Sweden: The Destruction Of A Great Nation
Sweden becomes A Dystopia - Keynote Posts
White Flight From Sweden's Ghettoized CitiesChristianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden
Rioting Migrants Burn 100 Cars in Swedish ‘No-Go Zones’
‘We Are Not Visitors’: Muslims in Sweden Demand Mosque Call to Prayer
Riots and burnt cars in Stockholm migrant district
"Help Us, Help Us", Sweden's Top Cop Dan Eliasson Appeals
Sweden to Force Christian Priests of All Denominations to Conduct Gay Marriages
Sweden Sees More Than 50 Per Cent Rise in ‘No-Go Zones’
Swedish Police Investigate Another Gang Rape Posted On Social Media Sweden Being Raped To Death By Muslim Migrants
American Journalists Who Travelled To Sweden To Debunk Trumps Comments About Migrant Violence Run Out Of Town by Migrants
Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’
Civil War In Sweden: Irate Swedes Burn Nine Muslim Refugee Centers
Two Afghan migrants revealed as those arrested over horrific three-hour rape streamed on Facebook Live in Sweden
'Jihad! Jihad!' Migrant gang turns Swedish city into war zone
Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?
Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border
Sweden’s third largest city hit by multiple blasts amid surge in ethnic & gang-related violence
Sweden Protest Calls on Govt to Close Borders, Call Elections or Eff Off
Afghan Migrants Abducted Woman And Gang Raped Her for a Week
Stockholm supports mass murder, torture and rape
No Go Zones For Whites In Swedish Cities
Sweden's Suicide By Immigration
More Violence In Malmo As Community Centre Burned
27 “youths” arrested after shootout in Rosengård
Fake bomb discovered at Swedish Chabad House
Rioting In Sweden: Unrest may spread across Europe, warns Red Cross chief
Anti-Immigration Sweden Democrats Now Country’s Largest Party says Poll
White Flight From Sweden's Ghettoized Cities
A new study from Linneuniversitet confirms that Sweden is becoming more and more segregated along ethnic lines as a direct result of mass immigration from the Middle East and North Africa. Those who move first are highly educated and/or have a high-income giving credence to resurgent Swedish nationalism.
"Yes, we’ve found a so-called “tipping point” at around 3-4%," says Emma Neuman, research economist at Linneuniversitet. "When the non-European immigrants are that many in a residential area then the native Swedes start moving out."
Emma claims the effects were stronger in the 1990’s when the tipping point was reckoned to be somewhat lower. According to social scientists this could be interpreted as people becoming more tolerant. Or the additional million immigrants since then has pushed out most of Swedes able to afford a move already.
Interestingly statistics suggest white flight doesn’t revolve around immigrants generally. Immigrants from European countries give a no-move effect. The phenomenon is triggered by an influx of non-European immigrants. It is reminiscent of the phenomenon white flight in the USA where whites move away from neighbourhoods when blacks start to move in.
Needless to say few people are leaving the more expensive suburbs of Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg, in fact is is the affluent, particularly those employed as senior staff in public sector undertakings, education and media who are most enthusiastic about increasing numbers arriving in Sweden from Africa, the middle east, south east Asia and South America. Acceptance of diversity is in direct proportion to one's distance from it apparently.
"Many people talk about ethnic diversity as an enriching factor, but when you choose a school for your kids or are going to move the question becomes very concrete, and then you often choose some form of Swedishness," according to Maja Lilja, sociologist at Örebro University.
Lilja has interviewed mothers of small children about diversity and Swedishness for her doctorate, and focuses on questions regarding segregation. When opinioins were sought on mixed neighbourhoods most answers were positive, but asked if they would consider moving to areas with high immigrant populations, most said they would be extremely reluctant. In other words it’s about giving of the perception that you embrace diversity but when push comes to shove you aren’t willing to risk your own childrens well-being by raising them in Tensta and sending them to the Al-Azhar school in Stockholm.
People pick whats best for their child, Lilja says. They don’t want their kids to be in a minority in school or in the neighbourhood. Rather bizarrely an overwhelming majority of the Swedish voters support political parties that are committed to increasing the rate of immigration and are led by politicians who have expressed a desire to see Swedes replaced as the majority in their country. Such is the stupidity of left wing politically correct thinking that Sweden is impoorting large numbers of people from ethnic and religious groups that are traditionally deadly enemies. Is it any wonder street wars are erupting between rival immigrant gangs in the cities.
Wherever we live we have all heard from self righteous politicians and activists that diversity strengthens socities and national economies. It seems in Sweden, where they like to think of themselves as among the most enlightened and tolerant people in the world, people have not yet learned to be multicultural.
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Failed Immigration Policy Threatens Press Freedom In Sweden
Stockholm: Beautiful, civilised Sweden being turned into a third world cesspit by idiotic socialist politics and barbaric immigrants ...
Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next
Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?
Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigtant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters. Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.
London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation ClaimsWhen Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.
Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance
The BBC, Britain's publicly funded broadcaster is bound by a charter which commits it to be balanced and non partisan in its news reporting. Repeatedly however, the BBC, its management now doniated by left wing luvvies is becoming more and more blatantly left wing in its unbiased reporting
Autumn Gets More Interesting As Merkel Admists She May Have Caused balkans War.
The autumn of 2015 has been interesting with the escalation of the war against ISIS by Russian air Force jets and Iranian ground troops in Syria and Iraq, Europe's migrant crisis pushing prosperous north European nations towards civil unrest, and the downing of a Russian airliner over Sinai by as yet unknown causes though western intelligence reports suggest a terrorist bomb was planted on board before take off. And it is set to get more interesting ...
Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes
Violence between migrant gangs of different ethnicities vying for territorial rights to run organised crime has become the norm in Malmo, southern Sweden. Now it appears that as a consequence of the Swedish loony left government’s insane policy of flooding the country with third world migrants without
Mediterranean Immigrant Composite
The flow of undocumented migrants from Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of Libya to Italian, Greek and Maltese territory seems unstoppable. Two factors in the problem however have been western (particlarly American meddling in the internal affairs of African states, and wester aid leading to a population explosion national infrastructures are unable to cope with. And of course European leaders haven't a clue how to deal with the problem.
Immigration - the problems
The tyranny of human rights
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Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden
Religious, racist, and xenophobic “hate crimes” are at their highest ever level in Sweden, with “Christianophobic” crimes seeing the fastest growth.
A new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reveals 2014 was a record year for so-called hate crime in Sweden. The Scandinavian 'multicultural paradise' experienced the highest level of hate crimes in recorded history. Analysing year-on-year crime trends, the council documented that all kinds of hate crimes have become more common except for homophobia, which has actually fallen slightly over the past five years (maybe the Muzzas killed all the homos.)
The Local.se reports that while acknowledging that the majority of so-called ‘hate crimes’ go unreported, the council found 69 per cent of the 6,270 crimes in 2014 have “xenophobic or racist motives”. While a comparatively small proportion – around eight per cent – are what the report identifies as “Christianophobic”, it is the fastest growing kind of hate in Sweden, having increased by 75 per cent in one year and over 300 per cent in the past five. Anti-Muslim crimes are also on the up, increasing by 50 per cent in 2014.
The Swedish government is in complete denial about the problems its mass immigration policies have caused and insists that government policy is notin any way linked to the meteoric rise of anti - Immigration political party The Sweden Democrats. They also deny that the stabbings,shootouts, gang rapes and drug wars seen oin Swedish cities may have something to do with the remarkable failure of multiculturalism in the Nordic state. Violence in high-immigration cities like Malmö, where rape, knife, gun, grenade, and arson attacks are now an accepted fact of life suggests the great Swedish integration (give the country to the blacks) experiment is falling apart, and extremely violently.
There is some evidence that Swedes are now starting to react to the developing situation in their country and are increasingly calling for change at the ballot box. Although the left-wing Social Democrat party remains in office, in the 2014 election the right-wing, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats enjoyed the strongest swing. Going from sixth to third party in the nation, the Sweden Democrats achieved a significantly higher result than predicted by the pre-election polls.
They are now positioning for the 2018 general election. As reported this week, the party has even taken out English-language adverts in public transport hubs apologising to tourists for the aggressive tactics of migrant begging gangs.
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Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.
Convert Or Be Beheaded’ – Chilling Message Posted Through Doors Across Sweden
The notes, which are signed “ISIS”, say that any non-believers will be decapitated unless they convert or pay a “jizya” (religious tax). They have been posted through letterboxes in several cities including the capital Stockholm. They carry the Islamic State banner and claim the police “will not save you from being murdered”.
Sweden's national suicide by immigration Immigrants and benefits Immigration is marginalising working class Europeans
Latest Posts
European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East
While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos
Following a warning last night of an "imminent" terror threat in Brussels security services raised the country's terror alert to the highest level, plunging Europe, still reeling from last weeks carnage in Paris and gripped by fear and panic due to the honest reporting (at last) that the EU's politically correct 'open doors' immigration policy has allowed extremists hostile to European culture and our way of life to infiltrate European societies ...
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Rioting Migrants Burn 100 Cars in Swedish ‘No-Go Zones’
picture credit: barenakedislam.com/
A gang of masked “youths” embarked on an orgy of destruction through Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-largest city Monday night, setting dozens of cars ablaze in an attack described as “extremely organised” and like a military operation by the left wing Prime Minister.
Strangely neither he nor mainstream media took the trouble to mention the ethnicity or religious background of the rioters. Fortunately web news sites are not so coy, and news pictures along with eye witness video makes it easy to see the criminals are of African and Middle Eastern origin and are proud to identify themselves as Muslim.
Shocking video of fire engulfing numerous vehicles in spread on social media Monday evening with other footage clearly showing masked people in dark clothing intentionally lighting the blazes. In keeping with Sweden's tesiticularly deficient, politically correct policing policy, the cops chose not to arrest the “young people” at the scene, fearing that it might inflame inter - racial tensions. Officers have since contacted their parents, reports state.
No doubt the parents, aware that The Holy Koran requires good Muslims to kill all infidels, gave their kids extra spending money for doing a good job.
Officers said on Tuesday that as many as 100 cars had been burnt to or vandalized in the city and nearby towns such as Trollhattan, an industrial area with high unemployment, and Falkenberg.
Falkenberg contains gender-segregated asylum seeker homes, necessitated because the Muslim men think it's OK to rape unaccompanied women, even those of the same religion. Police have been repeatedly attacked in nearby Trollhattan, with well knows Islamic State fighters hailing from the area.
Such areas, with large migrant populations, have become hotspots for violence in the Nordic nation in recent years with many described as “no-go zones.”
This short video from The Guardian gives some idea of the intensity of violence.
Sweden is to hold national elections in less than a month, and left-wing Prime Minister Stefan Löfven reacted angrily to the latest attacks, blasting the perpetrators directly.
“I’m getting pissed off – really! My question to these people is what the hell are you doing?” he said on a radio show according to Aftonbladet, promising to push for harsher penalties against those involved.
Actually, apart from showing these animals from backward societies have no place in Europe, it also shows they are too stupid to ever fit into democratic European societies. Their actions are driving voters towards the parties that will round them up and send them back to whatever third world shitholes they have come from.
picture credit: barenakedislam.com/
Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next
Immigration in Germany
How immigration is marginalising Europe's white working classes
Immigrants set up Sharia law zones in European cities
Sweden bhit by wave of rapes committed by immigrants
White genocide in Sweden engineered by ruling elite
Sweden Dystopian omnibus
Swedish immigrants riot against Swedish way of life
Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next
Immigration in Germany
How immigration is marginalising Europe's white working classes
Immigrants set up Sharia law zones in European cities
Sweden bhit by wave of rapes committed by immigrants
White genocide in Sweden engineered by ruling elite
Sweden Dystopian omnibus
Swedish immigrants riot against Swedish way of life
Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
‘We Are Not Visitors’: Muslims in Sweden Demand Mosque Call to Prayer
Muslims in a city in Sweden have submitted an application to be allowed to broadcast the call to prayer, claiming the move would boost community self-esteem and assist with integration. If you have never heard the Muslim call to prayer, sung by the muezzin, a man specially selected for his ability to sing like a tom cat that is having its bollocks crushed in ba vice, will know it is not the most harmonious sound to western ears. Such discordant notes suit Islam well of course, because music is an abomination to Allah according to Muslim fundamentalists.
Expressen reports the Växjö Muslim Foundation submitted an application to the police requesting permission to send out a three-minute Islamic call to prayer each Friday from a loudspeaker attached to the front of a mosque in the city’s Araby district. While some Christian residents are disrurbed by the content of the call, which exalts Allah and demeans the Christ, others are simply upset at the prospect of their peace being shattered by the cacophonous wailing.
"We are just wanting Sweden to allow Muslims in Växjö to feel even more at home. The Islamic community should be proud of their culture, and not feel like they have to hide," said Imam Ismail Abu Helal, a spokesman for the Växjö Muslim community.
The imam told Smålandsposten he believes allowing the call to prayer could have a positive effect on the city, and that it would help enable Muslims to better integrate into Araby, a district in which already by 2008, 58 per cent of residents were recorded to have had foreign backgrounds.
"I think that [allowing the call to prayer] is good for integration, and it will provide confirmation of religious freedom," said Abu Helal. "Muslims are not visitors in Växjö, we live here."
When the Imam speaks of integration we wonder does he think hearing the call to prayer will help Christians and atheists accept Allah as the one true god, accept the supremacy of Sharia Law and integrate into Islamic society?
How fucked is Sweden after fifty years of politically correct politics? Sweden's new head of national heritage board is Qaisar Mahmood a Pakistani immigrant who has admitted he has no idea about Swedish heritage! In his own words I haven't even read a book but that's not important! What's important is helping immigrants feel more Swedish. https://youtu.be/0E_yLGl9S-s
RELATED POSTS:White Genocide in Sweden
Islam in Germany
Immigration omnibus
Riots and burnt cars in Stockholm migrant district
We have reported on the appalling crime rate in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby several times before, in fact readers are probably bored with our reports of the social crisis in Stockholm and throught Sweden's heavily populated areas due to criminal activity among cetain factors of the immigrant communities that occupy the area. The video below demonstrates how bad thinks are for the people who want to live normal lives in Rinkeby (and yes, many of those have dark skin, as we said, only certain groups are determined to import the lawless chaos that prevails in parts of Africa and the middle east.
Swedish Chief Prosecutor Lise Tamm has claimed that the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby is like “a war zone”.
Ms. Tamm, who will become acting head of the anti-organised crime unit in the New Year, said that she would be looking to war-torn countries like Colombia and El Salvador to find new methods of handling the rampant violence in Sweden’s no-go zones, Sveriges Radio reports. >Read more
Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
As we have reported many times over the past year, Sweden has been more hard hit by the crimes and lawlessness of illegal immigrants from primitive third world societies than anywhere else in Europe. Even the Sweden hating socialists cannot ignore the epidemic of rape crimes, assaults and the general contempt for Swedish society, law, culture and traditions that illegal immigrants from Africa and the middle east have expressed through their actions.
(This all happened in Sweden, that beacon of multiculturalism and human rights.) Some 30 Muslim men thought that the woman was in violation of Islamic sharia law, by being in Sweden unaccompanied by a man. They thought that she should therefore be raped and her teenage son killed. Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq."
Convert Or Be Beheaded’ – Chilling Message Posted Through Doors Across Sweden
The notes, which are signed “ISIS”, say that any non-believers will be decapitated unless they convert or pay a “jizya” (religious tax). They have been posted through letterboxes in several cities including the capital Stockholm. They carry the Islamic State banner and claim the police “will not save you from being murdered”.
Former Portugese Leaders Calls For A Debt Default
Mario Soares, the former Portugese first minister has sponen out against austerity measures imposed by the E U and called on Portugese politicians to opt for an Argentine style default.
Putin Says Russia Will Reach For The Stars.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia yesterday announced a massive new space exploration project, in a move that can only be seen as sending a message to the Obama administration in the near bankrupt U S A.
How it all went wrong for Cyprus after the 2008 banking crisis. Some people in Britain, our top national enemy Tony Blair for example, still think we should join the Euro. If you don't yet understand the EU was never about trade and always about the creation of a bureaucratic dictatorship single state this should convince you.
Hungary Destroys Monsanto's Genetically Modified Corn fields
How refreshing to report on a government willing to stand up to corporate fascism and prticularly G M seed monopoly Monsanto. Only last week we had to tell you how in the USA Monsanto say 'jump' and the administration say How high massa?
Spain's Jobless Hits New Record
Nearly one in four Spaniards are now out of work, according to figures released by the government on today, as Standard & Poor's cut the country's credit rating by two notches over its debt burden and ailing banks. The number of unemployed people hit 5,639,500 for March, with the unemployment rate reaching 24.4%, the national statistics agency reported.The figures came on the same day as rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Spanish sovereign debt ...
Another Euro Bail Out Looms As Spain's Debt Spirals Out Of Control The pain in Spain threatened to affect all European taxpayers as news emerged yesterday that the interest on Spanish sovereign debt had again risen to above the critical 6% level. This poses the threat of yet another bailout in Europe as stock markets fell sharply early today. Spain's economy, already stricken by lunatic green energy policies and unemployment running at close to ...
The Eurozone slow Motion Train Wreck Is Still Happening
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Where did all the money go
Fears Of Violence And Unrest As english Town Prepares To Host Bilderberg 2013
"Help Us, Help Us", Sweden's Top Cop Dan Eliasson Appeals
Source: Göteborgs Posten (Gothenburg Post)
The policeman Dan Eliasson today presented Sweden's 61 vulnerable areas. Gothenburg 5000 criminals divided into 200 networks, he claimed. And he is worried.
It was a well-attended press conference in which the police presented the report highlighting 61 vulnerable areas, of which 23 are regarded as "unsafe" - eight more compared to 2015. According to Eliasson, who publicly appealed to politicians and other social agencies, "Help us, help us, please." these 23 areas are characterized by a "widespread disinclination to participate in the legal process and that The police have difficulty fulfilling their mission ".
In total, the police estimates that there are 5,000 criminals in Sweden, divided into 200 networks.
New to the list is Tynnered, where recent shootings at Frölunda Torg have contributed to the area being on the list. In addition, Norrby and Hässleholmen / Hulta in Borås are pointed out as particularly vulnerable.
The fact that Sweden is in a serious situation is clearly stated in the report. But Sweden has reached a point of pain is something that Dan Eliasson does not agree with.
"No, we are a country not at the limit of its tolerance, but we are in a situation that should not exist. If the social contract [that the government treats all residents equally] is to be kept, and that people who pay taxes are to participate in society, then we must not run away [from the problem] anymore, but we have to reverse the trend.
He added that in order to curb the development, which often has its background in drug trafficking, more policemen are required and that policemen must be induced to stay longer in the profession. In addition, the report shows that more severe punishment is required for weapons crimes and increased camera surveillance capabilities must be introduced in problem areas.
"There is light in the tunnel, by the end of 2018, we will be more policemen, but it depends a lot on what the government is willing to provide in terms of new resources. We have heard the Interior Minister talk about 10,000 new police officers.
"In order to keep existing policymakers in the profession, we want to provide greater opportunities for policymakers to do internal careers, which also means higher salaries for those people.
The Swedish interior ministry given a committment that more police officers will be hired but many police authorities in Sweden, particularly in those cities and towns with large contingents of recen immigrants are haemorrhaging officers more quickly than they can recruit them. According to a report published last year, 80 per cent of Swedish police are considering leaving the force due to issues ranging from violence against them in no-go areas to leave being cancelled because of workload, and poor funding.
The lack of staff has forced Kista, the last remaining police station in a suburb of Stockholm, to close. Terror researcher Magnus Ranstorp described the closure as a "disaster" and called for more police stations to be opened.
In Rinkeby, one of the most infamous no-go areas in Stockholm and a regular scene of rioting over the past few years, the government's internal security department have tried to build a new police station that some have likened to a fortress. Due to safety issues in the area, the authorities been unable to find a building contractor to complete the station because the government cannot guarantee the security of workers.
Despite Swedish government refusing to keep statistics on the national origin or religious affiliation of suspects, many commentators in Sweden have suggested it is common knowledge that a disproportionate number of criminals are recent immigrants. The suspicion was confirmed earlier this year when police officer Peter Springare wrote on Facebook that the vast majority of criminal cases that crossed his desk were committed by migrants.
Sweden to Force Christian Priests of All Denominations to Conduct Gay Marriages?
In the Swedish governments latest insult to all that is sane in estern democracy, Sweden's Fascist Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has announced his government will force all priests in the Swedish church to marry same-sex couples even if they disagree with with same sex marriage.
The Swedish Prime Minister oulined his new politically correct idiocy in a recent interview saying, "no priest in the Swedish Church can refuse to marry same-sex couples." Mr Lofven argued that it did not matter what the view of the individual priests was and even supports a motion to only allow priests who agree with same-sex marriage the opportunity to be ordained SVT reports.
We wonder if the government, which refuses to prosecute immigrants for rape in the nation that now holds the title of Europe's rape capital will be planing to impose his new law on Imams and Mullahs too, or are the famous double standards of the left going to apply as usual to Muslims.
The Lutheran Church of Sweden, the official state state church, has a form of parliament with elected officials, which recently committed to performing same-sex marriages.
Though the synod made that pledge, it did not require individual priests to carry out the weddings if they had personal moral objections. The church currently allows priests to refuse to perform weddings, baptisms, and funerals for any reason. Under Lofven's fascistic law they will be able to refuse to marry mixed sex couples for any reason even if it is simply because the priest does not like the look of them, but not because the couple to be married do not conform to The Biblical definition of who can be married to whom.
The Swedish Prime Minister wants the commitment to perform same sex weddings to include individual priests and says that his party, the ruling Social Democratic Party, agrees with him.Sweden legalised gay marriage in 2009 but the legislation, justly, did not compel clergy of individual faiths to perform same-sex marriages. Obviously if priests can be compelled by law to marry same sex couples, then by the same criteria they can be forced to marry brothers and sisters.
The Swedish church is known throughout the globe as one of the most slavishly devoted to politically correct dogma in the Christian world. The church's stance on many issues has raised eyebrows from many outsiders.
One incident involving the lesbian Bishop of Stockholm Eva Brunne caused a large controversy when she announced that she would be taking down crosses in churches in order to give Muslims a place to pray instead. The sheer stupidity of this is gobsmacking as is the ignorance.
Other members of the church have also been criticised for their statements including priests Peter Englund and Helena Myrstener who said that Swedes should stop celebrating their “poisonous” national holiday.
The pair, who come from the heavily migrant-populated city of Malmo in southern Sweden, argued, “Patriotism has its roots in the patriarchal thinking that celebrates traditional masculinity as strength, competition, inequality, and reduces men to soldiers, and women to mothers. It goes without saying that this does not create good conditions for a world without borders.”
So from that can we conclude the Swedish church approves of the gang rapes (1),(2),(3), of Christian women that have been rife in the country because hooray for multiculturalism. The examples we link to are only three among many.)
Later this year the General Synod of the Church will have elections in which the anti-mass migration populist Sweden Democrats (SD) will field candidates. Sweden will also have a national election in 2018 and recent YouGov polling shows the SD as the largest and most popular party in the country.
However we expect some establishment stitch up to deny the will of the people and preseve the status quo. The elites would be well suited by the social chaos that must ensue if the current policy of flooding European nations with ignorant, illiterate immigrants who have no intention of integrating into European societies or even respecting the laws and traditions of their host nations. A breakdown of law and order in working class areas would not affect the wealthy very much, and ignorant people are much more easily manipulated.
Sweden's immigration policy amounts to national suicide, the emasculation of their men by screecing feminists, the subjugation of all things rational by a cultural Marxist government and a citizenry who refuse to act to defend their communities because they are so brainwashed they believe to be accused of racism is worse than to stand by and watch Swedish giorls being raped by incomers. Sweden, like France, now exists in name only, it handed over the keys of the country to the brutal tyranny of Islam, it is close to bankruptcy from feeding and housing the illiterate, unskilled, lazy, work shy and basically unemployable welfare hounds who hail from North and Sub Saharan Africa and the Middle East. Sweden opened the first male rape clinic in the world last year, while many women do not report being rapeed by imigrant men because they fear being accused of racism.
So, let us sit back and watch the cruellest spectacle Europe since Nero offered the Plebs bread and circuses, as Sweden makes preparations for its own demise. We must also prepare to accept the surviving indigenous Swedes as they run for shelter to any country willing to accept them, members of the ruling elite being unanimous in declaring there is no such thing as ethnic Swedish and the country now belongs to immigrants. A few countries in Eastern Europe are currently doing just that for the few who woke up in time, but when the flood comes we will also have to take our share of them. But Sweden is only the first to have become infected, Britain's Lsabour Party under the idiot Corbyn would go down the same road were we ever foolish enough to vote them back into power. Many more European nations will succumb to the cancer of politically correct collective self - loasthing before a change can be affected. Have we not had enough of this invasion, this jihad, yet?
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Swedish Police Attacked By 100 Masked Migrant Youths
In a chapter of Sweden's descent into multiculktural dystopian chaos, we have received reports via news feeds that a mob of up to a hundred masked migrant youths armed with sticks and baseball bats attacked Swedish police officers in the during a riot in the Kronogården suburb of Trollhaettan, a industrial city in western Sweden, close to Gothenburg on Thursday (15 June).
The youths attacked the officers during a second night of rioting in the area. They also attacked the police vehicles, slashing the tyres of two patrol cars. Only one man was arrested in connection with the riots, Swedish paper Aftonbladet reports, (as usual the authorities are being coy about his ethnicity and religion).

Picture source: Expressen
The rioting is reported by Afronbladet newspaper to have dramatically escalated after several youths attempted to set tyres on fire in the street and a security guard intervened to put out the fire. The guard was then attacked by the mob who threw stones at him.
Peter Asp, the communications officer for the City of Trollhattan, said the riots were "power struggle for territory in the district" among rival gangs. He claimed that the young men rioting were Somali migrants, while the police have only said the men come originally from an Arabic speaking country. Many of the riots and outbreaks of violence in Sweden over the past few years have been related to turf wars between organised crime gangs from immigrat communities.
The official line however, is that the Trollhaeten riots were sparked by an incident earlier in the week, when children were taken away from their parents by protective services. An administrative court ruled that the parents of the children had physically and psychologically assaulted them.
One resident described the riots saying, “they drove at a police car and threw stones at it. I’m a little scared, and it’s really hard. I can not sleep at night, that night I slept only three hours.”
Attacks on police, fire crews and paramedics in migrant-dominated suburbs have become much more common in Sweden in recent years. A leaked report we reported (below) earlier this week showed the number of no-go zones had increased by fifty percent in only two years. This is in spite of mainstream media throught the EU and European Union officials denying the existence of no - go zones for emergency services and white people have been established by Muslim immigrants anwyhere in the 27 member union.
While the report lists 23 official "vulnerable areas" (nice euphemism), some estimates suggest there could be as many as 55 no-go zones in Sweden alone. When we refer to no - go zones in this context we do not mean militarised zones, but areas where the authorities cannot guarantee the safety of non - Muslim visitors or police, fire, ambulance and public services personnel.
Earlier this year Swedish police officer Peter Springare said that migrants were committing a disproportionate amount of crime in Sweden, mostly in poor suburbs. The gangs that have sprung up in migrant ghettos are involved in drug trade, prostitution, people trafficking and extortion. He said that almost all of the serious criminal cases that came across his desk involved migrants; comments that saw him investigated for "racial hatred", although the charges were later dropped.
It is standard practice throughout Europe of course, for any criticism of migrant groups to be dismissed as racism by left wing politicians.
Sweden Sees More Than 50 Per Cent Rise in ‘No-Go Zones’
(NB some links in this article go to Swedish language sources, our editor speaks some Swedish and says that Google Translate provides adequate translation as the syntax is similar to English)Left wing news organisations are still in denial about the problems being caused in European societies by the unchecked influx of unskilled, illiterate immigrants from socially and economically backward third world nations. We have reported elsewhere in this omnibus page on Sweden, where due to the insane desire of the ruling elite to replace ethnic Swedes and Swedish culture with what they imagine will be a lovey - dovey, caring, sharing, Kumbaya singing, head-in-the-clouds global culture.
All of which is not helping with the very real problems in Sweden now. Problems like the existence of no - go zones for Christians and white Swedes.
The number of areas classed as dangerous by the Swedish police central command has risen from 15 to 23 in just two years, according to documents held back from release by Sweden’s national police chief but leaked to the popular Dagens Nyheter newspaper.
Police hoped that by allocating increased resources to "vulnerable" areas (aka ghettos), typically migrant-dominated neighbourhoods which have been turned into no-go zones as a result of rampant drug trafficking, gang crime, and Muslim fundamentalism. The report, which was produced by the intelligence department of Sweden’s National Operations Department (NOA), showed, however, that law enforcement has been helpless to halt the spread of criminality and extremism.
Police forces “find it difficult to carry out [their] mission” in neighbourhoods classed as "vulnerable", according to NOA’s research, for a number of reasons including, they say, "an unwillingness of the population to participate in legal proceedings". Previous reports from whistleblowers in the police forces have also said there is a reluctance in the state prosecution system to pursue immigrant, particularly Muslim, crimes to the the obession of government officians from the highest levels right down to local administrators, with politically correct ideology.
Swedish news services responded to the Dagens Nyheter story by reporting that the Police Board intended to publish the updated list of no - go zones last month, but national police chief Dan Eliasson prevented its release.
“This information is very sensitive,” a police source said. Well yes, it would be, the last thing the politically correct idiots of Sweden's ruling elite want is for ordinary Swedes to find out what's really going on in their country.
In February, U.S. President Donald Trump was scorned by mainstream media in Sweden after he told a rally that the Scandinavian nation is “having problems like they never thought possible” as a result of mass migration. But just hours after the president’s speech, riots in which cars were set ablaze and shops were looted broke out in the notorious "vulnerable" zone of Rinkeby, until recently a respectable working class suburb.
In April, Postnord reported that dozens of homes in the Stockholm suburb were no longer receiving postal deliveries after the company judged the neighbourhood, where a majority of residents were born overseas, to be too dangerous to send their staff, according to Sydsvenskan news.
Construction on Rinkeby’s fortified police station was halted in March as authorities could not find a contractor willing to send workers to a site considered "too dangerous" for non Muslims. Many officers due to be stationed there fear they will be targets on their daily commutes, and will likely not be able to travel on public transport.
In 2015 it was from the no-go suburb of Rosengård, a the migrant-populated and heavily government subsidised Malmö suburb, that the newly-built police station was closed and not a police officer was to be seen in the area.
Swedish feminists report women, including some originall from middle eastern and north African nations, who have lived in Sweden for many years have also been moving out of the no-go zones of Stockholm suburbs Husby and Tensta following intimidation and harassment from local Muslim men.
Return to contents tableSwedish Police Investigate Another Gang Rape Posted On Social Media
by Ole Knutsson
Police in Uppsala, Sweden, have arrested a man of African or middle eastern ethnicity in an ongoing investigation into a gang rape which was filmed and posted on the social media app Snapchat. The assault, which occurred in January at a hotel in Uppsala is the latest in a series of brutal multiple rapes by immigrant males in Sweden that have been posted on social media. The woman involved claims to have been raped by at least two men while another man filmed the incident and posted it on Snapchat. One man has been arrested but two are still at large, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.
Prosecutor Thomas Forsberg said the video data authorities have in their possession is not complete: “Parts of the event were filmed and posted on Snapchat, where they have been for some time. It has been available for a number of people but it is currently unclear how many,” he said.
Police say they have seized a mobile device with a recording of the incident in its memory and are currently trying to recover the others, adding there is a "very high probability there is more material. We have confiscated a phone and there are reports in the investigation claiming that there should be more of footage that could shed light on what happened at the time." Although full details have not been released this suggests the gang took turns to rape the woman and while waiting or afrer they had satisfied themselves, the videoed their mates doing the same.
The one suspect arrested so far in the case is said to be a man in his 20s. Police say another man in his 40s is also a suspect and has been searched. A third man, also in his 20s, is said to be wanted for failing to report the rape. Both the prosecutor and the police have confirmed there is no connection between the case a similar rape that was broadcast on Facebook earlier this year.
The Facebook case, which also occurred in Uppsala, saw the arrest of three asylum seekers in January. One witness claimed she had recognised one of the men because he had raped her in the past. She told Swedish media the asylum seeker had raped her in 2015 while she was taking a shower.
All three are currently on trial for the attack and the lawyer for the suspects has claimed the incident was consensual and that his client could prove it. So far, no verdict has been made in the case. Given the anxiousness of Swedish authorities to pander to the brutality of these paleolithic shits, it seems this spate of rape videos on social media is a coordinated means of sending a message from third world thus to Swedish people saying "We run your country now, your ruling elite have sold you down the river. We can do what we like, nobody will touch us.
It is to be hoped there are still Swedish men with sufficient testicualr fortitude to form vigilante groups and kick the third world scum back to the sewers of whatever shit hole they crawled out of.
Swedish Police Investigate Another Gang Rape Posted On Social Media
by Egbert Nobakon
Police in Uppsala, Sweden, have arrested a man of African or middle eastern ethnicity in an ongoing investigation into a gang rape which was filmed and posted on the social media app Snapchat. The assault, which occurred in January at a hotel in Uppsala is the latest in a series of brutal multiple rapes by immigrant males in Sweden that have been posted on social media. The woman involved claims to have been raped by at least two men while another man filmed the incident and posted it on Snapchat. One man has been arrested but two are still at large, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.
Prosecutor Thomas Forsberg said the video data authorities have in their possession is not complete: “Parts of the event were filmed and posted on Snapchat, where they have been for some time. It has been available for a number of people but it is currently unclear how many,” he said.
Police say they have seized a mobile device with a recording of the incident in its memory and are currently trying to recover the others, adding there is a "very high probability there is more material. We have confiscated a phone and there are reports in the investigation claiming that there should be more of footage that could shed light on what happened at the time." Although full details have not been released this suggests the gang took turns to rape the woman and while waiting or afrer they had satisfied themselves, the videoed their mates doing the same.
The one suspect arrested so far in the case is said to be a man in his 20s. Police say another man in his 40s is also a suspect and has been searched. A third man, also in his 20s, is said to be wanted for failing to report the rape. Both the prosecutor and the police have confirmed there is no connection between the case a similar rape that was broadcast on Facebook earlier this year.
The Facebook case, which also occurred in Uppsala, saw the arrest of three asylum seekers in January. One witness claimed she had recognised one of the men because he had raped her in the past. She told Swedish media the asylum seeker had raped her in 2015 while she was taking a shower.
All three are currently on trial for the attack and the lawyer for the suspects has claimed the incident was consensual and that his client could prove it. So far, no verdict has been made in the case. Given the anxiousness of Swedish authorities to pander to the brutality of these paleolithic shits, it seems this spate of rape videos on social media is a coordinated means of sending a message from third world thus to Swedish people saying "We run your country now, your ruling elite have sold you down the river. We can do what we like, nobody will touch us.
It is to be hoped there are still Swedish men with sufficient testicualr fortitude to form vigilante groups and kick the third world scum back to the sewers of whatever shit hole they crawled out of.
Two Afghan migrants revealed as those arrested over horrific three-hour rape streamed on Facebook Live in Sweden
Jihad Watch reported earlier this week that the Swedish publication NyheterIdag said that the attackers were “nysvenskar,” “new Swedes,” which is the politically correct jargon for Muslim immigrants. Now, thanks mainly to new media reporting and public pressure the attackers have been confirmed as Afghan migrants.
"The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified."
TWO migrants from Afghanistan have reportedly been arrested over the three-hour gang rape of a woman that was broadcast on Facebook Live.
The horrific assault took place in an apartment in the university town of Uppsala in central Sweden.
Police rushed to the scene after they were tipped off by someone watching the live stream in horror.
The victim was apparently close to unconscious as the she was assaulted…. The two men, aged 18 and 20, who are both from Afghanistan, were arrested in the city at the weekend after police were tipped off by social media users, it was reported by The Local newspaper, Swedish edition.
The third man, a Swedish citizen (again a euphemism for somebody not ethnically Scandinavian) aged 24 according to court documents seen by The Local, was detained on suspicion of failing to reveal rape which shocked the world after it appeared on Facebook live. The three, who cannot be legally identified under Swedish law, have not been charged.
In Sweden a person suspected of a serious crime can be detained without being charged with the approval of a court. But this is only if there is a risk they will flee the country. According to the Local, the men deny the accusations.
“I have seen stronger evidence in my days,” the 24-year-old’s lawyer, Andreas Welin, told Sweden’s largest news agency TT after the pre-trial hearing. These chilling words from a member of Sweden's liberal elite call to mind other incidents in the past two years in which Muslim immigrants have been acquitted of rape and even murder by the politicised justice system even though the accused were apprehended in the act, were identified by eye witnesses and their involvement in sexual or violent crimes has been confirmed by forensic evidence (DNA).
The lawyer representing the 20-year-old, Christer Söderberg, says: “A woman is said to have been raped in an apartment. He is suspected of that.
“He denies any criminal offence, he has given in my opinion a perfectly coherent story about what happened.
“I cannot go into details, but he has told me in a way that is not contradicted by anything else.”
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.
It seems to the effeminate, testicularly deficient pussies of Sweden who are too scared to defend their women against brutal savages, sucking Muslim cock is more important that defending ALL the citizens of their nation.
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American Journalists Who Travelled To Sweden To Debunk Trumps Comments About Migrant Violence Run Out Of Town by Migrants
Two journalists from Chicago who had travelled to Sweden with the intention of debunking Donald Trump's allegations that in Sweden's cities there are many immigrant dominated suburbs that have become trouble spots and 'no - go zones' for Europeans and that the country is a dangerous place to visit had to be given a police escort so they could safely leave an immigrant neighbourhood in Stockholm.
American journalist Tim Pool and his colleague, photographer Emily Molli documented the moment Pool claims he was given a police escort and ordered to leave a predominantly migrant suburb of Stockholm 'for his own safety' after he and his camerawoman were followed by masked men.
Pool and Molli were in the immigrant suburb of Rinkeby, declared a Sharia Law area, when they claim police told them to leave because they were being followed by masked men who apparently objected to them filming.
Pool has been traveling around Sweden on a trip funded by Paul Joseph Watson, a writer for right-wing website Infowars who promised to pay for a trip to the country for any journalist who could show it was safe following a collective hissy fit thrown by left wing journalists determined to convince the world Sweden's perceived migrant problems were overblownfter after President Trump referred to the chaos and lawlessness in Sweden after years of unchecked immigration from third world trouble spots.
On Wednesday this week, Pool and Molli traveled to Rinkeby, where riots broke out after Trump warned of migrant problems in Sweden last month. Ninety per cent of residents in Rinkeby are immigrants.
'You look at what's happening last night in Sweden,' Trump said in a speech in February. 'Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible.'
During a video uploaded to Pool's YouTube channel, he and Molli are seen speaking to a third man, before they say police have told them to leave the area. 'Several men started masking up and following us. Police told us to leave and had to escort us to our car,' he wrote in a Twitter post on Wednesday.
Molli reiterated Pool's thoughts in her own Twitter posts on Wednesday.
'Wasn't expecting such a quick reaction of masking up as soon as we got to the Rinkeby center. Camera was down at my side most of the time,' Molli wrote. 'we asked an officer if he thought we could get an interview from a local, he advised it would probably start trouble.'
After they left the area, Pool recapped what happened in a later clip in the video, in which he said he asked police about 'no-go' zones, which are apparently unsafe to travel into. He said that police told him that there are problem areas, where officers can't go in unless they have two units, where one cop will watch the other officer.
Pool told The Local that police officers noticed people around Pool and Molli started putting up their hoods and 'whispering to each other'.
RELATED POSTS: br> Back to Contents tableOslo Police Declare “We Have Lost the City”…Islam Has Taken Over
While attention has been focused on Sweden because of remarks made by US President Donald Trump, the apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence in neighbouring Norway and particularly in Grønland, a district of the capital city of Oslo. After years of unchecked immigration it looks more like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one than part of a Scandinavian capital. People sell drugs openly just next to the Grønland subway station.
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Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’
via InfoWars
I didn't come to Sweden for the riots. Or because of Trump. In fact, I was supposed to be here in December — before airline strikes stood in my way.
I came because I was asked. Repeatedly.
Swedish women reaching out by email, by letter, to quietly show me what has become of their country.
Dads writing that they were worried for their daughters, tweeting that Sweden is not the place people imagine it to be, that young girls are scared to go out at night.
A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked.
Other reports filed quietly away in a box marked unmentionable: the rape of a 12-year-old unaccompanied immigrant by a so called fellow 'unaccompanied minor' immigrant who later bragged he was 45.
When Trump turned the world's attention to Sweden by clumsily referring to the effects of mass-migration on what used to be seen as the most liberal country on earth, the country was ready and waiting to blow.
He provided the touch-paper to the explosive mixture of thousands of bored young migrants who were born into fighting and have brought the battle with them.
Fuelled by the oxygen of publicity, they performed here last week in Rinkeby, nicknamed 'Little Mogadishu': looting, rioting, burning out cars.
While liberals countered with accusations of fake news, the right highlighted the chaos caused in this town where 90% of Rinkeby residents are foreign.
Rape statistics were shared and widely interpreted: either Stockholm was 'the rape capital of Europe', or the increase in sexual assaults was a mere statistical anomaly and look, if you turn the graph on its side you will see the numbers are actually falling.
Katie speaks to 'Lucy', a young girl of 27 who lives near a bridge under which men gather all day and night (picture source: Daily Mail)
Lucy says she is now terrified of going out alone . Her apartment was broken into last week in the middle of the day. The burglars took her laptop and her car keys, and later her car. Picture source: Daily Mail)
But in a world of polarised news, there still have to be some truths waiting to be told. Even if they are only observations from a single white female with no security and suffering protestor fatigue.
And I've found it all here in plain sight for anyone to see or hear – if they’re listening. If they can stop taking pictures of burned out cars or reinterpreting rape statistics to suit their agenda.
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“Never Seen Anything Like This Before” – Sweden Stunned At “Unreal” Surge In Refugee Sex Attacks
Sweden’s Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
WTF Is Going On In Sweden
Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
Immigrant Violence Changes Mood In Germany
Swedish TV Anchorman Refers To Immigrants As ‘Kebab Technicians’
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Civil War In Sweden: Irate Swedes Burn Nine Muslim Refugee Centers
Refugee centers in Sweden are being burned to the ground in what appears to be a statement against the significant number of refugees the country has allowed in. The multiple arsons have all been at facilities which house or are slated to house immigrants.
Refugee centers in Sweden are being burned to the ground in what appears to be a statement against the significant number of refugees the country has allowed in. The multiple arsons have all been at facilities which house or are slated to house immigrants.
One could say that a lot of people in Sweden have grown tired of the stories of rape, mugging and murder committed by Muslim migrants on ethnic Swedes and, having decided it's payback time are raining down fire and brimstone on facilities earmarked to be used for refugees. Seven arson fires have occurred, all of which seem to be connected with immigrant centers.
Two more shelters intended for refugees went up in flames in Sweden, continuing a recent series arson of attacks that police believe are directed against arriving asylum seekers amidst the migrant crisis in Europe.
In the latest incident, a children’s summer camp in the Swedish town of Eskilstuna, located about 112 kilometers west of the country’s capital of Stockholm, was engulfed in flames. The camp was planned to host about 60 asylum seekers.Around the same time, another fire started in a refugee center in the town of Munkedal in southwestern Sweden, which had already been damaged by fire earlier in another suspected arson attack last week. However, that blaze was tackled quickly and no-one was injured because the area had been cordoned off after the previous incident.
Sweden has taken in more refugees per thousand population than any other European country. With 100,000 “asylum seekers” having arrived in the country last year (equivalent to about 1% of the total population) and a similar number expected to arrive before the end of this year, is it any wonder tolerant citizens of Sweden are showing signs of running out of tolerance.
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Sweden’s Mollycoddling of Rapists Blamed for Surge of Sex Attacks
by Egbert Nobakon
Once know, as one of the safest and most orerly countries in the world, in recent years, thanks to an idiotic 'open doors' immigration policy, Sweden has now earned the unenviable title of 'rape capital of Europe.' The politically correct eltie's view that they were being good 'global citizens' by allowing unvetted, undocumented, uneducated migrants to flood into their peaceful and pleasant land from many of the most violents, mysoginistic, racist, and sectarian trouble spotsin the world, where western values are despised, tolerance is seen as a signal of weakness, and women who dress in western style rather than observing the religious laws of cultures in which females are syill regarded as chattels, has seen a surge of sexual assaults that marred the Sweden's traditional summer festivals and fairs.
As readers of The Daily Srirrer will be aware, the reporting by mainsteam media of immigrant related crimes is negligable, police are tald to treat cases of sexual and violent assault by immigrants on Europeans 'with sensitivity' in order to avoid raising inter - racial tensions, and of the arrests that are made, few make it to the courts a have actually made it to court, nd even fewer reult in convictions. The majority of cases are dropped by state prosecutors due to lack of evidence. This phenomonon is occurring not just in Sweden, but also in Germany, The Netherlands, Austria and Denmark. Sweden however, with its relaxed, easy going attitudes, has been worst hit. Now a renowned Swedish criminal lawyer has accused the Swedish justice system of "eternal cosseting of rapists."
According to criminal lawyer Elisabeth Massi Fritz, born in Lebanon to Syrian parents, now a Swedish citizen, who has represented a number of victims in Sweden’s most high-profile rape cases, politically corect attitudes and values that allow blaming the victim should not be tolerated. Yes, you read that correctly, after fifty years of having feminists screech at us that "she dressed like a whore, she was asking for it," it not a defence in rape cases, we are suddenly being told that where the alleged rapist is a dark skinned immigrant, it is. Hypocrisy has always been the trade mark of the political left of course. Massi - Fritz is the only lawyer in Sweden specializing in so-called “crimes of honor,” involving religious beliefs, marriage and sex.
But once we leave out the despicable moral relativism of the left, rape is very simple to define:
“If it is not consensual, then it is rape. It is as simple as that,” as Elisabeth Massi Fritz told Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet.
According to Massi Fritz, Swedish courts require higher standard of proof in rape cases involving immigrants and European women, compared to other offences. Additionally, courts tend to arrive at contradictory conclusions because there appears to be confusion in regard to rape and sexual assault in Swedish criminal law.
"Victims are being constantly distrusted and blamed, whereas the perpetrators are being cosseted," Massi Fritz said.
In the last two years years, a series of gang rapes on ferries between Finland and Sweden made international headlines. In cases that made the courts, most of the alleged perpetrators walked free. Massi Fritz, who represented the victim in the notorious “Cinderella case” in 2015, when a woman was gang-raped by three men on board the ferry M/S Cinderella, pointed out that ferry rapes are difficult to investigative, as cases are necessarily being reported with delays. According to her, this leads to the loss of important evidence.
The wave of rapes and sexual assaults, which occurred on pleasure cruises and at outdoor events throughout the summer, triggered a debate on the matter of consent in the Sweden national assembly. The basic idea of a proposal, backed by the opposition parties, is to assume that a person by definition does not want to have sex (men of the dark skinned races seem to cling to the idea that fair skinned European women are fair game for rape). According to Massi Fritz, the current legislation is not good enough anymore, since it requires beatings, violence, threats, or a particularly vulnerable situation for a sex offense to be classified as rape. This is an out an outdated approach that is based on a view of women that belongs in the past, she argued.
“Anything other than ‘yes’ should be a ‘no.’ Sexual intercourse should be based on voluntary participation and reciprocity and nothing else,” Massi Fritz said, advocating the introduction of a negligence clause to avoid possible acquittals on the grounds that the accused possibly failed to understand the victim correctly.
The topic of sexual violence against women is an extremely tender issue in Sweden right now, where a clandestine rape epidemic seems to be raging. According to a report by Lars Hedegaard and Ingrid Carlqvist of the Gatestone Institute, violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by an incredible 1,472 percent since the formerly homogenous Sweden state turned multicultural in the 1970’s. According to their figures, Sweden is only surpassed by South Africa and Lesotho as regards the number of rape cases per thousand population.
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Ilam: Appeasement of extremists is not encouraging immigration
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'Jihad! Jihad!' Migrant gang turns Swedish city into war zone
Photographer Freddy Mardell was planning on enjoying an evening out on Saturday when the mob launched their rampage in Malmo.
Describing scenes of horror, the Swede said one thug was calling for “jihad” while standing on top of a car in the city centre.
Mr Mardell told Friatider: “An Arab jumped on the roof of a car and yelled 'Jihad! Jihad!’ repeatedly.
“Swedish teenagers gathered in a large group to avoid being robbed.”

Continuing, the photographer claimed police, who were out in force as NYE celebrations in the area are known to get out of hand, were too afraid to leave their cars.
“Malmo is a lost city,” Mr Mardell added as he said even journalists decided to leave out of fear for their own safety.
One journalist reportedly said: “Staying here isn’t worth it. I’m not risking my life for this.“
After shocking footage of the shocking scenes emerged online, Swedish police admitted Malmo was not safe as they could not stop thugs from sending fireworks into the crowd.
A number of disturbing incidents were reported on December 31, including more than 50 incidents of people sending rockets at police, public transport and rescue services in west Sweden alone.
Footage from Sweden's third-largest city, destructive youths can be seen revelling in the chaos as they wreaked havoc throughout the night.
The rampage at Mollevang square was filmed by Jash Doweyko-Jurkowski, who described it as a battlefield.
Speaking to thelocal.se, he said: “Where I stood in the square I’d estimate around 20-25 people were shooting rockets, but it’s important to point out I was mostly standing in one place. There were several other places in the square where it was happening.
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Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
by Egbert Nobakon, 4 January, 2016
As we have reported many times over the past year, Sweden has been more hard hit by the crimes and lawlessness of illegal immigrants from primitive third world societies than anywhere else in Europe. Even the Sweden hating socialists cannot ignore the epidemic of rape crimes, assaults and the general contempt for Swedish society, law, culture and traditions that illegal immigrants from Africa and the middle east have expressed through their actions.RELATED POSTS:
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Sweden Protest Calls on Govt to Close Borders, Call Elections or Eff Off
A protest timed to coincide with the new term of the Swedish parliament has called on the government to resign in shame over their failure to manage mass immigration.
The meeting had been planned to take place in Stockholm’s main square, but heavy rain forced the group into a neighbouring shopping centre on Tuesday, under the watchful eye of local police. Although the rally wasn’t endorsed by any political party, there is a clear feeling of support for the Swedish Democrats (SD), the nation’s successful anti-immigration and euro-sceptic party.
Jan Sjunnesson, local teacher and author who this year organised the infamous LGBT march through Stockholm’s heavily Muslim areas which rendered left-wingers worldwide furious was one of the speakers. Sjunnesson told Breitbart London that a cosy “gentleman’s agreement” had rendered the Sweden Democrats the only opposition party in Sweden. He said: “what we now have is seven parties, who have made this left-right bloc in December to oppose the Sweden Democrats”.
SD were last week frozen out of cross-party talks on how to deal with the migration crisis, the only political party with members of parliament in the country to not be invited.
Don't you love the hypocrisy and dishonesty of socialists. They constantly scream and shout about equality, fairness, diversity and free speech when in opposition but as soon as they are in power nobody is allowed to hold and opinion the politbureau disapproves of.RELATED POSTS:
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EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain
Common sense could not slow the charge of politically correct globalist politiciand towards merging the 28 member states of the European Union into a single federal entity, but their attempt to destroy democracy by flooding the continent with illiterate third world peasants has finally awoken the spirits of Europe's ancient nations.
Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says
In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".
Libyan Government Issues Gaddafiesque Threat To Flood Europe With MORE Migrants
One of the three self-declared governments currently fighting each other for power in Libya, in the wake of 2011's FUKUS axis (France, Uk, USA) regime change war which turned Africa's most prosperous nation into a failed state, has issued a Gaddafi style ultimatum, warning that it will 'flood Europe with hundreds of thousands of new migrants if the European Union (EU) declines to recognise the Islamic State political wing as the legal government.
The Revolution Is Spreading: Now Austria Turns Against The Anti - White Leftist Elite
With Sweden's coalition of opponents, formed to deny a place in government to the anti - immigration, pro - Swedish culture party The Sweden Democrats a place in government that was their democratic right, falling apart; with France's Front National, led by Marine Le Pen topping polls and other parties opposed to mass immigration and the destruction of European culture riding high elsewhere, Austria has become the latest nation where voters have turned their backs on the consensus politics of Cultural Marxism.
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Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?
"Sweden, that's where they commit suicide and the king rides a bicycle," a character in an Alan Bennet play famously said back in the 1980s, a reference to Sweden's reputation as the most boring country in the world. That reputation has long gone, thanks to 'enlightened and progressive' immigration politicies, the elegantstreets of Sweden's gothic styled cities are now more like Chicago in the Al Capone era. Scandinavia's biggest nation state is in the grip of a terrifying crime wave instead, which even ‘new Swedes’ describe as like “being back in Syria”.
Grenade attacks have now become so commonplace in multicultural paradise Malmö the mainstream media around Europe does not even bother to report them in footnotes. Compounding the apparent disinterest in the descent of beautiful, historic Malmö into a third-world ghetto where native Swedes are rapidly becoming marginalised, is a striking dearth of facts about what is actually going on there.
We know the grenade attacks are a regular occurrence – there have been four this past week and at least ten since April, this is in addition to the regular shootings, stabbings, gang rapes and arson attacks that do not warrant news coverage. A recent assessment by Malmö police into the effectiveness of their initiative to control the immigrant gangs programme was that it had no effect, and that “the number of shootings and bombings in Malmö have not declined despite the measures”.
The police force today admitted it is severely under-staffed and unable to cope with the volume of investigations under-way. One third of all officers on the local force are now ‘on leave’, and no doubt the strain of the job in ‘Sweden’s Chicago’ is playing a part in that.
But little information is released by the Malmö police about who is deliberately targeting government buildings with hand grenades smuggled from the Balkans. The Swedish press reports no arrests although independent bloggers have no trouble identifying the source of the attacks as one of three migrant communities, Syrian, Afghan or Somali.
Benefiting from their youth – one was just 15 at the time of his arrest – three people arrested in connection with one bombing incident have not been named, denying the public another crucial piece of the puzzle. Yet speculating that Malmö’s new-found crime problem may have anything to do with the sudden rush of immigration is forbidden and will attract vicious attacks from the hate mobs of the left wing politically correct thought police.
Don’t be fooled, for all its friendly reputation for enlightened liberalism, Swedish society's dogmatic adherence to the neo - Nazi belief systems on which social democracy is founded has created one of the most suffocatingly illiberal societies in the world. Until very recently, even questioning the doctrine of mass immigration would lead to total social exclusion. The tide is turning however, slowly.
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Chief Superintendent Torsten Elofsson retired from police work in 2014 after 42 years on the Malmo police force, but he retains a key interest in the security of the city. Recalling his early days on the force, Elofsson said the nature and volume of crime in Malmo had changed significantly, going from the organised crime perpetrated by biker gangs decades ago to the migrant crime boom of modern Sweden.Retired Swedish Police Chief Says Malmo Crime Skyrocketing Due To Immigration
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Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border
As you might have heard, Sweden has a bit of a refugee problem. We’ve spent quite a bit of time documenting the country’s trials and tribulations over the course of the last two years during which time Sweden (pop 9 million) has taken on more than 160,000 asylum seekers. Last month, on the heels of reports from Germany that men of “Arab and North African” origin assaulted women in central Cologne during New Year’s Eve celebrations, Swedish media alleged that police orchestrated a massive coverup designed to keep a string of similar attacks that allegedly occurred at a youth festival in Stockholm’s Kungsträdgården last August from seeing the light of day. Meanwhile, a 22-year-old refugee center worker was stabbed to death by a Somali migrant at a shelter for asylum seekers and at the Stockholm train station, “gangs” of Moroccan migrant children reportedly spend their days attacking security personnel and accosting women. Sweden plans to deport some 80,000 of the refugees this year but according to Norwegian PM Erna Solberg, it may be too little too late to keep the country from collapsing. So concerned is Solberg that she's now crafted an emergency law that will allow Norway to refuse asylum seekers at the border in the event “it all breaks down” in Sweden. "It is a force majeure proposals which we will have in the event that it all breaks down, the power just comes, and all end in Norway because we are at the top and most of Europe. Norway is the end point, is not it," Solberg said, in an interview with Berlingske whose Tinne Knudsen adds that "the legislation will soon be presented to the Parliament and is expected to meet broad support." Here’s how the proposal is being presented by the anti-immigration Swedish online magazine Fria Tider: “Norway is now preparing to denounce the Geneva Convention and to secure the border with Sweden by force - without letting people apply for asylum.” Norway’s Bar Association says the move would violate the country’s international obligations as well as basic human rights. But Solberg isn’t backing down. “When we make such a proposal, we know that it is quite a big break with how things have been, but we must have some measures that are preparing for the worst case scenarios,” she insists. Yes, "worst case scenarios," like what Sweden's Foreign Minister Margot Wallström described last October when she said "most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse." Expect other countries to make similar threats as the international order breaks down amid the cascade of Mid-East refugees. Once everyone's borders are closed the question becomes this: will animosity push member states in Merkel's "harmonious" union to the brink of war with one another?Sweden’s third largest city hit by multiple blasts amid surge in ethnic & gang-related violence
from RT news
Four grenade attacks this week have rocked Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, prompting police to sound an alarm over the increasing violence. Multiple explosions, shootings and arson struck the city, which has a large migrant population. On Sunday, the southern Swedish city of Malmo saw the fourth grenade attack in under a week as the a hand grenade was detonated in a car park in the district of Värnhem in the morning, local media reported. The attack came after a blast on Friday in the Solbacken neighborhood, which occurred less than 12 hours after another explosion in the residential area of Limhamn in the west, and two days after a car bomb attack that injured a man outside a community center in the south. “It is the thirtieth explosive attack since the New Year. We have a situation that is serious,” said the Malmö police chief, Stefan Sintéus, about the explosion on Friday, as quoted by the Local.se on Saturday. The local police have called for expert help from the national police operational department. “We have asked for shared expertise on various issues,” said Lars Förstell, a spokesperson for the city’s police, as quoted by the media. This week’s unrest continues a series of numerous shootings, explosions and arsons that have occurred since the beginning of the year in Malmo, infamous for high crime rates, multi-ethnic and gang-related violence.More on Malmo violence plus news video >>>
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Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism?
"Sweden, that's where they commit suicide and the king rides a bicycle," a character in an Alan Bennet play famously said back in the 1980s, a reference to Sweden's reputation as the most boring country in the world. That reputation has long gone, thanks to 'enlightened and progressive' immigration politicies, the elegantstreets of Sweden's gothic styled cities are now more like Chicago in the Al Capone era.
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Afghan Migrants Abducted Woman And Gang Raped Her for a Week
by Arthur Foxake
25 July, 2015: When will the fucked up idiots of the political left understand people from some parts of the world are not civilised, are not capable of accepting the moral values of western culture and thus cannot be welcomed into civilised society. How many people have to be mordered of have their lives ruined by the bararian scum elitist politicians, academics and medial fame junkies insist we welcome into our towns and cities in the name of multifuckingculturalism?
Here's another story from the left's greatest achievement, transformation of that once civilised and enlightened nation named Sweden into a cesspit of criminal and sexual violence as a result of the left's obession with the delusional idea that if fanatical followers of medieval religious cults based on violence, sexism and tribal hatred, who want to kill all westerners and anyone else who does not follow their religion's traditions of rape, wife beating and total subjection of women, will if housed and paid generous social benefits become model citizens.
Translated from The Swedish Free Press
It has been revealed a Swedish woman is believed to have been locked up in an apartment in Malmö for a week and gang-raped repeatedly by Afghan Migrants. So far, two Afghan men have been arrested on suspicion of organising the atrocious sex crime.
The men, aged 40 and 38 and allegedly of the Muslim faith, are unable to speak Swedish and required a Pashto interpreter in court; this was despite at least one of the men having lived in Sweden for a year or more, as evidenced by a past conviction for drug offences in 2014.
The men have been charged aggravated rape “jointly and in concert with others” – investigators are still looking into suspicions of other kidnappers. The investigation is still at an “early stage” and as of yet no more details have been released by police. There is evidence that the plaintiff has been deprived of liberty in connection with suspicion of rape, said district prosecutor Johan Larsson yesterday to Sydsvenskan.
The small, southern Swedish city of Malmo itself is now one of Europe’s most violent cities and is often referred to as‘Sweden’s Chicago’. Since Sweden's insanely left wing, politically correct extremist government embarked on a policy of uncontrolled immigration with the aim of creating a soctiety in which ethnic murdering scumbags outnumber decent Swedish and European citizens, the town has gained a reputation for religious and ethnic violence, drug related crime and RAPE and is now caught in a “spiral of retaliation”.
The self righteous idiots who Sweden's cultural Marxist ruling coalition are do stupid and have their self satisfied head too far up their arses to see any irony in screaming about the evils of rape and sexism if a European man looks appreciatively at any woman, yet welocoming to their country men whose culture gorifies rape, sexual violence and subjugation of women by their husbands and fathers. That is how dishonest and duplicitous left wing thinking is.
In the early hours of this morning Malmo suffered yet another hand-grenade attack, the second in 12 hours and the third this week, as gangs use smuggled or stolen army munitions to carry out revenge attacks on the streets. Malmö District Court today announced suspicions that the grenade attacks are in retaliation for the arrest of the suspected rapists.
Police have only provided limited information about the case, but the rapes should have taken place March 15 to 22 in an apartment near the mall Mobilia in Malmö.
It it time for a general uprising against the left wing idiocy of political correctnes that places certain people above the law on the basis of their skin colour while accusing other of racism and hate crime simply because they object to the iniquities of the New Naziism as we should correctly call this politically correct lunacy.
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Islamification Of Germany: Regensburg City Council Considers 'Women-Only' Transportation Public segregation of men and women, women only buses, segregated sessions at the swimming pool. European politicians have betrayed the people of Europe and are giving away our traditional freedoms in order to appease bestiali Muslim immigrants.
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.
Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults
Numerous instances of young girls being sexually harassed or intimidated by Muslim migrants have provoked the citizens of Thisted a town into realized the Islamophiliac elite will do nothing to help and the people must take the law into their own hands or accept Sharia Law.
Rotherham Witness Says Police Covered Up Child Abuse By Muslim Men
A witness in the Rotherham sex-grooming trial told the court yesterday that she wanted to reveal details of her childhood abuse at the hands of organised Muslim gangs so that people working for the authorities could never again hide such crimes from the public.
The Freedom Of Western Women Theatened By Mass Migration And Politically Correct Politics
Our leaders and 'left wing' friends, who constantly scream about rape and sexism if a European man makes a suggestive remark about a woman see no irony, humourles, self righteous twats that they are, in calling for more mass immigration from the cespits of humanity where women are still accorded less respect than animals. And we're not the only ones to have noticed ...
The tyranny of human rights
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Stockholm supports mass murder, torture and rape
1 June, 2015 Leave a commentOriginally posted on En Svensk Perser (Swedish), 1 June 2015
Yesterday, the politicians in Stockholm decided to give genocide tourists a VIP lane to work, housing, and therapy. According to existing international convention, Though Sweden is supposedly committed to prosecuting people who join terror groups and foreign armed forces or para military groups, the left wing and progressive civic leaders explain this away by saying they are not concerning themselves with the judicial management of these bloody killers, but are interested in the socio-economic aspect of the issue.
This may sound like an incredibly black comedy or dark dystopian epic, but it is reality. Here and now, in the month of May, 2015. The country I live in is called Sweden, and the city is Stockholm, its capitol. Since the election last fall, City Hall is run by an incurably naïve, vertigo-inducingly unworldly, and inveterately idiotic accumulation of 53 representatives for the Social Democrats (S), the Environmental Party (MP), the Left Party (V), and the Feminist Initiative (FI).
Those are harsh words and a judgment they thoroughly deserve. Had that been the end of it, I would probably not have wasted energy on writing this text. After living in Sweden for the last 27 of my 33 years, I’m pretty seasoned. The Swedish people have, bit by bit, had to get used to seeing their society transformed from an ethnically homogenous welfare state with a high level of social trust to a criminal, multicultural chaos where the native Swedes are increasingly being overlooked and marginalised in favor of a tidal wave of culturally, socially, and religiously alien immigrants.
All this is in accordance with the principle of the boiled frog. Democracy was set aside after the half-witted and incompetent socialist minority government forced an agreement with the equally anemic fake-conservative opposition during a few tumultuous days this past winter. All in order to outmaneuver and sideline the latest addition to the parliamentary assembly, a party which both comprises and gives voice to an increasingly repressed and desperate citizenry, consisting of both native Swedes and immigrants loyal to the country.
That party is being portrayed as the devil’s spawn and Hitler’s heirs. This, despite the fact that the party, with every fifth member being born outside Sweden, and despite it having the highest number of immigrants on its ballots, outscores its political opponents when it comes to integration. After the above-mentioned agreement, it no longer makes a difference which of the older, established parties you have voted for.
In parliamentary votes, they all either actively vote or passively abstain in favor of any proposals from the sitting government. Between votes, they put on charades, feigning aggravation and pretending to strive for different directions for national politics. The aim is singular: Eliminating the threat of a balanced immigration policy in particular and any policy that dares even breathe of national self-preservation in general.
The politicians from the old parties are hell-bent on putting Sweden on the map as a humanitarian superpower. Hubris, megalomania, and insanity are understatements when you’re ready to sacrifice a prosperous country with a peace-loving people, only to provide the ruling class the opportunity to feel like godless saints in probably the most religious atheistic country in the world. Atheistic, in that they deny and denounce anything even suggesting the God of Christianity.
Religious in its blind fanatical devotion to ideology in which the established value norm (the only correct one according to the multicultiralist consensus) includes multiculturalism, open borders, and the conviction that no essential differences exist either in value or kind between different cultures and religions. This, completely regardless of what science, evidence, research, experience, statistics, blood on the streets or simple common sense shows.
Anything challenging the politically correct line of thought (pensée unique in French) is heresy and the apostate who airs such criticism is, as eerily efficiently as wordlessly, erased from the social and professional 'right-on' community.
In Sweden, every resident knows what can be said aloud, what can only be uttered behind closed doors, and what can barely even be contemplated in solitude. Those who digress are soon painfully conscious of the equally razor wire these unacknowledged boundaries are made with. And yet people violate them constantly. Denizens of the blogosphere on whom this publication relies for source material can, with a little internet savvy, easily outwith the guardians of Temple Of Politically Correct Thinking. Such defiance drives the left to greater excesses of authoritarianism, which only rallies more people to the cause of free speech and freedom of thought.
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Swedish Government Review Of White Genocide (Immigration) Policy Concludes That Swedes Don’t Actually Exist ...
... so its OK to give the country to a bunch of foreign terrorists whose medieval culture inclues stoning, raping and beheading women who are not servile enough, making a living from drug dealing, extortion, pimping, poncing and mugging.If you are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist or pagan, there is no future for you in Sweden because the elite are fobidding the prosecution of Muslims for crimes that are not outlawed in Sharia law.
Death of Democracy
Free Speech murdered
The Importance Of Free Speech
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No Go Zones For Whites In Swedish Cities

Street gang violence, once virtyually unknown is now a regular sight on city streets in Sweden
The issue of whether there are No-Go Zones in Europe or not has been somewhat controversial, mainly because the term has not had a clear-cut definition when applied to civilian cities.
The original term is military lingo for hot areas controlled by the enemy, where it is suicidal to venture without sufficient firepower to match that of the enemy. This describes the situation of police officers pretty well; you have to enter the area in force or stay out, since a lone patrol car WILL be attacked.
Jacob Ekström is a police officer working in these areas. He has this to say in the latest issue of Forsking & Framsteg, the premier scientific journal in Sweden:
“The situation is slipping from our grasp,” he says about infamous enclaves Tensta and Rinkeby. “If we’re in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow, because we’ll get pelted by rocks and even face riots. These are No-Go Zones. We simply can’t go there.” [My bold]
The article goes on to chronicle the rapid rise in gun-related violence in a country that was essentially unarmed up until just 15 years ago, the evolution of criminal gangs and clans from the middle east as an alternative societal structure, and how the “exclusion areas” (i.e. ghettos) have grown from 3 in 1990 to 156 in 2006.
The reporter brought the status report by Ekström to Lars Korsell, researcher and head of the organized crime unit att the national crime prevention bureau.
“Yes, it is pretty sensational that there are enclaves where Swedish law no longer applies,” Korsell replied slowly and ponderously.
(We encourage you to read this article in Sweden's foremost scientific magazine, Forskning & Framsted using Google Translate or similar; it is sobering to get a comprehensive overview based on hard, solid facts and statistics. Swedish syntax is similar to English so though there will be a few irregularities the points made will be clear.)
Then there’s the religious interpretation of No-Go Zones. It is my understanding that parts of London, Paris and other major European cities with large muslim populations have a shadow justice system based on Shariah Law. Posted signs prohibiting alcohol, music, revealing women’s clothes etc. enforced by volunteers patrolling the streets, sometimes even wearing vests bearing the name “Shariah Police”.

Sharia police - not yet seen in Sweden but on patrol in Muslim dominated areas of British, French and German cities.
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Left's culture wars - trying to destroy western values
Jobs, work, wages, unemployment,
Politically Correct Thinking Is A Threat To Free Speech
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Self-Loathing Sweden Should Only Welcome Persecuted Immigrants, Not the Persecuting
We have covered immigration problems in Europe extensively, but the European country that demonstrates how wide the gap between ordinary people and the ruling eilte has become is Sweden where the politically correct governing coalition's immigration and social policies seem to indicate the elite are engaged in a genocide campaign against ethnic Swedes.
Sweden's Suicide By Immigration
More Violence In Malmo As Community Centre Burned
People in the troubled suburb of Kroksbäck in Malmö reported hearing explosions on Wednesday night, as emergency services discovered several cars and a community centre on fire. We have reported previously on increasin violence between immigrant gangs in the Swedish city.
On Thursday morning (25/6/15) police in Malmo arrested seven people on suspicion of criminal damage. Although no one is reported to have been injured by the fires, police said they were investigating how they had been started.
The community building that was damaged is used as a meeting hall by local community groups including youth clubs. Officers observed that the city had been rocked by the recent wave of unrest in immigrant areas which continues a wave of violence in the area.
Two hand grenades were thrown towards an apartment block on the same road as the burned community centre on Midsummer’s Day last week, but neither exploded. Following that incident an area was cordoned off and a police bomb squad was sent in.
“The residents are so clearly troubled by everything that has happened,” Kim Hild, a spokesperson for police told the TT newswire.
Police said that they had also found hand grenades in a garage close to where one of the cars had been burned.
Swedish Television News reported that locals cheered as police made arrests in the area on Thursday morning. Claes Böhmer a police team leader told the broadcaster that the evening was “probably an important point for people here on Kroksbäck.”
Malmö has experienced growing violence in recent years. Some of its inner-city areas and suburbs have a reputation for gun and gang-related crimes as well as race-related violence between different immigrant groups. As a result, the force has recently stepped up its presence in known trouble spots including Kroksbäck and Rosengård.
The availability [of weapons] is something which worries us a lot, it is too simple to get hold of them,” Patrik Johansson of the Malmö police told Swedish news wire TT on Monday.
READ ALSO: Malmö police worry about wave of violence
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Denmark Gives Large Bonuses To Get Migrants To Work - How Is That Fair To Danes
A new Danish scheme to help immigrants integrate by paying employers to hire them for no jobs in which, having no skills and being unable to speak, read or write the language, they will get paid for doing nothing will only make the crisis worse rather than doing anything towards solving it.
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27 “youths” arrested after shootout in Rosengård
After a shootout on Monday in Rosengård, Swedens most notorious "no-go zone" for police and white citizens, 27 young men of ethnic minority groups were arrested. Automatic weapons were used in the violence according to Swedish newspaper Expressen. The incident was connected to Sunday’s (7 July) knife-fight and shooting in the ghetto.
At 23:15 on Monday night police were called after residents heard gunfire. A number of people had been seen firing shots at an apartment building on Ramels väg. Shortly afterwards they had taken return-fire from people in the apartment building.
Armed police arrived quickly and arrested 27 people for attempted murder and public order offences. The arrests occurred in the apartment, and included occupants of vehicles leaving the crime scene.
An unnamed source who claims to have contact with Malmo's immigrant gangs told Expressen, "More will happen."
The man who was stabbed on Sunday in the incident thought to have triggered the shoot - out is one of the two men who has recieved death threats from a 20-year-old criminal police officers allege is responsible for planning the Victoria Park bombings last year.
He accusses two men involved in the shooting of being police informants. It is these two men who are now being chased by a large number of gangsters who belong to different criminal groups in Malmö.
In several hand-written letters the 20-year-old has threatened the two men with death. Police have confiscated letters where he had written that the two men in question will be “slaughtered”
It would appear that Sweden’s experiment with multiculturalism is fast becoming an experiment in cultural suicide? The migrant gang members seem to be having some difficulty embracing the traditions and culture of Sweden. The same thing is happening in France, England, America…etc. In each nation, the political left blames the racism of working class people. They are in denial, the common factor is an influx of migrants from third world cultures. In the past it would have been called an invasion.
Fake bomb discovered at Swedish Chabad House
As if Sweden did not have enough problems in dealing with hate attacks by immigrants on ethnioc Swedes, now the Muslim imports seem to be turning on Sweden's Jews.
Does it seem likely that this bomb scare was perpetrated by native Swedes. This kind of behaviour was really unknown in Sweden as little as 20 years ago ( I worked there). Times of Israel is somewhat disingenuous in reporting the rise of anti - Semitism, but not reporting that the Swedish political elite's obsession with multiculturalism and flooding their country with incomers form the world's most dangerous trouble spots has resulted in a rise of racial tensions and gang crime in Sweden. Nothing on public buildings, the establishment of no - go for police officers in which immigrant criminal gangs control the streets areas or the increase in brutal rapes of Swedish women, nor the hate crimes about ethnic Swedes.
The question mainstream media should be asking is what has caused this rise the rise in crime, violence and racial conflict? Sweden has throughout the past 200 years been a very peaceful, tolerant, liberal society. The descent into violent dystopia coincides precisely with the utopian ideologues stated ambition to make the country into a multicultural paradise. Why would any sane person believe that tribes and sects that have been at war with each other and the outside world for hundreds of years will suddenly find themselves able to live side by side when transplanted into a municipal housing ghetto in Sweden.
All the politically correct do - gooders have achived is to import hatred and racism into their country.
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Anti-Immigration Sweden Democrats Now Country’s Largest Party says Poll
The anti-European Union stasrtup party, The Sweden Democrats, which also campaigns on the need for a radical revision of Sweden's open doors immigration policy which welcomes criminals, extremists and members of terrorist groups to the country now has more support than any of the traditional (politically correct consensus) parties according to a new opinion poll from YouGov published this week.
In last year’s election, the Sweden Democrats more than doubled their support and won 13 percent of the vote, becoming the third largest party, by presenting a manifesto that pleadged to cut the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden by 90 percent. Anti-immigrant sentiment has been on the rise in Sweden, a country which has seen the number of asylum seekers increase to record levels and accepted the highest number of asylum immigrants per capita in the European Union last year. Racially motivated hate crimes have also been rising and there have been several attacks on asylum centres after an Eritrean man whose asylum application had recently been rejected killed two in a knife attack at an IKEA store on Aug. 10. Mainstream Swedish parties have refused to cooperate with the Sweden Democrats, who have not been able to influence government policy. Thursday’s poll published in the newspaper Metro gave the Social Democrats, who formed a minority centre-left government after last year’s election, 23 percent and the largest centre-right opposition party, the Moderates, 21 percent. The 1,527 participants in the poll were chosen from an internet panel and responded between Aug. 14 and Aug. 17. The method of using a selected panel differs from that of major polling organisations and has been criticised for not necessarily being representative of the electorate, as well as for the fact it leads to problems calculating the margin of error in the survey. Organisations using a panel approach have been more accurate in forecasting the rise of the Sweden Democrats, however, which has been underestimated by the traditional polling companies.RELATED POSTS:
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Rioting In Sweden: Unrest may spread across Europe, warns Red Cross chief
by Arthur Foxake, 13 May, 2013
As the systemic problems in the Eurozone exacerbate the effects of the global economic crisis for European nations, the inevitable civil unrest has erupted in the last place we would expect, Sweden.
Sweden Being Raped To Death By Muslim Migrants
from InfowarsOnce dubbed the “Great Humanitarian Power” by its ex-prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden is on the edge of a brutal collapse due to a wave of entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women at a rate of53.2% and bleeding the economy of the country dry.
Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, experienced ethnic violence between groups of immigrants. The gangs, described as “youths” by the Swedish media, used guns, bombs and hand grenades to mark their turf.
In August the Swedish Migration Board, Migrationsverket, recorded almost as many reports of threats and violence in asylum accommodation as throughout the whole of 2014, according to the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. “In Sweden, which does not usually report the nationality of rapists, a just released study by Swedish Police revealed that Muslim men, who constitute only 2 percent of the population are responsible for 77.6 percent of rapes, giving once peaceful Sweden the highest rape rate in Europe and the second highest in the world, next to South Africa.”
Following the arson attacks, the government decide to keep the location of refugee centers secret. Immigrants are being housed in former royal mansions and Sweden is building housing for the chaotic violent army taking over and raping their own country into collapse.
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Majority of Swedes Think Media Lies About the Impact of Mass Migration
by Egbert Nobakon, 31 May 2017The majority of Swedish voters believe the media is dishonest about problems mass inward migration and the government's 'open doors' policy of allowing in anybody who presents at the borders without even cursory checks has deliered in Swedish society, according to research presented by the nation’s Institute of Media Studies.
The institute’s new report Mistrust of the Media, published last on Monday, shows that while confidence in the media is generally quite high, compared with the USA, Britain or France, Swedes are sceptical of reports on stories connected with immigration and immigrant crimes.
Fifty-four per cent with the statement: “The Swedish media doesn’t tell the truth about social problems associated with immigration,” whilst only 27 per cent said they disagreed. Confidence was equally low on the media’s handling of crime. Reporting on healthcare issues garnered the greatest amount of trust.
Politics play a part in regards to public confidence in the media, with the institute reporting that "almost all" respondents who vote for the populist Sweden Democrats (SD) party (currently vying with the Social Democrats to top the polls,) believe the media does not report the full story on the effects of migration.
Convrsely, the emotionally needy losers who support Sweden’s ruling Red-Green coalition have the most trust in the nation’s media. Confidence is lower amongst supporters of the liberal conservative Moderate party. (Sorry about the anti - media bias there, but I have worked in print and broadcast news.)
Writing in Dagens Nyheter, the Institute of Media Studies director Lars Truedson argues “a serious discussion is needed about the attitude of journalists and the media on immigration reporting”. The profession’s credibility is in tatters on the issue, the veteran journalist said, urging writers and editors to give a more honest picture of how mass migration has changed Sweden's once safe cities.
Amongst concerns expressed by Truedson is that journalists are "excessive" in following press ethics guidelines not to emphasise a subject’s ethnic origin, nationality, occupation, political affiliation, religious beliefs or sexual orientation if it is irrelevant to a story.
The mainstream media in Sweden has been accused of habitual censorship: photographs of migrant criminal suspects are routinely pixelated, with even their skin tones changed, in order to hide the extent of migrant crime.
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