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New Regimes R Us - Ukraine And Venezuela Get The FUKUS Treatment
First it happened in Egypt (and we all know what happened there), Tunisia (a less well publicised failed state) and Libya. Then it all went a bit pear shaped in Yemen and Syria. Now it's happening in Ukraine and Venezuela. The Global Totalitarian Government pushers, their puppets in Washington, London, Berlin and ...
The Return Of King Arthur To Mop Up The Floods?
When I read the opening paragraph of this rather long blog article (some great pictures though) I wondered what I was in for. Avalon? Shamanic trances? Surely the writer was not going to tell us Merlin was going to rise from under Glastonbury Tor to drain and restore the Somerset levels [...] and what is said about the flooding of the Somerset levels which has trashed the environment and ruined agriculture on which the locan economy is based, and the inept response of the environment Agency makes a lot of political sense
Population Is The New Climate Change
As the fake science that was used to push the global warming scare is exposed further almost every day, where do the global elites look now for the scare story that will generate enough fear and panic to drive their global totalitarian government agenda forward? Over population is the new climate change. The Daily Stirrer tells all in this article
Communities Can Beat Corporate Fascism - Local Activists Block Authoritarian Law
Yes, you read that right, a small farming community has thwarted the plans of corporate agrigulture and their buddies in the politicised justice system. Self educated guerilla lawyers found a way to block the corporate giant using it's legal status as a "person" to override local objections to its plans by claiming its "rights" were being violated.
The US Government's Dirty Little Secret: We Spent Your Gold
Some time ago we asked what the US Federal exchange had done with 300 tons of Germany's gold reserves that prevented it being returned to the Germans when they asked for it. Well we didn't stop at asking, we did some digging (not for gold but truth) and what we uncovered is worrying.
Competition Is Sin, Who Said That? Clue: Not one of the usual suspects.
The great appeal of the internet was that it remained free of corporate control. Well not for much longer, the global technology corporations have for years sought ways to control and monetize web traffic. Now they have hit on a solution. Establish a monopoly.
Are We Heading For A Financial Crash? Chief Reptillian Soros Is Betting On It
The financial markets seem to be getting more volatile, with share prices and currency values fluctuating wildly on the slightest indication of good or bad news. what you have to remember of course is that the more the markets fluctuate, the more our pensions and insurances get hit and the more profit those whose business depends on betting on or against shares, commodities and derivatives will make.
Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy
When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourtners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?
Don't Worry If You Are A Barm Pot, Insane Is The New Normal
Have you noticed more and more people seem to be mentally ill these days. It isn't that we are getting crazier (the world is going insane, we are no more mad than our ancestors were), but that the bar people must jump to be diganosed bonkers is being set lower...
Levitation: Did Tesla Teach Us How To Get Ourselves Up
Science has always been for the terminally insane, the thing was some of the pointy headed insaniacs were actually very creative and clever. Recently though leaders of the scientific community have become more like the jesuits who conducted The Inquisition. Learn about the latest attempts to suppress the amazing inventions of Nikola Tesla.
Grand Theft Euro
When this report popped up on Reuters news feed, market analysts at Zero Hedge thought the article, titled “EU executive sees personal savings used to plug long-term financing gapâ€, which leaked a proposal by the European Commission, was a hoax. as hours passed without a retraction appearing however, it became apparent that the story is true ...
Ragnarok - Horned Beasts Versus Horny Guys
So the end of the world is upon us again, this time it is Ragnarok when, according to Norse myth the earth splits asunder (I like that word) and the forces of darkness storm out for a final battle with the gods and heroes. This is not likely to happen of course, but just in case, LET'S PARTY.
You Need A Degree In Stupid To Work In The Public Sector
Probably the most gobsmackingly stupid piece of bureaucratic incompetence ever response to a disabled person's request for wheelchair access. Council complies by building a skateboard park in the front garden (complete with abusive chavs)
Transhumanism: With A Chip Under Your Skin You Will Be Superhuman
We seem to be talking a lot about transhumanism, the process of turing us into human - animal or human -machine hybrids recently. The Daily Stirer thinks such technological visions are nothing more than the fantasies of sick minds, but politicians and corporate leaders, ever eager for more power and control, seem willing to stump up infintie funding.
Deficit Spending: The Numbers, The Reckoning and The Reality Deniers.
As the arguments rage over whether we should steam ahead with punlic spending increases and printing money thus inflating away debt to end the finacial crisis and in the process destroting savings, or go for the austerity and reducing the rate of increase in the deficit, the reality looks more threatening all the time.
Ragnarok! Spamageddon Is Upon Us
The Vikings, those jolly, boozy, Spam noshing deflowerers of our maidens and adulteraters of our wives were not alway having a riotous time. They managed to sober up and stop fighting long enough to create a mythical tradition that provided a moral compass and explaind how life began and how the world will end. With a great battle between the forces of light and darkness dubbed Ragnarok apparently. read about it here.
Big Pharma Financial Links To NHS Policy Makers Exposed
It is fortunate that we still have some honourable members of parliament who understand that their duty is to the voters who elect them and not to the money grubbing managers of the corrupt and discredited political parties that sponsor their candidacy or the fascist corportations whose money corupted politics and perverted the democratic system.
Was The Flooding Of The Somerset Levels Deliberate?
Whether the recent freak weather that has caused flooding in the Somerset Levels was caused by HAARP, The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or by nature, there is a very strong business case to support the idea that the floods werer planned for business reasons.
The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education
The decline of university education in parallel with dumbing down of the general population is contributing to the economic and social problems of the industriaised democracies. But why have standars been allowed to slip so far and can the trend in university education towards theraputic and politically correct courses be reversed?
Transhumanism: Eugenics By Any Other Name Still Smells As Evil
We have said many times that the science community is at war with humanity. Scientists are out of control, evry day we hear of some new scheme to try to control nature, be it human nature or the climate. Given what we ought to have learned from all previous attempts to control nature we can only conclude that scientists are insane psychos willing to risk destroying life to show off how clever they are.
Will The World Have an Appetite For Chemical Slimeburgers
Though there is no actual shortage of food in the world, not an actual surfeit of people, rather only a psychotic desire for control mong the elite they must invent these things as the means of spreading far and panic about the future that we will accept increasingly fascistic and authoritarian government. Thus the power that be are prepared to invest £$millions in creating food in the lab rather than encouraging labour intensive natural farming.
A senior US diplomat has apologised after having allegedly been caught declaring “f*** the EU†over its position on Ukraine during an apparently bugged telephone conversation between the top US diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, and the US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt was made public via YouTube...
U.S. Silently Tortures Americans With Cell Tower Electronic Neuroweapon
News is starting to leak out of a programme of social control being carried out by the US government on its own citizens. The Obama Administration is using Nikola Tesla's scalar wave technology to psychologically affect tranches of the population. When The Daily Stirrer blogged on Tesla a few years ago we said this application for his scalar wave technology was far fetched. Looks like I might have been too cautious.
The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
One of our themes in The Daily Stirrer has been the new elise and their push for global government. Here in a cross post with Philo and Sophia we look at the political philosophy behind multiculturalism global view thinking and the push to abolish national sovereignty and hand power to supranational bureaucrats
Financial Crisis? The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market
The dramatic falls in world wide stock markets over the past week hows that the Daily Stirrer finance expert was correct in predicting this, such recovery in the global economy as has happened since 2008 has been the result of printing money and manipulating the markets. This latest action is part of a massive heist by the bankers to drain the value from our savings and pensions
Euro Nazis and the Brussels threat to democracy
As yet another Euro - nazi political figure, the German foreign minister, breaks cover to say that opposition in Europe to the creation from the EU of a single European nation must be suppressed at all costs, we wonder what it will take to make the millions of sheeple wake up and realise they are following our leaders down the road to Nuremberg.
The Floods, The Government, The Environment and The Bottomless Purse
The recent freak weather and floods caused by heavy rains have provoked a storm of criticism about the environment agency's inept response to the problems. More public spending called the left, but the proplem is too much public spending, science and too many experts. What needs to be done is simple and straightforwards, not scientific enough for the experts and not expensive enough for the contractors.
Greenteeth Labyrinth Geoengineering Menu
It has long been our opinion that most scientists are insane sociopaths. One of the most insanely sociopathic of the new sciences is geoengineering. Only a madman would conduct experiments on the planet that is our environment without having a clue what the consequences might be.
If The Technotwats Get Their Way Robot Censors Will Control Internet Content
Almost every day we hear of a new scheme hatched by insane, sociopathic scientists to dehumanise us and make us slaves to machines. One of the latest is a scheme for using robot censors to control what we see and hear on the internet. If this was just about copyright protection it would be bad enough but wen the technocrats talk of filtering undesireable content, aren't we getting close to ditital fascism?
Scarlett Johansson and Oxfam: The Story Of The Actress And The Poverty Millionaires
Many people see charities as above criticism. But when the senior executives of charities bahave like Bankers by shovelling taxpayers' cash into their own pockets, they must be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as anyone else. And when Oxfam asked an actress who supported them to sever her connections with an Israeli company, they laid themselves open to charges of hypocrisy.
Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values
Western culture is in trouble, I don't think many reasonable people would disgree with that (if you think a totalitarian global government is kool you're not reasonable, GTF out of here.) The Daily Stirrer has posted many items on the war on our traditions and values and so have other people, one such article is embedded here.
Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel
Debt, how much of a threat to ordinary people is it? The truth might frighten you which is why bank bosses, government leaders and media pundits are not eager to tell the truth. What can we do? Not much in the short term, in the long term, reclaim the sovereignty of our nations and our individual sovereignty and tell the world view thinkers their crazy ideas have maxed out their credit
American Farmers Are Abandoning GM Cops Seeds - Higher costs, Poor Yields
More bad news for the Frankenstein Food Industry - the corporate giants like Monsanto, Du Pont and Dow might have New World Order funded politicians in their pockets but the lies of the science whores they hired are transparent and they face close to one hundred per cent opposition from the public.
Is Ukraine The Latest New World Order Target For Failed Statehood?
There are many civil conflicts going on around the world. All of them, including Iraq, which has slid into a state of near civil war after the American troops were prematurely withdrawn, are the result of meddling by the western powers. Noe Ukrain looks set to go the same way for the same reason
Rumplestilskin needed by Federal Exchange
Last Week in The Daily Stirrer I wrote of Germany' missing gold, that is the three hundred tons of gold Germany had on deposit in the vaults of the Federal Exchange in New York. Last year German asked for it's gold to be returned. The Americans refused. "OK then, at least let us see our gold," the Germans said ...
Wind farms: Is Common Sense Breaking Out In The Warmageddonist Industry?
When somebody who has been whining about Warmageddon and the CO2 effect that is killing life on earth for twenty years suddenly starts talking not about climate change, athropogenic global warming and the need for green solutions but the arrogance and greed of those in the green lobby, it's worth paying attention
Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities
As another blatant to the point of idiocy climate science fraud, the manipulation of temperature data to make real world observations agree with climate change predictions made by science is exposed we look at how over reliance on statistical projections and mathematical models has put scientists on a par with clowns in the public's estimation. Unfortunately scientists are more dangerous.
As Alec Baldwin Was Slammed For Saying Cocksucker A Left Wing Cocksucker Was Praised For His Hate Speech
Stirrer has always condemned hypocrisy, particularly that of the liberal left because they use self righteousness to hide their bullying and hatred of those who hold a different opinion. A recent example of a sexist attack on a right wing female politician by a typical double standard deploying left wing media scumsucker shows why the left cannot be trusted anywhere near power.
Biofuels - The Great Green Folly
As the promises that wind and solar power could meet all our energy needs is exposed as pseudo - scientific twaddle by the wind's refusal to blow steadily all the time and the sun's refusal to shine at night, few of the alternative energy sources hyped as a replacement for fossil fuels. Of those, biofuel looks the next most likely to say, "If you hadn't over hyped me I coulda been somebody, 'stead of a bum. I coulda been a contender.
Death By Debt Of Western Civilization?
As an election looms in 2015, with an echo sounding by election just weeks away, the british economy has bounded into recovery after looking to have stagnated for a couple of years. but is everything as it seems, can we really believe that growth is up while unemployment and inflation are down. Or is it all just more smoke and mirrors.
The main reason why the Liberal Democrats are FUBAR
Lets face it, we are all wallowing an schadenfreude as the Lib Dems tear themselves apart, some because they feel the party sold out by going into coalition with the Conservatives, some old Liberal Party diehards because we still feel the Liberal Party sold us out by merging with ...
#Germany's Missing Gold, America's Empty Vaults
What is behind the refusal of the US Federal Exchange to hand over the 1500 tond of Germany's gold that were stored in the vaults of the Federal Exchange but that since Germany demanded repatriation of it's asset, the Americans have refused to allow German representatives or independent auditors to have sight of. Has the American government spent all Germany's gold?
The Liberal Demotwats - are the liberal democrats the most hypocritical party in British politcs
The crisis currently threatening to reduce the liberal democrats to the kind of insignificant rump the old Liberal party had become before selling their souls to social deomocracy should have been easily sidestepped. All if needed was for the party to observe the same moral standards as it seeks to impose on others. but the CHIMPS* thought they were above the law
Technowanks for technowankers with Google Glass?
Almost every day we are reporting the latest 'breaktrhough in dehumanisation and a further step towards making us all slaves to technology. The scientists are out of control, semi - autistic nerds with no understanding of ethical boundaries are giving politicians with no scruples about reviving Naziism the tools to enslave us.
20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School
Not a test on the ancient beginnings of human civilization but on the honesty of academics in the education system because the questions here, if posed to almost any university history factulty will be answered by lies and evasions. So how far back does human history stretch. Much further than you are ever likely to be told it seems.
Major Disaster Neeeded To Save The New World Order? What!
A member of the new elite publicly calling for a major distaster to get the push for the so - called "New World Order" and global government back on track? Could there be any more blatant warning that a false flag event or man made catastrophe that will shock the world is coming our way? Read the article and learn that those crazy conspiracy theorists have been telling the truth all along.
Mr. Hollande's Soap Opera
The bedroom antics of France's latest President would have brought down the government in most nations, particularly those tending to the protestant version of Christianity. So why has the exposure of a love affair betwen France's Francoise Hollande and a beautiful actress much younger than himself caused so little difficulty for the distinctly uncharismatic M. Hollande?
Google buys Nest for $3.2 billion: Does this home automation acquisition point to ‘the internet of things’?
The Internet Of Things is comong, science and technology geeks tell us. These dysfunctional misfits wose only griends are machines long for the day when we finally surrender our humanity and freedom and become slaves to the machine. but how realistic are their claims, is it mostly just hype?
Austerity, Boom, Election, Bust, Crisis, Election. Round And Round We Go
As manipulated economic statistics give the impression the economy is recovering and the cost of living crisis may be coming to an end our economics expeert Phil takes a look at what is really going on in the economy
For years the BBC have denied showing left wing bias in their reporting of climate change and the fraudulent science that has steered government policy on the environment. Now the supposedly neutral but increasingly politicised public broadcaster has been outed by an astute pensioner as a New World Order prpoaganda machine.
History Is Older Than They Are Telling Us
The official story goes Weez aalz from Afreekaa, humans crossed the strait of Gibraltar about a million years ago and after some serious delays at Malaga airport, arrived in britain arounf 400,000 years ago. But it's wrong. humans were already here a million years ago and they were taking caravan holidays by the sea. Civilization began in England, but we always knew that didn't we folks?
Pissed Off With Euro, France Turns To Coupon Money
A les barricades, citizens of Paris, vive la Republique. The New French revolution has not quite come over all Les miserables yet, but things are moving in France. As the economy continues to stumble and President Hollande seems more preoccupied with shagging than governing, the French have lost confidence in their government, Europe and the Euro currency.
Everything has been corrupted.
We've been telling you for years that government and the entire public sector is corrupt. The courts, the civil service, police service etc. Your doctor and the people who will tread you if you have to go to hospital really work for Big Pharma even though their wages are paid out of taxes collected from you. The scientists who dutifully write reports that offer ...
Proof that the left are the real elitists
Arianna Huffington was always an elitist, if fact she was one of the first conservatives to smell which way the globalist wind was blowing and drift towards an authoritarian version of paternalistic liberal politics. Her latest venture suggests she is not a fully accredited member of the global elite, licenced to spread misinformation and disinformation to deceive the masses.
Have Humans Turned The World Into A Technological Monster We Cannot Control?
An insightful article from redicecreations.com which questions the uses new technology is being put to and questions the wisdom of forcing such rapid technological change on human societies which cannot possibly adapt as such a pace
The Importance Of Climate Change In Preserving Humanity
Climate change is something that must be stopped at any cost, the scientists who get their research grants from posting junk science reports on climate tell us. but scientsts are all big fans of evolution aren't they. And without climate change imposing the kind of environmental stress that forces evolution, we might still be unscientific knuckle draggers.
Iraq: As Carnage Continues The Media Conspires To Gover Up The War Crimes Of Western Governments
Despite all the hand wringing, the pleas for joining hands and singing Kumbaya and the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the west's allegedly liberal media, broadcasters and newspapers are conspiring with government to cover up the involvement of western governments in what amounts to crimes against humanity.
Biofuels Folly - Another Green Myth Goes Up In Smoke
As the uselessness of wind and solar power as alternatives to fossil fuel becomes more apparent and other promised sustainable, clean, sources of energy are revealed as nothing more than the pipe dreams of mad scientists, where can we turn. Certainly not to biofuels - this is the latest sacred cow to be thrown on the barbecue.
Oxbridge bias equals unfunny comedy says Bob Mortimer
If you don't know who Bob Mortimer is, you are either very young or an alien. He was half of the Reeeves and Mortimer team that made some hilariously surreal sketch shows throughout the 1990s and more recently co presenter (with Vic Reeves) of the bordertline insance panel game Shooting Stars.
Whatever Happened To Snowpocalypse
Remember this from back in 2000? Due to global warming snow will soon be a thing of the past. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting eventâ€. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries…
Meat Will Only Be For The Elite If Leftie Scientists Get Their Way
A group of leading environmental scientists have tabled a report blaming cow farts for global warming and demanding punitive taxes on meat. Is there anything solid in their theory or are they all piss and wind?
Big Pharma Drug Manufacturers Say Profit More Important That Promoting Health
Another of those 'We Told You So' posts as once again the criminality and fascism of Big Pharma comes under the microscope. This time we link to a post that shows how Big Pharma prevent afforadble drugs and pharmaceuticals being used in pooor nations.
Wind farms handed £5 million to switch off turbines as thousands of homes left without power
We have told you for years electricity generation by wind farms is a scam, the goal being to load YOUR energy bill with stealth taxes (green levies) and shovel the money raised into the pockets of bankers and big business (after appropritate kickbacks to the politicians who define energy policy, the scientists who dream up the junk science to justify them and the government officials who circumvent building and planning reulations to fast track their construction. Although we have offered more than enough proof of
Western Society On The Eve Of Self Destruction.
An embed article from a disenchanted and alienated American blogger who feels somewhat betrayed by his country'd political leaders. The writer makes many important point that apply to most people in the developed world no matter where we live as economic collapse, social decay, unemployment and corruption in poliytics and business go unchecked.
An Introduction To Inner Alchemy
The purpose of the Philo and Sopha page is to introduce new ideas. We do not subscribe to or promote all that you will find here, although obviously we would not include anything we think is misguided, harmful or exploitative. What we hope to bring you is new perspectives on life and fresh approaches to understanding your place in the universe.
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics and Science
Tom Chivers, a british journalist who blogs for The Daily telegraph wrote today, "Depressing: just nine per cent of Britons trust stats over our own experience (though most of us won't believe that)" Now Tom is a member of that bizarrre religious cult we should all strive to help people escape, the Scienceology cult.
Labour Planned To Put Britons Out Of Work By Engineering Mass Immigration Says Mandelson
Peter Mandelson has finally admitted allegations made by Consrvative and Liberal Democrat MPs, civil service whistle blowers and many journalists from across the political spectrum, that in their years in power from 1997 to 2010 Labour deliberately encouraged mass immigration to put britons out of work and alter the balance of British society.
CNN Calls for Big Brother Style Real-time Police State Surveillance
One time news channel CNN (Cable Network News once upon a time) the New World Order media corporation implementation of Big Brother technology following the Boston bombing last month. CNN was once considered a reliable news sourse but now seems for concerned with making news by advancing the global government agenda rather than reporting honestly and accurately what is going on.
Making Money Out Of Misery
You may not have borrowed money yourself but you know how the business works, you take out a loan, say £$€1000 (pick your own currency) to buy a car, improve your home or for a host of reasons, and you agree to pay back over a fixed term the amount borrowed plus interest because the lender has costs and deserves a modest profit for accepting you as a risk. You might expect to pay back in total ...
In A Sane World This Should End The Vaccine Scam - but The Lies and Legalised Murder Will Continue.
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent)are not a miracle of modern medicine but a means of stealing taxpayers money.
A Terrible Winter For Bees Threatens Food Supplies
While the scientific community continue to wail and gnash their teeth about carbon dioxide and climate chance (mostly because the scam was exposed, there never was a threat to humanity from carbon dioxide driven global warming and the science heads hate being exposed as corrupt, money grubbing liars) the greater threat to humanity, the collapse of bee cononies is gathering pace and the scientists do not have a clue how to deal with it.
Bye Bye Blackbird (21st century version)
Not the usual kind of parody for humorous effect but a rewriting of the jazz classic's lyric to make some comments on the way we live now.(recorded by Brother Bastion for Bastion Music, currently awaiting conformation that the song is out of copyright before release on his next album.)
The Climate Change Scare Rears Its Ugly Head Again
Just when you thought the climate change scare was dead along with all that anthropogenic global warming crap, some jug eared twat tries to kick some like back into it.
Ode To Politicians (audio)
Who writes poetry about politics, or any satirical poetry these days. satitical verse used to be a potent weapons for popping politicians' ego bubbles. All we get now though is navel gazing free verse. I thought I'd try to get satirical poetry going agaim with this little poem addressed to all politicians
New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals
More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax monery on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.
A Simple Fruit Could Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease And Get Millions Off Medication
The government and medical professions (Big Pharma shills) are always screaming at us about heart disease and our unhealthy lifestyles. So why are they trying to force hobrrible drugs on us instead of telling us about this.
Is The Universe Helping You Make Decisions Presentiment, precognition, clairvoyance? It does not sound very scientific does it. And yet a team of researchers at Northwest University have conducted a scientific study and found strong evidence that we can have knowledge of events before they happen. I like to think of myself as a true sceptic (OK, skeptic if you must) who neither believes nor disbelieves anything and so I approached this research with an open mind ...
The Latest News Coming Out Of Syria Is Very Worrying
It is not like me to worry about what is going on in the world, I like to be well informed and aware of all sides of the story. Being so tends to immunise one against the kind of doomsday fearmongering government and corporate public relations use to keep the majority of the population from taking to the streets and demanding answers to the questions government leaders and corporate bosses would rather not ...
Even the United Nations Knows Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons So Why Is Obama Still Accusing Assad
Obama's latest war is bogged down in Syria, in spite of the USA being supported by usual suspects, the United Kingdom and France the phalanx of Syrian allies which inclueds Russia, Iran and China looks a bit too formidable to persuade the limp wristed one it is safe to invade or start bombing. So all he has is a war of words, and he's losing that.
What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want Is A Cure
The reference in the title to "the cancer industry" was not a mistake. Like vaccines, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and therapies, dentistry and psycho - analysis, medical research is now an industry, a driver of corporate profits. And the cancer industry is particularly ironic because the products that cause many cancers are made by ...
So you Think You Believe In Free Will
We all think we exercise free will in deciding what to do, where to go and how to behave but modern technology make it possible to fire messages suggesting certain actions at us constantly and marketing techniques that would in a more honest era have been correctly labelled brainwashing, techniques developed by ...
March Of The Machines - are Humans Becoming redundant?
The science heads would scoff but there is evidence all around us that the wealthy and academic elites are trying to make humans redundant. At every opportunity human workers are being replaced by machines and processes mechanized or automated. But what are they planning to do with all the surplus people when robots do all the work.
Iceberg Alley Blues - The Truth About Our Energy Future
With wind and solar power looking less and less like contenders to take over from fossil fuels and the big money interests behind big oil, big coal and big Koch determinedly ignoring several energy sources that…
The Last Thing The Cancer Industry Wants Is a Cure For Cancer
If there is anbody out there who hasn't hear rumours of secret cancer cures, what planet have you been living on? The cancer industry destroys or marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies that do more harm than good. People who survive cancer from conventional cancer therapies don’t survive cancer ...
Robobee Is On The Way
If you have not read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World recently, the things that are going on around you make the 1932 novel worth another look. In a world where everything is artificial, syntesized for profit, where even what nature gives us free has been superseded by commercial products. News of robot pollinators to replace the bees being made extinct by chemical spraying makes it seem frighteningly close.
Orthorexia: The New Eating Disorder - healthy eating is now a mental illness
After years of harangueing us about our unhealthy eating habits the science tits have now decided healthy eating is and eating disorder, a mental illness. They even have a name for it, Orthorexia. And guess what, it's your fault if you suffer from this. Nothing to do with all the adice the 'experts' gave us about avoiding foods our bodies need then?
Bioelectromagnetics: Bees & Flowers Communicate Using Electrical Fields, Scientists Find
One of my favourite ways of wasting time was always to sit in the garden on a sunny day in summer and just watch the bees being busy around the flowers. Over the last few years we have heard and read a lot about the collapse of bee colonies.Although bee colony collapse and the possible extinction of bees poses a much greater threat to the future of humanity than climate change ever could until now I have not found any urge to write about it. The reason...
Deliberately Wrecking The Planet
We are all aware of the problems in our environment but the problems are simply too diverse and far reaching to be dismissed as irresponsible lifestyles producing too much carbon dioxide? Look at bogus science, corporate greed, political incompetence, over-consumption and elitist arrogance.
Russian Scientists: ‘We Could Face Cooling Period For 200-250 Years'
Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in ...
Vaccine Facists Stalking Unvaccinated Children
A new phone application called Vaccine Refused developed by the University of Iowa tracks – just as the name implies – vaccine refusals. The application is intended to be used by health professionals to report the location of the refusal, the vaccine refused, and patient demographics. The output of the data ...
The Gravity Of The Situation - How Much Science Is Wrong
Scientists hate those who aren't qualified scientists questioning them about the many fallacies than have entered the realm of the sciences. I was once arguing with a boy scientist about the flaws in both Newton's and Einsteins theories of gravity and he said, "You're not a scientist so you can't understand science."I then ...
Another Vaccine Outed As A Killer.
The Daily Stirrer has reported many times of research that has produced negative results for vaccines. You never learn much of these studies in mainstream media of course. The latest, embedded in our page below, shows that vaccines compromise the immune system ...
Poison Gas Used In Syria Sparks Calls For Western Military Invasion
Claims circulating in Washington, London and Brussels that chemical weapons have been used in the Syrian conflict have prompted less conspiracy theories and more intelligent discussion that we might expect. Even so commentators in mainstream media have divided into two opposing camps – those who believe that President Obama's failure to ...
The Secret Of Bulletproof Custard (satire)
You may think science is boring and geeky but it is truly great entertainment. I don't mean when experiments go wrong or crazy guys in white coats blow themselves up, not do I mean those pointless experiments by which scientists discover was was absolutely chuffing obvious to the rest of us for ...
Forget The Big Pharma Propaganda - The British Medical Journal Tells Us Measles Is Not A Killer Disease
As the government joins Big Pharma corporations in raising the hysteria level about the measles outbreak in Wales, The Informed Parent website has compiled some historic articles from The British Medical Journal showing that in the 1950s before Big Pharma had measles vaccines to sell, doctors did not consider the disease to pose a major risk to ...
Doctors Protest About Anti Cancer Drug Costs
Plenty of people have said big business and big finance are trying to enslave us my making us so deeply indebted our children and succeeding generations will never be able to pay what we owe. I would not like to say it's true or not true, but ...
Honey Pot
A poem about Pooh and Piglet (believe that and you'll believe anything. It's really a fun little double entrendre inspired by all those Valentine day messages from 'Pooh' to 'Piglet' and making use of Pooh's love of hunny.
Measles Hysteria, Big Pharma Vaccine Propaganda and a little truth
As the argument over vaccines reaches new levels of intensity and those who claim to have science on their side are reduced to name calling and lying in the face of mounting evidence that vaccines are just a profit machine for big pharma, what are parents supposed to do?
So If Global Warming Has Stopped And The Pandemics Never Go Started What will Make Us Extinct
Please don't get the idea I am one of those doom and gloom merchants who is always saying "the end is nigh." I tend to minimize existential threats, climate change was never anything more than a scam, the various pandemics, from Swine Flu to AIDS were never going to kill in great numbers as The Black Death did in ...
So Why Is Nobody Happy
Americans love to tell us they are the greatest country on the planet, American exceptionalism places them above other nations, theirs is the most powerful economy, the mightiest military (yet in ten years they cannot defeat a bunch of beared ragheads with AK47s and IEDs), they have the most advanced technology and the highest living standards. So why
Government-funded medical experiments on babies risked blindness and death, over 23 prestigious universities involved
The people who control your life don't give a shit about you and your family. The world is run by psychoths. Anyone who doesn't realise that by now is probably fucked up beyond redemption.'In a sick experiment on humans that eerily resembles the horrors of the infamous
Being Evil? Just Another Day At The Office For Google Boss.
Google boss Eric Schmidt has defended Google's barely legal tax avoidance practices saying Googl;e's contribution to UK national life is more important than the money they owe us. boycott Google, Big is a good serach engine.
Are 90% Of Cancer Research Studies Fraudulent?
A shocking report published in nature magazine has revealed that up to 89% of cancer research studies may be fraudulent. In that many cases the results reported were not reproducable and were in the interests of Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations rather than cancer sufferers. It is not clear in how many cases the researchers were knowingly dishonest and how many were just stupid ...
Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again
In spite of year on year increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating Type II diabetes, the condition is becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.A., according to a new study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, ...
Death By Genocidally Modified Food
The now notorious Monsanto Protection Act, recently passed by the US Congress, which gives biotech corporations, particularly Monsanto immunity from criminal or civil prosecution should harm to humans or the environment arise from ...
The Hunt For Extra Terrestrial life Stepped Up
Scientists are getting very excited about the prospects of contacting extra terrestrial life (well it does not take much to get scientists excited). Over the next few months, cosmologists, i.e. the kind of physicists who think Star Trek was a fly on the wall documentary will turn their radio telescope dishes towards ...
Anarchy In The UK And Elsewhere
The occupy movement are not anarchists. Rioters and protestors of the modern left are not anarchists. Such people have allowed themselves to become dependent on government, they could no more live without the sheltering authority than a tree could live without water. Real anarchy is a well thought out political philosophy though like most (all) political philosophies it looks good on paper but in it pure form is hopelessly impractical.
Abortion Of Justice: Why The Media Silence On The Kermit Gosnell Trial
The trial currently taking place in the United States of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the truly sickening practices of his private (for profit) abortion clinic in Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love) is receiving scant coverage in U S the mainstream media even though emerging details ...
First Plasma TV, Now Plasma Weapons (and they are more deadly than bullets)
Greenteeth's science and technology pages reported on the scalar wave technologies first proposed by Nicola Tesla in the late nineteenth century and the terrible weaons Tesla's discoviers might make possible. Now we report on the darker side of another technology that could offer clean, low cose electricity forever. And naturally it is more likely to be used to develop weapons.
Aluminium In Vaccines Linked To Alzheimer's Disease
Big Pharma are fighting like cornered rats to try to discredit the mounting evidence that aluminium is linked to Alzheinmer's disease. But no natter how much monwy they spend the evidence keeps mounting up.
Is ‘Electrosmog’ Harming Our Health?
'In 1990, the city of La Quinta, CA, proudly opened the doors of its sparkling new middle school. Gayle Cohen, then a sixth-grade teacher, recalls the sense of excitement everyone felt: "We had been in temporary facilities for 2 years, and the change was exhilarating." But the glow soon dimmed ...
France bans Wi Fi Use In Schools
The Daily Stirrer has reported many times that the dangers of radio emissions from mobile phones, wireless routers etc., while not something we should panic about are very real. The sums of money involved in the cellular networks, the internet and computers and the potential offered by these technologies to manipulate
Neuromancers and other neuroscience fiction
n recent years the scientific community have been clamouring to tell us thy are close to mapping the workings of the human brain and understanding the workings of the human mind. now I recall while recovering from a brain haemorrhage fifteen years ago being told by a very good doctor that medical science was only just starting to understand that the brain (a physical organ) and the mind (a mystery) were very different things. And I have neither read nor heard anything since to make me think he was wrong.
Fear and Panic: how To Create Threats and Enemies
Fear and panic has always been one of the most potent weapons of tyrants and wannabe tyrants. But in an world lacking enemies how do the elitists of the New World Order create enough fear and panic to persuade populations to surrender freedom and live under a global totalitarian government?
Syria's War to Get Dirtier Than Ever
Another Daily Stirrer posts about what is really going on in Syria. It is not good for the west and it is not being reported in western mainstream media.
Syria's Dirty War Looks Set To Get Dirtier
'From unobtrusive, anonymous offices scattered around the middle east, in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Croatia, CIA officers have acted as brokers and overseers of a programme of massive arms shipment to Syria's rebels. The western powers operation to support those trying to overthrow the Assad regime is officially denied and ...
Killing You For Your Own Good - The Orwellian Paradox.
Some say the internet has liberated minds but they are just agents peddeling the propaganda of the scientific dictatorship. Apart from very disciplied content creators and site builders, the internet has dumbed people down.
News Of The G20's New world Order global Bank
If you are going to have a global government it stands to reason you have to have a global currency and a global central bank. How could such a thing ever be created given the world's political divisions you might well ask. We've got new for you folks, The Bank Of International Settlements already exists, it's offices are at basel in Switzerland.
New Development Makes Hydrogen Look Like A Realistic Hope For Replacing Fossil Fuels
Scientists have adopted the principles of photosynthesis to develop a way of separating hydrogen from other elementsin a development that offers a possible solution to global energy problems. Researchers claim their discovery could help realise the potential of hydrogen as a clean, cheap, renewable and reliable power source. Unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen can be ...
After Cyprus Theft, Eurozone Kleptonaziism is speading.
'Work experience' and unpaid internships have created a moneyless vacuum between education and pa employiment that only the rich are able to fill. For others a degree only means a masive debt without any improvement in earning prospects
Songs Of Glory, Songs Of War
There is only one justification for war and it is not to bring about regime change. If the western powers do not like a regime we should just refuse to do business with them.Songs Of Glory, Songs Of War was inspired by the lines In Wilfrid Owen's classic World War One poem Dulce Et Decorum Est that read ...
Former Pourtuguese President Calls For Agentine Style Default To Stave Off EU sponsored Theft Of Savings
Mario Soares, the socialist former First Minister of Portugal, who guided the country's transition from the fascist dictatorship of Salazar to a modern European democracy is widely regarded as nation's elder statesman. Yesterday he called on the country to follow the example set by Argentina and default on its debt to avert economic collapse, a move that would lead to ...
Anarchy In The UK And Elsewhere
The occupy movement are not anarchists. Rioters and protestors of the modern left are not anarchists. Such people have allowed themselves to become dependent on government, they could no more live without the sheltering authority than a tree could live without water. Real anarchy is a well thought out political philosophy though like most (all) political philosophies it looks good on paper but in it pure form is hopelessly impractical.
Abortion Of Justice: Why The Media Silence On The Kermit Gosnell Trial
The trial currently taking place in the United States of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the truly sickening practices of his private (for profit) abortion clinic in Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love) is receiving scant coverage in U S the mainstream media even though emerging details ...
First Plasma TV, Now Plasma Weapons (and they are more deadly than bullets)
Greenteeth's science and technology pages reported on the scalar wave technologies first proposed by Nicola Tesla in the late nineteenth century and the terrible weaons Tesla's discoviers might make possible. Now we report on the darker side of another technology that could offer clean, low cose electricity forever. And naturally it is more likely to be used to develop weapons.
Aluminium In Vaccines Linked To Alzheimer's Disease
Big Pharma are fighting like cornered rats to try to discredit the mounting evidence that aluminium is linked to Alzheinmer's disease. But no natter how much monwy they spend the evidence keeps mounting up.
Is ‘Electrosmog’ Harming Our Health?
'In 1990, the city of La Quinta, CA, proudly opened the doors of its sparkling new middle school. Gayle Cohen, then a sixth-grade teacher, recalls the sense of excitement everyone felt: "We had been in temporary facilities for 2 years, and the change was exhilarating." But the glow soon dimmed ...
France bans Wi Fi Use In Schools
The Daily Stirrer has reported many times that the dangers of radio emissions from mobile phones, wireless routers etc., while not something we should panic about are very real. The sums of money involved in the cellular networks, the internet and computers and the potential offered by these technologies to manipulate
Neuromancers and other neuroscience fiction
n recent years the scientific community have been clamouring to tell us thy are close to mapping the workings of the human brain and understanding the workings of the human mind. now I recall while recovering from a brain haemorrhage fifteen years ago being told by a very good doctor that medical science was only just starting to understand that the brain (a physical organ) and the mind (a mystery) were very different things. And I have neither read nor heard anything since to make me think he was wrong.
Fear and Panic: how To Create Threats and Enemies
Fear and panic has always been one of the most potent weapons of tyrants and wannabe tyrants. But in an world lacking enemies how do the elitists of the New World Order create enough fear and panic to persuade populations to surrender freedom and live under a global totalitarian government?
Syria's War to Get Dirtier Than Ever
Another Daily Stirrer posts about what is really going on in Syria. It is not good for the west and it is not being reported in western mainstream media.
Syria's Dirty War Looks Set To Get Dirtier
'From unobtrusive, anonymous offices scattered around the middle east, in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Croatia, CIA officers have acted as brokers and overseers of a programme of massive arms shipment to Syria's rebels. The western powers operation to support those trying to overthrow the Assad regime is officially denied and ...
Killing You For Your Own Good - The Orwellian Paradox.
Some say the internet has liberated minds but they are just agents peddeling the propaganda of the scientific dictatorship. Apart from very disciplied content creators and site builders, the internet has dumbed people down.
News Of The G20's New world Order global Bank
If you are going to have a global government it stands to reason you have to have a global currency and a global central bank. How could such a thing ever be created given the world's political divisions you might well ask. We've got new for you folks, The Bank Of International Settlements already exists, it's offices are at basel in Switzerland.
New Development Makes Hydrogen Look Like A Realistic Hope For Replacing Fossil Fuels
Scientists have adopted the principles of photosynthesis to develop a way of separating hydrogen from other elementsin a development that offers a possible solution to global energy problems. Researchers claim their discovery could help realise the potential of hydrogen as a clean, cheap, renewable and reliable power source. Unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen can be ...
After Cyprus Theft, Eurozone Kleptonaziism is speading.
'Work experience' and unpaid internships have created a moneyless vacuum between education and pa employiment that only the rich are able to fill. For others a degree only means a masive debt without any improvement in earning prospects
Songs Of Glory, Songs Of War
There is only one justification for war and it is not to bring about regime change. If the western powers do not like a regime we should just refuse to do business with them.Songs Of Glory, Songs Of War was inspired by the lines In Wilfrid Owen's classic World War One poem Dulce Et Decorum Est that read ...
Former Pourtuguese President Calls For Agentine Style Default To Stave Off EU sponsored Theft Of Savings
Mario Soares, the socialist former First Minister of Portugal, who guided the country's transition from the fascist dictatorship of Salazar to a modern European democracy is widely regarded as nation's elder statesman. Yesterday he called on the country to follow the example set by Argentina and default on its debt to avert economic collapse, a move that would lead to ...
After Cyprus Theft, Eurozone Kleptonaziism is speading
"It can't happen here" sang Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention in a 1960s song that warned about complacency against the threat of creeping authoritarianism (sort of). It is tempting from a British perspective to regard the levy on savings and deposits in Cyprus' banks as a one off, something that can't happen here. But EU leaders have already been talking about ...
Former Portugese Leaders Calls For A Debt Default
Mario Soares, the former Portugese first minister has sponen out against austerity measures imposed by the E U and called on Portugese politicians to opt for an Argentine style default.
Putin Says Russia Will Reach For The Stars.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia yesterday announced a massive new space exploration project, in a move that can only be seen as sending a message to the Obama administration in the near bankrupt U S A.
The New World Order Is Coming To Take Your Kids
Further developments on a story we featured last week in which Obama adviser Prof. Melissa Harris - Parry warned American parents "Your kids don't belong to you, they belong to the government.
China pledges to support North Korea against US aggression
Western media has focused entirely on the comical posturings of North Korean leader Fat Boy Kim during the recent escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula. But a little research reveals that Korea is not the true driver of the situation. This is shaping up to be proxy war between the USA and China.
Big Pharma Stealing Nature: Natural Substances Turned into Pharmaceuticals Sold for Massive Profit A look at how the profiteering pirates of Big Pharma are patenting natural substances and with the complicity of government having them banned from sale as natural remedies so they can be marketed at inflated prices as controlled pharmaceuticals
Globalist Bankers Make Plans To Rob Your Bank Account
The so called bail in of banks in Cyprus has created a dangerous model for future ban solvency problems. We should all be concerned. Governments, international organisations like the IMF and 'too big to fail' banks think robbinmg depositors is a damn good idea for fixing problems caused by their incompetence. Plans are being made and laws passed to enable this legalised robbery to be extended around the world.
Illegal We Can Do Immediately, Unconstitutional Takes Longer - Kissinger
You might think the corruption of government, the courts, public services, education and mainstream media is a recent thing. wrong, it has always been that way. Will the rise of the internet and bloggers who care about the truth, information is easier to find now.
Global Kleptocracy And Trickle Down Taxation
George Harrison was my favourite Beatle. he was my wife's too, but for very different reasons. In 1965, pisssed off with what he considered confiscatory taxation by the British government -- a supertax on high earners instituted by the Labour government was taking 95 percent of their income -- George Harrison wrote his most bitter song from the perspective of a maniacal tax collector:
Globalist Agenda Driving Syria Conflict
Ever since the civil conflict in Syria began in 2011, there have been concerted efforts to justify an intervention by the west. Initially this was envisaged by Obama, Cameron and the ten French President Sarkozy as a campaing to bring about regime change similar to that waged against the Gaddafi regime in Libya.
Thumpa And The Tyranny Of Human Rights
The contribution of Glenister Fermoy (Thumpa) Shiel in the fight to retain our right to free speech in the face of an onslaught of politically correct tyranny. While a speech Barack Obama made in Cairo is celebrated even though it brought back the spectre of medieval Sharia law to secular Muslim nations like Egypt and Libya, Thumpa Shiel is remembered as a dinosaur ....
All Your Children Are Belong Us Says Obama Supporter
It was a meaater of when not if members of the Obama administration would come out of the crypto fascist closet. Here's Melissa Harris - Parry talking up the fascist war on the family by telling anyone prepared to waste time listening that children belong to the government rather than their parents. ...
The Healing Power Of Magic Mushrooms And The Fascism Of Big Pharma
Magic Mushrooms, Hemp (Cannabis) and many other plantts tha have healing but also narcotic or hallucinogenic properties are subject to legal sanction. Is this concern for the public or just government control freakery and Big Pharma fascism?
Antibiotic Resistant Deisease -The Criminality Of Corporate Power, The Compliance Of Science Throughout my lifetime Antibiotics have been on of humanity's beast weapons against some (but NOT all) of the most deadly diseases: Penicillin is one of or possibly the most prescribed drugs.But it was folly to start prescribing penicillin as a placebo and even greater folly to introduce it into the food chain by ...
When Telling The Truth Is Not Only Offensive But A Crima Against The State
Truth is in short supply these days and governments are very quick to stamp on it wherever it appears. There is even talk in government circles of shutting down websites that challenge the official line.
Will Globalists Use North Korea To Trigger Global Catastrophe?
Whenever discussion over North Korea arises in Western circles, it always seems to be accompanied by a strange mixture of sensationalism and indifference. The mainstream media consistently presents the communist nation as an immediate threat to U.S. national security, conjuring an endless number of ...
Supermarkets Throw Away Almost Half Fresh Food As an increasing number of UK families are having to seek help from food banks and charities to survive. It has been revealed that British supermarkets are throwing away over 10 billion pounds worth of food every year year. Charity Oxfam has warned that 13 million Brits do not have enough to buy food and essentials and pay ...
Islamic Cleric Announces Fatwah Allowing The Legal Rape Of Syrian Women By Anti Assad Rebels
An Islamic cleric has pronounced a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a "sexual jihad" that has so far involved girls as young as 14 being transported to remote areas of the country to service the needs of ...
Quantum Soul
Science has for two hundred years dealt with the mystery of human consciousness by conflating the mind with the brain. In spite of a growing hill of evidence that the two are very different things and…
Forget The Labour Hysterics - Disabled People Are Not Going To Be Made Destitute
Preach from the pulpit in a church that the end of the world is nigh and you will look like a cupid stunt when the sun comes up the day after you said it was all going to end. Predict the end of civilization as we know it because the government has done a bit of tinkering with the benefits system and you look like one of those
Barack Obama believes all Americans should make sacrifices – except himself
President Barack Hussein Obama or The Emperor Obama as many Americans now think of him, loves to talk about the sacrifices ordinary Americans must make if his agena of making America a fairer place for all Americans is to succeed. That agenda of course involves raising taxes and increasing benefits so the scroungers and shirkers are better off than those who work ...
The Scientific Dictatorship
President Eisenhower warned against the dictatorship of a scientific elite in his farewell address in 1960. Authors like H G Wells and philosophers such as Bertrand Russell were predicti...
New York City asks: What happened to the 1,116 missing 9/11 victims?
The Daily Stirrer has never been among the so called 9/11 truthers. We did not start publishing until 2009 and the Al Qaeda attack on The World Trrade Centre in New York was history by then. Privately however our contributors were very sceptical about the official versions of what happened because ...p>
Is Technology Killing Us? Electrosensitivity, the 21st century disease
Is modern life making us ill? Yes, say those who suffer from electrosensitivity. Are they cranks, or should we all be throwing away our mobile phones? Well that might be a bit extreme, but maybe we should be thinking about how we use all our wireless gadgets.
Human Meat found in food intended for human consumption
No, it isn't a belated follow up to those horsemeat in supermarket burgers stories but it will make you think twice before yopu eat any meat product. The horse meat fiasco has prompted health authorities around the world to look a bit more deeply into what else might finding its way into foods we causually pick up
Nothing Will Stop Pervert - In - Chief's Sexualization Of Children ProjectWe have reported in the past on Brack Obama's Czar for the sexualization of children, the professional paedophile rights campaigner Kevin Jennings. Now we learn that Obama, while imposing spending cuts on vital areas is pumping $millions in taxpayers money into a program that will visit schools promoting promiscuity and sexual licence.
They Called Us Conspiracy Theorists But Now Big Pharma Drug And Vaccine Criminality, Bribery, Fraud, Price Fixing Is Eaxpose For All To See.
Big Pharma criminality exposed and those who were called conspiracy theorists vindicated ...
Monsanto Wrote The Law That Puts It Above The Law
We have reported on how Monsanto plans to gain control of the world's food supply, how the biotech corporation with a long track record for black hat tactics has been placed beyonmd legal sanction by US lawmakers. Now we report how corrupt politicians and government officials invited the corporation to draft the law that gives it's genetically engineered seeds immunity from legal responsibility.
Skynet And The Rise Of The Death Robot
Ever since I joined the Information Technology Industry around forty years ago, computer scientists have claimed they are on the verge of building machines capable of thinking like humans. That are as far away from that coal now as they were then. Whenre advances have been seen in in the ever more apparent inability of scientists to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
Scientific Dictatorship Censors Rupert Sheldrake Thanks to the efforts of the Scientific Dictatorship, anyone working in the field of science or research who dares to express an unorthodox or original idea is likely to be subjected to a withch hunt. Rupert Sheldrake whose theories on morphic fields make far too much sense for them to be considered by the high priests of the Church Of Scienceology is one such maverick.
Thumpa And The Fascism Of The Human Rights Industry
Thumpa Shiel was that most endangered of political species, a principled plain speaker. Branded racist and reactionary in his time, we now see that his peredictions about the detrimental effect on democratic rights and individual freedom of the race relations industry and political correctness have been proved correct.
The Corruption Of Rap Music And The Betrayal Of A Generation - A Secret Meeting
Have you ever wondered where it all went wrong for the music industry, how popular music became dominated by the tribalism, misogyny, violence and hate of gangsta rap, hip hop, drum and bass and all the other sub genres? You will find out below ...
The Government Has The Right To Curtail Your Freedoms Says Control Freak Mayor Bloomberg
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, notorious for his obsession with nanny state style control freakery said on Sunday: "Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights." Read more on Bloomberg control freakery.
Science and Reality
Scientists quickly get out of their depth when venturing into the territory of philosophy, especially when they try using mathematics to explain how we experience reality.Here we take a not entirely serious look at one scientist's plan to build a mathematical model of the universe to learn how reality works.
The Day The True News Died
Attempts by UK and EU bureaucrats and politicians to establish government control of the news and a cosy collboration in the USA between mainstream meadia and the government is bad news for democracy.
In 2008 Cyprus was a prosperous, happy, successful island nation. Then they joined the European Single Currency System and the Euro nazis forced them into debt slavery.
How it all went wrong for Cyprus after the 2008 banking crisis. Some people in Britain, our top national enemy Tony Blair for example, still think we should join the Euro. If you don't yet understand the EU was never about trade and always about the creation of a bureaucratic dictatorship single state this should convince you.
Vaccine victory: Widespread resistance from parents to HPV jab for daughters shows truth is spreading like a virus Parents concerns about the safety of the HPV virus and resistance to bullying tactics from government propaganda and medical professionals have led to wholesale rejection of this dangerous and ineffective vaccine.
Hungary Destroys Monsanto's Genetically Modified Corn fields
How refreshing to report on a government willing to stand up to corporate fascism and prticularly G M seed monopoly Monsanto. Only last week we had to tell you how in the USA Monsanto say 'jump' and the administration say How high massa?
Captive Minds And Cowardly Intellectuals
The pose intellectuals and academics like to strike is that of detatched, independent minded individuals who reject materialism and devote their lives to the expansion of knowledge and understanding and a quest for truth.In reality…
New World Order Media Organizations Demand Fredom To Use Drones In Spite Of Big Brother Fears.
Why do news media need to use military drones for news gathering? Is it just a collaboration betwen Corporte Power and global agenda politics to keep us all under constand surveillance? Be afraid, be very afraid - but not too afraid to join the fightback, they can't put us all in prison ...
Microsoft Want To Spy On Your Family
The new Microsoft X Box Kinect version will not work unless it is connected to a live broadband connection so that its built in cameras, sensors andu microphones can gather data in your home and relay in back to a control centre who knows where. Are you still sre technology is as harmless and life enhancing as we've been told?
One Week To Stop Monsanto Hijacking The Food Supply And Obama Destroying Democracy
Yesterday, in Blach Hat Biotech part 2 my colleague reported on a new law sneaking through the U S Senate under the radar that would give the biggest player in gemetically engineered foods, Monsanto, immunity from prosecution for any human or environmental damage caused ...
Are American Government Officials Planning Cyprus Style Savings Grab To Ease The DeficitThe E U's proposed levy on savings and deposits held in Cyprus banks to help pay for the €10billion bailout requested by the Cypriot government quite rightly went down like the proverbial lead balloon with Cypriot and foreign holders of bank deposits in ...
Black Hat Biotech Beyond The Law (Black Hat part 2)
In the first part of Black Hat Biotech I reported on how a single corporation are close to establishing a monopoly as supplier of seed for the world's staple food crops.Now we look at how that same corporation either by buying political influence or other, less ethical means (if you know what I mean) has come close to ...
The Grand Illusion Of Self And The Key To Slowing The Ageing Process? We all have an idea of who and what we are but is it anywhere near the truth. Science scoffs at notions like mind over matter but what if there is more mind than matter. The Hindu and Buddhist concept of Maya tells is what we think of as reality is an illusion ... (Index Philo and Sophia)
Obama's Dr. Evil Presidency OKs Biological Warfare Research Using Human Babies
This shocking article embedded here from Nature News shows how deeply corrupt and morally deficienty the Obama Adminidtration truly is. OKing experiments on American babies for a program that can only be aimed at handing more taxpayers money to Big Pharma is extreme even for the crack smoking, rent - boy fucking President of the New World Order's puppet regime.
Congressmen Want To Know Why U S Department of Homeland Security Are Buying Up Ammunition
It has been widely reported on the web and in a few dark corners of mainstream media that the American Department of homeland Security has over the past year engaged in a vast program of ammunition purchases without offering any explanation as to why taxpayers money was being spent on what can only be described as preparing for war. The sovereign territory of ...
Divinity, Dawkins and A Pope
In recent years the debate between followers of religion and a new breed of non believer, the Militant Atheists has become increasingly bitter. The Militant Atheists, a k a Militant humanists or militant secularists have become increasingly vitriolic in dismissing the ideas of religion as superstition and magical thinking and declaring 'scientific methodology' the only way to arrive at the truth.But is it?
Eugenics Belongs To The Left Not The Right
Whenever the topic of population growth is brought up in a forum or comment thread usually on climate change, and it is suggested that any policy to save the environment must include measures to curb the…
Global Warming Alarmists show their proficiency in the sciene of flogging a dead horse.
A new report from a United Nations agency postpones global warming by 100 years. So why are they still panicking. To scare us into aaccepting authoritarianism maybe?
Climate Fraud Watch: How The United Nations Made 50 million Refugees Disappear.
A decade ago The United Nations promised us that if carbon emissions were not curbed sea levels would rise swamping island nations and low lying coastlines and there would be 50 million refugees. Well carbon emissins increased, temperatures got sightly cooler and the refugess disappeared...
Prescription Addiction: What The Death Of Michael Jackson Said About Us all
Controversy rages in medical circles about people suffering harmful effects because of their addiction to prescription drugs.Michael Jackson, by the end of his life,indulged and pandered to by those who called themselves his friends had become a tragiuc figure.But how many more people are being betrayed by the pharmaceutical industry and their doctors?
Cameron, The Coalition and the Free Press
As if trying to difference between Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives, the Coalition are pressing ahead with the Labour dream law of press regulation by a state controlled agency.
We Simply Can't Afford To Pretend We Can Make Severely Disabled People Equal
A case in court this week challeges the government's decision to cut the Independent Living Fund which allows severely disabled people the 'dignity' of living alone, being cared for by two full time carers and with not of the social opportunities of residential care. Why do lefties want to keep it. Control Freakery maybe?
South American Farmers Hiding Heirloom Seeds From Monsanto
The Genetically Modified crop Nazis are on the march again, jackbooting their way through South America, supported by the United Nations Scientific Dictatorship aka The New World Order as they try to ensure the food supply is controlled by a few fascistic corporations.
Child's water pistol is now a terror threat according to control crazy Obama administration.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting in America things have gone a bit crazy. But a school calling the cops because a kid took a water pistol to class? Yes, they did, those crazy, obama worshipping teachers really did.
The Story Of The Boxer And The Troll
When an internet troll started to post injsulting textweets and comments about a professional boxer he was surprised when the boxer turned up on his doorstep and explained what would happen if it did not stop.
Minimum Alcohol Pricing: A Retreat To Common Sense On A Very Stupid Idea.
Introducing a miniumum price per unit for alcoholic drinks was an idea first floated by the control freaks of the Labour government. When the Coalition came to power the qually authorotarian and control freaky liberal democrats embraced it and David Cameron from the wussy wing of the Conservatives went along with his coalition partners. Now back bench conservatives have forced him into a change of mind.
How the new elite are creating an evil empire
Democracy is in greater danger that it has been in the past 200 years, even The Third Reich did not threaten our individualism, personal freedoms and the right to determine our own course in life and the so called "New World Order", the wealthy and powerful elitists and academics who are now using fear as a weapon to coerce populations into complicity with their agenda. The aim is, and has been for fifty years, to create a global totalitarian governments.
UK Local Government Officials Seling Help To BusinessesWe've said it before and before long, as sure as eggs are eggs, we'll be saying it again. Government in this country and throughout the developed world is corrupt from top to bottom and rotten to the core. Greed, self interest and lust for power are ...
Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?
Food prices have rocketed over the past two decades, to the extent that even in nations like Britain and the USA poor people are having to rely on free food banks to stay properly nourished. How did the global food supply chain get in such a state. Well our dear chums The New World Oder are at the bottom of it. And then there are all the usual suspects, greedy banks and corporations, incompetent oliticians, corrupt public servants and the Marxist idiots on the left who obstruct the doing of what needs to be done.
Faceless Corporations That Drive The Global Economy
Some of the most powerful corporations in the world, not the biggest in terms of turnover, profit or numbers of staff employed, but powrful in terms of the amount of control they exercise in global markets, are barely known outside their own industries. You should find out all you can about corporations that affect your life on a daily basis, from the food you eat to your underpants. Here is a good place to start.
Bill Gates Confronted On Vaccine Eugenics Allegations.
Allegations linking the Bill and medlinda Gates Foundation vaccine program in Pakistan to a eugenics policy have circulated for some time. The Daily Stirrer could not possibly say if there is any substance to them. But we have noted many times how Information Technology hyperbillionaires seem to be disconnected from the instinctive ethical constraints and self discipline that make most of us aware of the line between social concern and Naziism.
Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax' Marxist Activists Masquerading As Environmental Protestors Chant
The Daily Stirrer has always said the global warming scare was a scam. Now with more and more environmental scientists and organizations involved in climate research being openly scaptical about the claim that CO2 is the problem, climate change fanatics are outing themselves as left wing political activists who want a global, totalitarian government.
Survey Of Surveys Reveals Majority Do Not Give A Flying F*** About Climate Change
All that blether about anthropogenic global warming, carbon dioxide emissions and how the sky was going to fall down and kill us all have been for nothing.
Latest Warning From The Food Fascists Is Going Straighht To My Recycle Bin
The food fascists have warned us off red meat, salt, eggs, butter, alcohol,white bread and just about everything else we might consume.Professor Sabine Rohrmann, who led the analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, said: “Risks of dying earlier from cancer and ...
Euthanasia is here: Pensioner Put On The Liverpool Care Pathway Left Without Food Or Water For Six Days before Dying.
Bereaved daughter Susan Phillips daughter has filed a complaint against the hospital which left put her father on the barbaric 'Liverpool Care Pathway' without her permission. Mrs. Phillips said her 69-year-old father Robert Goold was left to slowly deteriorate for more than a week on the controversial ...
Amazon's Human Robots: More and more people are finding themselves dehumanised in the modern workplace
This is what it's like to work for a company our New World Order appointed leaders tell us points to the future of society. Humans reduced to behaving like androids, conditions not encounteres since before early twentieth century social reform and workers kept in line by desperation. I'm glad my working life is over.
E U Smart Borders Policy Will Lead To Big Brother Type Surveillance, Green Politician Warns
Another scheme that will keep us all under constant surveillance on the pretaxt of protecting us from terrorism. When was the last time anybody you knew got attacked by terrorists. Chavs maybe, but not terrorists.
Mystery Of The Bosniasn Pyramid
Are scientists suppressing the truth about a free source of clean energy that could free us from our dependency on fossil fuels? And if so why would they do such a thing? To protect the interests of Our New Unhappy Lords perhaps. Read the article to find out more about the Bosnian Pyramic complex
Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.
Beppe Grillo, Prime Minister Of Common Sense
In the political chaose that has resulted from inconclusive elections in Italy, while the political establishment gets down to business as usual deal making and back stabbing, former comedian and leader of the poulist Five Star movement Beppe Grillo seems to be the only political figure who understands Italy's predicament.
Google wants to change the way you see the world
Years ago, in the early days of blogging I posted a satirical blog about Google's corporate slogan at the time. Don't Be Evil was the motton displayed under the srearch bar on their home page and my blog suggested the words were only half the real corporate message which was: "Don't be evil, that's our job." Ever since learning how sticky the ...
Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left?
Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…
The Total Surveillance Society
Surveillance cameras, CCTV,electronic monitoring, data gathering from credit card use and other transactions, all are commonplace. When we start to hear talk of implanting RFID chips in human bodies or making a criminal offence of not carrying an official identity card when outside one's home, we start to understand how sinister the surveillance industry has become and what threats it poses to our rights and liberties.
Peacemaker and Joybringer Launches Another War
He promised he would be the peacemaker, the great conciliator, the leader who would usher in a new post - conflict global age. And may believed him. Oh how they mocked when I predicted Barack Hussein Obama would be a warmonger, a divider and more than any of his predecessors they lackey of the globalist bankers who are pushing for a global totalitarian government.
Obama Stabs Britain In The Back Again
Barack Hussein Obama does not even try to hide his hatred of the british or his contempt for democracy. The latest stab in the back from Obama comes in his support for Agentina's claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. We hoipe our leaders will remember Obama's disloyalty when he comes looking for support for his latest war
Milgram Goes Modern: The Milgram Experiments Revisited
The Milgram experiment examined in the context of the all powerful advertising industry, the “wisdom of crowds” and the Nazi tendencies buried deep within all of us. Why do we so readily put aside moral values to submit to authority?
Britain Faces Power Shortages - We Told You So
News that Britain faces power blackouts as obsolescence and authoritarian regulation by the EU and Euronazi's try to usurp the sovereign powers of our British Parliament should come as a surprise to nobody.
How To Talk About books We Have Not Read
Can we really talk about books we haven't read as the title of the book reviewed here suggests? The author, french literature academic Pierre Bayard argues that it is perfectly feasible as books are not so much about narrative and characters as ideas. Does Bayard's argument hold up?
Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism
Agenda 21, the document published at the Rio +20 climate conference talks in deliberately misleading language of a plan for sustainable development. Don't be fooled by the anodyne bureaucratic jargon, read agenda 21 carefull and it is nothing short of an agenda for global fascism.
The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism
Moral relativism, the sdandard position of the politically correct left, is leading to the breakdown of civilised society in the west. How do we stop the decay when we are not allowed to criticize the Marxist, kleptocratic policies of left wing politicians, the scientific fraud of global warming, or the sheer infantile idiocy of same sex marriage
Improvement In Empoloyment Figures Is Another Statistical Deception
Politicians, economists and others with an interest in talking up the economy to get us all spending and taking on debt and mortgage loans again may rave about recovery. With our industrial base so depleted where will the jobs come from that we need to lead a recovery?" They may call it fiscal prudence, we call it loonytoons economics...
Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule 'To Save The Planet'
When a scientific dictatorship was first mooted over a century ago the great obstacle to "going beyond existing permissions" as supporters of global government coyly put it, in imposing authoritarian laws withourt having to seek the consent of voters was seen as the rights and freedoms enshrined in the US constitution.
Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of…
When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.
High Ranking Paedophile Allowed To Investigate ... himself
Britain has been shocked by the Jimmy Savile scandal, a tale of how the establishment closed ranks to cover up the activities of a high profile celebrity's sexual abuse of young and vulnerable people. But the way the new elite protects its own is not confined to Britain as this story of a prominent Dutch politician reveals
Americans Know Nothing Of Obama's Latest Vacation.
Some say Barack Obama has more vactions that the Catholic Church has saints. His latest, a mini vaction fort the President's Day weekend was a golfing trip to Florida tp play around (sorrym pla a round) with Tiger Woods. Wonder hom much appearance money Woods received for that?
American Sociologists Mystified By Drop In Crime Rate. American sociologists might be mystified by a drop in the crime rate but The Daily Stirrer knows exactly what is going on.
Scientists Enthusiuasm For Warmageddon Global Warming Cooling?
The science is settled, we're all going to fry the Warmageddoninsts said. but now, as independent scientific research shows global warming stopped fifteen years ago, the science worshippers are not so sure.
Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of our national communities. This is not a secret meeting but a kind of Bilderberg lite. Whatever the conspitators, sorry I mean
Emperor Obama plans to bypass Congress to combat climate change
In his State of The Union address for 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama finally came out of the closet and announced that in order to save the planet from a non existent threat, climate change aka global warming he will have to bypass the democratic process and rule by decree. hail the Emperor Obama.
High Ranking Paedophile Appointed To Investigate ... himself
The Jimmy Savile affair shocked Britain, the television presenter's 50 year career of assaulting the young and vulnerable would be bad enough if it was an isolated incident. But The Daily Stirrer has known of other paedophile scandals being civered up for many years.
NHS whistleblower paid £500,000 to keep quiet over patient safety breaks silence to expose 'culture of fear'
How bribery and bullying are used by senior NHS managers to hide their incompetence. A whistleblower reveals how after being sacked for expressing concerns about standards, he was paid off to keep him quiet.
Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.
Next Pope Must Be Black? Politically Correct Lefties Should Be Careful What They Wish For
When Roman Catholic cardinals meet to elect a new Pope will the whinging of left wing intellectuals influence them? If it does, it could present the lefties with their worst case scenario.
Obama's Democrats: The Creatures That Feed From The Bottom Feeders Bottoms Another shining example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Obama administration in the USA and left wing elitists everywhere. It's OK for them to dodge their taxes but not for anybody else.
Whistle-blowing dinner lady wins compensation after school sacks her for behaving like a decent human being. A whistleblower in the education system was sacked when she reported an incident of bullying to the victim's parents after a school had tried to cover it up, was sacked by the school and then refused reinstatement or compensation by the education authority because she spoke to the press.
Evil Leftie Councils Take The Money And Run
The hugely unpopular system of only collecting rubbish once every two weeks, which results in rubbish strewn streets, plagues of vermin and town centres that in warm weather stink like medieval middens will continue to be the norm because as long as government can be blamed for the greed and incompetence of those self seving
How Little Hattie Harperson and her leftie friends fell in love with paedophilia
A look at the fascination with paedophile rights and the sexualisation of children that seems to have a powerrful grip on left wing politicians in the UK's Labour Party and Obama's Democrats in the U.S.A. Trying to pass of the sexualization of childhood as a human rights issue is beneath comtempt.
Radical American congressman attacks globalisation.
Not sure the American maverick politician Bernie Saunders, who sits as an independent, knows what he is talking about. Left winger like him are usually full of praise for globalisation and all that New World Order crap.
Big Brother Is Coming To Obama's Surveillance State.
Barack Obama's administration in the USA are planning that during his second term in office a total surveillance and data logging system will be created that is so aggressive it will effectively turn the USA into a prison state.
Magic Money - How The Fractional Reserve Banking System Conjures Money From Fresh Air:
A look at how the fractional reserve banking system works and how it brought the global economy and many people's personal finances close to collapse. It's really all about pulling magic money out of fresh air.
| Recommended Reading
17 May
It's no fracking use dreaming, shale gas is not The Messiah
To read the headlines or listen to that even more idiotic and unreliable source, Barack Hussein Obama you would think the USA was on the verge of regaining its position as the world’s No. 1 oil and gas producer and exporter due to the discovery of way to exploit vast reserves of oil and gas held in shale deposits. In fact, according to The White House, fracking shale would drive Energy crisis
16 May
Here’s What Facebook Is Doing to Your Brain. It’s Kind of Shocking
We live in the age of social media, an age where we collect friends like stamps. However, there seems to be a connection between using social networks and being lonely. At 0:40 I was shocked but my mind was blown at 3:40.
VIDEO: ‘The Innovation of Loneliness’ “If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” -Maxwell Maltz
15 May
Transhumanism: MK Ultra to Google
‘Despite Google’s dictum of “Don’t Be Evil,” the company has suspiciously aligned itself with the grand ambitions of American imperialism, with its executive chairman Eric Schmidt attending the infamous Bilderberg conference in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2013. Schmidt also has a listed membership with the Trilateral Commission.
Far more disturbing, however, is Google participation in what appears to be a totalitarian ambition to create a New World Order under a superconscious computer likened to God. While it may sound like science fiction, Google execs have been advancing the cause of “technological singularity,” and the advent of superhuman intelligence, known as “transhumanism.”’ Continue reading:
More on: Transhumanism
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good. Continue reading: Health menu ]
GMO producers should be punished as terrorists, Russian MPs say
A draft law submitted to the Russian parliament seeks to impose punishment up to criminal prosecution to producers of genetically-modified organisms harmful to health or the environment. The draft legislation submitted on Wednesday amends Russia’s law regulating GMOs and some other laws and provides for disciplinary action against individuals and firms, which produce or distribute harmful biotech products and government officials who fail to properly control them.
At worst, a criminal case may be launched against a company involved in introducing unsafe GMOs into Russia.
Continue reading
Black Hat Biotech
13 May
The NSA has been covertly implanting interception tools in US servers heading overseas
For years, the US government loudly warned the world that Chinese routers and other internet devices pose a "threat" because they are built with backdoor surveillance functionality that gives the Chinese government the ability to spy on anyone using them. Yet what the NSA's documents show is that Americans have been engaged in precisely the activity that the US accused the Chinese of doing.
The drumbeat of American accusations against Chinese internet device manufacturers was unrelenting. In 2012, for example, a report from the House Intelligence Committee, headed by Mike Rogers, claimed that Huawei and ZTE, the top two Chinese telecommunications equipment companies, "may be violating United States laws" and have "not followed United States legal obligations or international standards of business behaviour". Surveillance
The Game of Clones.
Anna Raccoon
Human beings are ‘pack animals’, and it is difficult being a Maoist or Trotskyist ‘pack animal’ in the financial heartland of America, so no surprise that they reach out enthusiastically wherever they sniff a fellow traveller in the world. Thus it was that when one day they received an e-mail from a ‘Viktor Voronov’, supposedly the head of the ‘RWO’ which purported to be the ‘Revolutionary Workers Organisation’ of Ukraine telling them of the hardships being endured by fellow revolutionaries as they attempted to tempt enthusiastic post-Communism fellow citizens back under the ‘yoke of Communism’ – the American Bolsheviks were delighted.
We conducted an extensive and politically detailed correspondence with them on major political questions over several years ... Continue reading
Ve Haff Vays Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them. Nanny State
Humans are very manipulable by search engine result 'adjustment', research proves
Google long ago went from being a mere directory of the Internet to a shaper of online reality, helping determine what we see and how. But what power does Google have over the “real” world – and especially the volatile one of closely contested elections?
With a group of more than 1,800 study participants – all undecided voters -- the research team was able to shift votes by an average of 12.5 percent to favored candidates by deliberating altering their rankings in search results, Epstein said. There were also increases in the likelihood of voting and in measurements of trust for the preferred candidates, and there were decreases in the willingness to support rivals. Fewer than 1 of every 100 participants, meanwhile, detected the manipulation in the results. Science and technology
US Covert Ops: The Disintegration of South Sudan
It is difficult to understand how the government of the United States of America, which we in Europe have been told for most of our lives is the beacon of human rights, the guardian of liberty and individualism and the land of opportunity has over the past few decades become The Evil Empire, with a government so ruthless in pursuing its fascistic aims it makes Hitler's Nazis, Mussolini's Fascisti and Stalin's Bolsheviks look positively amateurish. War
Color Revolutions, Covert US Support to Al Qaeda: Is Algeria Next?
On April 17, 2014 Algeria held its presidential election. As expected, the incumbent Abdelaziz Boutiflika won the election with 81.53 percent of the vote against the leading opposition candidate Ali Benflis, who received 12.18 percent of the vote.
Benflis was widely proclaimed in the French press as being the candidate of ‘change’ and ‘democratic reform.’ It is clear that Benflis was the preferred candidate for the French corporate and political elite. The French media launched a concerted campaign to discredit Boutiflika before the election, while there was much talk about the anti-government youth movement ‘barakat,’ as well as the separatist claims of Kabylie and Berber cultural autonomy. War
12 May
Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer CropScience: The GMO Biotech Sector can’t win the Scientific Debate So they Resort To Bullying
British Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Owen Paterson is a staunch supporter of the GM sector. Despite criticisms of him being an industry puppet and content to ignore the devastating, deleterious health, environmental, social and agricultural impacts of GMOs , both he and other officials like the EU’s chief science advisor Anne Glover have been more than happy to act as mouthpieces for the GM sector by making false statements and claims about the benefits and safety of GMOs that fly in the face of scientific findings.
Paterson’s support for GMOs is being carried out in partnership with a number of institutions, including the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC), which is backed by GM companies such as Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer CropScience.’ Black Hat Biotech
Civilisation Isn't Over 'Til The Bearded Lady Sings
Freak shows went out of fashion in the 1950s and rightly so in my not so humble opinion. Two headed dogs, a man with goat hooves, people who swallowed live animals (geeks) and bearded ladies were not anybody's idea of sophisticated entertainment. That being the case, why do Europe's media luvvies who think they are oh so sophisticated persist with the annual freak show that is the Eurovision song Contest? Humour, satire
Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction, Not Natural Causes
Just as the seasons and the phases of the zodiac go in cycles, like the tides and the cycle of renewal, so the attempts to suppress scientific debate about ways in which scientists attempts to control nature are destroying the environment follow on in a seemingly unchangeable order. At this time of year it is bee comony collapse, next it will be extreme weather events Black Hat biotech
Has America’s Use of Finance as a Foreign Policy Tool Backfired?
From the 1980s onward, one of the major aims of American foreign policy has been to make the world safer for US investment bankers. That might seem like an exaggeration until you look at the priorities of American economic policy as well as the actions of US-dominated international institutions like the World Bank and the IMF. The World Bank, though its International Finance Corporations, pushed emerging economies to set up capital markets ... Debt crisis
Taking the Country Back starts with Taking the Children Back
Control of children from pre-kindergarten age is how President Barack Obama is making the Fundamental Transformation of America a fait accompli.
Depressing and demoralizing to know that today’s children are growing up under Marxist rule and that Marxism has been in the classroom for decades. Education
But it is not yesterday or the day before, but today where the tables can be turned, and being depressed, demoralized and giving up is never the answer.
11 May
Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering
The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn't sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening. Climate change
Science for Sale, Autism, VCaccines And Government Intervention
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here is one vaccine specialist who won his personal battle, the wider war goes on. Health
10 May
Taxes Will Rise If Government Do Not Raid Bank Accounts
Taxes will have to rise unless officials are given new powers to raid people’s bank accounts, David Cameron has said.
The Treasury select committee warned that allowing HM Revenue and Customs to remove cash from bank accounts without court orders is “very concerning” because of its history of mistakes.
The committee said that taxpayers could suffer “serious detriment” if officials are able, either by mistake or through an “abuse” of power, to take money from people who have done no wrong. Money, finance
Putting a Price on Foreigners: Strict Immigration Laws ’Save Denmark Billions’
Denmark’s strict immigration laws have saved the country 6.7 billion euros, a government report has claimed. Even though Denmark already has some of the toughest immigration laws in Europe, right-wing populist politicians are now trying to make them even more restrictive.
Denmark’s strict immigration laws have saved the country billions in benefits, a government report has claimed. The Integration Ministry report has now led to calls among right-wing populists to clamp down further on immigrants to increase the savings. Politics, economy
9 May
Barack Obama and the Monsanto betrayal by Jon Rappoport
Under the selective radar of mainstream media, Barack Obama has been carving out a whole new level of support for Monsanto and other destructive biotech giants, going even further than his notorious Monsanto Protection Bill which granted immunity from legal actions. Now in spite of the evil little shit's hypocritical posturing about his roots in AFREEEEKAAAA, he's shafting African subsistems farmers up the arse.
At the G8 Summit held two weeks ago at Camp David, President Obama met with private industry and African heads of state to launch the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves to corporations, while destroying the ecosphere for profit. Black Hat Biotech ... Monsanto Global Ambition politics-economy ... living within the conspiracy
A Time to Stand by Zen Gardner
Just how much are we allowing ourselves to be subjugated and manipulated? Are we even allowing ourselves to be disallowed to draw our own conclusions and thereby take action?
As long as we’re the audience and they’re the “projectors”, we’ve lost. When we allow ourselves to be positioned in that way, we’re basically following the dictates of a usurping authority and playing by their rules. How can we ever overcome if we maintain that position?
Why is it that people cower to and cooperate with a system that is obviously inherently corrupt and working against humanity? Do we really think we can appeal to, appease or modify
New World Order ... Flight from freedom
Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy
Pontificating celebrities and media luvvies, don't you hate them. What gives these mostly has been the idea that their opinion is worth more than the opinion of everyman and woman. What makes these people who might have been talented before theiy disapeared up their own arses (yes I'm talking about you Eddie Izzard, Lenny Henry, Ben Elton, J K Rowling, just about every Mocker on Mock The Week. Even if you were still funny guys, nobody gives a fuck what you think about politics.
8 May
Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are Health
7 May
Yo Ho Ho And A Finger To Euronaziism
It seems some of my readers are so brainwashed with Labour and Conservative propaganda they persist in denying that the only way to oppose Euronaziism in Brussels is to vote UKIP. Well OK, I'm not a UKIP candidate and I'm not campaigning. [ ... ] Being a great believer in democracy however I diligently set myself the task of finding another alternative for UKIP refusniks. And I found you ... The Pirate Party. Yes there is a new kid on the block offering an anti fascist, anti globalist, anti corporatist way to reject the authoritarianism of E U bureaucracy. Living Within The Conspiracy /div>
Owen Paterson Must Go
As I've mentioned in recent days, there is a gas drilling (fracking) site proposed and being pushed through planning right next to our jewellery factory in North Shropshire. This area is a very beautiful and peaceful place, the kind of place where family has lived on the same site or in the same village for over a thousand years. my childhood was spent there but we were offcomers, my Dad a newspaperman from Manchester. Travelling with him at weekends and in school holidays gave me an insight from an early age of the gentle pace of life. I'm not anti - fracking but I fear it will be done in a brutal way because our posliticians will pander to corporate interests and abandon their responsibility to care for the environment. Energy
Posh Boy Can't Explain What He Doesn't Understand
Conservative globalists are screaming that David Cameron must explain why the takeover of British based pharmaceutical corporation Astra Zeneca by American asset strippers and patent thieves Pfizer is a good thing and will benefit the British economy. There is no chance of Dave succeeding ...
This analysis of why the takeover of Astra Zeneca by Pfizer will not be good for the British economy conclues with our writer saying: If I ever meet anyone with a PhD in economics who understands how business work's, I won't know whether to shit or go blind." Revelatory stuff indeed.
6 May
The Dark Side of Globalization
Leonid Savin (nsnbc): The only way to mitigate the process of globalization is the leveling of the disparity of global power, and the establishment of a new international order, based on genuine multi-polarity, with multiple civilization’s centers, capable of projecting power regionally. Living within the conspiracy
You can vote UKIP or you can vote Nazi, simples
I do wish people at this site would either wake up to what is going on in Europe or just acknowledge they are politically illiterate STF up about UKIP. It seems we are importing yet another unfortunate trait from American and that the only positions people can occupy on any issue are the extremes. Thus because I say "Vote UKIP and get us out of the Euroreich" I am taken for ... Europe
LA County Sheriff Admits Big Brother Is Here ‘But We Kept It Pretty Hush Hush’
“This is the future if nothing is done to stop it,” is the ominous way The Atlantic describes the recent Big Brother tactics used by LA County Sheriffs to “police” areas such as Compton.
Residents were unaware (“A lot of people do have a problem with the eye in the sky, the Big Brother, so to mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush hush“)that, as the police stated, “we literally watched all of Compton during the times that we were flying, so we could zoom in anywhere within the city of Compton and follow cars and see people,” as they trialled a new system which if adopted, would mean Americans can be policed like Iraqis and Afghanis under occupation.
Education, Education, Education And To Hell With The Kids
Teaching used to be a vocation and education a high minded calling for those who wished to prepare young minds for adult life by making the process of learning, in the classroom, by discovery and through osmosis, an exciting and fulfilling lifelong process
5 May
Labour, the (very rich, elitist) People's party plans to ban your beer and pies
by Arthur Foxake
Are Labour still the peoples party or have they forgotten their core voters and working class roots and sold out to the metrpolitan left-wing intellectual media mafia. After the latest P R faux pas, few voters over 40 will be able to asociate the people's party with cloth caps and ciggies. Ed Miliband's proposed crackdown on tobbacco, alcohol and 'unhealthy eating' could well be the policy that loses the election. Humanitas
How the Rich Stole Our Money – And Made Us Think They were Doing Us a Favor
Tou’ve doubtless seen the charts and figures showing the decline of the middle income groups in concert with the explosion of wealth for the super-rich. Wages have stagnated over the last 40 years even as productivity has increased, which is another way of saying that Americans are working harder but getting paid less. Unemployment remains stubbornly high even though corporate profits and the stock market are at or near record highs. Passive assets in the form of stocks and real estate, in other words, are doing very well. Wages for working people are not. Unfortunately for the middle class, however, the top 1 percent of incomes own almost 50 percent of asset wealth, and the top 10 percent own over 85 percent of it. When assets do well but wages don’t, the middle class suffers.’ Debt Crisis
New studies show that young blood reverses effects of aging when put into older mice
The rodent fountain of youth may not be filled with water, but with blood. A trio of new studies has discovered that the blood of young mice appears to reverse some of the effects of aging when put into the circulatory systems of elderly mice.
After combining the blood circulations of two mice by conjoining them — one old, the other young — researchers found dramatic improvements in the older mouse’s muscle and brain. After four weeks, stem cells in both those areas got a boost of activity and were better able to produce neurons and muscle tissue. Science and technology
4 May
Is Europe Waking Up To The Threat Of Globalism Posed by Secret Trade Treaties
The U.S. is attempting to give multinational corporations a status that has hitherto been reserved to sovereign nations. According to documents recently leaked from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, the Obama administration wants corporations to be able to challenge the laws and regulations of elected governmets, and bring the dispute to a privately-run international court. Well we did try to warn you. New World Order
3 May
Scary Thought: Scientists build an ‘off switch’ for the brain
Scientists have developed an “off-switch” for the brain to effectively shut down neural activity using light pulses. In 2005, Stanford scientist Karl Deisseroth discovered how to switch individual brain cells on and off by using light in a technique he dubbed ’optogenetics’. Research teams around the world have since used this technique to study brain cells, heart cells, stem cells and others regulated by electrical signals. However, light-sensitive proteins were efficient at switching cells on but proved less effective at turning them off. Now, after almost a decade of research, scientists have been able to shut down the neurons as well as activate them Transhumanism
Canola is the new margarine – throw it all out
Remember when margarine was the substitute for butter? Hey, I can’t believe it’s not butter! Wow. Margarine is a molecule away from being plastic, and we wonder why so many old folks in America have Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The plastic fat is clogging their brain veins. No oxygen to the brain means expensive 24/7 nursing care, lots of pharmaceutical medications and hundreds of thousands of dollars for sick care. Do you see where this is leading?
America loves their canola! Who would really eat it if they knew that it was made with hexane vapor — a gasoline constituent? Even organic canola that’s “expeller-pressed” comes from something we’re not even supposed to eat in the first place — rapeseed. Canola is not a plant, or at least not until some mad scientists got a hold of rapeseed and altered it. Black hat biotech
2 May
Living in a World Where Your Appliances Spy on You
‘Imagine this happened to you.
You are fast asleep in the middle of the night, when suddenly you hear the voice of a strange man talking to your baby daughter… from inside her room.You jump up and rush in there to find that, other than your infant sleeping in her crib, no one is there. Then you hear him again, screaming, “Wake up, baby! Wake up!”
You focus on the source of the sound — your WI-FI baby monitor camera, which suddenly turns its lens on you without your prompt, so whoever has hacked it can scream obscenities at you in your own home in the middle of the night. That’s what happened to one Cincinnati, Ohio couple just last week Internet technology
Open Source Seed Initiative aims to keep seeds free from patents
In a public ceremony on April 16, a coalition of farmers, scientists and sustainable food advocates launched the Open Source Seed Pledge, a parallel licensing system designed to keep seeds in the hands of the public and prevent them from being patented by private interests.
Plant researchers released the seeds of 29 new varieties of broccoli, celery, kale, quinoa and other vegetables and grains under the pledge in a ceremony at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“These vegetables are part of our common cultural heritage, and our goal is to make sure these seeds remain in the public domain for people to use in the future,” said plant breeder and UW-Madison professor Irwin Goldman, one of the pledge’s co-authors. Environment
30 April
Britons face price hikes and energy shortages as Ukraine crisis threatens UK supplies
Households also face price hikes and energy shortages, as the rising tensions between the West and Russia threaten gas supplies to the UK. Petrol has risen above 130p a litre for the first time since January – and experts predict it will increase by another 2p in coming weeks. They blame nervous traders who have bought up crude oil stocks, pushing up the price per barrel and the cost of filling up the family car.
Petrol prices dropped to a three-year low of 129.82p a litre in January. By yesterday they had risen to an average of 130.17p. Diesel remained relatively low at 136.39p. Energy
Artificial Intelligence: Will It Kill Human Society?
The media, the so called 'experts' and politicians hail every technological advance as if it will btransport us from reality to a utopian paradise. but does Artificial Intelligence and related internet and computer technology pose theats to human society that far outweigh any possible advantages? Whateve, Google plan to put machines in our place on top of the food chain. But will it all be quite that simple. Scienteists have a long track record for getting carried away on a wave of their own cleverness and not thinking things through properly Science and technology
29 April
Inventing a ‘Russian Threat’: Washington’s Full-Spectrum Subversion
Today East and West contemplate the possibility of war over the fate of Ukraine, but the popular narrative was tailored for just such a standoff well in advance. Any attentive reader of Western press sources over recent months will have noticed that a dramatic upswing of negative Russia coverage began after Vladimir Putin thwarted Washington’s planned assault on Syria last summer. For just one example of the establishment’s dissemination of absurd Russophobia, look no further than the recent spy film Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, which features Kremlin-directed Orthodox Christian suicide bombers attacking Mammonism’s Holy of Holies, the New York Stock Exchange. Continue reading ... More politics posts
New Swedish Law Criminalizes Anti-immigration Internet Speech
‘You’re free in Sweden to be critical of immigration, those in power, or people identifying as “LBGT” — at least within the confines of your mind. But dare express those views, even on the Internet, and you can now be more easily prosecuted under a new law taking full effect after Christmas. We recently learned about how anti-immigration Internet commenters in Sweden were tracked down and persecuted. As journalist Pamela Geller wrote:
‘One of Sweden’s biggest newspapers, Expressen, used criminal hackers to break into Disqus and get the email addresses and identities of commenters online, and to reveal the persons behind the nicknames or anonymous user IDs. Continue reading Politically correct
EU boss Van Rompuy regards EU Election as superfluous: ‘Decisions are taken elsewhere’
EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy acknowledges the lack of interest of Europeans in the EU election sure instinct of citizens. In an interview he said it was “actually decided” elsewhere and not in the EU Parliament. Such frank defamation of a supposedly democratic institution shows that the EU is in its current structure, an authoritarian backroom event – and will remain so.
An admission at last then that the EU is a neo Nazi bureaucratic dictatorship that is working to subvery democracy (the linked article was rendered into english by Google translate and so may contain some idiosyncratic usages of language) Europe
The Vaccine Paradox - When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated
The propaganda aimed at convincing us vaccine are safe and totally effective is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. This is why, as vaccine horror stories proliferate and the lies and fraud of vaccine makers are exposed, there has to be talk of making a criminal offence of being unvaccinated. I expect one of my future posts to be titled,'Vaccines, the tool of fascism' Health menu
When Supporters of Mainstream Parties Tell You The british Are Little Englanders They Are Lying.
Are we really the only nation resisting greater integration with our EU partners leading eventually to britain being absorbed into a federal European Superstate. Look beyond mainstream media for news of what is going on and you might be surprised.
28 April
America’s Surge Toward Oligarchy
With the rapid concentration of wealth in a few well-manicured hands and the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court declaring money to be speech, the American surge toward oligarchy has gained what looks like an unstoppable momentum. Is America an oligarchy? Thanks to a new study from Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page of Northwestern University, social media, Op-Ed pages and the blatheri are all atwitter at the implication that American democracy is a sham. In Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Gilens and Page used a data-set of 1,779 policy issues from ... more America posts
Russia and Iran strike $10bn energy deal
Iran and Russia are negotiating a power deal worth up to $10 billion. The construction of new thermal and hydroelectric plants and a transmission network are in the works. Iran’s Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian met his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak in Tehran to discuss the power deals, according to the Mehr news agency. They include the possibility of Russia exporting 500 megawatts of electricity to Iran. Moscow is discussing with Tehran the trade of 500,000 barrels a day of Iranian oil for Russian goods. The deal could be worth as much as $20 billion, and has rattled Washington because it could bring Iran's crude exports above a one million barrels a day which is the threshold agreed upon in the nuclear deal. Energy crisis posts
Not Waving But Drowning
Looking at the world situation and America's worsening position as it tries (but fails) to manipulate events to its advantage brings to mind Stevie Simith's poem, "Not waving but drowning." which tells of a man who swam out beyond his range and was so far from shore people did not hear his cries for help and thought he was just larking about.
America is not quite like that, rather than waving frantically as it sinks below the surface of its debt pool, it is shaking an angry fist and blaming
25 April
24 April
The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens. Black Hat Biotech