All Human Life is here as one of the more scurrilous Sunday tabloids used to say. Well not all maybe but we try to look from as wider perspective as possible at the glorious, illogical, irrational, crazy things that make life worth living for all those unpredictable, fascinating, wonderful creatures we know as human beings.
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"Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Siddhartha Gautama - The Buddha


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How We Live, Who We Are
The New World Order And Not A Reptillian Alien In Sight
The phrase New World Order is guaranteed to attract shouts of 'conspiracy theorist' from the useful idiots who think the political elite would be their friends (if only the right political party were in power). But with all parties offering an identical package of policies, isn't it time to explore what this New World Order the elite have been talking about for over a hundred years will mean to us if we let it come into being.

Austerity and Globalism Driving Civil Unrest. We are witnessing a resurgence of nationalism in Europe, in parallel with sectarian war and the fragmentation of nation states into tribal homelands in Africa and Asia. But isn't this suppoed to be the age of peace and harmony, the age of corporatism and universal prosperity. Where has it all gone wrong

Human Rights - A Straitjacket On Liberty.
We are in a fight to retain our right to free speech in the face of an onslaught of politically correct tyranny. While a speech Barack Obama made in Cairo is celebrated even though it brought back the spectre of medieval Sharia law to secular Muslims, the word liberal is hajacked by authoritarians who ride the political bandwagon and offer doublespeak, ambiguity and weasel words.. We hear much about equality and being fair but see little of either and no common sense.

Mass Immigration Marginalises White Working Class Says Soros Think Tank
While the increasingly out of touch politicians of the main political parties, Conservative, Labour and the Liberal Democrats continue their idiotic mantra that mass immigration from from backward nation will coure our country's economic and social ills, it seems even those detached intellectuals who hold sinecures on 'think tanks' are getting the message. Mass migration is a recipe for trouble.

The First humans From Australia Not Africa?
Weez Allz From Africa? Sorry But Weez Isn't - another discovery throws doubt on the established narrative of human history. It would be no surprise to find the version of history told by academics and schoolteacher is wrong, but in fact we simply can't say. Given the movements of the eath's crust over millions of years, the first humans could easily be at the bottom of the ocean. All we know for certain is nothing can be proved for certain. here's the case for Australia.

Warmageddonist Intolerance Increases As The 'Science' Their Case Was built On Collapses.
This publication has always denounced the scaremongering that surrounds the climate issue and the blatant lies being told by scientists and politicians. Even thoght the global mean temperature has not risen for hearly twenty years, climate scientists and green activists claim rate of increase is accelerating, catastrophe is almost upon us and huge tax increases are required. It's all bollocks of course, but that does not stop the witch hunts.

Racism And The Left: According To Many (White) Left WinG Idiots, For A White Person To Breathe Is Racist
We have posted many articles on the intellectual bankruptcy and reliance on fascist tactics of the supporters of left wing politics. This came to a festering, supperating head in the campaign for the European Parliament elections when anybody who opposed the left's politically correct, globalist agenda was smeared as a racist. It was a shick to the left to find voters did not agree with them and in fact considered the lefties bigots and bullies. Now the soul searching begins

Statins: The Propaganda Cannot Win Hearts And Minds?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a pill to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the event the lies and fraud that created the swine flu 'pandemic' of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good. now they are asking for laws to make us take drugs we don't need

Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are

Artificial Intelligence: Will It Kill Human Society?
The media, the so called 'experts' and politicians hail every technological advance as if it will btransport us from reality to a utopian paradise. but does Artificial Intelligence and related internet and computer technology pose theats to human society that far outweigh any possible advantages? Whateve, Google plan to put machines in our place on top of the food chain.

A Unified Theory of Evolution – How Karma & Reincarnation Complete Darwinism & Intelligent Design - Weird science
Supporters of Big bang and Evolution and the people who believe in The Creation as described in The Bible, or perhaps in Intelligent Design could ner find common ground could they? It would be too much to expect followers of Isaac Newton't materialism and the determinist philosophy closely linked to it to suddenly start agreing, but many scientific researchers whose work takes them to the outer limits of human knowledge are exploring very interesting territory.

Long Term Use of Paracetmol Can Injure or Kill
More news from the great healthcare scam and it isn't good. Independent research (i.e. not funded by people who profit from your doctor making you addicted to painkillers) shows that long term use of high doseage parcetamol can damage your liver more than heavy drinking. makes one wonder how much of the current 'liver disease epidemic' is due to prescription drugs rather than booze.

Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It's OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict ...

Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.

USA, Russia, Economic War Over Ukraine - an explainer
As economic war between the EU / USA and Russia lookes more likely than a shooting war between east and west over Ukraine, we look at the reasons why it has come to this and the likely consequences for our readers.

Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership Attacks Democracy
The fascist global government lobby is up to iut's tricks again, not content with trying to force the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Asian nations and only succeeding in driving those nations closer politically and economically to Russia and China, the neo Nazi New World Order is not trying the same trick to rob European nations of their sovereign powers and put the banking / corporate cartel above all national interests.

Living Within The Conspiracy
Who we are, how we live

Internet Trolls - Are They Contractors Paid To Suppress Open Discussion Of Sensitive Subjects?.
Everyone who likes to follow online debates on sensitive or controversial topics will have encountered trolls. but are these people really just angry and obsessive, excesssively self righteous individuals. Or is there anyting in th claims that they are employed by contractors to suppress open discussion and discredit points of view which do not support government or corporate interests.

Don't Worry If You Are A Barm Pot, Insane Is The New Normal
Have you noticed more and more people seem to be mentally ill these days. It isn't that we are getting crazier (the world is going insane, we are no more mad than our ancestors were), but that the bar people must jump to be diganosed bonkers is being set lower...

You Need A Degree In Stupid To Work In The Public Sector
Probably the most gobsmackingly stupid piece of bureaucratic incompetence ever response to a disabled person's request for wheelchair access. Council complies by building a skateboard park in the front garden (complete with abusive chavs)

Big Pharma Drug Manufacturers Say Profit More Important That Promoting Health
Another of those 'We Told You So' posts as once again the criminality and fascism of Big Pharma comes under the microscope. This time we link to a post that shows how Big Pharma prevent afforadble drugs and pharmaceuticals being used in pooor nations.

/big-pharma-profiteers.shtml">Big Pharma Drug Manufacturers Say Profit More Important That Promoting Health

Articles and photos looking at they ways people live and societies organise themselves around the world

New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain - Guardian editor accused of treason
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists, call them The Illuminati, New World Order, Scientific Dictatorshgip, Global Elite, whatever. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

Saturated fat is healthy for us, but not for food industry profits
Another doctor working in research on cardio vascular disease produces a report showing saturated fat is not the cause of obesity, heart attacks and strokes. The real problem lies in highly refined sugars and carbohydrates and the processed fats sold to us as health foods in the form of "low fat spreads".

Posts on other sites:


Conspiracy Theorist? BBC Thought Police Attack Free Speech
Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

Shock, Horror! Conspiracy Theorists Are Sane Say Social Science Researchers
Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

Whistleblower Sacked For Revealing Unauthorised Experiments On Humans There is no community in busdiness that turns quite as viciously on those who challence its orthodoxies as the detatched academics do when one of their number steps out of line, or in the case of medical researchers, puts patients welfare before corporate profit and individual ambition and tells the truth ...

Dangerous Wi - Fi? Why Lie When The Profiteers Have Political Control Freaks And Corupt Media On Their Side
Last week in The Independent another scheme to use technology as a means of stripping away our individual liberty and using internet technology was reported with the usual enthusiasm by another uncritical, science - worshipping , National Socialist journalist.

How The New World Order Global Dictatorship Conspiracy Plan To Control The Food Supply
More on how our elected governments are working against us as the collaborate with corporate and academic elitists to advance the scientific dictatorship. The science being used against us here is biotechnology as genetically modified food is being pushed by corrupt politicians against the wishes of voters.

How Scientists Plan To Create The Brain Of The Future
There's no stopping scientists at the moment, this psychopathic, sociopathic, misanthropic breed are determined it seems to turn us into automotons by replacing our brains with some sort of computer that is under central control. It is science fantasy of course but how much damage will these science freaks do before they admit that?

Statism has turned Detroit into Ayn Rand's Starnesville
When the city of Detroit, once the greatest car making city in the world, declared bankruptcy, it seemed like the formal announcement of the death of the American dream. But from another perspective the plight of Detriot should concern us all. Writers who try to warn of the dangers of big government paternalism usually talk of George Orwell's 1984 vs Huxley's brave New World. Now there is a new contender, Ayn Rand's Starnesville ...

Statism has turned Detroit into Ayn Rand's Starnesville
When the city of Detroit, once the greatest car making city in the world, declared bankruptcy, it seemed like the formal announcement of the death of the American dream. But from another perspective the plight of Detriot should concern us all. Writers who try to warn of the dangers of big government paternalism usually talk of George Orwell's 1984 vs Huxley's brave New World. Now there is a new contender, Ayn Rand's Starnesville ...

Mad Scientists Now In A Race To Create Human - Animal Hybrids
Scientists all over the world are busy creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras. Once again The Daily Stirrer has to say "We told you so". There is something very creepy and sinister embedded in the typical scientists desire to play God. It is a complete, psychopathic disregard for moral boundaries. If we can do it that ...

UK Offshore Windfarms Produce More Rust and CO2 Than Electricity
A private case going through a British court of arbitration at the moment involves two very large supply organisations. Unfortunately the case is being heard away from the prying eyes and radar like ears of the media. A 1996 Act Of Parliament enabled such things as a way to free up Court time taken up by complex technical disputes…. And, perhaps, to keep embarrassing truths away from ...

The US Government's Big Brother Snooper Software Project
Revealed At Last; the US Government's collaboration with corporate defence ( defence ) contractors to create surveillance software. Rayethon's RIOT program can track any individual and build a picture of their behaviour. Spooky? That's just the start ...

Man's Greatest Invention? The Wheel? WRONG! Think in terms of breakfast ...
There is a scene in the excellent British movie Shirley Valentine in which the eponymous heroine (played by Pauline Collins) looks back to her schooldays and describes how she lost interest in school, career etc. A teacher asks her class "What was mankind's greatest invention. Young Shirley puts up her hand but the teacher makes a sarcastic comment because our girl is not one of the star pupils. One by one the class swots are asked and give ...

Genetically Modified Humans: Science vs Ethics and Nature
Despite recent advances in the study of human consciousness suggesting that in spite of tightly held scientific prejudices we are in fact much more than biological computers and that the newborn baby is not a Tabla Rasa, a blank slate for government and ...

Hypocrites, War Criminals, Fawning Sycophants? Shock, Horror Politician Speaks The Truth
Irish MP Clare Daly is my new hero. Don't get the wrong idea, Ms. Daly is not a looker, in fact given the right make up she could play Mrs. Doyle in Father Ted. But I'm not always shallow and swayed by looks and I have taken a shine to Ms. Daly because she is a living example of that rarest, most endangered of all species, a Politician who speaks the truth ...

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

Eat Insectes, good food is only for elitists says United Nations Very survivalist, very Soylent Green. The scientific advisers of that hotbed of elitism where the politicians, international lawyers, bankers and top academics, the U N (United Nazis) has been thinking about the incipient food crisis. And they say the food shopping list of all us ordinary punters in future will include Bread, Milk, Grubs, Beetles, Maggots, Locusts, Worms and Spiders.

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics and Science Tom Chivers, a british journalist who blogs for The Daily telegraph wrote today, "Depressing: just nine per cent of Britons trust stats over our own experience (though most of us won't believe that)" Now Tom is a member of that bizarrre religious cult we should all strive to help people escape, the Scienceology cult.

A Simple Fruit Could Redcue Risk Of Heart Disease And Get Millions Off Medication
The government and medical professions (Big Pharma shills) are always screaming at us about heart disease and our unhealthy lifestyles. So why are they trying to force hobrrible drugs on us instead of telling us about this.

Antibiotic Resistant Deisease -The Criminality Of Corporate Power, The Compliance Of Science
Throughout my lifetime Antibiotics have been on of humanity's beast weapons against some (but NOT all) of the most deadly diseases: Penicillin is one of or possibly the most prescribed drugs.But it was folly to start prescribing penicillin as a placebo and even greater folly to introduce it into the food chain by ...

Supermarkets Throw Away Almost Half Fresh Food

As an increasing number of UK families are having to seek help from food banks and charities to survive. It has been revealed that British supermarkets are throwing away over 10 billion pounds worth of food every year year. Charity Oxfam has warned that 13 million Brits do not have enough to buy food and essentials and pay ...

Prescription Addiction: What The Death Of Michael Jackson Said About Us all
Controversy rages in medical circles about people suffering harmful effects because of their addiction to prescription drugs.Michael Jackson, by the end of his life,indulged and pandered to by those who called themselves his friends had become a tragiuc figure.But how many more people are being betrayed by the pharmaceutical industry and their doctors?

Cameron, The Coalition and the Free Press
As if trying to difference between Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives, the Coalition are pressing ahead with the Labour dream law of press regulation by a state controlled agency.

We Simply Can't Afford To Pretend We Can Make Severely Disabled People Equal
A case in court this week challeges the government's decision to cut the Independent Living Fund which allows severely disabled people the 'dignity' of living alone, being cared for by two full time carers and with not of the social opportunities of residential care. Why do lefties want to keep it. Control Freakery maybe?

Latest Warning From The Food Fascists Is Going Straighht To My Recycle Bin
The food fascists have warned us off red meat, salt, eggs, butter, alcohol,white bread and just about everything else we might consume.Professor Sabine Rohrmann, who led the analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, said: “Risks of dying earlier from cancer and ...

Latest Warning From The Food Fascists Is Going Straighht To My Recycle Bin
The food fascists have warned us off red meat, salt, eggs, butter, alcohol,white bread and just about everything else we might consume.Professor Sabine Rohrmann, who led the analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, said: “Risks of dying earlier from cancer and ...

Sugary Drinks Tax To Pay For Scxhool Meals Healthy Options
Sugary drinks should be taxed at up to 20p a litre, say health campaigners – with the proceeds helping to pay for free school meals.Picking up on an idea first floated during the era of the Neo Fascist New Labour government, food and farming charity Sustain said ...

BMI Obesity Measure: Shock, Horror, Scientist Says The Science Is Wrong
A new way of calculating the notorious Body Mass Index (BMI) has been proposed - but does it really solve any of the BMI's well-known problems? BMI you may remember is the measure of weight to height that pronounced Arnold Schwartzenegger obese when he made terminator and Mike Tyson obese when he was ...

Some Scary Un-Censored Truths
A verbal assault on the hypocrisy and double standards of the conservative right and "progressive" left in modern society. It's a tad rabid by the usual standards of our writers but is very thought provoking so we decided it was worth including as a guest post.

Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media
The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...

Lack Of Diversity Is The Driver Of Left Wing Hate While the political left accuse their opponents of being the nasty politics party a perusal of threads on political topics in any internet forum shows must of the angry, irrational hatred is coming in from the left, broach any subject from same sex marriage and immigration limits to abortion on demand or equal rights and question the 'messasge' and you invite attack ...

Who'll Put The Total In Totalitarian
Much is made by some right wing conservatives of the suggestion that David Cameron is actually a social democrat. While this might not be entirely true, the apparatus of state has continued to grow during his Premiership, possibly as a necessary consequence of having to contend with a major economic recession but probably due to the Coalition's willing sponsorship of bureaucratic empire building. Bailouts and stimuli have failed to restart the economy and ...

The Agenda: How An International Elite Are Destroying Sovereign Nations

There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in chek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...

The Untouchables - Anna Raccoon
We seem to have a permanent section of criminal society that is marked ‘untouchable’, a niche corner where no one is responsible for their actions, where those suitably labelled are accorded automatic victim status regardless of their part in their current imbroglio. Who ‘lives’ in the untouchable niche changes with passing fashions.
Within my lifetime, it started with women. Women could do anything a man could do – so went the mantra. That included criminal ...

The Future Beyond The Thunderdome
In 1981 the movie Mad Max 2, The Road Warrior seemed a far fetched vision of a post apocalypic dystopia. But how far have we travelled towards that vision of social decay and the abandonment of civilised values?

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
The UK government's recent threat to storm the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange, displays the same degree of contempt for national sovereignty that Western nations have shown repeatedly since the end of the Cold War. But hey, aren't the Russians and Chinese supposed to be the bad guys. What's going on?

George Orwell, Prophet of political correctness, enemy of the Left, Socialist
George Orwell has become a hero of the right and yet he was always a socialist in his lifetime. What happeded? Well, Orwell saw that socialism and authoritarianism travel in opposite directions until they meet at fascism.

The Polarisation Of Society: Captive Minds And Intellectual Cowardice
What a mess the modern way of discussing important issues has produced. based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering. Another user recently challened me to write an analysis of why I think we might have become so polarised on every issue. Thanks Jerry. The problem was not so much where to start as

Is There A God After All?
Sitting in the Boggartblog editorial office the other day, chewing the fat, our finger nails , the table, well we had run out of biscuits, and the topic of conversation turned to ...

Will Julian Assange Be Able To Leave The Embassy?
In the press and the media last weekend there was much speculation as to the mental and physical state of Julian Assange, who claims to have been under house arrest for 500 days and had sought refuge in ...

War on mororists a myth, we hate everybody, says Labour think tank.
You have to hand it to the loony lefties of Labour. In spite of their being totally humourless and having no sense of either irony or the absurd they manage to be wonderfully comical. Having waged unrelenting war on ...

Socialism Creates Poverty And Inequality
The idea that some watered down form of Marxism can relieve poverty while a system based on free enterprise, personal liberty and responsibility and small government can only widen the gap between rich and poor is widely held and completely wrong.

Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity Pandemic
In another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of The Daily Stirrer, Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards. Today we award the Golden Orwells to Doctors, The NHS and the British Medical Association for their services to fascism in bending the truth about the health threats posed by obseity, alcohol and lack of exercise. We suggest the risks are not as great as will be posed by doctors withdrawing threwatment from those who do not obey.

The success of the Queen's the Diamond Jubilee shows the authoritarian progressives' efforts to destroy our culture and ancient traditions have failed.
For the past couple of years the ravings of Trotskyites on the 'progressive left' has carried an increasing tone of desperation. Oligarchic collectivism failed dismally under New Labour and a backlash against politically correct thinking was gathering momentum. The came Queen Elizabeth's Diamond jubilee to remind us all of the cultural values our national community is built on and the traditions that the hope and change but mostly change brigade so hate.

Why Do Feminists Hate Good Looking Female Celebrities?
We welcome a new contributor to Greenteeth, American writer Sue B. Sue starts her Greenteeth career by questioning the double standards of the left and feminists in particular to good looking female celebrities who are not "on message." Are attacks aimed at Kathie Lee Gifford= just envy or another example of the hypocrisy of "progressives" as they whine about free speech for those that support the agenda but try to silence conservative and libertarian voices.

UN Says Food Is A Human RightIn a gobsmacking example of bureaucratic idiocy and politically correct stupidity a Brussels bureaucrat has said food is a human right and accused prosperous, enlightened Canada of human rights abuse for not ensuring all it's 30 million plus inhabitants get an 'adequate' diet. What planet do these people live on?
Why The Intellectual Elitie Truly Despise The Lower Classes
Have you noticed that the professional hand wriners of the left have shifted their focus from 'the poor' to minorities. They did not succeed in abolishing poverty so whaty's going on? Simples. The intellectual left having elected themselves to speak for the poor found the poor were able to speakl for themselves and resented posh pokenoses pontification about matters of which understanding cannot be gained by reading books. This article exposes the hypocrisy of the left ...

News Used To Be Important - Now It's Just EntertainmentPeople talk about technology, mainly television, cellulat telephones and the internet having given us an unprecedented ability to communicate. But have they? OK, we can trade meaningless messages with strangers on the other side of the world, we can join the cacophony of social netwoks where everybody yells at once and nobody listens, or we can sit in isolation, shouting inmto the void. But none of those are communicating. Technology has actually inhibited communication. ...
The Two Faces Of The Politics Of Failure
What a mess the modern way of doing politics based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering has produced. The daily stirrer looks at how the bipolar left - right divide stops things getting better rather than helping get the developed world back on track.

There Is A War Going On Between Religion And Science. Is A Truce Possible
The war, let's be honest, is between religious fundamentalists and science fanatics. Each is straying into the other's territory. But both are out of order and should leave the unanswetrable questions to philosophy. Can there be a truce, can the two coexist?

All about Eve: A Rant About The Conservative War On Women DebunkedIs it a tenable argument to say that the US Republican Party (GOP) is weaging a war on women because they tried to block a clause in Obama's healthcare system that demands insurers fund free contraception for women? See the argument and then what as it is demolished ...
Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On OthersWhen head of the Euality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips speaks we should termble. This nasty little race hustler is the de facto head of the thought police and sees his job as to stamp on racism, sexism, homophobia and anything else he and his cronies decide they are not going to tolerate. It is all in the name of tolerance of course, or divesity as Phillips would say. But how does telling people what they can and cannot think promote diversity?
Dr. Pangloss Said All Is For The BestEver been irritated all those exhortations to "look on the bright side"and "be positive" Felt let down by hopey-changey stuff and people who say "lets join hands and sing kumbiya to create utopia" but fail to deliver. This article might be just what you need to read

The World's Unhappiest Children
Four years ago Britain was placed second to bottom in a UNICEF survey to measure the happiness of children from nation to nation. In the latest report published last week we were bottom. So when our children have so much materilly, what's wrong?

Theosophy For Beginners
With orthodox science and mainstream religion having failed to provide the answers to the great questions of life promised by both, people are looking elsewhere. No surprise then the nineteenth century belief Theosophy is attracting renewed interest from those seeking insigh into divine wisdom, the nature of god, moral philosophy and an understanding of our universe

Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity's relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?

The War Between Science and Religion
When cosmologist Martin Rees was awarded the Templeton Prize for scientific work enhancing the spiritual side of life the militant atheists reacted with predicatable angry intolderance. Their intolerant attitude seems to have done more to harm the scientific community than to turn paople against faith and religion.

The Human Cost Of Our Cheap Fashions
In the west we have lived the good life for many years, taking for granted the cheap clothes and low cost consumer goods we inmport from the poor nations of the third world. There is a hidden human cost of our comforable lifestyles however. Third World workers, clothing workers in particular, are employed under conditions that amount to slavery in everytthing but name. Even so the hand wringing, tree hiuggers of the progressive left are happy to enjoy what's provided by the hardship of those wage-slave workers while lecturing less idealistic people about the evils of Europe's slave trade which ended 200 years ago.

The Coalition Must Not Be Sucked Into The 'Progressive' Left' War On The Family
Since before the 1970s, since before the communists overthrew the Tsar in Russia, since the day Kark Marx condemnede faily life in his Communist Manifesto, the left or 'progressive left' as they now style themselves has been making war on family life and promoting the usurpation of the role of parents by the agencies of the state.
Finger Wagging Nanny Points Way To Big Brother and 1984
Few of us hoped for truly great things from the coalition government formed by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats after we threw out the wretched New Labour poltroons, but we did not expect an extension of the nanny state, more finger wagging authoritarianism and a thought police agenda that would have shocked George Orwell himself from this Big Brother coalition. The Human Cost Of Our Cheap Fashions
In the west we have lived the good life for many years, taking for granted the cheap clothes and low cost consumer goods we inmport from the poor nations of the third world. There is a hidden human cost of our comforable lifestyles however. Third World workers, clothing workers in particular, are employed under conditions that amount to slavery in everytthing but name. Even so the hand wringing, tree hiuggers of the progressive left are happy to enjoy what's provided by the hardship of those wage-slave workers while lecturing less idealistic people about the evils of Europe's slave trade which ended 200 years ago ...

Welcome To New World Order
Is there really a shady group of super rich individuals, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mauruice Strong and others less well known but just as powerful who are collaborating to overthrow the free nations and establish a global oligarchy, Novus Ordo Seclorum, the New World Order,. You have heard all the conspiracy theories, now see the evidence.

Will GM Foods Feed The World As Science Says? Probably Not.
The case for geneticaslly modified (GM) food crops looked to be dead in the water but heartened by the fact that American voter's put the New World Order's houseboy in the White House the gm science lobby are evangelising their quasi - religious science again. So will GM cropsd really grow the food that feeds 9 billion people or is gm just another science scam that serves the righ and poiwerrful like global warming.

Are The Cultural Poles FlippingReligion and Science (which some people have turned into their religion) have failed to provide the certainties, the sense of security, that many people seek. First religious convicion was eroded by science and then faith in science collapsed when it's certainties dod not stand up to the logical tests of the real world. Can existentialims offer a third way or is its acceptance of uncertainty to challenging?

At Last The Left's Politically Correct Agenda Is Being Questioned - We Can Discuss Poverty, Race and Single Patenthood
With Germany's leader Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron both recently declaring multiculturalism dead and many commentators starting to question the Politically Correct orthodoxy on issues like race, sexuality and single parent families are we al last smashing down the barrier that has prevented the sensible policies on many social problems being adopted.
Can We Change? Mystics Say Yes, Science Says No - Or Does It?
Medical science has always insisted we cannot change the way our brain works but now that view is changing. A number of scientific studies have proved various things that have nade a lot of science fanatics look silly. The brain can be rewired after traumatic injury, meditation can change the way we think, prayer, riyual and superstition are all beneficial and the placebo effect is a powerful healing tool.

American society is absolutely FUBAR. I was looking at an American site today where the loony left (or liberals as they insist on calling themselves) had beenquick to blame "the gun crazy religious right" and in particular Sarah Palin for the atrocity. When it becan to emerge that the gunman was a crazy, obsessive loner who may have been associated with left wing ...

Facebook Scuicide
n a week in which the ever more fickle mainstream media have been heaping praise on Facebook simply because somebody who it either an idiot or an evil control freak is willing to pay around $25billion for this site that has never made a penny in profit despite its (very dubious) claims to have 600 million users worldwide and has no busimess model other than encouraging people to become addicted to the 'virtual' lifestyle it offers and thus abandon real life, we are saddened by this story of another ...

Ban Terry Jones
As usual the Labour Loony Left are getting their knickers in a right old twist about somebody most of us might not care to have as a dinner guest being allowed into the country. When you hear the name Terry Jones you might think of phrases like 'He's not The Messiah, he's a very naughty boy,' or 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition,' but alas it is not the Terry Jones of Monty Python fame.

Liberal? What Does That Mean?
What is a liberal? Is it something to do with the kind of politically correct thinking that obsesses over minority rights while seeking to marginalise mainstream society? Is liberalism an authoritarian system that seeks to impose politically correct left wing ideology on everybody. Or is a liberal, as is argued here, a very respectable political postion whose name has been usurped by people reluctant to acknowledge their inner Nazi.

Freaky Frankenstein Fishes
Once again we find ouselves questioning the sanctity of science as a new scheme to farm grenetically modified (G.M. salmon that grow to twice the size of a normal adult salmon in half the time nears approval by the United States F.D.A.. It this another case of scientists blinding themselves with science and failing to see the very obvious flaws in the plan?

The Growing Problem Of Rising Food Prices
While the warmists rant about carbon and the Church of Scienceology Cult rave about climate science. there are threee real and immediate problems facing us that nobody is talking about. These are overpopulation, water shortage and food price inflation. This article deals with food prices, links at the bottom lead to our posts on population and water scarcity.
The Milk Of Clone KindnessWhen news leaked out that milk from cloned cows, cows raised from embryos created by biologists in laboratories, was being sold for human consumption scientists were quick to point out there was no health risk from such milk. Nobody had suggested there was, what worried people is the inceasing tendency of science to play God.
Not Proud To Be British
As the war in Afghanistan draws to its inevitable conclusion, a futile stalemate we must again question the conflation of patriotism and balls out politics that drive nations to war. The NATO allies were never going to achieve anything in Afghanistan, the Afghans hate foreigners and the war, Bush's revenge for 9/11 became Obama's war when the new President needed to show America he could be tough on Muslim states. In his best known poem Wilfred Owen wrote of that charnel house war: “My friend, you would not tell with such high zest / to children ardent for some desperate glory / the old lie, dulce et decorum est / pro patria mori. (it is sweet and seemly to die for one’s country)

Amazon Takes On Sainsbury We are not against progress at this publication nor are we against technology. There has to come a point however where, when presented with some new development and told it will make life better in many ways for us all, we take the advice of Marcus Tullius Cicero and ask "Cui Bono?" Who benefits? One such case is exemplified by the expansion of Amazon into the grogeries business.

The Pursuit Of Mediocrity by fatsally.
SATS test, introduced in 1993, were supposed to meaure a pupil's progress through the education system from junior to senior school and ensure every child was fulfilling their potential. Now we see the government constantly lowering standards in order to ensure enough pupils from each school are reaching government imposed targets.

Oh Brave New World
In common with Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four, forever imprinted on the minds of my generation because of the cover image of a military boot grinding on a human face, Brave New World was a book that changed the way we viewed the world we lived in. In many ways it inspired aspects of the social revolution of the 1960s as people shrugged off the social controls that had imposed such restrictive conventions on western society.

FILTH! The Mary Whitehouse Effect
Advance publicity for “FILTH!” a dramatised version of the Mary Whitehouse story starring Julie Walters and coming (oops, pardon!) to a television near you has predictably aroused (oops, pardon!) the holier-than-thou brigade to start ranting about ... any mention of “FILTH!” in the media tends to make the legions of the narrow minded come over Mary Whitehouse (oops, pardon!).

Gay Minister and The Lib Dem Closet
Strange that the party responsibe for pushing through the law that decriminalised homosexuality should have had three senior MPs in the past decade who preferred to stay in the closet. Or is it? The gay mafia is so active in politics a desire to stay out of the limelight they generate is understandable...

How To Be A Bigot
Gordon Brown's dismissal or a voters concerns about immigration, jobs, crime and government debt as bigoted took the election campaign into a new zone. Now the labour, conservative and liberal democrat leaders can really go for each others throats. Bring it on...
Immigration - The Elephant In The Election Room.
Throughout the election campaign the three main parties, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat have shied away from the immigration issue. How can these charlatans put themselves forward as serious politicians prepared to implement the political solutions needed to deal with Britains problems when they dare not comment on the issue of greatest concern to most voters for fear of upsetting the numerically small but unrepresentatively vocal politically correct "progressive left."
[ Politics & Economy] ... [ Election 2010 ] ... [ fear and panic ]

Hate Crime Law - Another Step Towards Fascism?
Those in politics who like to call themselves the progrssive left or progressive liberals love to talk about fairness and equality. Why themn are they so keen to introduce 'hate crime' laws that will grant privilege to certain groups in a system that depens on all being equal? Call us old fashioned but in our view there does not seem to be much justice in replacing one privileged elite with another.

Just Say Grace
by Esther S.
30 December 2009

Amongst other things The Daily Stirrer is dedicated to highlighting the idiocies of poltically ncorrrect thinking in public services. Today a guest writer, Esther S. from Texas tells us of a situation in her own family in which politically correct policies and a refusal to considere real evidence have combined to create an injustice. The Grace whose name appears in the title is no angel but she is not a child abuser and even if she did...

Climate Change Killed A Guardian Reader
The Copenhagen Climate Summit threatens to be the biggest ever festial of bullshit and hypocrisy. Can politicians emplty talk save the planet? Are they even talking about the right things? Does the planet need saving? Do we really care? Which way is doomsday party?

What The Romans Did For Us>

ad how it may help us resist the wisdom of crowds and think for ourselves.
by John De Roe
March 2007

Are we about to sacrifice the most wonderful and valuable of the many things the Romans and other ancient civilisations did for us to the worship of the new, synthetic god technology and the wisdom of the crowd?
Magic Money, The Free Market Illusion
Not so long ago politicians and bankers were full of confidence bordering on hubris and they were telling us the good times could go on for ever. So where did it all go wrong. The finance industry blame politicians, politicians blame the finance industry and they all blame us as they try to dream up schemes that will enable the world to carry on prining worthless money and lending it to each other...

The G20 Witch Hunt
It was clear at the inaugural summit meeting of the G20 group of world leaders that solutions were needed. So why his they spend three days an billions of £$€ in taxpayers money sitting around stuffing their faces with fine food and slurping the best wines while doing nothing except point fingers and shift blame?

Too Many People
With every indication that the breakdown in society and no indications that politicians, police forces or any authority has a clue how to deal with it we propose a starting point.

Obama and his Nasty Nazi Science Czar
Barack Obama has appointed some crackpots from among his old lecturers and faculty drone buddies to positions of responsibility in his White House team but none more dangerously crazy it seems than 'science czar' John Holdren.

The Great Climate Change Science Scam
by Ian R. Thorpe

I have been campaigning about climate change for over thirty years. Now, the more I read of efforts by governments, academics and corporate interests to come up with a quick fix the more I am convinced they are working a scam to make quick, easy money. For decades the only people concerned about the environment were considered cranks, hippies, crusties, crackpots and...

How We Live, Who We Are
Articles and photos looking at they ways people live and societies organise themselves around the world

What A Pagan Believes
So many people misunderstand what it means to be pagan, some deliberately because they are determined to decry every faith, religion or belief system except their own, some because their only information on pagan beliefs come from films like The Wicker Man and some because they like the idea of being slightly sinister and edgy. They are all wrong of course. So what does a pagan believe.
CLICK HERE to read What a Pagan Believes

The Seven Profitable Habits Of Self Help Gurus

How do all those self help gurus whjo have made millions form their wealth / success / self-esteem programmes keep managing to sell their unremittingly banal, predicable and useless self help books? Here satirical writer Ian Thorpe reveals the secret methods know only to a few wealthy international con artists that keep those self help books selling...
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30 Sept 2009
Lib Dems Must Stop Themselves Sailing Into The West

Following a reasonably successful conference a couple of weeks ago the Liberal Democrats have edged above Labour in some polls. Though the party leaders cannot do other than celebrate this in public, privately they should be worried. At their annual conference in Brighton this week Labour have turned in a similarly solid performance with no splits, the rumoured political assassination of Gordon Brown did not take place and there were no major gaffes though when the right wing press identify the similarities between Labour's plan to deal with the problem of single parent families and the BNP's Gulags For Slags policy I think the Labour baiters will have a field day.

Next week it is the turn of the Conservatives. Despite their high poll rating the Tories have not yet won over the electorate. Too many people ...

European Elections 2009: Who's Afraid Of The BNP, The BNP...
KEYWORDS: right,left,elections,europe,humour,humor,satire,politics

In the elections to the European Parliament held in June 2009 there was a strong swing to the right. Even parties of the extreme right did well aganst the centre and left. This article analyses what might really be going on in Europe's political makeup..

[ America's Right ] ... [ Gather ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Little Nicky Machiavelli ] All Architects Ae Twats

...many modern architects share a total disregard for the aesthetic tone of the areas that will surround their buildings. Their attitude can be summed up as "we are very clever people and have lots of bits of paper to prove it, therefore we are right and nobody else's opinion is worth listening to...

MMR Vaccine To be Made Compulsory?
In a previous incarnation we have blogged about the controversy surroundinf the MMR vaccine and its possible side - effects wich scientists deny but which keep being reported. Now in the wake of renewed calls from the British Medical Association for the vaccine to be made compulsory we take up the cause of concerned parents again

Can Things Get Any Worse?
The government, as always anxious to meddle in the minutae of our lives, health, lifestyle, diet, exercise, drink etc. resurrects a plan for compulsay mass medication, this time giving us all drugs to lower blood pressure whether you have high blood pressure or not. A mother is to have her baby taken for adoption having been branded too stupid to be a mother. On the same day news that 800 Britons are on the waiting list to visit a Swiss suicide clinic. How much worse can things get

Is It WrongTo Ridicule Faith?
There has been an increase in militancy in recent years on both sides of the God versus Science debate. Some people seem determined to establish science as The One True Church, others demand legal sanction on people who make jokes about their religion. So where should a liberal minded person stand on this debate? While the science lobby and some who claim to be humanist without truly understanding humanism is about tolerance will try to claim the scientific way of thinking is the only way of thinking, yet religion remains a source of inspiration to many. On the other hand religion can lead to intolerance and oppression.

NHS and the Tyranny Of The bottom Line
Budgets are important in healthcare, without financial control health spending can become a bottomless pit. But haven't things gone too far when accountants have to be consulted on clinical decisions.
Teachers + Government = A Generation Of Losers
Daily Stirrer education expert Sally Redfern lambasts the control freakery of government that has prompted teachers to rebel againsts the too frequent and too highly emphasised testing of pupils. Wth more pupils than ever leaving school unable to read and write the constantly improving examination results areexposed as a fraud.

Hugging An African Does Not Help
As theHollywood and New York glitterati turn the volume up to eleven of their shriekophonic charity appeal amplifier in response to news that guess what, the recession hitting the west so hard means Africa needs shitloads on our money. But is aid a good thing. Ian R. Thorpe for The Daily Stirrer reviews a book by African economist Dambesa Moyo that suggests western aid is counter productive.

A Sense Of Self
How do we stop commercial pressures stripping us of our identity and retain a sense of self in these times when we are what we own, our personalities are expressed through badges and T shirt slogans and our cellphone ring tone says as much about us as the books we read?
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Bashing The Bible Bashers
The problem with Bible Bashers, those strident fundamentaliost Christians who proclaim the literal truth of their Bible and insist it should be read as a history book is that unffetered by any need for factual accuracy they can make the dogmas of their religion sound very simple when in fact our lives and the societies we live in are very complicated. Just have faith, they say and God will solve your problems. So often without realising it people have ceded control of their lives and surrendered the power of independent thought to a church that is no more than a personality cult.
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A Marriage Of Unequals
A look at the traditions of "christian" marriage from a humanists perspective. Expect to have a few illusions shattered as this article wipesb away the schmaltz to reveal some very unpleasant notions behind those time honoured traditions.

Age, The New Apartheid
Political correctness has done away with racism and sexism but ageism is rife and, strangely, is apparently encouraged by the Politically Correct Police. The over fifties are routinely treated as if they are half wits, their experience is dismissed as having no place in the modern world. but is it not experience and the continuity it gives exactly what it missing from modern, change worshipping society?

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