German Ubermacht Gives Greek Upstats The Finger
posted by Arthur Foxake
Since the election of the anti - austerity Syriza government in January, the Greeks have been very busy trying to provoke the Gremans, the nation Athens sees as the cause of its European Union woes.
As the Germans, in concert with the bureaucrats of Brussels, continued to demand greater economic austerity from Greece, a nation already crippled by its membership of the European Single Currency (Euro), while the Greeks protest that their unemploted and elderly have no income and must scavenge for food, youth unemployment is over fifty per cent, the sick cannot afford medicines and professional women, doctors and such, are having to prostitute themselves to feed their families.
The best "Up yours, kraut bastards" idea the Greeks have come up with yet was a demand that Germany pay massive reparations for the damage don during the Nazi occupation of 1940 - 44. Naturally the Germans did not think this was a very good idea and the response has been somewhat lacking compassion.
See embedded below an article from Zero Hedge with screeenshots from Der Spiegel procliming "German Übermacht" or German superiority. Hmm, as the title of one of our omnibus pages suggests, Europe is coming unglued. Got the rifle ready captain Mainwaring?
from Zero Hedge
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Starting Pistol Fired In Race To Succeed Merkel
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Germany Threatens Sanctions Against Poland Over 'Lack of Western Values' (for Western read German)
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The Greek Mess, Germany and A Final Solution?
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