John Major Joins Supports Move For Military Intervention In Libya
by Ian R Thorpe.
CREATIVE COMMONS: Attribute, non commercial, no derivs.
KEYWORDS: libya, africa, civil, war, gaddafi, military, europe, obama, america, foreign, policy
As the uprising against the rule of Muammar (Mad Dog) Gadaffi looks increasingly likely to turn into full scale civil war and a humanitarian crisis former UK Prime Minister Sir John Major has joined current leader David Cameron and other European leaders in calling for military intervention to save the Libyan people from the irrational dictator's wrath as he desperately tries to delay his inevitable downfall.
In a barely coherent interview Gaddafi has told western journalists his people would die to protect him. he also denied there has been any fighting in Tripoli. He claims his people love him and Al-Qaeda's 'drugs' which were responsible for the uprising are beginning to wear off.
The American ambassador to the United Nations said Gaddafi is 'delusional' and not fit to lead his country. This, from the nation that has propped up Mad Dog's regime for decades shows just why American foreign policy is a mess. Has it taken them 40 years to understand Gaddafi is bonkers.
As the situation in Libya worsens Major backed David Cameron and other Western leaders who as they consider ordering military action against the Gaddafi regime amid fears that the Libyan dictator could resort to using chemical weapons against his own people.The former Prime Minister told journalists he believes the option of military force should be available if Gaddafi refuses to step down and continues to order military attacks on his own people.He said that the use of military force should be a last resort and should only be used if supported by overwhelming international support through the United Nations.
One voice that has remained silent throughout the Libyan uprising is that of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama. Is this just typical Obama dithering or that he is too busy with his punishing schedule of cocaine parties and rent boys. Or might the fact that Obama had no problem supporting the rebellion against the largely secular government of Honsi Murbarak in Egypt but will only criticise Gadaffi in the most vague general terms be because Gadaffi is an Islamist.
Either way it is fortunate the west has men like John Major to fill the gap created by the preening posing man who loves to style himself the leader of the free world not actually having much enthusiasm for the tasks and responsibilities of leadership.
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