Obama Administration Seizes Cellphone Data
by Arthur Foxake
A top secret court order granted in April, but hushed up by the Obama administration and mainstream media until now, shows that the US National Security Agency (NSA) is collecting details of telephone calls made and received by customers of Verizon wireless network.
The order, obtained by the Guardian, shows that the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court granted the U.S. government the unlimited authority to obtain the records of all telephone calls in their system within the United States and between the U.S. and other countries.
While it was already known that Verizon handed over records with no resistance despite the dubious legality of the request, this newly released document reveals a much more massive level of surveillance carried out on bahalf of US govrnment asgencies.
The court order doesn't allow the NSA to collect any information whatsoever on the contents of phone calls but it would be almost imosspble to transpose such vast amounts of digitized speech into searchable data.
What's covered instead is known as "metadata": the phone number of every caller and recipient; the unique serial number of the phones involved; the time and duration of each phone call; and potentially the location of each of the participants when the call happened. What few people know is the metadata also contains information that would allow a hacker access to the users account details.
All of this information is being collected on millions of calls every day – every conversation taking place within the US, or between the US and a foreign country on the Verizon network is being collected.
The government has long argued that this information isn't private or personal but then the Obama administration has recently said your children belong to the government and your DNA belongs to the government.
The data collection is not personal information, but rather "transactional" or "business" data, there's no need to show probable cause in order to collect it the government says. This is just not true as anyone who followed the News International phone hacking trial in Britain would know.
The view that because certain information is available to the person receiving the call, the data is in the public domain is not shared by privacy advocates. Groups such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation say that by knowing who an individual speaks to, and when, and for how long, intelligence agencies can build up a detailed picture of that person, their social network, and more.
Read more on the story in the embedded article, "Verizon ordered to give NSA information on all U.S. phone calls in its system," from Madison Ruppert, Activist Post.
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Them (poem with video)
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