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G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order
By leading the G7, G8 and G20 economic groups for the past few decades the US government has managed to exploit its status as holder of the global reserve currency until it appeared on the brink og global economic hegemony. The Americans overplayed their hand however, became too blatant in their bullying of smaller nations and helping corporate interests override national laws. Now the world is closing ranks against the USA. Can't say we're sorry.

New World Order IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Deferring Redemption of Gov’t Debt.
Global Capitalism my arse, the dominant economic system is Naziism pure and simple. Who but Nazis or Communists (and they are truly different faces of George Orwell's Oligarchic Collectivism) whould propose stealing the pension funds we poor punters have worked all our lives to accumilate to pay for the stupidity, selfishness and irresponsibility of our masters?

Financial Crisis? The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market
The dramatic falls in world wide stock markets over the past week hows that the Daily Stirrer finance expert was correct in predicting this, such recovery in the global economy as has happened since 2008 has been the result of printing money and manipulating the markets. This latest action is part of a massive heist by the bankers to drain the value from our savings and pensions

Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel
Debt, how much of a threat to ordinary people is it? The truth might frighten you which is why bank bosses, government leaders and media pundits are not eager to tell the truth. What can we do? Not much in the short term, in the long term, reclaim the sovereignty of our nations and our individual sovereignty and tell the world view thinkers their crazy ideas have maxed out their credit

Was The Banks' Cypriot Smash And Grab A Rehersal
When I started here at Bubblews back in early March the big story was the financial meltdown in Cyprus and the international response that shocked the world. The political leaders and international bankers whose incompetence and irresponsibility caused ...

Now We Know What Those Naughty Bilderbergers Were Plotting
Left behind after the Bilderberg group check out of The Grove Country House Hotel was the remnant of a presentation promoting the Thompson Reuters Online Trading Platform. What was that about? Well we know now, read the article below

The Planned Green Holocaust, Depopulation Needed To Save The Planet
The science tits, The Watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) and even the raffia mafia are happy to talk about Carbon Dioxide but nobody wants to talk about the biggest threat to human civilization, overpopulation. Some hope the surplus billions will go away, others have a much more brutal final solution in mind.

War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers
Government and big busin.ess has been nudging us towards abandoning cash for electronic money for a long time. Now the Frech government has become the first to move towards making cash illegal (because government can't keep tabs on what you do with your money when cash passes from hand to hand ...

Globalisation, Misinformation, Deception, False Store Fronts ...
Enniskillen (pop 14,000) will shortly host a meeting of the G8 global economic forum. Now G8 has declined in importance since the formation of the G20 group so you might think its precipitous fall down the league table of political influence is why they have ended up in little, out of the way Enniskillen.Or cynics amongst us (me for example) might thing the great and good have chosen ...

Forget Recession, US banks Post Record Profits
Do you feel the value of your savings has been eroded and the buying power of your earnings reduced by higher taxes and austerity measures governments have introduced to 'save the economy.'Yeah but ... we're all in this together aren't we and everybody is making sacrifices, you might well reply. Except we're not all in it together, not everyone is ...

The Banksters Bullion Heist: How The Gold Market Was Hi Jacked And The Banksters Robbed Us All
The rapid drop in gold prices recently has been said by some to be a sign a new economic crisis is imminent while others say it is a sign economic confidence is returning and the slump is over. It is neither, but rather a demostration of how banksters rig the markets in gold, commodities, currency ans shares, and rob us all.

Fears Of Violence And Unrest As English Town Prepares For Bilberberg Rally
The shadowy and secretive Bilderberg Group will hold their annual meeting at The Grove country house hotel complex just outside watford, England in early June. As usual this gathering of the super - rich and super - powerful will be accompanied by levels of secrecy and security never seen elsewhere.

Washington Signals Fears Over Dollar
Over the past month there have been some bizarre movements in financial marketsthat can only be explained as a conspiracy to protect the US dollar from the inevitable consequences Federal Reserve’s policy of Quantitative Easing (QE) which has been going on since the financial crisis began in 2008.

Economic Insanity: We Spend $11 million to create each green job
Cast you mind back to the last round of elections where you live. Do you remember al those politicians promising to make the economy greener, to create...

Making Money Out Of Misery You may not have borrowed money yourself but you know how the business works, you take out a loan, say £$€1000 (pick your own currency) to buy a car, improve your home or for a host of reasons, and you agree to pay back over a fixed term the amount borrowed plus interest because the lender has costs and deserves a modest profit for accepting you as a risk. You might expect to pay back in total ...

News Of The G20's New world Order global Bank
If you are going to have a global government it stands to reason you have to have a global currency and a global central bank. How could such a thing ever be created given the world's political divisions you might well ask. We've got new for you folks, The Bank Of International Settlements already exists, it's offices are at basel in Switzerland.

Former Portugese Leaders Calls For A Debt Default
Mario Soares, the former Portugese first minister has sponen out against austerity measures imposed by the E U and called on Portugese politicians to opt for an Argentine style default.

Globalist Bankers Make Plans To Rob Your Bank Account
The so called bail in of banks in Cyprus has created a dangerous model for future ban solvency problems. We should all be concerned. Governments, international organisations like the IMF and 'too big to fail' banks think robbinmg depositors is a damn good idea for fixing problems caused by their incompetence. Plans are being made and laws passed to enable this legalised robbery to be extended around the world.,p> In 2008 Cyprus was a prosperous, happy, successful island nation. Then they joined the European Single Currency System and the Euro nazis forced them into debt slavery.
How it all went wrong for Cyprus after the 2008 banking crisis. Some people in Britain, our top national enemy Tony Blair for example, still think we should join the Euro. If you don't yet understand the EU was never about trade and always about the creation of a bureaucratic dictatorship single state this should convince you.

Are American Government Officials Planning Cyprus Style Savings Grab To Ease The DeficitThe E U's proposed levy on savings and deposits held in Cyprus banks to help pay for the €10billion bailout requested by the Cypriot government quite rightly went down like the proverbial lead balloon with Cypriot and foreign holders of bank deposits in ...

Radical American congressman attacks globalisation. Not sure the American maverick politician Bernie Saunders, who sits as an independent, knows what he is talking about. Left winger like him are usually full of praise for globalisation and all that New World Order crap. But globalisation means corporations being able to move money around the globe freely so what Bernie is complaining (absolutely correctly) about is the direct reult of the politically correct thinking he has always supported. Unfaurtunately the left have been duped by The Illuminati again.

Big Brother Is Coming To Obama's Surveillance State.
Barack Obama's administration in the USA are planning that during his second term in office a total surveillance and data logging system will be created that is so aggressive it will effectively turn the USA into a prison state.

China Moves To Replace U.S. dollar With Renminbi As Global Reserve Currency
The Daily Stirrer has warned it wasa coming, now it is here and the world is not ready to ride out the economic storm that will be caused by the collapse of the American economy as China replaces the US Dollar with the Renminbi as the global reserve currency.

Standard Chartered Bank and Obama's Racism
Standard Chartered may not be a household name in Britain, but in plenty of countries this bank is one of our best known national brands. Which makes its alleged behaviour over Iran even more troubling and inexplicable.

Give And Take: Guess who gives and who takes lf Sufficiency, the American dream, a return to the lifestyle of the pioneers. Take care of yourself, take care of your own, live on the bounty of nature. Even in Oregon the State is encroaching. Deal To Save The Euro Will Cause Bigger Crash Than 2008
As Europe Agrees To € 600 billion bail out a Bank of England official warns "Prepare for Lehmans re-run." Banks and traders must prepare for a devastating market seizure as governments grapple with the escalating economic crisis in Europe, Robert Jenkins, a member of the Bank of England Financial Policy Committee of the policymaker has warned.

The Extended Europe: A European Union - with Africa and Arabia in itHow far do you think Europe Stretches? From the British Isles to the Bosphorus? From Knivskjelodden (Norway) to Cadiz? Not according to the Globalist Nazis who run the EU. Under the cover of the Euro zone debt crisis they are advancing their plan to extend Europe beyond its geographical and cuiltural boundaries to take in Turkey and the Caucasus, Middle Eastern nations, and the nations of North Africa from Egypt to Morocco as one nation under a single government. Do you still think the E U is a god idea? ...
You've Got To Love The Craziness Of The Financial Crisis So Spain was bankrupt. Between a loonytoons green energy policy that paid wind turbine owners for the electricity not generated while the wind was not blowing and solar panel owners foreectricity not generated while the sun was not shining ...

The Second Wave Of The Debt Tsunami or The Coming Of The New World OrderAs the debt crisis stumbles on in Europe, the U S A and around the third world all politicians and governments can do is keep kicking the can further down the road. Nobody is prepared to admit that the economic model based on perpetual growth funded by personal debt and public spending has failed. So where do we go from here?
Driving Europe Towards Catastrophe
About six months ago a paphlet bearing the title Guilty Men was published. As well as predicting just where the European Single Currency system was heading it identified the financiers, politicians and propagandists who had advocated the creation of the European single currency 15 years ago, and exposed the dishonest or even brutal methods they used to bring about this giant step towards unting the diverse nations and cultures of the European continent under a single ...

Britain' Leaders Must Ignore The Messianic Promises Of This False Prophet Of Economic SalvationAccording to his fans Paul Krugman is the greatest economist of his generation. So why does he telln us he can solve the economic crisis when all he can offer is a return to the borrow and spend policies that created the mess in the first place.
Europe's Crisis Is Going To Get A Lot More InsaneHow would you go about solving your personal debt problem if your credit cards were maxed out, your overdraft wasd on it's limit and your income would not stretch to buying basics after all the interest on your morthgage and loans had been paid.? Go to a loan shark? Of course not, that should be a no brainer even for politcians and bureaucrats. But it is exactly where Europe is heading.

The Folly Of Trying To Inflate Away Debt
As the debt crisis grinds on and the creit crunch mutates into the credit famine the clueless politicians and even more clueless economists and academics who advise them can only think of one course of action. That is to inflate away their debt problem by devaluing currency to the extent at whic a bag of potatoes or wheat grain costs $£€ 1 trillion. Inflation is the cruellest tax, destroying the savings and pensions of sensible people and rewarding irresponsibility.

The Euro Crisis Gets Political Worrying news from Europe: The Dutch government has failed as the euro crisis continues to claim political victims [...] PM Mark Rutte's resignation was not widely predicted. After more than seven weeks of negotiations, the über-populist PVV party, led by Geert Wilders, withdrew its support for significant budget cuts, many of which were demanded by the EU, and for the minority government itself. Rutte seemingly saw no alternative to ...

Feeding The Monster
As Spain's economy nears collapse and economists call for Europe's taxpayers to stump up still more money for a bigger bailout fund to save bankrupt nations, The Daily Stirrer economic expert under his new nom de plume explains why efforts to save the Euro are throwing good money after bad.

UN Panel Says Redesign The World Economy For Sustainability
Politicians can phrase their press communiques in fine words and soaring rhetoric but in the end they cannot disguise the fact that their latest initiatives on saving civilizartion are just another thinly disguised move towards global government, a global economy and culture the suppression of the individual and a New World Order. Why hasn’t quantitative easing worked for the UK economy?
Ministers of the Coalition government have waxed lyrical about how the UK economy would avoid another recession and start to grow this year, or at least stagnate. But according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) we are going to enter another recession on April’s Fool Day. The Daily Stirrer told you this was inevitable of course.How the government get it as wrong as their ...

Inflation Falls Again As Government Continue To Talk Bollocks
Inflation fell to a 15-month low of 3.4pc in February helping ease pressure on cash-strapped consumers and Chancellor George Osborne ahead of Wednesday's Budget. The consumer prices index (CPI) is down from 3.6pc in January as a drop in prices for housing, lower electricity and gas bills electricity, and cheaper air fare pushed overall inflation down, the Office for National Statistics said. However, the fall was not as much as expected - economist had forecast ...

More EU Rebels Follow Spain In Defying Burssels Diktat.
Over the course of innumerable crisis meetings European leaders have tried and failed to produce the right result for a glorious photon oppotunity: extravagant triple-kiss greetings, toothy grins, and wistful stares between Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy. Last Monday night in Brussels however the stage management went horribly wrong: Jean Claude Juncker, head of euro zone finance ministers group, was snapped strangling his Spanish counterpart.It was all a big joke of course...
After Last Week's Debt Fix Greece Is In Trouble Again Already The day after a fix was announched for the Greek economy that incouded private investors including pension funds, schemes for small investors and banks in which people's saving are held, writing off a huge slice of Greek debt, The Daily Stirrer told you the so called fix, hailed by politicians and bureaucrats alike as the final solution, was similar to sticking a band aid on a ...

A host of British low life level politicians, town hall fat cats and quangocrats recently four days wining and dining business tycoons and ladies of negotiable affection at the world’s biggest property fair in Cannes, Southern France. The Coalition government's Minister for Sport, Hugh Robertson was the most senior of ...

Federal Exchange Ignores The Goal Posts, Moves The Stadium.
The US central bank, the Federal Exchange, in calling for another round of stimulus is operating a policvy of devaluation by stealth. Meanwhile the international finance community and global government agenda people like the EU commission and the Bilderberg group, while supporting the Fed are moving on a more sinister agenda.

Debt - The Elephant In the G20 Room
Forget the trouble in Syria or the brewing global conflict, the real problem still, the one all globalist politicians and New World Order financiers are trying to gloss over is debt. And it is gretting worse. Like as frog on boiling water the population are being lulled into an illusion of security so we will all be complicit in our enslavement. It is time to wake up.

The Greek Bail Out Deal Humiliates Greece Without Solving Anything A "strictly confidential" 10-page debt sustainability report commissioned for yesterday's meeting of eurozone ministers has been leaked to the media. The document concludes that the austerity measures being foisted on Greece in order that the indebted country can receive a €130bn bailout, are quite likely to prove self-defeating, in that the austerity, by further weakening the economy are likely to cause the sovereign debt to ...

The Greek Mess, Germany and A Final Solution?

As European Leaders meet to discuss their latest wheeze to save the single European nation project by continuing to deny that the Greek economy is FUBAR, The Daily Stirrer again argues that the global economic crisis will not be resolved until politicians and economists understand the basic rules of finance like 'Don't spend money you haven't got.

Greece Burns As Parliament Chooses EU bailout over democracy. The Greek parliament yesterday approved a austerity bill to secure a second $130bn (£110bn) bailout and avoid a messy default despite almost universal hostility to the measures that will be required by the EU. After a day of rioting and street battles between police and protesters which left Athens in flames the bill was passed by 199 votes to 74. The news triggered some of ...

Bank Of England To Print Money To Avoid Recession
Monetary policy policy-makers at Bank of England have unveiled plans to inject an extrat £50bn of stimulus money into the economy in an attempt to avert a second recession. Before we go on to look at how much harm this wil;l do there are one or two things that must be understood. When we talk about printing money in a modern economy it is not simply a question of buying paper and printing ink and setting up the presses ...

Greek trump card fails as stronger Europe shrugs off break-up threat
The European Union's strongest economies and institutions for the first time gave a clue that they are willing to risk a Greek default and the departure from the European Monetary System (EMS aka The Euro) if Athens refuses to comply with austerity demands. The governments and central banks calculate that the eurozone is now ...
Can The Euro Survive If Greece Leaves The Single Currency System?
Away with banners and air horns and out with batons and knuckleduster in Athens this afternoon as a wave of public protests agiants the EU imposed austerity measures and the hijack of Greeek democracy by European bureaucrats swept the country.. Greek police have been trying to disperse protesters with tear gas, leading to a few violent clashes outside parliament. Police say up to 8,000 people ...

The Greek Bail Out Deal Humiliates Greece Without Solving Anything A "strictly confidential" 10-page debt sustainability report commissioned for yesterday's meeting of eurozone ministers has been leaked to the media. The document concludes that the austerity measures being foisted on Greece in order that the indebted country can receive a €130bn bailout, are quite likely to prove self-defeating, in that the austerity, by further weakening the economy are likely to cause the sovereign debt to ...

The Greek Mess, Germany and A Final Solution?

As European Leaders meet to discuss their latest wheeze to save the single European nation project by continuing to deny that the Greek economy is FUBAR, The Daily Stirrer again argues that the global economic crisis will not be resolved until politicians and economists understand the basic rules of finance like 'Don't spend money you haven't got.

Greece Burns As Parliament Chooses EU bailout over democracy. The Greek parliament yesterday approved a austerity bill to secure a second $130bn (£110bn) bailout and avoid a messy default despite almost universal hostility to the measures that will be required by the EU. After a day of rioting and street battles between police and protesters which left Athens in flames the bill was passed by 199 votes to 74. The news triggered some of ...

Bank Of England To Print Money To Avoid Recession
Monetary policy policy-makers at Bank of England have unveiled plans to inject an extrat £50bn of stimulus money into the economy in an attempt to avert a second recession. Before we go on to look at how much harm this wil;l do there are one or two things that must be understood. When we talk about printing money in a modern economy it is not simply a question of buying paper and printing ink and setting up the presses ...

While Socialist Occupy Protestors Call Punitive Tax On Weath, Socialist Tony Blair Pays 5% Tax

With Harriet Harman's Inequsalitries Bill having for the first time enshrined the superiority of minorities over the mainstream you might think at last there was some chance of making the elite live by the same rules as the rest of us. No chance as Tony Blair's use of offshotre tax havens and shell companies to blatantly doge tax shows.

Drop in UK inflation Is Not Good NewsThe Office for National Statistics has reported a sharp fall in the Consumer Prices Index - down from 4.8 per cent in November to 4.2 per cent last month - was the sharpest drop in the annual rate since December 2008 when the UK was in recession and VAT was reduced. Government ministers and propagandists will try to talk this up as a sing that the economy is starting to recover. We should be wary however, in the current economic circumstances a drop in inflation, especially one this rapid in what is traditionally the best month of the year for retailers, is not good news ...
Euro Zone Crisis: The Decline And Fall Of The Bureaucratic EmpireEuro zone leaders continue to insist the single currency must be saved even though any fool would recognise a dead parrot when they see one. So why are they prepared to sacrifice the furture for the single currency project. And was it ever really about money?
Economic Crisis catches up with China China's Credit Bubble Bursts - Just As The Daily Stirrer Predicted.
China's credit bubble has burst spectacularly, just asd The Dasily Stirrer predicted it would. In xxxxx we said hopes expressed by the Obama administration in the US and by the unelected bureaucrats who run the EU that the Chinese might step in to buy up Euro zone toxic debt were delusional because China's economic boom would turn to bust by the end of the year.

Cameron Looks Less Isolated As Euro Nations Unity Shatters

Over the past few days there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth from control freaks of the progressive left about David Cameron's flat refusal to regulation of Britain's financial affairs by unelected bureaucrats from Brussels. Now other nations are backing off too.

Can The Euro Be SavedThe mainstream media have caught on at last. Here is what Daily Telegraph economics writer Damien Reece said today (three days after The Daily Stirrer said the same thing you might notice): The clock is ticking for the euro. After 11 years ...

We Might As Well Ask The CRU climate scientists to forcast the economic trends
As our finance expert John de Roe digests today's economic statement by Chancellor George Osborne we advise readers to ignore gloomy economic forecasts from supra national bodies with close political ties to the "New World Order". Both the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) along with numerous other thinky tanky type thingies published their latest economic forecasts ahead of the Chancellors statement. These forecasts which are invariably gloomy and predict ...

Britain 'will join euro before long’, says German finance ministerWolfgang Schauble, German finance minisdter has been saying Britain will have to join the doomed single currency system, the Euro, sooner that people imagine. See below exactly what the one world supernation are up to. Also: [">Daily Stirrer, Nov 2011] ... [Debt Crisis ]

Ancient National Cultures To Be Crushed Under The Wheel Of Global Naziism.
Europe's Ancient National Cultures are at risk of being crushed under the wheels of the European superstate juggernaut as the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels use the Euro zpone debt crisis to push their beloved integration project ...

Germany's Plan For The Euro? Forward To The Past.
Defeat for France, Spain, Italy, and the Greco-Latin sphere and another step towards the establishment of a single German superstate stretching from Cape St. Vincent to the Caucasus. The initial impression from the leaked draft of an EU summit agreement is that the latest, largely German plan for saving the European Single Currency System is aimed at tightening Germany's economic ...

The Global Economy Is Running Out Of Time
Inflation is the cruellest tax of all, taxing as it does in effect the savings and pensions of hard working people by reducing the value of currency to inflate away the debts run up by incompetent politicians and profligate public servants.

Are We Sacrificing The Future To Save The Euro Is it really worth sacrificing the euro to save the future as our leaders seem to believe. Or is there another agenda in which us ordinary punters were never going to have a future anyway?

Old Wounds Fester As Cameron Warns Of New Crisis
The world teeters on the brink of a the economic abyss as a new crisis gathers strength like a hurricane depression formong over the mid Atlantic. The crisis, if it tuirns into an economic hurricane, to sustain the metaphor, would leave countries like Britain staring into the void, David Cameron has warned. The Prime Minister said that the failure of leaders in the US and Europe to ...

EU Leader Gives Germany An Ultimaturm: Act Now To Save The Euro
The president of the European Commission and leading proponent of a single global government, Jose Manuel Barroso, issued a stark warning to Germany yesterday that eurobonds could be the price of preventing a break-up of the single currency. Addressing the European Parliament, Mr Barroso said the Commission will "soon present options" for the introduction of a common European debt union ...

Germany Rebels German taxpayers have rebelled against bail outs for basket case nations. Will Frau Merkel dump the Euro or will her government coalition fall? "

US Debt Downgraded
News that ratings agency Standard and Poors had downgraded America's credit rating because of presistent budget and sovereign debt promlems came as a shock to finance markets but not to the wise old heads of The Daily Stirrer.

The Curse Has Come Upon Me Cried The Lady Of Threadneedle Street Has the Lady Of Threadneedle Street cried 'The Curse Is Come Upon Me?'Economic news suggests the debt crisis in the western nations means the economy of the developed world is FUBAR.

">World Bank Chief Warns Golbal Economy Is Entering A New Danger Zone World Bank chief Robert Zoellick on Saturday warned of a "new and more dangerous" time in the global economy, as Europe (Chicago Options: ^REURTRUSD - news) struggles to resolve its debt crisis.
Zoellick said the eurozone's sovereign debt issues were more troubling than ...

Eurogeddon Postponed Termporarily Due To Financal Conjuring Tricks
The Daily Stirrer brings you opinion and comment on issues in the news that are likely to affect the lives of ordinary people. We therefore focus on economic matters, prices and inflation, jobs and unemployment, health, diet, education and social comment. Our contributors are old gits who are prepared to say what everybody is thinking.
Below our finance expert John de Roe analyses the latest bureaucratic scam that claims to have saved the European single currency but in reality is only another attempt to scam German taxpayers.

Obama Threatens US Debt Default If Government Not Allowed To Borrow Money To Pay Debt Interest

You just have to look on slack jawed that the antics of Barack Obama, putative President of the United States of America, one known as the most powerful nation on earth but now due to several decades of politically correct thinking in high places and just two years of this half - educated clown at the helm a laughing stock internationally and the despair of ...

Smoke and Mirrors Blur Inflation Statistics
Leading economist Simon Ward has accused The Bank of England of using "smoke and mirrors" to present official forecasts for inflation. With the annual rate of price rises currently double the official target at 4pc and showing signs it will keep rising, the Bank's central projection that the rate should return to 2pc next year is looking like pure fantasy. Mr. Ward, chief economist of global investment fund Henderson's, thinks the Bank is ...

Central Banks Print Money But Fail To End Crisis
The world's central banks have pumped £3 trillion into the global economy since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008. This represents the equivalent of 8pc of the world economy, according to an analysis by Fathom Consulting. The figures will intensify fears that the extra cash flooding the system is ...

New Economic Headache For Obama
The scale of the slowdown in US growth this year will be underlined by new figures to be released this week. The statistics will raise more questions about whether the world's biggest economy can regain momentum. High growth rates in recent quarters have been due solely to the Obama administration's loonytoons economic policy of printing money to try and ...

Britain On Edge Of A Double Dip Recession?
The eagerly awaited figures for GDP growth in the first three months of the year were published yesterday. The disappointing news was that the UK economy grew only 0.5pc in the first quarter of 2011, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed. This rate of expansion in economic activity does no more than offset the 0.5pc contraction in the final quarter of 2010. “Excluding the impact of the snow in December, the preliminary GDP figures suggest that the economy has ...

IMF Warns Obama - Cut Deficit Or Else As Bond Traders Short American Bonds
The International Monetary Fund has warned barack Hussein Obama's administration of incompetents the US should quickly start to make a 'down payment' on tackling its budget deficit, as it emerged that the world's biggest bond investor is shorting the country's bonds.

Investment Banks To Be Split From Retail Banks To Protect Savers
A new review of the Banking industry carried out for the government has recommended British banks should have to have to separate their retail (current account) deposit and savings and investment banking arms to ensure that ordinary savers money is not put at risk as it was before the 2008 'toxic debt' crisis plunged the leading ...

Inflation The Big Threat To Recovery Today's report highlights the concerns of business leaders who, while supporting the coalition goverment's austerity measures aimed at controlling the rinaway public sector deficit are worried that inflation and the crisis in the euro zone may still derail the economy.

Factory Gate Inflation Hits Two Year High
The so called 'factory gate index', the price of goods leaing British factories hit its highest rate in more than two years in March, official figures showed, raising fears about inflationary pressures feeding through into the general economy. Factory gate prices – what manufacturers charge for their products – rose 5.4pc over the year, the ...

Obama Administration Paralyzed By Budget Deadlock
Failure to agree a budget for the coming year with the Republican controlled House of Representatives plunged American President Barack Obama's administration into crisis last night. With only hours to go before the deadline at which funding to US Government operations will be cut off the gap between team Obama and ...

Portugal Pays More For Credit
The credit reating of the Portugese government was lowered by Moody's rating agency yesterday ahead of a bond auction in Lisbon.
Debt due for redemption in June 2012 was issued at an average yield of 5.9%, compared with 4.3% at a sale of twelve month bonds on March 16.

It's The Sovereignty, Stupid.
The Daily Stirrer brings you opinion and comment on issues in the news that are likely to affect the lives of ordinary people. TODAY: President Bill Clinton swung the 1992 presidential election campaign in his favour when his chief political strategist, James Carville, hung a sign in the Clinton campaign HQ that read, “ It's The Economy Stupid”. Yesterday as the German economy boomed voters sent Angela Merkel a different message.

Eurozone Small Nations Sovereignty Threatened By Debt
Eurozone debtor nations face sovereignty issues caused by the bail out as the Euro fails.

Shock inflation numbers ahead of UK Budget
TODAY: John de Roe analyses the likely consequences of rising inflation announced today and the budget measures introduceb by Chancellor George Osborne on the financial prospects of individuals, families and retired people.

EU Bond Crisis Worsens
Portugal edged closer to financial disaster yesterday, as a downgrade of the nation's credit rating resulted in the central bank having to pay almost 6pc to raise two-year debt. The yield on 10-year bonds briefly surged to 7.8pc as Chinese ratings agency Dagong downgraded the country's debt rating to BBB+.

European Leaders Agree Deal On Eurozone Bail Out Fund
TODAY: European leaders managed to reach an agreement on how to tackle the debt crisis afflicting the nations using the single currency, in the early hours of this morning. The deal was only concluded after significant concessions from Germany.

Big Inflation Rise Precedes Budget
True awareness of how bad inflation has become was always going to be the February figure. In January, the effect of the VAT hike would have been obfuscated by the post Christmas sales. Taking that into account however the latest data, with consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation at 4.4pc and Retail Price Index (RPI) which is more reflective of the week by week cost of living, at 5.5pc, is far worse than anticipated ...

Libya and Bahrain Crisis Threatens Weestern Economies Oil prices rose sharply on when msarkets in the west opened on Monday morning. Air strikes on Colonel Gaddafi's military sites in Libya and news of increasing unrest from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have increased fears of a supply disruption ...

Euro Uber Alles
Today we report The Iron Chancellor of Germany made it quite clear. “Whoever wants credit must fulfill our conditions“.
These conditions are capitulation by three vulnerable states on core policies, and partial loss of sovereignty for the rest of the eurozone. The move represents a giant leap towards the establishment of a federal Europe or the dreaded single nation solution.

Euro Crisis Deepens As Spain Debt Downgraded
Just a day after we reported a lowering of Portugal's credit rating and on the eve of a crucial summit of European Monetary Union (EMU) leaders to negotiate a "grand deal" intended to formulate an acceptable solution for the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and end speculation that the ...

EU Bond Crisis Worsens

Political paralysis in Brussels and monetary tightening by the European Central Bank has set off a fresh spasm of the eurozone bond crisis, pushing spreads on Portuguese, Irish and Greek bonds to post-EMU records.

Petrol Hits £6 a Gallon At The Pump by Profanicus Maximus

The price of petrol at the pump has hit £6 a gallon for the first time, as unrest in North Africa and the Middle East sends up the price of driving in Britain.
Welcome To New World Order
Is there really a shady group of super rich individuals, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mauruice Strong and others less well known but just as powerful who are collaborating to overthrow the free nations and establish a global oligarchy, Novus Ordo Seclorum, the New World Order,. You have heard all the conspiracy theorie, now see the evidence.

Millions Not Saving
by Ian R Thorpe.

Four out of ten people in the age range from 45 to 54 have found themselves unable to save any money in a retirement fund because of the twin financial burdens of aged and infirm parents and young adult 'boomerang' children.

Young Hope For Housing Crash
The burden of student debts imposed on young people by a misguided education policy that has left the nation with a surfeit of media studies graduates and a shortage of practical skills is also having dire social consequences in other ways.

Financial Madness
Was the credit crunch as the media called it really caused by the geed and incometence of the banks and the inabiliy of us ordinary punters to manage our affairs. Or was it all due to the financial madness of politicians who engineered a a system that depended on infinite growh in a world of finite resources.

Shock, Horror! Coalition Spending Cuts Cuts Will Mean 50,000. NHS Job Losses
Predictably the left are screaming about the claimed 50,000 jobs that will have have to be axed by NHS trusts across the nation to meed government budget reduction targets. What NHS managers are doing however is following in the footsteps of Labour controlled councils and rather than losing the candy - floss jobs created by empire building bureaucrats are slashing front line services to punish users of the service for ...
Interest Rates Must Start To Rise Very Soon
The Daily Stirrer has warned you to brace yourselves for rises in interest rates. As it is the Bank of England has kept rates at an insanely low level for far too long in the face of evidence that their policy had completely failed to achieve its stated aim and boost the economy.

Now with the economy stagnant, the jobless figures flatlining but likely to increase as public sector jobs are shed and inflation

Sarko Calls For Action Against Inflation
As leaders meet for another pointless, obscenely expensive jolly high level meeting of world political leaders and heads of government finance, French President Little Nico Sarkozy warned delegates inflation poses a "great threat" to global growth, risking dangerous unrest if food prices soar out of people's reach, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, warned the Getting Naked In The Financial Markets
If you've heard of hedge funds and toxic debt you might well think these are the most evil manifestations of the financial markets that plunged our economy into the abyss. Unfortunately there are far more fearsome demons, arbitrage, short selling and naked short selling. Anyine wanting to know how insane pertsonal gred has made the people who are supposed to prudently invest our savings and pension fund money in currency, bond, commodities, stocks or any other financial market this is a must read.

George Osborne's Levy On Bank Profits Slammed by Ed Balls
Coalition Chancellor George Osborne was accused of "moving the tax goalposts" by banks and of introducing a "damp squib" by Labour after increasing a levy on bank profits to raise £2.5bn this year...

The Debt Threat To Our Way Of Life
Japan's Triple A credit rating has just been downgraded, that of the USA is looking a long way short of secure.What is going on in the world of finance when economic powerhouses like these are in trouble? Is the continuing financial criis and the threatened meltdown in the bond market just a knock on effect from 2008's problems or is something bigger going on?

Coalition Government Urged To Make PFI Profiteers To Repay Funds
Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, claimed that many PFI deals were "ghastly" and imposed an unfair "penalty" on schools, hospitals and other public services. It is understood that Cabinet Office and Treasury officials are examining PFI contracts worth billions of pounds, looking for ways to claw back money for taxpayers. Signalling an end to the era of PFI, Mr Maude said the Coalition's plans for a ...

Inflation Tax
Inflation is the cruellest tax, it hits the cautious, prudent and hard working, rewards the feckless, reckless and downright foolish. We have a bout of inflation under way, engineered by governments to reduce their unsdustainable levels of debt incurred in the business of buying otes to stay in power. What will be its effect on ordinary people?

Gambling In The Euro Casino At Vegas on the Med
The Daily Stirer has warned of the collapse of the Eurozone and the death of the single currency before. It was not a hard call to make, tying traditionally weak economies to a strong one like Germany's and thus blocking off the traditional route to eliminating debt in the weak nations, devaluation and inflation, was bound to wreak havoc with the economic basket cases of Southern Europe. The single currency has only survived so long because Germany has been willing to prop it up.

Financial Alchemy
For three decades it was alchemy. Banks and corporations pullede off the equivalent of turning lead to gold by turning liabilities to assets and then using those very dodgy assets to secure loans. It could not last of course, sooner or later someone was bound to work out how the illusion of turning debt to wealth was performed. Find out how here...

UK Economy Slipping Back Into Recession? Gross domestic product fell 0.5pc in the fourth quarter, the most in more than a year, the Office for National Statistics reported on Tuesday. The decline compared with growth of 0.7pc in the third quarter.George Osborne insisted that the Government will press ahead with planned cuts to public spending, despite warnings from forecasters that the economy may be too weak to withstand the package. Blaming the growth figures on the cold weather, Mr Osborne maintained that a weakening in efforts to tackle ...

By 2015 Credit Cards Will Cost Families £1800 a year. Last week The Daily Stirrer warned that rising inflation meant interest rates would have to rise sharply very soon. Today as we learned that by the so called factory gate price measure infkation has gove over 4% the economic pundis of mainstream media are as usual playing catch up.

America's Debt Crisis Traps Less Well Off In Depression Conditions
News this weekend has been dominated by the assassination attempt on a Democratic Congresswoman and her companions in Tuscon, Arizona. As the story is everywhere there is little point The Daily Stirrer commenting other than to offer our condolences to those injured and the families of people who died in the attack. What this incident has done however is to focus the attention of the outside world on some very worrying social trends in the world's most powerful nation, namely the polarisation on political, racial and regional lines and the seething anger at most levels of ...

Interest Rates To Rise Sixfold
Once again The Daily Stirrer says, "We told you so.

Death Of The Eurozone.
When the first treaty aimed at establishing the European Union was drafted by the bureaucrat Jean Monnet it stated clearly the aim should be to create a single European state with a single currency (the Euro) and eventually a single government. That part of the reaty was rejected by all European states and an economic community based on free trade and fee movenent of goods and labour formed. But the Eurocrats of Brussels did not give up their dream ...

It was the belief of economists (practicioners of the dismal science) in their own infallibility and the power of their mathematical models to override nature that got the world into its currect economic mess. Rogernomics is the science of blaming the previous government when the predictions of the mathematical models go horribly wrong.

Batteries Not Included
"Batteries not inclded" The dreaded words on the boxes of toys bought for Christmas presents. At first sight of those words Dad knew that stuffed with turkey, roasties and duff he was in for a trek round the destered streets on Chistmas day to find an open all hours. Now as governments and sciencyheads and green, three hugging weirdie - beardies whose love of science and the environment is more to do with religious zeal than reason and logic we are starting to the that the words "batteries not included will be even mkore terrifying when see in the small priint of the contract we have just signed for a new electric car.

Obama Deficit Reduction by John De Roe.
We hear that America's AAA credit rating is likely to be downgraded because the Obama administration has embarked on a course of increasing its public sector deficit and national debt rather than taking steps to reduce its debt burden. Bit at least some member of the Obama administration seem to have got the message that debt reduction is more important than Obie's beloved vanity projects.

Eurozone Unravels In Debt Crisis The rebellion against the 1930s fiscal and monetary policies of the Euro-complex is gathering pace.
Il Sole has published a letter by 100 Italian economists warning that the austerity strategy imposed by Brussels/Frankfurt risks tipping Europe into a self-feeding downward spiral. Far from holding the eurozone together, it will cause weaker countries to be catapulted out of EMU

Papering Over The G20 Cracks Will Not Avert A Currency War.
The G20 leaders can pass all the resolutions they like and issue joint statements ''til the cows come home, the fact is we have a currency war and until the United States, owner of the world's reserve currency, the US Dollar stops trying to reduce its debt by devaluing the currency the world trades in and starts to work on getting its deficit under ...

Obama Takes A Swipe At China
US president Barack Obama took a swipe at China's currency policy after G20 leaders failed to resolve tensions running high over global trade imbalances.

The summit in South Korea ended as it began, the row over gaps and surpluses which sees China accused of keeping the yuan artificially low to boost its exports at the expense of American and European jobs dominated discussions .

Chinese Credit Agency Downgrades U.S. Bonds
by John de Roe

One of China’s leading credit rating agencies has downgraded United States of America government debt in response to what it sees as deliberate devaluation of the dollar by quantitative easing and other means. If China, now the second biggest economy in the world, stops buying US government bonds this could have a very negative effect on…

Benefits Review One of the proposals put forward by the coalition for reducing the public sector deficit is reform of the benefit system. Predicatably tis sent the hand-wringers, bleeding hearts and human rights screamers of the 'progressive left' into paroxysms of hysteria. People would be starving the the streets, they wailed, malnourished children would queue for a handful of rice. They wished. Actually the coalitions proposals look quite reasonable.

Businessmen Brick Up His Bank's Doorway In ProtestThe stupidly expensive bail out of banks by Gordon Brown's government was supposed to enable the bankers to kick start the economy by giving them the liquidity and freedom from their toxic debt trading misadventures neded to enable lending to small businesses to re-commence. The economy remains stagnant however because the bankers simply trousered all the bail out cash or used it to

Amazon Takes On Sainsburys We are not against progress at this publication nor are we against technology. There has to come a point however where, when presented with some new development and told it will make life better in many ways for us all, we take the advice of Marcus Tullius Cicero and ask "Cui Bono?" Who benefits? One such case is exemplified by the expansion of Amazon into the groceries business.

The Arrogance Of Ecomonists And The Stupidity Of Politicians
Don't you just love the arrogance of economists and their detatchment from anything remotely resembling reality. They're all scum sucking crackfarts, they really are. Little Nicky Machiavelli has said this many times and here's a mainstream journalist taking up the theme in response to an economics academic who says that anyone who does not have a PhD in economics should not be allowed to express an opinion on the subject as only...

Defending Keynes
The name of a great Englishman, John Maynard Keyes, is being trashed by that jug eared steak of piss and racist hater of all things British Barack Obama in attempts to give the failing Obama administration's loonytoons economics a veneer of sanity. Keynes recommended governments should use publc spending to sustain their economy during periods of recession. He did not say, as Obama's supporters claim he did, that nations already way past the point of bankruptcy should continue with reckless poublic spending projects.
United In Austerity
Vince Cable on the budget and why the cuts and tax rises were necessary. A quiet but devastating denunciation of Labour's lie that they left the economy in good shape.

The Necessity Of Curbing State SpendingThe left, already laughable styling themselves "the opposition" even as Labour splits into tiny factions including the "old left" the traditional party of the working class, the people with traditional Labour values who recognise there are no magical solution, the "progressive left", the kind of people my colleague Ian Thorpe refers to as The Politically Correct Thought Police, who are currently working themselves into a frenzy about

When The Cutting Begins
As the coalition settles into its new job and the words of former chief treasury secretary Liam Byrne, 'There is no money left' reverbrate how will the new team set about reducing the deficit and mountian of debt, creating jobs and sorting out the financial mess left by Labour?

Rebellion Of The DHWFs
by Wat Tyler (Burning Our Money) - recommended by John De Roe

Wat Tyler at Burning Our Money blog has been giving it rice with his calculator and worked out how much it is going to cost the ConDem-ned coalition to clear up Labour's economic mess. And he reckons the burden will be too much to bear for the DHWFs (Decent Hard Working Families) who pay the bulk of direct and indirect taxes. Wat predicts a middle class tax rebellion. But then Wat has a track record for that kind Wat Tyler

The Fiscal Nightmare
Political conservatives and libertarians in the USA are aware of the problem but here in the UK with less than three weeks to go until the General Election that will decide who governs the country for the next four or five years only the Liberal Democrats and representatives of...

No Real Jobs In The New Economy
Gordon Brown's Labour government and the failing Obama administration in the USA, feeling power slipping through their fingers, are trying to lull people into a false sense of security with claims the 'green' and the 'digital' economies will restore prosperity. This as a blatant lie, nobody needs a PhD in economics or Social Science to understand that the "new economy" of green businesses and digital commerce will destroy not create real jobs...

The Real Unemployment Figure
New unemployment figures released yesterday show unemployment fell by 0.1% in the three months December to FebruarY. Contained in the figures was a statistic that undermines government talk of an economic upturn. This is the number of people in work. Headline unemployment has fallen the number of people in work has also fallen. What's going on?

Bond Villain Targets Britain's Future by John De Roe.
Bill Gross, the world's biggest bond investor might have voted for Obama hnd has some sympathy for Labour because they talk of creating jobs, but he thinks the British economy is in worse shape than anyone is going to admit and is quite willing to take advantage of our vulnerability." The Jobless Economy
by John De Roe
13 January 2010

Politicians, economists and others with an interest in talking up the economy to get us all spending and taking on debt and mortgage loans again may rave about recovery. With our industrial base so depleted where will the jobs come from that we need to lead a recovery?" They may call it fiscal prudence, we call it loonytoons economics...

Interesting Times - Which Way Will The Global Economic Crisis Go In 2010?
Which way will the economic crisis go in 2010? Cracks are apearing in the Europen Single Currency scheme and China which has massive holdings of US treasury bonds is making unhappy noises about the dececits being run up by the Obama administration as they pursue loonytoons economic policies...

Copenhagen Climate Change Lies
Ian R Thorpe
18 Dec 2009

The Copenhagen summit conference on climate change was never about climate change. It was about money, power, control and the need to divert attention from the failure of globalization. Pity the science used to back up the case for action was so easily exposed as fraudulent.

Chancellor Darling's PBR Cancels Christmas And The Future
by Ian R. Thorpe : 16 October 2009

Both the USA and Britain are in a debt crisis that dwarfs the catastrophe of climate change. Other developed nations are crippled by debt and their Public Sector Borrowing Requirement but not completely hamstrung yet. Read how government borrowing by means of selling bonds to finance out of control public spendingis dragging us into the abyss.

The Dollar Is Sinking - Man The Lifeboats
by Ed Butt: 25 October 2009
As The Daily Stirrer predicted recently the position of the $US is under attack. Last week a sustained slide in the value of the currency was halted by the smaller Pacific Tiger economies, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong buying up Dollars that were flooding the markets. So whay is going on and how will it end?

The Economy Of The Living Dead
by Ian R. Thorpe:
Though governments talk about recovery we are stuck in the economy of the livind dead, the global financial system as become a zombie. Is there any way out?

Have We Forgotten How To Be?

People in the developed nations have never been materially so well off, so healthy or so secure. And yet it is likely that in a time of peace at home people have never been so unhappy. Where did it all go wrong? The pages in this menu are aimed at helping people remember how to just be, how to step outside the conflict and constant endeavour and enjoy the pleasure of being alive.

Feeling Let Down By Hope

Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for promising the wold hope even though he shows no sign of delivering. Let down by hope? Why not embrace nihilistic despair? Or alternatively take responsibility for your own life and spit in the face of adversity. Live like a wimp or die like a warrior, the choice is yours.

Magic Money, The Free Market Illusion

Not so long ago politicians and bankers were full of confidence bordering on hubris and they were telling us the good times could go on for ever. So where did it all go wrong. The finance industry blame politicians, politicians blame the finance industry and they all blame us as they try to dream up schemes that will enable the world to carry on prining worthless money and lending it to each other...

The Luddites Club

The word Luddite has many negative connotations but the first Luddites were only trying to preserve theor livelehood and the wellbeing of their families against innovation they claimed, rightly as it turned out, would impoverish them, deskill their trade and destroy the communities thay lived in. Perhaps we need some Luddites to make a stand against the tsunami of unneccessary change that has left some politicians describing they ways we live as "a broken society."

The Apprentice Prime Minister
News that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has appointed Sir Alan Sugar, anchorman of reality television show The Apprentice to his cabinet team as Labour's small business tsar makes us wondr just what king of showbiz government is Brown running Or is the decision perhaps based on the knowledge that Labour will be seking to appoint a new leader very soon. As the party's internal elections process failed so disastrously last time perhaps Surgar will lead a new selection method.

QE Quantitative Easing,'s the new financial crisis television panel gamehisted by Stephen Fry. A bit like QI but funnier.

Bilderberg Bastards
One of the most important meeings in the world, The Bilderberg Group, took place over 6 days up to the 18 May. This group comprised of the world's leading politiciand businessmen and financiers meets annually but little is known and even less reported of what goes on. Why is that do you think? And why is the meeting's venue surrounded by a level of security that makes the inauguration of a United States President look like a church coffee morning? The lack of openness, the paranoid suppression of news reporting and the heavy handed treatment of the fewjournalist who have got past the security suggest if we knew more about bilderberg we would not like it. We must find out more.

The Tyranny Of Bricks And Mortar
The word freedom is bandied about recklessly. Have human beings ever truly been free? Even now self hating white middle class guilt trippers blether about the evils of slavery as though the slave trade was an invention of Europeans in the 17th century when in fact it had been around since the beginnings of civilisation. But despite all the posturing and finger pointing are millions of peoplenot living as slaves to their mortgages, unable to get out of bad situations because it may mean losing their home and evrything?

How Saddam May Yet Win The War
Based on an article written in 2005 this reflection of the economic and political effect of the Iraq war on the American and European economies poses some distrurbing questions and a warning against complacency to those who believe the west will quickly pull out of 2008's economic meltdown simply by restarting the cycle of borrowing and consuming that created the economic crisis. From the moment the invading troops poured into Iraq the world could never be the same.

Darling's PBR Disaster
The Chancellor's Pre Budget Report is being haled by Labour supporters in the media as a triumph of economic thinking that will save the nation. But all Alistair Darling has achieved is to mask how a bad a state our economy is truly in. Has the Labour party succumbed to Obama syndrome, a delusional beflief that the world runs on monpoly money and natioal leaders can just print as much as they need.

Need A Crisis
Need a crisis to divert attention from the real catastrophe that has been created by the incompetence of politicians, the academics and "experts" who advise them and the businessmen who between them manage the affairs of nations? Just invent a global warming crisis. We are not saying global warming is not happening only that it is too late to reverse it and spending £$£$ zillions trying to is futile.

Systemic Dishonesty
Whichever way you look at it the politicians of all sides have been lying to us for years

Privatise Profit - Nationalise Losses
Governments and politicians of all shades like to talk of gbeing fair, equal opportunities for all, an aspirational society with upward social mobility. How does that equate though to the fact that for many years taxpayers will be paying interest on money borrowed from China and India in order to bail out our failed banks and financial insitutions. Being unfair to the rest of us so they can be fair to the bankers who got right by stealing from ordinary people does not equate to equal opportunity in our view

(Shorter Posts From Our Blogs) PIIGS Might Crash And Burn
The Next Financial Crisis
Printing Money - Finance Nightmare
Darling PBR Makes Taxpayers Bail Out Labour
The pre budget report (PBR) delivered by Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistar Darling yesterday was the nearest any Labour politician has yet come or is likely to come to admitting how comprehensively the party has screwed the economy during their twelve years in power. Even so, Darling could not break with the kind of deluional thinking on the economy that typifies

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How Printing Money Causes InflationEconomic Help: If the government has a national debt, why doesn’t it just print more money and pay it off? The problem is that printing money would cause inflation and effectively reduce the value of money. If you print more money the number of goods and services stay the same, you just have more money. Therefore people will be willing to spend more cash for the same ...

Economic Doom: Sovereign Debt Leads To Inflation“The bond vigilantes are walking out on Greece, Spain, Portugal, the U.K. and Iceland,” “Unfortunately in the U.S., the bond-market vigilantes are not walking out.” Roubini said during a panel discussion on financial markets at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California. “The thing I worry about is the buildup of sovereign debt,” said Nouriel Roubini, a former adviser to the U.S. Treasury and IMF consultant who in August 2006 predicted a “painful” ...

Debt Deflation Blog Mashes The World Economic ForumWorld Economic Forum Endorses Fraud; Steve Keen Mocks the WEF Report, So Do I; The Purported “Need to Double Credit in 10 Years” Mish attacks the report on many fronts, but the one that I’ll highlight here is the following: its statement that: “This means that the world’s stock of credit outpaced GDP growth by less than 2 percentage points a year – not a wide margin. In theory, there is nothing unsustainable about this picture: as long as credit grows broadly in line with economic growth, the credit is put to ...

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