Rise In Intercommunity Confrontations Mean "Civil War Is Inevitable" In France According To State Officials
by Ian R Thorpe, 27 June, 2016
Although French President François Hollande refuses to identify the enemy that has kept his country in chaos since the 'Charlie Hebdo' massage of January 2015 as religious fantaicts in france's Muslim community, preferring to refer to abstact identifiers: "terrorism" or "extremism", the truth is France is fighting a war against an enemy within its own borders. This view is not ours alone, it was articulated by Robert Menard, mayor of the French town of Beziers.
Instead of assuring the citizens of France by discussing plans to contain Islamic extremism and remove the terrorist threat from cities and towns, the French president instead proves his priority is to suck up to Barack Obama's failed regime in Washington by promising more military actions abroad in support of Obama's highly theatrical efforts to combat ISIS: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president said after the Nice attack, thus further inflaming the hatred of extremists against his country.
So faced with this failure a government that was elected to guide the country through national and international problems, it is hardly surprising if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate? (The Politically Correct Thpught Police refer to Front National and its leader Marine Le Pen as right wing extremists, neither the party nor Mme. Le Pen is an extremist and compared to the nationalist groups now emerging not only in France, but in Germany, Sweden, Austria, The Netherlands, Poland and Hungary, FN are a bunch of woolly - brained liberals.
The problem is not confined to France, throughout the developed world it seems, the global elites have taken sides. They decided that the "bad" voters in France were unreasonable, uneducated working class people too stupid to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who are not only unwilling to assimilate to the host society but instead demand the host nation adapts to their religious and cultural mores, and who threaten to kill anyone who refuses to accept their supremacy. The elite, who are amongst other things cultural snobs, are obviously unaware of the scene in one of The Godfather trilogy movies in which Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) says to his brother, "Fredo, never take sides against the family," before having the aforementioned bother dispatched to 'sleep with the fishes' (the actual words occur about two minutes into the clip). The omission of the elitists is unfortunate, had they forsaken the art house theatres for some decent entertainment they might have learned some valuable lessons about how the real world works. It would have prepared them for the consequences of having taken sides against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. They have also made a choice not to fight Islamism because Muslims vote collectively for this global elite. The new democracy in France, Germany, and increasingly in Britain works on the basis of one Imam one thousand votes.
And so France, it's government having failed to protect the citizens, French culture and traditions, the borders and the principles of 'Liberté, Égalité, FraternitéLiberté, Égalité, Fraternité est' that are the foundation of French society finds itself in a terrible situation.
"We are on the verge of a civil war," a talking head on television reported somebody saying earlier this week. That quote did not come from a Front National rabble rouser, a fanatical nationalist or a neo - Nazi lunatic . It came from head of France's internal security department, the DGSI (Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure), Patrick Calvar. He has, in fact, spoken of the risk of a civil war many times. On July 12th, he warned a commission of members of parliament, in charge of a survey about the terrorist attacks of 2015, about it.
In May 2016, he delivered almost the same message to another commission of members of France's National Assembly, charged with overseeing national defense. "Europe," he said, "is in danger. Extremism is on the rise everywhere, and we are now turning our attention to some far-right movements who are preparing a confrontation".
What kind of confrontation? "Intercommunity confrontations," he said -- polite for "a citizens war against Muslims." "One or two more terrorist attacks," he added, "and we may well see a civil war."
In February 2016, in front of a senate commission in charge of intelligence information, Calvar said again: " We are looking now at far-right extremists who are just waiting for more terrorist attacks to engage in violent confrontation".
No one knows if the truck terrorist, who plowed into the July 14th Bastille Day crowd in Nice and killed more than 80 people, will be the trigger for a French civil war, or if the next outrage or the one after that will trigger the backlash, but it might help to look at what creates the risk of civil conflict in France and other countries, such as Germany or Sweden.
The main reason is the failure of the state to protect its citizens from lawless and barbaric elements who inflitrated under the umbrella of politically correct mass immigration policies.
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Adolf Hitler, His Part In Our Downfall
FREE E-BOOK FOR .pdf & Kindle dowload
A thirty five thousand word book on the authoroitarian, undemocratic, bureaucratic dictatorship that is the European Union. Following the outburst of left wing hate politics following Boris Johnson's reminder that the EU has its roots in Hitler's Naziism, which as any intelligent person is aware is both true and very well documented. My blog colleagues and I decided to assemble this collection of our articles (with some long extracts quoted from public domain and creative commons sources) to help people misled by the REMAIN campaign into thinking the arguments are solely economic.