Globalization and the Retrun To Serfdom
India and the Globalization of Servitude
Carving Up The India Cash Cow
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India and the Globalization of Servitude
by Ian R Thorpe
An abandoned village in India - social cleansing is part of globalization.
Before the seventeenth century India was the richest country in and the largest trading empire in the world and controlled a third of global wealth. Central to India's economic strength was the village community. India's rural economy that was an economic powerhouse based on supply and demand economics with anyone able to spot a gap in the market able to succeed.
By the nineteenth century The British Raj had almost dismantled this system however by introducing mono crop activities and mill made products, and post independent India is till struggling to repair the rural economic fabric, hindered by constant interfetence from western monopolists, academics who are 'experts' in agriculture despite never having produced a crop from the soil in their lives, and do - gooders always anxious to interfere on behalf of people who have not sought help.
"But isn't India, a BRICS nation and one of the world's great emerging economies, an economic success story," you might well ask. And if so why does India’s social and economic fabric need restoring. The findings of the 2014 global MultidimensionalPoverty Index suggest the success is not all it appoears to be. Out of its 1.2 billion-plus population, India is home to over 340 million destitute people and is the second poorest country in South Asia after war-torn Afghanistan.
Forty per cent of the world’s poor, 640 million poor people, live in India. And the gap between the bottom fifty per cent and the top half is getting wider rapidly. And yet 20 years ago, India had the second-best social indicators among South Asian countries. Now it has the second worst position, ahead only of Pakistan. Bangladesh has less than half of India’s per-capita GDP but has infant and child mortality rates (an important measure) lower than that of India.
What is going wrong?
Former Indian Finance Minister P Chidambaram put the problem down to his government’s neoliberal economic policies, the government were pro-growth and pro equity he said, but it was envisaged that 85% of India’s population would eventually live in well-planned cities. That would mean at least 600 million moving to cities which in turn would mean rebuilding most of India's cities and building many new ones. But national communities evolve in ways very similar to the evolution of the many colonies of body cells with their highly specialised functions that together make up the body corporate of a higher mammal. Village communities are a much simpler life form and thus are able to adapt and evolve more quickly.
The drive towards neo-liberalism and urbanisation in India has been underpinned by unconstitutional land takeovers, trade deals and the trampling of democratic rights. The socio-economic effects of cronyism, cartels and the manipulation of markets, the basis of ‘neo-liberalism’ globally over the last two decades (see this, this and this), has in a huge and chaotic natiomn like India provided numerous opportunities for well-connected individuals to make not wholly ethical fast bucks from various infrastructure projects, development contracts and privatisation sell offs: assets such as airports, ports and other infrastructure built up with public money or toil have ended up in private hands without any open bidding exrcise or public flotation.
The neoliberal model of development has seen social mobility in India stagnate and the poverty alleviation rate remain around the same as it was back in 1991 or even in pre-independence India (0.8 percent), while the ratio between the top and bottom ten percent of the population has doubled during this period (see this and this). According to the Organisation for Co-operation and Economic Development, this doubling of income inequality has made India one of the worst performers for poverty alleviation among the emerging economies.
Unsurprisingly, ane even less surprisingly, unreported by western mainstream media, violent and non-violent civil unrest is now taking place in India. The naxalites and Maoists are referred to by the dominant class as left wing extremists who are exploiting the situation of the poor. But it is easy to dismiss the problem as being caused by extremists and ignore the true nature of the poor’s exploitation. Lump all protesters together and create an ‘enemy within’, throw a few ring leaders in jail and ignore the state-corporate extremism around the world that results in democratic governments abdicating their responsibilities by submitting to the tenets of the Wall Street-backed ‘structural adjustment’ pro-privatisation policies, free capital flows and unaccountable cartels.
And there you have a blueprint for the subjugation of India by a handful of global corporations which care nothing for the 640 million poor people and even less for India's village communities.
Powerful corporations are shaping the ‘development’ agenda in India, secretive trade deals and contracts have been made between governments and corporate interests. The military might of the state is available to forcibly evict peoples from their land so profit hungry corporations can impose a wholly unsustainable model of development. Around the world, the oil-dependent, urban-centric, high energy, high consumption model is stripping the environment bare and negatively impacting the climate and ecology. And village communities everywhere are dying, and with them our humanity is dying.
What can we do? people ask. First we can cut down our consumption. I'm not saying to back to living in mud huts, but if we all cut back just a little it will start to make a big differenve. Buy fresh food and cook at home, you'd be gobsmacked at how much energy we waste on packaging. Make your things last longer, we live in a throwaway society but will you really lose significant amounts of 'kool' if you misss a generation of smart phone. And so on ... Without an ever growing global economy, the corporate cartels have no incentive to build new mega cities in India or elsewhere around the world.
(More to come on this topic)
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Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of "snap" lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information about what's going on in this increasingly insane world. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the Australian government's increasingly authoritarian measures
Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand
According to news sources in Pakistan, up to sixty five Afghan soldiers, trained and armed by US and European military advisers, have defected to the resurgent Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them. Another 88 are reported to have been killed in heavy fighting between Taliban irregulars and government forces in the southern province of Helmand.
The Revolution Is Spreading: Now Austria Turns Against The Anti - White Leftist Elite
With Sweden's coalition of opponents, formed to deny a place in government to the anti - immigration, pro - Swedish culture party The Sweden Democrats a place in government that was their democratic right, falling apart; with France's Front National, led by Marine Le Pen topping polls and other parties opposed to mass immigration and the destruction of European culture riding high elsewhere, Austria has become the latest nation where voters have turned their backs on the consensus politics of Cultural Marxism.
Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values
A global corporateocracy
The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA.
If Free Market Capitalism Is The Global Economic System, WTF Is This All About?
Corporatism: Government of The People By The Technocrats For The Monopoly Men Of The Global Elite
Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds
How Globalism and Big Agriculture Corporations Are Destroying Independent Farmers.
Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea
The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech and Information
Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.
European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.
Is Europe Waking Up To The Threat Of Globalism Posed by Secret Trade Treaties
Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right
US-EU Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) Will Have Devastating Social and Environmental Consequences
Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth
Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership Attacks Democracy
Populist Authoritarianism
Broken Societies
Philo and Sophia - philosophy menu
Carving Up The India Cash Cow
by Arthur Foxake
It has long been common knowledge that the US government has been pushing for global economic hedgemony since the end of the cold war, and this has led to increasing oushbacks from nations such as Brazil, India, Pakistan and Nigeria that are resentful of the way the USA uses bullying tactics to advance the interests of a few corporate cartels that collaborate closely with Washington. The links between the Monsanto/Syngenta/Walmart-backed Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture and the US backing for the opening up of India’s nuclear sector to foreign interests have already shown what the models of ‘development’ being pushed onto third world nations really entails, in terms of the powerful corporate interests that gain from globalization and the ordinary people who lose out (see this and this) by being forced to subsidise unprofitable activities while corporate profits are maximised. Nowhere is this more blatantly apparent than in India where it is estimated almost 300,000 farmers have taken their lives since 1997 and many more are experiencing economic distress or have left farming as a result of a policy which forced on small, independent farmers, a shift to using Genetically Modified (GM) seed for cash crops. The promised benefits of GM (the magic biotech produce that will feed the world) has failed to materialize and the corporate-controlled type of agriculture imposed on India's peasant farmers has, according to numerous studies, only led to bad food, bad soil, bad or no water, bad health, poor or falling yields and an impending agrarian crisis (see this, this, this and this). This form of agriculture has meant the US and the UK are now facing similar crises (see this and this). It’s a global crisis. In addition to displacing people to facilitate the needs of resource extraction industries as mentioned in Section 1 of this document, unconstitutional land grabs for Special Economic Zones, nuclear plants and other projects have additionally forced many others from the land. Moreover, it has been a case of massive tax breaks for industry and corporations and underinvestment in rural infrastructure and farming. It’s not difficult to see that the priorities of policy makers’ in Delhi lie alongside the geopolitical interests of the globalists in the US Government and the monopoly men of the corporate cartels. With GDP growth struggling and automation replacing human labour the world over in order to decrease labour costs and boost profit, it is difficult to see where the jobs will be created to provide employment for hundreds of millions redundant former agricultural workers or those whose livelihoods will be destroyed as corporations move in and seek to capitalise and mechanise industries that currently employ tens if not hundreds of millions of low skilled workers? GDP is a faulty measure of economic health, it only measures the abount of money churning around the economy and not genuine growth of economic activity, even so after two decades of governments creating an illusion of GDP growth by relaxing credit controls and encouraging personal debt many people in the big, consumer economies feel maxed out and have cit back on spending. Thus we see GDP stagnating in the areas that have traditionally produced growth. Farmers (and others) represent a ‘problem’: a problem while on the land and a problem to be somehow dealt with once displaced. But food producers, the genuine wealth producers of a nation, only became a problem when Western agribusiness was given the green light to take power away from farmers and uproot traditional agriculture in third world nations and remake food production, traditionally the labour intensive backbone of societies, in its own corporate-controlled image. Corporate interests then, rather than academics are really setting the ‘development’ agenda, the academics areonly there to lend a veneer of impartial respectability. India is caving in to foreign corporations. Take a look at the free trade agreements (TTIP, TPP, ) being hammered out behind closed doors between the EU and India. It all adds up to the US government giving an enormours helping hand to powerful trans-national corporations as they position themselves to circumvent national legislation that was implemented to safeguard the public’s rights. We could see the governments being sued by multinational companies for billions of dollars in private arbitration panels outside of the courts if national laws, policies, court decisions or other actions are perceived to interfere with their investments. These agreement could see rural society in the world's poorest nations being restructured and devastated in favour of Western corporate interests. This will lead to national cultures and traditional ways of living being crushed under the profit hungry corporate juggernaut. Agrigulture is the foundation of any society. Without food there can be no life. Without food security, there can be no genuine independence. Without independence there can be no democracy. Nowhere is this the case than in India where 64% of the population derives its sustenance from the agricultural sector. To control Indian agriculture is to exert control over the country. One needs to control only seeds, agro-chemicals and resultant debt and infrastructure loans. The World Bank, the IMF and the US State Department are well aware of this fact. Indeed, US foreign policy has almost always rested on the control of the agriculture of poorer countries.RELATED POSTS:
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The Free Trade Deception Almost No One Understands
More on those evil twins of global trade, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which are not about freeing business from bureaucracy but freeing corporations from the tiresome obligation to obey national laws covering trading standards, food quality, workers' rights, consumer protection and the environment. We've written about both treaties many times before.
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Countering The Emotional Blackmail And Bogus Claims Of The GMO Lobby
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Hidden Agenda Behind the new Free Trade Deals Second And Even More Lethal Strain Of Ebola Now Infecting People In Congo - Le Monde 15 October Ebola, Stock Market, Nuclear War. It's all going tits up. WTF? Game of Groans: David Cameron and Ed Miliband will be torn apart as the election nears 14 October The Real Significance Of The Jimmy Savile Case NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut 13 October The Immigration Problem 12 October The Ongoing Propaganda War Behind GMOs Exposed The United States has been paying farmers for over two decades to NOT produce food, yet biotech would have us believe that genetically modified organisms are necessary to feed the world. This is but one of the many lies they have perpetrated, all the while hiding the real truth behind GM crops. Genetically modified organisms and the chemicals which support their growth are just an outcropping of the military industrial complex and the war industry. Emirates Airways CEO Thinks He Knows What Happened to Flight MH370 We can sometimes keep news stories running for several months by pointing out the sheer irrationality of those who scream 'conspiracy theory' and demand that we all believe the government / mainstream media version. One of the two biggest stories in 2014 was the complete disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Seven months later not a trace of the Boeing 777 aircraft or any of its passengers has been located. As the official explanations grow increasingly more ludicrous ... Demonstrators in Paris protest TAFTA proposal
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Over the past last two years, following publication of metastudies like World Health Organisation's International Agency For Research On Cancer report on the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic waves, there is new evidence that mobile phones use can be dangerous to our health. A less technical summary of that is available from Cancer Research UK. Wireless phones, even those DECT systems you use with your landline so you can wander around with the handset, emit radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) when in use... It's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment. 5 October Another EU Wannabe Declares War On Free Speech A very dangerous and worrying trend, which has been gathering momentum for some time, has entered a new dimension in recent weeks. Political and business leaders around the world are blatantly calling for the censorship on reporting and discussing news in terms that are 'unhelpful' to their aims and ambitions along with further restrictions on free speech. 4 October Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists. Fabians: Ukip Poses Clear and Present Danger to Labour Election Hopes The report, titled Revolt on the Left: Labour’s UKIP problem and how it can be overcome pinpoints five seats deemed to be ‘critical or high risk’ at being lost to Ukip at the next election. And whereas six Conservative seats may be lost to Labour thanks to Ukip influencing the poll, the report has found sixteen such seats that Labour may lose to the Conservatives through an indirect Ukip influence. The slogan “Vote Ukip, get Labour” is widely used within the Conservative party to scare those of its voters thinking of switching allegiance to Farage’s party with the threat of a socialist Miliband-led government, but Ukip have long protested that they threaten all the Westminster parties. During his recent Leader’s speech at Ukip’s Party conference, Ukip leader Nigel Farage said his party was “tearing vast chunks” out of Labour’s vote and vowed to park Ukip’s “tanks on the Labour Party's lawn”. The Fabian’s report lends significant credibility to that claim. The paper’s author, Marcus Roberts, details the Labour Party’s complacency towards Ukip. “Labour can’t agree on whether the problem exists or how big it is, so agreeing on a solution has proved impossible so far,” he laments. In particular he is critical of the line of thinking that runs: as Ukip takes more votes from Tories than from Labour, the party can safely ignore them and possibly even welcome them as making a Labour victory more likely – an analysis, he warns, that is deeply flawed. “In simple terms,” he writes, “UKIP may be taking a larger number of Conservative votes but this often occurs in seats where Tory majorities are large enough to absorb the defection. In contrast, Labour as a party of opposition needs to grow its vote dramatically to win the general election. Labour to UKIP defectors make the climb to a constituency majority harder, longer and steeper than it would otherwise be. US Centre for Disease Control Opposes Blocking Air Travel from West Africa to Stop Ebola Right of return and gender dimension more important than stopping spread of disease? Well that sounds about right for the admistration of The Rent Boy President. Always put acting in a politically correct way before common sense. How about this for a totally fickwitted attempt to deal with a crisis (or mayve a smart but totally evil way to create a crisis. 2 October EU Kommisar Admits Brussels Is At War With DemocracyThe German EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger, in an astonishing rant accused "bishops, non-governmental organizations and "Ami-Go-Home-Altgruppen" (whatever they are) of undemocratic agitation against the EU's free trade agreements. Oettinger was referring to the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) the undemocratic deal being negotiated in secret between the European Union and the corporate paymasters who control the US Administration. 1 October Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas? 29 September New Global Crisis Imminen, New Geneva Report Warns The Geneva Report refers to a “poisonous combination of high and rising global debt and slowing nominal GDP [gross domestic product], driven by both slowing real growth and falling inflation”. The total burden of world debt, private and public, has risen from 160 per cent of national income in 2001 to almost 200 per cent after the crisis struck in 2009 and 215 per cent in 2013. “Contrary to widely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the global debt to GDP ratio is still growing, breaking new highs,” the report said.28 September Why Do Government Information Technology Projects always Screw Up? Because Everything Governmrent Touches Becomes Political 27 September Ukip takes on free market corporatists: Britain's immigration debate gets interesting 26 September The Third Gulf War Has Started - Should Britain Get Involved
Derbyshire Chief Constable Claims He Was Forbidden To Arrest Former Labour Minister Or Search His Home">South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal 25 September Disaster Dave's Latest Screw Up On The International StageTomorrow (26 September, 2014) the UK Parliament will meet to vote on whether Britain should support Prime Minister David Cameron and US President and Warmonger - in - Chief Barack Hussein Obama in launching yet another war in the middle east, this time against the forces of the Islamic Caliphate, a fundamentalist organisation set up by groups funded armed and trained by the USA and its allies in their quest to overthrow the regime of Bashar Al Assad in Syria. 24 September Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs 23 September In Praise Of Sluts - Tits Out For The Boys Miley 22 September Nationalism the new target for left wing screechers 21 September Rotherham Childcare Chief Quits Over Mass Sex Abuse Scandal After weeks of mounting pressure and in the wake of resignations by council political leaders and senior exectutives and also of the recently elected Police Crime Commissioner for the scandal hit town, Joyce Thacker the head of children's services at Rotherham council has finally quit. Following the revelation of a massive cover up by elected representative, police and care professionals who went to considerable lengths to avoid acting on allegations of organised sex abuse gangs consisting mostly of Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press 20 September Submerged forests' drowned by ancient climate change revealed by 2014 storms. How To Be Totally Uncool (By TryingTo Look Cooler Than You Are) 19 September South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal The man who bears most responsibility for failure to investigate the Rotherham child abuse scandal has finally resigned after three weeks of excuses and evasions. Police Commissioner Wright has been under pressure ever since a report by Prof Alexis Jay (see below) revealed a huge level of child abuse in the South Yourkshire town of Rotherham. The organised sex crime rings had been operating for ...South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal The man who bears most responsibility for failure to investigate the Rotherham child abuse scandal has finally resigned after three weeks of excuses and evasions. Police Commissioner Wright has been under pressure ever since a report by Prof Alexis Jay (see below) revealed a huge level of child abuse in the South Yourkshire town of Rotherham. The organised sex crime rings had been operating for ...17 September South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal The man who bears most responsibility for failure to investigate the Rotherham child abuse scandal has finally resigned after three weeks of excuses and evasions. Police Commissioner Wright has been under pressure ever since a report by Prof Alexis Jay (see below) revealed a huge level of child abuse in the South Yourkshire town of Rotherham. The organised sex crime rings had been operating for ...Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
Denis MacShane: I was too much of a 'liberal leftie' and should have done more to investigate child abuse nt of candour disgraced former Labour Member Of Parliament for Rotherham, Dennis MacShane admitted he could have done more to protect the victims of sex abuse gangs in his constituency who preyed on young girls in the local authority care system. While maintaing he knew of no specific allegations MacShane said he could have investigated rumours circulating in the town. Independent Scotland To Lose Orkney, Shetland and Oil 16 September Who Should Make Decision About Childrens' Welfare, Parents Or Authoritarian Left Wing Schoolteachers? World IQ is falling in direct correlation to increase in global military spending
Obama Says If Syria Tries To Defend Itself Against US Air Strikes, US Will Attack Syria 25 April 24 April |
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