July 2021
Daily Stirrer, 2021
Editor's note: The Daily Stirrer believs in the universal right of free speech, this does not mean we necessarily agree with the views expressed by our contributors.
After a year in 2020 of disrupted posting due mainly to the hoax pandemic, we hope to be back with our regular updates on the news you will not get from mainstream media. If you want to know what is really going on in the world, follow The Daily Stirrer
December 2021
The Mystery Of Origin Of Omicron
from Great Game India, 31 December 2021
The mystery of the origin of omicron strain of COVID-19 is raising new questions about the still undetermined origin of the coronavirus outbreak and whether it leaked from a Chinese research laboratory in Wuhan in 2019.
One common theory about abnormal mutations in the new variant Omicron suggests that it could have appeared from a person with an immunodeficiency after several months of incubation.
This could also explain the fact that the Omicron has no common origin with other strains of COVID whose last ancestors dated back to March 2020. While this theory prevails, there is worrying evidence of an alternate origin.
What you may not know are some key details from a Botswana press release that discussed the latest strain that was discovered (the oldest known case of the Omicron was discovered in Botswana).
The first known cases of Omicron discovered in Botswana were found in “foreign nationals on a diplomatic mission.”
One common theory about abnormal mutations in the new variant Omicron suggests that it could have appeared from a person with an immunodeficiency after several months of incubation.
This could also explain the fact that the Omicron has no common origin with other strains of COVID whose last ancestors dated back to March 2020. While this theory prevails, there is worrying evidence of an alternate origin.
What you may not know are some key details from a Botswana press release that discussed the latest strain that was discovered (the oldest known case of the Omicron was discovered in Botswana).
The first known cases of Omicron discovered in Botswana were found in “foreign nationals on a diplomatic mission.” ... Continue reading >>>
A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.
Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group
Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ...
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians
New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
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Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
MENU:Covid Vaccine FascismPOSTS:
Authored by Katabella Roberts Epoch Times via Zero Hedge,
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.
The demonstrations were particularly rife in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets across several cities to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports.
In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 people took to the streets to demonstrate.
The city of Cottbus saw around 3,000 demonstrators, according to Tagesschau which cited police figures. Elsewhere in the east, around 9,000 demonstrators took to the streets at 16 locations across the south of Brandenburg. Hundreds more protested in the cities of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, and various places in Lower Saxony, as per local reports.
In Saxony, East Germany, police said on Twitter that they had officers patrolling areas in Görlitz, Bautzen, Hoyerwerda, Kamenz and Zittau.
“In Bautzen, Görlitz, Zittau, Weißwasser and Hoyerswerda, there are currently larger gatherings of people,” police wrote on Monday.
“Our emergency services will inform them of the violation of the current Corona emergency regulations and ask them to leave the area,” officials said.
Police later said they were attacked during the demonstrations in Bautzen.
“The emergency services were massively attacked with fireworks and bottles,” the police said in the evening.
DW reported that at least ten police officers were reportedly injured during demonstrations in Saxony.
Police were also deployed to break up gatherings in the Saxonian cities of Dresden and Leipzig, as per DW.
A number of protestors in the Bavarian town of Schweinfurt received suspended prison sentences on Monday, while another was fined by the local court. ... Continue reading >>>
Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group
Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated.
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Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk
AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...
German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...
Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections.
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After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ...
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The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.
Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...
German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West
The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections? it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble ...
Currency Wars: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency
In this page, we have covered US attempts to expolit its position as issurer of the global reserve currency, and the moves by China and Russia to resist that. Moves to establish the US$ as a true global currency began a long time ago with the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference in the final months of World War 2, with Germany defeated and the world ready to split into capitalist and communist factions...German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
[ Covid vaccine fascism ] ... [ Germany ] ... [ Europe ] ... [ Europe unglues ] ... [ New World Order ] ... [Daily Stirrer] ... [ Our Page on on Sunstack ]... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ] ... [ a href="http://www.greenteeth..com/latest-posts.shtml">Latest Posts ]
Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group
Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows.
The report (pdf ) which only confirms what many idependent doctors, researchers and a significant minority of the public have known for two years), was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments and the executives of supra - national bureaucracies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) the European Union and UNESCO, that mandatory vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence in countries that have achieved the high levels of vaccination take up, such as Israel (98% claimed to be fully vaccinated,) which now has the highests infection rate in the world, with those vaccinated being the ones sick with COVID while the small percentage who have relied on the body's natural defences remaining largely infection free.
It is a trend repeated across the most vaccinated states of the USA, UK regions with highest take up and European Union member states<./p>
“Unfortunately, and contrary to government-led narratives and media coverage in both Canada and the U.S., the evidence strongly suggests vaccinations do not stop the spread of Covid - not the original strains, and not the later Delta and Omicron variants,” the Justice Centre said.
In its analysis, the human rights advocacy group compared government pro-vaccine propaganda with what authoritative health agencies really say about vaccine effectiveness in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Compared with the actual situation in “heavily vaccinated communities,” including Israel, the United Kingdom, the U.S. state of Vermont, Gibraltar, and Sweden the claimes made in propaganda broadcasts and magazine articles are exposed as completely false. Vaccination does not prevent one from becoming infected with the SARS-COV2 virus, may alleviate certain symptoms slightly and does not prevent the vaccinated but infected person passing on the infection. On all counts it fails to meet the traditional definition of vaccination. The report states:
“We conclude that whatever value vaccines may have in reducing hospitalization and mortality, they do not ‘work’ with the thoroughness government leaders claim, and certainly not to the degree that mandatory enforcement or vaccine passports could ever be justified in Canada as a reasonable limitation upon individual rights to bodily autonomy and Charter freedoms,” the Justice Centre said.
Rewriting The Medical Dictionary - Vaccines Redefined
The Justice Centre added that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) change of definition of a “vaccine” in September has effectively switched its goal from producing “immunity” to merely providing “protection” against an infectious disease.
According to the CDC website, “vaccination” is now defined as “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”
In response to social media controversies following the revised definition, the CDC said the previous definitions could have been interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100 percent effective, which “has never been the case for any vaccine.”
The Justice Centre also concluded that government-led narratives and health policies have been socially divisive and discriminatory.
While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden clung to the the narrative that the experimental vaccines work well and are safe, both leaders have introduced restrictions requiring employers to enforce mandatory COVID-19 vaccination mandates and have taken steps to coerce vaccine refusers into compliance by undemocratically enacting policies designed to bring about the social exclusion and marginalisation of the unvaccinated.
“With these actions, Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden have separated Canadians and Americans into two groups: those who can fully participate in society and those who, having been first excluded from events and restaurants, can now be barred from earning a living, often in employment they have enjoyed for decades,” the Justice Centre report said.
Strong Evidence of Reinfection After Vaccination
Public enthusiasm for mass vaccination stemmed from the concept of “herd immunity,” which was sold to the public with the lie that it can only be achieved through vaccination. Herd immunity means that when enough people within a society become immune to a disease, it becomes harder for an infected individual to spread the virus. Unfortunately in the case of the COVID vaccines what limited immunity they may actually provide is short lived
However, the Justice Centre report noted that real-world evidence (as opposed to the output from mathematical modelling of the pandemic which all policy formulation has been based on, shows that even in heavily vaccinated communities around the world, fully vaccinated people continue to contract COVID-19 and to die from it.
One of the most notable examples is Israel, already mentioned above, which was the first country in the world to have the majority of its citizens fully vaccinated. However, cases started to surge in June 2021, and over 13,000 fully vaccinated individuals had breakthrough infections between July 11 and July 31, 2021.
“To date, no government has presented the public with evidence to support its repeated and fearmongering propaganda message that the Covid vaccine stops the spread of Covid,” the Justice Centre said.
“In a free and democratic society, an ineffective policy of mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports to participate in normal society, deliberately excluding unvaccinated Canadians from civil society, cannot be justified as a reasonable limitation upon Charter rights and freedoms.”
The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ...
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians
New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Top American COVID Scaremonger Says says if you are worried about Covid vaccine, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority
20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple
conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an
“unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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UK Morning TV show attacked over pro - vaccine propaganda segment on unvaccinated in hospital
ITV morning host Lorraine Kelly received almost 4000 complaints over a guilt - trippimg segment about the number of unvaccinated people in hospital. The unusually high number of complaints to media regulator Ofcom about the segment on Monday December 6 to 3,743. Further complains promted by a follow up to the segment raise that total to 3994. While newsworth in itself because in normal circumstances even the most controversial items only attract a few hundred complaints, the propaganda aimed at scaring, bullying or coercing vaccine refusers to get vaccinated has become so blatantly dishonest in all news media that people are at last rebelling.
The secment which saw host Lorraine Kelly and Big Pharma propagandist Dr Hilary Jones encourage viewers to accept the offer of a coronavirus vaccination by quoting completely false figures. Jones said: “Those people who haven’t been vaccinated, we’d really love you to think again and be vaccinated because 90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated right now with Covid.”
Kelly replied: “That’s a figure that we have to really concentrate on, 90% of people in hospital have not been vaccinated.”
According to left leaning fact-checking organisation Full Fact (a website not noted for promoting anti - vaccine views, if fact previously on message with all the vaccine propaganda, the morning TV pair were incorrect and the true figure is lower. The website said: “The true figure is more like 36%. However, there are signs that unvaccinated people are the majority in intensive care.”
The truth is that figure is complete and utter bollocks. And in respect to the numbers in I~ntensive Care, does nobody in the media think to ask is this referring to all people in IC or only thjose in IC because of COVID. If somebody is in Intensive Care because of a heart attack or stroke, injuries received in an accident or any cause other than COVID, what does it matter if they are vaccinated with a vaccine that does not work or not.
This ties in with the proportion of the population who have declined vaccine, but exposes as lies the government's claims that well over 80% of the eligble population are now vaccinated. One verifiable fact which is not being reported at that most people who are in hospital 'with' covid actually picked up the virus while in hospital, vaccinated or not because as thius blog reports several times per week the vaccines do not immunise people to the virus.
However, such scaremongering has been typical of the media's treatment of news and information relating to this hoax pandemic. Fortunately the dishonesty and authoritarian nature of the governments attempt to bully us into compliance are being noticed by the piblic more and more.
In the hours after the segment was screened a backlash from viewers erupted on social media as people sceptocal of all aspects in the government and media handling of the pandemic, and were eager to share their thoughts.
Adam raged: "This is complete misinformation, DrHilaryJones, I ask you to provide your evidence of this claim. Outrageous!" (sic)
Sara penned: "#lorraine @DrHilaryJones lease stop saying there's nothing to having the vaccine...I have never been so ill after the 1st dose of @pfizer..and now left traumatised!! What is there to help those who had severe reactions? Why can't we get half a dose? It was too much for me." (sic)
While Mama added: "Erm @DrHilaryJones @reallorraine his is simply not true! How dare you spout such untruths!"
"My goodness how are these mainstream broadcasters getting away with this bullying and coercion using data that is wrong @ITV @Ofcom," Renee commented.
These are just a few examples of the true public reaction to the torrent of lies and false statistics that are being used to prolong the crisis. Yesterday, under the headline “The 5 Signs You May Have Omicron Covid”, an article in the Metro yesterday, and repeated in spirit across dozens of other outlets.
For those of you feeling morbidly curious, here are the five signs of Omicron:
scratchy throatFatigue
mild muscle aches
dry cough
night sweats
Readers who are quick on the uptake will readily pick up that these symptoms apply to every single one of the common cold and 'flu viruses that infect millions, worldwide, every year. It should also be noted that if the five signs indicate you may have COVID they might equally well indicates Yyou man not have it.
It’s just the old joke about “mild hunger, occasional thirst and tiredness at night”, but propagandists expect us to take it on board and the get the clotshot that may kill us but will not make us immune to an illness that is extremely unlikely to kill us unless we are old and/or have pre - existing, potentially fatal conditions.
Chances are you’ve experienced all the above symptoms at least once or twice in the past two or three years. This does not mean you had Omicron or COVID-19 as it was formerly branded. It does not mean Omicron even exists, remember the virus has never been isolated from its host cell.The whole scare story is just a ploy to make you follow government guidance and, in the words of the article: "order a free PCR test as soon as possible”.
The government site for ordering PCR tests has already crashed due to millions of requests. I and others have repeated many time, that PCR tests are scientifically meaningless as a diagnostic tool for SARS-COV2 virus, and return huge numbers of false positives, yet people still believe in them just as people believe the government is our friend and protector when if fact it has been shitting on us from a great height for longer than an old guy like me can remember.
Hundreds of thousands of PCR tests are being carried out on people with mild cold symptoms, and in these nasal swabs lies the incipient “Omicron wave” that will kill only a few people but will probably be used to justify more lockdowns, introduction of vaccone passports and the internment in labour camps of people who resist the vaccine fascisn and remain unvaccinated.
That is why Health Secretary Sajid Javid is TV saying on TV he expects cases of Omicron to “dramatically increase” in the run-up to Christmas. By using dodgy technologists, corrupt science whores who pass themselves off as "experts", and fake statistics because the globalist gangsters are going to make it happen.
The script, which is undoubtedly already written, will probably have the Prime Minister announce new restrictions, including lockdowns, just after Parliament adjourns for the Christmas break, so they can’t be reviewed or voted on. Remember in Austria and Germany, the spiritual homes of Naziism, people are already being fined and imprisoned for being unvaccinated and denied opportunitoes to buy food and essentials unless they have a vaccine passport.
It’s the same old trick, again and again and again. Hopefully, people will stop falling for it soon.
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World Leaders Have To Face The Truth About Oil Demand
By Irina Slav of OilPrice.com
Across the world, politicians are grappling with the reality of expensive energy
Price shocks, scarcity and energy poverty are on the cards after two consecutive years of underinvestment in the oil and gas industry
World leaders might have to acknowledge that oil and gas demand are here to stay for the foreseeable future

"Our products make the world run." This is what Chevron's chief executive Mike Wirth said at this week's World Petroleum Congress in Houston. The statement echoed a sentiment expressed by other oil executives attending the event—oil and gas are indispensable and will continue to be indispensable for the observable future and beyond it.
This is not something that a lot of people want to hear. It is certainly not what environmentalist organizations want to hear. It is certainly not what the Biden administration and the EU want to hear. Yet, it appears to reflect a hard reality.
Europe is struggling with record gas prices, and yet its gas inventories are being depleted at the fastest rate in about a decade because of a colder than usual start of the winter across much of the continent. In the U.S., gasoline prices have become a top priority for an administration that came to power with the promise to reduce the country's consumption of fossil fuels. Whether everyone likes it or not, quitting oil and gas will not be as easy as some hope.
"I understand that publicly admitting that oil and gas will play an essential and significant role during the transition and beyond will be hard for some," said the chief executive of Aramco, Amin Nasser, also at the World Petroleum Congress. "But admitting this reality will be far easier than dealing with energy insecurity, rampant inflation and social unrest as the prices become intolerably high and seeing net zero commitments by countries start to unravel," he said, as quoted by the Financial Times.
The price of electricity is already getting intolerably high in many parts of Europe that were until recently used to affordable and secure energy. This, unless it is tackled urgently, could indeed lead to social unrest—there are few things more flammable than public opinion in the middle of winter amid an energy shortage and the risk of blackouts.
"Oil and gas continue to play a central role in meeting the world's energy needs, and we play an essential role in delivering them in a lower carbon way," Chevron's Wirth said, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.
If the news from Europe since September is any indication, Wirth is correct in his prediction. However, supply may be tight due to underinvestment, which is at least in part the result of the rush to replace oil and gas with renewable energy.
Price shocks, scarcity and energy poverty are on the cards after two consecutive years of underinvestment in the oil and gas industry, a report by IHS Markit and the International Energy Forum said this week. This year's investments in the industry would be about $341 billion, which is 23 percent lower than pre-pandemic investment levels of $525 billion, and that's despite rising global demand for the commodities, the report noted.
"Oil and gas investment will need to return to pre-Covid levels and stay there through 2030 to restore market balance," the report's authors wrote, with the secretary general of the IEF saying, as quoted by Upstream Online, the "energy crisis in Europe and Asia this winter is a preview of what we can expect in the years ahead".
This would certainly not sit well with renewable energy proponents like the head of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol and the EU's green deal chief, Frans Timmermans. Yet, it wasn't too long ago that Birol called on OPEC+ to produce more oil and on Russia to pump more gas to Europe, and Timmermans was forced to admit gas had a part to play in the energy transition.
"Underinvesting in oil and gas before renewables and other low-carbon technologies that are ready to scale up to meet energy demand could create recurrent energy crises of the kind we saw in Asia and Europe over the last few months," said IHS Markit's Daniel Yergin in comments on the report. He added that these crises could lead to adverse economic consequences. These, in turn, will in all likelihood spark the social unrest Aramco's Nasser talked about at the WPC.
The big energy problem appears to be one of prematurity. The buildup of renewable generation capacity in Europe and the U.S. was accompanied by a premature retirement of fossil fuel generation capacity, leaving countries short of baseload energy when they need it.
It is no coincidence that some countries such as the UK and Sweden had to restart coal plants: in the UK's case, to fill a gap between demand for electricity and supply amid the gas crunch, and in Sweden's case, to export the electricity to Poland in order to help it avoid blackouts. What caused the shortage in Poland? Low wind and shutdowns at some power plants.
The premature shift to relying on wind and solar is leaving countries vulnerable to the weather and effectively increasing their dependence on fossil fuels. Perhaps the current crunch will teach some important lessons to those willing to learn. Otherwise, the scenario outlined by Aramco's Nasser and IHS's Yergin may well materialize in the not too distant future.
We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
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German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Schoolchildren in Germany are being subjected to ritual humiliation by being forced to divulge their vaccination status in front of their class on a daily basis, with unjabbed kids being questioned as to why they haven’t received it.

Yes, really.
The shocking development, which has been covered by German media outlets, was explained by journalist Alex Story.
“It’s essentially about the ritual humiliation of children who are asked to go to the front of the class and state their vaccination status daily,” Story told GB News.
“Those who are vaccinated are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they’re not,” he added, noting that such treatment “should raise an alarm bell” for people who are in favor of mandatory vaccines.Story also described how authorities in Germany are rolling out wristbands for people to go shopping, with those who haven’t properly complied by getting jabbed and following other rules being banned from being able to go shopping “across a multitude of stores.”
The journalist also related a story that is “more reminiscent of 1930’s Germany,” namely how coffee shops in Berlin started giving out coffees for free in support of the unvaccinated, only to have corporate media outlets launch a demonization campaign against them.
As we explain >a href="https://youtu.be/750ASXEo4X8">in a video, Germany appears to have completely forgotten its authoritarian past and is now pursuing discriminatory policies that wouldn’t have looked out of place during early days of the Third Reich.Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...
Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections.
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After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ...
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The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.
Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...
German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West
The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections? it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble ...
Currency Wars: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency
In this page, we have covered US attempts to expolit its position as issurer of the global reserve currency, and the moves by China and Russia to resist that. Moves to establish the US$ as a true global currency began a long time ago with the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference in the final months of World War 2, with Germany defeated and the world ready to split into capitalist and communist factions...
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial
December 11 by Glenn Greenwald, SHTF plan/>

Suddenly Pigs Are Taking To The Air - Picture: Pinterest
Press freedom groups have warned Assange’s prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist.
In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom’s High Court ruled that the U.S.’s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.
As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government’s long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it. Assange’s representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today’s victory for the U.S. means that Assange’s freedom if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.
In endorsing the U.S. extradition request, the High Court overturned a lower court’s ruling from January which had concluded that the conditions of U.S. prison — particularly for those accused of national security crimes — are so harsh and oppressive that there is a high likelihood that Assange would commit suicide. In January’s ruling, Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected all of Assange’s arguments that the U.S. was seeking to punish him not for crimes but for political offenses. But in rejecting the extradition request, she cited the numerous attestations from Assange’s doctors that his physical and mental health had deteriorated greatly after seven years of confinement in the small Ecuadorian Embassy where he had obtained asylum, followed by his indefinite incarceration in the U.K.
In response to that January victory for Assange, the Biden DOJ appealed the ruling and convinced Judge Baraitser to deny Assange bail and ordered him imprisoned pending appeal. The U.S. then offered multiple assurances that Assange would be treated “humanely” in U.S. prison once he was extradited and convicted.
Editor's note: The idea of the USA, as brutal a dictatorship as any on the world, which has successfully managed to masquerade as a democract since the end of World War 2 honouring any pledges to treat political prisoners humanely is straight out of the "Pigs Might Fly" department.
RELATED:America's Global Hegemony Continue reading >>>
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As Backlash Grows Against Boris And His Omicron Tyranny A Tory Revolt Is Brewing
Boris Johnson's handling of the manufactured crisis we are obliged to call the Covid pandemic has been a disaster. Claiming his policy was 'led by science' the Prime Minister has allowed himself to be led from catastrophe to catastrophe.
His policies seem to have been tailored to please the far left of the Labour Party while pissing off Conservative and non aligned voters; lockdowns, social distancing, masks that do more harm than good, more lockdowns, vaccines that don't work (or not the way vaccines usually work as it seems they stop people dying of Covid by killing them other ways first,) proposals for vaccine passports, social exclusion, fines and possible imprisonment for the unvaccinated have combined to show that Johnson's idea of being led by science involves being led by the nose with a bunch of university brainwashed, fascistic half - wits, no - wits and fuckwits who would not recognise a real sienctific principle if it ran up to them and pulled their pisser.
But unrest is glowing, not just in the nation outside the political bubble, but in the party Boris Johnson leads. The Prime Minister is in big trouble and his career's death warrant could be signed as early as next week.
Following the resignation of Owen Paterson former MP for North Shropshire, over events that fall under the umbrella term of “sleaze”, support for the Conservatives has drained away to the extent that several leading bookmakers have now installed the Liberal Democrats as favourites to win on Dec 16. But Patterson's somewhat trivial misdemeanours are not the main reason according to local opinion.
The by-election next thursday will come at the end of a week that seems increasingly likely to decide whether Mr Johnson will face an imminent leadership challenge.
First, he must navigate a series of Commons votes on his “Plan B” Covid restrictions that already look likely to provoke the biggest Tory rebellion since the calamitous end of Theresa May’s premiership, due in no small measure to the fact that Johnson and his cabinet of clowns are muttering about mandatory vaccines for those in work, and vaccine passports and are already halfway to putting the nation back into lockdown for Christmas over the much exaggerated threat of the omicron variant, billed as the most deadly strain of Covid yet by the half - wits, no wits and fuckwits of the science academy even though nobody has as yet actually died of it.
Tuesday’s votes in Parliament will show the extent to which his authority among MPs has been damaged by the events of the past month, and particularly the past week. It is difficult to overstate the anger in Tory ranks at the botched and economically, socially and politically damaging pandemic response and the self-inflicted wounds over “Partygate”, “Flatgate” and the Owen Paterson affair, all of which are blamed directly on Downing Street.
Even MPs who have been loyal to the Prime Minister until now are describing his No10 operation as a “----show” and a “shambles”. But while the by election will either condemn Johnson or allow his leadrship regime to stagger on for a few more months, in the end it will be public reaction to his mismanagement of the pandemic, his mindless devotion to a group of people who have ascended so far up their own arses they can no longer tell the difference between reality and the output from their amateurishly concocted mathematical models.
The new variant is still extremely transmissible, with cases potentially doubling every two to three days in the United Kingdom. But unfortunately for the fear merchants it is not making people any more ill than a mild seasonal chill. The most likely scenario is that this wave will result in some pressure on hospital resources (an outbreak of smelly farts causes a crisis in hospitals these days,), but it will be nothing particularly dramatic among Britain’s mostly well nourished, well housed and well dressed population.
Yet the Government is pivoting to ‘Plan B’: vaccine passports for large events, along with compulsory face masks and working from home guidance. Boris Johnson also vaguely nodded towards the possibility of ‘compulsory vaccination’ and there is talk about more restrictions.
Let’s not beat about the bush here – the new measures are an incoherent mess, the government is a mess and the Prime Minister is way out of his depth and drowning. And the VOTERS of North Shropshire know all this as well as anybody.
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November 2021
Covid Vaccines Exposed
are 800 times more dangerous than smallpox vaccines and KILL more people than they save for all age groups

NATURAL NEWS>, 29 NOVEMBER 2021: The whole premise of medicine is that it saves lives without costing lives, but sadly, that is not the case with the Covid vaccines. For many years, the smallpox vaccine was the most dangerous of them all. Times have changed. Technology changed. Today, the Covid vaccines have already, in one year’s time, proven themselves 800 TIMES more deadly than the smallpox jab. How could this be? According to several independent analyses, there are at minimum 400 deaths per million doses, and double that statistic for the fully vaccinated. Then double that death toll for each booster, and it becomes exponential when all other preexisting conditions are exacerbated by severe, chronic inflammation and microscopic blood clots throughout the vascular system.
Who else has chosen to be a part of a grand experiment in gene manipulation and hyper-inflammation? Who else is so afraid of catching a weakened strain of the Chinese flu that they are willing to get more injections of the most dangerous “vaccines” ever created in human history? These “clot shots” are also > to cause permanent disability than any other jab in history.
Here’s the most recent VAERS data on those debilitating injuries and deaths caused directly by the Covid jabs, and this data is said to be grossly underestimated, and may even be altered by the corrupt CDC/FDA pharma goons.
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Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?
The latest backlash against billionaire psychpath and his 'philanthropic' organisation the Gates Foundation from government, media and society in India is the result of long - existing concerns raised by activists about the foundation's cavalier attitude to human rights and civil liberties.
posted by Arthur Foxake, 29 November, 2021
Last month,hile the w Bill and Melinda Gates divorce case and rumours about the Microsoft founder's links with paedophile and procutrer Jeffrey Epstein including several documented trips on the so called Lolita Express to Epstein's private island dominated headlines in Western media scandal sheets, in India, the Gates network of interlinked 'charitable' and for profit operations have been under close scrutiny for different reasons. There have been calls in respectable media and from professional bodies for doctors and people involved in health care for Gates’ arrest over alleged violations of medical ethics and laws by the employees of the Gates Foundation (BMGF) in the country. #ArrestBillGates trended on Indian Twitter in May, during a campaign to persuade Indian health regulators to charge the BMGF and Bill Gates himself for conducting illegal medical trials on vulnerable groups in two Indian states.
This is not the first time the BMGF or Bill Gates have been the target of of public anger in India. Pressure to fine Gates and his crooked operations has been growing for years. And the obvious intention of Gates to exploit the pandemic for personal gain and business advantage was made clear in April 2021, when Gates, through for profit companies owned by the foundation, refused to authorise the sharing of COVID-19 vaccine technologies for which the Gates Foundation subsidiaries hold patents to be used freely developing countries like India. After severe public criticism in India and abroad, BMGF Chief Executive Officer Mark Suzman officially supported a temporary waiver on vaccine Iinternational Patents.
Gates has also angered Indian farmer groups, who are protesting against controversial laws promoting privatization of agriculture passed by the Hindu nationalist government, and they see Gates as a supporter of such efforts.
India’s civil rights organizations revealed last month that Microsoft India benefit from Sections 4-2, 5, 7 and 17-2a of the controversial Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act of 2020, one of the laws farmers have been protesting against. Farmer organizations and internet privacy advocacy groups showed that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Microsoft India and India’s Ministry of Agriculture could potentially give Gates’ company access to a database of 50 million Indian farmers and their land records maintained by the government. It is important to flag here that BMGF is also involved in several agricultural programs across the country which would tie farmers to contracts which forced them to buy genetically modified (GM) seed strains instead of continuing the age old process of putting aside some of their crop for next year's seed.
While people who, like Gates, worship 'science' would seen othing wrong with such a plan while hailing the benefits of 'scientific' food production, more reasonable people should, in the manner of Roman Philosopher Cicero, ask "Cui bono?" - who benefits. One of the problems for subsistence farmers is that GM sed is generally sterile. The seeds produced by a genetically modified plan cannot in tirn be used for seed. And subsistence farmers do not make enough money to but GM seeds each year from wholesalers owned by philantropic orananisations like The Gates Foundation. This greed - driven, power addicted psychopath, having fucked up the internet with his megalomania and control freakery, now wants to persuade politicians to hand him control of the worlds food supply.
Bill Gates and the BMGF’s close relationship with India’s government and particularly Prime Minister Narendra Modi is no secret. In 2019, the BMGF gave Modi an award (and a huge cash sweetner no doubt, bribery is part of Bill Gate's style, for a program that built 110 million toilets in five years. While SBM has improved overall health indicators in India, the program came under criticism from several human rights groups in India and abroad, when the case was made that the toilet building effort was used to distract attention from Modi’s crackdown on civil liberties and dissent in India. Despite severe criticism and protests, the BMGF went ahead with conferring Modi with the award.
This tactic of befriending leaders, as he has done with Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Emmanuael Macron, David Cameron, Boris Johnson and many others, then supporting their poliical movements with generous donations and thus buying himself a role as a valued adviser, able to influence national policy is a favourite of Bill Gates and his corrupt companies and charities. Unfortunately it is inceasingly being noticed that the effect of his influence is malign, usually benefitting only Bill Gates and his operations rather than the people of the nations he meddles in.
RELATED:Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today?
You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
"F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of "snap" lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information about what's going on in this increasingly insane world. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the Australian government's increasingly authoritarian measures
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
And The Hoax Goes On …
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Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
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Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
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Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace
Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.
The Omicron Variant: Much Ado About Nothing?
CHILDRENS HEALTH DEFENDER 28 November 2021: The World Health Organization is warning the Omicron variant can spread more quickly than other variants. That’s likely true, but based on science, that doesn’t mean the variant is more lethal than Delta or others — in fact, it’s probably more mild.

With natural exposure immunity and early outpatient treatment, and when combined with no reports of increased lethality, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) reaction of generating panic toward “Omicron” is causing needless fear and panic.
So, too, with the Biden administration’s newly imposed travel restrictions, which will achieve nothing and will once again disrupt trade and violate human rights.
The WHO has said the Omicron variant can spread more quickly than other variants. Likely true. The virus is behaving just like how viruses behave.
They are mutable and mutate, and via the Muller’s ratchet theory, we expect these to be milder and milder mutations, not more lethal ones given the pathogen seeks to infect the host and not arrive at an evolutionary dead end.
The virus will mutate downward so that it can use the host (us) to propagate itself via our cellular metabolic machinery. The https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-vaccine-protection-less-effective-against-delta-variant/Delta variant has shown us this: It is very infectious and mostly non-lethal — specially for children and healthy people.
So is the WHO panicking the globe needlessly? Is this COVID-19 February 2020 once again?
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After Another Soccer Player Collapses on the Field, Former Pro and Sky News Sports Announcer Calls for Investigation
More Unfortunate Coincidences?
from Humans Are FreeThroughout history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an “unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation.
The Free Thought Project looked in to how frequently players used to collapse or die during games. There are in fact several recorded collapses every year and even deaths. Doctors and experts usually attribute these to underlying conditions which have not been previously diagnosed. However, as Berliner Zeitung points out, the number of players who have collapsed in 2021 appears to be much higher than previous years.
In fact, if we look back over the last hundred years, 2021 appears to be the deadliest year on record for football players dying during gameplay. So far this year, 14 association footballers alone have died during gameplay. This is the highest amount of deaths by far, according to the chart listed here on Wikipedia.
While this number is high, when we zoom out and look at the list compiled by the German paper, these instances appear to be unusually large.
As Berliner Zeitung points out, emergency situations have come up again and again in the last few weeks and months:
- Game abandoned due to cardiac arrest of the referee in a game of Lauber SV (Donauwörth district)
- A 17-year-old soccer player from JSG Hoher Hagen has to be reanimated in Hannoversch Münden during the game.
- The Gifhorn amateur player Marvin Schumann has to be reanimated after a cardiac arrest.
- An assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with heart problems.
- A district league player of the SpVgg. Oelde II has to be revived by his opponent.
- A player from the Birati Club Münster collapses in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II.
- 17-year-old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a heart attack during a game in England .
- The goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers a heart attack after a training session.
- Lucas Surek (24) from the BFC Chemie Leipzig club is unable to attend due to suspicion of a heart muscle disorder .
- Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich has to undergo heart surgery after a cardiac arrhythmia .
- Trainer Dirk Splitsteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines .
- Rune Coghe (18) of the Belgian club Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffers a heart attack during a game.
- At the World Cup qualification match between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, an English line judge with heart problems has to be carried off the pitch.
- Team leader Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before a game .
- The 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus collapses while training with his youth team in Sicily .
- Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapses on the field with heart problems .
- Dimitri Liénard from FC Strasbourg collapses with heart problems in a Ligue 1 game .
- ASPTT Caen’s Diego Ferchaud (16) suffers cardiac arrest in a U-18 league game in Saint-Lô .
- Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten (25) suffers cardiac arrest in the early stages of a cup game.
- The Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet (27) from Maldegem suddenly suffers a heart attack during the game and dies a little later in hospital.
- A 13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club from Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest.
- Andrea Astolfi, the sports director of Calcio Orsago (Italy), suffers a heart attack after returning from training. He dies at the age of 45.
- Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark .
- Fabrice N’Sakala (31) from Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field without any action from the opponent and has to be taken to the hospital.
Exactly what is causing this increase in deaths and sudden collapses is unknown.
German Newspaper Highlights: ‘Unusually Large’ Number of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently.
According to research by Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, there has been a “5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.”
As Shir-Raz points out:
“This figure is found to be statistically significant. In fact, there is no other year since 2001 where the difference between the number of observed cases of SCD/SUD and the expected number is statistically significant. In 2021 it is highly statistically significant and only likely to happen by chance about 2 in 1,000 times.”
The numbers are startling and yet no one appears to be looking into what’s causing it. As no one looks into the reported increases in collapses and deaths, this week, yet another healthy young footballer collapsed during a game. Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck collapsed with no one around him during their game against Reading.
“I didn’t see exactly what happened,” Blades boss Slavisa Jokanovic told BBC Radio Sheffield. “One moment he fell down. It was a really complicated situation.”
The game was subsequently stopped for 10 minutes as paramedics rendered live-saving aid to Fleck on the field.
“He is conscious in hospital and he asked for the result. We hope everything will be OK with him.
“It’s not easy for the players to focus on the moment after. Fortunately, the team is fighting well and we weren’t scared of our weaknesses. We were fighting for the three points.”
“It’s horrible whenever something like that happens on the pitch,” goalscorer Bogle told BBC Radio Sheffield. “The main thing tonight is that he’s OK and that he’s stable.
“It happens so quickly. You don’t expect it, you expect to play a normal football match. You don’t really think about those things going into games.”
After Fleck’s collapse, former England and Southampton star and Sky News sports announcer Matt Le Tissier called for an immediate investigation.
Indeed, it seems rather odd that this isn’t being reported on by more news outlets or being looked into by the respective health departments in these different countries.
Reference: TheFreeThoughtProject.com
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is Unprofitable
A report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.Continue reading >>>
Protests Against New COVID Lockdown Threat Turn Rotterdam Into A War one
20 November 2021,
Violent protests flared up across Europe yesterday (19 November) as several governments followed Austria by reinstating strict COVID lockdown measures which amount to segregation of the unvaccinated, and full lockdowns amid a wave of new infections.
COVID-19 infections are surging in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Czechia and Greece, with these countries and others returning to the kind of strict public health measures which have previously failed contain the spread of the 'deadly virus' that only kills people who are over a thousand years old and have dozens of pre - existing, potentially fatal conditions.
Austria has gone so far as to enact a nationwide lockdown beginning Monday.
The worst of the violence broke out in Rotterdam, second largest city in The Netherlands, during a large demonstration against the threat of new lockdowns.
Picture: Zero Hedge
Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told reporters it was "an orgy of violence." He said, "on several occasions, the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves" as rioters set fires, torched cars, threw rocks and other blunt objects at police.
"They shot at protesters, and people were injured," Aboutaleb said. He couldn't provide an injury report but said police fired warning shots.
Photos and videos from last night show absolute mayhem.
Rioters clash with police during Rotterdam riots (Picture: Ruptly.tv )
A statement issued by Rotterdam Police reported several people were injured in the Rotterdam riots on Friday, including police officers, who were pelted with stones and fireworks. Police, in turn, deployed water cannons and fired “warning shots” which they say may have injured at least two people.
“We fired warning shots and there were also direct shots fired because the situation was life-threatening,” police spokeswoman Patricia Wessels told a reporter from British newspaper The Times.
“We know that at least two people were wounded, probably as a result of the warning shots, but we need to investigate the exact causes further.”
According to the police statement, protests started with around 100 people gathering at 8 pm on the Coolsingel, one of the Dutch city’s most famed streets. Once word got around however, the demonstration spontaneously swelled involved possibly thousands of people eye witnesses reported on social media.
After the protests violent, with protesters throwing petrol bombs and setting fires to cars — including at least one police car — as well as public buildings, the police issued orders for people to leave the city centre, announcing through loudspeakers, “Violence will be used or people will be arrested” if they failed to leave, the local NRC news service reported.
The protests came as the Dutch government vied with fascist fellow travellers in Austria to become the first European nation to reintroduce lockdown measures. The government has also implemented a curfew on certain businesses and has barred fans from attending sports matches.
The government has also said that it is planning on putting forward a
law that would exclude people who test negative for the Chinese virus
from the nation’s vaccine passport system, meaning only those who have
been fully vaccinated or have proof of recovery would be allowed into
certain public venues. Quite what they hope to achieve with this idiocy is unclear as it is now commonly known that none of the vaccines currently available provide immunity thus vaccinated people can contract the virus from and transmit it to other vaccinated people..
A planned protest against the measures in Amsterdam on Saturday was cancelled following the riots, with the organiser of the event saying that they could not guarantee the “safety” of the protesters.
A large-scale protest is currently underway at the time of this reporting in Vienna in response to the newly formed government in Austria enacting a nationwide lockdown and declaring that vaccines would become mandatory in February, with the unjabbed facing fines and possible prison sentences.
RELATED:The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
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In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ...
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools ... Continue reading >>>
Anyone Who Fancies A Bet Will Be Put On A Register, Just Like Sex Offenders.
In another signal that Boris Johnson's government has sold out to globalist ambitions and is lurching headlong towards fascism, The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that as part of their pursuit of a Single View of the Customer (SVoC), they plan to create a database in which all “behavioural data” of people who enjoy a bet ...
Nine Scottish schools tell pupils to pay for lunch via FACIAL RECOGNITION as Scottish Nazi Party normalizes surveillance stateNine Scottish schools chosen to a pilot plan to introduce facial recognition technology for verification of children's school lunch payments, have launched this flagship policy of the governing Scottish Nationalis Party, claiming the system is faster and more hygienic, while failing to respond to critics who have raised the privacy issue posed by such intrusive technology ... Continue reading >>>
Dont Dictate To Us On Human Rights, Justice Secretary Raab Tells EU
Justice Secretary Dominic Raab told the Conservative Party Conference last month Boris Johnson had given him the task of rewriting the The Human Righrs Act when he moved him from the Foreign Office in September’s reshuffle. This week Raab revealed details on how he plans to block interference from Strasbourg in British matters as part of his remit.
Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?
Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>
Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
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Bill Gates Is Pivoting On Existing COVID Vaccines - Babbling About Needing New Vaccine Technologies
In a recent interview which should scare the shit out of every human being on the planet Bill Gates, the man governments turn to for advice and leadership on how to manage epidemics from the ebola outbreak of 2014 in west africa to the COVID-19 pandemic which is worlide, but fortunately, in view of what the interview revealed about Gates, is not highly dangerous except to the old or people with pre - existing conditions. During the interview Gates said the following: “We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission. We need new ways of doing vaccines.” Did he really say that? you might well ask while picking yourself up from the floor. It is very strange that the self - appointed global vaccine Tsar talks about vaccines as if they are like software. When he says We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission then obviously he is stuggling to understand the basic concept of vaccination. While no vaccine is 100% effective, the idea is that they make the recipient immune to the disease, the person may come into contact with the infecting agent, either a bacterium or virus, but will not develop the disease because the immune system will prevent the virus or bacterium replicating in the body. And a person who does not have an infection cannot transmit it. So what Gates seems to be saying is that his medical researchers had a few vaccines kicking around, but no illness for them to immunise against (I have read they were mostly 'flu vaccines that didn't work but have no way of knowing if that is true). Then along comes the SARS-COV2 virus, the pathogen which causes CO|VID-19 and with his team gates decideded to try some of these spare vaccines which used a very dodgy technique called mRNA (messenger RNA) a molecule which is involved in the epigenetic processes of mammilian DNA. And Gates thinks these vaccines can be tried out (beta testing,) and if they don't work can be kicked back to the developers for a few tweaks to improve them. That is how, during my working life, we went about developing computer systems. Write your program, run it and you find a problem study the error messages, go through your code with a fine tooth comb, correct what can be corrected, rewrite what is beyond redemption and schedule another test run. Each iteration of this process is an experiment. But it is an experiment in which nobody dies or is harmed, only computers are affected and in spite of what some nerds think, computers are not sentient beings, they do not suffer. The developers are free to try until the guys doing the beta testing finally report 'fit for purpose' and the product can be put on the market (not that the need to be sure a product is fit for purpose before offering it for sale ever worried Bill Gates. His attitude was that the priority was to get the product on the market ahead of the competition and over time, the techies would fix the problems and be ready to move on. Thus Windows XP was the final, more or less fit for purpose of Windows 95, and Windows 99 will probably be the version of Windows 10 that actually works properly. You don't have to be a logician to see this approach is not really suitable for the business of blocking or blotting out pathogens. Software. Hardware. Applications. Subscriptions! This is how the world's self appointed vaccine Tsar thinks, as if the human body and mind, the combination which evolved through a constant battle over several million years with viruses, bacteria, toxins in the environment, famine, flood, climate change, and faster, sronger, better armed predators to finally arrive at the top of the food chain, is a machine and viruses a recently arrived problem. A monomaniacal psychopath would not be aware of the flawed thinking involved in assuming, as Gates seems to assume, that viral infections only became a major problem for humanity at the point he, in or about 2008, decided to step down from his leadership role in Microsoft and concentrate on vaccinating the entire world against everything. Thus he would have had no problem in convinging himself we are only at the very beginning of finding solutions to viral epidemics, without realizing th and,at this reality has been present for the whole of human existence and that we had tremendous success throughout that long evolution in developing a roubust immune system in the course of the 20th century dealing with epidemic and endemic diseases without his guidance and benefaction. Just take a look at how the average age at death increased throughout the century in all the most developed nations. For over a decade now Gates, who you must bear in mind has no medical training or education in medical science, has promoted himself as the champion of a new way of doing healthcare. He is not a biology graduate and in his career in business and commerce a similar lack of appropritate education, training or experience did not prevent him founding a software company that was to establish a monopoly in its field and make him the world's richest man. Even more surprising is the fact that his company's software products werre not original or excellent, and were neither the best nor the cheapest available. A cynic might say all the evidence suggests that hidden hands guided Bill Gates to all his achievements. In his promotion of vaccines, Gated has persuaded governments, media and professional bodies that the traditional approach to public health policy was for the analog age; in the Brave New World of the digital age, the world needs government intervention, centralised bureaucracy, systems totally reliant on computer technology, increased mass surveillance, and the ability to control human beings the way his software manages personal computers. Bill Gates has always been fond of one-size-fits-all solutions, but humans are unique individuals and as anyone who has ever bought a one-size-fits-all garment will know that such items do not really fit anybody because there is no such thing as a standard human being. ************** Most people have no idea how such a rich and smart person could be so dim on essential matters of complex cell biology. Hacking the human body, improving it with uploads and downloads, is surely a more ominous challenge than inventing and managing man-made computers. So herein I try to present the reasons for Gates’s way of thinking. The relative deficiencies of this vaccine to stop infection and transmission are now well known. There is some reason to believe that they achieve that much at least for the vulnerable population. What can we make of Gates’s passing statement: “We need a new way of doing vaccines”? Let’s travel back in time to examine his career at Microsoft and his shepherding into existence the Windows operating system. By the early 1990s, it was being billed as the essential brain of the personal computer. Security considerations against viruses were not part of its design, however, simply because not that many people were using the internet so the threat level was low. The browser was not invented until 1995. Security of personal computers was not really a question that Microsoft had dealt with. The neglect of this consideration turned into a disaster. By the early 2000s, there were thousands of versions of malware (also called bugs) floating around the internet and infecting computers running Windows worldwide. They ate hard drive. They sucked out data. They forced ads on people. They invaded your space with strange popups. They were wrecking the user experience and threatening the future of an entire industry. The problem of malware was dubbed viruses. It was a metaphor. Not real. It’s not clear that Gates ever really understood that. Computer viruses aren’t anything like biological viruses. To maintain a clean and functioning hard drive, you want to avoid and block a computer virus at all costs. Any exposure is bad exposure. The fix is always avoidance until eradication. With biological viruses, we have evolved to confront them through exposure and let our immune system develop to take them on. A body that blocks all pathogens without immunity is a weak one that will die at the first exposure, which will certainly come at some point in a modern society. An immune system that confronts most viruses and recovers grows stronger. That’s a gigantic difference that Gates never understood. Continue reading >>>[Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Daily Stirrer ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ] ... [ a href="http://www.greenteeth..com/latest-posts.shtml">Latest Posts ]
Here come the tattoo marks – Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they’ve been vaccinated
Just a few months before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was publicly announced, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the completion of a Mark of the Beast “tattoo” technology for children to keep track of their vaccination records. The microchip, which can be implanted directly into the skin, was designed with special invisible dye that can be picked up with a special mobile phone filter. That dye is not visible to the naked eye. Lasting up to five years, this dye is detected using near-infrared light, which is shined onto the skin in the area where it was injected.
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Australia In Turmoil
Things are upside down ‘Down Under’, and the special relationship between Australia and Britain appears to be in turmoil. But just how bad is the political situation in Australia at the moment? A state premier forced to resign due to allegations of bribery; sex scandals in the parliament house itself; and, of course, reneging on a deal with the French. So who better to ask than retired professor and distinguished research fellow Steve Keen. Listen to interview >>>[Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ] ... [ a href="http://www.greenteeth..com/latest-posts.shtml">Latest Posts ]
UK Column: Independent Undertaker John O'Looney Exposes the Covid-19 'pandemic'
In a frank discussion with Brian Gerrish, John O'Looney describes what he experienced in his work as an independent undertaker, during the period that the UK government claimed the British Isles were a cauldron of death from a deadly virus identified as SARS-CoV-2. If John did not see deaths occurring in pandemic proportions for the general population, he did see deaths occurring amongst elderly people. especially those in care homes. The patterns and nature of death shocked him.
Speaking out on what he saw and experienced as a respected undertaker soon brought him into the spotlight of the media and others. The BBC was quick to encourage him to adopt their words and their protective clothing, to tell their version of the COVID 'pandemic.' John was soon to realise that his reality and that of the BBC and wider UK mainstream media, did not match. Speaking out alone and on social media soon cost him to be censured by professional bodies of the undertakers industry. Undaunted he carried on speaking out about what he knew and what he was certain the UK public needed to know. Elderly people were on a death pathway.
Alongside his personal experiences, John quickly engaged when Brian Gerrish revealed that the UK Column had been informed over the last few years, that a small number of other undertakers were breaking silence to speak out on the disturbing condition of the bodies of elderly people, and sometimes young children.
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German clinic stops giving employees COVID-19 booster shots after reports of adverse effects
Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) booster shots for employees at the University Clinic in Munster (UKM) were postponed earlier this month following several reports of negative side effects. The suspension was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the UKM. The clinic earlier announced that all of its 11,000 employees would be given an “offer” for the “booster vaccination” by the end of the year. The UKM’s nursing director said that staff members were alarmed by the adverse events since these would have made it difficult for them to maintain the work roster at the German clinic. ... Continue reading >>>">MORE on COVID vaccine harm
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Tesco’s Christmas advert becomes most complained about campaign of year
Tesco’s Christmas TV campaign featuring Father Christmas bearing a Covid vaccine passport has prompted more than 3,000 complaints, making it by far the most complained about ad of the year.The ad, titled This Christmas, Nothing’s Stopping Us, shows the supermarket’s customers determined to enjoy a proper Christmas with family and friends after last year’s Covid-related restrictions. However, in one scene a reporter appears on TV with “breaking news” telling viewers that “Santa could be quarantined”.
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Covid vaccine mandate will cause chaos in care sector
The UK National Care Forum has warned Boris Johnson's authoritarian government of the likely the “human cost” of the government's Covid vaccine mandate, which came into effect on Thursday, and will force a minimum of 8% of care home staff to leave their jobs in spite of the industry's already being in crisis because of lack of staff.
Vic Rayner, chief executive of the National Care Forum, warned the government in that very oblique way public sector workers have of telling the truth, that the social care sector will suffer a significant “human cost” due to the introduction of the Covid vaccine mandate, as unvaccinated staff leave their posts. What he means of course is that people will die, not because of COVID but lack of care.
“It’s really challenging for organisations all across the country and I think there’s a very human cost,” Rayner told BBC news, noting that 8% of staff are having to quit due to the vaccine mandate despite overwhelming pressure on the sector.
What is so ridiculous about this is people who have survived 18 months of this deadly pandemic without any signs that they are infected, and therefore very likely have natural immunity, are being forced to accept a vaccine that they know will not give them immunity against a virus that, if they are generally in good health, is extremely unlikely to make them seriously ill, while reports of extremely serious reactions to the vaccine (e.g. heart problems, blood clots,) are piling up every day. Threatening people with loss of their jobs if they do not comply is not only fascism, it is against British and international human rights law.
With an increased worlkoad and existing staff shortages putting pressure on the social care system, Rayner warned that losing workers who are unvaccinated will mean that “people who need care who aren’t currently in receipt of it” will be “unable to get it.” This must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Boris Johnson's fascist government has abandoned all pretence of serving the British people and now serves only the interests of the neo - Nazi World Economic Forum.
Previously Sajid Javid, the idiot masquerading as Home Secretary said care home staff would need to either get the Covid vaccine or seek alternative employment, refusing to postpone plans to force these workers to be inoculated against coronavirus.
Care home staff have uninhibitedly voiced their opposition to the vaccine mandate, with even fully vaccinated employees opposed to colleagues beinf forced to accept the toxic clotshot. Staff at two facilities are seeking a judicial review of the requirement, believing it is “unlawful and unnecessary.” However, the health secretarycharged right ahead, regardless of the legal position, stating the measure is necessary to fully protect patients against the virus, and the mandate came into effect on Thursday as planned. Unfortunately the scientifically ignorant politicians and neo - Nazi scientists who formulated this policy have ignored the fact that care home and hospital patients are at more risk from the vaccines than from a disease from which 99.6% of the people who are infected by it, recover fully, if they experience any symptoms at all.
Concern from the social care sector over the mandate follows a government announcement that the inoculation requirement will be rolled out to NHS England in the next few months creating a further staffing crisis in hospitals.
The UK government has been undeterred by warnings from social care and NHS staff that they cannot cope with the current workload, as the health service faces the dual threat of Covid cases and the winter flu. A recent survey of 450 leaders in the NHS showed that 90% believe the pressure facing the health service is “unsustainable.” All of this amounts to still more evidence that the vaccine roll out has little to do with protecting the public and everything to do with imposing fascist rule.
[Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ] ... [ a href="http://www.greenteeth..com/latest-posts.shtml">Latest Posts ]Swedish study finds covid jabs provide no lasting protection, ZERO immunity within months
by Dr. Dickie Hart, 1 November
Picture: Natural News
A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us, that governments are partners in a scam to ensure a constant flow of taxpayers' money into Big Oharma pockets by fabricating a case for twice yearly booster jabs.
Like most of the other plandemic bullshit, the injections are not all that popular with the usually compliant Swedes. There is a good reason for that too. Sweden did not lockdown at the height of the pandemic even though the Sweedish public were bombarded with propaganda, orchestrated by the World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum, promoting the lie that lockdowsa and mask mandates had worked elsewhere. Unfortunatel most Swedes speak very good English and were able to use English language websites to determine the true state of affairs around the world.
By the time experimental, untested vaccinese that had been rushed though the development process started to be rolled, many people in Sweden had lost all trust and confidence in the official pandemic narrative. \despite their following a different course early in the crisis the death rate in Sweden had defied the predictions of WHO doom mongers and was no higher that other nations in northern Europe. So when Researchers there determined that the shots are completely useless after seven months nobody was surprised.
But the case is actually worse than the jabs becoming ineffective after only a few months, the Swedish research also shows the temporary immunity the jabs provide for a few weeks actually goes negative after about seven months, leaving the recipient’s immune system weakened and more susceptible to viruses. Thus the vaxxed are worse off than before they got the clotshot.
The Swedish research replicates the conclusions of a British study published earlier in the year. In that case however, the research suggested that shots only provide about six weeks’ worth of fake immunity or perhaps we should say, reduced vulnerability as they don't actually stop people from getting COVID or passing it on.
Sweden was one of the few countries in the world to reject pretty much all of the plandemic hysteria and tyranny that was rolled out starting in early 2020. During that time, the country fared better than most other countries in terms of “cases,” hospitalizations and deaths and now is reaping an enormous economic bonus as a result of not shutting down most of their domestic economy for over half a year.
RELATED READING: MENUS:Corinavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine harm ] ... [ Lockdown pandemic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine Fascism ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ] ... [ Don't call me Conspiracy Theorist ] ... [ Health Tyranny
Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
Why the well-informed young say No to the jab
ABOUT a third of those aged 18-29 in England are shunning the Covid vaccine, despite massive inducements. It’s interesting to speculate on why this is. The Government is pressuring them into taking the jab through exaggerated claims about its safety and effectiveness; through accusations that they are selfish to refuse it; through pop-up clinics at football stadiums, circuses and music festivals, sometimes offering free food, and through threats that their hesitation will make vaccine passports and a return to lockdown more likely
More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...
FDA Reveals Serious Adverse Outcomes (including death) of COVID Vaccination
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
Israel (98% vaccinated) now has more covid infections per capita than any country in the world
2 September: Just a few months ago, the mainstream media praised Israel for its “pandemic-ending” vaccination campaign. With over 40 percent of the population “fully vaccinated” in the first quarter of 2021, Israel was well on its way to stopping community spread and clearing out its hospitals. The nation of Israel imposed some of the strictest lockdowns during that time, violating the Nuremberg Code and segregating the unvaccinated.
from public life.
Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools ... Continue reading >>>
Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>
Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians
New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
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Recommended reading for 31 October: Cliomate conference; Vaccine Passports; Covid Vaccine Failure; EU; Fuel crisis
Human civilization could ‘collapse’ like Roman Empire if climate change not addressed, UK PM Boris Johnson warns
from RT, 30 Oct, 2021 11:05

“This is our memento mori,” Johnson told Italian paper la Repubblica during a flight to a G20 meeting in Rome, Italy, using a Latin phrase meaning, ‘Remember that you will die’. The event takes place ahead of a major UN climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, known as COP26.
MEPs Protest "Oppressive" Vaccine Passports, Question Why "Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard"
In the latest editions of This Week in the New Normal, we mentioned a group of Members of the European Parliament who held a press conference where they opposed mandatory vaccination and the “Green Pass”.
On the 28th five of those same MEPs held another press conference, and while the whole thing is worth watching (embedded above), the highlight is definitely German MEP Christine Anderson who speaks for two of the truest minutes in the EU’s history: ... Continue reading >>>
Vaccinated People Just as Likely to Spread the Delta Variant as the Unvaccinated, Yearlong Study Shows
Source: bloomberg
People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as those who haven’t had shots, according to new research.
In a yearlong study of 621 people in the U.K. with mild Covid-19, scientists found that their peak viral load was similar regardless of vaccination status, according to a paper published Thursday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. The analysis also found that 25% of vaccinated household contacts still contracted the disease from an index case, while 38% of those who hadn’t had shots became infected.
The results go some way toward explaining why the delta variant is so infectious even in nations with successful vaccine rollouts, and why the unvaccinated can’t assume they are protected because others have had shots. Those who were inoculated cleared the virus more quickly and had milder cases, while unvaccinated household members were more likely to suffer from severe disease and hospitalization.
“Our findings show that vaccination alone is not enough to prevent people from being infected with the delta variant and spreading it in household settings,” said Ajit Lalvani, a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London who co-led the study. “The ongoing transmission we are seeing between vaccinated people makes it essential for unvaccinated people to get vaccinated to protect themselves.”
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The EU’s impotent rage at Putin’s gas games
Russian President Vladimir Putin is happily needling the EU over sky-high energy prices, but the bloc doesn’t really have any instruments to force a change of behavior in Moscow.
Putin's latest jab came earlier this week during the Valdai conference in Sochi, where he ridiculed the EU for dropping long-term gas contracts with Russia, trotted out an old Russian folk tale where he compared the bloc to a hapless wolf with its tail frozen in an ice hole thanks to a canny fox — and added he could help by sending the EU the extra gas it needs, if regulators would only approve his pet project, the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Poland, for one, has had enough.
In a letter that reads like a laundry list of complaints over failure to supply enough gas ahead of winter, seen by POLITICO, Warsaw demanded that EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager initiate an investigation into Russia's state-backed Gazprom for market manipulation and abuse of dominance on energy markets under Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Two participants in Thursday's Council meeting on energy said that
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki advocated launching an
investigation to "sober up Gazprom" and teach it a lesson.
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Anyone Who Fancies A Bet Will Be Put On A Register, Just Like Sex Offenders.
In another signal that Boris Johnson's government has sold out to globalist ambitions and is lurching headlong towards fascism, The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that as part of their pursuit of a “Single View of the Customer (SVoC), they plan to create a database in which all “behavioural data” of people who enjoy a bet, be it a 50p Yankee at the local betting shop or the £1000 bet yours truly placed on 33 to 1 shot Daring Destiny in the Ayr Gold Cup of 1994*, or the huge bets placed by professional gambles and Abrab oil billionaires at to courses like Ascot or Cheltenham, will be logged and the gambler's history of betting shared with interested parties from a centralised store.
The notion of the gamling SVoC, which began in November 2020, was to ensure operators and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) together with the Gambling Commission had an overview of data, which would help identify problem gamblers before it became an issue. Why this role has fallen to the Information Commissioner is not clear. Single View of Customer systems, one of the more poisonous pustules produced by Artificial Intelligence, were originally created to allow those pains-in-the-arse who phone us a million times a week offering extended warranty on appliances / cut price funerals if you book in advance / a new boiler / help with blocking fraulent transactions on our Amazon account of we just give them our passwords and bank details, to identify likely marks for their scams from data collected by companies like Facebook and Google who record our every move if we are not tech savvy enough to stop them.
In summary the UK Gambling SVoC:
Bookies will be forced to share “behavioural data” of current customers with other gambling firms and the government-run ICO and Gambling Commission.
The ICO has said it expects – in addition to behavioural data – for the Gambling Commission to collect “credit reference data on personal income.”
Any gambler who has more than one gambling account will be added to a register of potentially problem gamblers, which all operators and government will have access to.
This latest authoritarian overreaching of their legal powers by the government, poses a clear and unprecedented level of the human gight to privacy. Bookmakers and casinos will be forced to share personal data with government agencies, including bank details, how much is gambled, where people live, names, addresses. From this the fascist bastards governments' behavioural science advisers intend to develop a system that will give the government powers to oversee, via Artificial Intelligence, betting activity and, ultimately, to decide remotely, based on decisions made by machines if a person can gamble. Regular gamblers, (The Queen, for example,) will have to be on the government’s gamblers’ register just to bet a ferw quid on her own horses.
There is a question about the security of the highly sensitive data that will go on on the register, obviously it would be a valuable marketing resource for unscrupulous, unregulated online operators, (and though the companies like Google, Facebook and others swear that their primary convern is usdes privacy, as can be seen from the cold calls mentioned above some complete scumbags seem to have little difficulty getting hold of our personal data,. The government has not shown itself to be a reliable guardian of personal data.
The other concern must be that if this totalitarian piece of social control ever becomes law, where does the rish to fascism end? Pub-goers on a drinkers’ register to ascertain if they are potential alcoholics? Supermarket cash tills linked to store loyalty cards blocking the purchase of sugary or fatty snacks?
Just because the creepy, sociopathic, sub human Silicon Valley billionaires have the technology to do such things, and desire the power and influence they can gain by trading their control freak technologies for influence in government doesn’t mean it is in any way morally acceptable to use such technologies on the general population without having fully informed the public of their potential and obtained electoral consent . The vanishingly small minority of problem gamblers do not make it either necessary or in the public interest to heavily regulate the 99.9% of people who don’t have a gambling problem.
*It was the Ayr Gold Cup of 1994, the house was Daring Destiny and the trainer Karl Burke. I did not win £33,000 because I did not place a straight win bet but put on £500 to win and £500 each way or win and place as it is also known, taking home around £29,000. But I had a few advantages, my maternal grandad was a bookie and taught me many things before he died, and at the time of the bet I was a member of a syndicate with owned five racehorses, two of which were trained at the Buke stable. All Karl's owners were in on the bet, knowing that Daring Destiny has been prepared specifically for that race.
[ Nanny State Menu ] ... [ Politically Correct ] ... [ Populist Authoritarianism ] ... [ Globalisation index ]
The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract"
There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: "Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?"
COVID-19: Have You Got Superhuman Immunity
While news from Israel, the world's most vaccinated nation they claim, from the USA and from closer to home fuels suspicions that the COVID vaccines pushed so hard by government and mainstream media are not working because numbers of fully vaccinated people getting sick with or simply testing positive for COVID is proportionately as high as the number of infections before vaccines were available, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and national health authorities are still pushing the case for vaccination as hard as ever.
Henry Kissinger On The New World Order
Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis
While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.
Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up
In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims
Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”
Kid's Company Financial Scandal Shows Politicians Are Too Naive For The Real World
The financial scandal that emerged after the collapse of Kid's Company, the 'charity' founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh and supported by in turn, Labour, Coalition and Conservative Governments is a perfect illustration of corruption in the public sector and the folly of outsourcing government responsibility to self - interested privateers.
Red Meat Causes Cancer Says World Health Org. Scientists. They Are Lying Of Course
Science was ever fascism's whore; it has become a catchphrase of The Daily Stirrer over the years as week after week we report instances of scientists whoring themselves for research grants, produce results that serve the vested inerests of the organisations which provide their funding.
Labour's Cockfish Reveals How Mainfesto Will Piss You Off.
All three main parties in the UK General Election are campaigning from a Politically Correct Consensus (i.e. Control Freak) platform. But whenm it comes to politically correct control freakery, Labour will always outdo the others. The main early thut of their campaign is a promise to criminalise sugary snacks and breakfast cereals, fatty foods and some fizzy drinks. And they're serious, they have handed the job of selling this idiocy to The Cockfish of British politics.
Beautiful Children With No Love In Their Eyes
With Black Friday shopping madeness out of the way for another year, here's a poem to remind us that life is not all about money and material possessions. Parents have become obsessed with creating perfect children, from expensive dentistry to playing Moart up Mum's chuff while she's preggers. But don't we owe our children a shot at happiness too? Must they be perfect little clone kids, obedient consumers not smart enough to question anything.
Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.
Rotherham child sex abuse scandal: More victims identifies, more cover ups exposed.
What immigration has been to the Conservative so the Child Sex Cover Up scandal is proving to be for Labour as the party gets set to tear itself apart. With similar scandals due to be exposed in Rochdale, Bradfor, Oxford and other big towns, the Rotherham case is gathering momentum. So indirectly it looks as if immigration and fear of being called racist will be the downfall of both major parties.
Rotherham - Bad New For The Nation But It Gets Better And Better For The Kippers
All week I have been seeing blogs and comments written by lefties proclaiming idiotically that Douglas Carswell's defection to UKIP was the beginning of the end, that the UKIP bubble had burst and so on. Pretty much what they were saying in the days after UKIP had trounced the mainstream parties in the European Parliament elections.
Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.
Australian Teenagers Rebel Over Plain Cigarette Packaging I've commented many times on but never devoted an article to the deluded nature of the anti-smoking campaign, which claims great success in curbing smoking but completely ignores unofficial estimates that for every cigarette sold legitimately in the UK, another one (or possibly two) are comtraband. This news item from Breitbart London on ...
Latest neo-nazi-Liberal Outrage - The Criminalization Of ParenthoodClassical liberalism is about freedom of individuals, about tolerance of diversity and even eccentricity and about resising the cultural hegemony of unelected elites. Contemporary liberalism, with its pseudo religious dogmas, intolerance of dissent and contempt for the traditions of society is the very opposite of anything the world liberal can be stretched to mean. The war on parents is a symptom of this authoritarian 'liberal' disease
Mind The Gap - Rich And Poor Drift Further Apart
It isn't that gap we are warning against however but the widening gap in the supposedly civilised nations between the wealth and lifestyles of rich and poor. For all the fine words of consensus politicians, all the talk of a fair society and redistribution of wealth, all the manipulated statistics that are supposed to tell us how well we are doing, but never match up to the reality of most people's experience ...
Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.
Globalisation, The Davosocracy and the Pushback
French writer Renaud Camus, who first proposed the theory,” aired his thoughts about the wave of riots and civil unrest that has rocked France over the past two months, saying that the recent “Yellow Vest” protests are a grassroots reaction against the Davos elite who view working people as worthless “human Nutella.” (i.e. cheap, low grade products.) …
Globalisation, The Davosocracy and the Pushback
Nine Scottish schools tell pupils to pay for lunch via FACIAL RECOGNITION as Scottish Nazi Party normalizes surveillance state
Nine Scottish schools chosen to a pilot plan to introduce facial recognition technology for verification of children's school lunch payments, have launched this flagship policy of the governing Scottish Nationalis Party, claiming the system is faster and more hygienic, while failing to respond to critics who have raised the privacy issue posed by such intrusive technology.
The nine schools, in North Ayrshire, are now scanning pupils' faces to in order that school lunch payments may be charged to parents accounts. school lunch payments. Scottish National Party officials have praised the new high-tech system for speeding up the transaction process and minimizing physical contact between individuals. The program officially began on Monday, replacing the schools' previous system of card-swiping and fingerprint scanning.
"With Facial Recognition, pupils simply select their meal, look at the camera and go, making for a faster lunch service whist removing any contact at the point of sale," information distributed to parents reads, while an FAQ sheet reassures them that kids' data is stored in an encrypted format and deleted when they leave the school. People living close to the schools have reported squadrons of winged pigs circling above the schools
The Daily Stirrer's advice to families with children in these schools would be to withold online payment details and offer only cash, such technology links to all government databases and is a gross violation of human rights.
Parents supposedly have to opt in in order for the tech to be used, though it's not clear what alternatives will be available to those who refuse to join the new system. The firm in charge, CRB Cunninghams, boasted that its facial recognition setup cut payment time to a mere five seconds on average, and managing director David Swanston revealed 65 more schools were in line to roll out the program, which was first piloted in 2020. In fact, as a retired network security expert your Daily Srirrer correspondent can tel you facial recognition is unrelable and easily fooled by the tech savvy. Kids will find ways to break the system within days.
The technology is shoddy from the outset. Cameras check captured images against encrypted "faceprint" templates representing individual students, which are stored on servers at the schools rather than at some central location, Swanston told the Financial Times on Sunday, stressing that CRB's system was different from "live" facial recognition tech, which scans crowds to identify faces. The latter practice has been banned in New York and penalized in a Swedish municipality that adopted it on a trial basis. In reality a change of hairstyle, different glasses, eye make up and lipsick and a few very simple and cheap technological solutions that I will keep to myself for now can all fool the system. Like fingerprint recognition, the system is unreliable, but the naive, corrupt, power addicted clowns who govern us will probably buy into it and launch a massive propaganda campaign to manipulate people into accepting this instrusive human rights violating scam.
North Ayrshire council defended the new system by contrasting it with the previous payment system based on chip and pin, explaining "pupils often forget their [personal identification numbers] and unfortunately some have also been the victim of PIN fraud, so they are supportive of the planned developments and appreciate the benefits to them." However, while the council claimed 97% of parents and children consented to enroll in the biometric program, some parents acknowledged their children's approval might be motivated by peer pressure or other outside forces. Porcine avians again.
RELATED:UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Defund the dons: why we need a new approach to higher education
Back in 1999, Tony Blair, chanting the mantra of "education, education, education, pledge that the Labour government would work towards getting 50% of the young people into university, thus enabling the Britain economy to tap into “the genius of the many” and build a society ready for the oncoming technological revolution, what Blail called 2The Knowledge Economy." Higher education grants for the academically gifted would be replaced by low interest "student loans" to be repaid when, after graduating, the new, university educated masses achieved a certain leval of income.
University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.Pupils Shut Out Of School Because They Refuse To Wear Gender Neutral Uniforms
Overshadowed somewhat by the idiocies in Parliament this week as Remain supporting, democratically elected MPs try to overturn the democratically expressed wish of the people and keep the UK in The Fourth Reich politely known as the European Union, the idiocy of politically correct, far left authoritarianism in education goes on.
Students Feel Pressured To Reflect Uinversities Anti-Brexit Bias In Essays
University students have claimed they are being pressured by political activist lecturers into writing essays which pander to the "anti-Brexit bias"in the higher education system, and fear they will be marked down if their work does not comply with the left wing agenda. Students have alleged that free debate on Brexit, and opinions opposed to those of the "Remain" camp is being shut down by lecturers supporting the movement to thwart the democratic will ...
Eight Subjects That Ought To Be Part Of The Manadtory Curriculum For Basic Education?
Should subjects like meditation and gardening be part of the school currriculum? Or as one high school in Massachusetts, USA, seems to believe, classes in analyzing conspiracy theories (if taught properly this could help students distinguish between a true conspiracy theory, a fantasy and what is legitimate questioning of official propaganda. The embedded article from Collective Evolution presents some interesting ideas.
Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.
Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?
Who Should Make Decision About Childrens' Welfare, Parents Or Authoritarian Left Wing Schoolteachers?
We like stories about bureaucrats abusing their authority and about schoolteachers (especiall head teachers) letting their inner fascist out of the closet. So a story than combines both, like this tale of a South Yorkshire primary school head who banned packed lunches because out of concern for 'her' children's welfare she wanted them to have no alternative to the nutrition free slop served by the school kitchen.
Poor white pupils put off school by multicultural timetable
Education, should it be about learning to read, write, spell and calculate? Or should it be about feminism, gay rights, black history and 'gender awareness' whatever that is? For many years we have had multiculturalism and politically correct thinking rammed doiwn pupils throats but noe a study by a local education department suggests this obsession with politicallly corret diversity is responsible for the failure of white working class pupils.
Education, Education, Education And To Hell With The Kids
Teaching used to be a vocation and education a high minded calling for those who wished to prepare young minds for adult life by making the process of learning, in the classroom, by discovery and through osmosis, an exciting and fulfilling lifelong process
The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education
The decline of university education in parallel with dumbing down of the general population is contributing to the economic and social problems of the industriaised democracies. But why have standars been allowed to slip so far and can the trend in university education towards theraputic and politically correct courses be reversed?
Where Is Bicycle Repair Man When The World Needs Him
A superhero whose superpower is repairing bikes? It was a sketch in a Monty Python's Flying Circus show. But forty years on is it as crazy as it sounded then? We seem to have plenty of people with degrees in things that are not every practical and shortages of people who can do useful stuff. And when we have health and safety officers stopping people from climbing ladders unless they have been properly trained, people are discouraged from learning those everyday skills by themselves.
Modern Maths Teaching Is Making Children Mentally Ill
It is a well established fact that people who are good at mathematics are insane so why are we making such a big deal of abstract maths in proressive education when what most people will need to earn a living is a good command of basic arithmetic - which modern education is failing to give them.
The Science Fraud: Many Scientific Research Papers Are Pure Gobbledegook
The war between humanities and science goes on, both in academic faculties and internet comment threads. But in an environment that is increasingly politicised and influenced by corporate profit motives rather than the pure and unsullied pursuit of knowledge, can we trust either side? This article suggests not.
Its Nineteen Eighty Effing Four In The Education System
Progressive aproaches to education seem to be ideologically driven rather than focused on the needs of the individual pupil. so will the left's dreams of eqality be fulfilled when every child leaving the school system is equally dysfunctional.
Huge Dock Worker Protests In Italy, Fears Of Disruption, As Covid 'Green Pass' Takes Effect
The E U appointed government of Italy, which was shoehorned into power to stop Eurosceptic parties Lega and Brothers of Italy winning a democratic election . on Friday followed the lead of Israel's government by implementing an internal Covid passport. This system, named Green Pass will allow only vaccinated citizens to engage in all public activity, and will be in the strictest and first such move towards full fascism in Eur
The pass is mandatory for every Italian citizen and "allows" entry into work spaces or activities like going to restaurants, bars, cinemas and theatres based on one of the following three conditions that must be met:
proof of at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine
or proof of recent recovery from an infection
or a negative test within the past 48 hours
The government's move has not been well received by Italian citizens.

First approved by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet a month ago, it has now become mandatory on Oct.15., the policy has beeen pushed through by decree as Prime Minister Mario Draghi's government does not have a majority in the Italian national assembly
Spontaneous protests broke out across the country, as workers angry at the law's provision that those who don't comply with the fascistic edict can be fined 1,500 euros ($1,760); or alternately be forced to take unpaid leave for refusing the jab. CNN reported that it triggered "protests at key ports and fears of disruption to supply chains" on Friday, detailing further:
The largest demonstrations were at the major northeastern port of Trieste, where labor groups had threatened to block operations and around 6,000 protesters, some chanting and carrying flares, gathered outside the gates.
Around 40% of Trieste's port workers are not vaccinated, said Stefano Puzzer, a local trade union official, a far higher proportion than in the general Italian population.
Workers at the large port of Trieste have effectively blockaded the key transport hub...
As The Hill notes,
anyone wishing to travel to Italy anytime soon will have to obtain the
green pass by proving they are fully vaccinated, or providing a negative test.
The prime minister had earlier promoted the pass as a way to ensure no more lockdowns in already hard hit Italy, which has had an estimated 130,000 Covid-related deaths since the start of the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the requirement of what's essentially a domestic Covid passport is practically catching on in other parts of Europe as well, with it already being required to enter certain hospitality settings in German and Greece, for example. Some towns in Germany have reportedly begun requiring vaccination proof just to enter stores. So likely the Italy model will soon be enacted in Western Europe as well.
OK, so germany's love of authoritarianism is well known and Greece is another former democracy now ruled by an EU appointed bureaucratic dictatorship. Do you see a pattern emerging here?
Italians take To The Streets To Protest Against Mandatory Vaccine Passports
France was first in Europe to announce vaccine passports would be mandatory for entry to large events and public spaces last week and President Macron was forced by an immediate backlash to back off his cherished dictatorial measure. Early this week the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, and Boris Johnson's doom laden warnings sparked an immediate reaction with a large faction of the party he leads in parliament announcing they will vote against any such dictatorial and discriminatory measure ...
Italy: Cops open manslaughter investigation as man dies after getting AZ coronavirus vaccine
21 March 2021:Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.Italian prosecutors have opened an investigation for manslaughter following the death of a music teacher one day after receiving his shot of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Sandro Tognatti, 57, received the AstraZeneca jab on Saturday afternoon, March 13, according to his wife.
3 June 2020: Italy Poll: Salvini’s Lega in Solid First Place as Government Totters
As Italy’s left – of – centre coalition government, which lost its majority in the national assembly, and with it the ability to govern the European Union’s third largest, and probably most volatile member state, the Lega party, led by the biggest thorn in the EU’s side, Matteo Salvini
Italian Government Near Collapse After Renzi Pulls Ministers From Ruling Coalition
Yesterday this publication reported that under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has - to the surprise of all Daily Stirrer contributors - held together for almost two years, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed at the behest of the Brussels bureaucracy from two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - had already survived the collapse of his original coalition.
Italian Government On Verge Of Collapse Amid Battle Over EU COVID Relief
from Zero HedgeUnder the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has enjoyed a degree of stability unseen in decades, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed by two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - Conte has already survived the collapse of his original coalition. When League leader Matteo Salvini withdrew from the ruling coalition back in 2019, Conte managed to stave off another election by recruiting new allies from the opposition.
EU bullies: Italy forced to surrender in secret meeting over coronavirus economy crisis
Yannis Varoufakis, a veteran of the 2015 Greek debt crisis, accused Eurozone finance ministers of “failing Europeans” after a 15-hour row over a post-coronavirus rescue package for Italy ended in stalemate. The rebel economist said he was the victim of similar bullying at the height of Greece’s financial crisis when his defiant strategy against debt negotiations with European leaders led to banks being closed and queues at cash machines. “The Italian finance minister, during the night, was bullied to surrender – as I was in 2015. It was all done behind closed doors and with no minutes kept.”
As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’ February 17, 2015
Thousands of Africans every month are crowding onto flimsy boats like this one to make the three hundred mile journey from Libya to Sicily and the refuge of European territory*. (Image source – Malta Star) It is well reported that western intervention in Libya, for the purpose of overthrowing Gaddafi resulted in the North African … Continue readingItaly’s Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable
We have been reporting on the breakup of the EU for several years now. The immigrant crisis, the problems with the European Single currency system and its detrimental effect on the weaker economies among its twenty seven members, and the increasing encroachment of the Brussels bureaucracy on matters of national sovereignty are symptoms of a … Continue readingItaly’s Northern League To Launch EU Referendum Campaign Next
Shortly after the final Brexit referendum result was announced, first the Freedom Party in The Netherlands and then Front National in France quickly declared they would proceed with demanding referenda on E U membership in their own nations. These were quickly followed by the head of Italy’s Northern League who saidaid “Now it’s our turn.’ … Continue reading
Boat Migrants Landing in Italy ‘at a Pace Exceeding Anything We’ve Seen Before’
Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading
Boat Migrants Landing in Italy ‘at a Pace Exceeding Anything We’ve Seen Before’
Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading
Italy Threatens to Close Ports to Soros’ Migrant Rescue Boats As Record Numbers Flood In
June 29, 2017 Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainable”. “We can’t go on like this,” a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue readingItaly Threatens to Close Ports to Soros’ Migrant Rescue Boats As Record Numbers Flood In
Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainable”. “We can’t go on like this,” a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue reading
Italeave or Quitaly? The EU Is Falling Apart
Italy: Too beautiful to be part of EU bureaucratic dictatorship (picture source) Since the shock of Britain voting for ‘Brexit’ just over a year ago this blog has been speculating on which EU nation to quit the former free trade association that is being driven by Germany and the globalist elites closer and closer to … Continue reading
I will get hate mail now': Lord Robert Winston backs professor in trans row saying 'you can't change sex'

IVF pioneer and broadcaster Lord Robert Winston -Picture: via Yahoo News
Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …
Transgenderism and The Left’s Stuggle Against Reality
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue readingGay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.
Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.
Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are
How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people's identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite
Equality Institute: Don’t Say ‘Pregnant Women’ as ‘People of All Genders Can Fall Pregnant’
The politics of the left is the politics of insanity, we have been reporting on this for fifteen years (nine as The Daily Stirrer, before that as Little Nicky Machiavelli. And things are getting worse rather than improving. Every day we hear of some new politically correct idiocy from government or from NGOs set up … Continue readingHomosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.
Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It's OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict ...
These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.
Identities On ParadeEvery day we hear stories of the idiocies perpetrated by the Politically Correct Thought Police who in their zeal for being fair to ethnic, gender and sexual minorities only succeed in being unfair to everybody. This story of a Britisht army military tribunral and a case of discrimination against a woman soldier it is hearing reaches unprecedented levels of stupidity even for the Politically Correct idiots.
The Equalities BillThe Equalities Bill, passed by the previous Labour government before they were ejected from power becomes law today. This farrago is typical of the imbecilic mindset of the self righteous hypocrites who style themselves the progressive left. Presented as a law in support of equality in the workplace , in this era of pandemic joblessness and perpetual financial crisis it is nothing but an attack on the businesses that provide the real, wealth producing, revenue generating jobs in the private sector.
Is Criticising Black Gang Culture Racist
In Britain and America the left are always ready with the knee jerk reaction, crying raceism whjenever there is an opportunity. But do the facts justify the hysteria or is there more racism among poor black communities than mainstream society?
Broken SocietiesAn appraisal of Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010 by Charles Murray. inequality is a very hot topic, Murray is one of the few people looking at it from a conservative point of view, which is strange when one looks at what is most likely causing this divide. Policically nations have never ben more polarised with conservatives and liberals both convinced the other is evil, while the gap between rich and poor widens, the middle class disintegrates and the working class becomes a state dependent underclass.
Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. ...
Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On OthersWhen head of the Euality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips speaks we should termble. This nasty little race hustler is the de facto head of the thought police and sees his job as to stamp on racism, sexism, homophobia and anything else he and his cronies decide they are not going to tolerate. It is all in the name of tolerance of course, or divesity as Phillips would say. But how does telling people what they can and cannot think promote diversity?
Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today?
You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph, 20 September 2021:
The cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.
White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.
Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her 'monthlies' without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they're a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi's brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.
Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.
Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is 'sexist and undermines the show'
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner's 'topless' appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can't really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can't go topless too.
More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden's politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.
Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?
Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
Like a floater, the little turd with a fart trapped inside it, that simply will not go down your toilet no matter how many times you flush it, the climate change scare story has bobbed back to the yop of news bulletins and newspaer front pages in recent months. Porotests by eco terrorist group Excinction Rebellion and their offshoot organisations have brought buisiness and social traffic to a standstil in many European, American, Australian and American cities and added to the destruction wreaked by the COVID pandemic and its associated lockdowns and disruption.
But is the charge towards "net xero" an achievable goal or is it wishful thinking by the crusties and wierdie - beardies and were we to achieve "net zero" in the developed nations, at the cost of exporting outr industrial bases to China and India, destroying European . American cibilisation and impoverishing the people of the formerly democratic nations would it actuall "save the planet" or would it simply enable emotionally needey virtue signallers to feel good about themselves as they turned a blind eye to the suffering arpund them?
One of the things the woke wankers who report science related news for the BBC, CNN, The Daily Mail, Sky News and the rest of the tree hugging, left leaning media have in common is that no part of the "green" agenda is ever questioned. The science is settled is the first item in the credo of the corporater owned news and opinion manufacturing industry. The High Priesthood of the so-called climate science community love to babble about their scientific integrity in TV, radio and print media interviews, but never question the dogma of thius most cultish of sciences and will certainly never answer questions that are raised by people outside their cult, we usually get brushed off with something like, "You're not a scientist ts so you wouldn't be able to understand the science.
In a recent interview I watched online, a disciple of the cult was actually asked a question concerning what the short and long term practical effects of climate change in the county of Yorkshire in northern England. The answer, which involved so much circumlocution the intervieweee was in danger of disappearing up his own arse was in a nutshell, in future, Yorkshire may have a hot summer once every ten years rather than once in a lifetime. To most people in northern England this would be very welcome.
The fact is of course that nobody can possibly predict exactly what will happen in the future, the predictions of the last twenty years, none of which have been borne out by the way, as a little research using a decent search engine will confirm, have been based the reults of mathematical modelling rather collecting and analysing real world data.
Those of us who live north of the fiftieth parallel, traditional dividing line betweek USA and Canada and also the latitude touched by the most southerly point in Britain have been awatre of the recent cranking up of the climate change fear and panic generator but most of us are as unimpressed as usual when we hear or read sensationalised news reports of "the warmest June 2021 on record (in fact 2018,2017, 1976 and 1940 were all very slightly hotter,) or September this year being the second warmest September on record. The reason for such a cool response to the panicked screecing of the Warmageddon brigade is that they forget to mention the unseasonally cool July and first three weeks of August. Statistics can and are often presented to be misleading and looking at the raw data I note in the past few years we have sen a pattern of warmer nights and cooler days. A similar pattern noted by others and only reported here is a trend towards warmer winters and cooler summers.
Thus we are not even in the same range as the medieval warm period when according such records as there were and evidence from sediment layers, bog oaks and records of crop yields, for over three centuries vinyards thrived in these northern latitudes, or evan as recently as the 1920s and 1930s, dates conveniently before the records used to calculate global warming. If, as the climate change screechers insist, atmospheric levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the sole cause if global warming how could the Medieval warm Period have happened? Scientists have done their best to erase itis episode from history and discredit the empirical and scientific evidence showing that it did, but why would medieval monks recoded details of the grape harvest in Yorkshire when they could not possibly know anything of agruments about Anthropogenic Global Warming that would engage us in the 21st century? And why would Scandinavians who settled in Greenland send messages to their king about successfully havesting crops of oats and barley and also breeding pigs, sheep and goats on land now covered by ice?
The natural cycles of the earth have created hot and cold periods throughout human history and the same patterns have been observed in pre - history. Natural evens such as volcanic activity and unnatural ( I should say extra - terrestrial) events like solar storms or asteroid hits as said to have caused mass extinctions, but life on earth survived as did the earth itself, despite being a rock surrounded by a thin layer of atmosphere. So given the planet's proven resilience what are the "save the planet" protestors really trying to save? As many of their leaders are on record as saying humanity must become extinct in order to save the planet it seems they are not interested in our fate or in preserving our civilisation so it is reasonable to assume these 'climate activists' whether they be protestors supergluig their arses to the tarmac of Britain's trunk roads or pseudoscientists of the academic community predicting death and destruction on a Biblical scale from the evidence provided by their mathematical models or reality.
When I started blogging and writing about Warmageddon it was known as global warming, but a brief warming trend that began in the late 1970s abruptly creased in 1998 since when global averages habe reduced by an insignificant margin. This, along with the reported cooling of Antarctica, regrowth of the Great Barrier Reef and increase in sea ice around the northern ice cap (all of which are observable in real life but according to the scientists' self programmed mathematical models are not happening) suggest things are not exactly as we have been told.
These inconvenient truths have forced the Green Blob to rebrand Global Warming which is why every tropical storm, sunny day in England, record snowfall in Texas or a flash flood anywhere will be reported by mainstream media as evidence of the catastrophic climate change being driven by Carbon Dioxide emissions from human activities. It would be interesting to know how the green blob explain the inundations described in The Book Of Genesis or The Epic Of Gilgamesh. While I would not suggest the story of Noah, or its equivalent in Sumerian myth are anything to do with factual history, there is irrefutable evidence of thre great inundations around the end of the last ice age.
The objective of this article however, is not to argue about whether climate change is rwal or another propaganda psy - op planned and engineered by advocates of globalism, but to examine government policies ostensibly aimed at mitigating the effects of this alleged Carbon Dioxide and halting or reven reversing climate change. Why are people in the media, whose job is to expose government jiggery pokery to public scrutiny and call politicians, their corporate cronies and the bureaucrats on whom they rely to do their thinking, to account? Nobody in the media is prepared to question the policies our leaders are adopting at astronomical cost to us poor taxpayers, or point out publicly that they much hyped goal of 'net zero' (reducing CO2 emissions by decarbonising processes or increasing the absorbation of the gas by planting trees,) will wreak havoc with industry, much of which has already been exported to China and India, and cause social upheaval.
Politicians seem to grab hold of whatever pronouncement falls from the lips of Swedish trolette Greta Thunberg and treat it as some great scientific revelation although most of Little Froken T's utterances are hackneyed old climate alarmist cliches, scripted for her by seasoned Scandinavian eco - warriors, which make their way from an autocue to he brain and hence out of her mouth. But in spite of Greta's doom lated warnings and the scarmongering scientistists with their mathematical models of mass human extinction, many things could happen in the next few days that would change everything. As I write the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Altantic Island of La Palma is erupting violently during a period of high seismic activity around the world. It would only take simultanous eruptions in several large volcanic calderas to tear the planet apart.
China is becoming militarily aggressive in the far east, the giant, communist power is threatening its tiny neighbout Taiwan, which is backed by The USA and Australia. Unfortunately the USA is led by a petulant and unpredictable demented geriatric. What could go wrong? Governments are still scaremongering about a virus that poses little threat to 95% of us, having already trashed economies and destroyed the social fabric of nations in a bid to suppress dissent. There is evidence that the COVID virus was genetically engineered to attack the old and chronically ill. Noe it is becoming clear that the COVID pandemic has failed to reduce enough of us to a state of snivelling obedience what monstrous microbe may be released from a secret biological weapons laboratory next.
And on a less dramatic level there are possibilities of financial collapse (not least of the Eurozone), technical failure knockking out the internet, thius didsabling banking and financial systems, healthcare organisations, industry and commerce, public transport and ... well everything, thus demonstrating the folloy of putting al of one's eggs in a single container. The list goes is endless.And yet our leaders and intellectuals obsess over a one degree increase in global temperature.
According to noises being made by Prime Minister Johnson and various members of his government, ssorted academics, self - styled 'experts' and publicity hungry celebrities Britain could be the first developed nation to become totally green. OK, the weirdie - beardies of the world would love us but at wahat cost to the great majority of British people. Furthermore our idustrial base is so small and so clean that in relation to global carbon emissions we are not significant. And yet this government, like tose of David Cameron and Tony Blair before it continue to offshore our emissions, jobs and prosperity to the China, a country that produces 27 per cent of the world's CO2 emissions and India, currently producing 9% but planning to double coal production. China is commissioning coal fired power stations every week and has some of the worst pollution problems in the world. India has claimed exemption from the voluntary limits required by climate agreements like the Paris accord on the grounds that it is a developing nation that has a huge poverty problem to solve. The hypocrisy of our virtue signalling politicians in demanding that the people of the United Kingdom (population 67 million) make sacrifices "for the sake of the planet, when trade agreements are being sought with China (population 1.5 billion,) while aid and investment are being pumped into India (population 1.4 billion) and other large population third world countries that can offer low labour cost production facilities?
While we invest in unreliable and uneconomic green energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels, for which people are already paying green levies in their utility bills to subsidise the operators of these intermittent, low output generators, we sit on vast reserves of natural gas which could be safely fracked were the Prime Minister and his cowardly cohort to develop sufficient testicular fortitude to stand up to the green screamers. A resource that would provide cheap, clean energy, prosperity and most of all, energy security for British homes and British business which should be the Government's number one priority.
RELATED:Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.
Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report
Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals
Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?
Since the early days on the old blog.co.uk platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
SunEdison Plummets On Imminent Bankruptcy; Axiom Sees "The Beginning Of The End" And 85% More Downside
Another item in the 'legacy' Barack Hussein Obama plannede to leave the world looks like going down the pan as a solar energy hedge fund he backed with $$$hugenumbers of taxpayers money prepares for bankruptcy.
Shale Gas Salvation? Frack Off ....
A few months ago, before the June oil prices crash, the US oil industry was ebullient. "It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution", industry pundits squawked, "OPEC can’t stop the shale industry" – screamed banner headlines in the usually restrained financial press. But if a week is a lon=g time in politics, three months is eternity in the oil business.
IMF Attempts to Hide True Cost of Renewables
A new report ffrom the International Monetary Fund (IMF) claims Fossil fuel companies are benefiting from a global subsidy of £3.4 trillion a year. The figure dwarfs that of government handouts aimed at encouraging investors to put money into unprofitable renewable energy sources such as wind turbines. Total subsidies for renewables are stated to amount to £77 billion a year.
House battery to store energy will 'change entire infrastructure of the world' - or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.
Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Electricity.
Most of the hyped green energy solutions to generate electricity from wind or sunshine are so obviously flawed the only thing that makes them economically viable is that governments offer huge subsidies to generators. This in turn makes the sustainables so expensive that consumers cannot afford the intermittent energy they produce.
Renewable Energy: So Useless That Even Green Loons At Google Have Given up on it
The sandal wearing, tree hugging, bearded puritans call it "renewable energy", the zealots of the Church Of Scienceology call it sustainable energy, those with smarter heads on their shoulder call it "alternative energy" because that's what it really is: an alternative to energy that actually works (eg nuclear and anything made from cabon-rich fuel from organic matter laid down in pre-history and left to brew for a few hundred million years.)
Fracking Truth: Mainstream media reports only corporate lies and government propaganda.
The government, energy companies and their poodles in the science academy have been trying to sell us fracking as the cheapish, cleanish but ultimately more reliable than wind and mirrors way of meeting future energy needs. Nobody believed them of course, only a complete idiot would believe that nonsense. Unfortunately the idiots believed themselves.
Huge North Sea oil find enough to produce for over thirty five years. Media silence
First borken by the Blogosphere, this story which should be the biggest in British news media by now, is just being picked up by the mainstream. When will some newspaper or TV news editor be brave enough to run it we wonder? The story:
An oil field, described as one of the biggest untapped resources in the North Sea, is set to produce oil until 2050, it has emerged.
Secrets And Lies And Oil In Scottish Referendum Cover Up
As the referendum in which Scotland will vote for or against independence from the United Kingdom approaches rumours are rife that news of a massive oil find near the shetanad Isles is being suppressed. Such news would guarentee scotland;s financial stability and could be a game changer in the unpredictable vote. But the UK government will not want to let that oil slip between their fingers.
Climate change is a theory for which there is "no scientific proof at all" says the co-founder of Greenpeace
As the science behind the great global warming scare is exposed as a complete fraud, the zealots of The Church Of Climate Science are getting more fanatical in trying to impose their crackpot religion on the gullible and weak minded (aka politicians). Trouble is nobody trusts either politicians or scientists so all that is achieved is to keep attention focused on the bullsit of a bunch of crooks a bunch of and liars while serious environmental issues are ignored.
500K Adverse Events Reported After COVID Vaccines In The US Alone
from Great Game India
As of Sept. 27, 2021 there were 569,294 adverse event reports associated with COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S., according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The most common disorders reported after COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S. include temperature-related issues (226,457), skin problems (174,793), and a category that includes movement, muscle, nerve, neuropathy, numbness, and paralysis (164,200).
That’s according to an original analysis of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Health concerns raised in the U.S. and around the world. List of adverse events reported after vaccination:
Functional Neurological DisorderLymphadenopathy: 16,858 reports
Facial Paralysis: 5,273 reports
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Paralysis: 696 reports
Demyelination including Multiple Sclerosis (MS): More than 650 reports
Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Endocarditis: 2,810 reports
Breakthrough COVID cases (lack of immunity): 34,589
Blood Clots and Disorders: More than 32,000 reports
Menstrual-related: 10,318 reports
Death: 8,164
Pregnancy-related: 1,844 reports
Herpes-related: 6,339 reports
Anaphylactic reaction or shock: 1,803 reports
Appendicitis, perforated, appendectomy: 926 reports
Next in line are non-specified pain-related issues (139,395), feeling abnormal, tired or weak (139,395), injection site reactions (121,538), headaches (111,549), heart events (79,012), and lung or respiratory problems (77,976). ...... Continue reading >>>
RELATED:Corinavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine harm ] ... [ Lockdown pandemic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine Fascism ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ] ... [ trranshumanism: Genetic engineering for people ] ... [ Health Menu ]
[Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ]Strictly Come And Be A Fascist Dancing Stooge
also published on Boggart Abroadfrom Great Game India
As of Sept. 27, 2021 there were 569,294 adverse event reports associated with COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S., according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
">Boggart AbroadThe march of vaccine fascism reaches the glitterball world of dancing as Volksfuhrer Johnson tells BBC interviewer celebs and profesionals should not be allowed to complete in the televised candyfloss of Strictly Come Dancing unless they are vaccinated with the euthanasia jab the Prime Minister tyrannical governmen is still pushing despite mounting evidence that it does more harm than good.
The Prime Minister has weighed intoa heated debate over whether contestants in dance shoe Strictly Come Dancing should be disqualified if they are not vaccinated vaccinated. Johnson, who rather bizarrely for a British conservative seems to despise concepts such as individual liberty and human rights, told the BBC’s Dan Walker, a contestant in the current series: “It should be Strictly Come Vaccinated.”
Or as George Orwell might have put it, Strictly Accept The Military Boot Stamping Down On Your Face. Using the hoax pandemic as a from Johnson's government has abandoned all pretence of serving the people and embraced fascism with nauseating enthusiasm.
Speaking before he gave the televised interview to BBC Breskfast this morning, he asked Mr Walker whether it was dancers or celebrities who had refused the jab, presumable because he wanted to send his blueshirts to the rehearsal studio to kick the crap out of the dissidents and forcibily inject them with toxic shite.
Dan Walker said he did not know which performers were unvaccinated. We must accept this as true because an individual's health records are still by law confidential although laws have frequently been trampled on by Johnson and his government.
Stars who are exercising their inalienable human rights guaranteed in international law by the Geneva Convention of 1948 by refusing to get a Covid-19 vaccination are hiring lawyers in an effort to protect their identities.
Reports recently emerged that three professional dancers on the BBC One programme have rejected the jab. In September, McFly singer Tom Fletcher and his professional dance partner Amy Dowden tested positive for coronavirus. The news has prompted much ridiculous blether surrounding the safety of the show’s cast and crew, all of whom are young and fit, exactly the kind of people who are at zero risk from COVID, a disease which ffects the old and those with chronic health problems or compromised immune systems.
There is no suggestion that Fletcher or Dowden are among the contestants refusing the jab, but it is noticable that like 90% of people who get a positive result when tested with the not-fit-for-purpose PCR test, neither has suffered any debilitating symptoms.
RELATED:Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians
New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Top American COVID Scaremonger Says says if you are worried about Covid vaccine, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority
20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
Bombshell: 900 Pages of Top Secret Docs Expose How the Pandemic Was PLANNED
September 13: More than 900 pages of newly released top secret documents on the pandemic expose for the first time through official materials how the US funded deadly coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab through an organization called the EcoHealth Alliance. bombshell 900 pages of top secret docs expose how the pandemic was planned Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates;
September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.
Violent clashes in Paris as thousands protest over Covid-19 vaccine passports for 9th consecutive week
Once again today thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest against the the fascistic government of President Emannuel Macron and the proposed coronavirus health pass policy. It was the ninth consecutive weekend that huge protests have disrupted life in French cities. Today's protest quickly descended into violence with widespread clashes between demonstrators and police.
Harvard professor exposes vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense”
6 September : A Harvard Medical School (HMS) professor has slammed vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense.” HMS professor Martin Kulldorff made the remark following the publication of a study saying natural immunity offers better protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. Given the study’s results, Kulldorff remarked that vaccine passports are “discriminatory and unethical.”
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
6 September: Vaccine Passport and Anti - Lockdown Protesters Try To Storm Jab Watchdog’s Headquarters In London
A group of protesters against vaccine passports, lockdowns, mandatory vaccination and mask mandates (inaccurately described as anti - vaccine protestors by mainstream media) attempted to storm the UK’s jabs watchdog offices this weekend.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
UK care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit ...
September 6: One of the items of evidence that figures for COVID vaccine take up claimed by governments of the developed nations is the number of doctors, nurses and people working in healthcare professions who are refusing to get the "clotshot." In the UK, where the National Health Service is always on the brink of crisis because of difficulty recruiting and retaining staff,
"I Will Not Submit": French Bring Cities To A StandstillCitizens Protest Against Vaccine Passport
September 5: Thousands of French citizens demonstrated in several cities Saturday for an eighth straight weekend, continuing protests against the country’s COVID-19 vaccine passport system required to enter most public areas, including stadiums, cafes, restaurants, and gyms.
50000 Patients Died Soon In 14 Days After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine Says Whistleblower
According to a whistleblower nearly 50000 patients died soon in 14 days after getting COVID vaccine shot. ‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying,’ said Attorney Renz. ‘The mantra of ‘safe and effective’ must stop after today’s information.’ 50000 Patients Died Soon In 14 Days After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine Says Whistleblower A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz. The announcement Saturday was made by the Ohio-based attorney, who remains involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom. Watch video of Renz presentation : [Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ]September 2021
UK Energy Crisis Shows Danger Of Net-Zero Emissions Policies
Authored by Daniel Khmelev via The Epoch Times,
The push for Australia to legislate a net zero emissions target has spurred discord from some government officials who firmly believe the climate policy could harm Australia’s energy security and industry amid the UK’s own unravelling energy crisis.
Australia has faced criticism for not setting a 2050 net zero target—a goal already undertaken by many of the world’s developed countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.
But Nationals Senator Matt Canavan suggested that the UK’s unfolding energy crisis is a direct consequence of its “net zero” emissions plans via a shift to so-called renewables and banning coal power.
“The UK has been trying to reach net zero. They’ve passed legislation to do that,” Canavan told 2GB radio.
“They’re not there yet, but they’re on the path. And already down that path, they are seeing a situation where industry is being asked to shut down just to keep the lights on.”
Over the last 50 years, the UK has weaned itself of coal generation and become more dependent on gas as its primary source of electricity generation - much of which is imported from Europe.
Further, heavy investment into renewables over the last decade has also boosted wind output, contributing to 24 percent of total generation in 2020.
The United Kingdom’s coal, gas, nuclear and renewable energy consumption from 1965 to 2019. Source: Our World in Data. (The Epoch Times)
However, the UK has recently experienced a 400 percent spike in gas prices, and a 250 percent price rise for electricity after a confluence of unforeseen factors throttled the country’s supply—including record low wind levels, a fire at a major France-UK electricity interconnector, nuclear plant outages, and a gas shortfall sweeping Europe.
This has already led to the collapse of some energy providers while forcing other industries—such as steelmaking and manufacturing—to opt to shut down during peak hours to avoid paying exorbitant energy fees.
Canavan cautioned against a repeat of the policies that have led to the UK crisis, saying he disagreed with the current “net zero” approach, which does not include nuclear, as the legislation could undermine Australia’s critical infrastructure.
“We should maintain the energy independence—we are lucky to have and grow our coal and gas production,” Canavan told The Epoch Times.
Nationals Senator Matthew Canavan at a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia on Jun. 22, 2021. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas)
Canavan also said that Australia could not afford to lose its energy independence amid concern of growing hostilities from Beijing.
“I just don’t think this is the right decision for our country, especially at a time when our leaders and defence officials are very worried about the risk of conflict in our region, potentially being dragged into a risk of conflict with China. This is not the right priority,” Canavan told 2GB radio.
“The right priority right now, surely, is to get more things [that are made in Australia]. That’s what we’ve got to do.
“If you do not have a strong industrial economy, you will not defend yourself. If you cannot be energy independent, you will not defend yourself,” he said.
“And so why would we seek to shut down our coal and gas industries which create an energy independence for us as a nation?”
Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and leader of the National Party, Barnaby Joyce, has not explicitly spoken against a net zero target, but has said that Australia should also consider the economic impact caused by a shutdown of the nation’s coal industry.
On the other hand, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said that a lack of a concrete net zero deadline could undermine investments flowing into Australia.
“Markets are moving as governments, regulators, central banks, and investors are preparing for a lower emissions future,” Frydenberg said in an address to the Australian Industry Group.
“Increasingly, institutional investors are themselves committing to the net zero goal, like BlackRock, Fidelity and Vanguard, three of the biggest fund managers in the world.”
Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg speaks in Melbourne, Australia, on June 28, 2021. (Photo by WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images)
Frydenberg said Australia’s economy relied heavily on imported capital to stimulate growth across the economy—including foreign investment stock worth $4 trillion (US$2.9 trillion).
“Australia has a lot at stake,” Frydenberg said. “We cannot run the risk that markets falsely assume we are not transitioning in line with the rest of the world.”
Environmental groups have also pressed Australia to fast track its emissions reduction efforts to address their concerns around ecological damage and global warming.
Climate change advocacy organisation, the Climate Council, has urged Australia to commit to a net zero deadline ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
“Australia is refusing to increase its 2030 emissions reduction target, or commit to net zero emissions,” said Climate Council spokesperson and Emeritus Professor at Australian National University, Will Steffen. “The science is clear that the world urgently needs to reduce emissions this decade, but none of Australia’s commitments are a meaningful contribution to this goal.”
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Pious, Privileged Poltroons of Insulate Britain Piss – off Ordinary Punters
by Arthur Foxake, 29 September 2021
There can be no doubt after the recent shenanigans that the claims of terrorists Insulate Britain and their parent organisation Extinction Rebellion that they are fighting to save the planet for future generations are pure hypocrisy, but the far-left group’s idiotic and irresponsible stunts stunts on the M25 London Orbital Motorway in the past two weeks have only alienated the young professionals their campaign, if it is to be taken seriously, should be trying to win the support of. Illegal, disruptive and dangerous actions like forming human chains to block the busiest road in Britain occupation of one of the country’s busiest motorways has only serves to expose the group as left wing, extremist attention seekers cause, while grabbing negative news coverage for middle class attention seekers.
Nobody in their right mind would say images protesters preventing ordinary people from getting to work by forming human barriers and supergluing themselves to the road surface is a reasonable way of drawing attention to environmental problems. It is attention seeking pure and simple. No wonder public support is with the frustrated drivers who roughly manhandled protesters out of the roadway as it was with the commuters who unceremoniously pulled Extinction Rebellion supporters from the tops of carriages on London Underground trains a couple of years ago.
If these eco – wankers really cared about the environment, they would they would not be jumping on the Carbon Dioxide bandwagon,but drawing attention to the catastrophic environmental effects of mining, refining and reprocessing lithium, cobalt and the rare earth metals necessary to build and renovate batteries for their beloved electric cars, computers, smartphones and gadgets. Everything to do with lithium ion batters, from sourcing materials and recycling parts to eventually scrapping what is not reusable involves either the rape of virgin territory or releasing highly toxic chemicals into the environment.
Aernatively they could direct their campaigning efforts towards convincing China, India and other third world nations with large populations and rapidly developing economies to clean up their act rather than continuing to claim exemption from international agreements limiting the emission of polluting chemicals.
It should not come as a surprise that they ignore these issues however. Insulate Britain are not really concerned about the environment but are about pushing a far left political agenda which will ultimately lead to the abolition of democracy and imposition of a totalitarian global government. They are attention-seekers and hypocrites, their intention is to disrupt and eventually dismantle industrial civilisation This became crystal clear when lead demonstrator Liam Norton, appearing on breakfast TV show Good Morning Britain stormed out of the studio after being forced by the interviewer to admit ad he had not yet insulated his own home.
“Do as I say, not as I do,” has long been the mantra of left wing protesters who preach sanctimonious sermons about civic responsibility. It is one of the many ways they resemble the morally degenerate priests of the medieval church and their campaign has taken on aspects of The Holy Inquisition, in particular the tendency to denounce as heretics anybody who challenges their narrative. They also demand extreme lifestyle changes from everyone apart from themselves.
Though it’s hard not to laugh at the ineptitude of people such as uninsulated Liam, or dismiss Exstinktion Rebellion as unwashed crusties playing at being rebels while living on generous allowances from middle class parents, it’s important to remember that the actions of Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain have real, damaging consequences. In just one incident a huge car crash near the motorway blockade meant a woman had to be airlifted to hospital while another protest delayed an ambulance leading to the death of a woman who was being taken to an emergency unit. No wonder then that the public are fed up with the climate wankers
A YouGov poll shows 68 per cent of Brits ‘strongly support’ or ‘tend to support’ the injunction. That number rises to 70 per cent when people who ‘have heard a great deal/ fair amount about the protest’ are polled. Opinion polling is somewhat discredited these days but the figures at least suggest the British public have no interest in being lectured and patronised by self - righteous hypocrites. The more they hear about these groups, the more hostile the will become to climate change activism.
Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.
Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report
Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals
Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?
Since the early days on the old blog.co.uk platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism Several times now it has looked as if the climate chance scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.
Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations.
Although this is about the UK General Election in 2015 it has much wider relevance, concerning what is happening in the democratic societies of the developed nation. For that reason this look at how corporate capitalism is usurping democracy and individual freedom will also be relevant long after that election in May 2025.
Punish Climate Change Liars" Demands Climate Change Liar
Over the years my scepticism about global warming and attempts to initiate intellgent discussion of the dodgy science based on mathematical models that forms the basis of the Warmageddonist case, versus much less alarming projections based on data from real world observations haveearned me accusations of being a child murderer. Not only that, some of the lefties who support climate fascism have demanded the death penalty for people who disagree with them. And yet they think it unfair to punish certain child rapists and murderers. Hypocrites.
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Climate Change and Leftist Psycological Malware.
It may seem far fetched but it is possible to link the techniques of the climate change / anti capitalist lobby to the brainwashing prorammes used by the Nazis in Germany, Stalin's Soviet regime in Russia and Chaitrman Mao's brutal government in Communist China. Thus it becomes quite similar to malware that infects computer systems. The left do not care about saving the planet, all they are interested in is advancing their totalitarian, globalist agenda.
Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.
Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.
Will New German Study End Global Warming Hysteria? Although evidence that the global warming scare has been a massive scam in which exponents of various typoes of dodgy science lumped together under the label of climate science, in order to justify massive taxes on everything (because everything in the modern economy involves oil or electricity at some stage) and create a $1trillion per year market for Inventment Bankers and Dr. Evil types such as Al Gore could steal more money from ordinary people, politicians, media contributors and of course science academics have stuck to the narrative.
The Harsh Truth Behind Europe's Energy Crisis Is Green Wanking Has Left Us Short Of Generating Capacity
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Since way back in March 2020, when governments and the supra - national bureaucracies decided ne new and not very deadly corona virus known as SARS-COV2, and the disease it caused, COVID-19, would give them a great excuse to rob us of our rights and user in an era of authoritarian government for the democratic nations, many myths and scare stories have been ciculated about COVID-19 to keep the public in a state of fear and therefore more likely to comply with government diktat instead of questioning the propaganda and finding it does not make any kind of sense
One of the most persistent of these myths has been "The Asymptomatic Spreader." Government and public health officials have been adamant that any difficult measures taken were all being done in order to ‘control the spread of the virus’ or ‘stop the disease.’ Thus, a litany of so-called non-pharmaceutical interventions, and also pharmaceutical interventions – were deemed by the consensus to
be essential measures in fighting the spread of the disease.
But as news reports continued to tell tales of trillions of deaths, rotting corpses piling up in the streets because all the gravediggers were sick and hospitals were so overwhelmed with critically ill patients that nurses went collectively insane, abandoned their patients and posted well rehearsed dance routines on Tik Tok. And to make matters worse for the people behind this fascistic power grab by the money elites, people begant to ask: "WTF is going on? Every day, every news bulletin I'm hearing people are falling ill by the millions and this disease is going to kill us all, yet I don't know anybody who has had it, and nobody I talk to knows anybody who has had it, apart from Fred Crackfart's dear old Mum who's supposed to have pegged out because of it, but she was ninety - five and she's been at death's door for years."
Obviously the narrative had to be adjusted and so what had been a disease that had many symptoms, most of them exactly like colds and 'flue (which, by the way, all but disappeared inthe winter of 2020,) warebranded as an an asymptomatic disease.
From March 2020, studies done in Italy were suggesting 50-75% of positive Covid tests had no symptoms. Another UK study from August 2020 found as much as 86% of “Covid patients” experienced no viral symptoms at all. Yet they were all countes as "cases". and included in the statistics read out my government medical advisers during the daily press briefings
It is literally impossible to tell the difference between an “asymptomatic case” and a false-positive test result.
There is actually very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”. In June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said:
"From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,”
A meta-analysis of Covid studies, published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in December 2020, found that asymptomatic carriers had a less than 1% chance of infecting people within their household.
So if you tested positive for the Novel Chinese Virus you might expect all the symptoms in the medical dictionary or no symptoms at all. You might die or you might catch COVID and never even know you had it. As the late, great Spike Milligan would have said, "Damned clever these Chinese. Much more clever that the western scientists who are in a total state of confusion about everything to do with COVID it seems.
On question on which "the science was settled" apparently was that of natural immunity. There was no such thing, the experts who coincidentally all work either for one of the vaccine manufacturers, for governments which had bought into the pandemic narrative for political reasons, or for the World Health Organisation which receives most of its funding from vaccine manufactures, investors with large holdings in vaccine manufacturers of from the Global Vaccine Czar Bill Gates. No conflict of interest there then. The high priests of the god Science had pronounced the thing that had saved humanity from Smallpox, Typhoid, Cholera, acute encrapulation of the pendikulus, The Black Death and myriad diseases that were around for millennia before vaccines was nothing but a silly superstition.
So that was it, there was no hoax, no fake news or fraudulent statistics, almost evetyone in the world was critically ill with COVID-19 but 97.5% of them did not know because it is an asymptomatic disease spread by people who do not feel in any way ill.
Over a year later and a few maverick ‘public health’ mavens have summoned the courage to actually test the fundamentally flawed assumption that if somebody test positive but has no symptoms they must be treated in a way similar to a medieval leper. Recently in the UK, officials have staged and monitored nine large-scale events, including an FA Cup final football match, and the Brit Awards – both of which were exempt from face masks, social distancing and the usual COVID nonsense. The results of this test should be hailed as good news, but for those heavily invested in the narrative, it’s nothing short of a disaster as few to no coronavirus “cases” turned up.
Officials managed to scrape together just 15 alleged “cases” or “infections” (deemed as such merely from a single ‘positive test’) out of some 60,000 total attendees.
The result of this experiment has dealt a crushing blow to the central myth upon which the entire COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ crisis has been built – namely the myth of the asymptomatic spreader, and the much-maligned notorious “super-spreader” events.
If the test actually worked, and you’re +ive ‘Asymptomatic’ or had only mild symptoms, you just displayed the awsome power of your immune system. In other words, you developed natural immunity, or at least partial immunity for the mild cases, via past exposure to one of hundreds of endemic corona virus.
There are many epitopes (expressed protiens) common to all coronavirus, colds, 'flu, coughs, snotty noses etc., antibidy overlap has been shown in peer reviewed scientific literature. Natural immunity is farfar superior and is for life not just for as long as it takes the Doctor Death brigade to invent another mutant variant. It will serve you more faithfully and efficiently than a risky leaky vaccine that will have you oozing filthy, toxic spike protiens all over friends and enemies alike, and smite you with with horrendous short term side effects. If you have natural immunity you have Dendritic cells, T cells, B cells, and antibodies to every single recognisable epitope the virus expresses. Contrast this with the mRNA transfection, which wipes out T cells from natural immunity, and only provides one antibody (clean up crew cells do not kill virus), no T cells (which actually kill the virus) no B cells, and no dendritic cells, i.e. by injecting a cytotoxic spike protien, bypassing the bodies natural defense mechanisms, your immune system cannot properly recognise the virus until it’s replicating, until it’s already past the first 4 layers of the bodys defenses. But way back in February 2020 this newspage reported that a respected virologist had concluded from his research that SARS-COV2 was a genetically engineered virus designed to bypass the immune system and create long term health problems in millions of people “Novel Corona Virus” is a misnomer, if not a downright falsehood. 40% of wild deer test positive for coronavirus and other animals, dead and alive, have returned positive results for tests. It is not so much a case of these virus being endemic, unless someone wants to argue wild deer did not socially distance from infected humans! The fact is the antibody overlap mentioned abovedoes not just apply to coronavirus strains that affect humans, mammilian immune systems cannot distinguish between strains that infect different species, thus the tests used to diagnose so many "cases" could have picked up antibodies for a virus you caught from your dog or cat. And all that is not even the most worrying part of the unscientific bollocks that has resulted from pandemic policy being "led by science", the leaky vaccine is creating an identical evolutionary bottleneck in the whole jabbed population, it’s not the unvaccinated who are a danger to the vaccinated, it’s the other way around! If everyone understood the basic biology, this would be over before it began. Read JC’s review paper, or watch one of his streams to understand the biology and get the lastest insights from the latest published research. https://gigaohmbiological.com/review **** [Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Greenteeth on Minds.com ]Sky News Australia Drops Bomb on Fauci, Calls Him ‘Incredibly Stupid’ for Funding ILLEGAL Gain-of-Function Coronavirus Research in Wuhan
Sharri Markson of Sky News in Australia has dropped a major bomb on Tony Fauci and his contrived Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic narrative.
In a recent segment, Markson called out Fauci point-blank for funneling American taxpayer dollars to Wuhan, China, to conduct illegal gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.
Markson says that Fauci is “up to his neck” in crime, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is. Markson has been probing Fauci’s criminal activity for a while now, having uncovered that Fauci “had funded 60 projects at the Wuhan laboratory.”
“Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese military,” Markson added.
Since the beginning of his tenure at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) back in 1984, Fauci has been complicit in funding “risky research” in China, including at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s only known level-four biosafety laboratory.
“He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it,” Markson says about Fauci’s work over the past nearly 40 years that he has been employed in the federal government.
Markson put all of this together in a documentary called, “What Really Happened in Wuhan” that exposes Fauci for the criminal that he is. The documentary features interviews with both Mike Pompeo and President Donald Trump.
You can watch the segment with Markson below:

Is the COVID narrative crumbling? Or is the pandemic of fear built around te disease simply divinding nations into conflicting regions along politicalal lines. In this video Styxhexenhammer, an erudite American comentator now resident in Amsterdam, describes how COVID is being used to impose health tyranny by authoritarian liberals in Democrat run states, while in Republican run states life is getting back to normal.
He also highlights how some old school liberals are waking up to the idea that people in the Democrat Party who have embraced the 'woke' agenda seem to have become besotted with the idea of exercising authority and governing by decree, citing a recent rant by veteran liberal comedian Bill Maher in which Maher called out many leading Democrats for fear mongering and authoritarianism.
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Are we witnessing the twilight of the woke?
Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph, 20 September 2021:The cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.
Political correctness is losing its grip. Last week it was alleged that Kemi Badenoch, the equalities minister, was caught on tape giving what various outlets described as a homophobic “rant”. The quotes Vice News chose to publish, and it was oddly selective, were innocuous.
In times past this might have been enough to wreck her career because what mattered was the media’s verdict that offence had been taken – yet Badenoch is staying put. Boris has set a new standard. An advantage of having a columnist in No10 is that he’s upset everyone under the sun, but has learnt the best way to handle an angry letter is to put it in the bin. Ignore Twitter and it becomes Angela Rayner in a broom cupboard screaming for people to resign. Vice is left talking to itself.
We all are! Because we now inhabit a fractured cultural landscape. Piers Morgan - another who has survived by not giving in - is joining Rupert Murdoch’s new channel talkTV, offering not one but two centre-Right broadcasters to switch to, rendering the supposed bias of Sky or the BBC irrelevant because the old monopoly is broken. It is this new reality of choice, the crumbling of orthodoxy, that puts so many knickers in a twist. ... Continue reading >>>
RELATED:Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years
Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years
Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
‘Historical Wokery’: British War Hero’s Statue Set to be Removed by BLM Inspired Council
A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.
Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black
Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black ...
Council Removes “Transphobic” Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’
A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic” after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.
Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”
U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’http://www.greenteethmm.com/equality-women-united-nations.shtml
That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it's moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra - national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility
Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago
Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist
This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action ...
Oberlin University Fined $33 Million For Supporting Students Accusations Of Racism Against Bakery
On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence” that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.”
Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.
TCW Defending Freedom has published several excellent insights into the stranglehold of Bill Gates over the UK’s government, media and university research establishments.
It’s remarkable then that the man who has risen to become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned or interrogated on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered by the global health organisations, bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still widely regarded as a benign philanthropist.
James Corbett’s documentary Meet Bill Gates on the man who has been the most influential in shaping the post-coronavirus world shows categorically that he is not.
RELATED POSTS:Bill Gates creating deadly, global vaccine empireVaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction Being a former computer professional from back when we had to know how the things worked to program them, Bill Gates was always the incompetent amateur who got a big leg up because of his CIA connections and then made 'not fit for purpose' acceptable quality. Now this half witted shyster is playing a big role in formulating United Nations eugenics policy
Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.”
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
Simple Tips for Boosting Immunity Everyone Should be Doing To Improve Resistance Against Diseases Like Cancer.
While medical science, funded by research grants from Big Pharma and corporate health care pushes to find ever more costly (i.e. profitable) therapies for the diseses that threaten us, the body is its own best doctor, as our ancestors knew. All we need do in many cases is give it the right support.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine CrimesIt's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time
Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health. Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Chaos Reigns In Afghanistan After Taliban Rout Of biden's Troops

Chaos in Afghanistan after NATO allies withdrawal - Picture: https://sadw.org
The Left is lying to itself, it needs limited migration as much as the Right does.
by Edward Anderson, Comment Central, 10 September 2021After Spanish right-wing figure Santiago Abascal was condemned for not openly welcoming Afghan migrants, Edward Anderson writes that the Left everywhere should not be so quick to judge, as limited migration is not the sole domain of the Right. When Santiago Abascal, leader of Spanish right-wing party Vox, delivered a press conference on the 30th August, it did not take long for perhaps the most controversial part of his speech to be put into bite-sized form. Europe does not have moral duty to welcome or accept every Afghan or African who seeks to enter. Predictably, Twitter was in uproar that such a evil far-right view could be espoused, with people flooding in to state their brave view that Abascal is a bad man. Ignoring the modern liberal tendency to turn their views into a religion, complete with the belief in original sin as seen by the number of pictures in response to Abascal of White slave masters hundreds of years ago (as if poor people in Darlington or Murcia today have some original sin they have to pay), it ignores a simpler point. Namely, that Abascal merely said something every left winger who wants a welfare state and public services would have to agree with. Now of course, I am not naive enough to assume that Vox are the bright left-wing conservative future of Spain, one only needs to read their plan to ´free´ the housing market (make it easier for foreign speculators, Airbnb and landlords to keep pricing out Spanish people from home ownership). However, when Abascal points out that the Government is promising housing to people when some Spanish people are living in their cars or that people want to continue accepting the importation of thousands of illegal migrants via Morocco a year when the youth unemployment rate is 38 per cent and rent is horrifically high, it should be easy for left wingers to see that he has a point. For a welfare state and collective public goods to exist, that nation or community requires high levels of social solidarity and trust. When people pay into a common pot their willingness to pay bluntly depends on whether it goes to ´the likes of us´. It is why old left wingers did not emphasise colour of skin or other forms of ´diversity´ as part of their political slogans, for it undermines this need for solidarity.
Why Accepting Illegal Immigrants Is Not Going To Help Them
Celebrities, 'influencer', woke idiots and far left political groups are creating a chorus of catawauling complaints about the deportation of illegal immigrants who are crossing The English Channel from France in increasing numbers. But will accepting them only encourage more to come and be exploited by people trafficking ccrime gangs? This article lifts the lit on the illegal immigrants racke
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
In the case of Europe's immigration crisis, much of the fear and loathing is being caused by Muslim males. Most Europeans do not have a problem with foreigners or dark skinned people who are willing to obey the laws and accept local customs and traditions. And one tradition we in the nations that emerged from European cultures is the common understanding that if a woman goes out alone, with arms and legs showing and face and hair uncovered, it does not mean she is up for having rough sex
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.
Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.
Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.
London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.
Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel
It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.
Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?
As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.
from RT.uk:
New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are just now emerging. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins.
Fauci bioweapons funding CONFIRMED, smoking gun proves covid vaccines based on govt biowarfare program
from News Target, 8 September 2021Thanks to a FOIA request by The Intercept, we now have smoking gun proof that Anthony Fauci directed NIH funding for bioweapons research on SARS-CoV-2 (via “gain-of-function” experiments) under the cover of the Chinese Communist Party. The 900+ pages of once-secret documents also confirm that the United States government originated the bioweapons research and funded it to completion. After Trump banned biological weapons programs in the United States, Fauci and others conspired to criminally conduct illegal research by shifting the technology to China (and laundering US taxpayer money through the EcoHealth Alliance to fund it).
As detailed by The Intercept:
NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory.
One of the grants, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” outlines an ambitious effort led by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak to screen thousands of bat samples for novel coronaviruses. The research also involved screening people who work with live animals.
The bat coronavirus grant provided EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans. Fauci lied, millions died
In essence, thanks to the FOIA revelations, we now know that:
Fauci lied under oath when he claimed he never funded gain-of-function research. (Where is the FBI raid on Fauci?)
The entire COVID “pandemic” was built as a biological weapons program from the very start.
Fauci and others committed not merely criminal acts in violation of biological weapons research bans, he also committed treason against the United States of America by handing weapons of mass destruction to America’s communist enemy (China) when then deployed the weapon system against America.
We also therefore know that the vaccine is an extension of the bioweapons program funded by Fauci, since the spike protein incorporated into covid vaccines was developed through Fauci-funded gain-of-function research.
With this knowledge now being made public thanks to The Intercept, all vaccines should be halted worldwide, and criminal indictments should be leveled against Fauci and the thousands of co-conspirators who were complicit in this operation, which includes Big Pharma CEOs, virology scientists and freedom-hating politicians who used all this as an excuse to push toxic bioweapons onto the population via “vaccine” mandates.
The other huge bombshell now emerging from all this is that it appears the US government was originally planning to deploy its bioweapons as a MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) virus to mass murder political enemies in Iran (and other nations) under “President Clinton” (who was slated to take office in 2017 after the 2016 election was rigged). But when Trump’s military intelligence white hats blocked the election rigging of 2016 and Trump took office, the bioweapons program was redirected to focus on killing Americans and dethroning Trump with the coordinated covid-rigged election scheme of 2020.
So the bioweapons that the US government originally planned to dump on the people of the Middle East ended up being refocused on SARS-CoV and placed into vaccines to be injected into US soldiers and 200+ million American citizens, all in an effort to carry out mass genocide against the American people and its active duty defenders.
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
And The Hoax Goes On …
Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media
The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …
Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk
Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.
Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration
from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Covid Killer Vaccines
from Natural News Emergency VACCINE ALERT edition: Situation Update, March 16, 2021 Tuesday, March 16, 2021 by: Mike Adams:Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into “super strain” factories who … Continue reading
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Why All The Fuss About Ivermectin?
Authored by Brian C. Joondeph via AmericanThinker.com,
First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour, castigated by the medical establishment and regulatory authorities. Both drugs have been around for a long time as FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet now we are told they are as deadly as arsenic.
As a physician, I am certainly aware of ivermectin but don’t recall ever writing a prescription for it in my 30+ years’ medical career. Ivermectin is an anthelmintic, meaning it cures parasitic infections. In my world of ophthalmology, it is used on occasion for rare parasitic or worm infections in the eye.
Ivermectin was FDA approved in 1998 under the brand name Stromectol, produced by pharmaceutical giant Merck, approved for several parasitic infections. The product label described it as having a “unique mode of action,” which “leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions.” This suggests that ivermectin acts as an ionophore, making cell membranes permeable to ions that enter the cell for therapeutic effect.
Ivermectin is one of several ionophores, others including hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol, the latter two available over the counter. These ionophores simply open a cellular door, allowing zinc to enter the cell, where it then interferes with viral replication, providing potential therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.
This scientific paper reviews and references other studies demonstrating antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties of ivermectin.
[Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ Medium.com ]The Illusion Of Stability, The Inevitability Of Collapse
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,
Beneath the illusory stability of rising GDP, the extremes of debt, leverage, stimulus and speculative frenzy required to keep the 'phantom wealth bubble' from imploding are all rising parabolically.
Imagine being at a party celebrating the vast wealth generated in the last ten months in stocks, cryptocurrencies, real estate and just about every other asset class. The lights flicker briefly but the host assures the crowd the generator powering the party is working perfectly.
Being a skeptic, you slip out on the excuse of bringing in more champagne and pay a visit to the generator room. To your horror, you find the entire arrangement held together with duct tape and rotted 2X4s, the electrical panel is an acrid-smelling mess of haphazard frayed wire and the generator is over-heated and vibrating off its foundation bolts. Whatever governor the engine once had is gone, it clearly won't last the night.
The party is the U.S. economy, and the generator room is the Federal Reserve, its proxies and the U.S. Treasury, all running to failure. What we're experiencing in real time is the illusion of stability and the inevitability of collapse. I've prepared a few charts to illuminate this reality graphically.
Here's the illusion of stability in a nutshell: while the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP) has continued marching higher (in both nominal and real/inflation-adjusted terms), the amount of Federal Reserve stimulus and Federal debt required to keep pushing GDP up at the same rate has exploded higher and is tracking a parabolic blow-off.
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Report: 700,000 Vaccine Passports in Britain Contained False Records: Health Tyranny Fails
The UK's NHS Vaccine Passport database system, a vital tool in the plans of Boris Johnson's increasingly tyrannical government's plans to introduce a system similar to the social credits system used by the Chinese Communist Party to curtail the liberties and social privilieges of citizens who transgress against the brutally oppressive Chinese dictatorship, has failed before it is even launched. The system which is suposedly linked to a database containing the vaccination status of the holder has reportedly falsified up to 700,000 vaccine passport records since the beginning of the controversial programme, resulting in many Britons being barred from leaving the country.
In this latest massive example of government incompetence in developing and running Information Technology systems, health officials at the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) have somehow recorded false data in hundreds of thousands of vaccine passports. An old computer professional like me finds it incredible that anyone, even the kind of people who work for the government could be so completely and stupidly wrong so often, (remember the catastrophic and eye wateringly expensive failure of the "track and trace" system for recording and warning people who had been in contact with an infected person? That was only 18 months ago. Remember the "pingdemic" when milions od people were 'pinged' by an equally flawed app and ordered to quarantine themselves because they had been in contact with a person who had tested positive, whether that person had symptoms or not.
With Boris Johson’s government planning to introduce health pass requirements for nightclubs and other large public venues by the end of September, these failures have further thrown into question the efficacy of the draconian scheme and the real motivation for introducing them..
According to a freedom of information request submitted by by The Daily Telegraph, the NHS was forced to correct 677,331 vaccine records and there were 112,939 instances in which data had to be deleted due to duplication or correction errors.
It seems likely that the number of errors in they system is higher, the need for corrections was only flagged when passport holders tried to use the NHS coronavirus app to travel abroad, meaning many more are likely to be unaware of their vaccine records being incorrrect.
The NHS has created a Vaccination Data Resolution Service to deal with the massive flood of complaints expected. A job advertisement for a role in the service described the aim of the position being to “support citizens resolving problems they encounter with their Covid-19 vaccination records” and to help “citizens to prove their Covid-19 vaccination status in line with UK Government guidance”.
The NHS has not denied the scale of the record failures but said: “The vast majority of updates made to vaccination records by NHS digital do not relate to people’s vaccine status.
“The NHS is proactively contacting people who have been vaccinated in England and are showing an incomplete record so their records can be urgently corrected.”
In response to reports of vaccine passport errors, the owner of the Three Colts & The Owl Pubs — a signatory to the Together declaration against health papers — Adam Brooks said: “So, they are not just discriminatory, divisive, trouble-causing, business & society destroying… they are simply unworkable and unsecure.” He is absolutely righ, if a little ungrammatical.
What is really appalling about all this bollocks is that once the fatalities falsely ascribed to COVID are removed, accturate figures for this virus show an Infection to Fatality Rate (IFR) much lower that that of seasonal 'flu. The authors of Boggart Blog have studied the statistical misrepresentation of infection and fatality rates and found that flu deaths almost ceased in late 2019 and early 2020. In the UK during that period we lost about 400 people a week to seasonal 'flu, in the USA it was about 2000 people a week in in a much larger population. In both cases influenza was seldom the killer, it was the comorbidities that took out the old, those with preexisting conditions or those who were both. Suddenly in early 2020 flu deaths stopped being reported and even people who died of other causes (internal injuries sustained an a motor bike accident in one case and multiple stab woulds sustained in a gang fight in another) were being found to have expired of COVID in the ambulance on the way to hospital.
20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health
workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple
conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an
“unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...
UK Morning TV show attracts over pro - vaccine propaganda segment on unvaccinated in hospital
ITV morning host Lorraine has received almost 4000 complaints over a guilt - trippimg segment about the number of unvaccinated people in hospital. The unusually high number of complaints to media regulator Ofcom about the segment on Monday December 6 to 3,743. Further complains promted by a follow up to the segment raise that total to 3994. While newsworth in itself because in normal circumstances even the most controversial items only attract a few hundred complaints, the propaganda aimed at scaring, bullying or coercing vaccine refusers to get vaccinated has become so blatantly dishonest in all news media that people are at last rebelling.
The secment which saw host Lorraine Kelly and Big Pharma propagandist Dr Hilary Jones encourage viewers to accept the offer of a coronavirus vaccination by quoting completely false figures. Jones said: “Those people who haven’t been vaccinated, we’d really love you to think again and be vaccinated because 90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated right now with Covid.”
Kelly replied: “That’s a figure that we have to really concentrate on, 90% of people in hospital have not been vaccinated.”
According to left leaning fact-checking organisation Full Fact (a website not noted for promoting anti - vaccine views, if fact previously on message with all the vaccine propaganda, the morning TV pair were incorrect and the true figure is lower. The website said: “The true figure is more like 36%. However, there are signs that unvaccinated people are the majority in intensive care.”
The truth is that figure is complete and utter bollocks. And in respect to the numbers in I~ntensive Care, does nobody in the media think to ask is this referring to all people in IC or only thjose in IC because of COVID. If somebody is in Intensive Care because of a heart attack or stroke, injuries received in an accident or any cause other than COVID, what does it matter if they are vaccinated with a vaccine that does not work or not.
This ties in with the proportion of the population who have declined vaccine, but exposes as lies the government's claims that well over 80% of the eligble population are now vaccinated. One verifiable fact which is not being reported at that most people who are in hospital 'with' covid actually picked up the virus while in hospital, vaccinated or not because as thius blog reports several times per week the vaccines do not immunise people to the virus.
However, such scaremongering has been typical of the media's treatment of news and information relating to this hoax pandemic. Fortunately the dishonesty and authoritarian nature of the governments attempt to bully us into compliance are being noticed by the piblic more and more.
In the hours after the segment was screened a backlash from viewers erupted on social media as people sceptocal of all aspects in the government and media handling of the pandemic, and were eager to share their thoughts.
Adam raged: "This is complete misinformation, DrHilaryJones, I ask you to provide your evidence of this claim. Outrageous!" (sic)
Sara penned: "#lorraine @DrHilaryJones lease stop saying there's nothing to having the vaccine...I have never been so ill after the 1st dose of @pfizer..and now left traumatised!! What is there to help those who had severe reactions? Why can't we get half a dose? It was too much for me." (sic)
While Mama added: "Erm @DrHilaryJones @reallorraine his is simply not true! How dare you spout such untruths!"
"My goodness how are these mainstream broadcasters getting away with this bullying and coercion using data that is wrong @ITV @Ofcom," Renee commented.
These are just a few examples of the true public reaction to the torrent of lies and false statistics that are being used to prolong the crisis. Yesterday, under the headline “The 5 Signs You May Have Omicron Covid”, an article in the Metro yesterday, and repeated in spirit across dozens of other outlets.
For those of you feeling morbidly curious, here are the five signs of Omicron:
scratchy throatFatigue
mild muscle aches
dry cough
night sweats
Readers who are quick on the uptake will readily pick up that these symptoms apply to every single one of the common cold and 'flu viruses that infect millions, worldwide, every year. It should also be noted that if the five signs indicate you may have COVID they might equally well indicates Yyou man not have it.
It’s just the old joke about “mild hunger, occasional thirst and tiredness at night”, but propagandists expect us to take it on board and the get the clotshot that may kill us but will not make us immune to an illness that is extremely unlikely to kill us unless we are old and/or have pre - existing, potentially fatal conditions.
Chances are you’ve experienced all the above symptoms at least once or twice in the past two or three years. This does not mean you had Omicron or COVID-19 as it was formerly branded. It does not mean Omicron even exists, remember the virus has never been isolated from its host cell.The whole scare story is just a ploy to make you follow government guidance and, in the words of the article: "order a free PCR test as soon as possible”.
The government site for ordering PCR tests has already crashed due to millions of requests. I and others have repeated many time, that PCR tests are scientifically meaningless as a diagnostic tool for SARS-COV2 virus, and return huge numbers of false positives, yet people still believe in them just as people believe the government is our friend and protector when if fact it has been shitting on us from a great height for longer than an old guy like me can remember.
Hundreds of thousands of PCR tests are being carried out on people with mild cold symptoms, and in these nasal swabs lies the incipient “Omicron wave” that will kill only a few people but will probably be used to justify more lockdowns, introduction of vaccone passports and the internment in labour camps of people who resist the vaccine fascisn and remain unvaccinated.
That is why Health Secretary Sajid Javid is TV saying on TV he expects cases of Omicron to “dramatically increase” in the run-up to Christmas. By using dodgy technologists, corrupt science whores who pass themselves off as "experts", and fake statistics because the globalist gangsters are going to make it happen.
The script, which is undoubtedly already written, will probably have the Prime Minister announce new restrictions, including lockdowns, just after Parliament adjourns for the Christmas break, so they can’t be reviewed or voted on. Remember in Austria and Germany, the spiritual homes of Naziism, people are already being fined and imprisoned for being unvaccinated and denied opportunitoes to buy food and essentials unless they have a vaccine passport.
It’s the same old trick, again and again and again. Hopefully, people will stop falling for it soon.
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World Leaders Have To Face The Truth About Oil Demand
By Irina Slav of OilPrice.com
Across the world, politicians are grappling with the reality of expensive energy
Price shocks, scarcity and energy poverty are on the cards after two consecutive years of underinvestment in the oil and gas industry
World leaders might have to acknowledge that oil and gas demand are here to stay for the foreseeable future

"Our products make the world run." This is what Chevron's chief executive Mike Wirth said at this week's World Petroleum Congress in Houston. The statement echoed a sentiment expressed by other oil executives attending the event—oil and gas are indispensable and will continue to be indispensable for the observable future and beyond it.
This is not something that a lot of people want to hear. It is certainly not what environmentalist organizations want to hear. It is certainly not what the Biden administration and the EU want to hear. Yet, it appears to reflect a hard reality.
Europe is struggling with record gas prices, and yet its gas inventories are being depleted at the fastest rate in about a decade because of a colder than usual start of the winter across much of the continent. In the U.S., gasoline prices have become a top priority for an administration that came to power with the promise to reduce the country's consumption of fossil fuels. Whether everyone likes it or not, quitting oil and gas will not be as easy as some hope.
"I understand that publicly admitting that oil and gas will play an essential and significant role during the transition and beyond will be hard for some," said the chief executive of Aramco, Amin Nasser, also at the World Petroleum Congress. "But admitting this reality will be far easier than dealing with energy insecurity, rampant inflation and social unrest as the prices become intolerably high and seeing net zero commitments by countries start to unravel," he said, as quoted by the Financial Times.
The price of electricity is already getting intolerably high in many parts of Europe that were until recently used to affordable and secure energy. This, unless it is tackled urgently, could indeed lead to social unrest—there are few things more flammable than public opinion in the middle of winter amid an energy shortage and the risk of blackouts.
"Oil and gas continue to play a central role in meeting the world's energy needs, and we play an essential role in delivering them in a lower carbon way," Chevron's Wirth said, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.
If the news from Europe since September is any indication, Wirth is correct in his prediction. However, supply may be tight due to underinvestment, which is at least in part the result of the rush to replace oil and gas with renewable energy.
Price shocks, scarcity and energy poverty are on the cards after two consecutive years of underinvestment in the oil and gas industry, a report by IHS Markit and the International Energy Forum said this week. This year's investments in the industry would be about $341 billion, which is 23 percent lower than pre-pandemic investment levels of $525 billion, and that's despite rising global demand for the commodities, the report noted.
"Oil and gas investment will need to return to pre-Covid levels and stay there through 2030 to restore market balance," the report's authors wrote, with the secretary general of the IEF saying, as quoted by Upstream Online, the "energy crisis in Europe and Asia this winter is a preview of what we can expect in the years ahead".
This would certainly not sit well with renewable energy proponents like the head of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol and the EU's green deal chief, Frans Timmermans. Yet, it wasn't too long ago that Birol called on OPEC+ to produce more oil and on Russia to pump more gas to Europe, and Timmermans was forced to admit gas had a part to play in the energy transition.
"Underinvesting in oil and gas before renewables and other low-carbon technologies that are ready to scale up to meet energy demand could create recurrent energy crises of the kind we saw in Asia and Europe over the last few months," said IHS Markit's Daniel Yergin in comments on the report. He added that these crises could lead to adverse economic consequences. These, in turn, will in all likelihood spark the social unrest Aramco's Nasser talked about at the WPC.
The big energy problem appears to be one of prematurity. The buildup of renewable generation capacity in Europe and the U.S. was accompanied by a premature retirement of fossil fuel generation capacity, leaving countries short of baseload energy when they need it.
It is no coincidence that some countries such as the UK and Sweden had to restart coal plants: in the UK's case, to fill a gap between demand for electricity and supply amid the gas crunch, and in Sweden's case, to export the electricity to Poland in order to help it avoid blackouts. What caused the shortage in Poland? Low wind and shutdowns at some power plants.
The premature shift to relying on wind and solar is leaving countries vulnerable to the weather and effectively increasing their dependence on fossil fuels. Perhaps the current crunch will teach some important lessons to those willing to learn. Otherwise, the scenario outlined by Aramco's Nasser and IHS's Yergin may well materialize in the not too distant future.
We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
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German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Schoolchildren in Germany are being subjected to ritual humiliation by being forced to divulge their vaccination status in front of their class on a daily basis, with unjabbed kids being questioned as to why they haven’t received it.

Yes, really.
The shocking development, which has been covered by German media outlets, was explained by journalist Alex Story.
“It’s essentially about the ritual humiliation of children who are asked to go to the front of the class and state their vaccination status daily,” Story told GB News.
“Those who are vaccinated are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they’re not,” he added, noting that such treatment “should raise an alarm bell” for people who are in favor of mandatory vaccines.Story also described how authorities in Germany are rolling out wristbands for people to go shopping, with those who haven’t properly complied by getting jabbed and following other rules being banned from being able to go shopping “across a multitude of stores.”
The journalist also related a story that is “more reminiscent of 1930’s Germany,” namely how coffee shops in Berlin started giving out coffees for free in support of the unvaccinated, only to have corporate media outlets launch a demonization campaign against them.
As we explain >a href="https://youtu.be/750ASXEo4X8">in a video, Germany appears to have completely forgotten its authoritarian past and is now pursuing discriminatory policies that wouldn’t have looked out of place during early days of the Third Reich.Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...
Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections.
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After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ...
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The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.
Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...
German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West
The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections? it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble ...
Currency Wars: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency
In this page, we have covered US attempts to expolit its position as issurer of the global reserve currency, and the moves by China and Russia to resist that. Moves to establish the US$ as a true global currency began a long time ago with the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference in the final months of World War 2, with Germany defeated and the world ready to split into capitalist and communist factions...
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.
Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial
December 11 by Glenn Greenwald, SHTF plan/>

Suddenly Pigs Are Taking To The Air - Picture: Pinterest
Press freedom groups have warned Assange’s prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist.
In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom’s High Court ruled that the U.S.’s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.
As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government’s long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it. Assange’s representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today’s victory for the U.S. means that Assange’s freedom if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.
In endorsing the U.S. extradition request, the High Court overturned a lower court’s ruling from January which had concluded that the conditions of U.S. prison — particularly for those accused of national security crimes — are so harsh and oppressive that there is a high likelihood that Assange would commit suicide. In January’s ruling, Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected all of Assange’s arguments that the U.S. was seeking to punish him not for crimes but for political offenses. But in rejecting the extradition request, she cited the numerous attestations from Assange’s doctors that his physical and mental health had deteriorated greatly after seven years of confinement in the small Ecuadorian Embassy where he had obtained asylum, followed by his indefinite incarceration in the U.K.
In response to that January victory for Assange, the Biden DOJ appealed the ruling and convinced Judge Baraitser to deny Assange bail and ordered him imprisoned pending appeal. The U.S. then offered multiple assurances that Assange would be treated “humanely” in U.S. prison once he was extradited and convicted.
Editor's note: The idea of the USA, as brutal a dictatorship as any on the world, which has successfully managed to masquerade as a democract since the end of World War 2 honouring any pledges to treat political prisoners humanely is straight out of the "Pigs Might Fly" department.
RELATED:America's Global Hegemony Continue reading >>>
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As Backlash Grows Against Boris And His Omicron Tyranny A Tory Revolt Is Brewing
Boris Johnson's handling of the manufactured crisis we are obliged to call the Covid pandemic has been a disaster. Claiming his policy was 'led by science' the Prime Minister has allowed himself to be led from catastrophe to catastrophe.
His policies seem to have been tailored to please the far left of the Labour Party while pissing off Conservative and non aligned voters; lockdowns, social distancing, masks that do more harm than good, more lockdowns, vaccines that don't work (or not the way vaccines usually work as it seems they stop people dying of Covid by killing them other ways first,) proposals for vaccine passports, social exclusion, fines and possible imprisonment for the unvaccinated have combined to show that Johnson's idea of being led by science involves being led by the nose with a bunch of university brainwashed, fascistic half - wits, no - wits and fuckwits who would not recognise a real sienctific principle if it ran up to them and pulled their pisser.
But unrest is glowing, not just in the nation outside the political bubble, but in the party Boris Johnson leads. The Prime Minister is in big trouble and his career's death warrant could be signed as early as next week.
Following the resignation of Owen Paterson former MP for North Shropshire, over events that fall under the umbrella term of “sleaze”, support for the Conservatives has drained away to the extent that several leading bookmakers have now installed the Liberal Democrats as favourites to win on Dec 16. But Patterson's somewhat trivial misdemeanours are not the main reason according to local opinion.
The by-election next thursday will come at the end of a week that seems increasingly likely to decide whether Mr Johnson will face an imminent leadership challenge.
First, he must navigate a series of Commons votes on his “Plan B” Covid restrictions that already look likely to provoke the biggest Tory rebellion since the calamitous end of Theresa May’s premiership, due in no small measure to the fact that Johnson and his cabinet of clowns are muttering about mandatory vaccines for those in work, and vaccine passports and are already halfway to putting the nation back into lockdown for Christmas over the much exaggerated threat of the omicron variant, billed as the most deadly strain of Covid yet by the half - wits, no wits and fuckwits of the science academy even though nobody has as yet actually died of it.
Tuesday’s votes in Parliament will show the extent to which his authority among MPs has been damaged by the events of the past month, and particularly the past week. It is difficult to overstate the anger in Tory ranks at the botched and economically, socially and politically damaging pandemic response and the self-inflicted wounds over “Partygate”, “Flatgate” and the Owen Paterson affair, all of which are blamed directly on Downing Street.
Even MPs who have been loyal to the Prime Minister until now are describing his No10 operation as a “----show” and a “shambles”. But while the by election will either condemn Johnson or allow his leadrship regime to stagger on for a few more months, in the end it will be public reaction to his mismanagement of the pandemic, his mindless devotion to a group of people who have ascended so far up their own arses they can no longer tell the difference between reality and the output from their amateurishly concocted mathematical models.
The new variant is still extremely transmissible, with cases potentially doubling every two to three days in the United Kingdom. But unfortunately for the fear merchants it is not making people any more ill than a mild seasonal chill. The most likely scenario is that this wave will result in some pressure on hospital resources (an outbreak of smelly farts causes a crisis in hospitals these days,), but it will be nothing particularly dramatic among Britain’s mostly well nourished, well housed and well dressed population.
Yet the Government is pivoting to ‘Plan B’: vaccine passports for large events, along with compulsory face masks and working from home guidance. Boris Johnson also vaguely nodded towards the possibility of ‘compulsory vaccination’ and there is talk about more restrictions.
Let’s not beat about the bush here – the new measures are an incoherent mess, the government is a mess and the Prime Minister is way out of his depth and drowning. And the VOTERS of North Shropshire know all this as well as anybody.
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