Britain and Europe (Brexit)
Farage Says New Brexit Party Will Spark "A Political Revolution" And Terrify The Tories
Nigel Farage, who led the successful Brexit campaign, warned backsliding elitist politicians on Tuesday that his brexit Party would spark a political "revolution" - a cliched line but appropriate given the mood of the country - and strike fear into the hearts of ineffectual Tories who have so far failed to deliver on the promise of the Brexit referendum if the UK is forced to contest EU Parliament elections as part of Prime Minister Theresa May's, the Sun newspaper reports ... MORE>>> .
There are sheeple who want to remain in the EU at any price, and then there are people who understand the EU
I am not sure people really are up for reading EU related documents or a whole load more people would be less excited about the EU. If people read the chequers plan and the political declaration they would know the only people who leave the EU are the financial sector. Everyone else stays in without a vote or veto for two years whilst we negotiate the long term deal...
Farage Says New Brexit Party Will Spark "A Political Revolution" And Terrify The Tories
Nigel Farage, who led the successful Brexit campaign, warned backsliding elitist politicians on Tuesday that his brexit Party would spark a political "revolution" - a cliched line but appropriate given the mood of the country - and strike fear into the hearts of ineffectual Tories who have so far failed to deliver on the promise of the Brexit referendum if the UK is forced to contest EU Parliament elections as part of Prime Minister Theresa May's, the Sun newspaper reports ... MORE>>> .
Emmanuel Macron's desperate push for further integration reminds Brexi supporters why we voted to Leave
Daily Telegraph, 6 March
Anyone who though in 2016 that staying in the European Union wass the status quo option will have been disabused by the intervention of Emmanuel Macron and his blueprint for the future of the \europe. The French president is increasingly derided in his homeland for his folie de grandeur; but even his compatriots must be taken aback by his Napoleonic pretensions to create a pan-European state.
Mr Macron, facing insurrection, economic crisis and a pandemic of immigrant crime at home from the gilets jaunes movement, Muslim migrants refugees and angry workers has concluded that the solution to the rise of populism on the continent is “more Europe”. You know he has the wrong answer just by looking at those who are cheering him on, the Eurocrats and western europhiliac politicians for whom the “project,” i.e. the creation of a federal European superstate, is everything. READ ALL >>>
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Is The UK Foolish To Leave The EU
This question, worded slightly differently, comes up innumerable times in comment or Q & A threads on websites. Here's a near pefect answer from a fellow warrior for liberty and opponent of Euronaziism, Barney Lane:
Is Brexit a foolish idea? Brexit means Britain is in the EU but is now leaving it. Which part is foolish, the being in part or the leaving part?
Discussion on this subject would be considerably more productive if more people understood some of the basics surrounding it, such as what the EU is and how it works[1], and how trade works both within and outside of the EU.[2] [3] My objective is to think and write about the EU and Brexit from my own perspective, based on experience, facts and reasoned analysis. Now, people have differing views on the success of this endeavour. For example, I’ve been regularly accused on Quora (particularly by one individual) of being paid by BrexitCentral and one interlocutor recently suggested my account might be a parody. Clearly one man’s foolishness is another man’s wisdom.
Sadly, many of the discussions surrounding Brexit have been a hive of misinformation. Even more sadly, those perpetrating the misinformation have included people elected and ought to respect. Prior to the 2016 referendum, Anna Soubry, MP for Broxtowe, said on Any Questions, UK exports to the EU would “fall to almost absolutely zero”, in the event of Britain’s departure from the EU. Furthermore, prior to the referendum, the Treasury warned us that:
“a vote to leave would represent an immediate and profound shock to our economy. That shock would push our economy into a recession and lead to an increase in unemployment of around 500,000” [4]
George Osborne, then the Chancellor of the Exchequer, declared the report “ serious and sober assessment of the economic facts”.
Now, if you really believed those things and there’s no reason to doubt that previously uncommitted people might have been somewhat influenced by them, it’s hardly surprising that “Brexit is a foolish idea” has been doing the rounds. One might hope that with time, some of these more barmy ideas might have started to lose their sting. But sadly, the misinformation campaign about what life outside the EU might imply, has stepped up a gear.
To make an informed assessment, you really need some kind of idea of what the EU is and what it aspires to be. The EU’s founding father and first president of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, Jean Monnet, said in his first address to the new assembly, that the delegates there present were “taking part in the first government of Europe”.
The debate at the time was around inter-governmentalism versus supranationalism. The former refers to coordination between sovereign states, while the latter is a higher authority that sits above the state. Following various meetings with governmental heads, a statement was issued to the press about what the new Community would set out to achieve. It included the following text:
The withdrawal of a state which has committed itself to the Community should be possible only if all the others agree to such withdrawal and to the conditions in which it takes place. The rule in itself sums up the fundamental transformation which the French proposal seeks to achieve. Over and above coal and steel, it is laying the foundations of a European federation. In a federation, no State can secede by its own unilateral decision. Similarly, there can be no Community except among nations which commit themselves to it with no limit and no looking back.
Clearly, Monnet was committed to the supranational route. Britain on the other hand, was profoundly sceptical and distanced itself from the negotiations.
Incidentally, Monnet’s statement “The withdrawal of a state which has committed itself to the Community should be possible only if all the others agree to such withdrawal and to the conditions in which it takes place”, has an eerie echo in the text of Article 50, the formal mechanism by which a member leaves the EU.
In response, the British government sent the following note to the French government:
It remains the view of His Majesty’s Government that to subscribe to the terms of the draft communiqué would involve entering into an advance commitment to pool iron and steel resources and to set up an authority, with certain supreme powers, before there had been a full opportunity of considering how these important and far-reaching proposals would work in practice. His Majesty’s government are most anxious that these proposals should be discussed and pursued but they feel unable to associate themselves with a communiqué, which appears to take decisions prior to, rather than as a result of, intergovernmental discussions
This was precisely the response Monnet had expected. On the basis of Britain’s past record and commitment to intergovernmentalism, he had anticipated that they would oppose the supranational element which was the very core of his plan. He thus deliberately engineered Britain’s exclusion by making joining the talks conditional on accepting the supranational principle as non-negotiable.
On the basis that it never accepted the principle of supranationalism, as opposed to intergovernmentalism, Britain was excluded from the talks.
There was one dissenter at the time, who believed we were indeed foolish not to have joined the talks. One Ted Heath, who said that by standing aside “we may be taking a very great risk with our economy in the coming years — a very great risk indeed”.
Heath’s words are a clue to what was on his mind in the early 1970s. It was all about the economy. By that time, the organisation we joined had (via the Treaty of Rome) become the European Economic Community. It had proceeded profoundly beyond its initial scope, but its commitment to federalism and supranationalism remained at the very heart of it.
Heath clearly believed that joining the EEC was an economic necessity. He was so convinced of this that his government sought to hide the Community’s commitment to federalism, supranationalism and “ever closer union”. This was uncovered in 2003 under the “30 year rule”, in the form of a secret official document FCO 30/1048 [5], which explained that joining the EEC did indeed compromise sovereignty (except on the most narrow, technical definition of the word) and to an extent that if known by voters, would so be so profoundly toxic that pursuing membership would be politically suicidal. The government therefore set the agenda for public discussion, focusing only on economic benefits, while keeping the political aspects hidden from view.
Now, much of the above comes from the book “The Great Deception”, by Christopher Booker and Richard North, published in 2005. The authors argued on the basis of their findings that the march towards a federal Europe was part and parcel of the Community’s founding principles and is very much alive today. They also argued that Britain joined the Community on the basis of a deception, (hence the title) and that its eventual departure was inevitable, the only debate being about when and how.
On the basis of the above, I quite agree Brexit is foolish, but the foolish bit was joining in the first place.
But while the politics of the union may be toxic, the economics are great, right? Not so fast. A close read of this, this, this and this suggests there is at least substantial room for doubt.
Ok we shouldn’t have joined but now we have, it’s foolish to leave, isn’t it? I and others have argued for example, here, here, here, here and here, that this isn’t necessarily so. Brexit certainly has costs. No denying that. However, the question is whether the benefits outweigh the costs. I’d say the reversal hollowing out of our legal and political institutions, which we never wanted in the first place, is a pretty big one.
Who knows, maybe years to come we’ll be asking why our grandchildren are more proud of Britain and less cynical about its leaders than we used to be. Footnotes[1] Barney Lane's answer to As a person who formerly was against Brexit, what or who convinced you to be in favor of leaving the European Union?
[2] Barney Lane's answer to Do educated people like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg really believe that the UK can do economically better by leaving of one of the biggest single markets in the world?
[3] Barney Lane's answer to Where is the physical bottleneck that will supposedly cause delays at Dover post-Brexit? Why would physical inspection of no more than 2% of incoming vehicles (WTO limit) delay the other 98%?
No-deal Brexit ferry company owns no ships and has never run Channel service
Concerns raised over Seaborne Freight, which won a £13.8m contract to operate a Ramsgate to Ostend route
It seem from a report in today's Guardian that Project Fear, the effort by pro-EU politicians, media pundits and business people to derail Brexit is collaborating with Project Profiteer to make sure whether we go for 'no deal,' Theresa May's deal or no Brexit, british taxpayers get shafted by the money grabbing global corporations.
Ramsgate Ferry Port - not many ships or lorries around, maybe its only used by ghost companies ( Picture: ) One of the companies contracted by the government's Ministry of Brexit Panic to run ferries in the event of a no-deal Brexit does not currently own any ships, has never operated a ferry service or shipping line and is not planning to do so until close to the UK’s scheduled departure date from the European Union, it has emerged. Concerns have been raised about Seaborne Freight, which despite it's not being in a position to provide any service was awarded a £13.8m contract to operate freight ferries from Ramsgate to the Belgian port of Ostend if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, after a councillor for the Kent town queried whether it would be possible to set up the new service by the scheduled Brexit date. There are grounds for looking closely into this company and who benefits from its profits. It would not surprise us if Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor Phil (spreadsheet) Hammond are among the main shareholders. Amid all the Project Fear panic about 'no deal' nobody is asking why we will need more ships. There will not be any significant increase in cross channel trade after Brexit, in fact the Remainers would like us to believe trade will cease completely. The seaborne contract is one of three agreements worth a total of £107.7m signed by the government without a tendering process (how dodgy is that?) to help ease “severe congestion” at Dover by securing extra lorry capacity.
Ramsgate Ferry Port - not many ships or lorries around, maybe its only used by ghost companies ( Picture: )
One of the companies contracted by the government's Ministry of Brexit Panic to run ferries in the event of a no-deal Brexit does not currently own any ships, has never operated a ferry service or shipping line and is not planning to do so until close to the UK’s scheduled departure date from the European Union, it has emerged.
Concerns have been raised about Seaborne Freight, which despite it's not being in a position to provide any service was awarded a £13.8m contract to operate freight ferries from Ramsgate to the Belgian port of Ostend if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, after a councillor for the Kent town queried whether it would be possible to set up the new service by the scheduled Brexit date.
There are grounds for looking closely into this company and who benefits from its profits. It would not surprise us if Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor Phil (spreadsheet) Hammond are among the main shareholders. Amid all the Project Fear panic about 'no deal' nobody is asking why we will need more ships. There will not be any significant increase in cross channel trade after Brexit, in fact the Remainers would like us to believe trade will cease completely.
The seaborne contract is one of three agreements worth a total of £107.7m signed by the government without a tendering process (how dodgy is that?) to help ease “severe congestion” at Dover by securing extra lorry capacity.
Seaborne has published plans to operate freight ferries from Ramsgate from late March, beginning with two ships and increasing to four by the end of the summer. Without any ships this is oing to be quite difficult as some people have noted.
Paul Messenger, a Conservative county councillor for Ramsgate, questioned whether the government had run proper checks on the firm's financial stability, management experience, and fitness to fulfill the contract, telling the BBC: “It has no ships and no trading history so how can due diligence be done? Why choose a company that never moved a single truck in their entire history and give them £14m? I don’t understand the logic of that.”
Seaborne was established two years ago and has been in negotiations about running freight ferries between Ramsgate and Ostend, but no services are currently running. Narrow berths in the port mean there are few suitable commercial vessels available.
There are two options here. Either the whole thing is a typical civil service fuck up or somebody has trousered £13.8 million of taxpayers money without ever intending to do anything to earn it.
MORE BREXIT:Theresa May's New Contempt Of Parliament Scandal
On a day that saw her government defeated three times in House of Commons votes on key Brexit issues, a new scandal has erupted around Theresa May's dishonest and duplicitous mismanagement of the Brexit process. The Prime Minister has now been accused of holding secret weekly Brexit meetings with pro EU Cabinet ministers and civil servants of which no record has been made, sparking accusations of a “conspiracy to derail Brexit”. Political advisers to the Government are said to have been increasingly concerned about the meetings especially as May has increasingly sidelined elected MPs on her negotiating teamBrexit Chaos As DUP And Tory Rebels Sink Theresa May’s Desperate’ To Please Her Euronazi Pals
'DUP and Tory rebels have rejected Theresa May's “desperate” bid to rally MPs to support her pathetic, sellout Brexit deal, ahead of a Commons showdown next week which threatens her position as Prime Minister and leader of her party.
Backbench Tories tabled an amendment to next week’s meaningful vote that would give MPs some control over the Irish backstop, a controversial insurance policy which aims to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland. Under the plans – which are reported to have been be sanctioned by Downing Street – parliament would decide whether to trigger the backstop arrangement or extend the transition period beyond December 2020.
Brexiteers dismissed the plans as “desperate” and DUP leader Arlene Foster rejected the proposal outright, saying domestic “tinkering” to the withdrawal agreement would not persuade her party’s 10 MPs back the government – making it impossible for Ms May to win the vote unless a lot of people switch sides. And with Labour scenting the fall of the government and victory in the ensuing election, don't expect too many surprises.
The backbench amendment was tabled by former minister Sir Hugo Swire, backbench MPs Richard Graham and Bob Neill on Thursday night, only hours after the Prime Minister indicated parliament would choose between entering the backstop or prolonging the transition period after exit day.
The backstop plan is loathed by Brexiteers, who believe it keeps the UK too closely tied to Brussels, while Ms May insists it is only an insurance policy as the government plans to secure a trade deal before the backstop is needed. It has now been revealed of course that May misled the Commons about the nature of the backstop and, as her critics all pointed out, Britain could not leave the arrangement without the agreement of the EU, agreement that the government of Ireland would always veto.
Mr Graham, who sits on the Brexit Committee, said the backstop “was and remains the thing that gives colleagues the most concern”.'
'Brits aren’t STUPID!' Brexiteer brilliantly DISMANTLES no-deal Brexit scare stories
Brexit supporting businessman Richard Tice has fired back at no deal Brexit scaremongering and said British people “are not stupid” and Remainers should “get real”. Mr Tice, the founder of Brexit campaign group Leave Means Leave, insisted the “British bulldog spirit will rise up” in the event of a no deal Brexit. Mr Tice told reporters: “Isn’t it dreadful? We are not going to be able to watch Netflix. We are going to run out of cheese for our sandwiches. I mean, come on. Get real.EU threatens to torpedo May’s Brexit deal as she lies to nation about her surrender.
Even as Theresa May stood in front of the nation and lied about the abject surrender to EU bullying that she is trying to see to British voters as a good deal when it will mean surrendering our sovereignty and lawmaking powers to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, it looks as if the EU itself is … Continue readingThe end of the affair – and does it also herald the fall of a government?
When the Conservative Party announced its marriage of convenience to the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland, many of us had tears in our eyes.
We were upset that Theresa May had found some stooges who were willing to prop up a minority Conservative government for the sake of a large bung – £1 billion, almost half of which has been delivered – and we were weeping for the future of the country we love.Theresa May Warns Brexit Could Be Stopped As Draft Deal Faces Overwhelming Opposition
Ahead of a “critical week” that will include a summit with EU bureaucrats in Brussels and culminate with a weekend session of the Cabinet to iron out the final details of the draft Brexit deal, Theresa May has run out of arguments and is reviving project fear threats and scare tactics to force Conservative MPs … Continue readingIf there is a People's Vote on Brexit, will you vote differently to how you voted in the original referendum, and why?
The headline is a question posed on the 'Answers' website Quora. I do not answer questions on Brexit any more because of the vitriolic attacks launched by Remainers or anybody who puts forward a gogent argument making the case for britain's leaving the EU. It isn't the attacks themselves that made me quit, but that when Brexit suporters answer the emotive, fact free rants of remainers, which never contain any links to documented evidence supporting their case and we call them out on their easily exposed lies, they complain to the site moderators and try to get us thrown off the site.
There is no way of having a reasonable discussion with people who first cally ou a Nazi because you disagree with them, and then resort to Nazi tactics to silence opposing views when the lies and disinformation they spread is challenged. I will acknowledge that Leave supporters in mainsteam media and the political establishment have also been economical with the truth on many occasions, but I have not seen any leave supporter try to silence opposing views.
Here is a brilliant answer to the above question from a former Remain supporter who believed the lies of Remain campaingners but has had his mind changed by the authoritarian intransigence of the EU in negotiations with the government.
If there is a People's Vote on Brexit, will you vote differently to how you voted in the original referendum, and why?
Neal Owen
Answered Sep 20 · Upvoted by Tony Jackson, lives in The United Kingdom (1981-present) and Leigh Jones, lives in The United Kingdom (1982-present)
I voted to Remain.
I listened carefully to the campaigns and thought they were all dreadful. I knew little about the EU, how it works or how it affects us. I was concerned about mass immigration, was highly skeptical about claims on buses, did not know which way to vote right up to the final day, and in the end voted to Remain because I was concerned about my children’s future and was worried about the forecast economic doom if we Left. If ‘Project Fear’ existed then it worked on me.
The Brexit victory came as a bit of a shock. I really believed my decision was academic as we would Remain anyway, I just wanted to participate. But I can’t say I was particularly disappointed. I became interested. I read Quora, got involved in the debates. The first thing I noticed was that a lot of Remainers used insults to try and win points. Racist. Little Englander. Xenophobe. Head-in-the-sand, etc… Now in general anyone who resorts to insult in a debate doesn’t know any decent, logical arguments for their position, so I became suspicious. And looked deeper.
Much of what I heard from the Remain camp didn’t pass the common sense test.
I heard people worried about not being able to go on holiday to Europe, read how the boss of Airbus wouldn’t be able to visit his factories, how aircraft wouldn’t fly, how driving licences wouldn’t be recognised. It seemed to me that it must be nonsense because I fly off to non EU countries and drive around them on my UK driving licence, and people fly to the EU from around the world and drive around. Sure it would take some treaties or whatever to be signed by those in power but of course they will be. There is absolutely no reason why not, and incredibly strong reasons why they should be. Sheer common sense dictates normal life will continue.
Then I read about queues at Dover as every lorry will have to be checked and thought that doesn’t make sense either. Goods coming in and out of the EU are very rarely checked at the border, they never have been, why should it change? I read how we won’t be able to buy food and medicine and I thought if the EU won’t sell us stuff we can just buy them elsewhere. It’s a big old world. I grew up eating apples from South Africa and lamb and butter from New Zealand, which is at the opposite end of the world. Even now almost everything I buy seems to be made in the Far East. How hard can world trade actually be? I read how we are a tiny off shore island destined to become like Albania that everybody will push around, then read up a few facts about the size, economic power and political influence the UK still has on the world stage. We ain’t no Albania. That’s for sure.
And of course, month after month went by and the promised economic crisis failed to appear. Like a religious doomsday prophet the end of the world was on Tuesday the 15th. Then the 19th, then next 15th…
Then I observed the EU negotiating tactics. “We have to settle the Irish border question before we talk about trade.” But surely the Irish border question cannot be settled until we know what the trade deal is?
“We have to settle how much the UK will pay us before we talk about what benefits the UK will get from us.” But surely you discuss the price alongside the product? “Non”.
I read up about the EU, how it is run, how hard it is to influence - meaning it was in practice not very democratic at all. How the books don’t balance. How they say one thing and do another. How there is to be no cherry picking while every EU country but two have bespoke deals. About what their ultimate aim is. How a foreign court has so much power over us. I looked into how much money was going into the pockets of the rich, how much land value is determined by tariffs and the CAP, how the EU is set up as a capitalist organisation, where the talk is of a socialist paradise but the rich somehow always get richer. I found out how many EU countries have significant problems, and the rise of anti EU feeling across the EU. How it took decades to reach any trade deals. About the protectionism. The more I read, the less inviting the ship looked, and the bigger the icebergs loomed.
Then I noticed how TM went about negotiations. “We have to have a deal with you otherwise we are stuffed. Will you be nice?” WHAT! I’m no high flyer but I know the first rule of negotiation is to have an alternative. It’s like trying to get a good deal on a car while your wife is telling the salesman that we’re going to buy the car anyway.
All this time I read posts from the likes of Barney Lane and Adrian Patterson, who presented fact and informed opinion on key issues around economics, world trade and Ireland. I read posts from the likes of Anthony Pateman who live on the other end of the spectrum and how his life is affected. They were polite and honestly presented.
I was persuaded by politeness, rational argument and common sense. I am now a staunch Brexiteer and would most definitely change my vote to Leave.
Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.
Eurosleaze:May’s Top Brexit Bureaucrat Offered Millions by Big Banks
Teresa May and Olly Roberts
Oliver‘Olly’ Robbins
, the top bureaucrat to whom Theresa May has delegated most of her Prime Ministerial negotiating powers on Brexit, is being head - hunted by a number of major investment banking corporation, for a role in their organisations after the EU negotiations are complete.The unelected civil servant has openlt expressed admiration for the tyrannous bureaucracies of the Soviet Union, noting that the autocratic Communist leaders transformed Russia “from a backward peasant autocracy, despised by the West, into a technological giant at whom the world cowered in fear for half a century”. Obviously Olly hasn't read any histories of the Soviet era.
Such sentiments have helped to fuel a widespread belief among Leave-supporting politicians that Robbins, like all senior civil servants a rabid Remainer, would rather Britain would not leave the European Union at all and become a vassal state of the EUSSR. He has been the driving force pushing the Prime Minister towards a soft ‘Brexit In Name Only’ in which the UK will remain subject to the EU’s institutions and regulations in many respects and continue to pay £billions into the EU while not enjoying the few benefits of membership.
However, his theoretically neutral position has now been further compromised by the news that he is being headhunted by investment bankers willing to pay him a million pounds a year to advise them on strategy post Brexit. There is a clear conflict of interest and he should be fired from his civil service post.
Many of the biggest banking corporations, including Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup poured big money into the Remain campaign, and there are concerns that the prospect of a salary many times larger than Robbins could expect to earn even at the very top of the Civil Service could impact his decision-making in the EU negotiations.
“Olly has his exit strategy,” a source remarked to the Sunday Times. “Every man and his dog in the City wants him.”
Brexit has terrified 'Brussels bubble' - German insider
The EU elite "lost faith in their own appeal and abilities" following the Brexit referendum vote and the surge in support for nationalist parties. The knee jerk response of the Brussels bubble was to try (and fail) to punish Britain for defing Brussels in the same way as they had punished small nations like Greece, Portugal and Ireland, which in their perception was the only way to prevent the EU breaking apart.
Top bureaucrats in Brussels are terrified at the prospect of the European Union breaking apart, according to a European expert. The fragility of the EU bloc since the financial crisis of 2008 is behind the punishment tactics and intransigence of negogiator Michel Barnier and other EU leaders.
Tanit Koch, now of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity" (TCEI) who previously worked as editor of German magazine Bild, said that the Brexit referendum result shocked the Brussels leadership, who did not have a clue how to respond. Her comments come less than two weeks before the major EU summit this month, at which the direction of Brexit and the future of the EU could be decided.
Koch told BBC's The World This Weekend: "In the last two years, within Europe, especially within the Brussels bubble, they have lost faith in their own appeals and their own abilities.
"They are desperate for the European Union not to implode or break apart.
"It is not so much about punishing Britain as many in this country suggest.
"It is an honest fear that if a precedent is set, that someone who leaves gets a better deal, others will follow suit."
Koch also revealed the extent to which EU federalisation dogma has taken hold among the top rank in the business world across Europe. She spoke of a recent meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and prominent German business leaders on Brexit. When Mrs Merkel insisted that the sngle market would not be compromised, raising the prospect of a no deal, the business leaders cheered.
She claimed that support of the "EU's holy grail" meant more to the German CEOs than the huge expected hit to their businesses. The Daily Stirrer finds this a little far fetched as we know from our own sources that many German firms have lobbied for Merkel to support a reasonable deal for Britain.
Despite the apparent deadlock in recent months, a change of tone has emerged in the last week among EU leaders, after long months of them insisting none of their conditions was negotiable. Yesterday, European Council President Donald Tusk said he was confident that the EU and UK would secure a deal by the end of the year.
Brexit Is Now About More Than Leaving The EU
Until now we have not posted anything in the past few days on Brexit. Our position is well know to our readers, let's face it, the saturation coverage left nothing new to be said. The whole thing is a craptangle, but it was obvious from when the Conservative Party engineered a situation in which Theresa May was left as the only candidate for the leadership that there could be no other outcome.
EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...
Nigel Farage Swipes Back At Irrational, Screeching, Crazy Clinton
US Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched a hysterical, irrational attack, filled with half truths and blatant lies, against the most prominent figure in the campaign to get Britain out of the EU (Brexit), UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, during a speech at a rally today. Mrs Clinton, responding to Farage's address to a large and enthusiastic audience at a Donald Trump rally, may have been rattled at the prospect of having such a hihly effective campaigner in the rival camp ...
Rebellion Against EU Authoritarianism Escalates As 8th Member Nation Threatens Referendum
Brussels went too far, they crossed the line in moving from an economic union to a political pan - European political empire. In the end it was a race as to which member state would quit first, Britain, Natherlands, Denmark or Italy. In the event it is Britain.
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts' The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
BREXIT vs. GREXIT – The Truth About The European Union And How It Treats Members
Unless the testicularly deficient politicians stand up for their nations he only thing that will halt the European Union's push beyond Europe's geographical borders to incorporate Asian, middle eastern and north African nations is war. Power is addictive and the bean counters of Brussels have ambitions far beyond Europe.
The Hypocrisy and Snobbery Of The Remain Campaign And The Antidote
The Labour Case For Brexit by Kate Hoey M.P.
After my short intro is a savage indictment by Brexit supporting Labour MP Kate Hoey of the way the Labour Party has abandoned the working class and is now trying to betray the party's proud heritage and its roots in the industrial areas by taking Britain into an undemocratic, corporate controlled, capitalist friendly, elite dominated globalist control freak project.
Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.
Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism
Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone
Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.
Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave
OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron Plays Deal Or No Deal In Europe
David Cameron, who was apparently up all night trying to make other European leaders understand why his country needs a better deal in order to poersuade the prople it is a good idea stay in the EU. Unless Cameron gets what will enable him to sell the idea of surrendering national sovereignty to a Federal European Superstate ruled by a committee of unelected bureaucrats in to the British public he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc
EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK
Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said at the E?U summit on British membership terms that the European Union wants to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom, but it is not prepared to compromise the banking union (financial integration) or the further integration of monetary union (UK being forced to abandon the pound join the Euro?) to achieve this goal.
Cameron's EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament? Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself. But what is really at stake is more important than economics ...
Obama's intervention in UK politics triggers angry backlash Angry Britons have launched a petition calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to be prevented from speaking in the UK parliament on Britain's forthcoming referendum on European Union (EU) membership.
Left Wing Thug Threatens Brexit Supporting Labour MP
In the furore over verteran Member of Parliament Frank Field's resignation from the Parliamentary Labour Party, John Mann, Labour MP for Bassetlaw and Brexit supporter backed up Field's claim of thuggish behaviour by far left extremists who have hijacked the party since jeremy Corbyn became leader. Mr. Mann told reporters that he had been subject to harassment after voting with the Government on Brexit proposals, and claimed that a Labour Party member in Wirral threatened to punch him.
Mr Mann made the claims while speaking to Sky News and press representatives this morning when he was asked to comment on the recent resignation of Labour MP Frank Field, who resigned the whip in protest of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.
In Mr Field’s resignation letter, he said that the Labour Party had failed to act on “numerous complaints about the thuggish conduct of some members”. Sky News presenter Samantha Washington asked Mr Mann: “Have you experienced this kind of thuggery that Mr Field is talking about?”
Mann replied: “Oh yes. A party member in Wirral put out something saying he’s going to punch me in the face. That’s the level of intellect that we’re getting from these types of people. Thugs, bullies, extremists, racists. They need throwing out of the Labour Party, driving out.
"They tried it with Frank [Field] in the early 80s and the Labour leadership took them on, got rid of them, re-installed Frank, and Frank went on then to be the key crusader against child poverty and poverty in this country.”
Mr Field has resigned the party's whip and will continue to represent his constituency as an independent Labour MP in what he said was a protest against the "thuggish bullying" of some Labour party members against members of the Jewish community. He has come under criticism from some commentators who claim that he “jumped before he was pushed” on allegations he would be deselected after voting with the Government on a Brexit bill.
In his resignation letter, Mr Field claimed that bullying and intimidation were “sadly manifest within my own constituency Labour party (CLP) in Birkenhead”.
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The Labour Party deputy leader, Little Hattie Harperson, the paedophiles friend, cannot to anything right at the moment. Hattie has of course always been an electoral liability on a par with the racist posh boy Chukka Ummuna, a hot tip to replace Ed (Bacon Sandwich Man) Miliband until Chukka, in a rare moment of honesty said he believed all white people should be killed (or something like that)...
Has 'Hampstead Socialism' Lost Labour The Working Class Vote
When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. ...
Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference would have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.
Rotherham Childcare Chief Quits Over Mass Sex Abuse Scandal
After weeks of mounting pressure and in the wake of resignations by council political leaders and senior exectutives and also of the recently elected Police Crime Commissioner for the scandal hit town, Joyce Thacker the head of children's services at Rotherham council has finally quit. Following the revelation of a massive cover up by elected representative, police and care professionals who went to considerable lengths to avoid acting on allegations of organised sex abuse gangs consisting mostly of
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The EU’s no-deal Brexit plan show Brussels’ bluster is phoney
For all the EU's threats, promises that Britain would be punished for leaving, and predictions that we could not survive as a nation outside the bureaucratic dictarorship of Brussels, it has emerged the pen pushers are more fightened of Brexit than the majority of British voters who voted to leave. A source within the European Commission told The Sun that EU plans for a No Deal exit exist, but claimed they are being kept secret to increase the pressure on the UK to accept a soft Brexit deal.
According to the source: “The EU doesn’t want 20 mile tailbacks [at border crossings] as much as the UK doesn’t. The thinking is we’ll keep things as they are because the regulatory platform is the same.n This will stay in place for a few months and then there’ll be a mad dash to get a new agreement in place."
This probably means that the EU and UK would continue to recognise each other’s regulatory standards for a time, as it was unlikely that a divorce deal cabable of being ratified by all 27 remaining member states could have ben completed even if serious negotiations had begun the day after the referendum. It could also see EU-UK borders kept open to all but the most high-risk goods to reduce the chances of huge queues developing at customs points.
This contradicts the EU’s public no-deal plans, which are significantly more stringent. They include goods being checked for: “Customs, sanitary and phytosanitary standards and verification of compliance with EU norms”. The official plans predict UK-EU trade would be “severely impacted” by a no-deal Brexit and suggest there would be “significant delays” at the borders. Brussels has come under pressure from the more economically powerful members to remove such obstacles.
Earlier this week Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab released a series of Government papers setting out “practical and proportional” advice in case Brexit happens without an exit deal.According to these papers the UK will automatically recognise European drug and medical standards to avoid delays.
Germany admits hard Brexit will cause havoc in EU financial markets - 'Common sense MUST prevail'
Germany, the EU's most powerful economy, has urged Prime Minister Theresa May and the EU’s chief negotiator, the pompous French clown Michel Barnier to do all in their power to avoid a hard Brexit due to risks of French instransigence disrupting the financial sector. This would be catastrophic for the EU’s financial markets, though the leading German economists say the prospect is becoming “more likely every day”.
German website Handelsblatt commented: “If both sides remain stubborn, this can jeopardise the stability of the financial markets. “If both sides remain stubborn at the end, it could jeopardise the stability of the financial markets. For the money industry, Brexit is about much more than the question of how many bankers are moving from London to Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin or Luxembourg.”
“The City of London is the undisputed financial centre of Europe, nowhere is there more liquidity, nowhere is there so many securities transactions. An unregulated Brexit would not only cost the city market share, it would also cause disruptions in the financial infrastructure, which in the worst case could lead to precarious bottlenecks.”
“When talking to European bankers, the managers are almost religiously reiterating that they are preparing for a hard Brexit, after all, you have to be prepared for the worst case scenario.”
The commentary ended with and appeal that “common sense will prevail” on both sides.
The publication also stressed to Mrs May and Mr Barnier the urgency to get a deal done as the March deadline is now seven months away. Barnier however has simply said "no" to all UK suggestions and reiterate that we must accept all conditions laid down by Brussels. Several of the British negotiating team have resigned over May's attempts to compromise with the EU, while should she yield any mor ground to the pen pusher Barnier, her own party will rebel and could oust her as Prime Minister.
Handelsblatt said: “By October, conditions for Brexit should be negotiated, so politically we are facing a heated autumn.” Well they got that right.
TV Debate Exposes Bullying Attitude To Brexit Negotiations
Picture source: China Daily
A discussion of the progress in Brexit negotiations descended into a bad tempered shouting match on British television last night, but brought to the fore questions over the EU’s aggressive negotiating tactics and unwillingness to to treat negotiations as being between equals. The EU's approach throughout the process has been to reject all British proposals without consideration and respons to every concession the UK has made by demanding more.
Former Cabinet Minister and Conservative MP Michael Portillo criticized the Proposals for the UK to remain in the EU single market and customs union have drawn heavy cross-party criticism from Brexiteers, with many insisting that it’s not what Britons voted for in the 2016 referendum. European Union’s (EU) “bullying culture” during a debate on the BBC’s This Week show, in which he locked horns with left wing Philosopher and European federalisation fanatic AC Grayling.
“I was in this studio before the referendum, and I kept saying ‘you see if the referendum goes the way the establishment doesn’t want it they [ the EU and its supporters in Britain] will soon be back saying there ought to be another referendum, which they have done to every other European country in which a referendum did not go the way Brussels wanted'. It’s part of the bullying culture of the European Union,” he is quoted as saying by The Express.
“If people defy what the establishment wants to do, they have to be bullied, they have to be punished, they have to be threatened.” Portillo stormed in response to Grayling's claims that British negotiators had been intransigent.
The former MP also rejected the idea of a second referendum, insisting that Brits had already voted on the matter and another referendum would be unnecessary. Furthermore, Mr. Portillo claimed that “this bullying and paternalism” is one of the reasons why the EU failed to retain Britain as a member state.
EU-UK talks to negotiate the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the trading bloc have resulted in some progress, with an encouraging draft deal agreed earlier this year, but later this was rejected by the EU which demanded further concessions.
Proposals for the UK to remain in the EU single market and customs union have drawn heavy criticism from Brexit supporters in all parties, with many insisting that it’s not what Britons voted for in the 2016 referendum.
However, negotiators have struggled to find common ground on Britain’s post-Brexit trading relationship with the EU and the matter of the Irish border.
Brexit has terrified 'Brussels bubble' - German insider The EU elite "lost faith in their own appeal and abilities" following the Brexit referendum vote and the surge in support for nationalist parties. The knee jerk response of the Brussels bubble was to try (and fail) to punish Britain for defing Brussels in the same way as they had punished small nations like Greece, Portugal and Ireland, which in their perception was the only way to prevent the EU breaking apart.
Brexit-supporting Fishermen Worried May Will Sell Them out After ‘30 Years of Torment
British fishermen fear Theresa the Appeaser May will sell out their industry to the EU, as Brussels negotiator Michel Barnier courts their European rivals in Denmark. It is outrageous, but typical of the Euronazis approach to negotiations that Brussels is making promises to EU member states about what they will be allowed to do in british territorial waters...
Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons
U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.
Brexit-supporting Fishermen Worried May Will Sell Them out After ‘30 Years of Torment
British fishermen fear Theresa the Appeaser May will sell out their industry to the EU, as Brussels negotiator Michel Barnier courts their European rivals in Denmark. It is outrageous, but typical of the Euronazis approach to negotiations that Brussels is making promises to EU member states about what they will be allowed to do in …
Liam Fox Savages Labour’s ‘Betrayal’ Brexit Plan with UK in EU Customs Union
We’ve said it before and its certain all of us will say it again. If you lumped the whole of the parliamentary Labour Party together, they would just about equal the intellect of a retarded five year old suet pudding. Why would any sane person want to keep us in the EU customes union, which …
Europhile Tory Patten brands votes like Brexit ‘appalling and a sin against parliamentary democracy’
Former Conservative Cabinet minister ‘Lord’ Chris Patten has spoken of his ‘horror’ over Brexit and warned the EU was ‘devouring’ his party as Remainers rage, raged against the dying of the Europe projects hoping to block the flagship EU bill during the first day of a marathon 48-hour debate. Long time Europhile and elitist meritocrat …
Corbyn Comes Out: UK Can’t Stay in EU Single Market After Brexit
He’s been a lifelong opponent of the unemocratic, protectionist EU who has been held to ransome for a year and a half by the rabid remainmers in his party. now at last Jeremy Corvyn has come out of the closet and said there can be no half – arsed, half – in, half – out …
Why Brexit: A Reader Explains
In answer to the question “Why Does Britain Want To Leave The European Union” posed in a comment thread (in one of our other locations) a reader gave this explicit answer which is worth sharing as widely as possible. Why does the United Kingdom want to leave the European Union? David Reardon, M.A. International Relations …
Could Italy’s Banking Crisis Drag Down Mario Draghi?
The latest banking crisis in Italy risks focusing scrutiny on the leadership of both the Bank of Italy and Italy’s financial markets regulator Consob. The decision to give the central bank’s current Chairman Ignazio Visco a fresh six-year mandate despite his having presided over one of the worst banking crises in living memory ...
Why does the United Kingdom want to leave the European Union?
I worked for the European Commission, the administrative branch of the EU governing bureaucracy for several years, though I was not an official but an external consultant. On the way to my office in the Batement Jean Monnet in Luxembourg City every morning I would pass a large plaque, The words etched on it described the vision of Monnet, Coudenhove - Kalergi, Robert Schuman, Paul - Henri Spaak and others, of a Europe in which there were no French people, no Germans, Italians, Dutch, Belgians and eventually, as the community expanded, no Britons, Spaniards Portuguese, Greeks, Austrians, Swedes etc., only Europeans,
Brussels Foreign Affairs Chief Mogherini Still Wants Turkey to Join EU
EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said in Malta on Friday that accession talks with Turkey have not been halted, following a Turkish referendum that gave President Erdogan dictatorial powers. Despite this rejection of the democratic principle all EU members are in theory expected to uphold, Mogherini still wants the predominently Islamic middle easter nation, to join.
EU Claims Britain Wants Benefits Of Membership Without Obligations
Manfred Weber criticised Britain’s apparent desire to still do business with the European Union while not being a member of the bloc. He also claimed Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was attempting to “provoke” Brussels with his recent choice of words while speaking in India.
However, an angry Neil railed against the MEP and asked was he not concerned about the rise of Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, with the Netherlands and France both facing general elections this year.
Manfred Weber criticised Britain’s apparent desire to still do business with the European Union while not being a member of the bloc.He also claimed Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was attempting to “provoke” Brussels with his recent choice of words while speaking in India.
However, an angry Neil railed against the MEP and asked was he not concerned about the rise of Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, with the Netherlands and France both facing general elections this year.
Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?
With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.
'Special place in hell' for Brexiteers, says Donald Tusk
Though he is despised in his own country for the way he sold out to the EU, former Polish leader Donald Tusk, now EU Council President, released an astounding attack on Theresa May as she toured Northern Ireland. His comments were condemned by the unionist DUP party, which wants to nix the only thing the EU and UK agree on. Daily Stirrer
'Have you learned NOTHING from Brexit?' Brilliant moment Andrew Neil SKEWERS German MEP
Threat Of Major Scandal Prompted Early Election Move – UKIP
Leaders of the (UKIP) have made astonishing claim that Prime Minister Teresa May’s calling an early General Election was done to pre-empt a series of by-elections that could be called following alleged electoral fraud. Accusing the Conservative government of “putting party before country”, UKIP appeared to suggest the scandal and ensuing disqualification of MPs could rob the government of its slender majority.
Nigel Farage Swipes Back At Irrational, Screeching, Crazy Clinton
US Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched a hysterical, irrational attack, filled with half truths and blatant lies, against the most prominent figure in the campaign to get Britain out of the EU (Brexit), UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, during a speech at a rally today. Mrs Clinton, responding to Farage's address to a large and enthusiastic audience at a Donald Trump rally, may have been rattled at the prospect of having such a hihly effective campaigner in the rival camp ...
Rebellion Against EU Authoritarianism Escalates As 8th Member Nation Threatens Referendum
Brussels went too far, they crossed the line in moving from an economic union to a political pan - European political empire. In the end it was a race as to which member state would quit first, Britain, Natherlands, Denmark or Italy. In the event it is Britain.
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts' The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
BREXIT vs. GREXIT – The Truth About The European Union And How It Treats Members
Unless the testicularly deficient politicians stand up for their nations he only thing that will halt the European Union's push beyond Europe's geographical borders to incorporate Asian, middle eastern and north African nations is war. Power is addictive and the bean counters of Brussels have ambitions far beyond Europe.
The Hypocrisy and Snobbery Of The Remain Campaign And The Antidote
The Labour Case For Brexit by Kate Hoey M.P.
After my short intro is a savage indictment by Brexit supporting Labour MP Kate Hoey of the way the Labour Party has abandoned the working class and is now trying to betray the party's proud heritage and its roots in the industrial areas by taking Britain into an undemocratic, corporate controlled, capitalist friendly, elite dominated globalist control freak project.
Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.
Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism
Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone
Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.
Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave
OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron Plays Deal Or No Deal In Europe
David Cameron, who was apparently up all night trying to make other European leaders understand why his country needs a better deal in order to poersuade the prople it is a good idea stay in the EU. Unless Cameron gets what will enable him to sell the idea of surrendering national sovereignty to a Federal European Superstate ruled by a committee of unelected bureaucrats in to the British public he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc
EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK
Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said at the E?U summit on British membership terms that the European Union wants to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom, but it is not prepared to compromise the banking union (financial integration) or the further integration of monetary union (UK being forced to abandon the pound join the Euro?) to achieve this goal.
Cameron's EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament? Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself. But what is really at stake is more important than economics ...
Obama's intervention in UK politics triggers angry backlash Angry Britons have launched a petition calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to be prevented from speaking in the UK parliament on Britain's forthcoming referendum on European Union (EU) membership.
NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'
The reasons being given for the latest NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe, the idea that the Russian 'Russian threat' to Eastern Europe grows every day is "simply absurd," according to former US diplomat and Senate policy advisor Jim Jatras. Effectively, Jatras says, the buildup is an attempt by the US to keep Germany and France on board with Washington's world domination agenda and ...
E U To Push TTIP Trade Deal Before Obama Leaves Office
TTIP, the Trans Atlantic Trade And Investment Partnership is being promoted bt the US government and the EU Commission as a free trade deal that will create thousands of jobs and bring economic benefits to partners. It's critics however claim it is a blatant attempt to shift power from national governments to corporate business.
EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain Common sense could not slow the charge of politically correct globalist politiciand towards merging the 28 member states of the European Union into a single federal entity, but their attempt to destroy democracy by flooding the continent with illiterate third world peasants has finally awoken the spirits of Europe's ancient nations.
EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration While political leaders and the mass media constantly preach of the economic benefits and cultural enrichment that sping from mass immigration,EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration just a few days ago we reported a study that found the economic benefits are a myth and today a report published by the EUs in house statistical bureau reveals immigrants have an adverse effect socially and culturally.
Major blow for Brexit campaign as US rules out UK-only trade deal?
Michael Froman, the US Trade Representative, said America is “not in the market” for trade deals with individual states and would only consider free trade agreements with blocs of nations. "I think it's absolutely clear that Britain has a greater voice at the trade table being part of the EU, being part of a larger economic entity," Mr Froman told Reuters.
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