Greenteeth Labyrinth

Drink, alcohol. A plague according to some, a gift from the divine in the eyes of others. Oscar Wilde said 'Work is the curse of the drinking classes' Cicero thought 'In vino veritas' Read of human interaction with the Bacchanalian pleasures in thos Greenteeth Multi Media menu dealing with all aspects of drinking alcohol.

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Drink ! The Greenteeth Multi Media Page For All Things Alcohol Related

Minimum Alcohol Pricing: A Retreat To Common Sense On A Very Stupid Idea.
Introducing a miniumum price per unit for alcoholic drinks was an idea first floated by the control freaks of the Labour government. When the Coalition came to power the qually authorotarian and control freaky liberal democrats embraced it and David Cameron from the wussy wing of the Conservatives went along with his coalition partners. Now back bench conservatives have forced him into a change of mind.

Pissed as a Fart, Good; Chuffing Legless, Bad
Are the governments efforts to stamp out binge drinking with minimum per unit procing doomed? Of course they are. Read All

Inventor of Lambrini dies of alcohol poisoning
Multi millionaire John Halewood, 64, nicknamed "Mr Lambrini" after the sparkling wine girlie drink he launched, who was found dead in the swimming pool area of his Cheshire mansion last October, died from the effects of ...

Alcohol Related Hogwash
The latest in the campaign to demonise drink by misrepresenting the number of alcohol related hospital admissions.

Cardiff To Pioneer Drunk Friendly Streets
The news that Welsh capital city Cardiff is to expreriment with making its streets drunk friendly gave us plenty to speculate about..

Drunk Friendly Streets - Why Not Driver Friendly Roads
News that the Welsh capital city, Cardiff is to create drunk friendly streets to prevent rat arsed revellers hurting themselves as they stagger from pub to bus station full of drink and alcohol fuelled bonhomie prompted petrolhead fatsally to ask 'Why not driver friendly roads?

Alcohol AwareThe government has launched one of those nanny state campaigns to raise public awareness of alcohol. This Boggart Blog in depth report finds the public don't need their awareness raising, they know all they need to know about every kind of booze and drug on the market and drink, smoke or snort what they like best...
Alcohol ShockWell done to alcohol abuse charity Drinkaware for bringing this to the atttention of Boggart Blog readers. Apparently Drinkaware commissioned a survey of 1,000 people about drink problems and their booze consumption habits. The results show 520,000 people go to work each day with a hangover...
Teen Binge Drinking CrisisPoliticians, medical experts and church leaders here in Britain are panicking about eenagers and drink, the so called binge drinking crisis and the availability of cheap alcohol. All around the country young people are getting rat-arsed and behaving in an offensive and embarrassing way. I've read things are ...

You Live, You Die, And In Between...
As the government bombards us at an ever accelerating rate with propaganda about health, lifestyle, diet, exercise, alcohol abouse and just about everything else, people just become more immune to all the scare stories and decide you live and die and inbetween you might as well enjoy a drink and a ciggy...

To The Barricades
As The French (perfidious Gaul) and their allies try to force us worthy Britons to further integrate with the European Union, drink wine and lager and eat pate is it not time we started a propaganda campaign to remind the world of the superiority of all things British and the smelliness of all things French. Especially their cheese ...
A Career In Substance Abuse
There are some weird jobs advertised in the government and public sector but a full page in a newspaper recruitment supplement dedicated to careers in substance abuse deminded investigation. Did they mean you get paid for yelling at a lump of lard 'You're a horrible, greasy disgusting substance' or did they mean recreational use of sunstances such as alcohol, pot and speed?

Inspirational Old Queen
The British Royal family have always been held up as role models of probity, civilised values and moral rectitude. If the Queen Mother died2002) was a role model no wonder we are a nation of drunken, debauched freeloaders. People often as "What do the Royal Family do for us? Well the late Queen Mother could drink for England.


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