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Ten 4 Ten

A major verse work comprised of ten poems, each poem being written in a different voice to tell from different points of view where societies of the developed world stand at the dawn of a new year in a new decade in a new millennium. Most poems use rhyme but few employ traditional end - stopped lines. Irregular, internal rhyming are used for most to try to create the impression of the narrative voice spontaneously recounting their thoughts. It is a very new and needs some polishing so please read it as a work in progress.

Climate Change Kills
Guardian Reader

Climate Change: Is Science To Blame Climate Change:
The Canadians Who Cared

Inconvenient Truth About
Climate Change

Creepy Child Safety Czar

Copenhagen: The Real Agenda

Copenhagen Climate Talks
Must Fail

Afghan War To Escalate

Climate Science Scam Exposed

Iraq Inquiry: Blair Guilt

Shafted Up The Khyber


Has Global Warming Stopped

Thinking The Unthinkable

Afghanistan - Another
Effing Fiasco

Not So Wonderful

Guilty Of Doing
The Right Thing

Need A Crisis?

A level pass - computer says no...

We Need Nuclear Power

Labour's Orwellian Tendency

Economy Of The Living Dead

Remember, Remember the fifth
of November

Divine Right Of Kings
and Scientists.

Never Mix Science
and Politics

Scientist warns against
Green Sacremongering

Vaclav Klaus and the
Lisbon Treaty

Legislating Against People
Thinking For Themselves

Systemic Dishonesty

Sick of Nick - Sicker
Of Pete

Where Angels Fear
To Tread

Tory MEPs & The

USA Bankrupt - You
Read It Here First

Climate Change
Sacred Cow

First Flu Vaccine Brain Damage Case

Contempt For Democracy

Who Can Sensible
People Vote For

Trafigura and the Death
Of Free Speech

Monster From Duck Island

This Year's Nobel Peace
Prize Goes To...

Dollar Sinking, Man
The Lifeboats

Climate Change Deniers
Deny Nothing

Me and Boris Versus

HPV Vaccine - The
Real Agenda

Climate Change
Science Scam

Lib Dems Sailing Into
The West

Ireland To Reject Lisbon
Treaty Again?

Importance Of Free Speech
-The Right To Offend

Technology Is Anthropology

America Is Collectively Insane

Liberate Civil Liberties Public Sector Borrowing,
Bankrupt Britain

Imminent Collapse Of
US Economy

Thinking Way Of Eating

Recovery Can't Fix

Get Engaged To
Tony Blair

Obama's Watered Down
Speech To Schools

Blinding Themselves
With Science

Brown Sells Delusions

Myths Of The Afghan War

After The Bubble(economic crisis)

Brown To Burn On
Bonfire Night

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Funny How A Few Days Good Weather Brings The Warmageddonists Out
Over the past few scorching hot days I have seen several members of the alomst defunct Warmageddonist society plugging their tired, discredited old "science" and trying to claim that mathematics proves that what is observably not happening is actually happening but only scientists are clever enough to understand that ... Hmm, is that so?

It Is Not Carbon Dioxide but Water That Will Destroy Civilisation
About three years ago we reported it was water rather than carbon dioxide that would pose the biggest threat to western civilisation in the twenty first century. Those of us fortunate enough to live in developed societies are profligate in our use of water, forgetting that while we can drain reservoirs and aquifers quickly it takes a ling time for nature to refill them. Las Vegas is the first city in the drought is south west of the USA to dry up, other heavily populated areas will follow quickly

Global warming 'Fabricated' by NASA and NOAA Scientists at two of the world’s leading climate centres - NASA and NOAA - have been caught out manipulating temperature data to overstate the extent of the 20th century "global warming".
The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen at Real Science, where blogger Steven Goddard has posted a series of graphs which show "climate change" before and after the adjustments.
When the raw data is used, there is little if any evidence of global warming and ...

Climate change is a theory for which there is "no scientific proof at all" says the co-founder of Greenpeace
As the science behind the great global warming scare is exposed as a complete fraud, the zealots of The Church Of Climate Science are getting more fanatical in trying to impose their crackpot religion on the gullible and weak minded (aka politicians). Trouble is nobody trusts either politicians or scientists so all that is achieved is to keep attention focused on the bullsit of a bunch of crooks a bunch of and liars while serious environmental issues are ignored.

Warmageddonist Intolerance Increases As The 'Science' Their Case Was built On Collapses.
This publication has always denounced the scaremongering that surrounds the climate issue and the blatant lies being told by scientists and politicians. Even thoght the global mean temperature has not risen for hearly twenty years, climate scientists and green activists claim rate of increase is accelerating, catastrophe is almost upon us and huge tax increases are required. It's all bollocks of course, but that does not stop the witch hunts.

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?
If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.

Peccavimus (poem)
A reflection on the way we have treated the world. I am not convinced by 'the science' that the main threat we face comes from carbon dioxide emitted by human activity, in fact I think that is just a diversion to steer attention away from the serious harm we are doing to our planet through many other human activities.

Research center or weather weapon? US military is shutting down HAARP

Sceptics and activists have been questioning the purpose of the US Government HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) project for years. While the official information from the US Government insisted HAARP was a purely academic exercise in trying to understand the higher levels of the earth's atmosphere, sceptics and free thinkers (dismissed with rather too much fanaticism by mainstream media shills and online trolls alike as conspiracy theorists) questioned the stated purpose of the project.

Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction, Not Natural Causes
Just as the seasons and the phases of the zodiac go in cycles, like the tides and the cycle of renewal, so the attempts to suppress scientific debate about ways in which scientists attempts to control nature are destroying the environment follow on in a seemingly unchangeable order. At this time of year it is bee comony collapse, next it will be extreme weather events

Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering
The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn't sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening.

We were bullied into buying diesel cars to help the environment. Now experts admit this ‘green’ fuel is killing thousands of us
Remember all that fuss a few years ago about how much better for the environment it would be if we all drove diesel cars instead of petrol. As usual, the scientists couldn't see the smoke for the fumes and politicians only had the interests of oil companies and car makers in mind. Now it turns out diesel is worse for the envronment and our health after all. Now what did they call those of us who said that was the case all along? Conspiracy theorists or something.

Kerry stops Short Of Saying Climate Science Scepticism Is a Crime But ...
Everyone thought the global warming scam had receded into the background but Our New Unhappy Lords can't afford to give up on the carbon taxes they hoped for so easily. Though the evidence offered by the latest IPCC report offers only likewarm support for the idea that climate change will wipe out life on earth, the media hype has gone into full fear and panic mode

HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora's Box With Experiments In Changing The Climate
What do you think of the freak weather this year? Coincidence, climate change, solar activity or something more sinister. If you have heard the term HAARP chances are you're pretty sceptical about the official line. HAARP - the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a research programme that experiments with changing the earh's upper atmosphere. you don't have to understand much science to realise it proves that as John Lennon said the world is run by insane people.

Climate change and the unsinkable Pacific Islands
Idiots like Cameron and Obama are still swallowing the bullshit of climate science scammers by the shovelful and saying a slight increase in the average global temperature will pose an existential threat to humanity. but one by one the threats are being exposed as hype by research grant pgishing scientists, just as the science of mathematical models is being shown to rely on fraudulent data.

The Floods, The Government, The Environment and The Bottomless Purse
The recent freak weather and floods caused by heavy rains have provoked a storm of criticism about the environment agency's inept response to the problems. More public spending called the left, but the proplem is too much public spending, science and too many experts. What needs to be done is simple and straightforwards, not scientific enough for the experts and not expensive enough for the contractors.

Population Is The New Climate Change
As the fake science that was used to push the global warming scare is exposed further almost every day, where do the global elites look now for the scare story that will generate enough fear and panic to drive their global totalitarian government agenda forward? Over population is the new climate change. The Daily Stirrer tells all in this article

Wind farms: Is Common Sense Breaking Out In The Warmageddonist Industry?
When somebody who has been whining about Warmageddon and the CO2 effect that is killing life on earth for twenty years suddenly starts talking not about climate change, athropogenic global warming and the need for green solutions but the arrogance and greed of those in the green lobby, it's worth paying attention

Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities
As another blatant to the point of idiocy climate science fraud, the manipulation of temperature data to make real world observations agree with climate change predictions made by science is exposed we look at how over reliance on statistical projections and mathematical models has put scientists on a par with clowns in the public's estimation. Unfortunately scientists are more dangerous.

Biofuels - The Great Green Folly
As the promises that wind and solar power could meet all our energy needs is exposed as pseudo - scientific twaddle by the wind's refusal to blow steadily all the time and the sun's refusal to shine at night, few of the alternative energy sources hyped as a replacement for fossil fuels. Of those, biofuel looks the next most likely to say, "If you hadn't over hyped me I coulda been somebody, 'stead of a bum. I coulda been a contender.

For years the BBC have denied showing left wing bias in their reporting of climate change and the fraudulent science that has steered government policy on the environment. Now the supposedly neutral but increasingly politicised public broadcaster has been outed by an astute pensioner as a New World Order prpoaganda machine.

Everything has been corrupted.
We've been telling you for years that government and the entire public sector is corrupt. The courts, the civil service, police service etc. Your doctor and the people who will tread you if you have to go to hospital really work for Big Pharma even though their wages are paid out of taxes collected from you. The scientists who dutifully write reports that offer ...

The Importance Of Climate Change In Preserving Humanity
Climate change is something that must be stopped at any cost, the scientists who get their research grants from posting junk science reports on climate tell us. but scientsts are all big fans of evolution aren't they. And without climate change imposing the kind of environmental stress that forces evolution, we might still be unscientific knuckle draggers.

Meat Will Only Be For The Elite If Leftie Scientists Get Their Way
A group of leading environmental scientists have tabled a report blaming cow farts for global warming and demanding punitive taxes on meat. Is there anything solid in their theory or are they all piss and wind?

Global Warming Was A Money Making Scam - But Is Global Cooling A Serious Threat?
We would love to say that for years we were the lone voice of sanity crying out against the climate change madness, but the truth is that despite all that "the science is settled" bullshit there were always armies of ethical researchers, environmentalists and media commentator who saw the tax raising scam for what it was. Now the AGW scaremongers are in full retreat and every week new evidence of their fraud emerges.

Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering - We Can Expect The Same
American scientists, egged on by a psychopath Prisident who boasts that he is good at killing people are pressing ahead with experiments in controlling the climate. They have no idea what the outcomes may be because as we know, mathematical models used to predict climate trends are hopelessly inaccurate. But when have scientists ever stopped to give a moments thought to consequences.

Typhoon Haiyan Used As An Excuse To Recolonise Philippines By U.S. Government
Experiments in controlling weather as a potential weapon, population control system and for other reasons have been carried on by governments since the early 1950s and despite the insistence of science and big government fans that it is a conspiracy theory, the US government's HAARP project has been acknowledged. So are suggestions the recent Philippines typhoon Haiyan catastrophe a result of an EMP weather weapon attack feasible?

Conspiracy Of Lies: Is Weather The New World Order's Weapon Of Choice
Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

Documents Leaked By Ed Snowden reveal Truth About Chemtrails
Have you noticed how many things denied by the authorities and dismissed as conspiracy theories by those who love big government and yearn for a new world order of totalitarian global government led by scientists and technocrats are actually turning out to be true. Here's another, Chemtrails.

Leaked IPCC Report Rings False Note, Reveals Fascist Globalist Agenda Behind Global Warming Scam
Your Daily Stirrers, the people who put this hugely informative but ricketty site together have been call child murderers, right wing nut jobs, greedy coal and oil investors and even fundamentalist christians for challenging the bogus science behind the great climate change scam. But it only takes a little research and a modicum of cfritical thinking to see through the smoke screen and identify who stands to benefit from the scaremongering.

Storm, What Storm<br />For several days Britain had been lashed by scaremongering hyperbole as the CAGWARTs wailed about the devastating St. Jude Storm and all because we refused to shut down the electricity generating industry. In the even the storm was a damp squib, no more damaging that the seasonal storms we experience most years.

Despite The Science Being Discredited Mainsteam Media Still Plugs Climate Scare
Mainstream media (in this case CNN, owned by Bilderberg Friendly billionaire Ted Turner) keep pushing the global warming scare despite the science and scientists behind it having been totally discredited.

Global Warming Alarmists show their proficiency in the sciene of flogging a dead horse.
A new report from a United Nations agency postpones global warming by 100 years. So why are they still panicking. To scare us into aaccepting authoritarianism maybe?

Climate Fraud Watch: How The United Nations Made 50 million Refugees Disappear.
A decade ago The United Nations promised us that if carbon emissions were not curbed sea levels would rise swamping island nations and low lying coastlines and there would be 50 million refugees. Well carbon emissins increased, temperatures got sightly cooler and the refugess disappeared...

Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax' Marxist Activists Masquerading As Environmental Protestors Chant The Daily Stirrer has always said the global warming scare was a scam. Now with more and more environmental scientists and organizations involved in climate research being openly scaptical about the claim that CO2 is the problem, climate change fanatics are outing themselves as left wing political activists who want a global, totalitarian government.

Scientists Enthusiuasm For Warmageddon Global Warming Cooling?
The science is settled, we're all going to fry the Warmageddoninsts said. but now, as independent scientific research shows global warming stopped fifteen years ago, the science worshippers are not so sure.

Big Green Versus Big Koch
As the war between scaremongering, Warmageddonist supporters of Big Green and the champions of level headed common sense and healthy scepticism becomes more and more reminiscent of the bloody civil war in Syria, The Daily Stirrer brings news of another defector from the climate science fascism camp. And this time it is a major front man of the global warming conspiracy.

The Climate Change Scare Rears Its Ugly Head Again
Just when you thought the climate change scare was dead along with all that anthropogenic global warming crap, some jug eared twat tries to kick some like back into it. Bankers Face Another Mis - selling scandal
Just when you thought it was safe to spend money ... Britain's leading banks including Barclays, RBS, Lloyds TSB and Nat West are facing a new mis - selling scandal after offloading dodgy products on unsuspecting businesses ...

World Economic Forum Calls For $14 trillion program to make the global economy greener...
The World Economic Forum, another jolly for smooth faced elitists, meets in Davos, the most expensive and exclusive of Alpine Ski resorts this week to plan the world's economic future. And you can bet none of the items on the agenda, global government, green energy, helping the basket case nations and abolishing democracy and national sovereignty are in the best interests of ordinary punters like you and us.

How Britain Wised Up To The Great Windfarm Scam
How Britain went tilting at windmills by Michael Hanlon, Daily Telegraph

Scientists finally learn something about evolution everybody else knew a hundred years ago. Climate Change drove human evolution two million years ago, the headline informed me. Really, WOW, I thought climate change only started when we all got cars and nice, warm homes and started going off to sunny places for holidays. Actually some of us have been trying to tell the warmageddonists that the climate is always changing ...

Speed Up Introduction Of GM Crops Says Increasingly Stalinist Coalition Government
The coalition is selling us out to the global government Nazis and the corporate fascists. This time is is over the introduction of GM crops which will not feed the world but will create a much greater environmental hazard than carbon dioxide. But GM crops were never about feeding the world, that are about power and control. A global tyranny is on the way if we do not start to resist now.

Warmageddoninsts Still Will Not Believe Global Warming Was A Hoax
While warmgeddonists scream and shout about how global warming will kill us all next week, independent evidence i.e. that not compiled by pseudo scientists whose "scientific mathodolgy" is all about keeping their piggy little snouts in the trough of taxpayers money shows the real data points to a very different conclusion. ...

Greenpeace stunt backfires. Exposes Green Energy Scam!
It's always great to mock the Watermelon when they shoot themselves in the foot but this exapmple of the self interest that underpins their climate science and green energy scams is classic.

Governments and Corporations Using Bad Science To Rob Us
A new report issued under the radar by the UK Meteorlogical Office shows there has been no oncrease in the average global temperature for sixsteen years. So why are governments pressing ahead with green energy schemes? Could it be the whole thing was a scam to justify imposing punitive carbon taxes? We told you so.

Lib Dem Energy Minister Wants You To Sit In The Dark While Foreign Billionaires Steal You Money
The Energy Secretaru Ed Davey, one of the most senior Liberal Democrats in the Coalition government has banned Conservative junior minister John Hayes, a new face in the Department of Energy, from making remarks about the spread of wind farms after he told newspapers ...

New Renewable Energy Scam Attacks Our Human Rights
We have reported the great wind turbine scam and the solar panel scam many times before but have always been supportive of hydro electric schemes. It turns out we were wrong, so corrupting is the greed on big money, so tempting is the lure of taxpayers cash that even hydro electricity has been seduced by those who can't resist the tempation to steal from the public purse.
Has The Government Seen Sense On Wind Farms?

Too little too late, is the verdict of the brilliant Allister Heath on the Tories' near-non-existent recovery strategy. I'm 90 per cent with him. Like Allister, I believe that the Tory high command simply doesn't understand what radical action needs to be taken if there is to be any kind of meaningful economic recovery.

Laundering Scientific FallaciesFrom climate change to economic chaos, experts can be relied on to get things wrong. Does spending too much time in universities make people stupid or does the computer science used to model reality for fail to distinguish between reality and wishful thinking? This analysis blows apart the business of laundering reality to mask the hoplessness of scientific predictions ...
Gas power stations are greener than wind for low carbon, Policy Exchange claims
Another "We told you so story for The Daily Stirrer. Building gas-fired power plants instead of more offshore wind farms could actually lead to greater carbon savings at a lower cost, a leading think-tank has claimed. In a report out today, Policy Exchange argued that the government should scrap 4GW of its planned 13GW target for ...

Spain dumps clean-energy subsidies; promptly watches the industry go down like a sinking ship
The news that Spain has dumped it's loonytoons green energy policy will surprise few people who have followed the wind turbine scam. Wind power as a source of energy is unreliable and inefficient and it was only in a fit of green socialist insanity Spain's previous government committed that beleagured nation to meeting the bulk of its energy needs from wind and sun powreed generators. The scientists who advised them forgot it oes dark for approximately half the time and the wind blows when it fels like blowing.

High Court Says Government's Green Energy OCD Does Not Override Natural Beauty
he Government feels compelled to boost the amount of energy from renewables as part of climate change targets imposed by Europe because of pledges that have no basis in law that were given by a previous government to the smooth faced unelected bureaucrats, the internationalist Nazis whose agenda aims to create a single European superstate as a stepping stone towards the establishment of ...

Electricity bills set to rise to pay for wind farm subsidies
While sensible people agree that the climate is causing serious problems few people still think this is due solely to CO2 emissions from human activity. Even the author of Gaia theory has said the problem is more complex. Unfortunately climate scientists with their snouts in the tax money trough are still pushing the discredited idea that wind turbines and solar panels can meet our energy needs. Well if that is the case why are domestic fuel bills rising to pay for subsidies paid to the operators of these failed technologies. [ also Daily Stirrer 21 May 2012

Truth Murderering Greens
When the Heartland Institute launched an ad campaign comparing climate alarmists to mass murderers the green lobby rather predictably threw a hissy fit. Unfortunately the weirdie beardies, tree huggers and raffia mafia had forgotten they were the first to introduce this Nazi tactic into the debate.

Green Energy Causing Global WarmingFancy A Laugh? Here's a good story. A new scientific study says wind farms can cause climate change. The new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures. Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. Simples. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere ...
NASA Scientists Rebel Against Global Warming Hysteria
The global warming controversy has died down in most of the blogosphere but the Warmageddonists and prophets of doom here at gather continue to argue as fanatically and irrationally as they always have that "the science is settled." If that's really the case ...

UN Panel Says Redesign The World Economy For Sustainability

Politicians can phrase their press communiques in fine words and soaring rhetoric but in the end they cannot disguise the fact that their latest initiatives on saving civilizartion are just another thinly disguised move towards global government, a global economy and culture the suppression of the individual and a New World Order.

Petrol Prices Hit A New HighDriving a car has never been so expensive with the price of petrol hitting an all-time high this week of more than £1.40 a litre – and there was no reprieve for hard-pressed motorists in the Budget, fuel duty will push up the price further in the coming summer. The cost of petrol now averages 140.20p a litre, with diesel at 146.72p a litre. In August the planned tax increase will add ...
More Climate Science Fraud Exposed: Himalyan Glaciers Are Not MeltingThe Himalayas has lost no significant ice over the past decade, according to a new study, that found melting ice from glaciers is having a much smaller effect on sea levels than previously thought. Previous studies relied on physical measurements of ice caps and glaciers on the ground. It's ironic that people who have relied on high tech modelling techniques to conceal the reality of what is going on are now exposed (again) as crooks and liars by new high tech methods of measuring glaciers ...

More Climate Science Fraud Exposed: Himalyan Glaciers Are Not Melting
The Himalayas has lost no significant ice over the past decade, according to a new study, that found melting ice from glaciers is having a much smaller effect on sea levels than previously thought. Previous studies relied on physical measurements of ice caps and glaciers on the ground. It's ironic that people who have relied on high tech modelling techniques to conceal the reality of what is going on are now exposed (again) as crooks and liars by new high tech methods of measuring glaciers ...

Klondike 2: The Great Arctic Oil RushAs the case for CO2 driven climate change continues to crumbe we start to look at how we can keep the wheels of our national economies going. Drilling for oil in the Arctic is a high risk activity but absolutely necessary
A Banana A Day More Radioactive Than Fukushima
New World Order Big Brother Regime Needed To Save Civilisation From Climate Change
Leading "Liberal" thinker Naomi Klein has become the first leftie to come out of the crypto fascist closet and calls for an Orwellian New World Order and totalitarian global government. Well if you can't win by arguement, resort to compulsion and force ...

Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity's relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?

Green Dreams of Baby David: Cameron's Energy Policy Leading To Disaster.
When the coalition came to power they promised an end to stealth taxes. So why did George Osborne's budget contain the biggest and most socially harmful stealth tax ever. In the name of green energy policiy of course, it's about cutting carbon emissions and subsidising wind turbines...

The Madness Of Carbon Accounting
The Government, along with the politically correct crazies of the Obama administration are claiming great triumphs in cutting crbon emissions even as they exhort us to buy more goods manufactured by carbon intensive processes to boost the failing domestic economies. Buit how are these cuts to emissions being achhieved and at what cost to the \economy and social fabric of western nations?

The Great Wind Turbine Con Trick
A detailed and damning critique of wind turbine technology, renewable energy scams, green lobbying, the dodgy science behind the case for sustainable power and the politicisation of concerns about the environment. The whole thing looks more and more like a confidence trick by academics, politicians, big business and the New World Order ...

The Great Wind Turbine Catastrophe
Because of failure to invest in new coal and nuclear powered generating plants to provide the electric energy we need Briain now faces a serious shortfall in electricity supply as old stations, already well past their planned lifespan are forced to close. Seduced by the voices of academics and the science lobby, the government seems foolishly determined to rely on wind turbines for future electricity needs.

Water Day - More Celebrity Gesture Politics
Tuesday is World Water Day. Nominally an occasion to celebrate water and its crucial contribution to human life in all its forms the day has become more of an occasion for raising awareness of the water crisis already affecting so many backward nations and increasingly threatening developed communities.

Evidence (As If You Needed Any) That All The Green Movement Are Insane
The Green movement are trying to make a big thing of earth hour, suppoedly the one hour each year we all switch off our lights and appliances to remind ourselves of how our lifestyles harm the planet. The trouble is despiter much hype and dishonest reporting from mainstream media Earth Hour has never really caught on. In fact most peope are completely in the dark about it.

Standing Up To The Climate Science Bullies
The climate science scammers, the pusillanimous poltroons who tried to help their political and corporate pymasters steal £$trillions from the taxpayers of the world with a campaign to spread fear and panic about carbon dioxide have lost the fight with sceptics so comprehensively in the end they resorted to bullying. Now one of the most prominent physicists in the world, Prof. Freeman Dyson has denouched them as fools and frauds.

We Just Got Fooled Again Climate Change and causes relating to saving the planet are becoming an industry, a gravy train. International bureaucrats fly around the world from meeeting to meeting (and they're all in exotic location) to take party in another feat of windbaggery that will solvle neith global warming, food or water shortage, wildlife species extinction or the growing population.

World Energy Crunch As Oil And Nuclear Go Into Crisis
The worsening crisis for global energy supplies could hardly have come at a worse moment. The epicentre of the world's oil supply is disturbingly close to its insurrection as civil conflict spreads throughout the Gulf States and around the Arab nations thet border the eastern Mediterranea. Nuclear Power had begun to look like a realistic prospect again as sustainables like wind and solar were found ...

Climate Change Act: An Inspired Way To Waste £400 Billion.
As the attempts of the science lobby and government (whose strings are pulled by the New World Order) to force us to believe the hopelessly flawed and totally discredited case for carbon driven global warming here is some clear thinking on the question of climate change.

And While We Are still On The Subject
Well we're not still on the subject, but we were with a couple of consecutive posts last week, Global Warming - Keep It Under Your Hat and Climate Science Why Can't The Met Get It Right? - I'm sure Ian will ...

Oil Shale Salvation
Recent discoveries of huge gas and oil bearing shale deposits in the USA, CAnada, Russia and under Britain's territorial waters as well as off the Falkland Islands and in the Antarctic are raising false hope of an early end to the energy crisis and food price inflation. What is the reality of these new oil and gas reserves, do they really offer the economies of the developed world salvation and a return to business as usual.

Warmageddon: To Feed The Planet We Need More Carbon Dioxide by Ian R Thorpe.
Warmageddonists are always whining about how raised levels of CO2 in air will destroy human society. It is very well known however that most animal life can happily breathe much higher concentrations. Another fear is failure of food supplies. But others argue raising CO2 levels would nullify the case for another science sacred cow GM food crops. So wh is right? ...

GM Food Needed To Avert World Food Crisis
The GM Foods Nazis are revving up for a good whine again. Professor Sir John Beddington said there was no scientific qick fix to the ''enormously serious'' problem of producing enough fod to feed the world's rapidly growing population in the future as we face problems such as climate change, population growth and energy shortages. He told BBC Breakfast News: ''If there are genetically modified (GM) organisms that actually ...

E.on Hits Energy Bills For Domestic Users

The price rises of 9 per cent for electricity and 3 per cent for its gas customers comes into force on February 4. For those that take both sources of energy from the company, their annual bill will go from £1,187 to £1,250.
An estimated 4 million e.on customers will be hit by ...

UN Chief Back Off Climate Change Campaign It seems the leaders, or figurehead at least, of the New World Order elitists are getting the message at last. We will not be tricked by the trumped up claims of the climate science Warmageggonists or the fear and panic generated by media scare stories of impending doom into allowing ourselves to be enslaved.

Head Of Major Food Producing Corp Warns Of Food Crisis The chief executive of one of the world's largest food producers is to warn that the global crisis in food production is reaching "dangerous territory" with prices soaring and demand outstripping supply. In a speech scheduled for Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011 Paul Polman, the chief executive of Unilever, will say that market distortions created by European Union subsidies work against ...

Climate Change Laughing Gas
Geoffery Lean: We know it as “laughing gas”, but it is getting beyond a joke. Nitrous oxide is reckoned to be the third most important greenhouse gas contributing to global warming after carbon dioxide and methane. And now “startling” new evidence of an overlooked source of it has just been published by by US scientists – providing further ...

The Lorax by Dr Seuss A 1971 paper by Dr. T.S. Geisel that explains in simple terms how the environment became so screwed up. Even the AGW Nazis and the climate science cultists and the Carbonistas should be able to understand this one. It's about the big picture.

Batteries Not Included
"Batteries not inclded" The dreaded words on the boxes of toys bought for Christmas presents. At first sight of those words Dad knew that stuffed with turkey, roasties and duff he was in for a trek round the destered streets on Chistmas day to find an open all hours. Now as governments and sciencyheads and green, three hugging weirdie - beardies whose love of science and the environment is more to do with religious zeal than reason and logic we are starting to the that the words "batteries not included will be even mkore terrifying when see in the small priint of the contract we have just signed for a new electric car.

Climate Change Whitewash.
The climate science scandals such as climategate and the IPCC's dishonesty about the likely effects of certain trends was always predicatable. Climate science was always too tightly entwined with politics, power and big money. It has however led to the exposure of a deep and very nasty streak of dishonesty running through the entire academic community in the sciences.

Cancun Climate Conference: Gordon Brown Got It Wrong
John Prescott says Gordon Brown made a wrong judgement by trying to force the world into a climate change deal too early.
The former deputy prime minister said the chaos at last year’s climate change talks in Copenhagen was caused by the then Prime Minister trying to force the world into a deal.

Cancun Climate Conference Will Ignore Big Questions
This years international conferrence on climate change is taking place in Cancun, Mexico this week. Will it be any more successful that last years fiasco in Copenhagen? Unlikely unless the politicians grpw some balls, kill the scientists, sideline the limp wristed politically correct wimp Obama and face up to the read causes of climate problems which all come back to one thing, TOO MANY PEOPLE.

Climate Scientists And The Honesty Question
As the world's media turns its attention to the latest shenanigans of world leaders and climate scientists in Cancun, Mexico, The Daily Stirrer's Ian R Thorpe invites us to look at the basic homesty of the carbon trading industry. In the run up to Cancun there has been a flurry of activity in the climate science community, including contributions from those discredited crooks and liars the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit trying to push the old line that people who see through the climate science scam "are not scientists and therefore cannot understand the science. Should we take any notice of people who have demonstrated they have serious integrity issues...

Coal Fired Power Stations Win Reprieve
In what looks like a u-turn on green energy policy the coalition government have abandoned plans to support and subsidiese operators of sustainable energy generating plants. While environment activists and green campaigners are calling this a betrayal the case may well be that in the harsh reality of governing claims made by green energy firms look totally unrealistic ...

Leading Sceptic's Climate Change U Turn?
When one of the world's best known climate change deniers starts talking about how we can deal with climate related problems you might expect the climate scienceology cultists to be cheering. They are remarkably quiet however about Bjorn Lomborg's new book because it reveals he has never been a climate change denier as he was dubbed but was merely questioning the shaky science on which the carbon driven AGW case was based ...

The Growing Problem Of Rising Food Prices
While the warmists rant about carbon and the Church of Scienceology Cult rave about climate science. there are threee real and immediate problems facing us that nobody is talking about. These are overpopulation, water shortage and food price inflation. This article deals with food prices, links at the bottom lead to our posts on population and water scarcity.

Climate Change: Green Energy Meltdown .
As the climate science fraud and the case it made that carbon emissions were the sole cause of global warming and carbon taxes, trading in carbon allowances green energy technologies that belonged in science fiction novels were the way to power the future and save the planet comes unravelled: as the great green energy experiments of Denmark and Spain leave those nations shivering in the dark as power supplies fail and subsidies to green generators bankrupt national economies we look at the real state of the climate crisis.

The Rising Seas Are Not Down To Global Warming Alone.
Rising Seas Not Down To Global Warming A new study shows that global warming is not the only cause of swelling seas. Much comes from "water mining" – the pumping of vast amounts of groundwater from beneath the earth, mainly to irrigate crops. This inevitably ends up in the oceans after it evaporates from farmland and comes down as rain.
The study which will be published in the next issue issue of Geophysics Research Letters – estimates that extraction of ground water for domestic and industrial use accounts for about 25% of sea-level rise around the world, the same as the melting ice from the glaciers outside Greenland and Antarctica.

Eminent U.S. Pysicist Pulversises Climate Science Scammers
In another blow to the climate change alarmists an eminent US Physicist has denounced the whole climate science academic community as motivated by self interest and the pursuit of wealth and glory and the anthropogenic global warming scare as the greatest and most successful scam he has seen in his long life.

Rising Seas Not Down To Global Warming A new study shows that global warming is not the only cause of swelling seas. Much comes from "water mining" – the pumping of vast amounts of groundwater from beneath the earth, mainly to irrigate crops. This inevitably ends up in the oceans after it evaporates from farmland and comes down as rain.
The study which will be published in the next issue issue of Geophysics Research Letters – estimates that extraction of ground water for domestic and industrial use accounts for about 25% of sea-level rise around the world, the same as the melting ice from the glaciers outside Greenland and Antarctica.

How Our Creature Comforts Are Baking The World
As the arguments rage on between the Climate Science Wankers lobby and the sceptis, realists and out and out deniers we observe that still nobody who gets media coverage, nobody who is talking sense about climate chaos, carbon based fuels, deforestation or over population is really being heard. Quite simply there are too many of us and we want too much. Who needs science or politics to understand that?

Chief Of Climate Science Panel Under Pressure To Resign
By far the best news of the month is the discredited head of the United Nations Inter-governmental panel on climate change is under pressure to resign following twelve months of revelations showing how he manipulated the panel's work to support suggestions that climate change was far worse and a far more imminent
Climate Change Sacred Cows
Many people have accused the climate science community of trying to turn climate change science into a religion. The demands that climate change denial be made a crime like Holocaust denial certainly lends weight to this. But 'denial' (or scepticim to be accurate - few people deny we have problems with our climate, what is being questioned is the climate science religionists fixation on carbon driven anthropogenic global warming) is healthy as is questioning the other sacred cows of the climate change cult, wind power ...

Climate Change Crooks And Liars
Though climate change alarmists claim that that "the science is settled" no longerr holds water the arguments rage on. If anything they are getting more heated as the climate science lobby, knocked from the moral high grounds show their true colours. But more and more evidence is showing the climate change science was never settyled and the global warming Armageddonists had built their whole case on very flimsy evidence.
Climate Science Debunked By Science Superstar Max Planck.
One of the lies most often repeated by the Climate Science lobby is that 'the science stands' i.e. that no fault was found in the scientific work of the CRU. This is both true and a lie, true in that no fault was found, a lie because the reason no fault was found is that to examine the scientific work was outside the Russell panel's terms of reference. This report features the Max Planck Institute's take on climate science and the IPCC.

Will Wind Power Be A Way Of Farming Money For Operators.
Despite the wailing of the Green lobby and the Climate Change evangelists and Science worshippers wind power is a bloody stupid thing to invest money and effort in if we want to create a sustainable, non - polluting energy source to power the nation. If we are simply looking for ways to channel taxpayers money into the pockets of immensely rich and powerful energy corporations and landowners however it is hard to think of a better way to do it.

Third Climategate Report imminent - Whitewash manufacturers report sales boom.
If you were planning to do a spot of DIY over the weekend you may encounter a problem – an acute shortage of whitewash in your local store, as it may have been appropriated for more urgent purposes. The estimable Bishop Hill is reporting he has heard on the grapevine that the publication of the third report from the investigation of the scientific fraud known as climategate will be as big a whitewash as...

Obama Deepwater Horizon
President Obama described the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico as America's worst environmental disaster ever. That is not true, the oil spillng from the fractured well has a long way to go before overtaking a similar blowout in the Gulf in 1979. What do we expect from the rock star President other than posing, posturing and crude attempt to make political capital out of in order to rally dwindling support for his climate change legislation...

Pain In Spain As Green Fraud Exposed Spain and Denmark were singled out as a green becons in the fight against climate change when they announced schemes to make their economies reliant on "sustainable energy." Sadly the experiments have failed and the effects of global financial crisis have been exacerbated by those nations flirtation with unproven technologies.

Climate Change: Faith Versus Nature
OK I know I have a warped sense of humour but this post from Wolf Howling on the expeditions to walk (or canoe in one case) to the north pole wearing T shirt and shorts to show how advanced global warming is made me laugh. Global warming or no global warming, the North Pole is still effing cold even at the hight of summer and you would expect people so besotted with "science" to know that.

Scientists Blame Ancient Goddess For Volcanic Dust Disruption
Can this be true. While the volcano in iceland is still projectile vomiting ash and dust into the atmosphere scientists who have spent the last few decades dissing Gaia theory as superstitious unscientific nonsense are now saying the dust clouds are natures way of controlling global warning. Oo-er Missis, ancient earth science goddess very angry.

Whatever Happened To Swine Flu.
If you are reading this it is probably a good indication you are alive. Swine Flu did not kill you A year ago the government was warning this virus would kill any of us that did not get the overpriced vaccine big pharma made and us taxpayers so generously forked out for. So what happened? Why are so many of us still alive?

Climate Change, Pollution and Coal Fired Power Stations.
The debate on climate change or AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) is not lost despite the dishonesty of the climate science lobby and the United Nations IPCC. The argument was hijacked by science and yet the mindset of modern scientists is much to narrow and inflexible to cope with the complexities of climate variations and their global effects. Here is an example of the dishonest presentation of information to hype the case for "scientific solutions.

The Evil Green Bastards Who Want To Save The Panet
So you heard all the politically corect propaganda and you thought going green wouls show you are a good person. Wrong. According to scientists adopting a green lifestyle is more likely to make you an evil, selfish bastard...

Ethical Knickers For Your Green Valentine
A sexy valentine gift for your green lover? Why not some ethical big knickers. Hemp knickers are all the rage with planet friendly females this year. If your girlfriend is more of a thong wearing climate change sceptic than a lentil loving Earth goddess howeer dont blame us if she kills you.

The True Hockey Stick
BelieverS in the new religion of AGW, anthropogenic global warming or climate change will be sick of having their science based faith mocked and their scientist priests ridiculed. To help them hold to their belief we offer a change to own a fragment of the true hockey stick, the sacred symbol of their religion.

11 Feb 2010
Our Car Of The Year - The Toyota Scadenfreude

It turns out their much hyped Prius, the car of choice for the kind of B list celebrity who likes to talk publicly of how green they are but when they have to go anywhere hire a chauffeur driven limo, as well as not being very reliable is not very green. Scroll down to read how the green credentials of the Toyota Prius fall short of the target...

15 January 2010
Former Government Adviser Condemns Green Scaremongering.
Some people accuse The Daily Stirrer of being anti - science. This is not so, we are simply endowed with a healthy scepticism about all things. Thus the trend among people who like to label themseves "scientists" to brush aside criticism from highly educated and well informed individuals outside their specialist field by saying "You're not a scientists, you don't understand science," arouses deep suspicion. We are rght to be sceptical and suspicious ...

BBC Weathermen To Be Sacked?
News that BBC weathermen may be sacked for always getting the weather forecast wrong is wecome. This unfortunate breed of humans are an example of what happens when scientists become besotted with their science and lose contact with reality. Weather forecasts are not that big a deal but when the arseoles cannot correctly tell us what the weather is like outside by looking through the window we have to ak are they worth their salary

We're All Going To Die. WTF?
Another seasonal rebellion from Boggart Blog against the annual crop of killjoy health warnings from governmet departments aimed at spoiling the holiday for the impressionable by spreading fear and panic. More hilarious stuff from the UK's top satire and humour blog.

22 December 2009 Climate Change:How Much Blame Must Science Take?
After the Copenhagen climate summit failed to agree a plan of action to combat climate change the science lobby have been quick to blame capitalism, business, politicians and the public. But a critical and objective analysis reveals there is oly one culprit. Science alone is to blame.

Climate Change: Little White Lies and Big Brown Lies
The Copenhagen summit conference on climate change was never about climate change. It was about money, power, control and the need to divert attention from the failure of globalization by the spreading of fear and panic. The idea was to make us feel dependent on our leaders. Pity the science used to back up the case for action was so easily exposed as fraudulent. Read more...

18 December
Copenhagen Climate Change Lies
The Copenhagen summit conference on climate change was never about climate change. It was about money, power, control and the need to divert attention from the failure of globalization. Pity the science used to back up the case for action was so easily exposed as fraudulent.

11 December 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption
The spiel from the control freak governments of developed nations in the run up to the Copenhagen Climate Conference billed as the last chance to save the planet from a global warming catastrophe went something like this."You must listen to the scientists, you must not think for yourselves, you must never question authority," Luckily we all knew the scientists chanting this mantra were as much crooks and liars as the politicians and billionaires they worked for...follow link and read the whole sordid story in a new window:
Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption.

9 December 2009
Copenhagen Climate Summit Chaos.

hate to say we told you so folks (no we don't, we love it) but it looks as if the Copenhagen Climate Summit, "our last chance to save the planet" according to politicians and their lap dog scientists, is in disarray and on the verge of collapse after a confidential document detaing a power grab by certain rich nations that seems mainly to hve been cooked up by the authoritarian Obama administration for American and the equally authoritarian Labour government in the UK.

Copenhagen Climate Conference Chaos

8 Decemberr 2009
The Man We Would Like To be God Speak Out On Climate

TF for David Attenborough, the man British people would overwhelmingly support if there was a vote to elect somebody as God. Vteran naturalist Sir David will tomorrow present a TV programme in which he will dare to name the real cause of climate change, the factor the Politically Correct Thought Police have prevented us discussing and the lying cheating...

8 December 2009
Climate Change Measured By The Tiger Index
At last some proper, reliable science on the climate change issue
Climate Change And The Tiger Woods Index

7 December 2009
Climate Change Killed A Guardian Reader

The Copenhagen Climate Summit threatens to be the biggest ever festial of bullshit and hypocrisy. Can politicians emplty talk save the planet? Are they even talking about the right things? Does the planet need saving? Do we really care? Which way is the party?
Read Full Article

6 December 2009
Canadians Who Cared Saved Us From Climate Change Nazi's

How two vigilant Canadians (not climate change deniers) spotted how climate data has been manipulated by scientists to fit their case for anthropogenic global warming. Article in the Ottowa Citizen commented on by John De Roe.
How two Canadians exposed a climate change fraud.

An Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change Science.
by Ian R Thorpe

I've said many times I became suspicious of "climate change science" when the climate change scientists started attaching the word "anthropogenic to it. I mean, anthropogenic, WTF is that all about? Anthropologists study hominids; primitive man, chimps and those dwarf chimps that are always wanking, baboons, gibbons, gorillas and monkeys. Anthropology is the study of human development right? The study of humankind according to the OED if we are being picky (there is bound to be some boy-scientists along who wants to brandish the Wikipedia definition and I can't be arsed slapping them down. Similarly anthropogenisis, the word from which anthropogenic must derive , relates all An Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change

4 December 2009
Copenhagen, The Real Agenda.
by Ed Butt

The Copenhagen climate summit organised by the United Nation, it's about saving the planet, right?
We all know now the scientific data used as "evidence of anthropogenic climate change" was faked, made up, manipulated to changed by ...

Copenhagen - The Real Agenda

3 December 2009
Why Copenhagen Climate Change Conferene Must Fail

In a surprise statement today the world's leading climate change expert annouced that he hopes the Copenhagen climate change summit, billed as our last chance to avoid a global warming catastrophe, ends in failure. Any deal struck, according to James Hansen, would involve the creation of a carbon trading market and in putting the interests of capitalism ahead of solving the problem would only make matters worse... Learn Why the Copenhagen Climate Change talks will fail in this brilliant polemic by Ian R. Thorpe

29 November 2009
Cilmate Change Science Scam Exposed

Climate Change Science U TurnThe Top UK Climate Change team at the University Of East Anglia, in an unexpected U turn after the "climategate" leaked e-mails scandal has agreed to publish all its data. One scientist identified as a climate change sceptic...

23 November 2009
"Rumpy Pumpy's plans for
European integration. Read how the new democratically unelected EU President pland to re - introduce measures the French and Dutch referenda rejected.

">Rumpy Pumpy To Bring Europe Together?

20 November 2009
Has Global Warming Stopped?
Readers will know I claim to have been a climate change campaigner for over thirty years but have recently come to suspect the whole thing has been hijacked by governments trying to ...
Climatologists Baffled By Global Warming Time Out

20 Nov 2009

Climate Change Science U Turn

The Top UK Climate Change team at the University Of East Anglia, in an unexpected U turn after the "climategate" leaked e-mails scandal has agreed to publish all its data. One scientist identified as a...
Climate Change Science U Turn

18 November 2009
Time To Think The unthinkable
Two contradictory reports on climate change out today show again how truly divided on the issue the scientists are despite the claims of the Church Of Science lobby that everybody except a few cranks and people in the pay of the big ...
Population Control and Climate Change

16 November 2009Not So Wonderful Copenhagen
So world leaders have admitted there is no chance of the Copenhagen summit in December producing a deal that will save the world from climate change....
Climate Change And Population Control

11 November 2009
Nuclear Power - The Next Generation
The government, with more than a hint of desperation announced yesterday that a new generation of nulear power stations will be built and special arrangements will be made to fast track the plannning process.After thirty years of dithering, listening to know -nothing scientists and do nothing wierdie-beardies, short-termism and pandering to...

At Last The Government Gets It - We Need Nuclear Power

31 October 2009
Former Chief Scientist Condemns Green Scaremongering

It is becoming more and more clear all the time that nobody trusts scientists or any longer believes a word they say. Statements like that are bound to infuriate those scientists and fans of science who increasingly behave as if science is a religion. The fact is however ...

Senior Scientists Condemns Green Scaremongering

23 October 2009

Where Angels Fear To Tread

For years I have been a campaigner for action on climate change. As the cause was progressively hijacked by scientists however I have become more and more suspicious of their quick fix theories which may probably land us in a bigger mess than we are in now but will certainly make $billions for ... Where Angels Fear

19 October 2009
Climate Change Sacred Cow

When I heard Gordon Brown giving a speech on climate change and the summit in Copenhagen which is ostensibly where the world leaders will sign a treaty that will solve all the climate related problems like Neville Chamberlain's treaty guaranteed "peace in our time" in 1939 I did not know whether to laugh or be angry. While Brown's blind faith in science and his delusional belief that ...
Climate Change Sacred Cow

18 October 2009
A Stick To Beat Dick - Climate Change - Technology

Another Daily Stirrer post on Climate Change, the reality and the scam

14 October 2009
Climate Change Deniers Deny Nothing In a post comparing climate change deniers to people who believe the Turin Shoud is authentic, (a shroud over the truth) Science-is-God evangelist Leo Hickman lays into the so called climate change deniers who are really denying nothing but are simply sceptical about the "science" that "proves" catastrophic changes in the Earth's weather systems will result if we do not reverse the effects of three hundred years of industrial and domestic pollution overnight?... Climate Change Deniers Deny Nothing

2 October 2009
The Great Climate Change Science Scam
by Ian R. Thorpe

I have been campaigning about climate change for over thirty years. Now, the more I read of efforts by governments, academics and corporate interests to come up with a quick fix the more I am convinced they are working a scam to make quick, easy money. For decades the only ....

Blinding Themselves With Science

I've been getting angrier and angrier with the way scientists have been allowed to hijack the climate change debate. These people are too obsessed with their own cleverness. They produce graphs and charts and spout baffling statistics and make predictions which are instantly proved wrong. In response the deniers produce well presented, accessible arguments like this, which no matter how plausdile it seems only presents half the story.

Blinding the world with science

10 August 2009
Using Fear And Panic To Wean us Off Fossil Fuels?

I've often used the phrase "fear and panic" on my UK blog to describle the way governments manipulate people towards conforming with the official line. The phrase, which comes from phobos (fear) and diemos (panic), the names of the two horses that pull the chariot of the Greek war god Ares seems to resonate with the readers.

27 july 2009 Climate Change Is Too Complex For Science To Analyse. Gaia Theory Still Stands
Ian R Thorpe
Despite the arguments raging aound the world between the statistics obsessed climate change scientists and those working for vested interests who seek to debunk the idea of climate change, the foryy year old Gaia theory, though it is too complex for mathematical analysis and for being reduced to a few simplistic statistics, still holds up.

25 July 2009
Climate Change: Too Little, Too Late, Too Uncertain
Governments around the world are getting threir knickers in a right old twist about climate change. As usual with governments they are looking for quick fixes, expedients, anything that will make people believe their leaders are on the case without actually requiring politicians to make a decision or commit to a course of action.

So far the only quick fixes being talked about are loonytoons technologies and tax schemes.

These are smaller items from our blogs.
Climate Too Complex For Science
Is all theclimate change too little too late?
Economy Returns To Growth - Sort Of
Clean Energy Pipedreams
Will Wind Power Be A Way Of Farming Money For Operators.
Hockey Stick Man Declines To Go To Court
Climate Change and Coal - Some Truth
Green scare tactics

Environment Feeds (Go back to top)
Guardian Environment
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Yahoo Science

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