even though nobody got sick.

More than 250 people were arrested during protests against coronavirus lockdowns in Australia last weekend. Many will face fines for defying health orders, authorities said. At least seven police officers were treated for injuries after skirmishes broke out at some of the protests, which took place in cities nationwide.The largest and most violent protest was in Melbourne.

Sydney has been in lockdown for two months, while Melbourne and the capital Canberra went into lockdown earlier this month. Under Australia's lockdown rules people are confined to their homes for all but essential activities and have limits placed on social interactions.

Despite the measures, Sydney’s New South Wales state reported a record 825 new daily community infections on Saturday. Several cities are battling outbreaks of the highly controversia Delta variant which is allegedly more deadly and more readily transmissible than the original strain, but actually has never been proved to exist. The "science" that gave us Delta Variant is as dodgy as a nine dollar bill.

Protesters claim that the restrictions have not curbed the spread of COVID and are calling for lockdowns to end, but authorities say they are necessary to suppress the spread of the virus in mathematical models and thus save models of many human lives lives.

In Melbourne, a crowd of about 4,000 protesters indulged in civil disobedience. Victoria state police arrested 218 people and issued more than 200 fines. Six Victoria state police officers needed hospital treatment hospital and three people were held and charged with assaulting police. Officers used pepper spray on several people, saying in a statement they were left with no choice.