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21 September 2024

Atlantic Mag Admits “Pandemic” FAILED To Brainwash People Into Accepting Globalist Tyranny

posted by Dr. Dickie Hart

 This article in the Atlantic by Director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis S. Collins, should interest us, not just for its predictable and easily debunked attempts at gaslighting the general public about what the early days of “covid” were “really” like (the terror! the deaths! the hospitals like war-zones ! oh the humanity!).

No, what makes it interesting is the question in its title-

Why Didn’t Facing a Common Enemy Bring Us Together?

This is a respected mainstream senior health bureaucrat in a respected journal making two important admissions.

1 – that the “COVID” pandemic host was intended to unite us

2 – that it failed to do so.

The first one is obvious –  in his own words, “covid” was expected to “bring us together” through fear – be a big global(ist) kumbaya moment. It was expected to be the trigger for humanity to put aside its differences in the face of a terrifying “common enemy”.

Yes, we were expected to cry with one voice, – we will lock ourselves down! Yes, we will wear face masks! Yes we will be injected with untested experimental compounds and endure empty food stores and invasive testing, QR codes and enforced medical interventions – to save us all from something much much worse!

This isn’t really new information of course, fotunately enough of us resisted the coercive measures and propaganda and declined the vacccines, refused to mask up and continued to socialise because we had seen some sort of a global power grab coming. 

The signs were apparent from very early in the manufactured crisis that creation of global government by unelected bureaucrats was where it was intended to go. Does anyone remember ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown in March 2020 saying the quiet part outloud WAY too soon and without adequate explanation telling people “covid” required a global government to deal with it?

he comprehensive interview linked below gets into many of the fundamental realities of the structural event known as the Covid-19 pandemic. This wide ranging interview covers some of the broader geopolitical and financial motives which triggered the event. 

Below are a fes snippets from the interview- No Pandemic: Interview with Michael Allen Bryant 

 This manufactured crisis allowed the financial elites to implement long-planned economic changes while suppressing potential public outcry through fear and restrictive measures. The COVID-19 operation thus served as both a distraction from and a facilitator of one of the largest upward transfers of wealth in human history. It’s vital that people understand the connections here to the massive escalation in the cost of living across the Western World.

This isn’t simply an academic exercise. The across the board increases in cost of living- housing, energy, food, transportation and virtually all goods and services- is a direct and intentional outcome of this operation. ….. The likes of CEPI, GAVI, WHO, and others have made it clear that “waging endless war against viruses” is the next phase of the Global War on ‘Fill in the Blank’, with copious funding – think trillions – going to these pathogenic Ponzi schemes. These organizations, often funded by and serving the interests of billionaires and large corporations, use the pretext of global health crises to implement far-reaching changes in society. 

 Together, these organizations form a powerful, interconnected network that shapes global health policies, at the expense of true public health and national sovereignty, while facilitating massive wealth transfers and consolidation of power among global elites. Their role in the COVID-19 operation demonstrates their capacity to coordinate on a global scale to implement sweeping changes in society, economics, and governance.

 Their power and control allows them to pull the strings of governance and finance at the international, national, regional, state and local levels. We saw this clearly throughout the Covid-19 campaign where diktats from the highest corridors of power trickled down to regional, state and county health departments all the way into local school systems and virtually all areas of civic society. 

This points to an uncomfortable reality at this present moment in history- “your government” is not yours. ….. The integration of digital currencies, UBI, and health passports creates a system of total financial and social control. In this system, your ability to participate in the economy and society could be tied to your health status, your social credit score, or your compliance with whatever mandates are deemed necessary by the authorities. The COVID-19 crisis has been used to accelerate this agenda, normalizing the idea of digital IDs and creating the infrastructure for a fully controlled digital economy. 

As we move forward, it’s crucial to recognize and resist these encroachments on financial freedom and privacy. … The abuse and neglect of the elderly during the COVID-19 crisis is a particularly sinister aspect of this operation, tied directly to the economic pressures facing pension systems and the broader agenda of wealth transfer and population control. In practice what was done added up to institutional euthanasia as public health policy.

One can see firsthand evidence of the brutalities which occurred in nursing homes by watching the testimony from the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. The ghastly stories presented throughout that inquiry were not unique to Scotland and the only reason we have such intimate details from Scotland is that to date they are the only nation to launch an honest inquiry into what was happening inside the nursing homes during the Covid-19 crisis.

It’s important to recognize that this wholesale abuse was happening all across the Western World. In May of 2020 Rosemary Frei asked the provocative question in her article titled, “Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?”

In early May of 2020 The UK Column wrote a piece, titled, “Covid-19: the war against the elderly in uncaring "care" homes” documenting nursing home abuses in many countries and regions.

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