Servergate: Clinton Emails reveal how Google tried to help Obama Administration defeat Syria’s Assad

We've reported before on the very close links between Google and The White House, most people are aware that the story of two semi - autistic, pizza faced little nerds who approached a venture capital firm (that just happened to be a front for the CIA) with the technology that would put all the information in the world at everybody's fingertips is a myth. Far from being superior to other search engines, which did at least try to bring some semblence of order to internet search results, a Google search threw up far more results that its rivals. That however distracted users from the fact that the top results were seldom the most revevant.
Apart from filtering out the results the ruling elites and their lackeys did not want us punters to see, Google also took care to highlight the sites that were mosdt likely to generate revenue for them. So much for net neutrality.
But the US Government liked the way Google did things and so helped the company establish a near monopoly on the search market. And then Google and the government got even cosier with each other. And the closer Google got to the Obama Andminstration, the more Orwellian they became. It seems the search engine operator and privacy thief even played a role in some of Obama'a 'asymmetric wars' on third world nations.
from 21st Century WireRead full article on Google and Syria at 21st Century Wire
The Silicon Valley’s technotronic oligarchy have been exposed as a mere extension of the CIA in terms of playing a role in Washington’s state policy of regime change in Syria.
This latest email release reveals how then US Secretary of State, and now Democratic presidential favorite Hillary Clinton colluded with executive at Google to launch a digital PR onslaught against the president of Syria, Bashar al Assad.
This is all part of Google’s ‘color revolution’ business, and also part of the Smart Power Complex used to manufacture public consent for ‘humanitarian interventions’ globally.
The leak also reveals how Qatari network Al Jazeera played an active role in this plot too. Al Jazeera has already been caught repeatedly manipulating international news throughout the Middle East.
In a just world, Hillary would be held to account by the mainstream media for this revelation, but it seems that it’s just being ignored by the mainstream gatekeepers…
Google in 2012 sought to help insurgents overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to State Department emails receiving fresh scrutiny this week.
Messages between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s team and one of the company’s executives detailed the plan for Google to get involved in the region.
“Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool … that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from,” Jared Cohen, the head of what was then the company’s “Google Ideas” division, wrote in a July 2012 email to several top Clinton officials.
“Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition,” Cohen said, adding that the plan was for Google to surreptitiously give the tool to Middle Eastern media.
Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)
They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.
How Google Destroyed the Internet
The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas.
How Google Destroyed the Internet
The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.
Computers will have developed “common sense” within a decade and we could be counting them among our friends not long afterwards, one of the world’s leading AI scientists has predicted. Professor Geoff Hinton, who was hired by Google two years ago to help develop intelligent operating systems, said that the company is on the brink of developing algorithms with the capacity for logic, natural conversation and even flirtation.
I've been trying to warn you for years but would you tech heads and science heads listen?
A facebook friend, Mary Bladley McCaulay writes: Now I know for sure Google earth is following me. Went to the Dentist in Mufreesboro this AM. When I got back to my sons house and got online with my Kindle, first thing I saw was a Dental ad.
Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google
Barak Obama runs America surely, you might well be thinking. We would argue that no US President since Eisenhower has truly run the USA. But the latest revelation of how cosy the Obama Administration has become with corporate business, to the extent that government departments are taking instruction from Google will shock even the most cynical Americans
Google Meets White House Officials Every Week, Why?
We have been very suspicious for ten years of the way Google with such apparent ease achieved a dominant position in web search. How did it happen, did Google do something evil, did they invoke the powers of darkness in their meteoric rise. Or were there even darker forces at work, powering Google to a position in which their internet technologies could dominate global information flows? Here's something cynics should read.
Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here
A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.
EU taking on Google - Well One German Publisher Is
Those New World Order fanatics at The Guardian, bless them, seldom miss a trick when it comes to promoting the single European Superstate and the globalist agenda. Their latest misrepresentation is to try and make us feel the European Union is somehow protecting our freedoms even as the bureau rats of Brussels are taking them away.
How Google algorithm is cheating users and websites
Google's latest algorithm scam
Google caught being evil
Google date filtering a threat to democracy
Google's evil ambitions
Google in The White House
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