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Renaissance Chronicles #1


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Siddhartha Gautama - The Buddha



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The Grand Illusion Of Self And The Key To Slowing The Ageing Process?
We all have an idea of who and what we are but is it anywhere near the truth. Science scoffs at notions like mind over matter but what if there is more mind than matter. The Hindu and Buddhist concept of Maya tells is what we think of as reality is an illusion ... (Index Philo and Sophia)

Obama's Dr. Evil Presidency OKs Biological Warfare Research Using Human Babies
This shocking article embedded here from Nature News shows how deeply corrupt and morally deficienty the Obama Adminidtration truly is. OKing experiments on American babies for a program that can only be aimed at handing more taxpayers money to Big Pharma is extreme even for the crack smoking, rent - boy fucking President of the New World Order's puppet regime.

Congressmen Want To Know Why U S Department of Homeland Security Are Buying Up Ammunition
It has been widely reported on the web and in a few dark corners of mainstream media that the American Department of homeland Security has over the past year engaged in a vast program of ammunition purchases without offering any explanation as to why taxpayers money was being spent on what can only be described as preparing for war. The sovereign territory of ...

Divinity, Dawkins and A Pope
In recent years the debate between followers of religion and a new breed of non believer, the Militant Atheists has become increasingly bitter. The Militant Atheists, a k a Militant humanists or militant secularists have become increasingly vitriolic in dismissing the ideas of religion as superstition and magical thinking and declaring 'scientific methodology' the only way to arrive at the truth.But is it?

Eugenics Belongs To The Left Not The Right Whenever the topic of population growth is brought up in a forum or comment thread usually on climate change, and it is suggested that any policy to save the environment must include measures to curb the…

Global Warming Alarmists show their proficiency in the sciene of flogging a dead horse.
A new report from a United Nations agency postpones global warming by 100 years. So why are they still panicking. To scare us into aaccepting authoritarianism maybe?

Climate Fraud Watch: How The United Nations Made 50 million Refugees Disappear.
A decade ago The United Nations promised us that if carbon emissions were not curbed sea levels would rise swamping island nations and low lying coastlines and there would be 50 million refugees. Well carbon emissins increased, temperatures got sightly cooler and the refugess disappeared...

Prescription Addiction: What The Death Of Michael Jackson Said About Us all
Controversy rages in medical circles about people suffering harmful effects because of their addiction to prescription drugs.Michael Jackson, by the end of his life,indulged and pandered to by those who called themselves his friends had become a tragiuc figure.But how many more people are being betrayed by the pharmaceutical industry and their doctors?

Cameron, The Coalition and the Free Press
As if trying to difference between Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives, the Coalition are pressing ahead with the Labour dream law of press regulation by a state controlled agency.

We Simply Can't Afford To Pretend We Can Make Severely Disabled People Equal
A case in court this week challeges the government's decision to cut the Independent Living Fund which allows severely disabled people the 'dignity' of living alone, being cared for by two full time carers and with not of the social opportunities of residential care. Why do lefties want to keep it. Control Freakery maybe?

South American Farmers Hiding Heirloom Seeds From Monsanto
The Genetically Modified crop Nazis are on the march again, jackbooting their way through South America, supported by the United Nations Scientific Dictatorship aka The New World Order as they try to ensure the food supply is controlled by a few fascistic corporations.

Child's water pistol is now a terror threat according to control crazy Obama administration.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting in America things have gone a bit crazy. But a school calling the cops because a kid took a water pistol to class? Yes, they did, those crazy, obama worshipping teachers really did.

The Story Of The Boxer And The Troll
When an internet troll started to post injsulting textweets and comments about a professional boxer he was surprised when the boxer turned up on his doorstep and explained what would happen if it did not stop.

Minimum Alcohol Pricing: A Retreat To Common Sense On A Very Stupid Idea.
Introducing a miniumum price per unit for alcoholic drinks was an idea first floated by the control freaks of the Labour government. When the Coalition came to power the qually authorotarian and control freaky liberal democrats embraced it and David Cameron from the wussy wing of the Conservatives went along with his coalition partners. Now back bench conservatives have forced him into a change of mind.

How the new elite are creating an evil empire

Democracy is in greater danger that it has been in the past 200 years, even The Third Reich did not threaten our individualism, personal freedoms and the right to determine our own course in life and the so called "New World Order", the wealthy and powerful elitists and academics who are now using fear as a weapon to coerce populations into complicity with their agenda. The aim is, and has been for fifty years, to create a global totalitarian governments.

UK Local Government Officials Seling Help To BusinessesWe've said it before and before long, as sure as eggs are eggs, we'll be saying it again. Government in this country and throughout the developed world is corrupt from top to bottom and rotten to the core. Greed, self interest and lust for power are ...

Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?
Food prices have rocketed over the past two decades, to the extent that even in nations like Britain and the USA poor people are having to rely on free food banks to stay properly nourished. How did the global food supply chain get in such a state. Well our dear chums The New World Oder are at the bottom of it. And then there are all the usual suspects, greedy banks and corporations, incompetent oliticians, corrupt public servants and the Marxist idiots on the left who obstruct the doing of what needs to be done.

Faceless Corporations That Drive The Global Economy
Some of the most powerful corporations in the world, not the biggest in terms of turnover, profit or numbers of staff employed, but powrful in terms of the amount of control they exercise in global markets, are barely known outside their own industries. You should find out all you can about corporations that affect your life on a daily basis, from the food you eat to your underpants. Here is a good place to start.

Bill Gates Confronted On Vaccine Eugenics Allegations.
Allegations linking the Bill and medlinda Gates Foundation vaccine program in Pakistan to a eugenics policy have circulated for some time. The Daily Stirrer could not possibly say if there is any substance to them. But we have noted many times how Information Technology hyperbillionaires seem to be disconnected from the instinctive ethical constraints and self discipline that make most of us aware of the line between social concern and Naziism.

Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax' Marxist Activists Masquerading As Environmental Protestors Chant The Daily Stirrer has always said the global warming scare was a scam. Now with more and more environmental scientists and organizations involved in climate research being openly scaptical about the claim that CO2 is the problem, climate change fanatics are outing themselves as left wing political activists who want a global, totalitarian government.

Survey Of Surveys Reveals Majority Do Not Give A Flying F*** About Climate Change
All that blether about anthropogenic global warming, carbon dioxide emissions and how the sky was going to fall down and kill us all have been for nothing.

Latest Warning From The Food Fascists Is Going Straighht To My Recycle Bin
The food fascists have warned us off red meat, salt, eggs, butter, alcohol,white bread and just about everything else we might consume.Professor Sabine Rohrmann, who led the analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, said: “Risks of dying earlier from cancer and ...

Euthanasia is here: Pensioner Put On The Liverpool Care Pathway Left Without Food Or Water For Six Days before Dying. Bereaved daughter Susan Phillips daughter has filed a complaint against the hospital which left put her father on the barbaric 'Liverpool Care Pathway' without her permission. Mrs. Phillips said her 69-year-old father Robert Goold was left to slowly deteriorate for more than a week on the controversial ...

Amazon's Human Robots: More and more people are finding themselves dehumanised in the modern workplace
This is what it's like to work for a company our New World Order appointed leaders tell us points to the future of society. Humans reduced to behaving like androids, conditions not encounteres since before early twentieth century social reform and workers kept in line by desperation. I'm glad my working life is over.

E U Smart Borders Policy Will Lead To Big Brother Type Surveillance, Green Politician Warns
Another scheme that will keep us all under constant surveillance on the pretaxt of protecting us from terrorism. When was the last time anybody you knew got attacked by terrorists. Chavs maybe, but not terrorists.

Mystery Of The Bosniasn Pyramid
Are scientists suppressing the truth about a free source of clean energy that could free us from our dependency on fossil fuels? And if so why would they do such a thing? To protect the interests of Our New Unhappy Lords perhaps. Read the article to find out more about the Bosnian Pyramic complex

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

Beppe Grillo, Prime Minister Of Common Sense In the political chaose that has resulted from inconclusive elections in Italy, while the political establishment gets down to business as usual deal making and back stabbing, former comedian and leader of the poulist Five Star movement Beppe Grillo seems to be the only political figure who understands Italy's predicament.

Google wants to change the way you see the world
Years ago, in the early days of blogging I posted a satirical blog about Google's corporate slogan at the time. Don't Be Evil was the motton displayed under the srearch bar on their home page and my blog suggested the words were only half the real corporate message which was: "Don't be evil, that's our job." Ever since learning how sticky the ...

Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left? Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…

The Total Surveillance Society
Surveillance cameras, CCTV,electronic monitoring, data gathering from credit card use and other transactions, all are commonplace. When we start to hear talk of implanting RFID chips in human bodies or making a criminal offence of not carrying an official identity card when outside one's home, we start to understand how sinister the surveillance industry has become and what threats it poses to our rights and liberties.

Peacemaker and Joybringer Launches Another War
He promised he would be the peacemaker, the great conciliator, the leader who would usher in a new post - conflict global age. And may believed him. Oh how they mocked when I predicted Barack Hussein Obama would be a warmonger, a divider and more than any of his predecessors they lackey of the globalist bankers who are pushing for a global totalitarian government.

Obama Stabs Britain In The Back Again
Barack Hussein Obama does not even try to hide his hatred of the british or his contempt for democracy. The latest stab in the back from Obama comes in his support for Agentina's claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. We hoipe our leaders will remember Obama's disloyalty when he comes looking for support for his latest war

Milgram Goes Modern: The Milgram Experiments Revisited
The Milgram experiment examined in the context of the all powerful advertising industry, the “wisdom of crowds” and the Nazi tendencies buried deep within all of us. Why do we so readily put aside moral values to submit to authority?

Britain Faces Power Shortages - We Told You So
News that Britain faces power blackouts as obsolescence and authoritarian regulation by the EU and Euronazi's try to usurp the sovereign powers of our British Parliament should come as a surprise to nobody.

How To Talk About books We Have Not Read
Can we really talk about books we haven't read as the title of the book reviewed here suggests? The author, french literature academic Pierre Bayard argues that it is perfectly feasible as books are not so much about narrative and characters as ideas. Does Bayard's argument hold up?

Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism
Agenda 21, the document published at the Rio +20 climate conference talks in deliberately misleading language of a plan for sustainable development. Don't be fooled by the anodyne bureaucratic jargon, read agenda 21 carefull and it is nothing short of an agenda for global fascism.

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism
Moral relativism, the sdandard position of the politically correct left, is leading to the breakdown of civilised society in the west. How do we stop the decay when we are not allowed to criticize the Marxist, kleptocratic policies of left wing politicians, the scientific fraud of global warming, or the sheer infantile idiocy of same sex marriage

Improvement In Empoloyment Figures Is Another Statistical Deception
Politicians, economists and others with an interest in talking up the economy to get us all spending and taking on debt and mortgage loans again may rave about recovery. With our industrial base so depleted where will the jobs come from that we need to lead a recovery?" They may call it fiscal prudence, we call it loonytoons economics...

Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule 'To Save The Planet'
When a scientific dictatorship was first mooted over a century ago the great obstacle to "going beyond existing permissions" as supporters of global government coyly put it, in imposing authoritarian laws withourt having to seek the consent of voters was seen as the rights and freedoms enshrined in the US constitution.

Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of…

When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.

High Ranking Paedophile Allowed To Investigate ... himself
Britain has been shocked by the Jimmy Savile scandal, a tale of how the establishment closed ranks to cover up the activities of a high profile celebrity's sexual abuse of young and vulnerable people. But the way the new elite protects its own is not confined to Britain as this story of a prominent Dutch politician reveals

Americans Know Nothing Of Obama's Latest Vacation.
Some say Barack Obama has more vactions that the Catholic Church has saints. His latest, a mini vaction fort the President's Day weekend was a golfing trip to Florida tp play around (sorrym pla a round) with Tiger Woods. Wonder hom much appearance money Woods received for that?

American Sociologists Mystified By Drop In Crime Rate.
American sociologists might be mystified by a drop in the crime rate but The Daily Stirrer knows exactly what is going on.

Scientists Enthusiuasm For Warmageddon Global Warming Cooling?
The science is settled, we're all going to fry the Warmageddoninsts said. but now, as independent scientific research shows global warming stopped fifteen years ago, the science worshippers are not so sure.

Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of our national communities. This is not a secret meeting but a kind of Bilderberg lite. Whatever the conspitators, sorry I mean

Emperor Obama plans to bypass Congress to combat climate change
In his State of The Union address for 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama finally came out of the closet and announced that in order to save the planet from a non existent threat, climate change aka global warming he will have to bypass the democratic process and rule by decree. hail the Emperor Obama.

High Ranking Paedophile Appointed To Investigate ... himself
The Jimmy Savile affair shocked Britain, the television presenter's 50 year career of assaulting the young and vulnerable would be bad enough if it was an isolated incident. But The Daily Stirrer has known of other paedophile scandals being civered up for many years.

NHS whistleblower paid £500,000 to keep quiet over patient safety breaks silence to expose 'culture of fear' How bribery and bullying are used by senior NHS managers to hide their incompetence. A whistleblower reveals how after being sacked for expressing concerns about standards, he was paid off to keep him quiet.

Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.

Next Pope Must Be Black? Politically Correct Lefties Should Be Careful What They Wish For
When Roman Catholic cardinals meet to elect a new Pope will the whinging of left wing intellectuals influence them? If it does, it could present the lefties with their worst case scenario.

Obama's Democrats: The Creatures That Feed From The Bottom Feeders Bottoms
Another shining example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Obama administration in the USA and left wing elitists everywhere. It's OK for them to dodge their taxes but not for anybody else.

Whistle-blowing dinner lady wins compensation after school sacks her for behaving like a decent human being.
A whistleblower in the education system was sacked when she reported an incident of bullying to the victim's parents after a school had tried to cover it up, was sacked by the school and then refused reinstatement or compensation by the education authority because she spoke to the press.

Evil Leftie Councils Take The Money And Run The hugely unpopular system of only collecting rubbish once every two weeks, which results in rubbish strewn streets, plagues of vermin and town centres that in warm weather stink like medieval middens will continue to be the norm because as long as government can be blamed for the greed and incompetence of those self seving

How Little Hattie Harperson and her leftie friends fell in love with paedophilia
A look at the fascination with paedophile rights and the sexualisation of children that seems to have a powerrful grip on left wing politicians in the UK's Labour Party and Obama's Democrats in the U.S.A. Trying to pass of the sexualization of childhood as a human rights issue is beneath comtempt.

Radical American congressman attacks globalisation. Not sure the American maverick politician Bernie Saunders, who sits as an independent, knows what he is talking about. Left winger like him are usually full of praise for globalisation and all that New World Order crap.

Big Brother Is Coming To Obama's Surveillance State.
Barack Obama's administration in the USA are planning that during his second term in office a total surveillance and data logging system will be created that is so aggressive it will effectively turn the USA into a prison state.

Magic Money - How The Fractional Reserve Banking System Conjures Money From Fresh Air:
A look at how the fractional reserve banking system works and how it brought the global economy and many people's personal finances close to collapse. It's really all about pulling magic money out of fresh air.

It’s make-or-break time for education as schools dumb down
Mainstream media tend to give the impression when reporting on education that only the west is dumbing down while developing nations are forging ahead and surpassing us. Xavier Connolly has been taking a look at what is happening outside the UK and finds developing nations are suffering from the same obsession with statistics and coaching to pass exams rather than educating for life.

Big Green Versus Big Koch
As the war between scaremongering, Warmageddonist supporters of Big Green and the champions of level headed common sense and healthy scepticism becomes more and more reminiscent of the bloody civil war in Syria, The Daily Stirrer brings news of another defector from the climate science fascism camp. And this time it is a major front man of the global warming conspiracy.

Bankers Face Another Mis - selling scandal
Just when you thought it was safe to spend money ... Britain's leading banks including Barclays, RBS, Lloyds TSB and Nat West are facing a new mis - selling scandal after offloading dodgy products on unsuspecting businesses ...

Sugary Drinks Tax To Pay For Scxhool Meals Healthy Options
Sugary drinks should be taxed at up to 20p a litre, say health campaigners – with the proceeds helping to pay for free school meals.Picking up on an idea first floated during the era of the Neo Fascist New Labour government, food and farming charity Sustain said ...

BMI Obesity Measure: Shock, Horror, Scientist Says The Science Is Wrong
A new way of calculating the notorious Body Mass Index (BMI) has been proposed - but does it really solve any of the BMI's well-known problems? BMI you may remember is the measure of weight to height that pronounced Arnold Schwartzenegger obese when he made terminator and Mike Tyson obese when he was ...

U S Court Slaps Down Wannabe Tyrant Obama's Despotic Behaviour via Pajamas media

The Washington D.C. Court of Appeals on Saturday invalidated one of President Obama’s most despotic exectutive overreaches, his attempt to use the U S Constitution’s recess appointment power to appointment cronies to senior positions in the administration when ...

Final Proof That The Lunatics Are Running The Global Asylum
Yesterday we reported on the World Economic Forum meeting, the annual jolly for elitists and their lapdogs that takes place in Davos, the most exclusive and expensive winter resort in Europe. Speaking yesterday, one of those lapdogs, Tim Berners-Lee, the man who allegedly invented the world wide web (one of the greatest modern myths, TBL does not even understyand how the web works) was talking about about the shackles stifling the ...

Investors Ignore Triple Dip Recession As Stock Market Hits Four Year High
News that the British economy was staring an unprecedented triple dip recession in the face left investors unperturbed yesterday as shares on Britain's leading index hit their highest point in since the crash four-and-a-half years ago.

The Second Coming Of Barack Obama, The Obamessiah.
As The Obamessiah, Barack Hussein Obama, is inaugurated as President of the USA and those Americans who have accorded the first African American President semi - divine status prepare to go crazy, The Daily Stirrer takes a sceptical look at Obama's achievements, failures, ambitions and delusions. Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell's '1984'
Perpetual war, shadowy secret governments and a constant tide of propaganda aimed at inducing a state of fear and paning in the population. A synopsis for a new dramatic production of George Orwell's '1984' the paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists or an accurate picture of what is happening in our world? Read the articles and others on this site and make up your own minds.

Living Within The ConspiracyA Daily Stirrer feature. We are controlled by liars, the truth is seldom revealed by mainstream media because their purpose is to to inform but to advance the agenda. As George Orwell put it, those who control the past control the future and those who control the future control the past. Trust nobody, believe nothing unless your own experience, comon sense and gut instinct accept it."

WORK AND PLAY How people earn their living and organise their lives. The way we elect our leaders, deal with crises, treat wrongdoers,


Have We Forgotten How To Be, have we lost the art of just enjoying being alive. Amid all the self improvement and the striving and competing, acquireing and consuming, we do not seem to be able to stop doing and enjoy simply being any more. Click link above for article and menu.

PEOPLE AND CUSTOMS Articles and photos looking at they ways people live around the world

Philo and Sophia Menu

Science and Reality
Scientists quickly get out of their depth when venturing into the territory of philosophy, especially when they try using mathematics to explain how we experience reality.Here we take a not entirely serious look at one scientist's plan to build a mathematical model of the universe to learn how reality works.

The Grand Illusion Of Self And The Key To Slowing The Ageing Process?
We all have an idea of who and what we are but is it anywhere near the truth. Science scoffs at notions like mind over matter but what if there is more mind than matter. The Hindu and Buddhist concept of Maya tells is what we think of as reality is an illusion ... (Index Philo and Sophia)

Eugenics Belongs To The Left Not The Right Whenever the topic of population growth is brought up in a forum or comment thread usually on climate change, and it is suggested that any policy to save the environment must include measures to curb the…

The Intellectual Elite Truly Despise People They Pretend To Care About
Modern left wing intellectuals publicly indulge in wailing and gnashing of teeth about poverty, inequality and the plight of the poor. Ironically when the left is in power the poor seem to get poorer and are hardest hot by taxes aimed at redistributing wealth while the wealthy elite become fore firmly embedded in positions of power.Read about how this happens, why the intellectuals find it serves their interests to keep the poor down and the ignorant in darkness.

Has Scientific Investigation Proved there Is Life After Death?
Life after death. Is it possible the essence of what we are somehow survives physical death? Scientists, philosophers and followers of religions have argued about this question for centuries. Here we examine the best evidence amassed so far of the possibility that something of us lives on, that we are more than just biological machines. Don't expect conclusive proof, in the end all the arguments come down to one set of beliefs versus another. make up your own minds.

Brain In A Bottle, Thinking Machine, Matrix, Custard, Weird History of Ideas About the Brain And Consciousness
Do you ever think about your brain, how it works and how little about it is truly understood . Do you think your brain and mind are the same thing? This is a long but interesting post, worth . . .

The Science of Storytelling:by Leo WidrichWhy Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains: A reflection of the importance of narrative and the power of storytelling.

Is The Brain More Than A Thinking Machine? The Weird History of Ideas About the Brain has travelled a long way from the earliest studies of human brain biology in ancient Greece to modern though experiments to implant electronic modules and turn us all into obedient droids. The fact is however we really understand little more about how the processes of the bain work than those early biologists did.

Lack Of Diversity Is The Driver Of Left Wing Hate While the political left accuse their opponents of being the nasty politics party a perusal of threads on political topics in any internet forum shows must of the angry, irrational hatred is coming in from the left, broach any subject from same sex marriage and immigration limits to abortion on demand or equal rights and question the 'messasge' and you invite attack ...

The Hubris of Scientists Brings The Inevitable Result When six Italian scientists were jailed for failing to raise the alarm that an earthquake was imminent thus contributing to the deaths of many people the outrage from the science community was utterly predictable and completely unjusdtified. Why should scientists get special treatment, why should science be placed beyond accountability?

Quantum Soul: Is Each Of Us A Part Of The Universe
Religious and secular philopsophers have argued for centuries about life beyond death, the nature of the human soul and our relationshi[p with God, the universe or whatever. Modern militant secularists have tried to claim we are nothing more than machines, others say life is a chemical accident but experience tells most people there is much more to our existence than that ...

Trendy left wing education policies accused of inhibiting ambition in school pupils
Shocking new revelations about the state of the education system show that trendy education policiesz are not only dumbing puypils down, they are trampling on ambition and aspiration as well.

Getting Started With Existentialism (part 1)
As religion and science continue in failing to deliver their promises to provide satisfactory answers to the great questions of life, people turn to philosophy. but is there a philosophy suitable for dyed in the wool sceptics.

Can Your Body Sense Future Events Without Any External Clue?
Psychics and fortune tellers have been claiming ability to see the future for years and sensible people have always taken their claims with a very big pinch of salt especially if those claims were accompanied by offers to part you from your hard - earned cash. When serious neuroscientists at respectable universities start claiming

Europes Authoritarian Bureaucrats Spark Nazi Revival In Greece
Exactly as The Daily Stirrer Predicted, Naziism is making a comback in europe in the wake of the European Union's suspension of democracy and usurpation of the Greek governments sovereign powers ...

Schumpeter's Warning
The deeper we get into the economic mire the clearer it becomes neither left not right have the first clue how to set about getting us out. All they can offer are failed ideologies and a relentless push towards a totalitarian global government. Is it time to recall Schumpeter's Warning?

The Folly of World View Theorists From The Left And Right World view theorists abound on the right and left of the political spectrum. Neo - con Free Market Freaks butt heads against big government collectivists as they compete to offer the most authoritarian and unworkable solutions to the world's ongoing crisis.
The Agenda: How An International Elite Are Destroying Sovereign Nations

There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in cheek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...

Freedom Of Speech? So Tewntieth Century For The Leftist Nazis

Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and she blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectuially bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred vyear old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin.

Freedom Of Speech? So Twntieth Century For The Leftist Nazis

Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and she blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectuially bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred vyear old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin.

The Illuminati - Real but not relevant
One of the best know conspiracy theories is that of The Illuminati, the shadowy group that has supposedly ruled the world for thopusands of years. So wat is the real story? Find out below (and this is all well documented stuff easily available in the public domain so don't call me a Conspiracy Theorist

Another Elitist Comes Out Of The Authoritarian Closet
In remarks this morning to the Clinton Global Initiative, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed a radical idea: a global tax on rich people around the world."One of the issues that I have been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an ...

The Slow Murder Of Democracy By Mainstream Media
The news industry seems more and more to exist only serve vested interests and increasingly those working in the industry seem interested not in the fair and unbiased reporting of evends and the uncovering of truth that lies buried under blankets of political chicanery and bureaucratic obfuscation but only in advancing certain political agendas ...

Maths Fascism
Recent headlines shrieked that "top brains" were demanding this over lurid stories describing the decay of our education system. If these "top brains" truly represent the most intelligent people in our national community it puts a new meaning on the phrase ...

The Two Sides Of Extremism
I have a recurring dream, that I awake to find my bed surrounded by large, scowling, heavy set men in black suits. They all crack their fingers in a menacing way and all of them have an unnatural looking bulge in their jackets, just under the shoulder. They will not tell me who they are or for what agency they work but only than I am accused of being guilty and must ...

The Untouchables - Anna Raccoon
We seem to have a permanent section of criminal society that is marked ‘untouchable’, a niche corner where no one is responsible for their actions, where those suitably labelled are accorded automatic victim status regardless of their part in their current imbroglio. Who ‘lives’ in the untouchable niche changes with passing fashions.
Within my lifetime, it started with women. Women could do anything a man could do – so went the mantra. That included criminal ...

The Future Beyond The Thunderdome
In 1981 the movie Mad Max 2, The Road Warrior seemed a far fetched vision of a post apocalypic dystopia. But how far have we travelled towards that vision of social decay and the abandonment of civilised values?

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
The UK government's recent threat to storm the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange, displays the same degree of contempt for national sovereignty that Western nations have shown repeatedly since the end of the Cold War. But hey, aren't the Russians and Chinese supposed to be the bad guys. What's going on?

George Orwell, Prophet of political correctness, enemy of the Left, Socialist
George Orwell has become a hero of the right and yet he was always a socialist in his lifetime. What happeded? Well, Orwell saw that socialism and authoritarianism travel in opposite directions until they meet at fascism.

The Polarisation Of Society: Captive Minds And Intellectual Cowardice
What a mess the modern way of discussing important issues has produced. based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering. Another user recently challened me to write an analysis of why I think we might have become so polarised on every issue. Thanks Jerry. The problem was not so much where to start as

George Orwell, Prophet of political correctness, enemy of the Left, Socialist
George Orwell has become a hero of the right and yet he was always a socialist in his lifetime. What happeded? Well, Orwell saw that socialism and authoritarianism travel in opposite directions until they meet at fascism.

The Polarisation Of Society: Captive Minds And Intellectual Cowardice
What a mess the modern way of discussing important issues has produced. based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering. Another user recently challened me to write an analysis of why I think we might have become so polarised on every issue. Thanks Jerry. The problem was not so much where to start as

I Am Not A Socialist For The Same Reasons I Am Not A Creationist
Every time I see an article here on evolution by Darwinian natural selection, though I might read it I am usually reluctant to comment. This is partly because I have found that most people who have noticed my low opinion of Barack Obama both as a politician and a human being and have attacked me for ...

Populist Authoritarianism - The New Politics
Many attempts have been made to find a convenient label for the New Politics. My favourite is Populist Authoritarianism because the technique for obtaining a majority is to say something vague and hard to pin down but difficult to disagree with and then demonise those who ask ...

Science As Religion - Anna Raccoon
Contemplating protests so widespread in America about genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.s), I’m struck by the facts that Americans to-day, just as peoples around the World, are taller and generally have a greater life expectancy than ever ...

There Is A War Going On Between Religion And Science. Is A Truce Possible
The war, let's be honest, is between religious fundamentalists and science fanatics. Each is straying into the other's territory. But both are out of order and should leave the unanswetrable questions to philosophy. Can there be a truce, can the two coexist?

Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. ...
Science, Certanties and StereotypesThe left are always quick to accuse their opponents of stereotyping but when it comes to embracing certainties and applying stereotypes there is no political group worse than the left, which includes the supporters of politicised science and the miolitant atheists for stereotyping their opponents as a way to suppress views opposed to their own. ...
Former Archbishop Of Canterbury George Carey says its time to remind ourselves Christians have rights too George Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, has warned there are 'dark forces at work in Western society' that are degrading the values of Christianity after a High Court ruling banned public prayers from council meetings ...


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More From Around The Labyrinth


The Grand Illusion Of Self And The Key To Slowing The Ageing Process?
We all have an idea of who and what we are but is it anywhere near the truth. Science scoffs at notions like mind over matter but what if there is more mind than matter. The Hindu and Buddhist concept of Maya tells is what we think of as reality is an illusion ... (Index Philo and Sophia)

Obama's Dr. Evil Presidency OKs Biological Warfare Research Using Human Babies
This shocking article embedded here from Nature News shows how deeply corrupt and morally deficienty the Obama Adminidtration truly is. OKing experiments on American babies for a program that can only be aimed at handing more taxpayers money to Big Pharma is extreme even for the crack smoking, rent - boy fucking President of the New World Order's puppet regime.

Congressmen Want To Know Why U S Department of Homeland Security Are Buying Up Ammunition
It has been widely reported on the web and in a few dark corners of mainstream media that the American Department of homeland Security has over the past year engaged in a vast program of ammunition purchases without offering any explanation as to why taxpayers money was being spent on what can only be described as preparing for war. The sovereign territory of ...

Divinity, Dawkins and A Pope
In recent years the debate between followers of religion and a new breed of non believer, the Militant Atheists has become increasingly bitter. The Militant Atheists, a k a Militant humanists or militant secularists have become increasingly vitriolic in dismissing the ideas of religion as superstition and magical thinking and declaring 'scientific methodology' the only way to arrive at the truth.But is it?

Eugenics Belongs To The Left Not The Right Whenever the topic of population growth is brought up in a forum or comment thread usually on climate change, and it is suggested that any policy to save the environment must include measures to curb the…

Global Warming Alarmists show their proficiency in the sciene of flogging a dead horse.
A new report from a United Nations agency postpones global warming by 100 years. So why are they still panicking. To scare us into aaccepting authoritarianism maybe?

Climate Fraud Watch: How The United Nations Made 50 million Refugees Disappear.
A decade ago The United Nations promised us that if carbon emissions were not curbed sea levels would rise swamping island nations and low lying coastlines and there would be 50 million refugees. Well carbon emissins increased, temperatures got sightly cooler and the refugess disappeared...

Prescription Addiction: What The Death Of Michael Jackson Said About Us all
Controversy rages in medical circles about people suffering harmful effects because of their addiction to prescription drugs.Michael Jackson, by the end of his life,indulged and pandered to by those who called themselves his friends had become a tragiuc figure.But how many more people are being betrayed by the pharmaceutical industry and their doctors?

Cameron, The Coalition and the Free Press
As if trying to difference between Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives, the Coalition are pressing ahead with the Labour dream law of press regulation by a state controlled agency.

We Simply Can't Afford To Pretend We Can Make Severely Disabled People Equal
A case in court this week challeges the government's decision to cut the Independent Living Fund which allows severely disabled people the 'dignity' of living alone, being cared for by two full time carers and with not of the social opportunities of residential care. Why do lefties want to keep it. Control Freakery maybe?

South American Farmers Hiding Heirloom Seeds From Monsanto
The Genetically Modified crop Nazis are on the march again, jackbooting their way through South America, supported by the United Nations Scientific Dictatorship aka The New World Order as they try to ensure the food supply is controlled by a few fascistic corporations.

Child's water pistol is now a terror threat according to control crazy Obama administration.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting in America things have gone a bit crazy. But a school calling the cops because a kid took a water pistol to class? Yes, they did, those crazy, obama worshipping teachers really did.

The Story Of The Boxer And The Troll
When an internet troll started to post injsulting textweets and comments about a professional boxer he was surprised when the boxer turned up on his doorstep and explained what would happen if it did not stop.

Minimum Alcohol Pricing: A Retreat To Common Sense On A Very Stupid Idea.
Introducing a miniumum price per unit for alcoholic drinks was an idea first floated by the control freaks of the Labour government. When the Coalition came to power the qually authorotarian and control freaky liberal democrats embraced it and David Cameron from the wussy wing of the Conservatives went along with his coalition partners. Now back bench conservatives have forced him into a change of mind.

How the new elite are creating an evil empire

Democracy is in greater danger that it has been in the past 200 years, even The Third Reich did not threaten our individualism, personal freedoms and the right to determine our own course in life and the so called "New World Order", the wealthy and powerful elitists and academics who are now using fear as a weapon to coerce populations into complicity with their agenda. The aim is, and has been for fifty years, to create a global totalitarian governments.

UK Local Government Officials Seling Help To BusinessesWe've said it before and before long, as sure as eggs are eggs, we'll be saying it again. Government in this country and throughout the developed world is corrupt from top to bottom and rotten to the core. Greed, self interest and lust for power are ...

Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?
Food prices have rocketed over the past two decades, to the extent that even in nations like Britain and the USA poor people are having to rely on free food banks to stay properly nourished. How did the global food supply chain get in such a state. Well our dear chums The New World Oder are at the bottom of it. And then there are all the usual suspects, greedy banks and corporations, incompetent oliticians, corrupt public servants and the Marxist idiots on the left who obstruct the doing of what needs to be done.

Faceless Corporations That Drive The Global Economy
Some of the most powerful corporations in the world, not the biggest in terms of turnover, profit or numbers of staff employed, but powrful in terms of the amount of control they exercise in global markets, are barely known outside their own industries. You should find out all you can about corporations that affect your life on a daily basis, from the food you eat to your underpants. Here is a good place to start.

Bill Gates Confronted On Vaccine Eugenics Allegations.
Allegations linking the Bill and medlinda Gates Foundation vaccine program in Pakistan to a eugenics policy have circulated for some time. The Daily Stirrer could not possibly say if there is any substance to them. But we have noted many times how Information Technology hyperbillionaires seem to be disconnected from the instinctive ethical constraints and self discipline that make most of us aware of the line between social concern and Naziism.

Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax' Marxist Activists Masquerading As Environmental Protestors Chant The Daily Stirrer has always said the global warming scare was a scam. Now with more and more environmental scientists and organizations involved in climate research being openly scaptical about the claim that CO2 is the problem, climate change fanatics are outing themselves as left wing political activists who want a global, totalitarian government.

Survey Of Surveys Reveals Majority Do Not Give A Flying F*** About Climate Change
All that blether about anthropogenic global warming, carbon dioxide emissions and how the sky was going to fall down and kill us all have been for nothing.

Latest Warning From The Food Fascists Is Going Straighht To My Recycle Bin
The food fascists have warned us off red meat, salt, eggs, butter, alcohol,white bread and just about everything else we might consume.Professor Sabine Rohrmann, who led the analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, said: “Risks of dying earlier from cancer and ...

Euthanasia is here: Pensioner Put On The Liverpool Care Pathway Left Without Food Or Water For Six Days before Dying. Bereaved daughter Susan Phillips daughter has filed a complaint against the hospital which left put her father on the barbaric 'Liverpool Care Pathway' without her permission. Mrs. Phillips said her 69-year-old father Robert Goold was left to slowly deteriorate for more than a week on the controversial ...

Amazon's Human Robots: More and more people are finding themselves dehumanised in the modern workplace
This is what it's like to work for a company our New World Order appointed leaders tell us points to the future of society. Humans reduced to behaving like androids, conditions not encounteres since before early twentieth century social reform and workers kept in line by desperation. I'm glad my working life is over.

E U Smart Borders Policy Will Lead To Big Brother Type Surveillance, Green Politician Warns
Another scheme that will keep us all under constant surveillance on the pretaxt of protecting us from terrorism. When was the last time anybody you knew got attacked by terrorists. Chavs maybe, but not terrorists.

Mystery Of The Bosniasn Pyramid
Are scientists suppressing the truth about a free source of clean energy that could free us from our dependency on fossil fuels? And if so why would they do such a thing? To protect the interests of Our New Unhappy Lords perhaps. Read the article to find out more about the Bosnian Pyramic complex

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

Beppe Grillo, Prime Minister Of Common Sense In the political chaose that has resulted from inconclusive elections in Italy, while the political establishment gets down to business as usual deal making and back stabbing, former comedian and leader of the poulist Five Star movement Beppe Grillo seems to be the only political figure who understands Italy's predicament.

Google wants to change the way you see the world
Years ago, in the early days of blogging I posted a satirical blog about Google's corporate slogan at the time. Don't Be Evil was the motton displayed under the srearch bar on their home page and my blog suggested the words were only half the real corporate message which was: "Don't be evil, that's our job." Ever since learning how sticky the ...

Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left? Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…

The Total Surveillance Society
Surveillance cameras, CCTV,electronic monitoring, data gathering from credit card use and other transactions, all are commonplace. When we start to hear talk of implanting RFID chips in human bodies or making a criminal offence of not carrying an official identity card when outside one's home, we start to understand how sinister the surveillance industry has become and what threats it poses to our rights and liberties.

Peacemaker and Joybringer Launches Another War
He promised he would be the peacemaker, the great conciliator, the leader who would usher in a new post - conflict global age. And may believed him. Oh how they mocked when I predicted Barack Hussein Obama would be a warmonger, a divider and more than any of his predecessors they lackey of the globalist bankers who are pushing for a global totalitarian government.

Obama Stabs Britain In The Back Again
Barack Hussein Obama does not even try to hide his hatred of the british or his contempt for democracy. The latest stab in the back from Obama comes in his support for Agentina's claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. We hoipe our leaders will remember Obama's disloyalty when he comes looking for support for his latest war

Milgram Goes Modern: The Milgram Experiments Revisited
The Milgram experiment examined in the context of the all powerful advertising industry, the “wisdom of crowds” and the Nazi tendencies buried deep within all of us. Why do we so readily put aside moral values to submit to authority?

Britain Faces Power Shortages - We Told You So
News that Britain faces power blackouts as obsolescence and authoritarian regulation by the EU and Euronazi's try to usurp the sovereign powers of our British Parliament should come as a surprise to nobody.

How To Talk About books We Have Not Read
Can we really talk about books we haven't read as the title of the book reviewed here suggests? The author, french literature academic Pierre Bayard argues that it is perfectly feasible as books are not so much about narrative and characters as ideas. Does Bayard's argument hold up?

Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism
Agenda 21, the document published at the Rio +20 climate conference talks in deliberately misleading language of a plan for sustainable development. Don't be fooled by the anodyne bureaucratic jargon, read agenda 21 carefull and it is nothing short of an agenda for global fascism.

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism
Moral relativism, the sdandard position of the politically correct left, is leading to the breakdown of civilised society in the west. How do we stop the decay when we are not allowed to criticize the Marxist, kleptocratic policies of left wing politicians, the scientific fraud of global warming, or the sheer infantile idiocy of same sex marriage

Improvement In Empoloyment Figures Is Another Statistical Deception
Politicians, economists and others with an interest in talking up the economy to get us all spending and taking on debt and mortgage loans again may rave about recovery. With our industrial base so depleted where will the jobs come from that we need to lead a recovery?" They may call it fiscal prudence, we call it loonytoons economics...

Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule 'To Save The Planet'
When a scientific dictatorship was first mooted over a century ago the great obstacle to "going beyond existing permissions" as supporters of global government coyly put it, in imposing authoritarian laws withourt having to seek the consent of voters was seen as the rights and freedoms enshrined in the US constitution.

Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of…

When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.

High Ranking Paedophile Allowed To Investigate ... himself
Britain has been shocked by the Jimmy Savile scandal, a tale of how the establishment closed ranks to cover up the activities of a high profile celebrity's sexual abuse of young and vulnerable people. But the way the new elite protects its own is not confined to Britain as this story of a prominent Dutch politician reveals

Americans Know Nothing Of Obama's Latest Vacation.
Some say Barack Obama has more vactions that the Catholic Church has saints. His latest, a mini vaction fort the President's Day weekend was a golfing trip to Florida tp play around (sorrym pla a round) with Tiger Woods. Wonder hom much appearance money Woods received for that?

American Sociologists Mystified By Drop In Crime Rate.
American sociologists might be mystified by a drop in the crime rate but The Daily Stirrer knows exactly what is going on.

Scientists Enthusiuasm For Warmageddon Global Warming Cooling?
The science is settled, we're all going to fry the Warmageddoninsts said. but now, as independent scientific research shows global warming stopped fifteen years ago, the science worshippers are not so sure.

Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of our national communities. This is not a secret meeting but a kind of Bilderberg lite. Whatever the conspitators, sorry I mean

Emperor Obama plans to bypass Congress to combat climate change
In his State of The Union address for 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama finally came out of the closet and announced that in order to save the planet from a non existent threat, climate change aka global warming he will have to bypass the democratic process and rule by decree. hail the Emperor Obama.

High Ranking Paedophile Appointed To Investigate ... himself
The Jimmy Savile affair shocked Britain, the television presenter's 50 year career of assaulting the young and vulnerable would be bad enough if it was an isolated incident. But The Daily Stirrer has known of other paedophile scandals being civered up for many years.

NHS whistleblower paid £500,000 to keep quiet over patient safety breaks silence to expose 'culture of fear' How bribery and bullying are used by senior NHS managers to hide their incompetence. A whistleblower reveals how after being sacked for expressing concerns about standards, he was paid off to keep him quiet.

Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.

Next Pope Must Be Black? Politically Correct Lefties Should Be Careful What They Wish For
When Roman Catholic cardinals meet to elect a new Pope will the whinging of left wing intellectuals influence them? If it does, it could present the lefties with their worst case scenario.

Obama's Democrats: The Creatures That Feed From The Bottom Feeders Bottoms
Another shining example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Obama administration in the USA and left wing elitists everywhere. It's OK for them to dodge their taxes but not for anybody else.

Whistle-blowing dinner lady wins compensation after school sacks her for behaving like a decent human being.
A whistleblower in the education system was sacked when she reported an incident of bullying to the victim's parents after a school had tried to cover it up, was sacked by the school and then refused reinstatement or compensation by the education authority because she spoke to the press.

Evil Leftie Councils Take The Money And Run The hugely unpopular system of only collecting rubbish once every two weeks, which results in rubbish strewn streets, plagues of vermin and town centres that in warm weather stink like medieval middens will continue to be the norm because as long as government can be blamed for the greed and incompetence of those self seving

How Little Hattie Harperson and her leftie friends fell in love with paedophilia
A look at the fascination with paedophile rights and the sexualisation of children that seems to have a powerrful grip on left wing politicians in the UK's Labour Party and Obama's Democrats in the U.S.A. Trying to pass of the sexualization of childhood as a human rights issue is beneath comtempt.

Radical American congressman attacks globalisation. Not sure the American maverick politician Bernie Saunders, who sits as an independent, knows what he is talking about. Left winger like him are usually full of praise for globalisation and all that New World Order crap.

Big Brother Is Coming To Obama's Surveillance State.
Barack Obama's administration in the USA are planning that during his second term in office a total surveillance and data logging system will be created that is so aggressive it will effectively turn the USA into a prison state.

Magic Money - How The Fractional Reserve Banking System Conjures Money From Fresh Air:
A look at how the fractional reserve banking system works and how it brought the global economy and many people's personal finances close to collapse. It's really all about pulling magic money out of fresh air.

It’s make-or-break time for education as schools dumb down
Mainstream media tend to give the impression when reporting on education that only the west is dumbing down while developing nations are forging ahead and surpassing us. Xavier Connolly has been taking a look at what is happening outside the UK and finds developing nations are suffering from the same obsession with statistics and coaching to pass exams rather than educating for life.

Big Green Versus Big Koch
As the war between scaremongering, Warmageddonist supporters of Big Green and the champions of level headed common sense and healthy scepticism becomes more and more reminiscent of the bloody civil war in Syria, The Daily Stirrer brings news of another defector from the climate science fascism camp. And this time it is a major front man of the global warming conspiracy.

Bankers Face Another Mis - selling scandal
Just when you thought it was safe to spend money ... Britain's leading banks including Barclays, RBS, Lloyds TSB and Nat West are facing a new mis - selling scandal after offloading dodgy products on unsuspecting businesses ...

Sugary Drinks Tax To Pay For Scxhool Meals Healthy Options
Sugary drinks should be taxed at up to 20p a litre, say health campaigners – with the proceeds helping to pay for free school meals.Picking up on an idea first floated during the era of the Neo Fascist New Labour government, food and farming charity Sustain said ...

BMI Obesity Measure: Shock, Horror, Scientist Says The Science Is Wrong
A new way of calculating the notorious Body Mass Index (BMI) has been proposed - but does it really solve any of the BMI's well-known problems? BMI you may remember is the measure of weight to height that pronounced Arnold Schwartzenegger obese when he made terminator and Mike Tyson obese when he was ...

U S Court Slaps Down Wannabe Tyrant Obama's Despotic Behaviour via Pajamas media

The Washington D.C. Court of Appeals on Saturday invalidated one of President Obama’s most despotic exectutive overreaches, his attempt to use the U S Constitution’s recess appointment power to appointment cronies to senior positions in the administration when ...

Final Proof That The Lunatics Are Running The Global Asylum
Yesterday we reported on the World Economic Forum meeting, the annual jolly for elitists and their lapdogs that takes place in Davos, the most exclusive and expensive winter resort in Europe. Speaking yesterday, one of those lapdogs, Tim Berners-Lee, the man who allegedly invented the world wide web (one of the greatest modern myths, TBL does not even understyand how the web works) was talking about about the shackles stifling the ...

Investors Ignore Triple Dip Recession As Stock Market Hits Four Year High
News that the British economy was staring an unprecedented triple dip recession in the face left investors unperturbed yesterday as shares on Britain's leading index hit their highest point in since the crash four-and-a-half years ago.

The Second Coming Of Barack Obama, The Obamessiah.
As The Obamessiah, Barack Hussein Obama, is inaugurated as President of the USA and those Americans who have accorded the first African American President semi - divine status prepare to go crazy, The Daily Stirrer takes a sceptical look at Obama's achievements, failures, ambitions and delusions. Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell's '1984'
Perpetual war, shadowy secret governments and a constant tide of propaganda aimed at inducing a state of fear and paning in the population. A synopsis for a new dramatic production of George Orwell's '1984' the paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists or an accurate picture of what is happening in our world? Read the articles and others on this site and make up your own minds.

Living Within The ConspiracyA Daily Stirrer feature. We are controlled by liars, the truth is seldom revealed by mainstream media because their purpose is to to inform but to advance the agenda. As George Orwell put it, those who control the past control the future and those who control the future control the past. Trust nobody, believe nothing unless your own experience, comon sense and gut instinct accept it."