Greenteeth Labyrinth

Welcome to The Greenteeth Globalisation Catalogue

Jenny Greenteeth, Chief Ectoplasmic Officer of Greenteeth Multi Media welcomes you to the UK home page of her rapidly expanding multi media empire. This page deals with posts on Europe and the increasing authoritarianism of the EU bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels as it bulldozes aside opposition to its federal superstate agenda.

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Greenteeth Globalisation Catalogue

Globalisation has been sold to the general public since World War Two as a panacea; when all sovereign states come together under one global government, the pitch goes, then we will all live together in peace and harmony in a world of plenty. It's bollocks of course, globalisation will, and was always intended to benefit the rich and powerful and cement in place the status quo while enslaving ordinary punters through their debts.

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