How Fundamentalists Of Materialism Hijacked Science
posted by Arthur Foxake - 13 August 2014
You could be forgiven for thinking, if you are over fifty years old, that there is no room in scientific research for dogma based on belief, That' what people of the socalled 'baby boomers' generation were taught. Science, our teachers told us, was an endless quest for knowledge, any theory could be challenged and any belief ought to be challenged. We were also taught that the academic world was an environment in which the whackiest and most unacceptable ideas could be explored in the interests of expanding the boundaries of human knowledge.
Sometime in the 1960s or 70s it all went wrong. Science started to resemble a religion. Professors waved their PhD certificates and chanted "you're not a trained scientist, you don't understand how science works," at lay people who asked difficult questions in exactly the same way as priestly hierarchies fobbed off those who pointed out logical fallacies in religious dogma by saying "The Lord moves in mysteruious ways, hid woodwork to perform."
Every religion has to have a creed as well as dogma of course and the creed this Church of Scientism adopted was Materialism, the way of thinking based on Isaac Newton's laws of physics. Out of Newton's philosophy of materialism which proposed that the universe was built of atoms followed determinism, a topic I have not looked at for a long time but which proposes that events are determined by the flow of atoms (a daft notion which probably explains why I never wated much time on determinism.)
This devotion to materialism and determinism among the mainstean scientific community became so fanatical and exclusive of alternate ideas it soon resembled religious zealotry. We were asked to accept unscientific and untestable theories such as 'string theory' and 'big bang theory' because ' a consensus of physicists believe it was riht or close to being right.
But there were always other ideas around, ones that depended less on mathematical speculation and more on observable phenomena. The way the science fundamentalists opposed consideration of these ideas and tried to claim a monopoly on knowledge cost them their credibility with many people and gave the impression science was at war, not just with religion but with common sense. The embedded article below presents an assessment of how physics got stuck on materialism and is resorting to more and more desperate measures to keep better ideas away the public consciousness. Got to ptotect those research grants I guess.
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CREATIVE COMMONS: attrib, no comm, no dervs.
KEYWORDS: news, opinion, dailystirrer,