Geoengineering - Science versis humanity
Conspiracy theorists vindicated – HAARP Confirmed as a weather manipulation tool
HAARP: Have Scientists Opened Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
Something Strange In Antarctica
How Do We Stop Climate Engineering When Unforeseen Consequences Kick In
It has been said many times before and no doubt will be sais many times again: scientists are brainless idiots, OCD bell ends who are so obsessed with science they seldom waste a secon's thought on what the consequences might be for the world of their great schemes to save the planet / improve of nature / usurp God.
One area of controversy over recent years has been geoengineering, a massive research grant phising scam that ries on the back of the climate change scare. Geoengineering, or attempting to control the weather is surely one of the most ludicrously misconceived notions ever devised.
As we have far too much on our plates at the moment we are going to embed an inshightful article by Dane Wigington and as a hedge agiast the site going offline, as they sometimes do, we'll keep a hidden copy to be reused under fair use terms (in the public interest) should the original be lost. Internet censorship is becoming a very real problem and far too many web pages that offer unorthodox views or question the establishment narrative are simply having access blocked by search engine operators eager to collaborate with governments and the power elites.
So here, via The Event Chronicle is Dane Wigington's article "How Do We stop Climate Engineering? There Is Only One Way Forward."
RELATED POSTS:HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
What do you think of the freak weather this year? Coincidence, climate change, solar activity or something more sinister. If you have heard the term HAARP chances are you're pretty sceptical about the official line. HAARP - the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a research programme that experiments with changing the earh's upper atmosphere. you don't have to understand much science to realise it proves that as John Lennon said the world is run by insane people.
Research center or weather weapon? US military is shutting down HAARP
Sceptics and activists have been questioning the purpose of the US Government HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) project for years. While the official information from the US Government insisted HAARP was a purely academic exercise in trying to understand the higher levels of the earth's atmosphere, sceptics and free thinkers (dismissed with rather too much fanaticism by mainstream media shills and online trolls alike as conspiracy theorists) questioned the stated purpose of the project.
Aerospace Worker Admits To Installing chemical Spraying Equipment In Jet Aircraft
At the Monday Demonstration in Dresden on May 12, 2014, a guy came forward during the open mike session and told the audience he participated in installing chemtrails devices on airplanes. Guess what happened when he went to the local representatives with proof in hand. He got fired from his job just a few days later and ... see YouTube Video
HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
What do you think of the freak weather this year? Coincidence, climate change, solar activity or something more sinister. If you have heard the term HAARP chances are you're pretty sceptical about the official line. HAARP - the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a research programme that experiments with changing the earh's upper atmosphere. you don't have to understand much science to realise it proves that as John Lennon said the world is run by insane people.
Geo - Engineering: The Science Isn't Settled
In another case of scientific dictatorship the American Government and the corporate cartel have invoked a Big Science scam to make $$$billions from geo engineering schemes 'to save the planet from climate change disaster'. The science is settled they tell us. Unfortunately once again it isn't. Geoengineering could have ‘catastrophic consequences’: Schemes to control climate change could backfire, a large group of concerned and influential scientists have warned.
Geoengineering Exposeed
Again the science academe have been exposed as a bunch of crooked, lying, self serving, sociopathic shits who will do anything for a research grant. After yers of denials by scientists, universities and government departments it has finally been admitted that geoengineering experiments ale a likely cause of environmental chaos.
Geoengineering The Freak Weather
American scientists, egged on by a psychopath President who boasts that he is good at killing people are pressing ahead with experiments in controlling the climate. They have no idea what the outcomes may be because as we know, mathematical models used to predict climate trends are hopelessly inaccurate. But when have scientists ever stopped to give a moments thought to consequences.
Geoengineering With Chemtrails Madness
In a move that will be seen by sharper witted commentators as a political ploy to expose the USA chemtrails experiments, Russia called for the soon to be released and already leaked United Nations report on climate change to include a section on geo - engineering, developing technology capable of controlling weather.
Chemtrails Go Global
Remember those conspiracy theories that were so sneered at and yet have been proved so often to be pure and simple truth? Once of the main ones was Chemtrails, the trails of nanoparticles from the alleged spraying of chemicals mixed in with jet aircraft fuels. Do you still think that is a crazy conspiracy theory? Read the article below.
Chemtrails Conspiracy
At risk of being dubbed a crazy conspiracy theorist, a US Congressman has called for an investigation of 'chemtrails', the trails of chemical dust allegedly sprayed from aircraft that do not quickly disperse in the way the familiar condensation trails do. So what's going on, a geo engineering peoject or something related to social engineering.
Chemtrails Conspiracy Truth
Have you noticed how many things denied by the authorities and dismissed as conspiracy theories by those who love big government and yearn for a new world order of totalitarian global government led by scientists and technocrats are actually turning out to be true. Here's another, Chemtrails..
Deliberately Wrecking The Planet
We are all aware of the problems in our environment but the problems are simply too diverse and far reaching to be dismissed as irresponsible lifestyles producing too much carbon dioxide? Look at bogus science, corporate greed, political incompetence, over-consumption and elitist arrogance.
News that Britain faces power blackouts as obsolescence and authoritarian regulation by the EU and Euronazi's try to usurp the sovereign powers of our British Parliament should come as a surprise to nobody.
Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
Conspiracy theorists vindicated – HAARP Confirmed as a weather manipulation tool
Xavier Connolly, 29 May 2015
Alternative news sites have for years questioned the true purpose of a US government experimental atmospheric 'research' station in Alaska. The High Altitude Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was identified as a base for experimenting with climate control using electro magnetic rafiation by whistleblowers within the US government, usually scientists with a sense of responsibility who, aware of what unintended consequences might be unleashed, doubt the wisdom of messing about with natural climate systems.
In fairness it has to be said the US government is not alone in this. Russia and China are known to be involved in experimental climate engineering projects, Britain and France were involved in weather management experiments as long ago as the 1950s (with disastrous consequences in Britain) and Iran is believe to have electro magnetic systems capable of affecting regional climates.
In a Senate hearing on May 14, Senator Murkowski (R-AK) questioned why the Pentagon was planning to demolish HAARP this summer in order to cut costs, asking whether it was fiscally sound to destroy an approximately $300 million facility when it costs less than one percent of that amount to operate it each year. When she questioned the witnesses, she asked why they couldn’t consider handing off control and operational costs to the University of Alaska or another research institute and keep the world-class facility open and running.
In response to Senator Murkowski’s reasoning, the Secretary of the Air Force sent a letter stating: “Your letter indicates the University of Alaska or a consortium of academic or research institutions are interested in taking ownership of the facility in the near future. In response, the Air Force is willing to slow the closure process and defer irreversible dismantling of the transmitter site until May 2015... The Air Force will continue to maintain an open dialogue with the University of Alaska or a consortium of interested scientific research institutions should they wish to develop and assess alternative plans in a timely manner.”
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Though the authorities have always been rather vague about exactly what the experimints run at HAARP hoped to achieve the fight to keep the installation running has seen some success for Murkowski:
Murkowski Committee Q&A on HAARP Future:
Senator Lisa Murkowski received official word last week from the Secretary of the Air Force that the Pentagon is delaying its plans to demolish the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility site in Gakona – or ‘HAARP’ – for another year so that a possible transfer to a university or scientific institution can be explored. This news comes as a result of Murkowski’s recent attempts to communicate the important work done by the facility among Pentagon brass, including sharing the favorable views of the international research community towards HAARP.
Alaska is a state with a very small population and very few job creating industries, so from one perspective it is understandable that Murkowski would campaign to keep open a facility that provides jobs and injects money into the local economy. Here efforts to do so however led to an admission that the real purpose of HAARP was to carry out experiments in weather control. The admission is contained in the embedded video below:
The key admission in that video is: " ... "…. we’ve moved onto other ways of managing the ionosphere… HAARP was designed to direct energy into the ionosphere to control it ..."
Ionospheric heaters (aka HAARP) also breach the protective magnetosphere. This phenomenon was first detected by 5 NASA Themis satellites in June 2007. The entire day-side of the magnetosphere was open to the solar wind. Such a massive breach had never been noticed before. Ionospheric heaters have been damaging the magnetosphere since 2007 and major breaches continue to be reported. The concern about major solar storms (the Carrington effect) and military EMP bursts exists at government level in both the USA and the UK, but billion watt ionospheric heaters at resonant frequencies continue to be used – to cause freak weather in order to simulate climate change.
Five massive new heaters are planned for Norway. The Chinese were expecting a massive solar storm in April 2012, which they said was going to inexplicably coincide with a massive breach of the magnetosphere. (They must have been warned.) The solar storm was in July and fortunately missed the Earth. If it had hit the Earth, all generating capacity would have been knocked out for up to three and a half years according to the Chinese.
In 2011, the Royal Family installed an Archimedes screw in the Thames at Windsor, presumably preparing for the predicted breakdown of the grid. Why are ionospheric heaters being used so intensively if they cause major breaches in the magnetosphere at a time when a massive solar storm is expected? Given the obsession with depopulation (David Attenborough, Lord Porritt, Bill Gates, Prince Philip, the UN et al), breaching the magnetosphere in order to turn the Sun into a neutron bomb makes a lot of sense.
HAARP: Have Scientists Opened Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
Original Boggart Blog, 5 March, 2014
What do you think of the freak weather this year? Coincidence, climate change, solar activity or something more sinister. If you have heard the term HAARP chances are you're pretty sceptical about the official line. HAARP - the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a research programme that experiments with changing the earh's upper atmosphere. you don't have to understand much science to realise it proves that, as John Lennon said, the world is run by insane people doing insane things.
Read all HAARP Pandora's Box
HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
Beam Me Up Brian* - Scientists Say Star Trek Style Teleporation Is Possible
Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool
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The Island Of Hy Brasil - Another Atlantis or Insula Mirabilis
Something Strange In Antarctica
Boggart Blog Original, 15 January, 2014
On days when there is no interesting news the only thing to do is find a conspiracy theory. Actually it this post is not about a 'conspiracy' but followers of the cult of Scientism will insist it is.
When there's something stange
in your neighbourhood,
Who ya gonna call?
Well Ghostbusters obviously although last time I saw Dan Ackroyd he looked more like a waistband buster.
If there's something strange under the antarctic icecap, who are you going to call then?
I stumbled on a video report from (iot's probably all over the web as well)
A public forum is now having a heated discussion over what it calls ?something strange being activated under the ice of Antarctica'. The forum moderator, who claims to be a geologist sent to Neumayer Station in Antarctica to study ice core samples. He introduces the discussion thus:
"About 2 weeks ago we started hearing rumors that strange microwave transmissions were being detected.
Eventually it was discovered that these transmission were coming from about 100 feet below the ice about 15 miles from the station. An expedition was sent to that location to investigate the area. What they found were not only microwave transmissions, but also radioactive activity as well as a tremendous amount of heat originating below the ice which was melting the ice.
"This is when it all got really strange. Within days a team was sent from the US with heavy earth moving equipment. It was all classified and only a few members of the station are privy to was going on. That team and their equipment was sent to the location probably to dig up whatever was under the ice. About 4 hours after their team and equipment went to the site they all came back.
There were 18 of them and 7 of them had to be treated by our doctors for some sort of radiation poisoning.
"What is more disturbing is the look on the faces of those team members as well as the look on the faces of the few guys at the station that are in the know when they returned. They all look like they saw a ghost. Totally scared and acting erratic.
"Now this are is totally off limits to us an is being guarded by the US military. Rumor is another team from the US is coming to resume the investigation from the Army Corp of Engineers."
The discussion of whatever may or may not be under Antarctica begins at approx. the 30 second mark in this video.
This is not the first time strange goings on have been reported fron the vicinity of the Neumayer Sation. See more at this page
So, Return of The Nephilim, a fiendish plot by a Bond villain (complete with Persian Cat), or another diversion planned by the Illuminati to obfuscate their takeover of national governments, the awakening by HAARP electro magnetic pulses of a survival pod buried by a highly advanced antediluvian civilisation? You may speculate on those things, Boggart Blog could not possibly comment.
Geoengineeering means shite weather can be guaranteed.
Original Boggart Blog, 8 december 2013
Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering
HAARP ground station in Alaska, Source: molnarfarpad.files.wordpress
Recently President Barack Hussein Obama strongarmed an enabling act through the consitutional lawmaking process of the USA which granted himself, as President, sole authority to enact laws relating to the environment. Now one of the main planks of Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign was his pledge to shut down the oil and coal industries by imposing punitive taxes of fossil fuels. So far he has been prevented from doing this by public opinion and by the saner members of his administration reminding him that if he shuts down oil and coal he is effectively shutting down the American economy.
The Emperor and God - King Gaius Caligula Obama does not easily give up his obsessions and has a track record for lashing out like a petulant five year old when he does not get his own way. It should be no surprise then to be presented with evidence that recent freak weather events in the USA have been linked to scientific experiments in Geoengineering, the control of weather through various technologies. It makes perfect sense of course because whith the case for Carbon Dioxide driven anthropogenic global warming having collapsed after the evidence for that was exposed as nothing more than statistical sleight of hand, Obama's psychotic desire to punish America's middle class must be satisfied in some way.
And what better way than to spread fear and panic until people believe that only the oppressive government of The God - King Obama can save the nation from disaster.
There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes.
Cloud Seeding
Two known patents for the process of ?artificial ice nucliation for weather modification? are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating ?artificial snow storms? but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.
If the Chinese government can routinely create snow storms out of what should have been a rain event, how much more advanced must our government be at this same process? When monitoring radar images of rain during a storm, it is now common to see the rain ?flash out? to snow for no appearant reason. No mountains, no colliding air mass, nothing. The ?meteorologists? at the Rothschild?s/ military industrial complex owned Weather Channel call this ?turning over to snow?. Why would rain just ?turn over? to snow for no reason?
Many of the snow events occurring around the US, even at this time of year, are amazingly still occurring at above freezing temperatures. Some are at temperatures of 10 degrees or more above freezing. How is this possible? Have the laws of physics changed?
Now we cannot tell you if these rumours are true or not, in these cases Boggart Blog is only an information broker, bringing you news that will not appear in mainstream media (with maybe a few humourous asides.) Research HAARP, take a look at sites like Geoengineering watch or consider that sheer stupidity of geoengineering plans like the one to pump tons of sulphuric oxide nanoparticles into the upper atmosphere (remember the acid raid of the 1980s cause by sulphur compounds emitted by power stations, that did such damage to forests?)
Consider though, the first successful experiments in weather control were conducted in the early 1950s, you can buy a small snow machine from for less that £30, and a lot of politicians and academics have pinned their reputations on the climate change fraud and the corporate interests that control alternative energy technologies stand to make trillions out of the so called green taxes their bought - and - paid - for politicians plan on imposing.
RELATED POSTS: Greenteeth Labyrinth Geoengineering Menu Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]CREATIVE COMMONS: attrib, no comm, no dervs.
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