America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange
by Ian R Thorpe, 21 October, 2016
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Julian Assange's death were greatly exaggerated. After his web feed was cut by staff at the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week Assange's usual stream of tweets, leaks and posts was stilled. The web, being the web, went mad with conspiracy theories but Wikileaks themselves did not comment on the wilder speculation. Well Julian is back on Hillary's case, and this time it's more personal than ever. After consistently leaking damaging internal information from both the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign on an almost daily basis for months, much of which provides evidence of criminal behavior sufficient to trigger a police investigation were anybody but a member of the Washington 'liberal' (née neocon) elite the chief suspect, but seemingly has no impact on the Mrs Clinton's ratings in the polls, Julian Assange has concluded that "There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary, rigged media and rigged 'pied piper' candidate drive consolidation." Another way of looking at it is that Mrs. Clinton's continued involvement in the election race shows that to her supporters the fact that Hillary Clinton has a vagina (allegedly) is more important that evidence of her involvement in crime, ranging from high treason to cheating Bernie Sanders out of the nomination, or that her biggest campaign priomise and the one she is likely to keep is that she will seek war with Russia. This blog can't understand why the candidate's genitals should be a factor in the election. After all, in every election from 1988, Americans have voted to put a cunt in The White House. It is difficult to disagree with Assange's assessment (or ours for that matter). That an establishment candidate, the ultimate Washington insider, running for The Democratic Party which claims it supports poor people and minorities, can still be in the race after an extended FBI investigation into a security scandal involving handling classified material on an unsecured private network that concluded multiple federal laws were clearly and intentionally broken by Mrs Clinton and her staff, and clear evidence that the decision not to prosecute was influenced by the intervention of President Barack Hussein Obama in what amounted to a gross abuse of power, is astounding. Equally astounding is that evidence of collusion between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary has not warranted an investigation. Throw in evidence from WikiLeaks clearly linking the DNC to criminal efforts to incite violence at rallies, electoral fraud during the Democratic Party primaries, contravention of electoral rules in accepting donations from foreign governments, blatant media collusion, etc, etc, and it actually becomes clear that The Obama Administration and the Democratic party (heavily influenced by the Clinton's have introduced levels of corruption normally found in third world failed states into the political system of the USA. And, while no amount of corruption or scandal seems to sway an American electorate that is intent upon throwing the country off a cliff, Assange has promised a "surprise" for Tim Kaine and the Democrats' "persecuted christian woman", Donna Brazile who assumed the role of chair of the Democratic National Committee (as a thanks for helping Hillary stab Bernie Sanders in the back?) after her predecessor was made the patsy for Hillary's email treason.Let's hope that finally wakes up mainstream media to tell the truth about the election being rigged in favour of the Wall Street / Corporate / Military - Industrial complex candidate. The real irony is that Hillary Clinton represents all of that which the 'liberals' of the 'progressive left' claim they hate most, yet still they support her because her vagina blinds them to the (not fit for purpose) quality of her character, just as eight years ago the colour of Obama's skin blinded mostly the same people to the fact that he was a plant who in office would be a neocon puppet.Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin It is clear (and very easy to research) that many Amerocan elitists, including prominent political figures are involved in the Panama tax haven scandal. So why are British news organisations focusin on David Cameeron, the Conservatives and Vladimir Putin? Could it be the Gerge Soros funded group behaind the leaks have another agenda besides exposing (perfectly legal) tax avoidance?
Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment So if Trump is in fact as liberal as the corporate sock puppet Obama, what is it about him that has the ruling elite so scared the corporate owned mainstream media are resorting to desperate measures to discredit him while politicians plot increasing unfeasible ways to stop him becoming president. Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI We reported a little while ago, in our series of posts chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton after the story of how, while Secretary Of State, she made use of personal IT equipment to handle government material classified as 'beyond top secret. The story broke just as Hillary's campaign ran into stormy waters are Bernie Sanders, originally written off as a fringe candidate began to gain momentum ... Servergate: Hillary Clinton arrogant, ignorant or both Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists while I have been amused by the antics of the Republicans as they search for a way to stop Donal Trump, on the other side of the coin I have learned there is not alot about the Democratic Party that is actually democratic. New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya We have no compunction about lobbying against Hillary as responsible citizens of the world who put the interests of people in the USA, Europe and the third world ahead of the interests of a global wealthy elite who profit from war and are quite prepared to use financial muscle to make sure corporate profit wins out over public interest. Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers No surprises in the US Presidential primaries last night, but another chance to maintain my run of flatulence related headlines as Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican contest. From The Bloated Big State A Mighty Trump Burst Forth America is being destroyed by Vic Damico Detroit, the American Dystopia American paranoia Failure of American leadership Obama's administration of bottom feeders Obama's Big Brother society Obama's jihad against civilisation Obama creates an oppressive, tyrannical regime Hollywood Celebrities Who Are Not Hillary Fans Watch or read mainstream news or get your info from celebrity gossip websites and you could be forgiven for believing that all media / showbiz celebs in the USA are devoted fans of the rent - boy president, Barack Hussein Obama and his anointed successor Hillary Clinton. It is not so ...
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When Donald Trump claims the US electoral system is "rigged" even he may have little idea of how true his words are, from electronic voting machines that flip votes,to ' The Walking Dead voters in some predominantly Democrat states where there are large populations of ethnic minorities to the media, to the overall system from the primaries through to the electoral college in which delegates from each state actually conduct the final votes that formally elects the president. David Swanson writes:The 2016 Republican presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by the Republicans, the Democrats, Russians, space aliens, or voters. It was rigged by the owners of television networks who believed that giving one candidate far more coverage than others was good for their ratings. The CEO of CBS Leslie Moonves said of this decision: “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.” Justifying that choice based on polling gets the chronology backwards, ignores Moonves’ actual motivation, and avoids the problem, which is that there ought to be fair coverage for all qualified candidates (and a democratic way to determine who is qualified).
The 2016 Democratic presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by bankers, misogynists, Russians, Republicans, or computer hackers. It was rigged by the Democratic National Committee and its co-conspirators in the media, many of whom have helpfully confessed (in case it wasn’t obvious) in emails leaked from the DNC and from John Podesta. The DNC chose Hillary Clinton and worked hard to make sure that she “won.” Nobody has produced a hint of evidence as to who leaked the emails that added unnecessary confirmation of this rigging, but they should be thanked for informing us, whoever they are.
The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email was as rigged as the non-prosecution of the CEO of Wells Fargo. The U.S. political system is bought and paid for. Without millions of dollars to funnel to television networks for advertising, any candidate is rigged right out of participating. This rigging of the system is not fixed by someone like Donald Trump pretending for a while that he won’t take bribes, that he’ll spend only his own money, because most people don’t have that kind of money to spend. This rigging is not fixed by making someone like Hillary Clinton take her bribes through her family foundation or requiring that her political action committees remain theoretically separate from the campaign they are collaborating hand-in-glove with, because money buys power.
The debates are rigged by a private entity with no official status that calls itself the Commission on Presidential Debates and transforms open debates among multiple candidates into exclusively bipartisan joint appearances with many large and fine points negotiated beforehand.
Actual governance of the United States is rigged. Congress plans to attempt to ram through a number of intensely unpopular measures just after the election, including a supplemental spending bill for more wars and including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The hope is that most people will have tuned out after the election circus, and that most of them will forget what happened 2 or 4 years later.
The demonization of Vladimir Putin is rigged. Nobody has seen evidence that he or his government did us the favor of informing us of the DNC’s corruption. He proposed a ban on cyber “war” that was rejected by the United States, for goodness sake. There’s no evidence that Russia shot down an airplane in Ukraine or invaded Ukraine or seized Crimea or plotted attacks on the United States. The United States pulled out of the ABM treaty, expanded NATO to Russia’s border, built missile bases, arranged military “exercises,” facilitated a Ukrainian coup, and pushed a string of hostile lies. Russia has shown even more restraint than your typical U.S. voter (who usually sits home and does not vote, especially in primaries).
That's plenty for the purpose of making my point, which is that as I said in the previous post, It's All Bollocks, but if you are still not convinced of the absolute folly of placing any trust in government, supranational bureaucracies, corporate business, mainstream media or the academic community, there is plenty more to read in David's article which is supported by several videos. Alternatively you could start browsing our catalogue of insightful posts on the great deception that has blinded so many people to how our communities and nations are being hijacked by a greedy, self serving, self selected and amoral elite intent on robbing us of our individual freedoms, democratic institutions, collective endeavours, privacy and our material wealth. RELATED POSTS: Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot. Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism" Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. 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We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside. Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry. Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity. As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry? Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia. While we are distracted with sex scandals at home and terrorists rampaging through the middle east and Africa, the US / EU / NATO confrontation with Russia / China / Iran is getting into a very dangerous state. While the Chinese led move to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency is causing economic chaos, the USA attempts to provoke armed conflict with Russia are getting more reckless and desperate.
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A thirty five thousand word book on the authoroitarian, undemocratic, bureaucratic dictatorship that is the European Union. Following the outburst of left wing hate politics following Boris Johnson's reminder that the EU has its roots in Hitler's Naziism, which as any intelligent person is aware is both true and very well documented. My blog colleagues and I decided to assemble this collection of our articles (with some long extracts quoted from public domain and creative commons sources) to help people misled by the REMAIN campaign into thinking the arguments are solely economic.