Google buys Nest for $3.2 billion: Does this home automation acquisition point to ‘the internet of things’?
Ian R Thorpe
"Google’s $3.2 billion (£2bn) acquisition of Nest, a company that specialises in building sleekly designed, internet-connected products for the home, has sent shockwaves through the tech community – and for good reason."
Last week’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas aimed to promote the idea that the ‘internet of things’ (adding computer chips, memory and software to ‘dumb’ appliances) will the next big thing in technology, with Cisco CEO John Chambers predicting that the market will be worth $19 trillion by 2020.
But despite this hype, most of the products soon to be available don't hold much attraction for the average consumer on the average income. Do you really want a washing machine that can text you to complain about supermarket own brand detergent? Or a microwave which you can have on the meaning of life?
Peter Nieh, a partner a Lightspeed Venture Partners and a Nest investor, told the Financial Times that the company’s “magic” was its ability to "marry software and hardware in a way that makes them sing together in a customer experience."
from The Financial Times
Nest’s brilliance is that it cuts through this confusion, creating technologies that have been hailed for their ease-of-use, attractive design, and for actually solving problems rather than creating them. They've only release two products so far (and these are only on sale in the US and Canada) but both have been extremely well received.
The Nest thermostat learns users' habits - you set it manually a few times and it will pick up and automate temperature changes depending on your routine - whilst the Protect smoke-detector takes some obvious steps forward by being easy to turn off (you can wave your hand at it), connecting up to your mobile for peace of mind on the move, and adding carbon monoxide detection to the traditional set up.
If you are thinking that the "Internet of things" bollocks sounds a lot like the kind of hype Apple would use to sell a fairly standard cell phone with a cutesy pie logo for three times the price of an equally serviceable phone from a less hyperbolic manufacturer, you could be onto something. Nest CEO and co-founder Tony Fadell is a former Apple executive e known as the "godfather of the iPod", and many are surprised that the company was sold to Google and not the world's most hypocritical fascist corporation.
Business Insider went so far as to suggest this could be down to a long-standing animosity between Fadell and British-designer Jony Ive (credited with the look of Apple's most famous products and now head of industrial design at the company).
Apple has not yet revealed any plans to get involved in the 'internet of things' market, but it has a number of products in its portfolio that could fit into the nerd's wet dream lifestyle. iBeacons, for example, has been described as an "indoor GPS" that tracks your exact location in a house (for apple fanboys who are so thick they don't know whether entered a room intending to have a dump or make a cup of coffee), whilst Siri's voice recognition would also be useful in issuing commands at home (enabling thick fanboys to tell their dishwasher to make them a cup of coffee - well at least it would taste like Starbucks).
There's nothing definite from Apple yet, but when it comes expect it to arrive presented in a drab grey box and be hailed as a design masterpiece and fanboys to queue for days to get their hands on one from the first batch, only to have to go straight to the back of the queue again to wait for the arrival of version 2 to replace their now obsolete and unkool version 1.
Beyond the stupid factor that will make some people buy a pointless gadget just because a technology company tells them to, there are privacy issues to consider here. Big internet players are known beyond any reasonable doubt to play fast and loose with users' privacy. In using the internet we give up personal data in exchange for services whether we intend to or not. Google has been one of the biggest privacy violators, using info about its users to created personal profiles which it sells to advertisers enabling them to hit is with targeted ads. Adding information about your home habits would surely be a step too far for most people.
Fadell has given assurances that Nest’s privacy policy will remain unchanged. To anyone who knows Google however it seems pretty inevitable that before very long your Nest enabled domestic appliances will be linked to a Google server so they can gather even more info about users’ daily routines.
On top of all these drawbacks, what about the security issue. We know, thanks to recent leaks and whistleblowing that Microsoft, Google and other technology firms have built postern gates into their software to allow government agencies to collect users data. And we know that no internet connected device is 100 per cent secure. Do we want to surrender control of our lives to Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Television sets and crazy OCD-bell-end hacker cliques with names like Anonymous or The People Of Evelyn Tent?
How hard is it to set the washing machined for cool wash? not as hard, I would guess, as recovering cash siphoned from your bank account or convincing a court it was not you who used your credit card account to subscribe to a kiddie porn website, but your washing machine, after you had fallen out with it over skid marks in your guzzies.
8-Year-Old Boy’s ‘Severe’ Headaches Likely Caused by 5G Tower Near School
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How will you know who is tracking your internet enabled sex toys
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Apple Hypocrisy On Users Privacy Sets Standard For Silicon Valley
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War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide
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What The controllers have In Store For Your Future
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Will The 3.5mm Jack Be The Worm That Rots The Apple?
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I've been trying to warn you for years but would you tech heads and science heads listen?
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How To Be Totally Uncool (By TryingTo Look Cooler Than You Are)
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Pissed Off With Government/Microsoft/Google Online Spying? Be Completely Anonymous Online
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The ‘Internet of Things’ 2025: Your life controlled by the smart grid
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Is Technology Creating Physical and Psychological Hazards In The Digital Age?
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Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
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If The Technotwats Get Their Way Robot Censors Will Control Internet Content
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Technowanks for technowankers with Google Glass?
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The Spy In Your Smartphone
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Smart Homes Reveal User Behavior, Prone to Hacks:
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Will Computer Chips Ever Be Able To Replicate Human Intelligence
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Google quits Spain in paid content row
Spain's government have defied Google's vow to shut down its Spanish online news service rather than pay for content, [ ... ] The internet search giant threatened to close Google News Spain in December, 2014, before an intellectual property law enters force in January obliging Internet news scrapers to pay for content automatically lifted from other websites. Spain's culture ministry, said it would go ahead with the new law, Google's response is "a matter for the company".
So Tim Berners Lee Is Upset About How The Internet Turned Out FFS what did he expect?
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Smartphones And Social Media To Take Over Your Mind?
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Nano - computer brain interface. Corporate - Government Consortium Plan To Control Your Thoughts
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Obama Crowns Himself Emperor Of The Internet
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Online shills paid to control your perception by spreading propaganda using up to 10 online personas
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The Planned Green Holocaust, Depopulation Needed To Save The Planet
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War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers
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Being Evil? Just Another Day At The Office For Google Boss.
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Neuromancers and other neuroscience fiction
n recent years the scientific community have been clamouring to tell us thy are close to mapping the workings of the human brain and understanding the workings of the human mind. now I recall while recovering from a brain haemorrhage fifteen years ago being told by a very good doctor that medical science was only just starting to understand that the brain (a physical organ) and the mind (a mystery) were very different things. And I have neither read nor heard anything since to make me think he was wrong.
Have Humans Turned The World Into A Technological Monster We Cannot Control?
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Don't be Evil, Google Will Do It For You
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Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering - We Can Expect The Same
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Scientists Seriously Debate Human Rights For Robots
Human rights for robots? That's the craziest thing I ever heard, you might well be saying. but those unfailingly loony and dysfunctional fuckwits in the science academe are so convinced they can build machines (robots) with human attibutes they are demanding equal rights for animated tin cans. This over - the - top rant pusts a few things in perspective.
Privacy Wrecking Technologies That Are Systematically Transforming America Into A Giant Prison
Some people insisted it was all a conspiracy theory. Even now they know the extent government and corporations are snooping on us via internet and electronic technology they try to insist it is for our wellbeing and there is no sinister hidden agenda. If you find their assurances comforting you really nead to read this article
Is the internet making us stupid?
The coming internet dystopia
Internet threat to civilisation
Computer to brain interface
Robot fuck buddy
Technology takeover
Terminate The Killer Ropots
Humans To The Back Of The Bus. The Day Of The Cyborg Is Here
Alien In My Bed
Goggle's Home Spy ambitions
CREATIVE COMMONS: attrib, no comm, no dervs.
KEYWORDS: news, opinion, dailystirrer,