All Human Life is here as one of the more scurrilous Sunday tabloids used to say. Well not all maybe but we try to look from as wider perspective as possible at the glorious, illogical, irrational, crazy things that make life worth living for all those unpredictable, fascinating, wonderful creatures we know as human beings.
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"Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Siddhartha Gautama - The Buddha


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PEOPLE AND CUSTOMS Articles and photos looking at they ways people live around the world
  Work and Play

Poor white pupils put off school by multicultural timetable
Education, should it be about learning to read, write, spell and calculate? Or should it be about feminism, gay rights, black history and 'gender awareness' whatever that is? For many years we have had multiculturalism and politically correct thinking rammed doiwn pupils throats but noe a study by a local education department suggests this obsession with politicallly corret diversity is responsible for the failure of white working class pupils.

Judge Butler - Sloss Best To Head Elitist Paedophile Cover Up Inquiry - Cameron Confirming his support for the controversial appointment of Baroness Butler - Sloss as head of the inquiry into allegations of an elite paedophile ring, David Cameron said "Objections to Judge Butler - Sloss chairing the inquiry on the grounds that her brother was involved in the original cover up of the paedophilia ring allegations are ridiculous as are complaints that a previous paedophilia inquiry led by Butler - Sloss was found to be incomplete and full of errors.

Stephen Fry Reappears from out of his own bottom
Stephen Fry has finally got over the sheer wondrful wonderfulness of science and found that many scientific advances are actally working against freedom suppressing creativity and freedom to act as individuals. He might discover the ethical dead zone of transhumanism next.

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.
A while ago I posted an article on the new elite, the meritocracy they like to call themselves although they are of no more merit than the old aristocracy whose role they have tried to usurp. The the aristocrats they thing they are a higher order of being than the masses. The evidence (and these science fans love evidence) suggests otherwise

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left by Arthur Foxake
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

Gospel of Polyamory' touted as an alternative to traditional marriage by ABC news
When the same sex marriage row was raging many intelligent voices raised in support of the status quo warned that one same sex marriage campaign was won, with the aid of elitist prevert politicians who again betrayed the people who voted for them, and mainstream media creeps, the 'rights' brigade would start screaming for legalisation of other unorthodox relationships. It hasn't taken long ...

Phobophobia - Fear Of Being called Phobic?
Homophobia is not fear of homosexuals but fear of thec same thing which does not make sense. Just as politically correct thinking uses the word bigot nonsensically so it's accusations of phobia are irrational - as irrational as the groundless fear familiar to those who suffer the recognized medical conditions called phobias.

Man's Greatest Invention? The Wheel? WRONG! Think in terms of breakfast ...
There is a scene in the excellent British movie Shirley Valentine in which the eponymous heroine (played by Pauline Collins) looks back to her schooldays and describes how she lost interest in school, career etc. A teacher asks her class "What was mankind's greatest invention. Young Shirley puts up her hand but the teacher makes a sarcastic comment because our girl is not one of the star pupils. One by one the class swots are asked and give ...

Genetically Modified Humans: Science vs Ethics and Nature
Despite recent advances in the study of human consciousness suggesting that in spite of tightly held scientific prejudices we are in fact much more than biological computers and that the newborn baby is not a Tabla Rasa, a blank slate for government and ...

Science and Reality
Scientists quickly get out of their depth when venturing into the territory of philosophy, especially when they try using mathematics to explain how we experience reality.Here we take a not entirely serious look at one scientist's plan to build a mathematical model of the universe to learn how reality works.

The Day The True News Died
Attempts by UK and EU bureaucrats and politicians to establish government control of the news and a cosy collboration in the USA between mainstream meadia and the government is bad news for democracy.

Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left? Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…

Alien nation: The new census reveals a Britain that would be unrecognisable even to our grandparents
Whos Afraid Of The Big Bad C
The author relates the story of asctress Kris Carr who ten years ago at age 31 had been diagnosed with inoperable cancers. Fearing the brutality of chemotherapy Kris decided to try to hold back the tumors advance through diet and lifestyle changes rather than cancer treatments favoured by medical science.

Freedom Of Speech? So Tewntieth Century For The Leftist Nazis

Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and she blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectuially bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred vyear old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin.

Cameron's Green Conservatism Is Not That New. Cobbett was there 200 years ago.
Nineteenth century radical and social refomer William Cobbett opposed violence but supported the machine wrecking luddites because he took a broad view of the disruption of rural communities and problems caused by use of machine power at the cost of human jobs. Cobbett was a radical conservative in his time but with green leanings. Where would he stand in politics now?

Cameron Says Multiculturalism Has Failed: Muslims Must Embrace Our Values

British Muslims must subscribe to mainstream values of freedom and equality, David Cameron will say as he declares that the doctrine of multiculturalism has “failed” and will be abandoned. Entering the debate on national identity and ...

Going Halal In Harrow - Going Gay In Rome
As America divides politically again over plans to build a Muslim centre with prayer room (its not a Mosque OK) close to the site of the World Trade Centre destroyed in 2001 by Muslim Terrorists, Britain has a few divisions of its own brewing on a smaller scale of course. One involves Muslims and Halal meat in schools, in the other the gay rights lobby, famed for demanding tolerance, are showing no tolerance towards Roman Catholic religious principles.

Gay Rights Groups Single Sex Marriage Obsession Points To Constitutional Crisis In U.S.A.
When an appeal court Judge who also happens to be a gay activist overturned a democratically approved law banning same sex marriage in the U.S. State of California it was hailed as a victory for gay rights and a defeat for religious prejudice. That may be so, but it is also a defeat for democracy, justice and sanity.

Epitaph For New Labour.

Several hours before polls close on general election day Ian R Thorpe pre-empts the result by publishing an epitaph for the wretched "New Labour" project which led the once great Labour Party to aandon any pretence of standing for anything except the interests of its leaders and paymaster and the gaining and keeping of power at any price. So arrogant has Labour become, so contemptuous of their working class core vote, the people who put the labour into Labour Party, that they are now he party of wealth and privilege, to the autoritarian right of the Conservatives while the Liberal Democrats are the truly progressive force on the left.

Can The Church Of England Step In Where Government Has Failed?

Is there a role for religion in modern society, ask many pundits. Maybe there is says an unrepentant old pagan, but only if religion goes back to its pre-christian roots. Return to being the force that binds communities together and drop all the mumbo jumbo, sexism and threats and we will have something worthwhile.

If Only The World Were Fair

We Could All Be Rich And Happy - Not!

KEYWORDS: computer, romans, technology, intelligence, artificial intelligence, dumbing down, blair, wisdom of crowds

Sometimes one might read and article or hear and interview with a member of the self styled 'liberal left' of such gobsmacking stupidity" one wonders what planet these effing idiots live on.
KEYWORDS: education, society, fair, equal, inequality, parents, pupils, school, government

Obama's Climate Change Folly
Obama's climate change bill is so loony it makes even his insane financial policy look like the work of a competent government. If the world's future is in the hands of politicians and scientists is there any hope at all for saving civilisation?

Politically Correct Liars
Congressman Joe Wilson made a lot of trouble for himself when he shouted 'You Lie' at Barack Obama during the Presidents big speech on healthcare. Wilson was not wrong but it is a breach of etiquette to name someone, especially the President, as a liar in the debating chamber. Here are some politically correct ways of saying Liar, liar, pants on fire.

The Fourth Of July
It should be easy to wish Americans well as they celebrate theit Independence Day on July 4 so what is it about the mindset in America that makes people feel it is their duty to indlge in ritual xenophobia and Brit hating?.

Michael Jackson, Genius or Nut Job? by Cleo Hart

Everyone has their own opinion of Michael Jackson. For my generation he was a squeaky little irritant who danced like an epilleptic on speed. For my daughter Cleo Hart his music was part of the soundtrack of her life.
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European Elections 2009: Who's Afraid Of The BNP, The BNP...
KEYWORDS: right,left,elections,europe,humour,humor,satire,politics

In the elections to the European Parliament held in June 2009 there was a strong swing to the right. Even parties of the extreme right did well aganst the centre and left. This article analyses what might really be going on in Europe's political makeup..

[ America's Right ] ... [ Gather ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Little Nicky Machiavelli ] The Power Of Punctuation
After being in decline for a number of years good grammar and punctuation are making a comeback. Not in schools as one might hope, the National Curriculum is still driven by trendy academic theory and Politically Correct Thinking, but more people in adult life are finding out that being able to communicate well through the spoken and written word is an ever more valuable career development tool than a University degree.

Swine Flu: Crisis or Conspiracy?
The world seems to get more insane every day. Mainstream media in developed nations have in the past few days become frantic in their efforts to spread Fear and Panic. Why? Because the latest health scare, an outbreak of a new variant influenza virus that has so far infected a few thousand people and killed, up to now, around 150. There is talk of mass vaccinations, millions dying and a global catastrope. But is there really much to fear?

[ Main Menu ] ... [ The Daily Stirrer ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Boggart Blog ] ... [A Tale Told By An Idiot ] Mainstream Media Fightback
The Evil Empire seem to think if they annonce the death of mainstream media often enough it will become truth. As Associated Press move against Google and other internet news aggregators that use print and broadcast media content without paying are we about to see a fightback by the content creators?

[ Main Menu ] ... [ The Daily Stirrer ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Boggart Blog ] ... [A Tale Told By An Idiot ] The Race To Civil Unrest
The election of Barack Obama to the US Presidency was bound to have a negative effect on race relation all around the developed world, not just in the USA. Here The Daily Stirrer which brings you the best, most controversial opinion and comment on the web takes issue with a writer who complains that developed nations are not doing enough to preserve the cultural differences of minorities while helping them integrate. The complaint is a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it, a classic position of the race industry and the politically correct thought police.

[ Main Menu ] ... [ The Daily Stirrer ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Boggart Blog ] ... [A Tale Told By An Idiot ] Don't Be Evil (Unless There's Money In It For You) Updated Feb 2, 2009
Has technology in general and the internet in particular delivered on its promise? Have the innovations had any real value in improving the societies we live in? Take for example the Google search engine which, it is claimed, offered "a new way of managing information." In fact what Google offered was a way of not managing the vast quantity of information available on the internet. And what is the "content" Google places on top of the pile.? That which earns the company most revenue of course.
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I Don't Want To Eat Clone, Leave My Steak Alone
In The Future how will we produce the food we eat? Science promises much but the scientists find it is easier to make promises than to deliver. One of the technologies to be bigged up over the past few years is the cloning of farm livestock. But is there any foundation for the claims that animals created in the laboratory will offer any economic or practical advantage over the conventional way of breeding involving a male and a female. This analysis of the economics and ethics suggests the "Frankenstein" science while not to be feared has little to offer in terms of financial and practical benefits. So what are the scientists up to, has their experiment failed or are they simply misrepresenting the benefits in order to blag research grants?
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Christmas Story Retold
A re-examination of the Christmas traditions in the light of what we may learn from documented historical events and from the mid winter festivals of other faiths that celebrate the passing of the shortest day but do not call it Christmas.

  How We Live, Where We Live, Who We Are

The Flame Still Burns

250 years after his death Robert Burns remains one of the most popular poets in the world. What is the secret of Burns popularity when modern poets are sneered at, ridiculed and ignored. Appreciation of poetry is a very personal thing but the poems of Burns seem to transcend fads and fashions? Is it because his verse, written in the Scottish dialect of his time, speaks directly to the feelings and emotions of ordinary people. Burns was one of them, understood their lives and spoke directly to them in each poem.
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  Of Human Folly

Get On Board The Athest Bus

A campaign by british atheists to raise money for a campaign to advertise atheism caused some guffaws, particularly from the non-evangelical wing of the British atheist community. Ad vertising the non - existence of God has about as much relevance as advertising that all soap powders are pretty much the same or that self control is a batter way to keep your weight stable than miracle weight loss products. If people believe in God they will just react scornfully. If they don't believe in God why spend money telling them he/ she/ it does not exist. And if they could not give a flying fuck either way....... well they couldn't give a fuck either way.

Devaluation By Degrees

A Degree used to be epitome of higher education, the indicator of academic excellence rather than vocational skills. With the proliferation of Universities and the Pick - And - Mix nature of many degree courses, this article asks if the University Degree is being devalued and the university courses downgraded to mere further education as the divinding line between academic degree and vocational diploma becomes more blurred. Is this doing a disservice to everybody involved?

Age: The New Apartheid

Is something sinister going on in our western societies. Whiles races are integrating people seem to have become segregated by age. In an era that sees people living and staying active longer than any previous generation it is bizarre that we throw older generations on the scrapheap earlier than ever before. Are the young really turning away from parents and grandparents in an evolutionary quirk or is there something more sinister behind the trends. We don't have to dig very deep to see that the culprits are those intellectual fascists who spend their lives in Universities dearming up insane theories about how societies should manage themselves but seldom come into contact with reality.

The New Olympians

: A fiction in four parts on ethics and morality versus meterialism. [ Part 1 ] ... [ Part 2 ] ... [ Part 3 ] ... [ Part 4 ]
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